This example shows how to "mute" the audio and video of a publisher while streaming; essentially, turning off the microphone and camera feeds for the stream, respectively.
Please refer to the Basic Publisher Documentation to learn more about the basic setup.
These examples use the WebRTC-based Publisher implementation from the Red5 Pro HTML SDK.
A server configuration related to WebRTC plugin is required in order for this example to work properly:
In the server distribution, under conf
, update the following line in
# Idle checking for transport layer
The reason it needs to be switched from the default of true
to false
is to properly notify the server to not consider a subscriber who is not receiving video data (in the case of a publisher having muted their audio and video) to be considered a lost connection.
The WebRTC-based publisher exposes the following API to mute and unmute audio and video:
Method Name | Description |
muteAudio |
Turns off sending audio data during a live broadcast. |
unmuteAudio |
Turns on sending audio data during a live broadcast. |
muteVideo |
Turns off sending video data during a live broadcast. |
unmuteVideo |
Turns on sending video data during a live broadcast. |
These methods are used to communicate to the server that the broadcaster is going to be shutting off their audio and/or video stream(s), respectively.
This notification is first made prior to actually stopping the sending of packets to the server using the active
encoding parameter of the RTCRtspSender
of a RTCPeerConnection
After notifying the server that packets will stop being sent, we utilize the active
encoding parameter of each RTCRtspSender
of the underlying connection to toggle on or off the audio and/or video stream.
For example, the following will stop sending audio packets out on the target publisher:
var pc = publisher.getPeerConnection();
var sender = pc.getSenders()[0]; // Assuming Audio is first in list.
var params = sender.getParameters();
params.encodings[0].active = wasMuted ? true : false;
More information:
Included on the page are buttons that allow you to mute and unmute both audio and video during a broadcast. Upon initialization and broadcast of a publisher, the button handlers are set to toggle these stream states:
function addMuteListener (publisher) {
muteAudioButton2.addEventListener('click', function () {
var wasMuted = muteAudioButton2.innerText === 'Unmute Audio (Client)';
muteAudioButton2.innerText = wasMuted ? 'Mute Audio (Client)' : 'Unmute Audio (Client)';
if (wasMuted) {
else {
var pc = publisher.getPeerConnection();
var sender = pc.getSenders()[0]; // Assuming Audio is first in list.
var params = sender.getParameters();
params.encodings[0].active = wasMuted ? true : false;
muteVideoButton2.addEventListener('click', function () {
var wasMuted = muteVideoButton2.innerText === 'Unmute Video (Client)';
muteVideoButton2.innerText = wasMuted ? 'Mute Video (Client)' : 'Unmute Video (Client)';
if (wasMuted) {
else {
var pc = publisher.getPeerConnection();
var sender = pc.getSenders()[1]; // Assuming Video is second in list.
var params = sender.getParameters();
params.encodings[0].active = wasMuted ? true : false;