{% file src=".gitbook/assets/cpp.json" caption="cpp.json" %}
time g++ -std=c++17 cprog.cpp && timeout 5 ./a.out < i > o
With sanitizers
time g++ -std=c++17 cprog.cpp -Wshadow -Wall -g -fsanitize=address -fsanitize=undefined -D_GLIBCXX_DEBUG && timeout 5 ./a.out < i > o
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int LIMIT = 1000;
void generateTestCase()
ofstream fout("i");
int n = 20;
fout << n << '\n';
while (n--)
int x = 1 + rand()%1000;
fout << x << " ";
fout << '\n';
string inp, wa, ac;
int main()
system("g++ -std=c++17 cprog.cpp -o ac.out");
system("g++ -std=c++17 ctest.cpp -o wa.out");
while (LIMIT--)
ifstream inpf("i");
getline(inpf, inp, char(EOF));
system("./wa.out < i > o");
ifstream waf("o");
getline(waf, wa, char(EOF));
system("./ac.out < i > o");
ifstream acf("o");
getline(acf, ac, char(EOF));
if (wa != ac)
cout << "Failed at:\n";
cout << inp << '\n';
cout << "Expected:\n";
cout << ac << '\n';
cout << "Found:\n";
cout << wa << '\n';
cout << "-----------\n\n";
return 0;
string str = "Hello\tWorld\n";
string raw_str = R"(Hello\tWorld
this is ankit\n)";
/* Output:
Hello World
this is ankit\n
raw strings escape \t \n and considers real
new line instrings doing new line gives error
unless done with escape character \ like in
macro */
// Regex match
// https://youtu.be/sa-TUpSx1JA
. - Any Character Except New Line
\d - Digit (0-9)
\D - Not a Digit (0-9)
\w - Word Character (a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _)
\W - Not a Word Character
\s - Whitespace (space, tab, newline)
\S - Not Whitespace (space, tab, newline)
\b - Word Boundary
\B - Not a Word Boundary
^ - Beginning of a String
$ - End of a String
[] - Matches Characters in brackets
[^ ] - Matches Characters NOT in brackets
| - Either Or
( ) - Group
* - 0 or More
+ - 1 or More
? - 0 or One
{3} - Exact Number
{3,4} - Range of Numbers (Minimum, Maximum)
regex email_pattern(R"(^[a-zA-Z0-9_.+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9-.]+$)");
if (regex_match("ankitpriyarup@gmail.com", email_pattern))
cout << "Yes" << endl;
cout << "No" << endl;
if (all_of(all(arr), [](const int x){ return x >= 1 && x <= 5; }))
cout << "All values in range";
// simmlarly there are none_of any_of
Gives access to the indices that the elements would have in a sorted array.
pbds A; // works in logN
A.insert(1); A.insert(3); A.insert(5); A.insert(7); A.insert(9); A.insert(11);
// Iterator of element at specified pos k
// Position of x in sorted array
// If the element is not present we get the pos that the element
// would have in set if present
// Fibonacci
Matrix<int> T(2, 2), F(2, 1);
T.mat = {{0, 1}, {1, 1}};
F.mat = {{0}, {1}};
T ^= n;
T *= F;
cout << T.mat[0][0] << '\n';
struct hash_pair
template <class T1, class T2>
size_t operator()(const pair<T1, T2>& p) const
auto hash1 = hash<T1>{}(p.first);
auto hash2 = hash<T2>{}(p.second);
return hash1 ^ hash2;
unordered_map<pair<int, int>, int, hash_pair> rec;
x.lower_bound({first, -inf});