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How to use DCI to Auto-publish Certification Projects

Normally with DCI we can use Preflight to scan container or operator bundle images for CVE then submit the test results to Connect Portal and remote CI remote server GUI. But for other mandatory fields and product-lists are still NOT updated, these unfinished business can be fully automate e2e Auto-Publish.


This MD Will show how prepare and use DCI to create certification project, Update Mandatory Fields, Run Preflight to scan CVE, Attach Product-Listings to Projects and Finally Auto-publish once all the criteria are met the conditions.


  • Upgrade the latest DCI Repo
  • Include all new changes unofficially since PR is not approved and not started Download official-dci-auto-publish.tar and untar to override your original DCI scripts
  • Require to have auth.json to communicate to the private registry
  • Connect Portal API KEY to use for submit the CVE test results
  • OpenShift 4.8x kubeconfig
  • Make sure to create container project certification with a details plan how the mandatory fields are describe about your CNF
  • Use standard alone preflight to scan container image for CVE and make sure all CVE are passed so it can be automated
  • Product-listings Per CNF to be created before hand, this is done only once
  • To talk to REST API, it requires oauth and bear token

Prepare the setup for auto-publish the container project certification

Tag and Push Container Images to Registry

  • Tag and push images to private registry using prefix for cnf-type e.g. avacnf
 podman tag dci-container-tpc:v7
 podman tag dci-container-tpc:v7
 podman push
 podman push
  • Output After Push images to Private Quay Registry Output-Quay-Images

Generate DCI Container Images Settings File

using Shellscript to communicate to Quay REST API to get image tag or digest

  • Automate Generate DCI settings.yml file
Usage: bash ./ 5gcore global- name "chartrepo"
Usage: bash ./ 5gcore global- <name|digest> <excluded-filter>

     5gcore          :  An organization or user name e.g samsung_5gc or avu
     global-         :  Is CNF image prefix e.g. global-amf-rnic or using wildcard
     name|digest     :  Image Tag Type whether it requires to use tag or digest name, preferred tag name
                        If name or digest argument is omitted it uses default tag name

     excluded_filter :  If you want to exclude images or unwanted e.g. chartrepo or tested-images, then
                        pass to script argument like this:
                        bash ./ 5gcore global- name "chartrepo|tested-image-name"
[avu@avu Samsung]$ cat
repo_ns=$1    #organization or user-name is either 5gcore or my user-name is avu
cnf_prefix=$2 #quay.xxxx.bos2.lab/api/v1/repository/avu/amf/amf-ipds:v1 --> amf is cnf prefix
tag_type=$3   #tag type whether imag-name:v1 or imag-name:@sha256-xxxxxxx
filter=$4     #excluded images or chartrepo from API query


if [[ "$repo_ns" == "" || "$cnf_prefix" == "" ]]; then
     echo "Usage: bash $0 5gcore global- name \"chartrepo\""
     echo "Usage: bash $0 5gcore global- <name|digest> <excluded-filter>"
     echo "
     5gcore          :  An organization or user name e.g samsung_5gc or avu
     global-         :  Is CNF image prefix e.g. global-amf-rnic or using wildcard
     name|digest     :  Image Tag Type whether it requires to use tag or digest name, preferred tag name
                        If name or digest argument is omitted it uses default tag name

     excluded_filter :  If you want to exclude images or unwanted e.g. chartrepo or tested-images, then
                        pass to script argument like this:
                        bash $0 5gcore global- name \"chartrepo|tested-image-name\""
     exit 1

if [[ "$tag_type" == "" ]]; then

#if filter arg is empty, then we will filter chartrepo
if [[ "$filter" == "" ]]; then

echo "Starting to generate preflight container project settings.yml file"
echo "Please be patient..."
echo "The time may determine by how many images it tries to do the query"

readarray -t ImageLists <<<$(curl --silent -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer ${quay_oauth_api_key}" "${repo_ns}"|jq -r '.repositories[].name' | grep ${cnf_prefix} | egrep -v $filter)

cat settings_head.yml >${dci_preflight_settings_file}

for ((j = 0; j < ${#ImageLists[*]}; j++))
   if [[ "$tag_type" == "name" ]]; then
       container_digest=$(curl --silent -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer ${quay_oauth_api_key}" "https://quay.xxxx.bos2.lab/api/v1/repository/${repo_ns}/${ImageLists[$j]}" | jq -r '"- container_image: " + "\"'${repo_ns}'/" + .name + ":" + .tags[].name + "\""' | head -n1)
   else #get digest as tag
       container_digest=$(curl --silent -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer ${quay_oauth_api_key}" "${repo_ns}/${ImageLists[$j]}" | jq -r '"- container_image: " + "\"'${repo_ns}'/" + .name + "@" + .tags[].manifest_digest + "\""' | head -n1)

   echo "  ${container_digest}" >> ${dci_preflight_settings_file}
   image_name=$(echo $container_digest | cut -d "@" -f1 |sed 's/\"//g'| sed 's/- container_image://g'|cut -d '/' -f3-4)

cat <<EOF >> ${dci_preflight_settings_file}
    create_container_project: true
    short_description: "${image_name}"
    attach_product_listing: false
echo >>${dci_preflight_settings_file}

cat settings_tail.yml >> ${dci_preflight_settings_file}

Note: Define quay_oauth_api_key=xxxxxxxxxxxxxx on top of the script, this is the info from your Quay OAuth Applications API key that need to communicate to Quay REST API
Example, https://quay.xxxxxx.bos2.lab/organization/samsung_5gc?tab=applications

  • settings templates head and tail


dci_topic: OCP-4.11
dci_name: Testing DCI to create certification Project Automatic and Update mandatory settings and publish
dci_configuration: Using DCI create project,update,submit result and auto-publish
preflight_test_certified_image: true
dci_config_dirs: [/etc/dci-openshift-agent]
partner_creds: "/var/lib/dci-openshift-app-agent/demo-auth.json"
organization_id: 15451045


   auto_publish: true
   build_categories: "Standalone image"
   registry_override_instruct: "<p>This is an instruction how to get the image link.</p>"
   email_address: ""
   application_categories: "Networking"
   os_content_type: "Red Hat Universal Base Image (UBI)"
   privileged: true
   release_category: "Generally Available"
   repository_description: "This is a test for Demo how to automate to create project,SCAN and update settings"

  published: true
  type: "container stack"
  pyxis_product_list_identifier: "642a2aff90de6580a53c2f66" #9GC UDM

pyxis_apikey_path: "/var/lib/dci-openshift-app-agent/demo-pyxis-apikey.txt"
dci_gits_to_components: []

  • How to run the shellscript

  • Script Usage

Usage: bash ./ 5gcore global- name "chartrepo"
Usage: bash ./ 5gcore global- <name|digest> <excluded-filter>

     5gcore          :  An organization or user name e.g samsung_5gc or avu
     global-         :  Is CNF image prefix e.g. global-amf-rnic or using wildcard
     name|digest     :  Image Tag Type whether it requires to use tag or digest name, preferred tag name
                        If name or digest argument is omitted it uses default tag name

     excluded_filter :  If you want to exclude images or unwanted e.g. chartrepo or tested-images, then
                        pass to script argument like this:
                        bash ./ 5gcore global- name "chartrepo|tested-image-name"


./ avu avacnf digest
./ avu avacnf name
./ 5gcore global- name "chartrepo|tested-image-name"
  • Check the settings.yml content after it automatic generate settings.yml:
dci_topic: OCP-4.11
dci_name: Testing DCI to create certification Project Automatic and Update mandatory settings and publish
dci_configuration: Using DCI create project,update,submit result and auto-publish
preflight_test_certified_image: true
dci_config_dirs: [/etc/dci-openshift-agent]
partner_creds: "/var/lib/dci-openshift-app-agent/demo-auth.json"
organization_id: 15451045
  - container_image: ""
    create_container_project: true
    short_description: "I am doing a full-automation e2e auto-publish for following image auto-publish-ubi8-nginx-demo1:v120"
    attach_product_listing: true

  - container_image: ""
    create_container_project: true
    short_description: "I am doing a full-automation e2e auto-publish for following image auto-publish-ubi8-nginx-demo2:v120"
    attach_product_listing: true

   auto_publish: true
   build_categories: "Standalone image"
   registry_override_instruct: "<p>This is an instruction how to get the image link.</p>"
   email_address: ""
   application_categories: "Networking"
   os_content_type: "Red Hat Universal Base Image (UBI)"
   privileged: true
   release_category: "Generally Available"
   repository_description: "This is a test for Demo how to automate to create project,SCAN and update settings"

  published: true
  type: "container stack"
  pyxis_product_list_identifier: "642a2aff90de6580a53c2f66" #9GC UDM

pyxis_apikey_path: "/var/lib/dci-openshift-app-agent/demo-pyxis-apikey.txt"
dci_gits_to_components: []
  • Copy newly generated settings.yml to /etc/dci-openshift-app-agent

Note: You dont need to use this shellscript to generate settings.yml you don't have all requirements to run it
Example, Quay REST API oauth and bear token, please prepare settings.yml manually as normal.

Start Use DCI to Automate the container image and Auto-Publish

  • su - dci-openshift-app-agent
Following are needed to make sure that they prepared and present before start DCI:  
- api-key pyxis-apikey.txt
- Docker Auth.json
- export KUBECONFING=./kubeconfg
- dummy hooks/install.yml
- product-listing ID

+ dci-openshift-app-agent-ctl -s -- -vvv
  • Result from connect Portal Result-From-Auto-Publish