diff --git a/.github/workflows/build_documentation.yml b/.github/workflows/build_documentation.yml index 1b2f2b88d8a..a35b6f62d80 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/build_documentation.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/build_documentation.yml @@ -19,22 +19,15 @@ concurrency: jobs: docs-style: - name: Documentation Style Check + name: "Check documentation style" runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - - uses: actions/checkout@v4 - - - name: Running Vale - uses: errata-ai/vale-action@reviewdog - env: - GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN}} + - name: "Check documentation style" + uses: ansys/actions/doc-style@v4 with: - files: doc - reporter: github-pr-check - level: error - filter_mode: nofilter - fail_on_error: true - vale_flags: "--config=doc/.vale.ini" + token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} + vale-config: "doc/.vale.ini" + vale-version: "2.29.6" docs_build: runs-on: ubuntu-20.04 diff --git a/.github/workflows/unit_tests.yml b/.github/workflows/unit_tests.yml index 17f0b6580c6..8242a8d8749 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/unit_tests.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/unit_tests.yml @@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ jobs: with: max_attempts: 3 retry_on: error - timeout_minutes: 40 + timeout_minutes: 50 command: | testenv\Scripts\Activate.ps1 Set-Item -Path env:PYTHONMALLOC -Value "malloc" diff --git a/.pre-commit-config.yaml b/.pre-commit-config.yaml index b7e229b5eeb..3b7ba2393c4 100644 --- a/.pre-commit-config.yaml +++ b/.pre-commit-config.yaml @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ repos: # validate GitHub workflow files - repo: https://github.com/python-jsonschema/check-jsonschema - rev: 0.27.0 + rev: 0.27.1 hooks: - id: check-github-workflows diff --git a/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md b/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..1cf484f16e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +# Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct + +## Our Pledge + +In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as +contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our +project and our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, +regardless of age, body size, disability, ethnicity, sex +characteristics, gender identity and expression, level of experience, +education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance, +race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation. + +## Our Standards + +Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment +include: + +* Using welcoming and inclusive language +* Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences +* Gracefully accepting constructive criticism +* Focusing on what is best for the community +* Showing empathy towards other community members + +Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include: + +* The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual + attention or advances +* Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks +* Public or private harassment +* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or electronic + address, without explicit permission +* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a + professional setting + +## Our Responsibilities + +Project maintainers are responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptable +behavior and are expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action in +response to any instances of unacceptable behavior. + +Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject +comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are +not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or permanently any +contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate, threatening, +offensive, or harmful. + +## Scope + +This Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces +when an individual is representing the project or its community. Examples of +representing a project or community include using an official project e-mail +address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed +representative at an online or offline event. Representation of a project may be +further defined and clarified by project maintainers. + +## Attribution + +This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage], +version 1.4, available at +https://www.contributor-covenant.org/version/1/4/code-of-conduct.html + +[homepage]: https://www.contributor-covenant.org + +For answers to common questions about this code of conduct, see +https://www.contributor-covenant.org/faq diff --git a/CONTRIBUTING.md b/CONTRIBUTING.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..8ca4529e4ec --- /dev/null +++ b/CONTRIBUTING.md @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +# Contributing + +We absolutely welcome any code contributions and we hope that this +guide will facilitate an understanding of the PyAEDT code +repository. It is important to note that while the PyAEDT software +package is maintained by ANSYS and any submissions will be reviewed +thoroughly before merging, we still seek to foster a community that can +support user questions and develop new features to make this software +a useful tool for all users. As such, we welcome and encourage any +questions or submissions to this repository. + +For contributing to this project, please refer to the [PyAnsys Developer's Guide]. + +[PyAnsys Developer's Guide]: https://dev.docs.pyansys.com/index.html diff --git a/CONTRIBUTORS.md b/CONTRIBUTORS.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..f3aafe1e2e8 --- /dev/null +++ b/CONTRIBUTORS.md @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +# Contributors + +## Project Lead + +* [Massimo Capodiferro](https://github.com/maxcapodi78) + +## Individual Contributors + +* [Samuel Lopez](https://github.com/Samuelopez-ansys) +* [Simon Vandenbrouck](https://github.com/svandenb-dev) +* [Alberto Di Maria](https://github.com/Alberto-DM) +* [Giulia Malinverno](https://github.com/gmalinve) +* [Hui Zhou](https://github.com/ring630) +* [Devin Crawford](https://github.com/dcrawforAtAnsys) +* [Kathy Pippert](https://github.com/PipKat) +* [Lorenzo Vecchietti](https://github.com/lorenzovecchietti) +* [Maxime Rey](https://github.com/MaxJPRey) +* [Sébastien Morais](https://github.com/SMoraisAnsys) +* [Matthew Young](https://github.com/myoung301) +* [Josh Salant](https://github.com/jsalant22) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_unittest/example_models/T20/Array_232.aedt b/_unittest/example_models/T20/Array_232.aedt new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..d7fc1f55740 --- /dev/null +++ b/_unittest/example_models/T20/Array_232.aedt @@ -0,0 +1,15602 @@ +$begin 'AnsoftProject' + Created='Tue Mar 8 10:35:21 2022' + Product='ElectronicsDesktop' + FileOwnedByWorkbench=false + $begin 'Desktop' + Version(2023, 2) + InfrastructureVersion(1, 0) + $begin 'FactoryHeader' + $begin 'geometry3deditor' + KernelVersion(2, 0) + ProjectContainsGeometry3D='1' + $end 'geometry3deditor' + $end 'FactoryHeader' + $end 'Desktop' + UsesAdvancedFeatures=true + NextUniqueID=0 + MoveBackwards=false + $begin 'HFSSEnvironment' + Version(1, 0) + $end 'HFSSEnvironment' + $begin 'PlanarEMEnvironment' + Version(1, 0) + $end 'PlanarEMEnvironment' + $begin 'Q3DEnvironment' + Version(1, 0) + $end 'Q3DEnvironment' + $begin '2DExtractorEnvironment' + Version(1, 0) + $end '2DExtractorEnvironment' + $begin 'NexximEnvironment' + Version(1, 0) + $end 'NexximEnvironment' + $begin 'NexximNetlistEnvironment' + Version(1, 0) + $end 'NexximNetlistEnvironment' + $begin 'EmitEnvironment' + Version(1, 0) + $end 'EmitEnvironment' + $begin 'Maxwell3DEnvironment' + Version(1, 0) + $end 'Maxwell3DEnvironment' + $begin 'Maxwell2DEnvironment' + Version(1, 0) + $end 'Maxwell2DEnvironment' + $begin 'RMxprtEnvironment' + Version(1, 0) + $end 'RMxprtEnvironment' + $begin 'MaxCirEnvironment' + Version(1, 0) + $end 'MaxCirEnvironment' + $begin 'SimplorerEnvironment' + Version(1, 0) + $end 'SimplorerEnvironment' + $begin 'IcepakEnvironment' + Version(1, 0) + $end 'IcepakEnvironment' + $begin 'MechanicalEnvironment' + Version(1, 0) + $end 'MechanicalEnvironment' + $begin 'SchematicEnvironment' + Version(1, 0) + $end 'SchematicEnvironment' + $begin 'geometry3deditor' + Version(1, 0) + $end 'geometry3deditor' + ReadVersion=11 + $begin 'DesignMgrEnvironment' + CompInstCounter=5781 + GPortCounter=0 + NetCounter=0 + Alias('Ieee;Simplorer Elements\\Ieee', 'Std;Simplorer Elements\\Std', 'Basic_VHDLAMS;Simplorer Elements\\Basic Elements VHDLAMS\\Basic Elements VHDLAMS', 'Digital_Elements;Simplorer Elements\\Digital Elements\\Digital Elements', 'Transformations;Simplorer Elements\\Tools\\Transformations\\Transformations', 'HEV_VHDLAMS;Simplorer Elements\\HEV VHDLAMS\\HEV VHDLAMS', 'automotive_vda;Simplorer Elements\\VDALibs VHDLAMS\\automotive_vda', 'example_boardnet;Simplorer Elements\\VDALibs VHDLAMS\\example_boardnet', 'example_ecar;Simplorer Elements\\VDALibs VHDLAMS\\example_ecar', 'fundamentals_vda;Simplorer Elements\\VDALibs VHDLAMS\\fundamentals_vda', 'hybrid_emc_vda;Simplorer Elements\\VDALibs VHDLAMS\\hybrid_emc_vda', 'megma;Simplorer Elements\\VDALibs VHDLAMS\\megma', 'modelica_rotational;Simplorer Elements\\VDALibs VHDLAMS\\modelica_rotational', 'modelica_thermal;Simplorer Elements\\VDALibs VHDLAMS\\modelica_thermal', 'modelica_translational;Simplorer Elements\\VDALibs VHDLAMS\\modelica_translational', 'spice2vhd;Simplorer Elements\\VDALibs VHDLAMS\\spice2vhd', 'spice2vhd_devices;Simplorer Elements\\VDALibs VHDLAMS\\spice2vhd_devices', 'aircraft_electrical_vhdlams;Simplorer Elements\\Aircraft Electrical VHDLAMS\\Aircraft Electrical VHDLAMS', 'power_system_vhdlams;Simplorer Elements\\Power System VHDLAMS') + $end 'DesignMgrEnvironment' + $begin 'ProjectDatasets' + NextUniqueID=0 + MoveBackwards=false + DatasetType='ProjectDatasetType' + $begin 'DatasetDefinitions' + $end 'DatasetDefinitions' + $end 'ProjectDatasets' + VariableOrders[0:] + $begin 'Definitions' + $begin 'Materials' + $begin 'vacuum' + CoordinateSystemType='Cartesian' + BulkOrSurfaceType=1 + $begin 'PhysicsTypes' + set('Electromagnetic') + $end 'PhysicsTypes' + $begin 'AttachedData' + $begin 'MatAppearanceData' + 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thermal_expansion_coefficient='1.4e-05' + ModTime=1132068239 + Library='Materials' + LibLocation='SysLibrary' + ModSinceLib=false + $end 'gold' + $begin 'titanium' + CoordinateSystemType='Cartesian' + BulkOrSurfaceType=1 + $begin 'PhysicsTypes' + set('Electromagnetic', 'Thermal', 'Structural') + $end 'PhysicsTypes' + permeability='1.00018' + conductivity='1820000' + thermal_conductivity='21' + mass_density='4500' + specific_heat='522' + youngs_modulus='115000000000' + poissons_ratio='0.33' + thermal_expansion_coefficient='8.3e-06' + ModTime=1132068239 + Library='Materials' + LibLocation='SysLibrary' + ModSinceLib=false + $end 'titanium' + $end 'Materials' + $begin 'SurfaceMaterials' + $end 'SurfaceMaterials' + $begin 'Scripts' + $end 'Scripts' + $begin 'Padstacks' + $begin 'NoPad SMT East' + $begin 'NoPad SMT East' + ModTime=1017696647 + Library='Padstacks' + ModSinceLib=false + LibLocation='SysLibrary' + $begin 'psd' + nam='NoPad SMT East' + lib='Padstacks' + mat='' + plt='0' + $begin 'pds' + $begin 'lgm' + lay='Default' + id=0 + pad(shp='No', Szs(), X='0mm', Y='0mm', R='0') + ant(shp='No', Szs(), X='0mm', Y='0mm', R='0') + thm(shp='No', Szs(), X='0mm', Y='0mm', R='0') + X='0mm' + Y='0mm' + dir='0' + $end 'lgm' + $end 'pds' + hle(shp='No', Szs(), X='0mm', Y='0mm', R='0') + hRg='UTL' + sbsh='None' + sbpl='abv' + sbr='0mm' + sb2='0mm' + sbn='' + $end 'psd' + ppl() + $end 'NoPad SMT East' + $end 'NoPad SMT East' + $end 'Padstacks' + $begin 'Symbols' + $begin '00_Array2' + ModTime=1646775495 + CE=0 + Library='' + ModSinceLib=false + LibLocation='Project' + HighestLevel=1 + Normalize=false + InitialLevels(0, 1) + $begin 'PinDef' + Pin('Array[3,3]02_Patch1_1', -0.01524, 0.01016, 0, 'N', 0, 0.00254, false, 0, true, '', true, false, 'Array[3,3]02_Patch1_1', true) + $begin 'PropDisplayMap' + PinName(2, 5, 1, Text(-0.01524, 0.010795, 0, 4, 5, false, 'Arial', 0, 'Array[3,3]02_Patch1_1', false, false, ExtentRect(0, 0, 0, 0, -0.01524, 0.0112674400000001, 0.0179527200000023, 0.00188976000000024, 0, 0, 0))) + $end 'PropDisplayMap' + $end 'PinDef' + $begin 'PinDef' + Pin('Array[3,4]02_Patch1_1', -0.01524, 0.00762, 0, 'N', 0, 0.00254, false, 0, true, '', true, false, 'Array[3,4]02_Patch1_1', true) + $begin 'PropDisplayMap' + PinName(2, 5, 1, Text(-0.01524, 0.008255, 0, 4, 5, false, 'Arial', 0, 'Array[3,4]02_Patch1_1', false, false, ExtentRect(0, 0, 0, 0, -0.01524, 0.00872744000000006, 0.0179527200000023, 0.00188976000000024, 0, 0, 0))) + $end 'PropDisplayMap' + $end 'PinDef' + $begin 'PinDef' + Pin('Array[3,5]02_Patch1_1', -0.01524, 0.00508, 0, 'N', 0, 0.00254, false, 0, true, '', true, false, 'Array[3,5]02_Patch1_1', true) + $begin 'PropDisplayMap' + PinName(2, 5, 1, Text(-0.01524, 0.005715, 0, 4, 5, false, 'Arial', 0, 'Array[3,5]02_Patch1_1', false, false, ExtentRect(0, 0, 0, 0, -0.01524, 0.00618744000000006, 0.0179527200000023, 0.00188976000000024, 0, 0, 0))) + $end 'PropDisplayMap' + $end 'PinDef' + $begin 'PinDef' + Pin('Array[3,6]02_Patch1_1', -0.01524, 0.00254, 0, 'N', 0, 0.00254, false, 0, true, '', true, false, 'Array[3,6]02_Patch1_1', true) + $begin 'PropDisplayMap' + PinName(2, 5, 1, Text(-0.01524, 0.003175, 0, 4, 5, false, 'Arial', 0, 'Array[3,6]02_Patch1_1', false, false, ExtentRect(0, 0, 0, 0, -0.01524, 0.00364744000000006, 0.0179527200000023, 0.00188976000000024, 0, 0, 0))) + $end 'PropDisplayMap' + $end 'PinDef' + $begin 'PinDef' + Pin('Array[4,3]02_Patch1_1', -0.01524, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 0.00254, false, 0, true, '', true, false, 'Array[4,3]02_Patch1_1', true) + $begin 'PropDisplayMap' + PinName(2, 5, 1, Text(-0.01524, 0.000635, 0, 4, 5, false, 'Arial', 0, 'Array[4,3]02_Patch1_1', false, false, ExtentRect(0, 0, 0, 0, -0.01524, 0.00110744000000006, 0.0179527200000023, 0.00188976000000024, 0, 0, 0))) + $end 'PropDisplayMap' + $end 'PinDef' + $begin 'PinDef' + Pin('Array[4,4]02_Patch1_1', -0.01524, -0.00254, 0, 'N', 0, 0.00254, false, 0, true, '', true, false, 'Array[4,4]02_Patch1_1', true) + $begin 'PropDisplayMap' + PinName(2, 5, 1, Text(-0.01524, -0.001905, 0, 4, 5, false, 'Arial', 0, 'Array[4,4]02_Patch1_1', false, false, ExtentRect(0, 0, 0, 0, -0.01524, -0.00143255999999994, 0.0179527200000023, 0.00188976000000024, 0, 0, 0))) + $end 'PropDisplayMap' + $end 'PinDef' + $begin 'PinDef' + Pin('Array[4,5]02_Patch1_1', -0.01524, -0.00508, 0, 'N', 0, 0.00254, false, 0, true, '', true, false, 'Array[4,5]02_Patch1_1', true) + $begin 'PropDisplayMap' + PinName(2, 5, 1, Text(-0.01524, -0.004445, 0, 4, 5, false, 'Arial', 0, 'Array[4,5]02_Patch1_1', false, false, ExtentRect(0, 0, 0, 0, -0.01524, -0.00397255999999994, 0.0179527200000023, 0.00188976000000024, 0, 0, 0))) + $end 'PropDisplayMap' + $end 'PinDef' + $begin 'PinDef' + Pin('Array[4,6]02_Patch1_1', -0.01524, -0.00762, 0, 'N', 0, 0.00254, false, 0, true, '', true, false, 'Array[4,6]02_Patch1_1', true) + $begin 'PropDisplayMap' + PinName(2, 5, 1, Text(-0.01524, -0.006985, 0, 4, 5, false, 'Arial', 0, 'Array[4,6]02_Patch1_1', false, false, ExtentRect(0, 0, 0, 0, -0.01524, -0.00651255999999994, 0.0179527200000023, 0.00188976000000024, 0, 0, 0))) + $end 'PropDisplayMap' + $end 'PinDef' + $begin 'PinDef' + Pin('Array[5,3]02_Patch1_1', 0.01524, 0.01016, 3.14159265358979, 'N', 0, 0.00254, false, 0, true, '', true, false, 'Array[5,3]02_Patch1_1', true) + $begin 'PropDisplayMap' + PinName(2, 5, 1, Text(0.01524, 0.010795, 0, 4, 5, false, 'Arial', 0, 'Array[5,3]02_Patch1_1', false, false, ExtentRect(0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01524, 0.0112674400000001, 0.0179527200000023, 0.00188976000000024, 0, 0, 0))) + $end 'PropDisplayMap' + $end 'PinDef' + $begin 'PinDef' + Pin('Array[5,4]02_Patch1_1', 0.01524, 0.00762, 3.14159265358979, 'N', 0, 0.00254, false, 0, true, '', true, false, 'Array[5,4]02_Patch1_1', true) + $begin 'PropDisplayMap' + PinName(2, 5, 1, Text(0.01524, 0.008255, 0, 4, 5, false, 'Arial', 0, 'Array[5,4]02_Patch1_1', false, false, ExtentRect(0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01524, 0.00872744000000006, 0.0179527200000023, 0.00188976000000024, 0, 0, 0))) + $end 'PropDisplayMap' + $end 'PinDef' + $begin 'PinDef' + Pin('Array[5,5]02_Patch1_1', 0.01524, 0.00508, 3.14159265358979, 'N', 0, 0.00254, false, 0, true, '', true, false, 'Array[5,5]02_Patch1_1', true) + $begin 'PropDisplayMap' + PinName(2, 5, 1, Text(0.01524, 0.005715, 0, 4, 5, false, 'Arial', 0, 'Array[5,5]02_Patch1_1', false, false, ExtentRect(0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01524, 0.00618744000000006, 0.0179527200000023, 0.00188976000000024, 0, 0, 0))) + $end 'PropDisplayMap' + $end 'PinDef' + $begin 'PinDef' + Pin('Array[5,6]02_Patch1_1', 0.01524, 0.00254, 3.14159265358979, 'N', 0, 0.00254, false, 0, true, '', true, false, 'Array[5,6]02_Patch1_1', true) + $begin 'PropDisplayMap' + PinName(2, 5, 1, Text(0.01524, 0.003175, 0, 4, 5, false, 'Arial', 0, 'Array[5,6]02_Patch1_1', false, false, ExtentRect(0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01524, 0.00364744000000006, 0.0179527200000023, 0.00188976000000024, 0, 0, 0))) + $end 'PropDisplayMap' + $end 'PinDef' + $begin 'PinDef' + Pin('Array[6,3]02_Patch1_1', 0.01524, 0, 3.14159265358979, 'N', 0, 0.00254, false, 0, true, '', true, false, 'Array[6,3]02_Patch1_1', true) + $begin 'PropDisplayMap' + PinName(2, 5, 1, Text(0.01524, 0.000635, 0, 4, 5, false, 'Arial', 0, 'Array[6,3]02_Patch1_1', false, false, ExtentRect(0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01524, 0.00110744000000006, 0.0179527200000023, 0.00188976000000024, 0, 0, 0))) + $end 'PropDisplayMap' + $end 'PinDef' + $begin 'PinDef' + Pin('Array[6,4]02_Patch1_1', 0.01524, -0.00254, 3.14159265358979, 'N', 0, 0.00254, false, 0, true, '', true, false, 'Array[6,4]02_Patch1_1', true) + $begin 'PropDisplayMap' + PinName(2, 5, 1, Text(0.01524, -0.001905, 0, 4, 5, false, 'Arial', 0, 'Array[6,4]02_Patch1_1', false, false, ExtentRect(0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01524, -0.00143255999999994, 0.0179527200000023, 0.00188976000000024, 0, 0, 0))) + $end 'PropDisplayMap' + $end 'PinDef' + $begin 'PinDef' + Pin('Array[6,5]02_Patch1_1', 0.01524, -0.00508, 3.14159265358979, 'N', 0, 0.00254, false, 0, true, '', true, false, 'Array[6,5]02_Patch1_1', true) + $begin 'PropDisplayMap' + 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'hI2g1--E++U+6+8RZLpSr6hJofls++CNl0k+8++++R4pkOKpb9a7hQCrRnPamhHc84QLcx0LE+90O00K-KP4Nd40sa3B7kpGi0AM07cDRbU+92PujsID3rLnFLhhLypnjCetQDxwb9yyrzyvrzz6qjsfzdzzpbzvxzz0DzvFzPDxjNzRTxxn-w+h++++++++++++++++++++++++++0kLLP3LtPx5QfizqNtgk2+jdf1wKzLfySvhTPDCvodz8U1kzQhvqGvdFPD0prg+k1M6NeOtsBbF5kM+P4JhrrTJrRcC+-jVhq7PqjDp9pPoz1U1MF4ZjHTiVuUOeCk-wCxpTd9NpjJbSzLIe++++++++++++h+7nHzBgZ+60p5E-UPEQ+KBg-+BAKxbPnfp6-M2BfSxtT0V6+g9LSvYw0+9PKhqrRycFs+P8uoeys+g84pzPX9VuisyyhI+B1P+E+TqhinVLjvlRS5nKNvvsMTh6TlKXiJSwTMLPFwDlyfEv6wfX7hT2PXKL42gcsnTZ-2zgfMLrOYmmurhxNgehj9LeHws8sqv4JSM8MlZZz88Ay-IhYzzh3ZzPXqhiNXGX4FzAWBzevTaWOrjTh53PNax4ANbkk6zVqjdqbZN3j-xzChwgc6xwCjdopBOANyLPkvOmd4Qr6hsBjhtqZZZ73jtxjtRdtKFfsRT1jTPYMnwirsrSwCphGANiHPgQKpbOSJIIOy5RjghvHmhX19mvJVvyHoij9OndaMo6xyCxQtyP8vTbcrrlqLKRhPIX4PYqv4G8ZbbhojowfMkmwipMowBoWrYyKhXjzDOZEpbixbiybMiKYKz5xmrgdypgSHzgxvimhH3vSKJAnad3jlsd0tVXymR9JzinJPtPog91Lyud8KBtNInCOYKz52cH1gPzVh+0pmT4XLxbdV1kCybMiKYKz5Fr0QRDN9rRWPBoPGkgurmmUXrsv3pjNeyXCYh9SlwilbBm9TXArjvl4RUHQp\ 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true, false, 'A[3,4]02_Patch1_1:1', true) + $begin 'PropDisplayMap' + PinName(2, 5, 1, Text(-0.01524, 0.008255, 0, 4, 5, false, 'Arial', 0, 'A[3,4]02_Patch1_1:1', false, false, ExtentRect(0, 0, 0, 0, -0.01524, 0.00872744000000006, 0.0165354000000021, 0.00188976000000024, 0, 0, 0))) + $end 'PropDisplayMap' + $end 'PinDef' + $begin 'PinDef' + Pin('A[3,5]02_Patch1_1:1', -0.01524, 0.00508, 0, 'N', 0, 0.00254, false, 0, true, '', true, false, 'A[3,5]02_Patch1_1:1', true) + $begin 'PropDisplayMap' + PinName(2, 5, 1, Text(-0.01524, 0.005715, 0, 4, 5, false, 'Arial', 0, 'A[3,5]02_Patch1_1:1', false, false, ExtentRect(0, 0, 0, 0, -0.01524, 0.00618744000000006, 0.0165354000000021, 0.00188976000000024, 0, 0, 0))) + $end 'PropDisplayMap' + $end 'PinDef' + $begin 'PinDef' + Pin('A[3,6]02_Patch1_1:1', -0.01524, 0.00254, 0, 'N', 0, 0.00254, false, 0, true, '', true, false, 'A[3,6]02_Patch1_1:1', true) + $begin 'PropDisplayMap' + PinName(2, 5, 1, Text(-0.01524, 0.003175, 0, 4, 5, false, 'Arial', 0, 'A[3,6]02_Patch1_1:1', false, false, ExtentRect(0, 0, 0, 0, -0.01524, 0.00364744000000006, 0.0165354000000021, 0.00188976000000024, 0, 0, 0))) + $end 'PropDisplayMap' + $end 'PinDef' + $begin 'PinDef' + Pin('A[4,3]02_Patch1_1:1', -0.01524, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 0.00254, false, 0, true, '', true, false, 'A[4,3]02_Patch1_1:1', true) + $begin 'PropDisplayMap' + PinName(2, 5, 1, Text(-0.01524, 0.000635, 0, 4, 5, false, 'Arial', 0, 'A[4,3]02_Patch1_1:1', false, false, ExtentRect(0, 0, 0, 0, -0.01524, 0.00110744000000006, 0.0165354000000021, 0.00188976000000024, 0, 0, 0))) + $end 'PropDisplayMap' + $end 'PinDef' + $begin 'PinDef' + Pin('A[4,4]02_Patch1_1:1', -0.01524, -0.00254, 0, 'N', 0, 0.00254, false, 0, true, '', true, false, 'A[4,4]02_Patch1_1:1', true) + $begin 'PropDisplayMap' + PinName(2, 5, 1, Text(-0.01524, -0.001905, 0, 4, 5, false, 'Arial', 0, 'A[4,4]02_Patch1_1:1', false, false, ExtentRect(0, 0, 0, 0, -0.01524, -0.00143255999999994, 0.0165354000000021, 0.00188976000000024, 0, 0, 0))) + $end 'PropDisplayMap' + $end 'PinDef' + $begin 'PinDef' + Pin('A[4,5]02_Patch1_1:1', -0.01524, -0.00508, 0, 'N', 0, 0.00254, false, 0, true, '', true, false, 'A[4,5]02_Patch1_1:1', true) + $begin 'PropDisplayMap' + PinName(2, 5, 1, Text(-0.01524, -0.004445, 0, 4, 5, false, 'Arial', 0, 'A[4,5]02_Patch1_1:1', false, false, ExtentRect(0, 0, 0, 0, -0.01524, -0.00397255999999994, 0.0165354000000021, 0.00188976000000024, 0, 0, 0))) + $end 'PropDisplayMap' + $end 'PinDef' + $begin 'PinDef' + Pin('A[4,6]02_Patch1_1:1', -0.01524, -0.00762, 0, 'N', 0, 0.00254, false, 0, true, '', true, false, 'A[4,6]02_Patch1_1:1', true) + $begin 'PropDisplayMap' + PinName(2, 5, 1, Text(-0.01524, -0.006985, 0, 4, 5, false, 'Arial', 0, 'A[4,6]02_Patch1_1:1', false, false, ExtentRect(0, 0, 0, 0, -0.01524, -0.00651255999999994, 0.0165354000000021, 0.00188976000000024, 0, 0, 0))) + $end 'PropDisplayMap' + $end 'PinDef' + $begin 'PinDef' + Pin('A[5,3]02_Patch1_1:1', 0.01524, 0.01016, 3.14159265358979, 'N', 0, 0.00254, false, 0, true, '', true, false, 'A[5,3]02_Patch1_1:1', true) + $begin 'PropDisplayMap' + PinName(2, 5, 1, Text(0.01524, 0.010795, 0, 4, 5, false, 'Arial', 0, 'A[5,3]02_Patch1_1:1', false, false, ExtentRect(0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01524, 0.0112674400000001, 0.0165354000000021, 0.00188976000000024, 0, 0, 0))) + $end 'PropDisplayMap' + $end 'PinDef' + $begin 'PinDef' + Pin('A[5,4]02_Patch1_1:1', 0.01524, 0.00762, 3.14159265358979, 'N', 0, 0.00254, false, 0, true, '', true, false, 'A[5,4]02_Patch1_1:1', true) + $begin 'PropDisplayMap' + PinName(2, 5, 1, Text(0.01524, 0.008255, 0, 4, 5, false, 'Arial', 0, 'A[5,4]02_Patch1_1:1', false, false, ExtentRect(0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01524, 0.00872744000000006, 0.0165354000000021, 0.00188976000000024, 0, 0, 0))) + $end 'PropDisplayMap' + $end 'PinDef' + $begin 'PinDef' + Pin('A[5,5]02_Patch1_1:1', 0.01524, 0.00508, 3.14159265358979, 'N', 0, 0.00254, false, 0, true, '', true, false, 'A[5,5]02_Patch1_1:1', true) + $begin 'PropDisplayMap' + PinName(2, 5, 1, Text(0.01524, 0.005715, 0, 4, 5, false, 'Arial', 0, 'A[5,5]02_Patch1_1:1', false, false, ExtentRect(0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01524, 0.00618744000000006, 0.0165354000000021, 0.00188976000000024, 0, 0, 0))) + $end 'PropDisplayMap' + $end 'PinDef' + $begin 'PinDef' + Pin('A[5,6]02_Patch1_1:1', 0.01524, 0.00254, 3.14159265358979, 'N', 0, 0.00254, false, 0, true, '', true, false, 'A[5,6]02_Patch1_1:1', true) + $begin 'PropDisplayMap' + PinName(2, 5, 1, Text(0.01524, 0.003175, 0, 4, 5, false, 'Arial', 0, 'A[5,6]02_Patch1_1:1', false, false, ExtentRect(0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01524, 0.00364744000000006, 0.0165354000000021, 0.00188976000000024, 0, 0, 0))) + $end 'PropDisplayMap' + $end 'PinDef' + $begin 'PinDef' + Pin('A[6,3]02_Patch1_1:1', 0.01524, 0, 3.14159265358979, 'N', 0, 0.00254, false, 0, true, '', true, false, 'A[6,3]02_Patch1_1:1', true) + $begin 'PropDisplayMap' + PinName(2, 5, 1, Text(0.01524, 0.000635, 0, 4, 5, false, 'Arial', 0, 'A[6,3]02_Patch1_1:1', false, false, ExtentRect(0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01524, 0.00110744000000006, 0.0165354000000021, 0.00188976000000024, 0, 0, 0))) + $end 'PropDisplayMap' + $end 'PinDef' + $begin 'PinDef' + Pin('A[6,4]02_Patch1_1:1', 0.01524, -0.00254, 3.14159265358979, 'N', 0, 0.00254, false, 0, true, '', true, false, 'A[6,4]02_Patch1_1:1', true) + $begin 'PropDisplayMap' + PinName(2, 5, 1, Text(0.01524, -0.001905, 0, 4, 5, false, 'Arial', 0, 'A[6,4]02_Patch1_1:1', false, false, ExtentRect(0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01524, -0.00143255999999994, 0.0165354000000021, 0.00188976000000024, 0, 0, 0))) + $end 'PropDisplayMap' + $end 'PinDef' + $begin 'PinDef' + Pin('A[6,5]02_Patch1_1:1', 0.01524, -0.00508, 3.14159265358979, 'N', 0, 0.00254, false, 0, true, '', true, false, 'A[6,5]02_Patch1_1:1', true) + $begin 'PropDisplayMap' + PinName(2, 5, 1, Text(0.01524, -0.004445, 0, 4, 5, false, 'Arial', 0, 'A[6,5]02_Patch1_1:1', false, false, ExtentRect(0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01524, -0.00397255999999994, 0.0165354000000021, 0.00188976000000024, 0, 0, 0))) + $end 'PropDisplayMap' + $end 'PinDef' 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'hI2g1--E++U+6+8RZLpReFKpD9oo++CNl0k+8++++R4pkOKpb9a7hQCqRjLbXhr98ZQSp7s+N+Mm8M+AO0AuP0c14V6+pOpo6k14+Wi1t4lDufjvo7Gidi0LfThFoQDXtdWvqNzLGcgf3fpjzzDzzizzqBuw9zSzzQzrzzrrzyFzjQTorziLzyjhzCiG1E++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++h++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++h++++++++++++++++s5LStaqOhhiGzyxoSLk++A0DtbPTrYcxTvgyujnPkfg0h+D1nmzimZzHtIS5TDkA+k1Z6mgnvlrPbnE++C2hhjyPKbRcC+5+GvbjHThZjheZttCk++Hh4ovofvPQoDOBo-+5suyIPereszmXirIk2+++++++++zV3jr323h+1URhyJFrV5S+E-CJhhHSPyFDk++Q8uybT6C+51CpbpyT1kjvzRpixzPNk++hy7MwxDPfBiqprRxOjSpZz9PibrAljyTDuSg++D+hyzMI0zbsiCFWbXfnqvUnhTznegyQ++A1TNmzUhoTTTYyeiyXAbnqyZsyzRxdpKePPbFg1++0XkWvzrpgKhrUzLufpjztjZzTOcvNSr3JAy+A0cJ6diz3vRAhBwZpzjTbvoz5TlCbzXdl3xhCk1+Grrv7WqFQrdwDxGrPrz7AvDrvFBxCk1+e3EeZogisrjwvprsriz04-bdhvRhTuxvjPygwLOSrtQ6BL+0+srrvkmcX7ZLTlZCfeazzsufvSviS-7ZRQWRxh5U0UovQPjzeKirEteJczaqR8jPppvuyLxzQyz9pW5zYtJBKMVn7nbKXR+E+ChxiqpaCRVpIIwjbPvxjSeaofoyyRLmzjXircTuyCXBCrnp8GMLNktx-A-+C1rhxSpOPlRGn9o7AiyDppnSEvr\ 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+-JxSrnpBDMhXISxqaAqcPpjcazTsrOLQHPXM79otmPiIh6-s4hfiodBGNaEbGlruNPFTTjYh7olv5jLeY33xyq4Dyb5ttITIRVdp+DXOwfthQK9hCAtRmX7jIRySBDC-FxrMhp8J5TRhSO9kzb9XvHKneZ5E+y+imXBmU4aSt9lSxeiBGNZ5nd4fEdIQSxN6YhgmFbHdXuwX3BuECxxzOD2bSduU1ktzfqi9MDgxmft5uPlOGeq5zuZdTQ1HrehZyJJ8yB4sWs+kCSYWNk74IqbHbdJVz8r0oSBxuX9GR9elXZMqvxPsit9hNp4h5E0yIqqTlxYmoeNibnNDMszuRgmaHi6i+A1LxypxhomS1opTTmzmtXYtoL2jhuN35zKZh7r2L+C0DpDPrgXn6Zea1eyLnaqjRllvpLixBsWs+k-SKxq01OgwhhIlybXfpAg1t8iYVxSTJrzwi7itygvFi7ik1k2qhvLr7LUHDdwqA-rq7GLkuqhjVxCrDoCBbJ8CU1wj9txo93bvLpvG1TH3eOyj3fJDp0WGRk3+5WtPvwgjKmNhj0Zv7b2L+C-PZzRsUuf7QVS8SZWfinwdGBk3+DV4hPpov9JFbvwmQTSPqxFdhp+5Ub9JRSBGDpySBl3o+UCxFriAGBtCs0k-kihfyvFBrjweaHYY5+4fvcDLxhE8IZQFQ+s7jIRV7r+E0yTrYbQFQ+s-TKxXyLiDhrPCeIR+0UhdiKy4a4k4RehyoPW9U1+5mjjbua87Cs0+5nbqXuyGTfxOniBCU1+i2gbQFQ+s-lxysR9x9xBhr+I+U6DZbQFR++-eyxydvNFo+60TIhgr2bQ-+Dt8SGRl3k0+qYvW9U++hPpLhqmbd++1TdvNj7Cs0+5nvwYvW9U++hLoXQFQ+s-TLRYcu+A0z8iwYvU6+IBg5hhNqG1U-kahdCcks+Q6vOHYY5+DXCtNr2LE0+rpnPORE-+AtIqmbd+++zevmHhi+g+w2heCmIR+\ +C+ohNp45E1UH9KRYUs+QC9K5E++++++++++++++++++++++h++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++h++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++h++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++h++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++h++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++h++++++++++++1b7PpvRtTjxsTw0v+E-k7VvZzLexrSyw3E++tybSZsLK5E1UhKrHOiVdLRQLosT7lei5HtN8yq3vhSXJTuHoH++1yS8Sx9A3LvjRKYBwTvrLvhzI2eziZPtCDwzDFn6To6u1oH++1yO4rTGqveeyLbpAYz5fnLRhSrhyyxLhyThbmjqiXsSvpzNh0lXbkY++5yMqd+zWf1dpMKEcduqxzPtclPzzEZNoWbT3HsHh++1yEijyu8VHdrqzmysuphifxW7exGq7Bbh7ZwyQeCc++DychhRCCzTSeEuLh4ZspxjGQwDZNHhxzE3GrX9k8e3oxPnU+kBwVRxev8dsQAj9fuMjj5LVJoRyYhyqJjwdK9FjsU2Ax2P+Q+y8ihSp93IqhB-EM+C2Rh3qsNN-A+UBDUlss+++++h++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++s4Tlzk3EhGk209E+I++6+0+0bNJxLOYJhHmxB++1aQEg+0U+++++++++++0++h62+++++UR4pkOKpb9a7hQ3-9-EM++++++E+-+1U+++-LHE++++++*'), false, false) + Rect(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0254, 0.0254, 0, 0, 0) + $end 'Graphics' + $end 'HFSSDesign5' + $begin 'nexx_vsin' + ModTime=1074872269 + CE=0 + Library='Nexxim Circuit Elements\\Nexxim_symbols' + ModSinceLib=false + LibLocation='SysLibrary' + HighestLevel=1 + Normalize=true + InitialLevels(0, 1) + $begin 'PinDef' + Pin('negative', 0, -0.00508, 0, 'N', 0, 0, false, 0, true, '', false, false, 'negative', true) + $end 'PinDef' + $begin 'PinDef' + Pin('positive', 0, 0.00508, 0, 'N', 0, 0, false, 0, true, '', false, false, 'positive', true) + $end 'PinDef' + $begin 'Graphics' + Circle(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00254, 0) + Line(0, 1, 12566272, 0, -0.00508, 0, -0.00254, End=0, Join=0, LineStyle=0, BeginObj=0, EndObj=0) + Line(0, 1, 12566272, 0, 0.00508, 0, 0.00254, End=0, Join=0, LineStyle=0, BeginObj=0, EndObj=0) + Arc(0, 1, 12566272, -0.000762, -0.000254, 0.000824374, 0.334541, 2.79742, 12566272, 0, 0, false, 0.000824374, 0) + Arc(0, 1, 12566272, 0.000762, 0.000254, 0.000803219, 3.46334, 5.96143, 12566272, 0, 0, false, 0.000803219, 0) + Line(0.0001016, 1, 12566272, 0, 0.002032, 0, 0.001524, End=0, Join=0, LineStyle=0, BeginObj=0, EndObj=0) + Line(0.0001016, 1, 12566272, -0.000254, 0.001778, 0.000254, 0.001778, End=0, Join=0, LineStyle=0, BeginObj=0, EndObj=0) + Line(0.0001016, 1, 12566272, -0.000254, -0.001778, 0.000254, -0.001778, End=0, Join=0, LineStyle=0, BeginObj=0, EndObj=0) + $end 'Graphics' + $begin 'PropDisplayMap' + InstanceName(2, 2, 0, Text(0.00430389, -0.000440972, 0, 1, 5, false, 'Arial', 0, '***', false, false, ExtentRect(0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00527867070175829, 0.000440972444447972, 0.00194956140351657, 0.00176388888889594, 0, 0, 0))) + $end 'PropDisplayMap' + $end 'nexx_vsin' + $begin 'psh' + ModTime=1033676651 + CE=0 + Library='Nexxim Circuit Elements\\Nexxim_symbols' + ModSinceLib=false + LibLocation='SysLibrary' + HighestLevel=1 + Normalize=true + InitialLevels(0, 1) + $begin 'PinDef' + Pin('n1', -0.00508, 0, 0, 'N', 0, 0, false, 0, true, '', false, false, 'n1', true) + $end 'PinDef' + $begin 'PinDef' + Pin('n2', 0.00508, 0, 3.14159, 'N', 0, 0, false, 0, true, '', false, false, 'n2', true) + $end 'PinDef' + $begin 'Graphics' + Rect(0, 0, 12566272, 0, 0, 0, 0.00508, 0.00508, 12566272, 0, 0) + Circle(0, 0, 12566272, 0, 0, 0.000762, 12566272) + Line(0, 1, 12566272, 0.000508, 0.001524, -0.000508, -0.001524, End=0, Join=0, LineStyle=0, BeginObj=0, EndObj=0) + Line(0, 1, 12566272, -0.00508, 0, -0.00254, 0, End=0, Join=0, LineStyle=0, BeginObj=0, EndObj=0) + Line(0, 1, 12566272, 0.00254, 0, 0.00508, 0, End=0, Join=0, LineStyle=0, BeginObj=0, EndObj=0) + $end 'Graphics' + $begin 'PropDisplayMap' + P(3, 5, 0, Text(-0.000762336, -0.00532063, 0, 5, 5, false, 'Arial', 0, 'P=***', false, false, ExtentRect(0, 0, 0, 0, -0.000762336, -0.00443869, 0.00372377, 0.00176389, 0, 0, 0))) + $end 'PropDisplayMap' + $end 'psh' + $begin 'pwcmb2' + ModTime=1016034157 + CE=0 + Library='Nexxim Circuit Elements\\Nexxim_symbols' + ModSinceLib=false + LibLocation='SysLibrary' + HighestLevel=1 + Normalize=true + InitialLevels(0, 1) + $begin 'PinDef' + Pin('n1', -0.00762, 0.00254, 0, 'N', 0, 0, false, 0, true, '', false, false, 'n1', true) + $end 'PinDef' + $begin 'PinDef' + Pin('n2', -0.00762, -0.00254, 0, 'N', 0, 0, false, 0, true, '', false, false, 'n2', true) + $end 'PinDef' + $begin 'PinDef' + Pin('n3', 0.00762, 0, 3.14159, 'N', 0, 0, false, 0, true, '', false, false, 'n3', true) + $end 'PinDef' + $begin 'Graphics' + Rect(0, 0, 12566272, 0, 4.33681e-19, 4.33681e-19, 0.01016, 0.01016, 12566272, 0, 0) + Line(0, 1, 12566272, 0.00508, 4.33681e-19, -0.00508, 0.00254, End=0, Join=0, LineStyle=0, BeginObj=0, EndObj=0) + Line(0, 1, 12566272, 0.00508, 4.33681e-19, -0.00508, -0.00254, End=0, Join=0, LineStyle=0, BeginObj=0, EndObj=0) + Line(0, 1, 12566272, -0.00762, 0.00254, -0.00508, 0.00254, End=0, Join=0, LineStyle=0, BeginObj=0, EndObj=0) + Line(0, 1, 12566272, -0.00762, -0.00254, -0.00508, -0.00254, End=0, Join=0, LineStyle=0, BeginObj=0, EndObj=0) + Line(0, 1, 12566272, 0.00508, 4.33681e-19, 0.00762, 4.33681e-19, End=0, Join=0, LineStyle=0, BeginObj=0, EndObj=0) + $end 'Graphics' + $end 'pwcmb2' + $begin 'pwcmb8' + ModTime=1016732689 + CE=0 + Library='Nexxim Circuit Elements\\Nexxim_symbols' + ModSinceLib=false + LibLocation='SysLibrary' + HighestLevel=1 + Normalize=true + InitialLevels(0, 1) + $begin 'PinDef' + Pin('n1', -0.00762, 0.01016, 0, 'N', 0, 0.00254, false, 0, true, '', false, false, 'n1', true) + $end 'PinDef' + $begin 'PinDef' + Pin('n2', -0.00762, 0.00762, 0, 'N', 0, 0, false, 0, true, '', false, false, 'n2', true) + $end 'PinDef' + $begin 'PinDef' + Pin('n3', -0.00762, 0.00508, 0, 'N', 0, 0, false, 0, true, '', false, false, 'n3', true) + $end 'PinDef' + $begin 'PinDef' + Pin('n4', -0.00762, 0.00254, 0, 'N', 0, 0, false, 0, true, '', false, false, 'n4', true) + $end 'PinDef' + $begin 'PinDef' + Pin('n5', -0.00762, -0.00254, 0, 'N', 0, 0, false, 0, true, '', false, false, 'n5', true) + $end 'PinDef' + $begin 'PinDef' + Pin('n6', -0.00762, -0.00508, 0, 'N', 0, 0, false, 0, true, '', false, false, 'n6', true) + $end 'PinDef' + $begin 'PinDef' + Pin('n7', -0.00762, -0.00762, 0, 'N', 0, 0, false, 0, true, '', false, false, 'n7', true) + $end 'PinDef' + $begin 'PinDef' + Pin('n8', -0.00762, -0.01016, 0, 'N', 0, 0, false, 0, true, '', false, false, 'n8', true) + $end 'PinDef' + $begin 'PinDef' + Pin('n9', 0.00762, 0, 3.14159, 'N', 0, 0, false, 0, true, '', false, false, 'n9', true) + $end 'PinDef' + $begin 'Graphics' + Line(0, 1, 12566272, -0.00508, 0.01016, 0.00508, 0, End=0, Join=0, LineStyle=0, BeginObj=0, EndObj=0) + Line(0, 1, 12566272, -0.00762, 0.01016, -0.00508, 0.01016, End=0, Join=0, LineStyle=0, BeginObj=0, EndObj=0) + Line(0, 1, 12566272, -0.00762, 0.00762, -0.00508, 0.00762, 0.00508, 0, End=0, Join=0, LineStyle=0, BeginObj=0, EndObj=0) + Line(0, 1, 12566272, -0.00762, 0.00508, -0.00508, 0.00508, 0.00508, 0, 0.00762, 0, End=0, Join=0, LineStyle=0, BeginObj=0, EndObj=0) + Line(0, 1, 12566272, -0.00762, 0.00254, -0.00508, 0.00254, 0.00508, 0, End=0, Join=0, LineStyle=0, BeginObj=0, EndObj=0) + Line(0, 1, 12566272, -0.00762, -0.00508, -0.00508, -0.00508, 0.00508, 0, End=0, Join=0, LineStyle=0, BeginObj=0, EndObj=0) + Line(0, 1, 12566272, -0.00762, -0.00254, -0.00508, -0.00254, 0.00508, 0, End=0, Join=0, LineStyle=0, BeginObj=0, EndObj=0) + Line(0, 1, 12566272, -0.00762, -0.00762, -0.00508, -0.00762, 0.00508, 0, End=0, Join=0, LineStyle=0, BeginObj=0, EndObj=0) + Line(0, 1, 12566272, -0.00762, -0.01016, -0.00508, -0.01016, 0.00508, 0, End=0, Join=0, LineStyle=0, BeginObj=0, EndObj=0) + Rect(0, 0, 12566272, 0, 0, 4.55666e-05, 0.0100261, 0.0254071, 12566272, 0, 0) + $end 'Graphics' + $end 'pwcmb8' + $end 'Symbols' + $begin 'Models' + $begin '00_Array2' + Name='00_Array2' + ModTime=1698741880 + Library='' + LibLocation='Project' + ModelType='hfss' + Description='' + ImageFile='D:/Array_Lunch&Learn/Finite_Array_w_Radome.aedtresults/5262493081646775493386.gif' + SymbolPinConfiguration=0 + $begin 'PortInfoBlk' + $end 'PortInfoBlk' + $begin 'PortOrderBlk' + $end 'PortOrderBlk' + DesignName='00_Array1' + SolutionName='Setup1 : Sweep' + NewToOldMap() + OldToNewMap() + PinNames('Array[3,3]02_Patch1_1', 'Array[3,4]02_Patch1_1', 'Array[3,5]02_Patch1_1', 'Array[3,6]02_Patch1_1', 'Array[4,3]02_Patch1_1', 'Array[4,4]02_Patch1_1', 'Array[4,5]02_Patch1_1', 'Array[4,6]02_Patch1_1', 'Array[5,3]02_Patch1_1', 'Array[5,4]02_Patch1_1', 'Array[5,5]02_Patch1_1', 'Array[5,6]02_Patch1_1', 'Array[6,3]02_Patch1_1', 'Array[6,4]02_Patch1_1', 'Array[6,5]02_Patch1_1', 'Array[6,6]02_Patch1_1') + $begin 'DesignerCustomization' + DCOption=0 + InterpOption=0 + ExtrapOption=1 + Convolution=0 + Passivity=0 + Reciprocal=false + ModelOption='' + DataType=1 + $end 'DesignerCustomization' + $begin 'NexximCustomization' + DCOption=3 + InterpOption=1 + ExtrapOption=3 + Convolution=0 + Passivity=0 + Reciprocal=false + ModelOption='' + DataType=2 + $end 'NexximCustomization' + $begin 'HSpiceCustomization' + DCOption=1 + InterpOption=2 + 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ModifiedOn=1674668973 + Library='Ansoft_Wire_Profiles' + FromVendor=true + IsForward=true + Material='GOLD' + Color=0 + IsVisible=true + Diameter('1mil') + $begin 'Segments' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Length' + HorizontalValue='0mm' + VerticalType='Length' + VerticalValue='0.2794mm' + $end 'Segment' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Percent' + HorizontalValue='12.500000 %' + VerticalType='Length' + VerticalValue='0mm' + $end 'Segment' + $end 'Segments' + $end 'J4_LH11' + $begin 'J4_LH12' + Type=0 + ModifiedOn=1674668973 + Library='Ansoft_Wire_Profiles' + FromVendor=true + IsForward=true + Material='GOLD' + Color=0 + IsVisible=true + Diameter('1mil') + $begin 'Segments' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Length' + HorizontalValue='0mm' + VerticalType='Length' + VerticalValue='0.3048mm' + $end 'Segment' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Percent' + HorizontalValue='12.500000 %' + VerticalType='Length' + VerticalValue='0mm' + $end 'Segment' + $end 'Segments' + $end 'J4_LH12' + $begin 'J4_LH13' + Type=0 + ModifiedOn=1674668973 + Library='Ansoft_Wire_Profiles' + FromVendor=true + IsForward=true + Material='GOLD' + Color=0 + IsVisible=true + Diameter('1mil') + $begin 'Segments' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Length' + HorizontalValue='0mm' + VerticalType='Length' + VerticalValue='0.3302mm' + $end 'Segment' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Percent' + HorizontalValue='12.500000 %' + VerticalType='Length' + VerticalValue='0mm' + $end 'Segment' + $end 'Segments' + $end 'J4_LH13' + $begin 'J4_LH14' + Type=0 + ModifiedOn=1674668973 + Library='Ansoft_Wire_Profiles' + FromVendor=true + IsForward=true + Material='GOLD' + Color=0 + IsVisible=true + Diameter('1mil') + $begin 'Segments' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Length' + HorizontalValue='0mm' + VerticalType='Length' + VerticalValue='0.3556mm' + $end 'Segment' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Percent' + HorizontalValue='12.500000 %' + VerticalType='Length' + VerticalValue='0mm' + $end 'Segment' + $end 'Segments' + $end 'J4_LH14' + $begin 'J4_LH15' + Type=0 + ModifiedOn=1674668973 + Library='Ansoft_Wire_Profiles' + FromVendor=true + IsForward=true + Material='GOLD' + Color=0 + IsVisible=true + Diameter('1mil') + $begin 'Segments' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Length' + HorizontalValue='0mm' + VerticalType='Length' + VerticalValue='0.381mm' + $end 'Segment' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Percent' + HorizontalValue='12.500000 %' + VerticalType='Length' + VerticalValue='0mm' + $end 'Segment' + $end 'Segments' + $end 'J4_LH15' + $begin 'J4_LH3' + Type=0 + ModifiedOn=1674668973 + Library='Ansoft_Wire_Profiles' + FromVendor=true + IsForward=true + Material='GOLD' + Color=0 + IsVisible=true + Diameter('1mil') + $begin 'Segments' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Length' + HorizontalValue='0mm' + VerticalType='Length' + VerticalValue='0.0762mm' + $end 'Segment' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Percent' + HorizontalValue='12.500000 %' + VerticalType='Length' + VerticalValue='0mm' + $end 'Segment' + $end 'Segments' + $end 'J4_LH3' + $begin 'J4_LH4' + Type=0 + ModifiedOn=1674668973 + Library='Ansoft_Wire_Profiles' + FromVendor=true + IsForward=true + Material='GOLD' + Color=0 + IsVisible=true + Diameter('1mil') + $begin 'Segments' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Length' + HorizontalValue='0mm' + VerticalType='Length' + VerticalValue='0.1016mm' + $end 'Segment' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Percent' + HorizontalValue='12.500000 %' + VerticalType='Length' + VerticalValue='0mm' + $end 'Segment' + $end 'Segments' + $end 'J4_LH4' + $begin 'J4_LH5' + Type=0 + ModifiedOn=1674668973 + Library='Ansoft_Wire_Profiles' + FromVendor=true + IsForward=true + Material='GOLD' + Color=0 + IsVisible=true + Diameter('1mil') + $begin 'Segments' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Length' + HorizontalValue='0mm' + VerticalType='Length' + VerticalValue='0.127mm' + $end 'Segment' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Percent' + HorizontalValue='12.500000 %' + VerticalType='Length' + VerticalValue='0mm' + $end 'Segment' + $end 'Segments' + $end 'J4_LH5' + $begin 'J4_LH6' + Type=0 + ModifiedOn=1674668973 + Library='Ansoft_Wire_Profiles' + FromVendor=true + IsForward=true + Material='GOLD' + Color=0 + IsVisible=true + Diameter('1mil') + $begin 'Segments' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Length' + HorizontalValue='0mm' + VerticalType='Length' + VerticalValue='0.1524mm' + $end 'Segment' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Percent' + HorizontalValue='12.500000 %' + VerticalType='Length' + VerticalValue='0mm' + $end 'Segment' + $end 'Segments' + $end 'J4_LH6' + $begin 'J4_LH7' + Type=0 + ModifiedOn=1674668973 + Library='Ansoft_Wire_Profiles' + FromVendor=true + IsForward=true + Material='GOLD' + Color=0 + IsVisible=true + Diameter('1mil') + $begin 'Segments' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Length' + HorizontalValue='0mm' + VerticalType='Length' + VerticalValue='0.1778mm' + $end 'Segment' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Percent' + HorizontalValue='12.500000 %' + VerticalType='Length' + VerticalValue='0mm' + $end 'Segment' + $end 'Segments' + $end 'J4_LH7' + $begin 'J4_LH8' + Type=0 + ModifiedOn=1674668973 + Library='Ansoft_Wire_Profiles' + FromVendor=true + IsForward=true + Material='GOLD' + Color=0 + IsVisible=true + Diameter('1mil') + $begin 'Segments' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Length' + HorizontalValue='0mm' + VerticalType='Length' + VerticalValue='0.2032mm' + $end 'Segment' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Percent' + HorizontalValue='12.500000 %' + VerticalType='Length' + VerticalValue='0mm' + $end 'Segment' + $end 'Segments' + $end 'J4_LH8' + $begin 'J4_LH9' + Type=0 + ModifiedOn=1674668973 + Library='Ansoft_Wire_Profiles' + FromVendor=true + IsForward=true + Material='GOLD' + Color=0 + IsVisible=true + Diameter('1mil') + $begin 'Segments' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Length' + HorizontalValue='0mm' + VerticalType='Length' + VerticalValue='0.2286mm' + $end 'Segment' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Percent' + HorizontalValue='12.500000 %' + VerticalType='Length' + VerticalValue='0mm' + $end 'Segment' + $end 'Segments' + $end 'J4_LH9' + $begin 'J5_LH10_ALPH45_BETA15' + Type=0 + ModifiedOn=1674668973 + Library='Ansoft_Wire_Profiles' + FromVendor=true + IsForward=true + Material='GOLD' + Color=0 + IsVisible=true + Diameter('1mil') + $begin 'Segments' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Angle' + HorizontalValue='44.9999906380158deg' + VerticalType='Length' + VerticalValue='0.254mm' + $end 'Segment' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Percent' + HorizontalValue='12.500000 %' + VerticalType='Length' + VerticalValue='0mm' + $end 'Segment' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Switch' + HorizontalValue='0' + VerticalType='' + VerticalValue='0' + $end 'Segment' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Percent' + HorizontalValue='50.000000 %' + VerticalType='Angle' + VerticalValue='14.9999777807454deg' + $end 'Segment' + $end 'Segments' + $end 'J5_LH10_ALPH45_BETA15' + $begin 'J5_LH15_ALPH45_BETA15' + Type=0 + ModifiedOn=1674668973 + Library='Ansoft_Wire_Profiles' + FromVendor=true + IsForward=true + Material='GOLD' + Color=0 + IsVisible=true + Diameter('1mil') + $begin 'Segments' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Angle' + HorizontalValue='44.9999906380158deg' + VerticalType='Length' + VerticalValue='0.381mm' + $end 'Segment' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Percent' + HorizontalValue='12.500000 %' + VerticalType='Length' + VerticalValue='0mm' + $end 'Segment' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Switch' + HorizontalValue='0' + VerticalType='' + VerticalValue='0' + $end 'Segment' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Percent' + HorizontalValue='50.000000 %' + VerticalType='Angle' + VerticalValue='14.9999777807454deg' + $end 'Segment' + $end 'Segments' + $end 'J5_LH15_ALPH45_BETA15' + $begin 'J5_LH5_ALPH45_BETA15' + Type=0 + ModifiedOn=1674668973 + Library='Ansoft_Wire_Profiles' + FromVendor=true + IsForward=true + Material='GOLD' + Color=0 + IsVisible=true + Diameter('1mil') + $begin 'Segments' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Angle' + HorizontalValue='44.9999906380158deg' + VerticalType='Length' + VerticalValue='0.127mm' + $end 'Segment' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Percent' + HorizontalValue='12.500000 %' + VerticalType='Length' + VerticalValue='0mm' + $end 'Segment' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Switch' + HorizontalValue='0' + VerticalType='' + VerticalValue='0' + $end 'Segment' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Percent' + HorizontalValue='50.000000 %' + VerticalType='Angle' + VerticalValue='14.9999777807454deg' + $end 'Segment' + $end 'Segments' + $end 'J5_LH5_ALPH45_BETA15' + $begin 'J4_LH10' + Type=0 + ModifiedOn=1674668973 + Library='' + FromVendor=true + IsForward=true + Material='GOLD' + Color=0 + IsVisible=true + Diameter('0mm') + $begin 'Segments' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Length' + HorizontalValue='0mm' + VerticalType='Length' + VerticalValue='0.254mm' + $end 'Segment' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Percent' + HorizontalValue='12.500000 %' + VerticalType='Length' + VerticalValue='0mm' + $end 'Segment' + $end 'Segments' + $end 'J4_LH10' + $begin 'J4_LH11' + Type=0 + ModifiedOn=1674668973 + Library='' + FromVendor=true + IsForward=true + Material='GOLD' + Color=0 + IsVisible=true + Diameter('0mm') + $begin 'Segments' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Length' + HorizontalValue='0mm' + VerticalType='Length' + VerticalValue='0.2794mm' + $end 'Segment' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Percent' + HorizontalValue='12.500000 %' + VerticalType='Length' + VerticalValue='0mm' + $end 'Segment' + $end 'Segments' + $end 'J4_LH11' + $begin 'J4_LH12' + Type=0 + ModifiedOn=1674668973 + Library='' + FromVendor=true + IsForward=true + Material='GOLD' + Color=0 + IsVisible=true + Diameter('0mm') + $begin 'Segments' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Length' + HorizontalValue='0mm' + VerticalType='Length' + VerticalValue='0.3048mm' + $end 'Segment' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Percent' + HorizontalValue='12.500000 %' + VerticalType='Length' + VerticalValue='0mm' + $end 'Segment' + $end 'Segments' + $end 'J4_LH12' + $begin 'J4_LH13' + Type=0 + ModifiedOn=1674668973 + Library='' + FromVendor=true + IsForward=true + Material='GOLD' + Color=0 + IsVisible=true + Diameter('0mm') + $begin 'Segments' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Length' + HorizontalValue='0mm' + VerticalType='Length' + VerticalValue='0.3302mm' + $end 'Segment' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Percent' + HorizontalValue='12.500000 %' + VerticalType='Length' + VerticalValue='0mm' + $end 'Segment' + $end 'Segments' + $end 'J4_LH13' + $begin 'J4_LH14' + Type=0 + ModifiedOn=1674668973 + Library='' + FromVendor=true + IsForward=true + Material='GOLD' + Color=0 + IsVisible=true + Diameter('0mm') + $begin 'Segments' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Length' + HorizontalValue='0mm' + VerticalType='Length' + VerticalValue='0.3556mm' + $end 'Segment' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Percent' + HorizontalValue='12.500000 %' + VerticalType='Length' + VerticalValue='0mm' + $end 'Segment' + $end 'Segments' + $end 'J4_LH14' + $begin 'J4_LH15' + Type=0 + ModifiedOn=1674668973 + Library='' + FromVendor=true + IsForward=true + Material='GOLD' + Color=0 + IsVisible=true + Diameter('0mm') + $begin 'Segments' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Length' + HorizontalValue='0mm' + VerticalType='Length' + VerticalValue='0.381mm' + $end 'Segment' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Percent' + HorizontalValue='12.500000 %' + VerticalType='Length' + VerticalValue='0mm' + $end 'Segment' + $end 'Segments' + $end 'J4_LH15' + $begin 'J4_LH3' + Type=0 + ModifiedOn=1674668973 + Library='' + FromVendor=true + IsForward=true + Material='GOLD' + Color=0 + IsVisible=true + Diameter('0mm') + $begin 'Segments' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Length' + HorizontalValue='0mm' + VerticalType='Length' + VerticalValue='0.0762mm' + $end 'Segment' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Percent' + HorizontalValue='12.500000 %' + VerticalType='Length' + VerticalValue='0mm' + $end 'Segment' + $end 'Segments' + $end 'J4_LH3' + $begin 'J4_LH4' + Type=0 + ModifiedOn=1674668973 + Library='' + FromVendor=true + IsForward=true + Material='GOLD' + Color=0 + IsVisible=true + Diameter('0mm') + $begin 'Segments' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Length' + HorizontalValue='0mm' + VerticalType='Length' + VerticalValue='0.1016mm' + $end 'Segment' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Percent' + HorizontalValue='12.500000 %' + VerticalType='Length' + VerticalValue='0mm' + $end 'Segment' + $end 'Segments' + $end 'J4_LH4' + $begin 'J4_LH5' + Type=0 + ModifiedOn=1674668973 + Library='' + FromVendor=true + IsForward=true + Material='GOLD' + Color=0 + IsVisible=true + Diameter('0mm') + $begin 'Segments' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Length' + HorizontalValue='0mm' + VerticalType='Length' + VerticalValue='0.127mm' + $end 'Segment' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Percent' + HorizontalValue='12.500000 %' + VerticalType='Length' + VerticalValue='0mm' + $end 'Segment' + $end 'Segments' + $end 'J4_LH5' + $begin 'J4_LH6' + Type=0 + ModifiedOn=1674668973 + Library='' + FromVendor=true + IsForward=true + Material='GOLD' + Color=0 + IsVisible=true + Diameter('0mm') + $begin 'Segments' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Length' + HorizontalValue='0mm' + VerticalType='Length' + VerticalValue='0.1524mm' + $end 'Segment' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Percent' + HorizontalValue='12.500000 %' + VerticalType='Length' + VerticalValue='0mm' + $end 'Segment' + $end 'Segments' + $end 'J4_LH6' + $begin 'J4_LH7' + Type=0 + ModifiedOn=1674668973 + Library='' + FromVendor=true + IsForward=true + Material='GOLD' + Color=0 + IsVisible=true + Diameter('0mm') + $begin 'Segments' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Length' + HorizontalValue='0mm' + VerticalType='Length' + VerticalValue='0.1778mm' + $end 'Segment' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Percent' + HorizontalValue='12.500000 %' + VerticalType='Length' + VerticalValue='0mm' + $end 'Segment' + $end 'Segments' + $end 'J4_LH7' + $begin 'J4_LH8' + Type=0 + ModifiedOn=1674668973 + Library='' + FromVendor=true + IsForward=true + Material='GOLD' + Color=0 + IsVisible=true + Diameter('0mm') + $begin 'Segments' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Length' + HorizontalValue='0mm' + VerticalType='Length' + VerticalValue='0.2032mm' + $end 'Segment' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Percent' + HorizontalValue='12.500000 %' + VerticalType='Length' + VerticalValue='0mm' + $end 'Segment' + $end 'Segments' + $end 'J4_LH8' + $begin 'J4_LH9' + Type=0 + ModifiedOn=1674668973 + Library='' + FromVendor=true + IsForward=true + Material='GOLD' + Color=0 + IsVisible=true + Diameter('0mm') + $begin 'Segments' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Length' + HorizontalValue='0mm' + VerticalType='Length' + VerticalValue='0.2286mm' + $end 'Segment' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Percent' + HorizontalValue='12.500000 %' + VerticalType='Length' + VerticalValue='0mm' + $end 'Segment' + $end 'Segments' + $end 'J4_LH9' + $begin 'J5_LH10_ALPH45_BETA15' + Type=0 + ModifiedOn=1674668973 + Library='' + FromVendor=true + IsForward=true + Material='GOLD' + Color=0 + IsVisible=true + Diameter('0mm') + $begin 'Segments' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Angle' + HorizontalValue='44.9999906380158deg' + VerticalType='Length' + VerticalValue='0.254mm' + $end 'Segment' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Percent' + HorizontalValue='12.500000 %' + VerticalType='Length' + VerticalValue='0mm' + $end 'Segment' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Switch' + HorizontalValue='0' + VerticalType='Length' + VerticalValue='0mm' + $end 'Segment' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Percent' + HorizontalValue='50.000000 %' + VerticalType='Angle' + VerticalValue='14.9999777807454deg' + $end 'Segment' + $end 'Segments' + $end 'J5_LH10_ALPH45_BETA15' + $begin 'J5_LH15_ALPH45_BETA15' + Type=0 + ModifiedOn=1674668973 + Library='' + FromVendor=true + IsForward=true + Material='GOLD' + Color=0 + IsVisible=true + Diameter('0mm') + $begin 'Segments' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Angle' + HorizontalValue='44.9999906380158deg' + VerticalType='Length' + VerticalValue='0.381mm' + $end 'Segment' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Percent' + HorizontalValue='12.500000 %' + VerticalType='Length' + VerticalValue='0mm' + $end 'Segment' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Switch' + HorizontalValue='0' + VerticalType='Length' + VerticalValue='0mm' + $end 'Segment' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Percent' + HorizontalValue='50.000000 %' + VerticalType='Angle' + VerticalValue='14.9999777807454deg' + $end 'Segment' + $end 'Segments' + $end 'J5_LH15_ALPH45_BETA15' + $begin 'J5_LH5_ALPH45_BETA15' + Type=0 + ModifiedOn=1674668973 + Library='' + FromVendor=true + IsForward=true + Material='GOLD' + Color=0 + IsVisible=true + Diameter('0mm') + $begin 'Segments' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Angle' + HorizontalValue='44.9999906380158deg' + VerticalType='Length' + VerticalValue='0.127mm' + $end 'Segment' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Percent' + HorizontalValue='12.500000 %' + VerticalType='Length' + VerticalValue='0mm' + $end 'Segment' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Switch' + HorizontalValue='0' + VerticalType='Length' + VerticalValue='0mm' + $end 'Segment' + $begin 'Segment' + HorizontalType='Percent' + HorizontalValue='50.000000 %' + VerticalType='Angle' + VerticalValue='14.9999777807454deg' + $end 'Segment' + $end 'Segments' + $end 'J5_LH5_ALPH45_BETA15' + $end 'Bondwires' + $begin 'DefInfo' + Array(1002, 0, 0, 0, '', 1646764268, '', 'Array', '', '', '', '', '', 'Design.bmp', '', 'Project', '', '', 1646764268, '', 0, 0) + NXPSH(1002, 0, 0, 2, 'Ansoft built-in component', 1502913463, '', 'Nexxim Circuit Elements\\Nexxim_symbols:psh', '', '', 'Phase Shifter, Nexxim', 'NXPSH.htm', 'nexximcomponents.chm', 'psh.bmp', 'Nexxim Circuit Elements\\lumped_general', 'SysLibrary', 'psessions', '', 1218547184, '', 0, 99999) + HFSSDesign5(1002, 0, 8, 16, '', 1631310487, '', 'HFSSDesign5', '', '', '', '', '', 'hfss.bmp', '', 'Project', '', '', 1631310487, '', 0, 0) + PWCMB8_NX(1002, 0, 0, 9, 'Ansoft built-in component', 1145626606, '', 'Nexxim Circuit Elements\\Nexxim_symbols:pwcmb8', '', '', 'Power Combiner/Divider, 08-Way', 'NXPWCMB8.htm', 'nexximcomponents.chm', 'pwcmb8.bmp', 'Nexxim Circuit Elements\\Ideal Microwave', 'SysLibrary', '', '', 1145624854, '', 0, 99013) + P_SIN(1002, 0, 0, 2, 'Ansoft built-in component', 1502395610, '', 'Nexxim Circuit Elements\\Nexxim_symbols:nexx_vsin', '', '', 'Sinusoidal Power Source', 'NXPSIN.htm', 'nexximcomponents.chm', 'vdc.bmp', 'Nexxim Circuit Elements\\Independent Sources', 'SysLibrary', '', '', 1476372458, '', 0, 199024) + PWCMB2_NX(1002, 0, 0, 3, 'Ansoft built-in component', 1137175794, '', 'Nexxim Circuit Elements\\Nexxim_symbols:pwcmb2', '', '', 'Power Combiner/Divider, 02-Way', 'NXPWCMB2.htm', 'nexximcomponents.chm', 'pwcmb2.bmp', 'Nexxim Circuit Elements\\Ideal Microwave', 'SysLibrary', '', '', 1137175208, '', 0, 99013) + '00_Array2'(1002, 0, 8, 16, '', 1646775495, '', '00_Array2', '', '', '', '', '', 'hfss.bmp', '', 'Project', '', '', 1646775495, '', 0, 0) + $end 'DefInfo' + $begin 'Compdefs' + $begin 'Array' + Library='' + CircuitEnv=0 + Refbase='U' + NumParts=1 + ModSinceLib=true + $begin 'Properties' + TextProp('Representation', 'SRD', '', 'Array') + TextProp('Owner', 'SRD', '', 'HFSS') + $end 'Properties' + CompExtID=6 + $begin 'Parameters' + ButtonProp('CosimDefinition', 'D', '', '', 'Edit', 40501, ButtonPropClientData()) + MenuProp('CoSimulator', 'D', '', 'DefaultNetlist', 0) + $end 'Parameters' + $begin 'CosimDefinitions' + $begin 'CosimDefinition' + CosimulatorType=4 + CosimDefName='DefaultNetlist' + IsDefinition=true + Connect=true + Data() + GRef() + $end 'CosimDefinition' + DefaultCosim='DefaultNetlist' + $end 'CosimDefinitions' + $end 'Array' + $begin 'NXPSH' + Library='Nexxim Circuit Elements\\lumped_general' + CircuitEnv=0 + Refbase='A' + NumParts=1 + ModSinceLib=false + Terminal('n1', 'n1', 'A', false, 4, 1, '', 'Electrical', '') + Terminal('n2', 'n2', 'A', false, 5, 1, '', 'Electrical', '') + CompExtID=1 + $begin 'Parameters' + VariablePropNU('P', 'D', 'Phase shift', '0deg', 'deg', AdditionalPropInfo='') + VariablePropNU('R0', 'D', 'Characteristic impedance', '50ohm', 'ohm', AdditionalPropInfo='') + TextProp('ModelName', 'SHD', '', 'PSH') + ButtonProp('CosimDefinition', 'SD', '', 'Edit', 'Edit', 40501, ButtonPropClientData()) + MenuProp('CoSimulator', 'D', '', 'DefaultNetlist', 0) + $end 'Parameters' + $begin 'CosimDefinitions' + $begin 'CosimDefinition' + CosimulatorType=4 + CosimDefName='DefaultNetlist' + IsDefinition=true + Connect=true + Data(Circuit='PSH:@ID %0 %1 ?P(P=@P) *R0(R0=@R0)', 'Nexxim Circuit'='A@ID %0 %1 P=@P R0=@R0 COMPONENT=phase_shifter', System='PSH:@ID %0 %1 ?P(P=@P) *R0(R0=@R0)') + GRef(Circuit='', 'Nexxim Circuit'='', System='') + $end 'CosimDefinition' + DefaultCosim='DefaultNetlist' + $end 'CosimDefinitions' + $end 'NXPSH' + $begin 'HFSSDesign5' + Library='' + CircuitEnv=0 + Refbase='S' + NumParts=1 + ModSinceLib=true + Terminal('A[3,3]02_Patch1_1:1', 'A[3,3]02_Patch1_1:1', 'A', false, 0, 1, '', 'Electrical', '0') + Terminal('A[3,4]02_Patch1_1:1', 'A[3,4]02_Patch1_1:1', 'A', false, 1, 1, '', 'Electrical', '0') + Terminal('A[3,5]02_Patch1_1:1', 'A[3,5]02_Patch1_1:1', 'A', false, 2, 1, '', 'Electrical', '0') + Terminal('A[3,6]02_Patch1_1:1', 'A[3,6]02_Patch1_1:1', 'A', false, 3, 1, '', 'Electrical', '0') + Terminal('A[4,3]02_Patch1_1:1', 'A[4,3]02_Patch1_1:1', 'A', false, 4, 1, '', 'Electrical', '0') + Terminal('A[4,4]02_Patch1_1:1', 'A[4,4]02_Patch1_1:1', 'A', false, 5, 1, '', 'Electrical', '0') + Terminal('A[4,5]02_Patch1_1:1', 'A[4,5]02_Patch1_1:1', 'A', false, 6, 1, '', 'Electrical', '0') + Terminal('A[4,6]02_Patch1_1:1', 'A[4,6]02_Patch1_1:1', 'A', false, 7, 1, '', 'Electrical', '0') + Terminal('A[5,3]02_Patch1_1:1', 'A[5,3]02_Patch1_1:1', 'A', false, 8, 1, '', 'Electrical', '0') + Terminal('A[5,4]02_Patch1_1:1', 'A[5,4]02_Patch1_1:1', 'A', false, 9, 1, '', 'Electrical', '0') + Terminal('A[5,5]02_Patch1_1:1', 'A[5,5]02_Patch1_1:1', 'A', false, 10, 1, '', 'Electrical', '0') + Terminal('A[5,6]02_Patch1_1:1', 'A[5,6]02_Patch1_1:1', 'A', false, 11, 1, '', 'Electrical', '0') + Terminal('A[6,3]02_Patch1_1:1', 'A[6,3]02_Patch1_1:1', 'A', false, 12, 1, '', 'Electrical', '0') + Terminal('A[6,4]02_Patch1_1:1', 'A[6,4]02_Patch1_1:1', 'A', false, 13, 1, '', 'Electrical', '0') + Terminal('A[6,5]02_Patch1_1:1', 'A[6,5]02_Patch1_1:1', 'A', false, 14, 1, '', 'Electrical', '0') + Terminal('A[6,6]02_Patch1_1:1', 'A[6,6]02_Patch1_1:1', 'A', false, 15, 1, '', 'Electrical', '0') + $begin 'Properties' + TextProp('Owner', 'RD', '', 'HFSS') + $end 'Properties' + CompExtID=5 + $begin 'Parameters' + VariableProp('subX', 'D', '', '8cm') + VariableProp('subY', 'D', '', '8cm') + TextProp('ModelName', 'SRD', '', 'FieldSolver') + ButtonProp('CosimDefinition', 'SD', '', 'Edit', 'Edit', 40501, ButtonPropClientData()) + MenuProp('CoSimulator', 'D', '', 'DefaultNetlist', 0) + $end 'Parameters' + $begin 'CosimDefinitions' + $begin 'CosimDefinition' + CosimulatorType=4 + CosimDefName='DefaultNetlist' + IsDefinition=true + Connect=true + Data() + GRef() + $end 'CosimDefinition' + DefaultCosim='DefaultNetlist' + $end 'CosimDefinitions' + $end 'HFSSDesign5' + $begin 'PWCMB8_NX' + Library='Nexxim Circuit Elements\\Ideal Microwave' + CircuitEnv=0 + Refbase='A' + NumParts=1 + ModSinceLib=false + Terminal('n1', 'n1', 'A', false, 99, 1, '', 'Electrical', '0') + Terminal('n2', 'n2', 'A', false, 100, 1, '', 'Electrical', '0') + Terminal('n3', 'n3', 'A', false, 101, 1, '', 'Electrical', '0') + Terminal('n4', 'n4', 'A', false, 102, 1, '', 'Electrical', '0') + Terminal('n5', 'n5', 'A', false, 103, 1, '', 'Electrical', '0') + Terminal('n6', 'n6', 'A', false, 104, 1, '', 'Electrical', '0') + Terminal('n7', 'n7', 'A', false, 105, 1, '', 'Electrical', '0') + Terminal('n8', 'n8', 'A', false, 106, 1, '', 'Electrical', '0') + Terminal('n9', 'n9', 'A', false, 107, 1, '', 'Electrical', '0') + CompExtID=1 + $begin 'Parameters' + VariableProp('IL', 'D', 'Insertion loss, dB', '9.0309') + VariableProp('RO', 'D', 'Reference impedance', '50') + ButtonProp('CircuitNetList', 'HD', '', 'PWCMBN:@ID %0 %1 %2 [ %3 ] [ %4 ] [ %5 ] [ %6 ] [ %7 ] [ %8 ] N=8 ?IL(IL=@IL) *RO(RO=@RO)', 'PWCMBN:@ID %0 %1 %2 [ %3 ] [ %4 ] [ %5 ] [ %6 ] [ %7 ] [ %8 ] N=8 ?IL(IL=@IL) *RO(RO=@RO)', 1, ButtonPropClientData()) + ButtonProp('SystemNetList', 'HD', '', 'PWCMBN:@ID %0 %1 %2 [ %3 ] [ %4 ] [ %5 ] [ %6 ] [ %7 ] [ %8 ] N=8 ?IL(IL=@IL) *RO(RO=@RO)', 'PWCMBN:@ID %0 %1 %2 [ %3 ] [ %4 ] [ %5 ] [ %6 ] [ %7 ] [ %8 ] N=8 ?IL(IL=@IL) *RO(RO=@RO)', 1, ButtonPropClientData()) + TextProp('ModelName', 'SHD', '', 'PWCMBN') + TextProp('COMPONENT', 'RD', '', 'power_combiner_n') + ButtonProp('CosimDefinition', 'D', '', '', 'Edit', 40501, ButtonPropClientData()) + MenuProp('CoSimulator', 'D', '', 'DefaultNetlist', 0) + $end 'Parameters' + $begin 'CosimDefinitions' + $begin 'CosimDefinition' + CosimulatorType=4 + CosimDefName='DefaultNetlist' + IsDefinition=true + Connect=true + Data('Nexxim Circuit'='A@ID %0 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 ?IL(IL=@IL) *RO(RO=@RO) COMPONENT=@COMPONENT') + GRef() + $end 'CosimDefinition' + DefaultCosim='DefaultNetlist' + $end 'CosimDefinitions' + $end 'PWCMB8_NX' + $begin 'P_SIN' + Library='Nexxim Circuit Elements\\Independent Sources' + CircuitEnv=0 + Refbase='P' + NumParts=1 + ModSinceLib=false + Terminal('positive', 'positive', 'A', false, 0, 1, '', 'Electrical', '0') + Terminal('negative', 'negative', 'A', false, 1, 1, '', 'Electrical', '0') + CompExtID=1 + $begin 'Parameters' + TextProp('LabelID', 'HD', 'Property string for netlist ID', 'V@ID') + VariableProp('ACMAG', 'D', 'AC magnitude for small-signal analysis (Volts)', 'nan V') + VariablePropNU('ACPHASE', 'D', 'AC phase for small-signal analysis', '0deg', 'deg', AdditionalPropInfo='') + VariableProp('DC', 'D', 'DC voltage (Volts)', '0V') + VariablePropNU('VO', 'D', 'Power offset from zero watts', '0W', 'W', AdditionalPropInfo='') + VariableProp('POWER', 'D', 'Available power of the source above VO', '0W') + VariableProp('FREQ', 'D', 'Frequency (Hz)', '1GHz') + VariableProp('TD', 'D', 'Delay to start of sine wave (seconds)', '0s') + VariableProp('ALPHA', 'D', 'Damping factor (1/seconds)', '0') + VariablePropNU('THETA', 'D', 'Phase delay', '0deg', 'deg', AdditionalPropInfo='') + VariableProp('TONE', 'D', 'Frequency (Hz) to use for harmonic balance analysis, should be a submultiple of (or equal to) the driving frequency and should also be included in the HB analysis setup', '0Hz') + TextProp('ModelName', 'SHD', '', 'P_SIN') + ButtonProp('CosimDefinition', 'D', '', 'Edit', 'Edit', 40501, ButtonPropClientData()) + MenuProp('CoSimulator', 'D', '', 'DefaultNetlist', 0) + $end 'Parameters' + $begin 'CosimDefinitions' + $begin 'CosimDefinition' + CosimulatorType=4 + CosimDefName='DefaultNetlist' + IsDefinition=true + Connect=true + Data('Nexxim Circuit'='V@ID %0 %1 *DC(DC=@DC) POWER SIN(?VO(@VO) ?POWER(@POWER) ?FREQ(@FREQ) ?TD(@TD) ?ALPHA(@ALPHA) ?THETA(@THETA)) *TONE(TONE=@TONE) *ACMAG(AC @ACMAG @ACPHASE)') + GRef('Nexxim Circuit'='') + $end 'CosimDefinition' + DefaultCosim='DefaultNetlist' + $end 'CosimDefinitions' + $end 'P_SIN' + $begin 'PWCMB2_NX' + Library='Nexxim Circuit Elements\\Ideal Microwave' + CircuitEnv=0 + Refbase='A' + NumParts=1 + ModSinceLib=false + Terminal('n1', 'n1', 'A', false, 6, 1, '', 'Electrical', '0') + Terminal('n2', 'n2', 'A', false, 7, 1, '', 'Electrical', '0') + Terminal('n3', 'n3', 'A', false, 8, 1, '', 'Electrical', '0') + CompExtID=1 + $begin 'Parameters' + VariableProp('IL13', 'D', 'Insertion loss between port 1 and port 3, dB', '3.0104') + VariablePropNU('PH13', 'D', 'Phase shift between port 1 and port 3 (Degree)', '-90deg', 'deg', AdditionalPropInfo='') + VariableProp('IL23', 'D', 'Insertion loss between port 2 and port 3, dB', '3.0104') + VariablePropNU('PH23', 'D', 'Phase shift between port 2 and port 3, Degree', '-90deg', 'deg', AdditionalPropInfo='') + VariableProp('RO', 'D', 'Reference impedance', '50') + TextProp('ModelName', 'SHD', '', 'PWCMB2') + TextProp('COMPONENT', 'RD', '', 'power_combiner2') + ButtonProp('CosimDefinition', 'D', '', '', 'Edit', 40501, ButtonPropClientData()) + MenuProp('CoSimulator', 'D', '', 'DefaultNetlist', 0) + $end 'Parameters' + $begin 'CosimDefinitions' + $begin 'CosimDefinition' + CosimulatorType=4 + CosimDefName='DefaultNetlist' + IsDefinition=true + Connect=true + Data('Nexxim Circuit'='A@ID %0 %1 %2 *IL13(IL13=@IL13) *PH13(PH13=@PH13) *IL23(IL23=@IL23) *PH23(PH23=@PH23) *RO(RO=@RO) COMPONENT=@COMPONENT') + GRef() + $end 'CosimDefinition' + DefaultCosim='DefaultNetlist' + $end 'CosimDefinitions' + $end 'PWCMB2_NX' + $begin '00_Array2' + Library='' + CircuitEnv=0 + Refbase='S' + NumParts=1 + ModSinceLib=true + Terminal('Array[3,3]02_Patch1_1', 'Array[3,3]02_Patch1_1', 'A', false, 3, 1, '', 'Electrical', '0') + Terminal('Array[3,4]02_Patch1_1', 'Array[3,4]02_Patch1_1', 'A', false, 4, 1, '', 'Electrical', '0') + Terminal('Array[3,5]02_Patch1_1', 'Array[3,5]02_Patch1_1', 'A', false, 5, 1, '', 'Electrical', '0') + Terminal('Array[3,6]02_Patch1_1', 'Array[3,6]02_Patch1_1', 'A', false, 6, 1, '', 'Electrical', '0') + Terminal('Array[4,3]02_Patch1_1', 'Array[4,3]02_Patch1_1', 'A', false, 7, 1, '', 'Electrical', '0') + Terminal('Array[4,4]02_Patch1_1', 'Array[4,4]02_Patch1_1', 'A', false, 8, 1, '', 'Electrical', '0') + Terminal('Array[4,5]02_Patch1_1', 'Array[4,5]02_Patch1_1', 'A', false, 9, 1, '', 'Electrical', '0') + Terminal('Array[4,6]02_Patch1_1', 'Array[4,6]02_Patch1_1', 'A', false, 10, 1, '', 'Electrical', '0') + Terminal('Array[5,3]02_Patch1_1', 'Array[5,3]02_Patch1_1', 'A', false, 11, 1, '', 'Electrical', '0') + Terminal('Array[5,4]02_Patch1_1', 'Array[5,4]02_Patch1_1', 'A', false, 12, 1, '', 'Electrical', '0') + Terminal('Array[5,5]02_Patch1_1', 'Array[5,5]02_Patch1_1', 'A', false, 13, 1, '', 'Electrical', '0') + Terminal('Array[5,6]02_Patch1_1', 'Array[5,6]02_Patch1_1', 'A', false, 14, 1, '', 'Electrical', '0') + Terminal('Array[6,3]02_Patch1_1', 'Array[6,3]02_Patch1_1', 'A', false, 15, 1, '', 'Electrical', '0') + Terminal('Array[6,4]02_Patch1_1', 'Array[6,4]02_Patch1_1', 'A', false, 16, 1, '', 'Electrical', '0') + Terminal('Array[6,5]02_Patch1_1', 'Array[6,5]02_Patch1_1', 'A', false, 17, 1, '', 'Electrical', '0') + Terminal('Array[6,6]02_Patch1_1', 'Array[6,6]02_Patch1_1', 'A', false, 18, 1, '', 'Electrical', '0') + $begin 'Properties' + TextProp('Owner', 'RD', '', 'HFSS') + $end 'Properties' + CompExtID=5 + $begin 'Parameters' + VariableProp('subX', 'D', '', '8cm') + VariableProp('subY', 'D', '', '8cm') + TextProp('ModelName', 'SRD', '', 'FieldSolver') + ButtonProp('CosimDefinition', 'SD', '', 'Edit', 'Edit', 40501, ButtonPropClientData()) + MenuProp('CoSimulator', 'D', '', 'Default', 0) + $end 'Parameters' + ModelDefName='00_Array2' + $begin 'CosimDefinitions' + $begin 'CosimDefinition' + CosimulatorType=103 + CosimDefName='Default' + IsDefinition=true + Connect=true + ModelDefinitionName='00_Array2' + ShowRefPin2=2 + LenPropName='' + $end 'CosimDefinition' + DefaultCosim='Default' + $end 'CosimDefinitions' + $end '00_Array2' + $end 'Compdefs' + $end 'Definitions' + DesignIDServer=23 + MoveBackwards=false + $begin 'HFSSModel' + RepRewriteV2=true + Name='Array' + DesignID=0 + 'Use Advanced DC Extrapolation'=false + 'Use Power S'=false + 'Export FRTM After Simulation'=false + 'Export Rays After Simulation'=false + 'Export After Simulation'=false + 'Allow Material Override'=false + 'Calculate Lossy Dielectrics'=false + 'Perform Minimal validation'=false + $begin 'TemperatureSettings' + IncludeTemperatureDependence=false + Temperatures(610, '22cel', 637, '22cel', 647, '22cel', 673, '22cel', 683, '22cel', 710, '22cel', 747, '22cel', 774, '22cel', 784, '22cel', 794, '22cel', 821, '22cel', 858, '22cel', 885, '22cel', 895, '22cel', 922, '22cel', 949, '22cel', 992, '22cel', 1019, '22cel', 1029, '22cel', 1056, '22cel', 1107, '22cel') + $end 'TemperatureSettings' + 'Port Validation Settings'='Standard' + 'Save Adaptive support files'=false + SolutionType='HFSS Hybrid Modal Network' + $begin 'DrivenOptions' + AutoOpen=false + $end 'DrivenOptions' + MaterialDensity=1 + MassOfTissue=1 + VoxelSize=1 + TissueObjectList=-1 + AverageSarMethod=0 + UseAutoDCThickness=true + HaveZwaveSupport=true + $begin 'OutputVariable' + NextUniqueID=0 + MoveBackwards=false + $end 'OutputVariable' + $begin 'ModelSetup' + $begin 'DesignDatasets' + NextUniqueID=0 + MoveBackwards=false + DatasetType='DesignDatasetType' + $begin 'DatasetDefinitions' + $end 'DatasetDefinitions' + $end 'DesignDatasets' + $begin 'Properties' + VariableProp('subX', 'UD', '', '8cm') + VariableProp('subY', 'UD', '', '8cm') + $end 'Properties' + $begin 'PostProcessingVariables' + PostProcessingVariableProp('ScanFrequency', 'UD', '', '1800000000Hz') + PostProcessingVariableProp('ScanAngleTheta', 'UD', '', '0deg') + PostProcessingVariableProp('ScanAnglePhi', 'UD', '', '0deg') + PostProcessingVariableProp('ScanPhaseShiftA', 'UD', '', '-((ScanFrequency*0.0*sin(ScanAngleTheta)*cos(ScanAnglePhi)) + (ScanFrequency*1.67667601756e-09*sin(ScanAngleTheta)*sin(ScanAnglePhi))) rad') + PostProcessingVariableProp('ScanPhaseShiftB', 'UD', '', '-((ScanFrequency*1.67667601756e-09*sin(ScanAngleTheta)*cos(ScanAnglePhi)) + (ScanFrequency*0.0*sin(ScanAngleTheta)*sin(ScanAnglePhi))) rad') + PostProcessingVariableProp('ScanMag1', 'UD', '', '1W') + PostProcessingVariableProp('ScanPhase1', 'UD', '', '0deg') + PostProcessingVariableProp('CosinePower', 'UD', '', '3') + PostProcessingVariableProp('EdgeTaperLevel_dB', 'UD', '', '-20') + $end 'PostProcessingVariables' + VariableOrders[11: 'subX', 'subY', 'ScanFrequency', 'ScanAngleTheta', 'ScanAnglePhi', 'ScanPhaseShiftA', 'ScanPhaseShiftB', 'ScanMag1', 'ScanPhase1', 'CosinePower', 'EdgeTaperLevel_dB'] + $begin 'Editor3D Doc Preferences' + 'Plane Background'=true + BackgroundColor1=16777215 + BackgroundColor2=0 + 'Need Lights'=true + 'Ambient Light'=9671571 + 'Num Lights'=4 + Light0[4: 6710886, 0, -1, -0.150000005960464] + Light1[4: 6710886, -0.600000023841858, 0.100000001490116, -0.5] + Light2[4: 6710886, 0.5, 0.100000001490116, -0.5] + Light3[4: 6710886, 0.200000002980232, 0.400000005960464, 1] + Ver=2 + $end 'Editor3D Doc Preferences' + SnapMode=31 + WorkingCS=1 + $begin 'GeometryCore' + BlockVersionID=3 + DataVersion=21 + NativeKernel='PARASOLID' + NativeKernelVersionID=23 + Units='cm' + ModelExtents=10000 + InstanceID=-1 + $begin 'ValidationOptions' + EntityCheckLevel='Strict' + IgnoreUnclassifiedObjects=false + SkipIntersectionChecks=false + $end 'ValidationOptions' + ContainsGeomLinkUDM=false + $begin 'GeometryOperations' + BlockVersionID=2 + $begin 'AnsoftRangedIDServerManager' + $begin 'AnsoftRangedIDServer' + IDServerObjectTypeID=0 + IDServerRangeMin=0 + IDServerRangeMax=2146483647 + NextUniqueID=1244 + MoveBackwards=false + $end 'AnsoftRangedIDServer' + $begin 'AnsoftRangedIDServer' + IDServerObjectTypeID=1 + IDServerRangeMin=2146483648 + IDServerRangeMax=2146485547 + NextUniqueID=2146483654 + MoveBackwards=false + $end 'AnsoftRangedIDServer' + $end 'AnsoftRangedIDServerManager' + StartBackGroundFaceID=2146483648 + $begin 'CoordinateSystems' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='CreateRelativeCoordinateSystem' + ID=143 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'RelativeCSParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + Mode='Euler Angle ZYZ' + OriginX='-subX' + OriginY='-subY' + OriginZ='0cm' + Psi='0deg' + Theta='0deg' + Phi='0deg' + $end 'RelativeCSParameters' + ParentPartID=-1 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='Metal1' + UDMId=-1 + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $end 'Operations' + XYPlaneID=144 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='CreateRelativeCoordinateSystem' + ID=258 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'RelativeCSParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + Mode='Euler Angle ZYZ' + OriginX='-subX' + OriginY='-2*subY' + OriginZ='0cm' + Psi='0deg' + Theta='0deg' + Phi='0deg' + $end 'RelativeCSParameters' + ParentPartID=-1 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='Side' + UDMId=-1 + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $end 'Operations' + XYPlaneID=259 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='CreateRelativeCoordinateSystem' + ID=396 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'RelativeCSParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + Mode='Euler Angle ZYZ' + OriginX='-2*subX' + OriginY='-2*subY' + OriginZ='0cm' + Psi='0deg' + Theta='0deg' + Phi='0deg' + $end 'RelativeCSParameters' + ParentPartID=-1 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='Corner' + UDMId=-1 + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $end 'Operations' + XYPlaneID=397 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='CreateExternalCoordinateSystem' + ID=600 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'ExternalCSParameters' + KernelVersion=23 + $begin 'Transformation' + AffineMatrix[9: 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1] + Translation[3: 0, 0, 0.1524] + $end 'Transformation' + $end 'ExternalCSParameters' + ParentPartID=-1 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='RelativeCS1' + UDMId=599 + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'CSOperation' + OperationType='CachedCSOperation' + ID=1159 + $begin 'CachedCSOperParameters' + $end 'CachedCSOperParameters' + ParentPartID=-1 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + ReferenceCSID=600 + $end 'CSOperation' + $end 'Operations' + XYPlaneID=607 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='CreateExternalCoordinateSystem' + ID=738 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'ExternalCSParameters' + KernelVersion=23 + $begin 'Transformation' + AffineMatrix[9: 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1] + Translation[3: 0, 0, 0.1524] + $end 'Transformation' + $end 'ExternalCSParameters' + ParentPartID=-1 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='RelativeCS2' + UDMId=737 + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'CSOperation' + OperationType='CachedCSOperation' + ID=1229 + $begin 'CachedCSOperParameters' + $end 'CachedCSOperParameters' + ParentPartID=-1 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + ReferenceCSID=738 + $end 'CSOperation' + $end 'Operations' + XYPlaneID=744 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='CreateExternalCoordinateSystem' + ID=849 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'ExternalCSParameters' + KernelVersion=23 + $begin 'Transformation' + AffineMatrix[9: 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1] + Translation[3: 0, 0, 0.1524] + $end 'Transformation' + $end 'ExternalCSParameters' + ParentPartID=-1 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='RelativeCS3' + UDMId=848 + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'CSOperation' + OperationType='CachedCSOperation' + ID=1236 + $begin 'CachedCSOperParameters' + $end 'CachedCSOperParameters' + ParentPartID=-1 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + ReferenceCSID=849 + $end 'CSOperation' + $end 'Operations' + XYPlaneID=855 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='CreateExternalCoordinateSystem' + ID=983 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'ExternalCSParameters' + KernelVersion=23 + $begin 'Transformation' + AffineMatrix[9: 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1] + Translation[3: 0, 0, 0.1524] + $end 'Transformation' + $end 'ExternalCSParameters' + ParentPartID=-1 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='RelativeCS4' + UDMId=982 + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'CSOperation' + OperationType='CachedCSOperation' + ID=1243 + $begin 'CachedCSOperParameters' + $end 'CachedCSOperParameters' + ParentPartID=-1 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + ReferenceCSID=983 + $end 'CSOperation' + $end 'Operations' + XYPlaneID=989 + $end 'Operation' + $end 'CoordinateSystems' + $begin 'OperandCSs' + $end 'OperandCSs' + $begin 'SubModelDefinitions' + $begin 'SubModelDefinition' + SubmodelDefinitionID=599 + ComponentDefinitionType='DesignDerivedComponentDefinition' + InstanceIDs[1: 599] + SubmodelDefinitionName='02_Patch' + $begin 'ComponentPriorityLists' + $end 'ComponentPriorityLists' + $begin 'BasicComponentOptions' + PartNamesEditableInUI=true + $end 'BasicComponentOptions' + SubmodelDefinitionUnits='cm' + IsEncrypted=false + AllowEdit=false + SecurityMessage='' + PasswordType='UnknownPassword' + HideContents=true + ReplaceNames=true + ComponentOutline='None' + PartReplaceNameMap() + MaterialReplaceNameMap() + SurfaceMaterialReplaceNameMap() + ShowLabel=true + ModelExtents=10000 + OriginFilePath='D:/Lunch_&_Learn/02_Patch.a3dcomp' + IsLocal=false + ChecksumString='d5c6ab10d27dc0bd8bbb02e8dd2e2342' + ChecksumHistory('20fc5ac219fa743afd8ca925e6eb2079', '5a214f4574db96d93ace173fc9633c0d', 'ab2260df524ce23f2a26184bbe992b40', '1f86c0d94b7d8d980b578032d3716fb9', 'ac15e7f1edaac81bfe47615ad0e764c1', 'fdb0262a95719ca1f5242cd1435323c7', '7480689c0d4583954aa27bec8a82ea72', '67276bcb604613ff2d50669fd5840c08', 'afc6f7c927ea038b13e96a3641c31d5f', '16c4cdaef0e0228e14d11c5b3700e977') + VersionHistory('1.0', '2.0', '3.0', '3.0', '4.0', '5.0', '6.0', '7.0', '8.0', '9.0') + FormatVersion=11 + IsDefinitionEncrypted=false + Version(2023, 1) + SubmodelTempFileName='02_Patch599.a3dcomp' + GeometryOnlySubDef=false + UnsupportedDefinition=false + $end 'SubModelDefinition' + $begin 'SubModelDefinition' + SubmodelDefinitionID=737 + ComponentDefinitionType='DesignDerivedComponentDefinition' + InstanceIDs[1: 737] + SubmodelDefinitionName='01_Metal_Only' + $begin 'ComponentPriorityLists' + $end 'ComponentPriorityLists' + $begin 'BasicComponentOptions' + PartNamesEditableInUI=true + $end 'BasicComponentOptions' + SubmodelDefinitionUnits='cm' + IsEncrypted=false + AllowEdit=false + SecurityMessage='' + PasswordType='UnknownPassword' + HideContents=true + ReplaceNames=true + ComponentOutline='None' + PartReplaceNameMap() + MaterialReplaceNameMap() + SurfaceMaterialReplaceNameMap() + ShowLabel=true + ModelExtents=10000 + OriginFilePath='D:/Lunch_&_Learn/01_Metal_Only.a3dcomp' + IsLocal=false + ChecksumString='fe90c3eebdb3a22fa943fe186e9d6590' + ChecksumHistory('2eae920cded86ea339b0c2b510c2e396', '56dc97eefced4fb878670bf07bf9c0d7', '6ad251b9b60c46a887f8abe7cc95a939', '4dbebe5edc26d02a76cbe6a0375bcc2c', '1ffabeb99e557c6294a61facb790fdc1') + VersionHistory('1.0', '2.0', '3.0', '4.0', '5.0') + FormatVersion=11 + IsDefinitionEncrypted=false + Version(2023, 1) + SubmodelTempFileName='01_Metal_Only737.a3dcomp' + GeometryOnlySubDef=false + UnsupportedDefinition=false + $end 'SubModelDefinition' + $begin 'SubModelDefinition' + SubmodelDefinitionID=848 + ComponentDefinitionType='DesignDerivedComponentDefinition' + InstanceIDs[1: 848] + SubmodelDefinitionName='03_Radome_Side' + $begin 'ComponentPriorityLists' + $end 'ComponentPriorityLists' + $begin 'BasicComponentOptions' + PartNamesEditableInUI=true + $end 'BasicComponentOptions' + SubmodelDefinitionUnits='cm' + IsEncrypted=false + AllowEdit=false + SecurityMessage='' + PasswordType='UnknownPassword' + HideContents=true + ReplaceNames=true + ComponentOutline='None' + PartReplaceNameMap() + MaterialReplaceNameMap() + SurfaceMaterialReplaceNameMap() + ShowLabel=true + ModelExtents=10000 + OriginFilePath='D:/Lunch_&_Learn/03_Radome_Side.a3dcomp' + IsLocal=false + ChecksumString='24f9541e0f1f67904551e94d3871e1eb' + ChecksumHistory('5d45f52a9e216e50d59e73534f9b66a5', 'bd94a6df1aa6242cafd3cf31ee7b96b6', 'cc9431f9f8a1abf4a5eba7246c4d6741', '6fede82269f5c82446e7314943f933e8', '0caa2c21ba3f444a6ee19a355fd8272a', '5ae6fe5bad977199e21f2acaa1cb71db', '12ba1933b3e5096927229ff9f3ef3af3', '8ed257867c34e79cd241f53177f868db') + VersionHistory('1.0', '2.0', '3.0', '4.0', '5.0', '6.0', '7.0', '8.0') + FormatVersion=11 + IsDefinitionEncrypted=false + Version(2023, 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'9c31e8dcade8ebcf308ed8e923ed461a', 'b56f926f9c0284c44194e6b6d6a8fb4a', 'c91a15c1fe75b99ff252eea61ee6625b', '032466a2fbbe52d1f18400fbebb338eb', '565420525b544a6ef1e96fc53389da3f', '2b0acdb4ac6a1e6e1e0e62412b1a9453', 'bc45f9017b386ad363643011e17c6a68', 'b810ef987881004ea90f1548a1c23efd') + VersionHistory('1.0', '2.0', '3.0', '4.0', '5.0', '6.0', '7.0', '8.0', '9.0') + FormatVersion=11 + IsDefinitionEncrypted=false + Version(2023, 1) + SubmodelTempFileName='03_Radome_Corner982.a3dcomp' + GeometryOnlySubDef=false + UnsupportedDefinition=false + $end 'SubModelDefinition' + $end 'SubModelDefinitions' + $begin 'Groups' + $end 'Groups' + $begin 'UserDefinedModels' + $begin 'UserDefinedModel' + ID=599 + Type='DesignDerivedComponentInstanceWithParams' + ObjectKeyVsOperIdMap('234'=605, '267'=606, '34'=602, '46'=603, '6'=601, '95'=604) + CSKeyVsOperIdMap('262'=600) + SkippedCoordinateSystems() + IsDirty=false + IsDirtyDueToVarChangeOnly=false + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='02_Patch1' + GroupID=-1 + SubModelDefinitionID=599 + SubmodelOutlineType=0 + $begin 'OutlineVisAttributes' + ShowOutline=true + Color='(143 175 143)' + Transparency=1 + ShowAsWire=false + $end 'OutlineVisAttributes' + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'UDMOperation' + OperationType='UDMMove' + ID=1152 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'TranslateParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + TargetID=599 + TranslateVectorX='-0.12' + TranslateVectorY='-0.12' + TranslateVectorZ='0' + $end 'TranslateParameters' + ParentPartID=-1 + ReferenceUDMID=599 + IsSuppressed=false + BaseOperIDs[6: 601, 602, 603, 604, 605, 606] + CachedBodyOperIDs[6: 1157, 1155, 1156, 1158, 1153, 1154] + $begin 'UDMOperIdentity' + $end 'UDMOperIdentity' + BaseCSOperIDs[1: 600] + CachedCSOperIDs[1: 1159] + $end 'UDMOperation' + $end 'Operations' + $begin 'UserDefinedModelParameters' + $begin 'Definition' + $begin 'UDMParam' + Name='3D Component File Path' + Value='"D:/Lunch_&_Learn/02_Patch.a3dcomp"' + DataType='String' + PropType2=0 + 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BodyID=610 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + FaceKeyIDMap('10'=611, '11'=612, '12'=613, '7'=614, '8'=615, '9'=616) + EdgeKeyIDMap('13'=617, '14'=618, '15'=619, '16'=620, '17'=621, '18'=622, '19'=623, '20'=624, '21'=625, '22'=626, '23'=627, '24'=628) + VertexKeyIDMap('25'=629, '26'=630, '27'=631, '28'=632, '29'=633, '30'=634, '31'=635, '32'=636) + BodyKeyIDMap('6'=610) + $end 'OperationIdentity' + AttribNameForId='ATTRIB_XACIS_ID' + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='CachedBody' + ID=1157 + $begin 'CachedBodyParameters' + $end 'CachedBodyParameters' + ParentPartID=610 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + BodyIDCache=0 + $end 'OperationIdentity' + $end 'Operation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='Ground' + Flags='' + Color='(255 128 65)' + Transparency=0.3 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=599 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='"vacuum"' + SurfaceMaterialValue='""' + SolveInside=true + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0cm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=false + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='ExternalBody' + ID=602 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'ExternalBodyParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + $end 'ExternalBodyParameters' + ParentPartID=637 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=1 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=1 + NumCoedges=4 + NumEdges=4 + NumVertices=4 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=637 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + FaceKeyIDMap('44'=638) + 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$begin 'Operation' + OperationType='ExternalBody' + ID=603 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'ExternalBodyParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + $end 'ExternalBodyParameters' + ParentPartID=647 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=1 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=1 + NumCoedges=12 + NumEdges=12 + NumVertices=12 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=647 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + FaceKeyIDMap('56'=648) + EdgeKeyIDMap('222'=649, '223'=650, '224'=651, '225'=652, '231'=653, '232'=654, '47'=655, '48'=656, '50'=657, '82'=658, '83'=659, '84'=660) + VertexKeyIDMap('227'=661, '228'=662, '229'=663, '230'=664, '51'=665, '52'=666, '53'=667, '54'=668, '85'=669, '86'=670, '87'=671, '88'=672) + BodyKeyIDMap('46'=647) + $end 'OperationIdentity' + AttribNameForId='ATTRIB_XACIS_ID' + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='CachedBody' + ID=1156 + $begin 'CachedBodyParameters' + $end 'CachedBodyParameters' + ParentPartID=647 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + BodyIDCache=0 + $end 'OperationIdentity' + $end 'Operation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='port1' + Flags='' + Color='(128 0 0)' + Transparency=0.3 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=599 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='"vacuum"' + SurfaceMaterialValue='""' + SolveInside=true + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0cm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=false + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='ExternalBody' + ID=604 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'ExternalBodyParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + $end 'ExternalBodyParameters' + ParentPartID=673 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=1 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=1 + NumCoedges=4 + NumEdges=4 + NumVertices=4 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=673 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + FaceKeyIDMap('105'=674) + EdgeKeyIDMap('96'=675, '97'=676, '98'=677, '99'=678) + VertexKeyIDMap('100'=679, '101'=680, '102'=681, '103'=682) + BodyKeyIDMap('95'=673) + $end 'OperationIdentity' + AttribNameForId='ATTRIB_XACIS_ID' + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='CachedBody' + ID=1158 + $begin 'CachedBodyParameters' + $end 'CachedBodyParameters' + ParentPartID=673 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + BodyIDCache=0 + $end 'OperationIdentity' + $end 'Operation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='Box1' + Flags='Wireframe#' + Color='(255 0 0)' + Transparency=0 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=599 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='"vacuum"' + SurfaceMaterialValue='""' + SolveInside=true + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0cm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=false + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='ExternalBody' + ID=605 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'ExternalBodyParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + $end 'ExternalBodyParameters' + ParentPartID=683 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=6 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=6 + NumCoedges=24 + NumEdges=12 + NumVertices=8 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=683 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + FaceKeyIDMap('235'=684, '236'=685, '237'=686, '238'=687, '239'=688, '240'=689) + EdgeKeyIDMap('241'=690, '242'=691, '243'=692, '244'=693, '245'=694, '246'=695, '247'=696, '248'=697, '249'=698, '250'=699, '251'=700, '252'=701) + VertexKeyIDMap('253'=702, '254'=703, '255'=704, '256'=705, '257'=706, '258'=707, '259'=708, '260'=709) + BodyKeyIDMap('234'=683) + $end 'OperationIdentity' + AttribNameForId='ATTRIB_XACIS_ID' + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='CachedBody' + ID=1153 + $begin 'CachedBodyParameters' + $end 'CachedBodyParameters' + ParentPartID=683 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + BodyIDCache=0 + $end 'OperationIdentity' + $end 'Operation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='Box2' + Flags='' + Color='(0 64 128)' + Transparency=0.5 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=599 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='"Teflon (tm)"' + SurfaceMaterialValue='""' + SolveInside=true + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0cm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=false + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='ExternalBody' + ID=606 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'ExternalBodyParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + $end 'ExternalBodyParameters' + ParentPartID=710 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=6 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=6 + NumCoedges=24 + NumEdges=12 + NumVertices=8 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=710 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + FaceKeyIDMap('268'=711, '269'=712, '270'=713, '271'=714, '272'=715, '273'=716) + EdgeKeyIDMap('274'=717, '275'=718, '276'=719, '277'=720, '278'=721, '279'=722, '280'=723, '281'=724, '282'=725, '283'=726, '284'=727, '285'=728) + VertexKeyIDMap('286'=729, '287'=730, '288'=731, '289'=732, '290'=733, '291'=734, '292'=735, '293'=736) + BodyKeyIDMap('267'=710) + $end 'OperationIdentity' + AttribNameForId='ATTRIB_XACIS_ID' + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='CachedBody' + ID=1154 + $begin 'CachedBodyParameters' + $end 'CachedBodyParameters' + ParentPartID=710 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + BodyIDCache=0 + $end 'OperationIdentity' + $end 'Operation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='sub_1' + Flags='' + Color='(0 128 0)' + Transparency=0.3 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=737 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='"Rogers RO4003 (tm)"' + SurfaceMaterialValue='""' + SolveInside=true + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0cm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=false + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='ExternalBody' + ID=739 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'ExternalBodyParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + $end 'ExternalBodyParameters' + ParentPartID=747 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=6 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=6 + NumCoedges=24 + NumEdges=12 + NumVertices=8 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=747 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + FaceKeyIDMap('10'=748, '11'=749, '12'=750, '7'=751, '8'=752, '9'=753) + EdgeKeyIDMap('13'=754, '14'=755, '15'=756, '16'=757, '17'=758, '18'=759, '19'=760, '20'=761, '21'=762, '22'=763, '23'=764, '24'=765) + VertexKeyIDMap('25'=766, '26'=767, '27'=768, '28'=769, '29'=770, '30'=771, '31'=772, '32'=773) + BodyKeyIDMap('6'=747) + $end 'OperationIdentity' + AttribNameForId='ATTRIB_XACIS_ID' + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='CachedBody' + ID=1228 + $begin 'CachedBodyParameters' + $end 'CachedBodyParameters' + ParentPartID=747 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + BodyIDCache=0 + $end 'OperationIdentity' + $end 'Operation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='Ground_1' + Flags='' + Color='(255 128 65)' + Transparency=0.3 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=737 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='"vacuum"' + SurfaceMaterialValue='""' + SolveInside=true + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0cm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=false + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='ExternalBody' + ID=740 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'ExternalBodyParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + $end 'ExternalBodyParameters' + ParentPartID=774 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=1 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=1 + NumCoedges=4 + NumEdges=4 + NumVertices=4 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=774 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + FaceKeyIDMap('44'=775) + EdgeKeyIDMap('35'=776, '36'=777, '37'=778, '38'=779) + VertexKeyIDMap('39'=780, '40'=781, '41'=782, '42'=783) + BodyKeyIDMap('34'=774) + $end 'OperationIdentity' + AttribNameForId='ATTRIB_XACIS_ID' + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='CachedBody' + ID=1227 + $begin 'CachedBodyParameters' + $end 'CachedBodyParameters' + ParentPartID=774 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + BodyIDCache=0 + $end 'OperationIdentity' + $end 'Operation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='antenna_1' + Flags='' + Color='(255 128 0)' + Transparency=0 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=737 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='"vacuum"' + SurfaceMaterialValue='""' + SolveInside=true + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0cm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=false + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='ExternalBody' + ID=741 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'ExternalBodyParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + $end 'ExternalBodyParameters' + ParentPartID=784 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=1 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=1 + NumCoedges=4 + NumEdges=4 + NumVertices=4 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=784 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + FaceKeyIDMap('248'=785) + EdgeKeyIDMap('239'=786, '240'=787, '241'=788, '242'=789) + VertexKeyIDMap('243'=790, '244'=791, '245'=792, '246'=793) + BodyKeyIDMap('238'=784) + $end 'OperationIdentity' + AttribNameForId='ATTRIB_XACIS_ID' + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='CachedBody' + ID=1224 + $begin 'CachedBodyParameters' + $end 'CachedBodyParameters' + ParentPartID=784 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + BodyIDCache=0 + $end 'OperationIdentity' + $end 'Operation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='Box1_1' + Flags='Wireframe#' + Color='(255 0 0)' + Transparency=0 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=737 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='"vacuum"' + SurfaceMaterialValue='""' + SolveInside=true + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0cm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=false + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='ExternalBody' + ID=742 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'ExternalBodyParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + $end 'ExternalBodyParameters' + ParentPartID=794 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=6 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=6 + NumCoedges=24 + NumEdges=12 + NumVertices=8 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=794 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + FaceKeyIDMap('251'=795, '252'=796, '253'=797, '254'=798, '255'=799, '256'=800) + EdgeKeyIDMap('257'=801, '258'=802, '259'=803, '260'=804, '261'=805, '262'=806, '263'=807, '264'=808, '265'=809, '266'=810, '267'=811, '268'=812) + 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$begin 'Operation' + OperationType='ExternalBody' + ID=743 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'ExternalBodyParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + $end 'ExternalBodyParameters' + ParentPartID=821 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=6 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=6 + NumCoedges=24 + NumEdges=12 + NumVertices=8 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=821 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + FaceKeyIDMap('279'=822, '280'=823, '281'=824, '282'=825, '283'=826, '284'=827) + EdgeKeyIDMap('285'=828, '286'=829, '287'=830, '288'=831, '289'=832, '290'=833, '291'=834, '292'=835, '293'=836, '294'=837, '295'=838, '296'=839) + VertexKeyIDMap('297'=840, '298'=841, '299'=842, '300'=843, '301'=844, '302'=845, '303'=846, '304'=847) + BodyKeyIDMap('278'=821) + $end 'OperationIdentity' + AttribNameForId='ATTRIB_XACIS_ID' + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='CachedBody' + ID=1226 + $begin 'CachedBodyParameters' + $end 'CachedBodyParameters' + ParentPartID=821 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + BodyIDCache=0 + $end 'OperationIdentity' + $end 'Operation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='sub_2' + Flags='' + Color='(0 128 0)' + Transparency=0.3 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=848 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='"Rogers RO4003 (tm)"' + SurfaceMaterialValue='""' + SolveInside=true + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0cm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=false + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='ExternalBody' + ID=850 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'ExternalBodyParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + $end 'ExternalBodyParameters' + ParentPartID=858 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=6 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=6 + NumCoedges=24 + NumEdges=12 + NumVertices=8 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=858 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + FaceKeyIDMap('10'=859, '11'=860, '12'=861, '7'=862, '8'=863, '9'=864) + EdgeKeyIDMap('13'=865, '14'=866, '15'=867, '16'=868, '17'=869, '18'=870, '19'=871, '20'=872, '21'=873, '22'=874, '23'=875, '24'=876) + VertexKeyIDMap('25'=877, '26'=878, '27'=879, '28'=880, '29'=881, '30'=882, '31'=883, '32'=884) + BodyKeyIDMap('6'=858) + $end 'OperationIdentity' + AttribNameForId='ATTRIB_XACIS_ID' + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='CachedBody' + ID=1235 + $begin 'CachedBodyParameters' + $end 'CachedBodyParameters' + ParentPartID=858 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + BodyIDCache=0 + $end 'OperationIdentity' + $end 'Operation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='Ground_2' + Flags='' + Color='(255 128 65)' + Transparency=0.3 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=848 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='"vacuum"' + SurfaceMaterialValue='""' + SolveInside=true + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0cm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=false + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='ExternalBody' + ID=851 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'ExternalBodyParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + $end 'ExternalBodyParameters' + ParentPartID=885 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=1 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=1 + NumCoedges=4 + NumEdges=4 + NumVertices=4 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=885 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + FaceKeyIDMap('44'=886) + EdgeKeyIDMap('35'=887, '36'=888, '37'=889, '38'=890) + VertexKeyIDMap('39'=891, '40'=892, '41'=893, '42'=894) + BodyKeyIDMap('34'=885) + $end 'OperationIdentity' + AttribNameForId='ATTRIB_XACIS_ID' + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='CachedBody' + ID=1232 + $begin 'CachedBodyParameters' + $end 'CachedBodyParameters' + ParentPartID=885 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + BodyIDCache=0 + $end 'OperationIdentity' + $end 'Operation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='Box1_2' + Flags='Wireframe#' + Color='(255 0 0)' + Transparency=0 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=848 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='"vacuum"' + SurfaceMaterialValue='""' + SolveInside=true + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0cm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=false + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='ExternalBody' + ID=852 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'ExternalBodyParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + $end 'ExternalBodyParameters' + ParentPartID=895 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=6 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=6 + NumCoedges=24 + NumEdges=12 + NumVertices=8 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=895 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + FaceKeyIDMap('251'=896, '252'=897, '253'=898, '254'=899, '255'=900, '256'=901) + EdgeKeyIDMap('257'=902, '258'=903, '259'=904, '260'=905, '261'=906, '262'=907, '263'=908, '264'=909, '265'=910, '266'=911, '267'=912, '268'=913) + VertexKeyIDMap('269'=914, '270'=915, '271'=916, '272'=917, '273'=918, '274'=919, '275'=920, '276'=921) + BodyKeyIDMap('250'=895) + $end 'OperationIdentity' + AttribNameForId='ATTRIB_XACIS_ID' + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='CachedBody' + ID=1231 + $begin 'CachedBodyParameters' + $end 'CachedBodyParameters' + ParentPartID=895 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + BodyIDCache=0 + $end 'OperationIdentity' + $end 'Operation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='Box2_2' + Flags='' + Color='(0 64 128)' + Transparency=0.5 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=848 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='"Teflon (tm)"' + SurfaceMaterialValue='""' + SolveInside=true + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0cm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=false + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='ExternalBody' + ID=853 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'ExternalBodyParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + $end 'ExternalBodyParameters' + ParentPartID=922 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=6 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=6 + NumCoedges=24 + NumEdges=12 + NumVertices=8 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=922 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + FaceKeyIDMap('362'=923, '363'=924, '364'=925, '365'=926, '366'=927, '367'=928) + EdgeKeyIDMap('368'=929, '369'=930, '370'=931, '371'=932, '372'=933, '373'=934, '374'=935, '375'=936, '376'=937, '377'=938, '378'=939, '379'=940) + VertexKeyIDMap('380'=941, '381'=942, '382'=943, '383'=944, '384'=945, '385'=946, '386'=947, '387'=948) + BodyKeyIDMap('361'=922) + $end 'OperationIdentity' + AttribNameForId='ATTRIB_XACIS_ID' + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='CachedBody' + ID=1233 + $begin 'CachedBodyParameters' + $end 'CachedBodyParameters' + ParentPartID=922 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + BodyIDCache=0 + $end 'OperationIdentity' + $end 'Operation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='Box4' + Flags='' + Color='(0 64 128)' + Transparency=0.5 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=848 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='"Teflon (tm)"' + SurfaceMaterialValue='""' + SolveInside=true + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0cm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=false + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='ExternalBody' + ID=854 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'ExternalBodyParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + $end 'ExternalBodyParameters' + ParentPartID=949 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=7 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=7 + NumCoedges=30 + NumEdges=15 + NumVertices=10 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=949 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + FaceKeyIDMap('418'=950, '419'=951, '420'=952, '421'=953, '422'=954, '423'=955, '668'=956) + EdgeKeyIDMap('424'=957, '425'=958, '426'=959, '428'=960, '429'=961, '430'=962, '431'=963, '432'=964, '433'=965, '434'=966, '435'=967, '669'=968, '670'=969, '671'=970, '672'=971) + VertexKeyIDMap('437'=972, '438'=973, '440'=974, '441'=975, '442'=976, '443'=977, '673'=978, '674'=979, '675'=980, '676'=981) + BodyKeyIDMap('417'=949) + $end 'OperationIdentity' + AttribNameForId='ATTRIB_XACIS_ID' + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='CachedBody' + ID=1234 + $begin 'CachedBodyParameters' + $end 'CachedBodyParameters' + ParentPartID=949 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + BodyIDCache=0 + $end 'OperationIdentity' + $end 'Operation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='sub_3' + Flags='' + Color='(0 128 0)' + Transparency=0.3 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=982 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='"Rogers RO4003 (tm)"' + SurfaceMaterialValue='""' + SolveInside=true + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0cm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=false + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='ExternalBody' + ID=984 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'ExternalBodyParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + $end 'ExternalBodyParameters' + ParentPartID=992 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=6 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=6 + NumCoedges=24 + NumEdges=12 + NumVertices=8 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=992 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + FaceKeyIDMap('10'=993, '11'=994, '12'=995, '7'=996, '8'=997, '9'=998) + EdgeKeyIDMap('13'=999, '14'=1000, '15'=1001, '16'=1002, '17'=1003, '18'=1004, '19'=1005, '20'=1006, '21'=1007, '22'=1008, '23'=1009, '24'=1010) + VertexKeyIDMap('25'=1011, '26'=1012, '27'=1013, '28'=1014, '29'=1015, '30'=1016, '31'=1017, '32'=1018) + BodyKeyIDMap('6'=992) + $end 'OperationIdentity' + AttribNameForId='ATTRIB_XACIS_ID' + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='CachedBody' + ID=1242 + $begin 'CachedBodyParameters' + $end 'CachedBodyParameters' + ParentPartID=992 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + BodyIDCache=0 + $end 'OperationIdentity' + $end 'Operation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='Ground_3' + Flags='' + Color='(255 128 65)' + Transparency=0.3 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=982 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='"vacuum"' + SurfaceMaterialValue='""' + SolveInside=true + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0cm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=false + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='ExternalBody' + ID=985 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'ExternalBodyParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + $end 'ExternalBodyParameters' + ParentPartID=1019 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=1 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=1 + NumCoedges=4 + NumEdges=4 + NumVertices=4 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=1019 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + FaceKeyIDMap('44'=1020) + EdgeKeyIDMap('35'=1021, '36'=1022, '37'=1023, '38'=1024) + VertexKeyIDMap('39'=1025, '40'=1026, '41'=1027, '42'=1028) + BodyKeyIDMap('34'=1019) + $end 'OperationIdentity' + AttribNameForId='ATTRIB_XACIS_ID' + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='CachedBody' + ID=1239 + $begin 'CachedBodyParameters' + $end 'CachedBodyParameters' + ParentPartID=1019 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + BodyIDCache=0 + $end 'OperationIdentity' + $end 'Operation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='Box1_3' + Flags='Wireframe#' + Color='(255 0 0)' + Transparency=0 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=982 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='"vacuum"' + SurfaceMaterialValue='""' + SolveInside=true + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0cm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=false + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='ExternalBody' + ID=986 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'ExternalBodyParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + $end 'ExternalBodyParameters' + ParentPartID=1029 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=6 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=6 + NumCoedges=24 + NumEdges=12 + NumVertices=8 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=1029 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + FaceKeyIDMap('251'=1030, '252'=1031, '253'=1032, '254'=1033, '255'=1034, '256'=1035) + EdgeKeyIDMap('257'=1036, '258'=1037, '259'=1038, '260'=1039, '261'=1040, '262'=1041, '263'=1042, '264'=1043, '265'=1044, '266'=1045, '267'=1046, '268'=1047) + VertexKeyIDMap('269'=1048, '270'=1049, '271'=1050, '272'=1051, '273'=1052, '274'=1053, '275'=1054, '276'=1055) + BodyKeyIDMap('250'=1029) + $end 'OperationIdentity' + AttribNameForId='ATTRIB_XACIS_ID' + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='CachedBody' + ID=1238 + $begin 'CachedBodyParameters' + $end 'CachedBodyParameters' + ParentPartID=1029 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + BodyIDCache=0 + $end 'OperationIdentity' + $end 'Operation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='Box2_3' + Flags='' + Color='(0 64 128)' + Transparency=0.5 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=982 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='"Teflon (tm)"' + SurfaceMaterialValue='""' + SolveInside=true + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0cm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=false + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='ExternalBody' + ID=987 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'ExternalBodyParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + $end 'ExternalBodyParameters' + ParentPartID=1056 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=10 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=10 + NumCoedges=48 + NumEdges=24 + NumVertices=16 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=1056 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + FaceKeyIDMap('362'=1057, '363'=1058, '364'=1059, '365'=1060, '366'=1061, '367'=1062, '394'=1063, '395'=1064, '695'=1065, '705'=1066) + EdgeKeyIDMap('368'=1067, '369'=1068, '371'=1069, '372'=1070, '373'=1071, '374'=1072, '375'=1073, '377'=1074, '379'=1075, '396'=1076, '397'=1077, '398'=1078, '400'=1079, '403'=1080, '406'=1081, '407'=1082, '696'=1083, '697'=1084, '698'=1085, '699'=1086, '706'=1087, '707'=1088, '708'=1089, '709'=1090) + VertexKeyIDMap('380'=1091, '381'=1092, '384'=1093, '385'=1094, '409'=1095, '410'=1096, '412'=1097, '415'=1098, '700'=1099, '701'=1100, '702'=1101, '703'=1102, '710'=1103, '711'=1104, '712'=1105, '713'=1106) + BodyKeyIDMap('361'=1056) + $end 'OperationIdentity' + AttribNameForId='ATTRIB_XACIS_ID' + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='CachedBody' + ID=1240 + $begin 'CachedBodyParameters' + $end 'CachedBodyParameters' + ParentPartID=1056 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + BodyIDCache=0 + $end 'OperationIdentity' + $end 'Operation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='Box4_1' + Flags='' + Color='(0 64 128)' + Transparency=0.5 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=982 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='"Teflon (tm)"' + SurfaceMaterialValue='""' + SolveInside=true + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0cm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=false + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='ExternalBody' + ID=988 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'ExternalBodyParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + $end 'ExternalBodyParameters' + ParentPartID=1107 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=10 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=10 + NumCoedges=42 + NumEdges=21 + NumVertices=13 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=1107 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + FaceKeyIDMap('418'=1108, '419'=1109, '420'=1110, '421'=1111, '422'=1112, '423'=1113, '715'=1114, '716'=1115, '731'=1116, '732'=1117) + EdgeKeyIDMap('424'=1118, '425'=1119, '428'=1120, '429'=1121, '430'=1122, '431'=1123, '433'=1124, '434'=1125, '435'=1126, '717'=1127, '718'=1128, '720'=1129, '721'=1130, '722'=1131, '723'=1132, '733'=1133, '734'=1134, '735'=1135, '736'=1136, '737'=1137, '738'=1138) + VertexKeyIDMap('437'=1139, '440'=1140, '441'=1141, '443'=1142, '724'=1143, '725'=1144, '727'=1145, '728'=1146, '729'=1147, '739'=1148, '740'=1149, '741'=1150, '742'=1151) + BodyKeyIDMap('417'=1107) + $end 'OperationIdentity' + AttribNameForId='ATTRIB_XACIS_ID' + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='CachedBody' + ID=1241 + $begin 'CachedBodyParameters' + $end 'CachedBodyParameters' + ParentPartID=1107 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + BodyIDCache=0 + $end 'OperationIdentity' + $end 'Operation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $end 'ToplevelParts' + $begin 'OperandParts' + $end 'OperandParts' + $begin 'Planes' + $end 'Planes' + $begin 'Points' + $end 'Points' + $begin 'GeometryEntityLists' + $end 'GeometryEntityLists' + $begin 'CachedNames' + $begin '01_metal_only' + '01_metal_only'(-1, 1) + $end '01_metal_only' + $begin '02_patch' + '02_patch'(-1, 1) + $end '02_patch' + $begin '03_radome_side' + '03_radome_side'(-1, 1) + $end '03_radome_side' + $begin 'allobjects' + allobjects(-1) + $end 'allobjects' + $begin 'antenna' + antenna(-1) + $end 'antenna' + $begin 'antenna_' + antenna_(1) + $end 'antenna_' + $begin 'box' + box(1, 2, 4) + $end 'box' + $begin 'box1_' + box1_(1, 2, 3) + $end 'box1_' + $begin 'box2_' + box2_(1, 2, 3) + $end 'box2_' + $begin 'box4_' + box4_(1) + $end 'box4_' + $begin 'corner' + corner(-1) + $end 'corner' + $begin 'global' + global(-1) + $end 'global' + $begin 'ground' + ground(-1) + $end 'ground' + $begin 'ground_' + ground_(1, 2, 3) + $end 'ground_' + $begin 'metal' + metal(1) + $end 'metal' + $begin 'model' + model(-1) + $end 'model' + $begin 'port' + port(1) + $end 'port' + $begin 'radome_corner' + radome_corner(-1, 1) + $end 'radome_corner' + $begin 'relativecs' + relativecs(1, 2, 3, 4) + $end 'relativecs' + $begin 'side' + side(-1) + $end 'side' + $begin 'sub' + sub(-1) + $end 'sub' + $begin 'sub_' + sub_(1, 2, 3) + $end 'sub_' + $end 'CachedNames' + $end 'GeometryOperations' + $begin 'GeometryDependencies' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=8 + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 1152) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 605) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 606) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 602) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 603) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 601) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 604) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 600) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=7 + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 1223) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 741) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 742) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 743) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 740) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 739) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 738) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=7 + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 1230) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 852) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 851) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 853) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 854) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 850) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 849) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=7 + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 1237) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 986) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 985) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 987) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 988) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 984) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 983) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 601) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 1157) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 601) + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 1152) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 602) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 1155) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 602) + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 1152) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 603) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 1156) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 603) + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 1152) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 604) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 1158) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 604) + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 1152) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 605) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 1153) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 605) + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 1152) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 606) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 1154) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 606) + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 1152) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 739) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 1228) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 739) + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 1223) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 740) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 1227) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 740) + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 1223) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 741) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 1224) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 741) + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 1223) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 742) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 1225) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 742) + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 1223) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 743) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 1226) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 743) + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 1223) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 850) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 1235) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 850) + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 1230) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 851) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 1232) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 851) + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 1230) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 852) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 1231) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 852) + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 1230) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 853) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 1233) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 853) + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 1230) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 854) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 1234) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 854) + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 1230) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 984) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 1242) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 984) + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 1237) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 985) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 1239) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 985) + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 1237) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 986) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 1238) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 986) + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 1237) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 987) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 1240) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 987) + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 1237) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 988) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 1241) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 988) + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 1237) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 143) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 258) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 396) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 600) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 1159) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 600) + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 1152) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 738) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 1229) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 738) + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 1223) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 849) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 1236) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 849) + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 1230) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 983) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 1243) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 983) + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 1237) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $end 'GeometryDependencies' + $end 'GeometryCore' + $begin 'AssignedEntities' + AssignedObject[6: 637, 647, 774, 784, 885, 1019] + $begin 'AssignedFace' + kID=674 + $begin 'FaceData' + ParentObjectID=673 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=0.0512064 + FcUVMid(-12, -8.305, 0.0762) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(-12.168, -8.305, 0, 5e-07) + TolVt(-12.168, -8.305, 0.1524, 5e-07) + TolVt(-11.832, -8.305, 0.1524, 5e-07) + TolVt(-11.832, -8.305, -6.17221986770266e-17, 5e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'FaceData' + $end 'AssignedFace' + $begin 'AssignedFace' + kID=684 + $begin 'FaceData' + ParentObjectID=683 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=64 + FcUVMid(-12, -12, 6.9524) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(-8, -16, 6.9524, 5e-07) + TolVt(-8, -8, 6.9524, 5e-07) + TolVt(-16, -8, 6.9524, 5e-07) + TolVt(-16, -16, 6.9524, 5e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'FaceData' + $end 'AssignedFace' + $begin 'AssignedFace' + kID=686 + $begin 'FaceData' + ParentObjectID=683 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=55.6192 + FcUVMid(-12, -16, 3.4762) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(-8, -16, 6.9524, 5e-07) + TolVt(-16, -16, 6.9524, 5e-07) + TolVt(-16, -16, 0, 5e-07) + TolVt(-8, -16, 0, 5e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'FaceData' + $end 'AssignedFace' + $begin 'AssignedFace' + kID=687 + $begin 'FaceData' + ParentObjectID=683 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=55.6192 + FcUVMid(-16, -12, 3.4762) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(-16, -16, 6.9524, 5e-07) + TolVt(-16, -8, 6.9524, 5e-07) + TolVt(-16, -8, 0, 5e-07) + TolVt(-16, -16, 0, 5e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'FaceData' + $end 'AssignedFace' + $begin 'AssignedFace' + kID=688 + $begin 'FaceData' + ParentObjectID=683 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=55.6192 + FcUVMid(-12, -8, 3.4762) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(-16, -8, 6.9524, 5e-07) + TolVt(-8, -8, 6.9524, 5e-07) + TolVt(-8, -8, 0, 5e-07) + TolVt(-16, -8, 0, 5e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'FaceData' + $end 'AssignedFace' + $begin 'AssignedFace' + kID=689 + $begin 'FaceData' + ParentObjectID=683 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=55.6192 + FcUVMid(-8, -12, 3.4762) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(-8, -8, 0, 5e-07) + TolVt(-8, -8, 6.9524, 5e-07) + TolVt(-8, -16, 6.9524, 5e-07) + TolVt(-8, -16, 0, 5e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'FaceData' + $end 'AssignedFace' + $begin 'AssignedFace' + kID=795 + $begin 'FaceData' + ParentObjectID=794 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=64 + FcUVMid(-20, -20, 6.9524) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(-16, -24, 6.9524, 5e-07) + TolVt(-16, -16, 6.9524, 5e-07) + TolVt(-24, -16, 6.9524, 5e-07) + TolVt(-24, -24, 6.9524, 5e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'FaceData' + $end 'AssignedFace' + $begin 'AssignedFace' + kID=797 + $begin 'FaceData' + ParentObjectID=794 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=55.6192 + FcUVMid(-20, -24, 3.4762) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(-16, -24, 6.9524, 5e-07) + TolVt(-24, -24, 6.9524, 5e-07) + TolVt(-24, -24, -4.33680868994202e-16, 5e-07) + TolVt(-16, -24, -4.33680868994202e-16, 5e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'FaceData' + $end 'AssignedFace' + $begin 'AssignedFace' + kID=798 + $begin 'FaceData' + ParentObjectID=794 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=55.6192 + FcUVMid(-24, -20, 3.4762) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(-24, -24, 6.9524, 5e-07) + TolVt(-24, -16, 6.9524, 5e-07) + TolVt(-24, -16, -4.33680868994202e-16, 5e-07) + TolVt(-24, -24, -4.33680868994202e-16, 5e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'FaceData' + $end 'AssignedFace' + $begin 'AssignedFace' + kID=799 + $begin 'FaceData' + ParentObjectID=794 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=55.6192 + FcUVMid(-20, -16, 3.4762) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(-24, -16, 6.9524, 5e-07) + TolVt(-16, -16, 6.9524, 5e-07) + TolVt(-16, -16, -4.33680868994202e-16, 5e-07) + TolVt(-24, -16, -4.33680868994202e-16, 5e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'FaceData' + $end 'AssignedFace' + $begin 'AssignedFace' + kID=800 + $begin 'FaceData' + ParentObjectID=794 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=55.6192 + FcUVMid(-16, -20, 3.4762) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(-16, -16, -4.33680868994202e-16, 5e-07) + TolVt(-16, -16, 6.9524, 5e-07) + TolVt(-16, -24, 6.9524, 5e-07) + TolVt(-16, -24, -4.33680868994202e-16, 5e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'FaceData' + $end 'AssignedFace' + $begin 'AssignedFace' + kID=896 + $begin 'FaceData' + ParentObjectID=895 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=64 + FcUVMid(-20, -28, 6.9524) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(-16, -32, 6.9524, 5e-07) + TolVt(-16, -24, 6.9524, 5e-07) + TolVt(-24, -24, 6.9524, 5e-07) + TolVt(-24, -32, 6.9524, 5e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'FaceData' + $end 'AssignedFace' + $begin 'AssignedFace' + kID=898 + $begin 'FaceData' + ParentObjectID=895 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=55.6192 + FcUVMid(-20, -32, 3.4762) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(-16, -32, 6.9524, 5e-07) + TolVt(-24, -32, 6.9524, 5e-07) + TolVt(-24, -32, -4.33680868994202e-16, 5e-07) + TolVt(-16, -32, -4.33680868994202e-16, 5e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'FaceData' + $end 'AssignedFace' + $begin 'AssignedFace' + kID=899 + $begin 'FaceData' + ParentObjectID=895 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=55.6192 + FcUVMid(-24, -28, 3.4762) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(-24, -32, 6.9524, 5e-07) + TolVt(-24, -24, 6.9524, 5e-07) + TolVt(-24, -24, -4.33680868994202e-16, 5e-07) + TolVt(-24, -32, -4.33680868994202e-16, 5e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'FaceData' + $end 'AssignedFace' + $begin 'AssignedFace' + kID=900 + $begin 'FaceData' + ParentObjectID=895 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=55.6192 + FcUVMid(-20, -24, 3.4762) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(-24, -24, 6.9524, 5e-07) + TolVt(-16, -24, 6.9524, 5e-07) + TolVt(-16, -24, -4.33680868994202e-16, 5e-07) + TolVt(-24, -24, -4.33680868994202e-16, 5e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'FaceData' + $end 'AssignedFace' + $begin 'AssignedFace' + kID=901 + $begin 'FaceData' + ParentObjectID=895 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=55.6192 + FcUVMid(-16, -28, 3.4762) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(-16, -24, -4.33680868994202e-16, 5e-07) + TolVt(-16, -24, 6.9524, 5e-07) + TolVt(-16, -32, 6.9524, 5e-07) + TolVt(-16, -32, -4.33680868994202e-16, 5e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'FaceData' + $end 'AssignedFace' + $begin 'AssignedFace' + kID=1030 + $begin 'FaceData' + ParentObjectID=1029 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=64 + FcUVMid(-28, -28, 6.9524) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(-24, -32, 6.9524, 5e-07) + TolVt(-24, -24, 6.9524, 5e-07) + TolVt(-32, -24, 6.9524, 5e-07) + TolVt(-32, -32, 6.9524, 5e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'FaceData' + $end 'AssignedFace' + $begin 'AssignedFace' + kID=1032 + $begin 'FaceData' + ParentObjectID=1029 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=55.6192 + FcUVMid(-28, -32, 3.4762) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(-24, -32, 6.9524, 5e-07) + TolVt(-32, -32, 6.9524, 5e-07) + TolVt(-32, -32, 0, 5e-07) + TolVt(-24, -32, 0, 5e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'FaceData' + $end 'AssignedFace' + $begin 'AssignedFace' + kID=1033 + $begin 'FaceData' + ParentObjectID=1029 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=55.6192 + FcUVMid(-32, -28, 3.4762) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(-32, -32, 6.9524, 5e-07) + TolVt(-32, -24, 6.9524, 5e-07) + TolVt(-32, -24, 0, 5e-07) + TolVt(-32, -32, 0, 5e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'FaceData' + $end 'AssignedFace' + $begin 'AssignedFace' + kID=1034 + $begin 'FaceData' + ParentObjectID=1029 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=55.6192 + FcUVMid(-28, -24, 3.4762) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(-32, -24, 6.9524, 5e-07) + TolVt(-24, -24, 6.9524, 5e-07) + TolVt(-24, -24, 0, 5e-07) + TolVt(-32, -24, 0, 5e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'FaceData' + $end 'AssignedFace' + $begin 'AssignedFace' + kID=1035 + $begin 'FaceData' + ParentObjectID=1029 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=55.6192 + FcUVMid(-24, -28, 3.4762) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(-24, -24, 0, 5e-07) + TolVt(-24, -24, 6.9524, 5e-07) + TolVt(-24, -32, 6.9524, 5e-07) + TolVt(-24, -32, 0, 5e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'FaceData' + $end 'AssignedFace' + $begin 'AssignedEdge' + kID=676 + $begin 'EdgeData' + ParentObjectID=673 + ParentFaces[1: 674] + $begin 'EdgeGeomTopol' + EdgeFaces(674) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(-11.832, -8.305, 0.1524, 5e-07) + TolVt(-12.168, -8.305, 0.1524, 5e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(-12, -8.305, 0.1524) + $end 'EdgeGeomTopol' + $end 'EdgeData' + $end 'AssignedEdge' + $begin 'AssignedEdge' + kID=678 + $begin 'EdgeData' + ParentObjectID=673 + ParentFaces[1: 674] + $begin 'EdgeGeomTopol' + EdgeFaces(674) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(-11.832, -8.305, -6.17221986770266e-17, 5e-07) + TolVt(-12.168, -8.305, 0, 5e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(-12, -8.305, -3.08610993385133e-17) + $end 'EdgeGeomTopol' + $end 'EdgeData' + $end 'AssignedEdge' + $begin 'AssignedVertex' + kID=704 + $begin 'VertexData' + ParentObjectID=683 + ParentEdges[3: 692, 691, 700] + TolVt(-16, -8, 6.9524, 5e-07) + $end 'VertexData' + $end 'AssignedVertex' + $begin 'AssignedVertex' + kID=705 + $begin 'VertexData' + ParentObjectID=683 + ParentEdges[3: 693, 692, 698] + TolVt(-16, -16, 6.9524, 5e-07) + $end 'VertexData' + $end 'AssignedVertex' + $begin 'AssignedVertex' + kID=708 + $begin 'VertexData' + ParentObjectID=683 + ParentEdges[3: 698, 696, 695] + TolVt(-16, -16, 0, 5e-07) + $end 'VertexData' + $end 'AssignedVertex' + $begin 'AssignedVertex' + kID=709 + $begin 'VertexData' + ParentObjectID=683 + ParentEdges[3: 700, 697, 696] + TolVt(-16, -8, 0, 5e-07) + $end 'VertexData' + $end 'AssignedVertex' + $begin 'AssignedVertex' + kID=815 + $begin 'VertexData' + ParentObjectID=794 + ParentEdges[3: 803, 802, 811] + TolVt(-24, -16, 6.9524, 5e-07) + $end 'VertexData' + $end 'AssignedVertex' + $begin 'AssignedVertex' + kID=816 + $begin 'VertexData' + ParentObjectID=794 + ParentEdges[3: 804, 803, 809] + TolVt(-24, -24, 6.9524, 5e-07) + $end 'VertexData' + $end 'AssignedVertex' + $begin 'AssignedVertex' + kID=819 + $begin 'VertexData' + ParentObjectID=794 + ParentEdges[3: 809, 807, 806] + TolVt(-24, -24, -4.33680868994202e-16, 5e-07) + $end 'VertexData' + $end 'AssignedVertex' + $begin 'AssignedVertex' + kID=820 + $begin 'VertexData' + ParentObjectID=794 + ParentEdges[3: 811, 808, 807] + TolVt(-24, -16, -4.33680868994202e-16, 5e-07) + $end 'VertexData' + $end 'AssignedVertex' + $begin 'AssignedVertex' + kID=916 + $begin 'VertexData' + ParentObjectID=895 + ParentEdges[3: 904, 903, 912] + TolVt(-24, -24, 6.9524, 5e-07) + $end 'VertexData' + $end 'AssignedVertex' + $begin 'AssignedVertex' + kID=917 + $begin 'VertexData' + ParentObjectID=895 + ParentEdges[3: 905, 904, 910] + TolVt(-24, -32, 6.9524, 5e-07) + $end 'VertexData' + $end 'AssignedVertex' + $begin 'AssignedVertex' + kID=920 + $begin 'VertexData' + ParentObjectID=895 + ParentEdges[3: 910, 908, 907] + TolVt(-24, -32, -4.33680868994202e-16, 5e-07) + $end 'VertexData' + $end 'AssignedVertex' + $begin 'AssignedVertex' + kID=921 + $begin 'VertexData' + ParentObjectID=895 + ParentEdges[3: 912, 909, 908] + TolVt(-24, -24, -4.33680868994202e-16, 5e-07) + $end 'VertexData' + $end 'AssignedVertex' + $begin 'AssignedVertex' + kID=1050 + $begin 'VertexData' + ParentObjectID=1029 + ParentEdges[3: 1038, 1037, 1046] + TolVt(-32, -24, 6.9524, 5e-07) + $end 'VertexData' + $end 'AssignedVertex' + $begin 'AssignedVertex' + kID=1051 + $begin 'VertexData' + ParentObjectID=1029 + ParentEdges[3: 1039, 1038, 1044] + TolVt(-32, -32, 6.9524, 5e-07) + $end 'VertexData' + $end 'AssignedVertex' + $begin 'AssignedVertex' + kID=1054 + $begin 'VertexData' + ParentObjectID=1029 + ParentEdges[3: 1044, 1042, 1041] + TolVt(-32, -32, 0, 5e-07) + $end 'VertexData' + $end 'AssignedVertex' + $begin 'AssignedVertex' + kID=1055 + $begin 'VertexData' + ParentObjectID=1029 + ParentEdges[3: 1046, 1043, 1042] + TolVt(-32, -24, 0, 5e-07) + $end 'VertexData' + $end 'AssignedVertex' + $end 'AssignedEntities' + GroupByMaterial=true + GroupSheetByMaterial=true + GroupCompByDefID=true + DoNotOrganizeUnderGroup=false + DoNotOrganizeUnderComponent=false + OrganizeLightweight=false + ShowGroup=true + $begin 'LastUserInputs' + $end 'LastUserInputs' + $end 'ModelSetup' + $begin '3DComponent' + $begin 'ComponentDefinition' + ID=599 + $begin 'Excitations' + $begin 'ExcitationsDesc' + $end 'ExcitationsDesc' + $begin 'ExcitationsIDMap' + $begin '599' + '3'=19 + $end '599' + $end 'ExcitationsIDMap' + $begin 'ExcitationsData' + $begin '1' + ID=3 + BoundType='Lumped Port' + IsComponent=false + Faces(105) + LumpedPortType='Modal' + DoDeembed=false + ParentBndID=-1 + $begin 'Modes' + $begin 'Mode1' + ModeNum=1 + UseIntLine=true + $begin 'IntLine' + $begin 'GeometryPosition' + IsAttachedToEntity=true + EntityID=97 + FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 + TriangleVertexIndex=-1 + hasXYZ=true + PositionType='EdgeCenter' + UParam=0.5 + VParam=0 + XPosition='2.16840434497101e-17' + YPosition='3.695' + ZPosition='0.1524' + $end 'GeometryPosition' + $begin 'uv_block_name' + uvpos_u=0 + uvpos_v=0 + uvpos_id=-1 + $end 'uv_block_name' + $begin 'GeometryPosition' + IsAttachedToEntity=true + EntityID=99 + FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 + TriangleVertexIndex=-1 + hasXYZ=true + PositionType='EdgeCenter' + UParam=0.5 + VParam=0 + XPosition='0' + YPosition='3.695' + ZPosition='-3.08610993385133e-17' + $end 'GeometryPosition' + $begin 'uv_block_name' + uvpos_u=0 + uvpos_v=0 + uvpos_id=-1 + $end 'uv_block_name' + $end 'IntLine' + AlignmentGroup=0 + CharImp='Zpi' + $end 'Mode1' + $end 'Modes' + LumpedPortSheetID=-1 + Impedance='50ohm' + $end '1' + $end 'ExcitationsData' + $begin 'ExcitationsInstData' + $end 'ExcitationsInstData' + $end 'Excitations' + $begin 'Boundaries' + $begin 'BoundariesDesc' + $end 'BoundariesDesc' + $begin 'BoundariesIDMap' + $begin '599' + '0'=20 + '1'=21 + '9'=22 + '10'=23 + '11'=24 + $end '599' + $end 'BoundariesIDMap' + $begin 'BoundariesData' + $begin 'antennaMetal' + ID=0 + BoundType='Perfect E' + IsComponent=false + Objects(46) + ParentBndID=-1 + InfGroundPlane=false + $end 'antennaMetal' + $begin 'groundMetal' + ID=1 + BoundType='Perfect E' + IsComponent=false + Objects(34) + ParentBndID=-1 + InfGroundPlane=false + $end 'groundMetal' + $begin 'LatticePair1' + ID=9 + BoundType='Lattice Pair' + IsComponent=false + Faces(237, 239) + ParentBndID=-1 + $begin 'CoordSysVector' + $begin 'GeometryPosition' + IsAttachedToEntity=true + EntityID=256 + ParentIDs(244, 243, 249) + FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 + TriangleVertexIndex=-1 + hasXYZ=true + PositionType='OnVertex' + UParam=0 + VParam=0 + XPosition='-4' + YPosition='-4' + ZPosition='6.9524' + $end 'GeometryPosition' + $begin 'uv_block_name' + uvpos_u=0 + uvpos_v=0 + uvpos_id=-1 + $end 'uv_block_name' + $begin 'GeometryPosition' + IsAttachedToEntity=true + EntityID=259 + ParentIDs(249, 247, 246) + FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 + TriangleVertexIndex=-1 + hasXYZ=true + PositionType='OnVertex' + UParam=0 + VParam=0 + XPosition='-4' + YPosition='-4' + ZPosition='0' + $end 'GeometryPosition' + $begin 'uv_block_name' + uvpos_u=0 + uvpos_v=0 + uvpos_id=-1 + $end 'uv_block_name' + $end 'CoordSysVector' + ReverseV=true + PhaseDelay='UseScanAngle' + Phi='0deg' + Theta='0deg' + Phase='0deg' + $end 'LatticePair1' + $begin 'LatticePair2' + ID=10 + BoundType='Lattice Pair' + IsComponent=false + Faces(238, 240) + ParentBndID=-1 + $begin 'CoordSysVector' + $begin 'GeometryPosition' + IsAttachedToEntity=true + EntityID=255 + ParentIDs(243, 242, 251) + FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 + TriangleVertexIndex=-1 + hasXYZ=true + PositionType='OnVertex' + UParam=0 + VParam=0 + XPosition='-4' + YPosition='4' + ZPosition='6.9524' + $end 'GeometryPosition' + $begin 'uv_block_name' + uvpos_u=0 + uvpos_v=0 + uvpos_id=-1 + $end 'uv_block_name' + $begin 'GeometryPosition' + IsAttachedToEntity=true + EntityID=260 + ParentIDs(251, 248, 247) + FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 + TriangleVertexIndex=-1 + hasXYZ=true + PositionType='OnVertex' + UParam=0 + VParam=0 + XPosition='-4' + YPosition='4' + ZPosition='0' + $end 'GeometryPosition' + $begin 'uv_block_name' + uvpos_u=0 + uvpos_v=0 + uvpos_id=-1 + $end 'uv_block_name' + $end 'CoordSysVector' + ReverseV=true + PhaseDelay='UseScanAngle' + Phi='0deg' + Theta='0deg' + Phase='0deg' + $end 'LatticePair2' + $begin 'Rad1' + ID=11 + BoundType='Radiation' + IsComponent=false + Faces(235) + ParentBndID=-1 + UseAdaptiveIE=false + IsFssReference=false + IsForPML=false + $end 'Rad1' + $end 'BoundariesData' + $begin 'BoundariesInstData' + $end 'BoundariesInstData' + $end 'Boundaries' + $begin 'DesignSettings' + $begin 'DesignSettingsDesc' + ProductName='HFSS' + SolutionType='HFSS Hybrid Modal Network' + $begin 'DrivenOptions' + AutoOpen=false + $end 'DrivenOptions' + $end 'DesignSettingsDesc' + $begin 'DesignSettingsIDMap' + $begin '599' + '6'=610 + '34'=637 + '46'=647 + '95'=673 + '234'=683 + '267'=710 + $end '599' + $end 'DesignSettingsIDMap' + $begin 'DesignSettingsData' + 'Allow Material Override'=true + IncludeTemperatureDependence=false + Temperatures(6, '22cel', 34, '22cel', 46, '22cel', 95, '22cel', 234, '22cel', 267, '22cel') + $end 'DesignSettingsData' + $begin 'DesignSettingsInstData' + $end 'DesignSettingsInstData' + $end 'DesignSettings' + $begin 'MeshOperations' + $begin 'MeshOperationsDesc' + $end 'MeshOperationsDesc' + $begin 'MeshOperationsIDMap' + $begin '599' + $end '599' + $end 'MeshOperationsIDMap' + $begin 'MeshOperationsData' + $begin 'GlobalSurfApproximation' + CurvedSurfaceApproxChoice='UseSlider' + SliderMeshSettings=5 + $end 'GlobalSurfApproximation' + $begin 'GlobalCurvilinear' + Apply=false + $end 'GlobalCurvilinear' + $begin 'GlobalModelRes' + UseAutoLength=true + $end 'GlobalModelRes' + MeshMethod='Auto' + UseLegacyFaceterForTauVolumeMesh=false + DynamicSurfaceResolution=false + UseFlexMeshingForTAUvolumeMesh=false + UseAlternativeMeshMethodsAsFallBack=true + AllowPhiForLayeredGeometry=true + $end 'MeshOperationsData' + $begin 'MeshOperationsInstData' + $end 'MeshOperationsInstData' + $end 'MeshOperations' + $begin 'DCThickness' + $begin 'DCThicknessDesc' + $end 'DCThicknessDesc' + $begin 'DCThicknessIDMap' + $begin '599' + $end '599' + $end 'DCThicknessIDMap' + $begin 'DCThicknessData' + $end 'DCThicknessData' + $begin 'DCThicknessInstData' + $end 'DCThicknessInstData' + $end 'DCThickness' + $begin 'IE Regions' + $begin 'IE RegionsDesc' + $end 'IE RegionsDesc' + $begin 'IE RegionsIDMap' + $begin '599' + $end '599' + $end 'IE RegionsIDMap' + $begin 'IE RegionsData' + $end 'IE RegionsData' + $begin 'IE RegionsInstData' + $end 'IE RegionsInstData' + $end 'IE Regions' + $begin 'Component Meshing' + $begin 'Component MeshingDesc' + Type='Volume' + $end 'Component MeshingDesc' + $begin 'Component MeshingIDMap' + $begin '599' + $end '599' + $end 'Component MeshingIDMap' + $begin 'Component MeshingData' + $end 'Component MeshingData' + $begin 'Component MeshingInstData' + DoMeshAssembly(599, true) + $begin 'MeshSetting' + $end 'MeshSetting' + MeshAssemblyBoundingVolumePadding() + PriorityComponentInstances[0:] + $end 'Component MeshingInstData' + $end 'Component Meshing' + $begin 'Circuit Elements' + $begin 'Circuit ElementsDesc' + $end 'Circuit ElementsDesc' + $begin 'Circuit ElementsIDMap' + $begin '599' + $end '599' + $end 'Circuit ElementsIDMap' + $begin 'Circuit ElementsData' + $end 'Circuit ElementsData' + $begin 'Circuit ElementsInstData' + $end 'Circuit ElementsInstData' + $end 'Circuit Elements' + $begin 'PMLGroups' + $begin 'PMLGroupsDesc' + $end 'PMLGroupsDesc' + $begin 'PMLGroupsIDMap' + $begin '599' + $end '599' + $end 'PMLGroupsIDMap' + $begin 'PMLGroupsData' + $end 'PMLGroupsData' + $begin 'PMLGroupsInstData' + $end 'PMLGroupsInstData' + $end 'PMLGroups' + $end 'ComponentDefinition' + $begin 'ComponentDefinition' + ID=737 + $begin 'Excitations' + $begin 'ExcitationsDesc' + $end 'ExcitationsDesc' + $begin 'ExcitationsIDMap' + $begin '737' + $end '737' + $end 'ExcitationsIDMap' + $begin 'ExcitationsData' + $end 'ExcitationsData' + $begin 'ExcitationsInstData' + $end 'ExcitationsInstData' + $end 'Excitations' + $begin 'Boundaries' + $begin 'BoundariesDesc' + $end 'BoundariesDesc' + $begin 'BoundariesIDMap' + $begin '737' + '1'=25 + '5'=26 + '6'=27 + '7'=28 + '8'=29 + $end '737' + $end 'BoundariesIDMap' + $begin 'BoundariesData' + $begin 'groundMetal' + ID=1 + BoundType='Perfect E' + IsComponent=false + Objects(34) + ParentBndID=-1 + InfGroundPlane=false + $end 'groundMetal' + $begin 'Antenna' + ID=5 + BoundType='Perfect E' + IsComponent=false + Objects(238) + ParentBndID=-1 + InfGroundPlane=false + $end 'Antenna' + $begin 'Rad1' + ID=6 + BoundType='Radiation' + IsComponent=false + Faces(251) + ParentBndID=-1 + UseAdaptiveIE=false + IsFssReference=false + IsForPML=false + $end 'Rad1' + $begin 'LatticePair1' + ID=7 + BoundType='Lattice Pair' + IsComponent=false + Faces(253, 255) + ParentBndID=-1 + $begin 'CoordSysVector' + $begin 'GeometryPosition' + IsAttachedToEntity=true + EntityID=272 + ParentIDs(260, 259, 265) + FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 + TriangleVertexIndex=-1 + hasXYZ=true + PositionType='OnVertex' + UParam=0 + VParam=0 + XPosition='-4' + YPosition='-4' + ZPosition='6.9524' + $end 'GeometryPosition' + $begin 'uv_block_name' + uvpos_u=0 + uvpos_v=0 + uvpos_id=-1 + $end 'uv_block_name' + $begin 'GeometryPosition' + IsAttachedToEntity=true + EntityID=275 + ParentIDs(265, 263, 262) + FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 + TriangleVertexIndex=-1 + hasXYZ=true + PositionType='OnVertex' + UParam=0 + VParam=0 + XPosition='-4' + YPosition='-4' + ZPosition='-4.33680868994202e-16' + $end 'GeometryPosition' + $begin 'uv_block_name' + uvpos_u=0 + uvpos_v=0 + uvpos_id=-1 + $end 'uv_block_name' + $end 'CoordSysVector' + ReverseV=true + PhaseDelay='UseScanAngle' + Phi='0deg' + Theta='0deg' + Phase='0deg' + $end 'LatticePair1' + $begin 'LatticePair2' + ID=8 + BoundType='Lattice Pair' + IsComponent=false + Faces(254, 256) + ParentBndID=-1 + $begin 'CoordSysVector' + $begin 'GeometryPosition' + IsAttachedToEntity=true + EntityID=271 + ParentIDs(259, 258, 267) + FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 + TriangleVertexIndex=-1 + hasXYZ=true + PositionType='OnVertex' + UParam=0 + VParam=0 + XPosition='-4' + YPosition='4' + ZPosition='6.9524' + $end 'GeometryPosition' + $begin 'uv_block_name' + uvpos_u=0 + uvpos_v=0 + uvpos_id=-1 + $end 'uv_block_name' + $begin 'GeometryPosition' + IsAttachedToEntity=true + EntityID=276 + ParentIDs(267, 264, 263) + FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 + TriangleVertexIndex=-1 + hasXYZ=true + PositionType='OnVertex' + UParam=0 + VParam=0 + XPosition='-4' + YPosition='4' + ZPosition='-4.33680868994202e-16' + $end 'GeometryPosition' + $begin 'uv_block_name' + uvpos_u=0 + uvpos_v=0 + uvpos_id=-1 + $end 'uv_block_name' + $end 'CoordSysVector' + ReverseV=true + PhaseDelay='UseScanAngle' + Phi='0deg' + Theta='0deg' + Phase='0deg' + $end 'LatticePair2' + $end 'BoundariesData' + $begin 'BoundariesInstData' + $end 'BoundariesInstData' + $end 'Boundaries' + $begin 'DesignSettings' + $begin 'DesignSettingsDesc' + ProductName='HFSS' + SolutionType='HFSS Hybrid Modal Network' + $begin 'DrivenOptions' + AutoOpen=false + $end 'DrivenOptions' + $end 'DesignSettingsDesc' + $begin 'DesignSettingsIDMap' + $begin '737' + '6'=747 + '34'=774 + '238'=784 + '250'=794 + '278'=821 + $end '737' + $end 'DesignSettingsIDMap' + $begin 'DesignSettingsData' + 'Allow Material Override'=true + IncludeTemperatureDependence=false + Temperatures(6, '22cel', 34, '22cel', 238, '22cel', 250, '22cel', 278, '22cel') + $end 'DesignSettingsData' + $begin 'DesignSettingsInstData' + $end 'DesignSettingsInstData' + $end 'DesignSettings' + $begin 'MeshOperations' + $begin 'MeshOperationsDesc' + $end 'MeshOperationsDesc' + $begin 'MeshOperationsIDMap' + $begin '737' + $end '737' + $end 'MeshOperationsIDMap' + $begin 'MeshOperationsData' + $begin 'GlobalSurfApproximation' + CurvedSurfaceApproxChoice='UseSlider' + SliderMeshSettings=5 + $end 'GlobalSurfApproximation' + $begin 'GlobalCurvilinear' + Apply=false + $end 'GlobalCurvilinear' + $begin 'GlobalModelRes' + UseAutoLength=true + $end 'GlobalModelRes' + MeshMethod='Auto' + UseLegacyFaceterForTauVolumeMesh=false + DynamicSurfaceResolution=false + UseFlexMeshingForTAUvolumeMesh=false + UseAlternativeMeshMethodsAsFallBack=true + AllowPhiForLayeredGeometry=true + $end 'MeshOperationsData' + $begin 'MeshOperationsInstData' + $end 'MeshOperationsInstData' + $end 'MeshOperations' + $begin 'DCThickness' + $begin 'DCThicknessDesc' + $end 'DCThicknessDesc' + $begin 'DCThicknessIDMap' + $begin '737' + $end '737' + $end 'DCThicknessIDMap' + $begin 'DCThicknessData' + $end 'DCThicknessData' + $begin 'DCThicknessInstData' + $end 'DCThicknessInstData' + $end 'DCThickness' + $begin 'IE Regions' + $begin 'IE RegionsDesc' + $end 'IE RegionsDesc' + $begin 'IE RegionsIDMap' + $begin '737' + $end '737' + $end 'IE RegionsIDMap' + $begin 'IE RegionsData' + $end 'IE RegionsData' + $begin 'IE RegionsInstData' + $end 'IE RegionsInstData' + $end 'IE Regions' + $begin 'Component Meshing' + $begin 'Component MeshingDesc' + Type='Volume' + $end 'Component MeshingDesc' + $begin 'Component MeshingIDMap' + $begin '737' + $end '737' + $end 'Component MeshingIDMap' + $begin 'Component MeshingData' + $end 'Component MeshingData' + $begin 'Component MeshingInstData' + DoMeshAssembly(737, true) + $begin 'MeshSetting' + $end 'MeshSetting' + MeshAssemblyBoundingVolumePadding() + PriorityComponentInstances[0:] + $end 'Component MeshingInstData' + $end 'Component Meshing' + $begin 'Circuit Elements' + $begin 'Circuit ElementsDesc' + $end 'Circuit ElementsDesc' + $begin 'Circuit ElementsIDMap' + $begin '737' + $end '737' + $end 'Circuit ElementsIDMap' + $begin 'Circuit ElementsData' + $end 'Circuit ElementsData' + $begin 'Circuit ElementsInstData' + $end 'Circuit ElementsInstData' + $end 'Circuit Elements' + $begin 'PMLGroups' + $begin 'PMLGroupsDesc' + $end 'PMLGroupsDesc' + $begin 'PMLGroupsIDMap' + $begin '737' + $end '737' + $end 'PMLGroupsIDMap' + $begin 'PMLGroupsData' + $end 'PMLGroupsData' + $begin 'PMLGroupsInstData' + $end 'PMLGroupsInstData' + $end 'PMLGroups' + $end 'ComponentDefinition' + $begin 'ComponentDefinition' + ID=848 + $begin 'Excitations' + $begin 'ExcitationsDesc' + $end 'ExcitationsDesc' + $begin 'ExcitationsIDMap' + $begin '848' + $end '848' + $end 'ExcitationsIDMap' + $begin 'ExcitationsData' + $end 'ExcitationsData' + $begin 'ExcitationsInstData' + $end 'ExcitationsInstData' + $end 'Excitations' + $begin 'Boundaries' + $begin 'BoundariesDesc' + $end 'BoundariesDesc' + $begin 'BoundariesIDMap' + $begin '848' + '1'=30 + '6'=31 + '7'=32 + '8'=33 + $end '848' + $end 'BoundariesIDMap' + $begin 'BoundariesData' + $begin 'groundMetal' + ID=1 + BoundType='Perfect E' + IsComponent=false + Objects(34) + ParentBndID=-1 + InfGroundPlane=false + $end 'groundMetal' + $begin 'Rad1' + ID=6 + BoundType='Radiation' + IsComponent=false + Faces(251) + ParentBndID=-1 + UseAdaptiveIE=false + IsFssReference=false + IsForPML=false + $end 'Rad1' + $begin 'LatticePair1' + ID=7 + BoundType='Lattice Pair' + IsComponent=false + Faces(253, 255) + ParentBndID=-1 + $begin 'CoordSysVector' + $begin 'GeometryPosition' + IsAttachedToEntity=true + EntityID=272 + ParentIDs(260, 259, 265) + FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 + TriangleVertexIndex=-1 + hasXYZ=true + PositionType='OnVertex' + UParam=0 + VParam=0 + XPosition='-4' + YPosition='-4' + ZPosition='6.9524' + $end 'GeometryPosition' + $begin 'uv_block_name' + uvpos_u=0 + uvpos_v=0 + uvpos_id=-1 + $end 'uv_block_name' + $begin 'GeometryPosition' + IsAttachedToEntity=true + EntityID=275 + ParentIDs(265, 263, 262) + FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 + TriangleVertexIndex=-1 + hasXYZ=true + PositionType='OnVertex' + UParam=0 + VParam=0 + XPosition='-4' + YPosition='-4' + ZPosition='-4.33680868994202e-16' + $end 'GeometryPosition' + $begin 'uv_block_name' + uvpos_u=0 + uvpos_v=0 + uvpos_id=-1 + $end 'uv_block_name' + $end 'CoordSysVector' + ReverseV=true + PhaseDelay='UseScanAngle' + Phi='0deg' + Theta='0deg' + Phase='0deg' + $end 'LatticePair1' + $begin 'LatticePair2' + ID=8 + BoundType='Lattice Pair' + IsComponent=false + Faces(254, 256) + ParentBndID=-1 + $begin 'CoordSysVector' + $begin 'GeometryPosition' + IsAttachedToEntity=true + EntityID=271 + ParentIDs(259, 258, 267) + FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 + TriangleVertexIndex=-1 + hasXYZ=true + PositionType='OnVertex' + UParam=0 + VParam=0 + XPosition='-4' + YPosition='4' + ZPosition='6.9524' + $end 'GeometryPosition' + $begin 'uv_block_name' + uvpos_u=0 + uvpos_v=0 + uvpos_id=-1 + $end 'uv_block_name' + $begin 'GeometryPosition' + IsAttachedToEntity=true + EntityID=276 + ParentIDs(267, 264, 263) + FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 + TriangleVertexIndex=-1 + hasXYZ=true + PositionType='OnVertex' + UParam=0 + VParam=0 + XPosition='-4' + YPosition='4' + ZPosition='-4.33680868994202e-16' + $end 'GeometryPosition' + $begin 'uv_block_name' + uvpos_u=0 + uvpos_v=0 + uvpos_id=-1 + $end 'uv_block_name' + $end 'CoordSysVector' + ReverseV=true + PhaseDelay='UseScanAngle' + Phi='0deg' + Theta='0deg' + Phase='0deg' + $end 'LatticePair2' + $end 'BoundariesData' + $begin 'BoundariesInstData' + $end 'BoundariesInstData' + $end 'Boundaries' + $begin 'DesignSettings' + $begin 'DesignSettingsDesc' + ProductName='HFSS' + SolutionType='HFSS Hybrid Modal Network' + $begin 'DrivenOptions' + AutoOpen=false + $end 'DrivenOptions' + $end 'DesignSettingsDesc' + $begin 'DesignSettingsIDMap' + $begin '848' + '6'=858 + '34'=885 + '250'=895 + '361'=922 + '417'=949 + $end '848' + $end 'DesignSettingsIDMap' + $begin 'DesignSettingsData' + 'Allow Material Override'=true + IncludeTemperatureDependence=false + Temperatures(6, '22cel', 34, '22cel', 250, '22cel', 361, '22cel', 417, '22cel') + $end 'DesignSettingsData' + $begin 'DesignSettingsInstData' + $end 'DesignSettingsInstData' + $end 'DesignSettings' + $begin 'MeshOperations' + $begin 'MeshOperationsDesc' + $end 'MeshOperationsDesc' + $begin 'MeshOperationsIDMap' + $begin '848' + $end '848' + $end 'MeshOperationsIDMap' + $begin 'MeshOperationsData' + $begin 'GlobalSurfApproximation' + CurvedSurfaceApproxChoice='UseSlider' + SliderMeshSettings=5 + $end 'GlobalSurfApproximation' + $begin 'GlobalCurvilinear' + Apply=false + $end 'GlobalCurvilinear' + $begin 'GlobalModelRes' + UseAutoLength=true + $end 'GlobalModelRes' + MeshMethod='Auto' + UseLegacyFaceterForTauVolumeMesh=false + DynamicSurfaceResolution=false + UseFlexMeshingForTAUvolumeMesh=false + UseAlternativeMeshMethodsAsFallBack=true + AllowPhiForLayeredGeometry=true + $end 'MeshOperationsData' + $begin 'MeshOperationsInstData' + $end 'MeshOperationsInstData' + $end 'MeshOperations' + $begin 'DCThickness' + $begin 'DCThicknessDesc' + $end 'DCThicknessDesc' + $begin 'DCThicknessIDMap' + $begin '848' + $end '848' + $end 'DCThicknessIDMap' + $begin 'DCThicknessData' + $end 'DCThicknessData' + $begin 'DCThicknessInstData' + $end 'DCThicknessInstData' + $end 'DCThickness' + $begin 'IE Regions' + $begin 'IE RegionsDesc' + $end 'IE RegionsDesc' + $begin 'IE RegionsIDMap' + $begin '848' + $end '848' + $end 'IE RegionsIDMap' + $begin 'IE RegionsData' + $end 'IE RegionsData' + $begin 'IE RegionsInstData' + $end 'IE RegionsInstData' + $end 'IE Regions' + $begin 'Component Meshing' + $begin 'Component MeshingDesc' + Type='Volume' + $end 'Component MeshingDesc' + $begin 'Component MeshingIDMap' + $begin '848' + $end '848' + $end 'Component MeshingIDMap' + $begin 'Component MeshingData' + $end 'Component MeshingData' + $begin 'Component MeshingInstData' + DoMeshAssembly(848, true) + $begin 'MeshSetting' + $end 'MeshSetting' + MeshAssemblyBoundingVolumePadding() + PriorityComponentInstances[0:] + $end 'Component MeshingInstData' + $end 'Component Meshing' + $begin 'Circuit Elements' + $begin 'Circuit ElementsDesc' + $end 'Circuit ElementsDesc' + $begin 'Circuit ElementsIDMap' + $begin '848' + $end '848' + $end 'Circuit ElementsIDMap' + $begin 'Circuit ElementsData' + $end 'Circuit ElementsData' + $begin 'Circuit ElementsInstData' + $end 'Circuit ElementsInstData' + $end 'Circuit Elements' + $begin 'PMLGroups' + $begin 'PMLGroupsDesc' + $end 'PMLGroupsDesc' + $begin 'PMLGroupsIDMap' + $begin '848' + $end '848' + $end 'PMLGroupsIDMap' + $begin 'PMLGroupsData' + $end 'PMLGroupsData' + $begin 'PMLGroupsInstData' + $end 'PMLGroupsInstData' + $end 'PMLGroups' + $end 'ComponentDefinition' + $begin 'ComponentDefinition' + ID=982 + $begin 'Excitations' + $begin 'ExcitationsDesc' + $end 'ExcitationsDesc' + $begin 'ExcitationsIDMap' + $begin '982' + $end '982' + $end 'ExcitationsIDMap' + $begin 'ExcitationsData' + $end 'ExcitationsData' + $begin 'ExcitationsInstData' + $end 'ExcitationsInstData' + $end 'Excitations' + $begin 'Boundaries' + $begin 'BoundariesDesc' + $end 'BoundariesDesc' + $begin 'BoundariesIDMap' + $begin '982' + '1'=34 + '6'=35 + '7'=36 + '8'=37 + $end '982' + $end 'BoundariesIDMap' + $begin 'BoundariesData' + $begin 'groundMetal' + ID=1 + BoundType='Perfect E' + IsComponent=false + Objects(34) + ParentBndID=-1 + InfGroundPlane=false + $end 'groundMetal' + $begin 'Rad1' + ID=6 + BoundType='Radiation' + IsComponent=false + Faces(251) + ParentBndID=-1 + UseAdaptiveIE=false + IsFssReference=false + IsForPML=false + $end 'Rad1' + $begin 'LatticePair1' + ID=7 + BoundType='Lattice Pair' + IsComponent=false + Faces(253, 255) + ParentBndID=-1 + $begin 'CoordSysVector' + $begin 'GeometryPosition' + IsAttachedToEntity=true + EntityID=272 + ParentIDs(260, 259, 265) + FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 + TriangleVertexIndex=-1 + hasXYZ=true + PositionType='OnVertex' + UParam=0 + VParam=0 + XPosition='-4' + YPosition='-4' + ZPosition='6.9524' + $end 'GeometryPosition' + $begin 'uv_block_name' + uvpos_u=0 + uvpos_v=0 + uvpos_id=-1 + $end 'uv_block_name' + $begin 'GeometryPosition' + IsAttachedToEntity=true + EntityID=275 + ParentIDs(265, 263, 262) + FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 + TriangleVertexIndex=-1 + hasXYZ=true + PositionType='OnVertex' + UParam=0 + VParam=0 + XPosition='-4' + YPosition='-4' + ZPosition='0' + $end 'GeometryPosition' + $begin 'uv_block_name' + uvpos_u=0 + uvpos_v=0 + uvpos_id=-1 + $end 'uv_block_name' + $end 'CoordSysVector' + ReverseV=true + PhaseDelay='UseScanAngle' + Phi='0deg' + Theta='0deg' + Phase='0deg' + $end 'LatticePair1' + $begin 'LatticePair2' + ID=8 + BoundType='Lattice Pair' + IsComponent=false + Faces(254, 256) + ParentBndID=-1 + $begin 'CoordSysVector' + $begin 'GeometryPosition' + IsAttachedToEntity=true + EntityID=271 + ParentIDs(259, 258, 267) + FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 + TriangleVertexIndex=-1 + hasXYZ=true + PositionType='OnVertex' + UParam=0 + VParam=0 + XPosition='-4' + YPosition='4' + ZPosition='6.9524' + $end 'GeometryPosition' + $begin 'uv_block_name' + uvpos_u=0 + uvpos_v=0 + uvpos_id=-1 + $end 'uv_block_name' + $begin 'GeometryPosition' + IsAttachedToEntity=true + EntityID=276 + ParentIDs(267, 264, 263) + FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 + TriangleVertexIndex=-1 + hasXYZ=true + PositionType='OnVertex' + UParam=0 + VParam=0 + XPosition='-4' + YPosition='4' + ZPosition='0' + $end 'GeometryPosition' + $begin 'uv_block_name' + uvpos_u=0 + uvpos_v=0 + uvpos_id=-1 + $end 'uv_block_name' + $end 'CoordSysVector' + ReverseV=true + PhaseDelay='UseScanAngle' + Phi='0deg' + Theta='0deg' + Phase='0deg' + $end 'LatticePair2' + $end 'BoundariesData' + $begin 'BoundariesInstData' + $end 'BoundariesInstData' + $end 'Boundaries' + $begin 'DesignSettings' + $begin 'DesignSettingsDesc' + ProductName='HFSS' + SolutionType='HFSS Hybrid Modal Network' + $begin 'DrivenOptions' + AutoOpen=false + $end 'DrivenOptions' + $end 'DesignSettingsDesc' + $begin 'DesignSettingsIDMap' + $begin '982' + '6'=992 + '34'=1019 + '250'=1029 + '361'=1056 + '417'=1107 + $end '982' + $end 'DesignSettingsIDMap' + $begin 'DesignSettingsData' + 'Allow Material Override'=true + IncludeTemperatureDependence=false + Temperatures(6, '22cel', 34, '22cel', 250, '22cel', 361, '22cel', 417, '22cel') + $end 'DesignSettingsData' + $begin 'DesignSettingsInstData' + $end 'DesignSettingsInstData' + $end 'DesignSettings' + $begin 'MeshOperations' + $begin 'MeshOperationsDesc' + $end 'MeshOperationsDesc' + $begin 'MeshOperationsIDMap' + $begin '982' + $end '982' + $end 'MeshOperationsIDMap' + $begin 'MeshOperationsData' + $begin 'GlobalSurfApproximation' + CurvedSurfaceApproxChoice='UseSlider' + SliderMeshSettings=5 + $end 'GlobalSurfApproximation' + $begin 'GlobalCurvilinear' + Apply=false + $end 'GlobalCurvilinear' + $begin 'GlobalModelRes' + UseAutoLength=true + $end 'GlobalModelRes' + MeshMethod='Auto' + UseLegacyFaceterForTauVolumeMesh=false + DynamicSurfaceResolution=false + UseFlexMeshingForTAUvolumeMesh=false + UseAlternativeMeshMethodsAsFallBack=true + AllowPhiForLayeredGeometry=true + $end 'MeshOperationsData' + $begin 'MeshOperationsInstData' + $end 'MeshOperationsInstData' + $end 'MeshOperations' + $begin 'DCThickness' + $begin 'DCThicknessDesc' + $end 'DCThicknessDesc' + $begin 'DCThicknessIDMap' + $begin '982' + $end '982' + $end 'DCThicknessIDMap' + $begin 'DCThicknessData' + $end 'DCThicknessData' + $begin 'DCThicknessInstData' + $end 'DCThicknessInstData' + $end 'DCThickness' + $begin 'IE Regions' + $begin 'IE RegionsDesc' + $end 'IE RegionsDesc' + $begin 'IE RegionsIDMap' + $begin '982' + $end '982' + $end 'IE RegionsIDMap' + $begin 'IE RegionsData' + $end 'IE RegionsData' + $begin 'IE RegionsInstData' + $end 'IE RegionsInstData' + $end 'IE Regions' + $begin 'Component Meshing' + $begin 'Component MeshingDesc' + Type='Volume' + $end 'Component MeshingDesc' + $begin 'Component MeshingIDMap' + $begin '982' + $end '982' + $end 'Component MeshingIDMap' + $begin 'Component MeshingData' + $end 'Component MeshingData' + $begin 'Component MeshingInstData' + DoMeshAssembly(982, true) + $begin 'MeshSetting' + $end 'MeshSetting' + MeshAssemblyBoundingVolumePadding() + PriorityComponentInstances[0:] + $end 'Component MeshingInstData' + $end 'Component Meshing' + $begin 'Circuit Elements' + $begin 'Circuit ElementsDesc' + $end 'Circuit ElementsDesc' + $begin 'Circuit ElementsIDMap' + $begin '982' + $end '982' + $end 'Circuit ElementsIDMap' + $begin 'Circuit ElementsData' + $end 'Circuit ElementsData' + $begin 'Circuit ElementsInstData' + $end 'Circuit ElementsInstData' + $end 'Circuit Elements' + $begin 'PMLGroups' + $begin 'PMLGroupsDesc' + $end 'PMLGroupsDesc' + $begin 'PMLGroupsIDMap' + $begin '982' + $end '982' + $end 'PMLGroupsIDMap' + $begin 'PMLGroupsData' + $end 'PMLGroupsData' + $begin 'PMLGroupsInstData' + $end 'PMLGroupsInstData' + $end 'PMLGroups' + $end 'ComponentDefinition' + $begin 'NativeComponentVisualization' + $end 'NativeComponentVisualization' + $end '3DComponent' + $begin 'BoundarySetup' + $begin 'GlobalBoundData' + PortImpedance='1' + GlobalMaterialEnv='vacuum' + UseTotalFieldFormulation=false + HybridRegionCouplingType='TwoWayCoupled' + 'Current Source Conformance'='Auto' + 'Thin Sources'=false + $end 'GlobalBoundData' + $begin 'Boundaries' + NextUniqueID=38 + MoveBackwards=false + $begin '02_Patch1_antennaMetal' + ID=20 + BoundType='Perfect E' + IsComponent=true + Objects(647) + ParentBndID=-1 + InfGroundPlane=false + $end '02_Patch1_antennaMetal' + $begin '02_Patch1_groundMetal' + ID=21 + BoundType='Perfect E' + IsComponent=true + Objects(637) + ParentBndID=-1 + InfGroundPlane=false + $end '02_Patch1_groundMetal' + $begin '02_Patch1_LatticePair1' + ID=22 + BoundType='Lattice Pair' + IsComponent=true + Faces(686, 688) + ParentBndID=-1 + $begin 'CoordSysVector' + $begin 'GeometryPosition' + IsAttachedToEntity=true + EntityID=705 + ParentIDs(693, 692, 698) + FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 + TriangleVertexIndex=-1 + hasXYZ=true + PositionType='OnVertex' + UParam=0 + VParam=0 + XPosition='-16' + YPosition='-16' + ZPosition='6.9524' + $end 'GeometryPosition' + $begin 'GeometryPosition' + IsAttachedToEntity=true + EntityID=708 + ParentIDs(698, 696, 695) + FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 + TriangleVertexIndex=-1 + hasXYZ=true + PositionType='OnVertex' + UParam=0 + VParam=0 + XPosition='-16' + YPosition='-16' + ZPosition='0' + $end 'GeometryPosition' + $end 'CoordSysVector' + ReverseV=true + PhaseDelay='UseScanAngle' + Phi='0deg' + Theta='0deg' + Phase='0deg' + $end '02_Patch1_LatticePair1' + $begin '02_Patch1_LatticePair2' + ID=23 + BoundType='Lattice Pair' + IsComponent=true + Faces(687, 689) + ParentBndID=-1 + $begin 'CoordSysVector' + $begin 'GeometryPosition' + IsAttachedToEntity=true + EntityID=704 + ParentIDs(692, 691, 700) + FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 + TriangleVertexIndex=-1 + hasXYZ=true + PositionType='OnVertex' + UParam=0 + VParam=0 + XPosition='-16' + YPosition='-8' + ZPosition='6.9524' + $end 'GeometryPosition' + $begin 'GeometryPosition' + IsAttachedToEntity=true + EntityID=709 + ParentIDs(700, 697, 696) + FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 + TriangleVertexIndex=-1 + hasXYZ=true + PositionType='OnVertex' + UParam=0 + VParam=0 + XPosition='-16' + YPosition='-8' + ZPosition='0' + $end 'GeometryPosition' + $end 'CoordSysVector' + ReverseV=true + PhaseDelay='UseScanAngle' + Phi='0deg' + Theta='0deg' + Phase='0deg' + $end '02_Patch1_LatticePair2' + $begin '02_Patch1_Rad1' + ID=24 + BoundType='Radiation' + IsComponent=true + Faces(684) + ParentBndID=-1 + UseAdaptiveIE=false + IsFssReference=false + IsForPML=false + $end '02_Patch1_Rad1' + $begin '01_Metal_Only1_groundMetal' + ID=25 + BoundType='Perfect E' + IsComponent=true + Objects(774) + ParentBndID=-1 + InfGroundPlane=false + $end '01_Metal_Only1_groundMetal' + $begin '01_Metal_Only1_Antenna' + ID=26 + BoundType='Perfect E' + IsComponent=true + Objects(784) + ParentBndID=-1 + InfGroundPlane=false + $end '01_Metal_Only1_Antenna' + $begin '01_Metal_Only1_Rad1' + ID=27 + BoundType='Radiation' + IsComponent=true + Faces(795) + ParentBndID=-1 + UseAdaptiveIE=false + IsFssReference=false + IsForPML=false + $end '01_Metal_Only1_Rad1' + $begin '01_Metal_Only1_LatticePair1' + ID=28 + BoundType='Lattice Pair' + IsComponent=true + Faces(797, 799) + ParentBndID=-1 + $begin 'CoordSysVector' + $begin 'GeometryPosition' + IsAttachedToEntity=true + EntityID=816 + ParentIDs(804, 803, 809) + FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 + TriangleVertexIndex=-1 + hasXYZ=true + PositionType='OnVertex' + UParam=0 + VParam=0 + XPosition='-24' + YPosition='-24' + ZPosition='6.9524' + $end 'GeometryPosition' + $begin 'GeometryPosition' + IsAttachedToEntity=true + EntityID=819 + ParentIDs(809, 807, 806) + FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 + TriangleVertexIndex=-1 + hasXYZ=true + PositionType='OnVertex' + UParam=0 + VParam=0 + XPosition='-24' + YPosition='-24' + ZPosition='-4.33680868994202e-16' + $end 'GeometryPosition' + $end 'CoordSysVector' + ReverseV=true + PhaseDelay='UseScanAngle' + Phi='0deg' + Theta='0deg' + Phase='0deg' + $end '01_Metal_Only1_LatticePair1' + $begin '01_Metal_Only1_LatticePair2' + ID=29 + BoundType='Lattice Pair' + IsComponent=true + Faces(798, 800) + ParentBndID=-1 + $begin 'CoordSysVector' + $begin 'GeometryPosition' + IsAttachedToEntity=true + EntityID=815 + ParentIDs(803, 802, 811) + FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 + TriangleVertexIndex=-1 + hasXYZ=true + PositionType='OnVertex' + UParam=0 + VParam=0 + XPosition='-24' + YPosition='-16' + ZPosition='6.9524' + $end 'GeometryPosition' + $begin 'GeometryPosition' + IsAttachedToEntity=true + EntityID=820 + ParentIDs(811, 808, 807) + FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 + TriangleVertexIndex=-1 + hasXYZ=true + PositionType='OnVertex' + UParam=0 + VParam=0 + XPosition='-24' + YPosition='-16' + ZPosition='-4.33680868994202e-16' + $end 'GeometryPosition' + $end 'CoordSysVector' + ReverseV=true + PhaseDelay='UseScanAngle' + Phi='0deg' + Theta='0deg' + Phase='0deg' + $end '01_Metal_Only1_LatticePair2' + $begin '03_Radome_Side1_groundMetal' + ID=30 + BoundType='Perfect E' + IsComponent=true + Objects(885) + ParentBndID=-1 + InfGroundPlane=false + $end '03_Radome_Side1_groundMetal' + $begin '03_Radome_Side1_Rad1' + ID=31 + BoundType='Radiation' + IsComponent=true + Faces(896) + ParentBndID=-1 + UseAdaptiveIE=false + IsFssReference=false + IsForPML=false + $end '03_Radome_Side1_Rad1' + $begin '03_Radome_Side1_LatticePair1' + ID=32 + BoundType='Lattice Pair' + IsComponent=true + Faces(898, 900) + ParentBndID=-1 + $begin 'CoordSysVector' + $begin 'GeometryPosition' + IsAttachedToEntity=true + EntityID=917 + ParentIDs(905, 904, 910) + FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 + TriangleVertexIndex=-1 + hasXYZ=true + PositionType='OnVertex' + UParam=0 + VParam=0 + XPosition='-24' + YPosition='-32' + ZPosition='6.9524' + $end 'GeometryPosition' + $begin 'GeometryPosition' + IsAttachedToEntity=true + EntityID=920 + ParentIDs(910, 908, 907) + FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 + TriangleVertexIndex=-1 + hasXYZ=true + PositionType='OnVertex' + UParam=0 + VParam=0 + XPosition='-24' + YPosition='-32' + ZPosition='-4.33680868994202e-16' + $end 'GeometryPosition' + $end 'CoordSysVector' + ReverseV=true + PhaseDelay='UseScanAngle' + Phi='0deg' + Theta='0deg' + Phase='0deg' + $end '03_Radome_Side1_LatticePair1' + $begin '03_Radome_Side1_LatticePair2' + ID=33 + BoundType='Lattice Pair' + IsComponent=true + Faces(899, 901) + ParentBndID=-1 + $begin 'CoordSysVector' + $begin 'GeometryPosition' + IsAttachedToEntity=true + EntityID=916 + ParentIDs(904, 903, 912) + FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 + TriangleVertexIndex=-1 + hasXYZ=true + PositionType='OnVertex' + UParam=0 + VParam=0 + XPosition='-24' + YPosition='-24' + ZPosition='6.9524' + $end 'GeometryPosition' + $begin 'GeometryPosition' + IsAttachedToEntity=true + EntityID=921 + ParentIDs(912, 909, 908) + FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 + TriangleVertexIndex=-1 + hasXYZ=true + PositionType='OnVertex' + UParam=0 + VParam=0 + XPosition='-24' + YPosition='-24' + ZPosition='-4.33680868994202e-16' + $end 'GeometryPosition' + $end 'CoordSysVector' + ReverseV=true + PhaseDelay='UseScanAngle' + Phi='0deg' + Theta='0deg' + Phase='0deg' + $end '03_Radome_Side1_LatticePair2' + $begin 'Radome_Corner1_groundMetal' + ID=34 + BoundType='Perfect E' + IsComponent=true + Objects(1019) + ParentBndID=-1 + InfGroundPlane=false + $end 'Radome_Corner1_groundMetal' + $begin 'Radome_Corner1_Rad1' + ID=35 + BoundType='Radiation' + IsComponent=true + Faces(1030) + ParentBndID=-1 + UseAdaptiveIE=false + IsFssReference=false + IsForPML=false + $end 'Radome_Corner1_Rad1' + $begin 'Radome_Corner1_LatticePair1' + ID=36 + BoundType='Lattice Pair' + IsComponent=true + Faces(1032, 1034) + ParentBndID=-1 + $begin 'CoordSysVector' + $begin 'GeometryPosition' + IsAttachedToEntity=true + EntityID=1051 + ParentIDs(1039, 1038, 1044) + FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 + TriangleVertexIndex=-1 + hasXYZ=true + PositionType='OnVertex' + UParam=0 + VParam=0 + XPosition='-32' + YPosition='-32' + ZPosition='6.9524' + $end 'GeometryPosition' + $begin 'GeometryPosition' + IsAttachedToEntity=true + EntityID=1054 + ParentIDs(1044, 1042, 1041) + FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 + TriangleVertexIndex=-1 + hasXYZ=true + PositionType='OnVertex' + UParam=0 + VParam=0 + XPosition='-32' + YPosition='-32' + ZPosition='0' + $end 'GeometryPosition' + $end 'CoordSysVector' + ReverseV=true + PhaseDelay='UseScanAngle' + Phi='0deg' + Theta='0deg' + Phase='0deg' + $end 'Radome_Corner1_LatticePair1' + $begin 'Radome_Corner1_LatticePair2' + ID=37 + BoundType='Lattice Pair' + IsComponent=true + Faces(1033, 1035) + ParentBndID=-1 + $begin 'CoordSysVector' + $begin 'GeometryPosition' + IsAttachedToEntity=true + EntityID=1050 + ParentIDs(1038, 1037, 1046) + FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 + TriangleVertexIndex=-1 + hasXYZ=true + PositionType='OnVertex' + UParam=0 + VParam=0 + XPosition='-32' + YPosition='-24' + ZPosition='6.9524' + $end 'GeometryPosition' + $begin 'GeometryPosition' + IsAttachedToEntity=true + EntityID=1055 + ParentIDs(1046, 1043, 1042) + FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 + TriangleVertexIndex=-1 + hasXYZ=true + PositionType='OnVertex' + UParam=0 + VParam=0 + XPosition='-32' + YPosition='-24' + ZPosition='0' + $end 'GeometryPosition' + $end 'CoordSysVector' + ReverseV=true + PhaseDelay='UseScanAngle' + Phi='0deg' + Theta='0deg' + Phase='0deg' + $end 'Radome_Corner1_LatticePair2' + $begin '02_Patch1_1' + ID=19 + BoundType='Lumped Port' + IsComponent=true + Faces(674) + LumpedPortType='Modal' + DoDeembed=false + ParentBndID=-1 + $begin 'Modes' + $begin 'Mode1' + ModeNum=1 + UseIntLine=true + $begin 'IntLine' + $begin 'GeometryPosition' + IsAttachedToEntity=true + EntityID=676 + FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 + TriangleVertexIndex=-1 + hasXYZ=true + PositionType='EdgeCenter' + UParam=0.5 + VParam=0 + XPosition='-12' + YPosition='-8.305' + ZPosition='0.1524' + $end 'GeometryPosition' + $begin 'GeometryPosition' + IsAttachedToEntity=true + EntityID=678 + FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 + TriangleVertexIndex=-1 + hasXYZ=true + PositionType='EdgeCenter' + UParam=0.5 + VParam=0 + XPosition='-12' + YPosition='-8.305' + ZPosition='-3.08610993385133e-17' + $end 'GeometryPosition' + $end 'IntLine' + AlignmentGroup=0 + CharImp='Zpi' + $end 'Mode1' + $end 'Modes' + LumpedPortSheetID=-1 + Impedance='50ohm' + $end '02_Patch1_1' + $end 'Boundaries' + $begin 'ProductSpecificData' + $begin 'SBRWedgeSettings' + MaxWedgeAngle='135deg' + IncludeSheetEdges=true + ApplySourceDistFilter=false + ApplyBoxFilter=false + $end 'SBRWedgeSettings' + $begin 'SBRTxRxSettings' + $end 'SBRTxRxSettings' + $begin 'SBRCreepingWaveSettings' + CWRaySampleDensity=10 + CWRayCutoffDb=40 + CWCurvatureSensitivity=50 + CWAngularRayInterval=2 + $end 'SBRCreepingWaveSettings' + $begin 'SBRBlockageSettings' + $end 'SBRBlockageSettings' + $begin 'PMLData' + $begin 'PMLGroups' + $end 'PMLGroups' + $end 'PMLData' + $begin 'SortOrder' + Port[1: -1] + Terminal[1: -1] + $end 'SortOrder' + 'Phase Center Mode'='PhaseCenterPerPort' + $begin 'Phase Center Per Port' + $begin '02_Patch1_1' + Port=19 + 'Coordinate System'=1 + $end '02_Patch1_1' + $end 'Phase Center Per Port' + $end 'ProductSpecificData' + $end 'BoundarySetup' + $begin 'ArrayDefinition' + NextUniqueID=0 + MoveBackwards=false + $begin 'ArrayObject' + ID=0 + Type='3D Component' + Name='A1' + UseAirObjects=true + RowPrimaryBnd=28 + ColumnPrimaryBnd=29 + RowDimension=8 + ColumnDimension=8 + Visible=true + ShowCellNumber=true + RenderType=0 + Padding=0 + Colors() + ComponentMap('4'=982, '3'=848, '2'=737, '1'=599) + $begin 'Cells' + m=8 + n=8 + $begin 'r0' + c(4) + c(3) + c(3) + c(3) + c(3) + c(3) + c(3) + c(4) + $end 'r0' + $begin 'r1' + c(3) + c(2) + c(2) + c(2) + c(2) + c(2) + c(2) + c(3) + $end 'r1' + $begin 'r2' + c(3) + c(2) + c(1) + c(1) + c(1) + c(1) + c(2) + c(3) + $end 'r2' + $begin 'r3' + c(3) + c(2) + c(1) + c(1) + c(1) + c(1) + c(2) + c(3) + $end 'r3' + $begin 'r4' + c(3) + c(2) + c(1) + c(1) + c(1) + c(1) + c(2) + c(3) + $end 'r4' + $begin 'r5' + c(3) + c(2) + c(1) + c(1) + c(1) + c(1) + c(2) + c(3) + $end 'r5' + $begin 'r6' + c(3) + c(2) + c(2) + c(2) + c(2) + c(2) + c(2) + c(3) + $end 'r6' + $begin 'r7' + c(4) + c(3) + c(3) + c(3) + c(3) + c(3) + c(3) + c(4) + $end 'r7' + $end 'Cells' + $begin 'Active' + m=8 + n=8 + $begin 'r0' + c(true) + c(true) + c(true) + c(true) + c(true) + c(true) + c(true) + c(false) + $end 'r0' + $begin 'r1' + c(true) + c(true) + c(true) + c(true) + c(true) + c(true) + c(true) + c(true) + $end 'r1' + $begin 'r2' + c(true) + c(true) + c(true) + c(true) + c(true) + c(true) + c(true) + c(true) + $end 'r2' + $begin 'r3' + c(true) + c(true) + c(true) + c(true) + c(true) + c(true) + c(true) + c(true) + $end 'r3' + $begin 'r4' + c(true) + c(true) + c(false) + c(true) + c(false) + c(true) + c(true) + c(true) + $end 'r4' + $begin 'r5' + c(true) + c(true) + c(true) + c(true) + c(true) + c(true) + c(true) + c(true) + $end 'r5' + $begin 'r6' + c(true) + c(true) + c(true) + c(true) + c(true) + c(true) + c(true) + c(true) + $end 'r6' + $begin 'r7' + c(true) + c(true) + c(true) + c(true) + c(true) + c(true) + c(true) + c(true) + $end 'r7' + $end 'Active' + $begin 'Rotation' + m=8 + n=8 + $begin 'r0' + c(0) + c(0) + c(0) + c(0) + c(0) + c(0) + c(0) + c(1) + $end 'r0' + $begin 'r1' + c(3) + c(0) + c(0) + c(0) + c(0) + c(0) + c(0) + c(1) + $end 'r1' + $begin 'r2' + c(3) + c(0) + c(0) + c(0) + c(0) + c(0) + c(0) + c(1) + $end 'r2' + $begin 'r3' + c(3) + c(0) + c(0) + c(0) + c(0) + c(0) + c(0) + c(1) + $end 'r3' + $begin 'r4' + c(3) + c(0) + c(0) + c(0) + c(0) + c(0) + c(0) + c(1) + $end 'r4' + $begin 'r5' + c(3) + c(0) + c(0) + c(0) + c(0) + c(0) + c(0) + c(1) + $end 'r5' + $begin 'r6' + c(3) + c(0) + c(0) + c(0) + c(0) + c(0) + c(0) + c(1) + $end 'r6' + $begin 'r7' + c(3) + c(2) + c(2) + c(2) + c(2) + c(2) + c(2) + c(2) + $end 'r7' + $end 'Rotation' + $begin 'PostProcessingCells' + OneCell(599, '4', '3') + OneCell(737, '2', '6') + OneCell(848, '3', '1') + OneCell(982, '1', '1') + $end 'PostProcessingCells' + ReferenceCSID=1 + $end 'ArrayObject' + $begin 'SizingVariable' + EnableSizingVariable=false + UseAbove=true + ForAVector='' + ForBVector='' + $end 'SizingVariable' + $end 'ArrayDefinition' + $begin 'MeshSetup' + $begin 'MeshSettings' + $begin 'GlobalSurfApproximation' + CurvedSurfaceApproxChoice='UseSlider' + SliderMeshSettings=5 + $end 'GlobalSurfApproximation' + $begin 'GlobalCurvilinear' + Apply=false + $end 'GlobalCurvilinear' + $begin 'GlobalModelRes' + UseAutoLength=true + $end 'GlobalModelRes' + MeshMethod='Auto' + UseLegacyFaceterForTauVolumeMesh=false + DynamicSurfaceResolution=false + UseFlexMeshingForTAUvolumeMesh=false + UseAlternativeMeshMethodsAsFallBack=true + AllowPhiForLayeredGeometry=true + $end 'MeshSettings' + $begin 'MeshOperations' + NextUniqueID=0 + MoveBackwards=false + $end 'MeshOperations' + $end 'MeshSetup' + $begin 'AnalysisSetup' + $begin 'HfssGlobalData' + NextUniqueID=0 + MoveBackwards=false + $end 'HfssGlobalData' + $begin 'SolveSetups' + NextUniqueID=1 + MoveBackwards=false + $begin 'Setup1' + ID=0 + SetupType='HfssDriven' + SolveType='Single' + Frequency='1.8GHz' + MaxDeltaS=0.02 + UseMatrixConv=false + MaximumPasses=20 + MinimumPasses=1 + MinimumConvergedPasses=1 + PercentRefinement=30 + SkipArraySolveDuringAdaptivePasses=true + IsEnabled=true + $begin 'MeshLink' + ImportMesh=false + $end 'MeshLink' + BasisOrder=1 + DoLambdaRefine=true + DoMaterialLambda=true + SetLambdaTarget=false + Target=0.3333 + UseMaxTetIncrease=false + PortAccuracy=2 + UseABCOnPort=false + SetPortMinMaxTri=false + PortMinTri=100 + PortMaxTri=500 + DrivenSolverType='Direct Solver' + EnhancedLowFreqAccuracy=false + SaveRadFieldsOnly=true + SaveAnyFields=true + IESolverType='Auto' + LambdaTargetForIESolver=0.15 + UseDefaultLambdaTgtForIESolver=true + 'IE Solver Accuracy'='Balanced' + InfiniteSphereSetup=-1 + MaxPass=10 + MinPass=1 + MinConvPass=1 + PerError=1 + PerRefine=30 + $begin 'Sweeps' + NextUniqueID=2 + MoveBackwards=false + $begin 'Discrete_Sweep' + ID=0 + IsEnabled=true + RangeType='LinearCount' + RangeStart='0.9GHz' + RangeEnd='2.7GHz' + RangeCount=3 + Type='Discrete' + SaveFields=true + SaveRadFields=true + $end 'Discrete_Sweep' + $begin 'Interp_Sweep' + ID=1 + IsEnabled=true + RangeType='LinearCount' + RangeStart='0.9GHz' + RangeEnd='2.7GHz' + RangeCount=101 + Type='Interpolating' + SaveFields=false + SaveRadFields=false + InterpTolerance=0.5 + InterpMaxSolns=250 + InterpMinSolns=0 + InterpMinSubranges=1 + InterpUseS=true + InterpUsePortImped=false + InterpUsePropConst=true + UseDerivativeConvergence=false + InterpDerivTolerance=0.2 + UseFullBasis=true + EnforcePassivity=true + PassivityErrorTolerance=0.0001 + SMatrixOnlySolveMode='Auto' + $end 'Interp_Sweep' + $end 'Sweeps' + $end 'Setup1' + $end 'SolveSetups' + $end 'AnalysisSetup' + $begin 'Optimetrics' + $begin 'OptimetricsSetups' + NextUniqueID=0 + MoveBackwards=false + $end 'OptimetricsSetups' + $end 'Optimetrics' + $begin 'Solutions' + FieldType='NoIncidentWave' + IncludePortPostProcessing=true + UseSpecifiedIncidentPower=false + SourceEntry(ID=19, Index=0, Terminal=false, Terminated=false, Magnitude='ScanMag1*1', Phase='ScanPhase1 + (2*ScanPhaseShiftA + 2*ScanPhaseShiftB)') + SourceEntry(ID=19, Index=1, Terminal=false, Terminated=false, Magnitude='ScanMag1*1', Phase='ScanPhase1 + (2*ScanPhaseShiftA + 3*ScanPhaseShiftB)') + SourceEntry(ID=19, Index=2, Terminal=false, Terminated=false, Magnitude='ScanMag1*1', Phase='ScanPhase1 + (2*ScanPhaseShiftA + 4*ScanPhaseShiftB)') + SourceEntry(ID=19, Index=3, Terminal=false, Terminated=false, Magnitude='ScanMag1*1', Phase='ScanPhase1 + (2*ScanPhaseShiftA + 5*ScanPhaseShiftB)') + SourceEntry(ID=19, Index=4, Terminal=false, Terminated=false, Magnitude='ScanMag1*1', Phase='ScanPhase1 + (3*ScanPhaseShiftA + 2*ScanPhaseShiftB)') + SourceEntry(ID=19, Index=5, Terminal=false, Terminated=false, Magnitude='ScanMag1*1', Phase='ScanPhase1 + (3*ScanPhaseShiftA + 3*ScanPhaseShiftB)') + SourceEntry(ID=19, Index=6, Terminal=false, Terminated=false, Magnitude='ScanMag1*1', Phase='ScanPhase1 + (3*ScanPhaseShiftA + 4*ScanPhaseShiftB)') + SourceEntry(ID=19, Index=7, Terminal=false, Terminated=false, Magnitude='ScanMag1*1', Phase='ScanPhase1 + (3*ScanPhaseShiftA + 5*ScanPhaseShiftB)') + SourceEntry(ID=19, Index=8, Terminal=false, Terminated=false, Magnitude='0W', Phase='ScanPhase1 + (4*ScanPhaseShiftA + 2*ScanPhaseShiftB)') + SourceEntry(ID=19, Index=9, Terminal=false, Terminated=false, Magnitude='ScanMag1*1', Phase='ScanPhase1 + (4*ScanPhaseShiftA + 3*ScanPhaseShiftB)') + SourceEntry(ID=19, Index=10, Terminal=false, Terminated=false, Magnitude='0W', Phase='ScanPhase1 + (4*ScanPhaseShiftA + 4*ScanPhaseShiftB)') + SourceEntry(ID=19, Index=11, Terminal=false, Terminated=false, Magnitude='ScanMag1*1', Phase='ScanPhase1 + (4*ScanPhaseShiftA + 5*ScanPhaseShiftB)') + SourceEntry(ID=19, Index=12, Terminal=false, Terminated=false, Magnitude='ScanMag1*1', Phase='ScanPhase1 + (5*ScanPhaseShiftA + 2*ScanPhaseShiftB)') + SourceEntry(ID=19, Index=13, Terminal=false, Terminated=false, Magnitude='ScanMag1*1', Phase='ScanPhase1 + (5*ScanPhaseShiftA + 3*ScanPhaseShiftB)') + SourceEntry(ID=19, Index=14, Terminal=false, Terminated=false, Magnitude='ScanMag1*1', Phase='ScanPhase1 + (5*ScanPhaseShiftA + 4*ScanPhaseShiftB)') + SourceEntry(ID=19, Index=15, Terminal=false, Terminated=false, Magnitude='ScanMag1*1', Phase='ScanPhase1 + (5*ScanPhaseShiftA + 5*ScanPhaseShiftB)') + $begin 'Contexts' + NextUniqueID=1 + MoveBackwards=false + $end 'Contexts' + $end 'Solutions' + $begin 'PortFieldDisplay' + $begin 'PortFieldDisplay' + ScaleFactor=5 + $end 'PortFieldDisplay' + $end 'PortFieldDisplay' + $begin 'FieldsReporter' + $begin 'FieldsCalculator' + Line_Discretization=1000 + $begin 'SurfaceMeshSummary' + SolutionName='' + Variation='' + $begin 'MeshRowItems' + $end 'MeshRowItems' + $end 'SurfaceMeshSummary' + $end 'FieldsCalculator' + $begin 'PlotDefaults' + Default_SolutionId=135 + Default_PlotFolder='Automatic' + $end 'PlotDefaults' + $begin 'FieldsPlotManagerID' + NextUniqueID=0 + MoveBackwards=false + NumQuantityType=0 + NumPlots=0 + $end 'FieldsPlotManagerID' + $begin 'Report3dInGeomWnd' + Report3dNum=1 + $begin 'Report3dPlot_1' + ReportID=301 + Transparency=0.400000005960464 + ScaleFactor=0.25 + Visible=false + CoordSys=-1 + $end 'Report3dPlot_1' + $end 'Report3dInGeomWnd' + $begin 'Report2dInGeomWnd' + Report2dNum=1 + $begin 'Report2dPlot_1' + DisplayType=3 + '3DOverlay'=true + ReportID=1 + Transparency=0.899999976158142 + ScaleFactor=0.200000002980232 + Visible=false + CoordSys=-1 + PlaneNormalValues(-0, 1, 0) + $end 'Report2dPlot_1' + $end 'Report2dInGeomWnd' + $begin 'AntennaParametersInGeomWnd' + AntennaParametersNum=0 + $end 'AntennaParametersInGeomWnd' + AntennaParametersPlotTablesOrder() + $end 'FieldsReporter' + $begin 'RadField' + $begin 'FarFieldSetups' + NextUniqueID=45 + MoveBackwards=false + $begin 'Infinite Sphere1' + Type='Infinite Sphere' + ID=1 + VersionID=44 + UseCustomRadiationSurface=false + CSDefinition='Theta-Phi' + Polarization='Linear' + ThetaStart='-180deg' + ThetaStop='180deg' + ThetaStep='2deg' + PhiStart='0deg' + PhiStop='360deg' + PhiStep='2deg' + UseLocalCS=false + $end 'Infinite Sphere1' + $end 'FarFieldSetups' + $begin 'ArraySetup' + UseOption='NoArray' + $begin 'RegularArray' + NumUCells='10' + NumVCells='10' + CellUDist='10cm' + CellVDist='10cm' + UDirnX='1' + UDirnY='0' + UDirnZ='0' + VDirnX='0' + VDirnY='1' + VDirnZ='0' + FirstCellPosX='0cm' + FirstCellPosY='0cm' + FirstCellPosZ='0cm' + Behavior='UseSlaveSettings' + ScanAnglePhi='45deg' + ScanAngleTheta='45deg' + UDirnPhaseShift='0deg' + VDirnPhaseShift='0deg' + $end 'RegularArray' + $begin 'CustomArray' + NumCells=0 + $begin 'Cell' + $end 'Cell' + $end 'CustomArray' + $begin 'ParametricArray' + DesignFrequency='1GHz' + LayoutType=1 + CenterCellX='0mm' + CenterCellY='0mm' + CenterCellZ='0mm' + SpecifyDesignInWavelength=true + WidthSpacing='14.9896229mm' + WidthSpacingInWavelength='0.05' + Width='119.9169832mm' + WidthInWavelength='0.4' + LengthSpacing='14.9896229mm' + LengthSpacingInWavelength='0.05' + Length='89.9377374mm' + LengthInWavelength='0.3' + SymmetryType=0 + StaggerAngle='0deg' + StaggerType=0 + UDirnX='1' + UDirnY='0' + UDirnZ='0' + VDirnX='0' + VDirnY='1' + VDirnZ='0' + WeightType=3 + EdgeTaperX_db='-200' + CosineExp='1' + DifferentialType=0 + Behavior='UseScanAngle' + ScanAnglePhi='45deg' + ScanAngleTheta='45deg' + UDirnPhaseShift='0deg' + VDirnPhaseShift='0deg' + $end 'ParametricArray' + $end 'ArraySetup' + $begin 'NearFieldSetups' + NextUniqueID=45 + MoveBackwards=false + $end 'NearFieldSetups' + RadFieldComputationVersion=1.8 + RadfieldHeaderFile='RAD5AB449308164676611131.tmp' + RadPowerMethod=0 + $end 'RadField' + $begin 'SolutionManager' + $begin 'SimSetup' + TypeName='BaseSetup' + ID=133 + Name='Setup1' + $begin 'Solution' + ID=134 + Name='AdaptivePass' + $begin 'SimDataExtractor' + $begin 'Sweeps' + $begin 'Sweep' + Variable='Pass' + Column='1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16;17;18;19;20' + Units='' + $end 'Sweep' + $begin 'Sweep' + Variable='Freq' + Column='1.8GHz' + Units='GHz' + $end 'Sweep' + $begin 'PostprocessSweep' + Variable='NormalizedDistance' + RegularSweep=1 + Units='' + Minimum=0 + Maximum=1 + Increment=0.01 + CreateIndexedSubsweepFlag=false + $end 'PostprocessSweep' + $begin 'PostprocessSweep' + Variable='Phi' + RegularSweep=1 + Units='deg' + Minimum=0 + Maximum=6.28318530717959 + Increment=0.0872664625997165 + CreateIndexedSubsweepFlag=false + $end 'PostprocessSweep' + $begin 'PostprocessSweep' + Variable='Theta' + RegularSweep=1 + Units='deg' + Minimum=0 + Maximum=6.28318530717959 + Increment=0.0872664625997165 + CreateIndexedSubsweepFlag=false + $end 'PostprocessSweep' + $begin 'PostprocessSweep' + Variable='Phase' + RegularSweep=1 + Units='deg' + Minimum=0 + Maximum=6.28318530717959 + Increment=0.0872664625997165 + CreateIndexedSubsweepFlag=false + $end 'PostprocessSweep' + $end 'Sweeps' + IsPortOnly=false + $end 'SimDataExtractor' + $end 'Solution' + $begin 'Solution' + ID=135 + Name='LastAdaptive' + $begin 'SimDataExtractor' + SimValue('GainTotal', 1, 90, true, SimValueID=611, 0, 0, 2, 0, false, false, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, '', 0, 0) + $begin 'Sweeps' + $begin 'Sweep' + Variable='Freq' + Column='1.8GHz' + Units='GHz' + $end 'Sweep' + $begin 'PostprocessSweep' + Variable='NormalizedDistance' + RegularSweep=1 + Units='' + Minimum=0 + Maximum=1 + Increment=0.01 + CreateIndexedSubsweepFlag=false + $end 'PostprocessSweep' + $begin 'PostprocessSweep' + Variable='Phi' + RegularSweep=1 + Units='deg' + Minimum=0 + Maximum=6.28318530717959 + Increment=0.0872664625997165 + CreateIndexedSubsweepFlag=false + $end 'PostprocessSweep' + $begin 'PostprocessSweep' + Variable='Theta' + RegularSweep=1 + Units='deg' + Minimum=0 + Maximum=6.28318530717959 + Increment=0.0872664625997165 + CreateIndexedSubsweepFlag=false + $end 'PostprocessSweep' + $begin 'PostprocessSweep' + Variable='Phase' + RegularSweep=1 + Units='deg' + Minimum=0 + Maximum=6.28318530717959 + Increment=0.0872664625997165 + CreateIndexedSubsweepFlag=false + $end 'PostprocessSweep' + $begin 'Sweep' + Variable='subX' + Column='8cm' + Units='cm' + $end 'Sweep' + $begin 'Sweep' + Variable='subY' + Column='8cm' + Units='cm' + $end 'Sweep' + $begin 'PostprocessSweep' + Variable='ScanFrequency' + RegularSweep=1 + Units='Hz' + Minimum=1800000000 + Maximum=1800000000 + Increment=0 + CreateIndexedSubsweepFlag=false + $end 'PostprocessSweep' + $begin 'PostprocessSweep' + Variable='ScanAngleTheta' + RegularSweep=1 + Units='deg' + Minimum=0 + Maximum=0 + Increment=0 + CreateIndexedSubsweepFlag=false + $end 'PostprocessSweep' + $begin 'PostprocessSweep' + Variable='ScanAnglePhi' + RegularSweep=1 + Units='deg' + Minimum=0 + Maximum=0 + Increment=0 + CreateIndexedSubsweepFlag=false + $end 'PostprocessSweep' + $begin 'PostprocessSweep' + Variable='ScanPhaseShiftA' + RegularSweep=1 + Units='rad' + Minimum=-0 + Maximum=-0 + Increment=0 + CreateIndexedSubsweepFlag=false + $end 'PostprocessSweep' + $begin 'PostprocessSweep' + Variable='ScanPhaseShiftB' + RegularSweep=1 + Units='rad' + Minimum=-0 + Maximum=-0 + Increment=0 + CreateIndexedSubsweepFlag=false + $end 'PostprocessSweep' + $begin 'PostprocessSweep' + Variable='ScanMag1' + RegularSweep=1 + Units='W' + Minimum=1 + Maximum=1 + Increment=0 + CreateIndexedSubsweepFlag=false + $end 'PostprocessSweep' + $begin 'PostprocessSweep' + Variable='ScanPhase1' + RegularSweep=1 + Units='deg' + Minimum=0 + Maximum=0 + Increment=0 + CreateIndexedSubsweepFlag=false + $end 'PostprocessSweep' + $begin 'PostprocessSweep' + Variable='CosinePower' + RegularSweep=1 + Units='' + Minimum=3 + Maximum=3 + Increment=0 + CreateIndexedSubsweepFlag=false + $end 'PostprocessSweep' + $begin 'PostprocessSweep' + Variable='EdgeTaperLevel_dB' + RegularSweep=1 + Units='' + Minimum=-20 + Maximum=-20 + Increment=0 + CreateIndexedSubsweepFlag=false + $end 'PostprocessSweep' + $end 'Sweeps' + IsPortOnly=false + $end 'SimDataExtractor' + $end 'Solution' + $begin 'Solution' + ID=139 + Name='Discrete_Sweep' + $begin 'SimDataExtractor' + $begin 'Sweeps' + $begin 'Sweep' + Variable='Freq' + Column='0.9GHz;1.8GHz;2.7GHz' + Units='GHz' + $end 'Sweep' + $begin 'PostprocessSweep' + Variable='NormalizedDistance' + RegularSweep=1 + Units='' + Minimum=0 + Maximum=1 + Increment=0.01 + CreateIndexedSubsweepFlag=false + $end 'PostprocessSweep' + $begin 'PostprocessSweep' + Variable='Phi' + RegularSweep=1 + Units='deg' + Minimum=0 + Maximum=6.28318530717959 + Increment=0.0872664625997165 + CreateIndexedSubsweepFlag=false + $end 'PostprocessSweep' + $begin 'PostprocessSweep' + Variable='Theta' + RegularSweep=1 + Units='deg' + Minimum=0 + Maximum=6.28318530717959 + Increment=0.0872664625997165 + CreateIndexedSubsweepFlag=false + $end 'PostprocessSweep' + $begin 'PostprocessSweep' + Variable='Phase' + RegularSweep=1 + Units='deg' + Minimum=0 + Maximum=6.28318530717959 + Increment=0.0872664625997165 + CreateIndexedSubsweepFlag=false + $end 'PostprocessSweep' + $end 'Sweeps' + IsPortOnly=false + $end 'SimDataExtractor' + $end 'Solution' + $begin 'Solution' + ID=506 + Name='Interp_Sweep' + $begin 'SimDataExtractor' + $begin 'Sweeps' + $begin 'PostprocessSweep' + Variable='Freq' + Column='0.9GHz;0.918GHz;0.936GHz;0.954GHz;0.972GHz;0.99GHz;1.008GHz;1.026GHz;1.044GHz;1.062GHz;1.08GHz;1.098GHz;1.116GHz;1.134GHz;1.152GHz;1.17GHz;1.188GHz;1.206GHz;1.224GHz;1.242GHz;1.26GHz;1.278GHz;1.296GHz;1.314GHz;1.332GHz;1.35GHz;1.368GHz;1.386GHz;1.404GHz;1.422GHz;1.44GHz;1.458GHz;1.476GHz;1.494GHz;1.512GHz;1.53GHz;1.548GHz;1.566GHz;1.584GHz;1.602GHz;1.62GHz;1.638GHz;1.656GHz;1.674GHz;1.692GHz;1.71GHz;1.728GHz;1.746GHz;1.764GHz;1.782GHz;1.8GHz;1.818GHz;1.836GHz;1.854GHz;1.872GHz;1.89GHz;1.908GHz;1.926GHz;1.944GHz;1.962GHz;1.98GHz;1.998GHz;2.016GHz;2.034GHz;2.052GHz;2.07GHz;2.088GHz;2.106GHz;2.124GHz;2.142GHz;2.16GHz;2.178GHz;2.196GHz;2.214GHz;2.232GHz;2.25GHz;2.268GHz;2.286GHz;2.304GHz;2.322GHz;2.34GHz;2.358GHz;2.376GHz;2.394GHz;2.412GHz;2.43GHz;2.448GHz;2.466GHz;2.484GHz;2.502GHz;2.52GHz;2.538GHz;2.556GHz;2.574GHz;2.592GHz;2.61GHz;2.628GHz;2.646GHz;2.664GHz;2.682GHz;2.7GHz' + Units='GHz' + Minimum=900000000 + Maximum=2700000000 + Increment=2700000000 + CreateIndexedSubsweepFlag=false + $end 'PostprocessSweep' + $begin 'PostprocessSweep' + Variable='NormalizedDistance' + RegularSweep=1 + Units='' + Minimum=0 + Maximum=1 + Increment=0.01 + CreateIndexedSubsweepFlag=false + $end 'PostprocessSweep' + $begin 'PostprocessSweep' + Variable='Phi' + RegularSweep=1 + Units='deg' + Minimum=0 + Maximum=6.28318530717959 + Increment=0.0872664625997165 + CreateIndexedSubsweepFlag=false + $end 'PostprocessSweep' + $begin 'PostprocessSweep' + Variable='Theta' + RegularSweep=1 + Units='deg' + Minimum=0 + Maximum=6.28318530717959 + Increment=0.0872664625997165 + CreateIndexedSubsweepFlag=false + $end 'PostprocessSweep' + $begin 'PostprocessSweep' + Variable='Phase' + RegularSweep=1 + Units='deg' + Minimum=0 + Maximum=6.28318530717959 + Increment=0.0872664625997165 + CreateIndexedSubsweepFlag=false + $end 'PostprocessSweep' + $end 'Sweeps' + IsPortOnly=false + $end 'SimDataExtractor' + $end 'Solution' + $end 'SimSetup' + $begin 'Version ID Map' + V=1039 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'MainMapItem' + $begin 'MainMapItem' + $begin 'SubMapItem' + DataSourceID=5 + $begin 'PolarLayoutAttribute' + $begin 'PolarCircleRect' + Top=1008 + Left=8591 + Bottom=8992 + Right=607 + $end 'PolarCircleRect' + $begin 'AxisRect' + Top=0 + Left=0 + Bottom=0 + Right=0 + $end 'AxisRect' + $begin 'AxisLabelRect' + Top=0 + Left=0 + Bottom=0 + Right=0 + $end 'AxisLabelRect' + $end 'PolarLayoutAttribute' + $end 'SubMapItem' + $begin 'SubMapItem' + DataSourceID=7 + $begin 'PolarLayoutAttribute' + $begin 'PolarCircleRect' + Top=1008 + Left=8591 + Bottom=8992 + Right=607 + $end 'PolarCircleRect' + $begin 'AxisRect' + Top=0 + Left=0 + Bottom=0 + Right=0 + $end 'AxisRect' + $begin 'AxisLabelRect' + Top=0 + Left=0 + Bottom=0 + Right=0 + $end 'AxisLabelRect' + $end 'PolarLayoutAttribute' + $end 'SubMapItem' + $begin 'SubMapItem' + DataSourceID=11 + $begin 'PolarLayoutAttribute' + $begin 'PolarCircleRect' + Top=1008 + Left=8591 + Bottom=8992 + Right=607 + $end 'PolarCircleRect' + $begin 'AxisRect' + Top=0 + Left=0 + Bottom=0 + Right=0 + $end 'AxisRect' + $begin 'AxisLabelRect' + Top=0 + Left=0 + Bottom=0 + Right=0 + $end 'AxisLabelRect' + $end 'PolarLayoutAttribute' + $end 'SubMapItem' + $begin 'SubMapItem' + DataSourceID=13 + $begin 'PolarLayoutAttribute' + $begin 'PolarCircleRect' + Top=683 + Left=9144 + Bottom=9316 + Right=511 + $end 'PolarCircleRect' + $begin 'AxisRect' + Top=0 + Left=0 + Bottom=0 + Right=0 + $end 'AxisRect' + $begin 'AxisLabelRect' + Top=0 + Left=0 + Bottom=0 + Right=0 + $end 'AxisLabelRect' + $end 'PolarLayoutAttribute' + $end 'SubMapItem' + $end 'MainMapItem' + $end 'PlotAttributeStoreMap' + PlotType=3 + $end 'MapItem' + $end 'PerViewPlotAttributeStoreMap' + IsViewAttribServer=false + ViewID=-1 + $begin 'SourceIDMap' + IDMapItem(0, 0, -1, 10) + IDMapItem(0, 1, -1, 12) + $end 'SourceIDMap' + $begin 'TraceCharacteristicsMgr' + $end 'TraceCharacteristicsMgr' + $begin 'CartesianXMarkerManager' + RefMarkerID=-1 + CurrentMarkerID=-1 + $begin 'ReferenceCurves' + $end 'ReferenceCurves' + $end 'CartesianXMarkerManager' + $begin 'CartesianYMarkerManager' + $end 'CartesianYMarkerManager' + XAxisStackID=-1 + $begin 'AllTransSrcDwg' + $begin 'PT' + ID=3 + TransSrcDwg(-1, 0, 8, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13) + $end 'PT' + $end 'AllTransSrcDwg' + $begin 'AllPtSVID' + PtID(3, -1, 1) + $end 'AllPtSVID' + $end 'PlotDisplayDataManager' + $end 'Report2D' + $end 'Gain Plot 1' + $begin 'Gain Plot 2' + ReportID=301 + $begin 'Report3D' + name='Gain Plot 2' + ReportID=301 + hasWindowBeenOpened=false + ReportType=3 + DisplayType=7 + $begin 'Graph3DsV2' + $begin 'Graph3DV2' + TraceDefID=300 + GraphName='dB(GainTotal)' + $begin 'Plot3DPolarDocument' + $begin 'Plot3DDataSources' + $begin 'Plot3DPlotDataSource' + ID=0 + Name='Plot' + $end 'Plot3DPlotDataSource' + $begin 'Plot3DBackgroundDataSource' + ID=1 + Name='Background' + $end 'Plot3DBackgroundDataSource' + $begin 'Plot3DHeaderDataSource' + ID=2 + Name='Header' + $end 'Plot3DHeaderDataSource' + $begin 'Plot3DAxisDataSource' + ID=3 + Name='Phi' + $end 'Plot3DAxisDataSource' + $begin 'Plot3DAxisDataSource' + ID=4 + Name='Theta' + $end 'Plot3DAxisDataSource' + $begin 'Plot3DAxisDataSource' + ID=5 + Name='Rho' + $end 'Plot3DAxisDataSource' + $begin 'Plot3DGridDataSource' + ID=6 + Name='phi-rho' + $end 'Plot3DGridDataSource' + $begin 'Plot3DGridDataSource' + ID=7 + Name='theta-rho' + $end 'Plot3DGridDataSource' + $begin 'Plot3DGridDataSource' + ID=8 + Name='theta-rho-phi(0)' + $end 'Plot3DGridDataSource' + $begin 'Plot3DColorKeyDataSource' + ID=9 + Name='ColorKey' + $end 'Plot3DColorKeyDataSource' + $end 'Plot3DDataSources' + $begin 'Plot3DAttributesManager' + $begin 'PlotAttributeStore' + $end 'PlotAttributeStore' + $end 'Plot3DAttributesManager' + $end 'Plot3DPolarDocument' + $end 'Graph3DV2' + $end 'Graph3DsV2' + $begin 'Plot3DPolarDocument' + $begin 'Plot3DDataSources' + $begin 'Plot3DPlotDataSource' + ID=0 + Name='Plot' + $end 'Plot3DPlotDataSource' + $begin 'Plot3DBackgroundDataSource' + ID=1 + Name='Background' + $end 'Plot3DBackgroundDataSource' + $begin 'Plot3DHeaderDataSource' + ID=2 + Name='Header' + $end 'Plot3DHeaderDataSource' + $begin 'Plot3DAxisDataSource' + ID=3 + Name='Phi' + $end 'Plot3DAxisDataSource' + $begin 'Plot3DAxisDataSource' + ID=4 + Name='Theta' + $end 'Plot3DAxisDataSource' + $begin 'Plot3DAxisDataSource' + ID=5 + Name='Rho' + $end 'Plot3DAxisDataSource' + $begin 'Plot3DGridDataSource' + ID=6 + Name='phi-rho' + $end 'Plot3DGridDataSource' + $begin 'Plot3DGridDataSource' + ID=7 + Name='theta-rho' + $end 'Plot3DGridDataSource' + $begin 'Plot3DGridDataSource' + ID=8 + Name='theta-rho-phi(0)' + $end 'Plot3DGridDataSource' + $begin 'Plot3DColorKeyDataSource' + ID=9 + Name='ColorKey' + $end 'Plot3DColorKeyDataSource' + $end 'Plot3DDataSources' + $begin 'Plot3DAttributesManager' + $begin 'PlotAttributeStore' + $end 'PlotAttributeStore' + $end 'Plot3DAttributesManager' + $end 'Plot3DPolarDocument' + $end 'Report3D' + $end 'Gain Plot 2' + $end 'Reports' + $begin 'ReportsWindowInfoList' + $begin 'Gain Plot 1' + ReportID=1 + $begin 'WindowInfoList' + $begin 'Report2D' + $end 'Report2D' + $end 'WindowInfoList' + $end 'Gain Plot 1' + $begin 'Gain Plot 2' + ReportID=301 + $begin 'WindowInfoList' + R3DWindowPos(Report3D()) + $end 'WindowInfoList' + $end 'Gain Plot 2' + $end 'ReportsWindowInfoList' + $end 'ReportSetup' + $begin 'Properties' + $end 'Properties' + $begin 'UserDefinedDocument' + $begin 'Data' + $end 'Data' + $end 'UserDefinedDocument' + $end 'HfssDesignInstance' + $end 'Instance' + $begin 'SODInfo' + $begin 'Array' + $begin 'CosimDefinition' + CosimDefName='DefaultNetlist' + $begin 'SODInstanceMap' + $end 'SODInstanceMap' + SODComponentList() + $end 'CosimDefinition' + $end 'Array' + $begin 'Nexxim Circuit Elements\\lumped_general:NXPSH' + $begin 'CosimDefinition' + CosimDefName='DefaultNetlist' + $begin 'SODInstanceMap' + $end 'SODInstanceMap' + SODComponentList() + $end 'CosimDefinition' + $end 'Nexxim Circuit Elements\\lumped_general:NXPSH' + $begin 'HFSSDesign5' + $begin 'CosimDefinition' + CosimDefName='DefaultNetlist' + $begin 'SODInstanceMap' + $end 'SODInstanceMap' + SODComponentList() + $end 'CosimDefinition' + $end 'HFSSDesign5' + $begin 'Nexxim Circuit Elements\\Ideal Microwave:PWCMB8_NX' + $begin 'CosimDefinition' + CosimDefName='DefaultNetlist' + $begin 'SODInstanceMap' + $end 'SODInstanceMap' + SODComponentList() + $end 'CosimDefinition' + $end 'Nexxim Circuit Elements\\Ideal Microwave:PWCMB8_NX' + $begin 'Nexxim Circuit Elements\\Independent Sources:P_SIN' + $begin 'CosimDefinition' + CosimDefName='DefaultNetlist' + $begin 'SODInstanceMap' + $end 'SODInstanceMap' + SODComponentList() + $end 'CosimDefinition' + $end 'Nexxim Circuit Elements\\Independent Sources:P_SIN' + $begin 'Nexxim Circuit Elements\\Ideal Microwave:PWCMB2_NX' + $begin 'CosimDefinition' + CosimDefName='DefaultNetlist' + $begin 'SODInstanceMap' + $end 'SODInstanceMap' + SODComponentList() + $end 'CosimDefinition' + $end 'Nexxim Circuit Elements\\Ideal Microwave:PWCMB2_NX' + $begin '00_Array2' + $begin 'CosimDefinition' + CosimDefName='Default' + $begin 'SODInstanceMap' + $end 'SODInstanceMap' + SODComponentList() + $end 'CosimDefinition' + $end '00_Array2' + $end 'SODInfo' + $end 'DataInstances' + $begin 'WBSystemIDToDesignInstanceIDMap' + $end 'WBSystemIDToDesignInstanceIDMap' + $begin 'WBSysIDSysDetails' + $end 'WBSysIDSysDetails' + $begin 'WBConnIDConnDetails' + $end 'WBConnIDConnDetails' + $begin 'WBMaterialGuidDetails' + WBMaterialGuidMap() + $end 'WBMaterialGuidDetails' + $begin 'MinervaProjectSettingsBlk' + MinervaRemoteFilePath='' + FolderContainerString='' + $end 'MinervaProjectSettingsBlk' +$end 'AnsoftProject' +$begin 'AllReferencedFilesForProject' +$begin 'Design_0.setup/UdmDefFiles' +NumFiles= 4 +$begin 'a3dcomp' +Design_0.setup/UdmDefFiles/01_Metal_Only737.a3dcomp +BIN000000029357 +$begin 'AnsoftComponentChkSum' + ChecksumString='fe90c3eebdb3a22fa943fe186e9d6590' + ChecksumHistory('2eae920cded86ea339b0c2b510c2e396', '56dc97eefced4fb878670bf07bf9c0d7', '6ad251b9b60c46a887f8abe7cc95a939', '4dbebe5edc26d02a76cbe6a0375bcc2c', '1ffabeb99e557c6294a61facb790fdc1') + VersionHistory('1.0', '2.0', '3.0', '4.0', '5.0') + FormatVersion=11 + Version(2023, 1) + ComponentDefinitionType='DesignDerivedComponentDefinition' +$end 'AnsoftComponentChkSum' +$begin 'AnsoftComponentHeader' + $begin 'Information' + $begin 'ComponentInfo' + ComponentName='01_Metal_Only' + Company='' + 'Company URL'='' + 'Model Number'='' + 'Help URL'='' + Version='6.0' + Notes='' + IconType='' + Owner='Sergio Melais' + Email='sergio.melais@ansys.com' + Date='9:51:04 AM Jan 25, 2023' + HasLabel=false + LabelImage='' + $end 'ComponentInfo' + $end 'Information' + $begin 'DesignDataDescriptions' + $begin 'DesignSettings' + ProductName='HFSS' + SolutionType='HFSS Hybrid Modal Network' + $begin 'DrivenOptions' + AutoOpen=false + $end 'DrivenOptions' + $end 'DesignSettings' + $begin 'Component Meshing' + Type='Volume' + $end 'Component Meshing' + $end 'DesignDataDescriptions' + $begin 'Preview' + Image='' + $end 'Preview' + ContainsLightweightGeometry=false +$end 'AnsoftComponentHeader' +$begin 'ComponentBody' + $begin 'HFSSModel' + $begin 'Variables' + $end 'Variables' + $begin 'Datasets' + $end 'Datasets' + $begin 'DesignData' + $begin 'DesignSettings' + 'Allow Material Override'=true + IncludeTemperatureDependence=false + EnableFeedback=false + Temperatures(6, '22cel', 34, '22cel', 238, '22cel', 250, '22cel', 278, '22cel') + ObjsEnabledForDeformation() + $end 'DesignSettings' + $begin 'DCThickness' + $end 'DCThickness' + $begin 'Boundaries' + $begin 'groundMetal' + ID=1 + BoundType='Perfect E' + IsComponent=false + Objects(34) + ParentBndID=-1 + InfGroundPlane=false + $end 'groundMetal' + $begin 'Antenna' + ID=5 + BoundType='Perfect E' + IsComponent=false + Objects(238) + ParentBndID=-1 + InfGroundPlane=false + $end 'Antenna' + $begin 'Rad1' + ID=6 + BoundType='Radiation' + IsComponent=false + Faces(251) + ParentBndID=-1 + UseAdaptiveIE=false + IsFssReference=false + IsForPML=false + $end 'Rad1' + $begin 'LatticePair1' + ID=7 + BoundType='Lattice Pair' + IsComponent=false + Faces(253, 255) + ParentBndID=-1 + $begin 'CoordSysVector' + $begin 'GeometryPosition' + IsAttachedToEntity=true + EntityID=272 + ParentIDs(260, 259, 265) + FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 + TriangleVertexIndex=-1 + hasXYZ=true + PositionType='OnVertex' + UParam=0 + VParam=0 + XPosition='-4' + YPosition='-4' + ZPosition='6.9524' + $end 'GeometryPosition' + $begin 'uv_block_name' + uvpos_u=0 + uvpos_v=0 + uvpos_id=253 + $end 'uv_block_name' + $begin 'GeometryPosition' + IsAttachedToEntity=true + EntityID=275 + ParentIDs(265, 263, 262) + FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 + TriangleVertexIndex=-1 + hasXYZ=true + PositionType='OnVertex' + UParam=0 + VParam=0 + XPosition='-4' + YPosition='-4' + ZPosition='-4.33680868994202e-16' + $end 'GeometryPosition' + $begin 'uv_block_name' + uvpos_u=1 + uvpos_v=0 + uvpos_id=253 + $end 'uv_block_name' + $end 'CoordSysVector' + ReverseV=true + PhaseDelay='UseScanAngle' + Phi='0deg' + Theta='0deg' + Phase='0deg' + $end 'LatticePair1' + $begin 'LatticePair2' + ID=8 + BoundType='Lattice Pair' + IsComponent=false + Faces(254, 256) + ParentBndID=-1 + $begin 'CoordSysVector' + $begin 'GeometryPosition' + IsAttachedToEntity=true + EntityID=271 + ParentIDs(259, 258, 267) + FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 + TriangleVertexIndex=-1 + hasXYZ=true + PositionType='OnVertex' + UParam=0 + VParam=0 + XPosition='-4' + YPosition='4' + ZPosition='6.9524' + $end 'GeometryPosition' + $begin 'uv_block_name' + uvpos_u=1 + uvpos_v=1 + uvpos_id=254 + $end 'uv_block_name' + $begin 'GeometryPosition' + IsAttachedToEntity=true + EntityID=276 + ParentIDs(267, 264, 263) + FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 + TriangleVertexIndex=-1 + hasXYZ=true + PositionType='OnVertex' + UParam=0 + VParam=0 + XPosition='-4' + YPosition='4' + ZPosition='-4.33680868994202e-16' + $end 'GeometryPosition' + $begin 'uv_block_name' + uvpos_u=0 + uvpos_v=1 + uvpos_id=254 + $end 'uv_block_name' + $end 'CoordSysVector' + ReverseV=true + PhaseDelay='UseScanAngle' + Phi='0deg' + Theta='0deg' + Phase='0deg' + $end 'LatticePair2' + $end 'Boundaries' + $begin 'Circuit Elements' + $end 'Circuit Elements' + $begin 'PMLGroups' + $end 'PMLGroups' + $begin 'MeshOperations' + $begin 'GlobalSurfApproximation' + CurvedSurfaceApproxChoice='UseSlider' + SliderMeshSettings=5 + $end 'GlobalSurfApproximation' + $begin 'GlobalCurvilinear' + Apply=false + $end 'GlobalCurvilinear' + $begin 'GlobalModelRes' + UseAutoLength=true + $end 'GlobalModelRes' + MeshMethod='Auto' + UseLegacyFaceterForTauVolumeMesh=false + DynamicSurfaceResolution=false + UseFlexMeshingForTAUvolumeMesh=false + UseAlternativeMeshMethodsAsFallBack=true + AllowPhiForLayeredGeometry=true + $end 'MeshOperations' + $end 'DesignData' + $end 'HFSSModel' + $begin 'MaterialDefinitions' + $begin 'Variables' + $end 'Variables' + $begin 'Datasets' + $end 'Datasets' + $begin 'Definitions' + $begin 'Materials' + $begin 'Rogers RO4003 (tm)' + CoordinateSystemType='Cartesian' + BulkOrSurfaceType=1 + $begin 'PhysicsTypes' + set('Electromagnetic') + $end 'PhysicsTypes' + permittivity='3.55' + conductivity='0' + dielectric_loss_tangent='0.0027' + ModTime=1617382295 + Library='' + LibLocation='Project' + ModSinceLib=false + $end 'Rogers RO4003 (tm)' + $begin 'Teflon (tm)' + CoordinateSystemType='Cartesian' + BulkOrSurfaceType=1 + $begin 'PhysicsTypes' + set('Electromagnetic', 'Thermal', 'Structural') + $end 'PhysicsTypes' + $begin 'AttachedData' + $begin 'MatAppearanceData' + property_data='appearance_data' + Red=26 + Green=26 + Blue=26 + $end 'MatAppearanceData' + $end 'AttachedData' + permittivity='2.1' + dielectric_loss_tangent='0.001' + thermal_conductivity='0.25' + mass_density='2250' + specific_heat='1400' + youngs_modulus='496000000' + poissons_ratio='0.3' + thermal_expansion_coefficient='1.35e-06' + ModTime=1499970477 + Library='Materials' + LibLocation='SysLibrary' + ModSinceLib=false + $end 'Teflon (tm)' + $begin 'vacuum' + CoordinateSystemType='Cartesian' + BulkOrSurfaceType=1 + $begin 'PhysicsTypes' + set('Electromagnetic') + $end 'PhysicsTypes' + $begin 'AttachedData' + $begin 'MatAppearanceData' + property_data='appearance_data' + Red=230 + Green=230 + Blue=230 + Transparency=0.94999998807907104 + $end 'MatAppearanceData' + $end 'AttachedData' + permittivity='1' + ModTime=1499970477 + Library='Materials' + LibLocation='SysLibrary' + ModSinceLib=false + $end 'vacuum' + $end 'Materials' + $begin 'SurfaceMaterials' + $end 'SurfaceMaterials' + $end 'Definitions' + $end 'MaterialDefinitions' + $begin 'GeometryData' + $begin 'Variables' + $begin 'LocalVariables' + VariableProp('patchX', 'UD', '', 'patchY') + VariableProp('radome_thick', 'UD', '', '0.8cm') + VariableProp('radome_height', 'UD', '', '1cm') + VariableProp('subH', 'UD', '', '0.1524cm') + VariableProp('subY', 'UD', '', '8cm') + VariableProp('subX', 'UD', '', '8cm') + VariableProp('patchY', 'UD', '', '4.39cm') + $end 'LocalVariables' + $end 'Variables' + $begin 'Datasets' + $end 'Datasets' + $begin 'GeometryCore' + BlockVersionID=3 + DataVersion=15 + NativeKernel='PARASOLID' + NativeKernelVersionID=23 + Units='cm' + ModelExtents=10000 + InstanceID=-1 + $begin 'ValidationOptions' + EntityCheckLevel='Strict' + IgnoreUnclassifiedObjects=false + SkipIntersectionChecks=false + $end 'ValidationOptions' + ContainsGeomLinkUDM=false + $begin 'GeometryOperations' + BlockVersionID=2 + $begin 'AnsoftRangedIDServerManager' + $begin 'AnsoftRangedIDServer' + IDServerObjectTypeID=0 + IDServerRangeMin=0 + IDServerRangeMax=2146483647 + NextUniqueID=305 + MoveBackwards=false + $end 'AnsoftRangedIDServer' + $begin 'AnsoftRangedIDServer' + IDServerObjectTypeID=1 + IDServerRangeMin=2146483648 + IDServerRangeMax=2146485547 + NextUniqueID=2146483654 + MoveBackwards=false + $end 'AnsoftRangedIDServer' + $end 'AnsoftRangedIDServerManager' + StartBackGroundFaceID=2146483648 + $begin 'CoordinateSystems' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='CreateRelativeCoordinateSystem' + ID=233 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'RelativeCSParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + Mode='Axis/Position' + OriginX='0cm' + OriginY='0cm' + OriginZ='0.1524cm' + XAxisXvec='1cm' + XAxisYvec='0cm' + XAxisZvec='0cm' + YAxisXvec='0cm' + YAxisYvec='1cm' + YAxisZvec='0cm' + $end 'RelativeCSParameters' + ParentPartID=-1 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='RelativeCS1' + UDMId=-1 + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $end 'Operations' + XYPlaneID=234 + $end 'Operation' + $end 'CoordinateSystems' + $begin 'OperandCSs' + $end 'OperandCSs' + $begin 'UserDefinedModels' + $end 'UserDefinedModels' + $begin 'OperandUserDefinedModels' + $end 'OperandUserDefinedModels' + $begin 'ToplevelParts' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='sub' + Flags='' + Color='(0 128 0)' + Transparency=0.29999999999999999 + 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EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + $end 'Operation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='Ground' + Flags='' + Color='(255 128 65)' + Transparency=0.29999999999999999 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=-1 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='"vacuum"' + SurfaceMaterialValue='""' + SolveInside=true + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0cm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=true + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Rectangle' + ID=33 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'RectangleParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + XStart='-subX/2' + YStart='-subY/2' + ZStart='0cm' + Width='subX' + Height='subY' + WhichAxis='Z' + $end 'RectangleParameters' + ParentPartID=34 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=0 + NumWires=1 + NumLoops=0 + NumCoedges=0 + NumEdges=4 + NumVertices=4 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=34 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=35 + StartVertexID=39 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=4 + NumNewVertices=4 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='CoverLines' + ID=43 + $begin 'LocalOperationParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + LocalOpPart=34 + $end 'LocalOperationParameters' + ParentPartID=34 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=1 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=1 + NumCoedges=4 + NumEdges=4 + NumVertices=4 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=44 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=1 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'NewFaces' + $begin 'Face' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=44 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=64 + FcUVMid(0, 0, 0) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(-4, -4, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(4, -4, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(4, 4, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-4, 4, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'Face' + $end 'NewFaces' + $begin 'NewEdges' + $end 'NewEdges' + $begin 'NewVertices' + $end 'NewVertices' + $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $end 'OperationIdentity' + ParentOperationID=33 + $end 'Operation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='antenna' + Flags='' + Color='(255 128 0)' + Transparency=0 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=-1 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='"vacuum"' + SurfaceMaterialValue='""' + SolveInside=true + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0cm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=true + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Rectangle' + ID=237 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=233 + $begin 'RectangleParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + XStart='-patchX/2' + YStart='-patchY/2' + ZStart='0cm' + Width='patchX' + Height='patchY' + WhichAxis='Z' + $end 'RectangleParameters' + ParentPartID=238 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=0 + NumWires=1 + NumLoops=0 + NumCoedges=0 + NumEdges=4 + NumVertices=4 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=238 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=239 + StartVertexID=243 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=4 + NumNewVertices=4 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='CoverLines' + ID=247 + $begin 'LocalOperationParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + LocalOpPart=238 + $end 'LocalOperationParameters' + ParentPartID=238 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=1 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=1 + NumCoedges=4 + NumEdges=4 + NumVertices=4 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=248 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=1 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'NewFaces' + $begin 'Face' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=248 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=19.272099999999995 + FcUVMid(0, 0, 0.15240000000000001) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(-2.1949999999999998, -2.1949999999999998, 0.15240000000000001, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(2.1949999999999998, -2.1949999999999998, 0.15240000000000001, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(2.1949999999999998, 2.1949999999999998, 0.15240000000000001, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-2.1949999999999998, 2.1949999999999998, 0.15240000000000001, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'Face' + $end 'NewFaces' + $begin 'NewEdges' + $end 'NewEdges' + $begin 'NewVertices' + $end 'NewVertices' + $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $end 'OperationIdentity' + ParentOperationID=237 + $end 'Operation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='Box1' + Flags='Wireframe#' + Color='(255 0 0)' + Transparency=0 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=-1 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='"vacuum"' + SurfaceMaterialValue='""' + SolveInside=true + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0cm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=true + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Box' + ID=249 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=233 + $begin 'BoxParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + XPosition='-subX/2' + YPosition='-subY/2' + ZPosition='-0.1524cm' + XSize='subX' + YSize='subY' + ZSize='subH+radome_height+radome_thick+5cm' + $end 'BoxParameters' + ParentPartID=250 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=6 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=6 + NumCoedges=24 + NumEdges=12 + NumVertices=8 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=250 + StartFaceID=251 + StartEdgeID=257 + StartVertexID=269 + NumNewFaces=6 + NumNewEdges=12 + NumNewVertices=8 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + $end 'Operation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='Box2' + Flags='' + Color='(0 64 128)' + Transparency=0.5 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=-1 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='"Teflon (tm)"' + SurfaceMaterialValue='""' + SolveInside=true + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0cm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=true + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Box' + ID=277 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=233 + $begin 'BoxParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + XPosition='-subX/2' + YPosition='-subY/2' + ZPosition='radome_height' + XSize='subX' + YSize='subY' + ZSize='radome_thick' + $end 'BoxParameters' + ParentPartID=278 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=6 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=6 + NumCoedges=24 + NumEdges=12 + NumVertices=8 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=278 + StartFaceID=279 + StartEdgeID=285 + StartVertexID=297 + NumNewFaces=6 + NumNewEdges=12 + NumNewVertices=8 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + $end 'Operation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $end 'ToplevelParts' + $begin 'OperandParts' + $end 'OperandParts' + $begin 'Planes' + $end 'Planes' + $begin 'Points' + $end 'Points' + $begin 'GeometryEntityLists' + $end 'GeometryEntityLists' + $begin 'RegionIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=6 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=6 + NumCoedges=24 + NumEdges=12 + NumVertices=8 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=107 + StartFaceID=108 + StartEdgeID=114 + StartVertexID=126 + NumNewFaces=6 + NumNewEdges=12 + NumNewVertices=8 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + IsXZ2DModeler=false + $end 'RegionIdentity' + $begin 'CachedNames' + $begin 'allobjects' + allobjects(-1) + $end 'allobjects' + $begin 'antenna' + antenna(-1) + $end 'antenna' + $begin 'box' + box(1, 2) + $end 'box' + $begin 'global' + global(-1) + $end 'global' + $begin 'ground' + ground(-1) + $end 'ground' + $begin 'model' + model(-1) + $end 'model' + $begin 'relativecs' + relativecs(1) + $end 'relativecs' + $begin 'sub' + sub(-1) + $end 'sub' + $end 'CachedNames' + $end 'GeometryOperations' + $begin 'GeometryDependencies' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 5) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 33) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 43) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 33) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 237) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 233) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 247) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 237) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 249) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 233) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 277) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 233) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 233) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $end 'GeometryDependencies' + $end 'GeometryCore' + $begin 'AssignedEntities' + AssignedObject[2: 34, 238] + $begin 'AssignedFace' + kID=251 + $begin 'FaceData' + ParentObjectID=250 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=64 + FcUVMid(0, 0, 6.9523999999999999) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(4, -4, 6.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(4, 4, 6.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-4, 4, 6.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-4, -4, 6.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'FaceData' + $end 'AssignedFace' + $begin 'AssignedFace' + kID=253 + $begin 'FaceData' + ParentObjectID=250 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=55.619200000000006 + FcUVMid(0, -4, 3.4761999999999995) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(4, -4, 6.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-4, -4, 6.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-4, -4, -4.3368086899420177e-16, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(4, -4, -4.3368086899420177e-16, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'FaceData' + $end 'AssignedFace' + $begin 'AssignedFace' + kID=254 + $begin 'FaceData' + ParentObjectID=250 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=55.619200000000006 + FcUVMid(-4, 0, 3.4761999999999995) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(-4, -4, 6.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-4, 4, 6.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-4, 4, -4.3368086899420177e-16, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-4, -4, -4.3368086899420177e-16, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'FaceData' + $end 'AssignedFace' + $begin 'AssignedFace' + kID=255 + $begin 'FaceData' + ParentObjectID=250 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=55.619200000000006 + FcUVMid(0, 4, 3.4761999999999995) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(-4, 4, 6.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(4, 4, 6.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(4, 4, -4.3368086899420177e-16, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-4, 4, -4.3368086899420177e-16, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'FaceData' + $end 'AssignedFace' + $begin 'AssignedFace' + kID=256 + $begin 'FaceData' + ParentObjectID=250 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=55.619200000000006 + FcUVMid(4, 0, 3.4761999999999995) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(4, 4, -4.3368086899420177e-16, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(4, 4, 6.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(4, -4, 6.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(4, -4, -4.3368086899420177e-16, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'FaceData' + $end 'AssignedFace' + $begin 'AssignedVertex' + kID=271 + $begin 'VertexData' + ParentObjectID=250 + ParentEdges[3: 259, 258, 267] + TolVt(-4, 4, 6.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'VertexData' + $end 'AssignedVertex' + $begin 'AssignedVertex' + kID=272 + $begin 'VertexData' + ParentObjectID=250 + ParentEdges[3: 260, 259, 265] + TolVt(-4, -4, 6.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'VertexData' + $end 'AssignedVertex' + $begin 'AssignedVertex' + kID=275 + $begin 'VertexData' + ParentObjectID=250 + ParentEdges[3: 265, 263, 262] + TolVt(-4, -4, -4.3368086899420177e-16, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'VertexData' + $end 'AssignedVertex' + $begin 'AssignedVertex' + kID=276 + $begin 'VertexData' + ParentObjectID=250 + ParentEdges[3: 267, 264, 263] + TolVt(-4, 4, -4.3368086899420177e-16, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'VertexData' + $end 'AssignedVertex' + $end 'AssignedEntities' + $begin 'Settings' + IncludedParts[5: 6, 34, 238, 250, 278] + HiddenParts[0:] + IncludedCS[1: 233] + ReferenceCS=1 + IncludedParameters('patchY', 'radome_height', 'radome_thick', 'subH', 'subX', 'subY') + IncludedDependentParameters() + ParameterDescription(patchY='', radome_height='', radome_thick='', subH='', subX='', subY='') + $end 'Settings' + $end 'GeometryData' +$end 'ComponentBody' +$begin 'AllReferencedFilesForComponent' +$end 'AllReferencedFilesForComponent' +$end 'a3dcomp' +$begin 'a3dcomp' +Design_0.setup/UdmDefFiles/02_Patch599.a3dcomp +BIN000000052902 +$begin 'AnsoftComponentChkSum' + ChecksumString='d5c6ab10d27dc0bd8bbb02e8dd2e2342' + ChecksumHistory('20fc5ac219fa743afd8ca925e6eb2079', '5a214f4574db96d93ace173fc9633c0d', 'ab2260df524ce23f2a26184bbe992b40', '1f86c0d94b7d8d980b578032d3716fb9', 'ac15e7f1edaac81bfe47615ad0e764c1', 'fdb0262a95719ca1f5242cd1435323c7', '7480689c0d4583954aa27bec8a82ea72', '67276bcb604613ff2d50669fd5840c08', 'afc6f7c927ea038b13e96a3641c31d5f', '16c4cdaef0e0228e14d11c5b3700e977') + VersionHistory('1.0', '2.0', '3.0', '3.0', '4.0', '5.0', '6.0', '7.0', '8.0', '9.0') + FormatVersion=11 + Version(2023, 1) + ComponentDefinitionType='DesignDerivedComponentDefinition' +$end 'AnsoftComponentChkSum' +$begin 'AnsoftComponentHeader' + $begin 'Information' + $begin 'ComponentInfo' + ComponentName='02_Patch' + Company='' + 'Company URL'='' + 'Model Number'='' + 'Help URL'='' + Version='10.0' + Notes='' + IconType='' + Owner='Sergio Melais' + Email='sergio.melais@ansys.com' + Date='9:50:58 AM Jan 25, 2023' + HasLabel=false + LabelImage='' + $end 'ComponentInfo' + $end 'Information' + $begin 'DesignDataDescriptions' + $begin 'DesignSettings' + ProductName='HFSS' + SolutionType='HFSS Hybrid Modal Network' + $begin 'DrivenOptions' + AutoOpen=false + $end 'DrivenOptions' + $end 'DesignSettings' + $begin 'Component Meshing' + Type='Volume' + $end 'Component Meshing' + $end 'DesignDataDescriptions' + $begin 'Preview' + Image='' + $end 'Preview' + ContainsLightweightGeometry=false +$end 'AnsoftComponentHeader' +$begin 'ComponentBody' + $begin 'HFSSModel' + $begin 'Variables' + $end 'Variables' + $begin 'Datasets' + $end 'Datasets' + $begin 'DesignData' + $begin 'DesignSettings' + 'Allow Material Override'=true + IncludeTemperatureDependence=false + EnableFeedback=false + Temperatures(6, '22cel', 34, '22cel', 46, '22cel', 95, '22cel', 234, '22cel', 267, '22cel') + ObjsEnabledForDeformation() + $end 'DesignSettings' + $begin 'DCThickness' + $end 'DCThickness' + $begin 'Boundaries' + $begin 'antennaMetal' + ID=0 + BoundType='Perfect E' + IsComponent=false + Objects(46) + ParentBndID=-1 + InfGroundPlane=false + $end 'antennaMetal' + $begin 'groundMetal' + ID=1 + BoundType='Perfect E' + IsComponent=false + Objects(34) + ParentBndID=-1 + InfGroundPlane=false + $end 'groundMetal' + $begin 'LatticePair1' + ID=9 + BoundType='Lattice Pair' + IsComponent=false + Faces(237, 239) + ParentBndID=-1 + $begin 'CoordSysVector' + $begin 'GeometryPosition' + IsAttachedToEntity=true + EntityID=256 + ParentIDs(244, 243, 249) + FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 + TriangleVertexIndex=-1 + hasXYZ=true + PositionType='OnVertex' + UParam=0 + VParam=0 + XPosition='-4' + YPosition='-4' + ZPosition='6.9524' + $end 'GeometryPosition' + $begin 'uv_block_name' + uvpos_u=0 + uvpos_v=0 + uvpos_id=237 + $end 'uv_block_name' + $begin 'GeometryPosition' + IsAttachedToEntity=true + EntityID=259 + ParentIDs(249, 247, 246) + FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 + TriangleVertexIndex=-1 + hasXYZ=true + PositionType='OnVertex' + UParam=0 + VParam=0 + XPosition='-4' + YPosition='-4' + ZPosition='0' + $end 'GeometryPosition' + $begin 'uv_block_name' + uvpos_u=1 + uvpos_v=0 + uvpos_id=237 + $end 'uv_block_name' + $end 'CoordSysVector' + ReverseV=true + PhaseDelay='UseScanAngle' + Phi='0deg' + Theta='0deg' + Phase='0deg' + $end 'LatticePair1' + $begin 'LatticePair2' + ID=10 + BoundType='Lattice Pair' + IsComponent=false + Faces(238, 240) + ParentBndID=-1 + $begin 'CoordSysVector' + $begin 'GeometryPosition' + IsAttachedToEntity=true + EntityID=255 + ParentIDs(243, 242, 251) + FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 + TriangleVertexIndex=-1 + hasXYZ=true + PositionType='OnVertex' + UParam=0 + VParam=0 + XPosition='-4' + YPosition='4' + ZPosition='6.9524' + $end 'GeometryPosition' + $begin 'uv_block_name' + uvpos_u=1 + uvpos_v=1 + uvpos_id=238 + $end 'uv_block_name' + $begin 'GeometryPosition' + IsAttachedToEntity=true + EntityID=260 + ParentIDs(251, 248, 247) + FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 + TriangleVertexIndex=-1 + hasXYZ=true + PositionType='OnVertex' + UParam=0 + VParam=0 + XPosition='-4' + YPosition='4' + ZPosition='0' + $end 'GeometryPosition' + $begin 'uv_block_name' + uvpos_u=0 + uvpos_v=1 + uvpos_id=238 + $end 'uv_block_name' + $end 'CoordSysVector' + ReverseV=true + PhaseDelay='UseScanAngle' + Phi='0deg' + Theta='0deg' + Phase='0deg' + $end 'LatticePair2' + $begin 'Rad1' + ID=11 + BoundType='Radiation' + IsComponent=false + Faces(235) + ParentBndID=-1 + UseAdaptiveIE=false + IsFssReference=false + IsForPML=false + $end 'Rad1' + $end 'Boundaries' + $begin 'Excitations' + $begin '1' + ID=3 + BoundType='Lumped Port' + IsComponent=false + Faces(105) + LumpedPortType='Modal' + DoDeembed=false + ParentBndID=-1 + $begin 'Modes' + $begin 'Mode1' + ModeNum=1 + UseIntLine=true + $begin 'IntLine' + $begin 'GeometryPosition' + IsAttachedToEntity=true + EntityID=97 + FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 + TriangleVertexIndex=-1 + hasXYZ=true + PositionType='EdgeCenter' + UParam=0.5 + VParam=0 + XPosition='2.16840434497101e-17' + YPosition='3.695' + ZPosition='0.1524' + $end 'GeometryPosition' + $begin 'uv_block_name' + uvpos_u=0.99999999999999967 + uvpos_v=0.5 + uvpos_id=105 + $end 'uv_block_name' + $begin 'GeometryPosition' + IsAttachedToEntity=true + EntityID=99 + FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 + TriangleVertexIndex=-1 + hasXYZ=true + PositionType='EdgeCenter' + UParam=0.5 + VParam=0 + XPosition='0' + YPosition='3.695' + ZPosition='-3.08610993385133e-17' + $end 'GeometryPosition' + $begin 'uv_block_name' + uvpos_u=2.0250065182751468e-16 + uvpos_v=0.49999999999999994 + uvpos_id=105 + $end 'uv_block_name' + $end 'IntLine' + AlignmentGroup=0 + CharImp='Zpi' + $end 'Mode1' + $end 'Modes' + LumpedPortSheetID=-1 + Impedance='50ohm' + $end '1' + $end 'Excitations' + $begin 'Circuit Elements' + $end 'Circuit Elements' + $begin 'PMLGroups' + $end 'PMLGroups' + $begin 'MeshOperations' + $begin 'GlobalSurfApproximation' + CurvedSurfaceApproxChoice='UseSlider' + SliderMeshSettings=5 + $end 'GlobalSurfApproximation' + $begin 'GlobalCurvilinear' + Apply=false + $end 'GlobalCurvilinear' + $begin 'GlobalModelRes' + UseAutoLength=true + $end 'GlobalModelRes' + MeshMethod='Auto' + UseLegacyFaceterForTauVolumeMesh=false + DynamicSurfaceResolution=false + UseFlexMeshingForTAUvolumeMesh=false + UseAlternativeMeshMethodsAsFallBack=true + AllowPhiForLayeredGeometry=true + $end 'MeshOperations' + $end 'DesignData' + $end 'HFSSModel' + $begin 'MaterialDefinitions' + $begin 'Variables' + $end 'Variables' + $begin 'Datasets' + $end 'Datasets' + $begin 'Definitions' + $begin 'Materials' + $begin 'Rogers RO4003 (tm)' + CoordinateSystemType='Cartesian' + BulkOrSurfaceType=1 + $begin 'PhysicsTypes' + set('Electromagnetic') + $end 'PhysicsTypes' + permittivity='3.55' + conductivity='0' + dielectric_loss_tangent='0.0027' + ModTime=1617382295 + Library='' + LibLocation='Project' + ModSinceLib=false + $end 'Rogers RO4003 (tm)' + $begin 'Teflon (tm)' + CoordinateSystemType='Cartesian' + BulkOrSurfaceType=1 + $begin 'PhysicsTypes' + set('Electromagnetic', 'Thermal', 'Structural') + $end 'PhysicsTypes' + $begin 'AttachedData' + $begin 'MatAppearanceData' + property_data='appearance_data' + Red=26 + Green=26 + Blue=26 + $end 'MatAppearanceData' + $end 'AttachedData' + permittivity='2.1' + dielectric_loss_tangent='0.001' + thermal_conductivity='0.25' + mass_density='2250' + specific_heat='1400' + youngs_modulus='496000000' + poissons_ratio='0.3' + thermal_expansion_coefficient='1.35e-06' + ModTime=1499970477 + Library='Materials' + LibLocation='SysLibrary' + ModSinceLib=false + $end 'Teflon (tm)' + $begin 'vacuum' + CoordinateSystemType='Cartesian' + BulkOrSurfaceType=1 + $begin 'PhysicsTypes' + set('Electromagnetic') + $end 'PhysicsTypes' + $begin 'AttachedData' + $begin 'MatAppearanceData' + property_data='appearance_data' + Red=230 + Green=230 + Blue=230 + Transparency=0.94999998807907104 + $end 'MatAppearanceData' + $end 'AttachedData' + permittivity='1' + ModTime=1499970477 + Library='Materials' + LibLocation='SysLibrary' + ModSinceLib=false + $end 'vacuum' + $end 'Materials' + $begin 'SurfaceMaterials' + $end 'SurfaceMaterials' + $end 'Definitions' + $end 'MaterialDefinitions' + $begin 'GeometryData' + $begin 'Variables' + $begin 'LocalVariables' + VariableProp('patchY', 'UD', '', '4.39cm') + VariableProp('subY', 'UD', '', '8cm') + VariableProp('subX', 'UD', '', '8cm') + VariableProp('FeedLength', 'UD', '', '1.5cm') + VariableProp('InsetGap', 'UD', '', '0.168cm') + VariableProp('patchX', 'UD', '', 'patchY') + VariableProp('radome_height', 'UD', '', '1cm') + VariableProp('subH', 'UD', '', '0.1524cm') + VariableProp('FeedWidth', 'UD', '', '0.336cm') + VariableProp('radome_thick', 'UD', '', '0.8cm') + VariableProp('InsetDistance', 'UD', '', '1.46cm') + $end 'LocalVariables' + $end 'Variables' + $begin 'Datasets' + $end 'Datasets' + $begin 'GeometryCore' + BlockVersionID=3 + DataVersion=17 + NativeKernel='PARASOLID' + NativeKernelVersionID=23 + Units='cm' + ModelExtents=10000 + InstanceID=-1 + $begin 'ValidationOptions' + EntityCheckLevel='Strict' + IgnoreUnclassifiedObjects=false + SkipIntersectionChecks=false + $end 'ValidationOptions' + ContainsGeomLinkUDM=false + $begin 'GeometryOperations' + BlockVersionID=2 + $begin 'AnsoftRangedIDServerManager' + $begin 'AnsoftRangedIDServer' + IDServerObjectTypeID=0 + IDServerRangeMin=0 + IDServerRangeMax=2146483647 + NextUniqueID=295 + MoveBackwards=false + $end 'AnsoftRangedIDServer' + $begin 'AnsoftRangedIDServer' + IDServerObjectTypeID=1 + IDServerRangeMin=2146483648 + IDServerRangeMax=2146485547 + NextUniqueID=2146483654 + MoveBackwards=false + $end 'AnsoftRangedIDServer' + $end 'AnsoftRangedIDServerManager' + StartBackGroundFaceID=2146483648 + $begin 'CoordinateSystems' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='CreateRelativeCoordinateSystem' + ID=262 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'RelativeCSParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + Mode='Axis/Position' + OriginX='0cm' + OriginY='0cm' + OriginZ='0.1524cm' + XAxisXvec='1cm' + XAxisYvec='0cm' + XAxisZvec='0cm' + YAxisXvec='0cm' + YAxisYvec='1cm' + YAxisZvec='0cm' + $end 'RelativeCSParameters' + ParentPartID=-1 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='RelativeCS1' + UDMId=-1 + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $end 'Operations' + XYPlaneID=263 + $end 'Operation' + $end 'CoordinateSystems' + $begin 'OperandCSs' + $end 'OperandCSs' + $begin 'UserDefinedModels' + $end 'UserDefinedModels' + $begin 'OperandUserDefinedModels' + $end 'OperandUserDefinedModels' + $begin 'ToplevelParts' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='sub' + Flags='' + Color='(0 128 0)' + Transparency=0.29999999999999999 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=-1 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='"Rogers RO4003 (tm)"' + SurfaceMaterialValue='""' + SolveInside=true + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0cm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=true + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Box' + ID=5 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'BoxParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + XPosition='-subX/2' + YPosition='-subY/2' + ZPosition='0cm' + XSize='subX' + YSize='subY' + ZSize='subH' + $end 'BoxParameters' + ParentPartID=6 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=6 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=6 + NumCoedges=24 + NumEdges=12 + NumVertices=8 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=6 + StartFaceID=7 + StartEdgeID=13 + StartVertexID=25 + NumNewFaces=6 + NumNewEdges=12 + NumNewVertices=8 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + $end 'Operation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='Ground' + Flags='' + Color='(255 128 65)' + Transparency=0.29999999999999999 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=-1 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='"vacuum"' + SurfaceMaterialValue='""' + SolveInside=true + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0cm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=true + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Rectangle' + ID=33 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'RectangleParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + XStart='-subX/2' + YStart='-subY/2' + ZStart='0cm' + Width='subX' + Height='subY' + WhichAxis='Z' + $end 'RectangleParameters' + ParentPartID=34 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=0 + NumWires=1 + NumLoops=0 + NumCoedges=0 + NumEdges=4 + NumVertices=4 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=34 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=35 + StartVertexID=39 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=4 + NumNewVertices=4 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='CoverLines' + ID=43 + $begin 'LocalOperationParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + LocalOpPart=34 + $end 'LocalOperationParameters' + ParentPartID=34 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=1 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=1 + NumCoedges=4 + NumEdges=4 + NumVertices=4 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=44 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=1 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'NewFaces' + $begin 'Face' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=44 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=64 + FcUVMid(0, 0, 0) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(-4, -4, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(4, -4, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(4, 4, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-4, 4, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'Face' + $end 'NewFaces' + $begin 'NewEdges' + $end 'NewEdges' + $begin 'NewVertices' + $end 'NewVertices' + $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $end 'OperationIdentity' + ParentOperationID=33 + $end 'Operation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='antenna' + Flags='' + Color='(255 128 65)' + Transparency=0.29999999999999999 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=-1 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='"vacuum"' + SurfaceMaterialValue='""' + SolveInside=true + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0cm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=true + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Rectangle' + ID=45 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'RectangleParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + XStart='-patchX/2' + YStart='-patchY/2' + ZStart='subH' + Width='patchX' + Height='patchY' + WhichAxis='Z' + $end 'RectangleParameters' + ParentPartID=46 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=0 + NumWires=1 + NumLoops=0 + NumCoedges=0 + NumEdges=4 + NumVertices=4 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=46 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=47 + StartVertexID=51 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=4 + NumNewVertices=4 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='CoverLines' + ID=55 + $begin 'LocalOperationParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + LocalOpPart=46 + $end 'LocalOperationParameters' + ParentPartID=46 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=1 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=1 + NumCoedges=4 + NumEdges=4 + NumVertices=4 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=56 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=1 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'NewFaces' + $begin 'Face' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=56 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=19.272099999999995 + FcUVMid(0, 0, 0.15240000000000001) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(-2.1949999999999998, -2.1949999999999998, 0.15240000000000001, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(2.1949999999999998, -2.1949999999999998, 0.15240000000000001, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(2.1949999999999998, 2.1949999999999998, 0.15240000000000001, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-2.1949999999999998, 2.1949999999999998, 0.15240000000000001, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'Face' + $end 'NewFaces' + $begin 'NewEdges' + $end 'NewEdges' + $begin 'NewVertices' + $end 'NewVertices' + $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $end 'OperationIdentity' + ParentOperationID=45 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Substract' + ID=69 + $begin 'SubtractParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + KeepOriginals=false + TurnOnNBodyBoolean=false + BlankPart=46 + NumToolParts=1 + ToolParts(58) + $end 'SubtractParameters' + ParentPartID=46 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=1 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=1 + NumCoedges=8 + NumEdges=8 + NumVertices=8 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=222 + StartVertexID=227 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=5 + NumNewVertices=4 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'NewFaces' + $end 'NewFaces' + $begin 'NewEdges' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=222 + EdgeFaces(56) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(-0.33600000000000019, 2.1949999999999998, 0.15240000000000001, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-0.33600000000000002, 0.73499999999999965, 0.15240000000000001, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(-0.33600000000000002, 1.4649999999999996, 0.15240000000000001) + $end 'Edge' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=1 + ID=226 + EdgeFaces(56) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(0.33600000000000002, 0.73499999999999965, 0.15240000000000001, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-0.33600000000000002, 0.73499999999999965, 0.15240000000000001, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(0, 0.73499999999999965, 0.15240000000000001) + $end 'Edge' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=2 + ID=225 + EdgeFaces(56) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(0.33600000000000019, 2.1949999999999998, 0.15240000000000001, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(0.33600000000000002, 0.73499999999999965, 0.15240000000000001, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(0.33600000000000002, 1.4649999999999996, 0.15240000000000001) + $end 'Edge' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=3 + ID=224 + EdgeFaces(56) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(2.1949999999999998, 2.1949999999999998, 0.15240000000000001, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(0.33600000000000019, 2.1949999999999998, 0.15240000000000001, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(1.2654999999999998, 2.1949999999999998, 0.15240000000000001) + $end 'Edge' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=4 + ID=223 + EdgeFaces(56) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(-2.1949999999999998, 2.1949999999999998, 0.15240000000000001, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-0.33600000000000019, 2.1949999999999998, 0.15240000000000001, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(-1.2654999999999998, 2.1949999999999998, 0.15240000000000001) + $end 'Edge' + $end 'NewEdges' + $begin 'NewVertices' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=227 + VtPos(-0.33600000000000002, 0.73499999999999965, 0.15240000000000001) + $end 'Vertex' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=1 + ID=230 + VtPos(0.33600000000000002, 0.73499999999999965, 0.15240000000000001) + $end 'Vertex' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=2 + ID=228 + VtPos(-0.33600000000000019, 2.1949999999999998, 0.15240000000000001) + $end 'Vertex' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=3 + ID=229 + VtPos(0.33600000000000019, 2.1949999999999998, 0.15240000000000001) + $end 'Vertex' + $end 'NewVertices' + $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'MergedFaces' + $end 'MergedFaces' + $begin 'MergedEdges' + $end 'MergedEdges' + $end 'OperationIdentity' + BlankOperation=55 + NumToolOperations=1 + ToolOperations(67) + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Unite' + ID=91 + $begin 'UniteParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + KeepOriginals=false + TurnOnNBodyBoolean=false + BlankPart=46 + NumToolParts=1 + ToolParts(80) + $end 'UniteParameters' + ParentPartID=46 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=1 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=1 + NumCoedges=12 + NumEdges=12 + NumVertices=12 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=231 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=2 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'NewFaces' + $end 'NewFaces' + $begin 'NewEdges' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=232 + EdgeFaces(56) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(-0.33600000000000002, 0.73499999999999965, 0.15240000000000001, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-0.16800000000000001, 0.73499999999999965, 0.15240000000000001, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(-0.252, 0.73499999999999965, 0.15240000000000001) + $end 'Edge' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=1 + ID=231 + EdgeFaces(56) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(0.33600000000000002, 0.73499999999999965, 0.15240000000000001, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(0.16800000000000001, 0.73499999999999965, 0.15240000000000001, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(0.25199999999999995, 0.73499999999999965, 0.15240000000000001) + $end 'Edge' + $end 'NewEdges' + $begin 'NewVertices' + $end 'NewVertices' + $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'MergedFaces' + $end 'MergedFaces' + $begin 'MergedEdges' + $end 'MergedEdges' + $end 'OperationIdentity' + BlankOperation=69 + NumToolOperations=1 + ToolOperations(89) + $end 'Operation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='port1' + Flags='' + Color='(128 0 0)' + Transparency=0.29999999999999999 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=-1 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='"vacuum"' + SurfaceMaterialValue='""' + SolveInside=true + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0cm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=true + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Rectangle' + ID=94 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'RectangleParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + XStart='-FeedWidth/2' + YStart='patchY/2+FeedLength' + ZStart='0cm' + Width='subH' + Height='FeedWidth' + WhichAxis='Y' + $end 'RectangleParameters' + ParentPartID=95 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=0 + NumWires=1 + NumLoops=0 + NumCoedges=0 + NumEdges=4 + NumVertices=4 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=95 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=96 + StartVertexID=100 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=4 + NumNewVertices=4 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='CoverLines' + ID=104 + $begin 'LocalOperationParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + LocalOpPart=95 + $end 'LocalOperationParameters' + ParentPartID=95 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=1 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=1 + NumCoedges=4 + NumEdges=4 + NumVertices=4 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=105 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=1 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'NewFaces' + $begin 'Face' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=105 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=0.051206399999999999 + FcUVMid(2.2364959181737949e-17, 3.6949999999999994, 0.076199999999999976) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(-0.16800000000000001, 3.6949999999999994, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-0.16799999999999998, 3.6949999999999994, 0.15240000000000001, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(0.16800000000000004, 3.6949999999999994, 0.15239999999999995, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(0.16800000000000001, 3.6949999999999994, -6.1722198677026601e-17, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'Face' + $end 'NewFaces' + $begin 'NewEdges' + $end 'NewEdges' + $begin 'NewVertices' + $end 'NewVertices' + $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $end 'OperationIdentity' + ParentOperationID=94 + $end 'Operation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='Box1' + Flags='Wireframe#' + Color='(255 0 0)' + Transparency=0 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=-1 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='"vacuum"' + SurfaceMaterialValue='""' + SolveInside=true + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0cm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=true + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Box' + ID=233 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'BoxParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + XPosition='-subX/2' + YPosition='-subY/2' + ZPosition='0cm' + XSize='subX' + YSize='subY' + ZSize='subH+radome_thick+radome_height+5cm' + $end 'BoxParameters' + ParentPartID=234 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=6 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=6 + NumCoedges=24 + NumEdges=12 + NumVertices=8 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=234 + StartFaceID=235 + StartEdgeID=241 + StartVertexID=253 + NumNewFaces=6 + NumNewEdges=12 + NumNewVertices=8 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + $end 'Operation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='Box2' + Flags='' + Color='(0 64 128)' + Transparency=0.5 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=-1 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='"Teflon (tm)"' + SurfaceMaterialValue='""' + SolveInside=true + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0cm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=true + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Box' + ID=266 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=262 + $begin 'BoxParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + XPosition='-subX/2' + YPosition='-subY/2' + ZPosition='radome_height' + XSize='subX' + YSize='subY' + ZSize='radome_thick' + $end 'BoxParameters' + ParentPartID=267 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=6 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=6 + NumCoedges=24 + NumEdges=12 + NumVertices=8 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=267 + StartFaceID=268 + StartEdgeID=274 + StartVertexID=286 + NumNewFaces=6 + NumNewEdges=12 + NumNewVertices=8 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + $end 'Operation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $end 'ToplevelParts' + $begin 'OperandParts' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='NewObject_2673H5' + Flags='' + Color='(132 132 193)' + Transparency=0.29999999999999999 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=-1 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='""' + SurfaceMaterialValue='""' + SolveInside=true + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0cm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=true + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Rectangle' + ID=57 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'RectangleParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + XStart='-FeedWidth/2-InsetGap' + YStart='patchY/2-InsetDistance' + ZStart='subH' + Width='FeedWidth+2*InsetGap' + Height='FeedLength' + WhichAxis='Z' + $end 'RectangleParameters' + ParentPartID=58 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=0 + NumWires=1 + NumLoops=0 + NumCoedges=0 + NumEdges=4 + NumVertices=4 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=58 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=59 + StartVertexID=63 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=4 + NumNewVertices=4 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='CoverLines' + ID=67 + $begin 'LocalOperationParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + LocalOpPart=58 + $end 'LocalOperationParameters' + ParentPartID=58 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=1 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=1 + NumCoedges=4 + NumEdges=4 + NumVertices=4 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=68 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=1 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'NewFaces' + $begin 'Face' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=68 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=1.008 + FcUVMid(0, 1.4849999999999994, 0.15240000000000001) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(-0.33600000000000002, 0.73499999999999965, 0.15240000000000001, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(0.33600000000000002, 0.73499999999999965, 0.15240000000000001, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(0.33600000000000002, 2.2349999999999994, 0.15240000000000001, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-0.33600000000000002, 2.2349999999999994, 0.15240000000000001, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'Face' + $end 'NewFaces' + $begin 'NewEdges' + $end 'NewEdges' + $begin 'NewVertices' + $end 'NewVertices' + $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $end 'OperationIdentity' + ParentOperationID=57 + $end 'Operation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='NewObject_OV2BLE' + Flags='' + Color='(132 132 193)' + Transparency=0.29999999999999999 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=-1 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='""' + SurfaceMaterialValue='""' + SolveInside=true + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0cm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=true + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Rectangle' + ID=79 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'RectangleParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + XStart='-FeedWidth/2' + YStart='patchY/2-InsetDistance' + ZStart='subH' + Width='FeedWidth' + Height='FeedLength+InsetDistance' + WhichAxis='Z' + $end 'RectangleParameters' + ParentPartID=80 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=0 + NumWires=1 + NumLoops=0 + NumCoedges=0 + NumEdges=4 + NumVertices=4 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=80 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=81 + StartVertexID=85 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=4 + NumNewVertices=4 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='CoverLines' + ID=89 + $begin 'LocalOperationParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + LocalOpPart=80 + $end 'LocalOperationParameters' + ParentPartID=80 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=1 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=1 + NumCoedges=4 + NumEdges=4 + NumVertices=4 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=90 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=1 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'NewFaces' + $begin 'Face' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=90 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=0.99456 + FcUVMid(0, 2.2149999999999994, 0.15240000000000001) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(-0.16800000000000001, 0.73499999999999965, 0.15240000000000001, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(0.16800000000000001, 0.73499999999999965, 0.15240000000000001, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(0.16800000000000001, 3.6949999999999994, 0.15240000000000001, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-0.16800000000000001, 3.6949999999999994, 0.15240000000000001, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'Face' + $end 'NewFaces' + $begin 'NewEdges' + $end 'NewEdges' + $begin 'NewVertices' + $end 'NewVertices' + $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $end 'OperationIdentity' + ParentOperationID=79 + $end 'Operation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $end 'OperandParts' + $begin 'Planes' + $end 'Planes' + $begin 'Points' + $end 'Points' + $begin 'GeometryEntityLists' + $end 'GeometryEntityLists' + $begin 'RegionIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=6 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=6 + NumCoedges=24 + NumEdges=12 + NumVertices=8 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=107 + StartFaceID=108 + StartEdgeID=114 + StartVertexID=126 + NumNewFaces=6 + NumNewEdges=12 + NumNewVertices=8 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + IsXZ2DModeler=false + $end 'RegionIdentity' + $begin 'CachedNames' + $begin 'allobjects' + allobjects(-1) + $end 'allobjects' + $begin 'antenna' + antenna(-1) + $end 'antenna' + $begin 'box' + box(1, 2) + $end 'box' + $begin 'global' + global(-1) + $end 'global' + $begin 'ground' + ground(-1) + $end 'ground' + $begin 'model' + model(-1) + $end 'model' + $begin 'newobject_2673h' + newobject_2673h(5) + $end 'newobject_2673h' + $begin 'newobject_ov2ble' + newobject_ov2ble(-1) + $end 'newobject_ov2ble' + $begin 'objectlist' + objectlist(1) + $end 'objectlist' + $begin 'port' + port(1) + $end 'port' + $begin 'relativecs' + relativecs(1) + $end 'relativecs' + $begin 'sub' + sub(-1) + $end 'sub' + $end 'CachedNames' + $end 'GeometryOperations' + $begin 'GeometryDependencies' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 5) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 33) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 43) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 33) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 45) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 55) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 45) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 69) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 55) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 67) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 91) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 69) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 89) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 94) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 104) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 94) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 233) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 266) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 262) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 57) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 67) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 57) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 79) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 89) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 79) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 262) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $end 'GeometryDependencies' + $end 'GeometryCore' + $begin 'AssignedEntities' + AssignedObject[2: 34, 46] + $begin 'AssignedFace' + kID=105 + $begin 'FaceData' + ParentObjectID=95 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=0.051206399999999999 + FcUVMid(2.2364959181737949e-17, 3.6949999999999994, 0.076199999999999976) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(-0.16800000000000001, 3.6949999999999994, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-0.16799999999999998, 3.6949999999999994, 0.15240000000000001, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(0.16800000000000004, 3.6949999999999994, 0.15239999999999995, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(0.16800000000000001, 3.6949999999999994, -6.1722198677026601e-17, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'FaceData' + $end 'AssignedFace' + $begin 'AssignedFace' + kID=235 + $begin 'FaceData' + ParentObjectID=234 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=64 + FcUVMid(0, 0, 6.9523999999999999) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(4, -4, 6.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(4, 4, 6.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-4, 4, 6.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-4, -4, 6.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'FaceData' + $end 'AssignedFace' + $begin 'AssignedFace' + kID=237 + $begin 'FaceData' + ParentObjectID=234 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=55.619200000000006 + FcUVMid(0, -4, 3.4762) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(4, -4, 6.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-4, -4, 6.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-4, -4, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(4, -4, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'FaceData' + $end 'AssignedFace' + $begin 'AssignedFace' + kID=238 + $begin 'FaceData' + ParentObjectID=234 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=55.619200000000006 + FcUVMid(-4, 0, 3.4762) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(-4, -4, 6.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-4, 4, 6.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-4, 4, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-4, -4, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'FaceData' + $end 'AssignedFace' + $begin 'AssignedFace' + kID=239 + $begin 'FaceData' + ParentObjectID=234 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=55.619200000000006 + FcUVMid(0, 4, 3.4762) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(-4, 4, 6.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(4, 4, 6.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(4, 4, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-4, 4, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'FaceData' + $end 'AssignedFace' + $begin 'AssignedFace' + kID=240 + $begin 'FaceData' + ParentObjectID=234 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=55.619200000000006 + FcUVMid(4, 0, 3.4762) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(4, 4, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(4, 4, 6.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(4, -4, 6.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(4, -4, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'FaceData' + $end 'AssignedFace' + $begin 'AssignedEdge' + kID=97 + $begin 'EdgeData' + ParentObjectID=95 + ParentFaces[1: 105] + $begin 'EdgeGeomTopol' + EdgeFaces(105) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(-0.16799999999999998, 3.6949999999999994, 0.15240000000000001, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(0.16800000000000004, 3.6949999999999994, 0.15239999999999995, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(2.1684043449710089e-17, 3.6949999999999994, 0.15239999999999998) + $end 'EdgeGeomTopol' + $end 'EdgeData' + $end 'AssignedEdge' + $begin 'AssignedEdge' + kID=99 + $begin 'EdgeData' + ParentObjectID=95 + ParentFaces[1: 105] + $begin 'EdgeGeomTopol' + EdgeFaces(105) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(-0.16800000000000001, 3.6949999999999994, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(0.16800000000000001, 3.6949999999999994, -6.1722198677026601e-17, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(0, 3.6949999999999994, -3.08610993385133e-17) + $end 'EdgeGeomTopol' + $end 'EdgeData' + $end 'AssignedEdge' + $begin 'AssignedVertex' + kID=255 + $begin 'VertexData' + ParentObjectID=234 + ParentEdges[3: 243, 242, 251] + TolVt(-4, 4, 6.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'VertexData' + $end 'AssignedVertex' + $begin 'AssignedVertex' + kID=256 + $begin 'VertexData' + ParentObjectID=234 + ParentEdges[3: 244, 243, 249] + TolVt(-4, -4, 6.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'VertexData' + $end 'AssignedVertex' + $begin 'AssignedVertex' + kID=259 + $begin 'VertexData' + ParentObjectID=234 + ParentEdges[3: 249, 247, 246] + TolVt(-4, -4, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'VertexData' + $end 'AssignedVertex' + $begin 'AssignedVertex' + kID=260 + $begin 'VertexData' + ParentObjectID=234 + ParentEdges[3: 251, 248, 247] + TolVt(-4, 4, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'VertexData' + $end 'AssignedVertex' + $end 'AssignedEntities' + $begin 'Settings' + IncludedParts[6: 6, 34, 46, 95, 234, 267] + HiddenParts[0:] + IncludedCS[1: 262] + ReferenceCS=1 + IncludedParameters('FeedLength', 'FeedWidth', 'InsetDistance', 'InsetGap', 'patchY', 'radome_height', 'radome_thick', 'subH', 'subX', 'subY') + IncludedDependentParameters() + ParameterDescription(FeedLength='', FeedWidth='', InsetDistance='', InsetGap='', patchY='', radome_height='', radome_thick='', subH='', subX='', subY='') + $end 'Settings' + $end 'GeometryData' +$end 'ComponentBody' +$begin 'AllReferencedFilesForComponent' +$end 'AllReferencedFilesForComponent' +$end 'a3dcomp' +$begin 'a3dcomp' +Design_0.setup/UdmDefFiles/03_Radome_Corner982.a3dcomp +BIN000000053461 +$begin 'AnsoftComponentChkSum' + ChecksumString='10baf2609693e33409d11202345ca665' + ChecksumHistory('48df8c28c8f90d7000ba95b58e4953ef', '9c31e8dcade8ebcf308ed8e923ed461a', 'b56f926f9c0284c44194e6b6d6a8fb4a', 'c91a15c1fe75b99ff252eea61ee6625b', '032466a2fbbe52d1f18400fbebb338eb', '565420525b544a6ef1e96fc53389da3f', '2b0acdb4ac6a1e6e1e0e62412b1a9453', 'bc45f9017b386ad363643011e17c6a68', 'b810ef987881004ea90f1548a1c23efd') + VersionHistory('1.0', '2.0', '3.0', '4.0', '5.0', '6.0', '7.0', '8.0', '9.0') + FormatVersion=11 + Version(2023, 1) + ComponentDefinitionType='DesignDerivedComponentDefinition' +$end 'AnsoftComponentChkSum' +$begin 'AnsoftComponentHeader' + $begin 'Information' + $begin 'ComponentInfo' + ComponentName='Radome_Corner' + Company='' + 'Company URL'='' + 'Model Number'='' + 'Help URL'='' + Version='10.0' + Notes='' + IconType='' + Owner='Sergio Melais' + Email='sergio.melais@ansys.com' + Date='9:51:16 AM Jan 25, 2023' + HasLabel=false + LabelImage='' + $end 'ComponentInfo' + $end 'Information' + $begin 'DesignDataDescriptions' + $begin 'DesignSettings' + ProductName='HFSS' + SolutionType='HFSS Hybrid Modal Network' + $begin 'DrivenOptions' + AutoOpen=false + $end 'DrivenOptions' + $end 'DesignSettings' + $begin 'Component Meshing' + Type='Volume' + $end 'Component Meshing' + $end 'DesignDataDescriptions' + $begin 'Preview' + Image='' + $end 'Preview' + ContainsLightweightGeometry=false +$end 'AnsoftComponentHeader' +$begin 'ComponentBody' + $begin 'HFSSModel' + $begin 'Variables' + $end 'Variables' + $begin 'Datasets' + $end 'Datasets' + $begin 'DesignData' + $begin 'DesignSettings' + 'Allow Material Override'=true + IncludeTemperatureDependence=false + EnableFeedback=false + Temperatures(6, '22cel', 34, '22cel', 250, '22cel', 361, '22cel', 417, '22cel') + ObjsEnabledForDeformation() + $end 'DesignSettings' + $begin 'DCThickness' + $end 'DCThickness' + $begin 'Boundaries' + $begin 'groundMetal' + ID=1 + BoundType='Perfect E' + IsComponent=false + Objects(34) + ParentBndID=-1 + InfGroundPlane=false + $end 'groundMetal' + $begin 'Rad1' + ID=6 + BoundType='Radiation' + IsComponent=false + Faces(251) + ParentBndID=-1 + UseAdaptiveIE=false + IsFssReference=false + IsForPML=false + $end 'Rad1' + $begin 'LatticePair1' + ID=7 + BoundType='Lattice Pair' + IsComponent=false + Faces(253, 255) + ParentBndID=-1 + $begin 'CoordSysVector' + $begin 'GeometryPosition' + IsAttachedToEntity=true + EntityID=272 + ParentIDs(260, 259, 265) + FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 + TriangleVertexIndex=-1 + hasXYZ=true + PositionType='OnVertex' + UParam=0 + VParam=0 + XPosition='-4' + YPosition='-4' + ZPosition='6.9524' + $end 'GeometryPosition' + $begin 'uv_block_name' + uvpos_u=0 + uvpos_v=0 + uvpos_id=253 + $end 'uv_block_name' + $begin 'GeometryPosition' + IsAttachedToEntity=true + EntityID=275 + ParentIDs(265, 263, 262) + FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 + TriangleVertexIndex=-1 + hasXYZ=true + PositionType='OnVertex' + UParam=0 + VParam=0 + XPosition='-4' + YPosition='-4' + ZPosition='0' + $end 'GeometryPosition' + $begin 'uv_block_name' + uvpos_u=1 + uvpos_v=0 + uvpos_id=253 + $end 'uv_block_name' + $end 'CoordSysVector' + ReverseV=true + PhaseDelay='UseScanAngle' + Phi='0deg' + Theta='0deg' + Phase='0deg' + $end 'LatticePair1' + $begin 'LatticePair2' + ID=8 + BoundType='Lattice Pair' + IsComponent=false + Faces(254, 256) + ParentBndID=-1 + $begin 'CoordSysVector' + $begin 'GeometryPosition' + IsAttachedToEntity=true + EntityID=271 + ParentIDs(259, 258, 267) + FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 + TriangleVertexIndex=-1 + hasXYZ=true + PositionType='OnVertex' + UParam=0 + VParam=0 + XPosition='-4' + YPosition='4' + ZPosition='6.9524' + $end 'GeometryPosition' + $begin 'uv_block_name' + uvpos_u=1 + uvpos_v=1 + uvpos_id=254 + $end 'uv_block_name' + $begin 'GeometryPosition' + IsAttachedToEntity=true + EntityID=276 + ParentIDs(267, 264, 263) + FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 + TriangleVertexIndex=-1 + hasXYZ=true + PositionType='OnVertex' + UParam=0 + VParam=0 + XPosition='-4' + YPosition='4' + ZPosition='0' + $end 'GeometryPosition' + $begin 'uv_block_name' + uvpos_u=0 + uvpos_v=1 + uvpos_id=254 + $end 'uv_block_name' + $end 'CoordSysVector' + ReverseV=true + PhaseDelay='UseScanAngle' + Phi='0deg' + Theta='0deg' + Phase='0deg' + $end 'LatticePair2' + $end 'Boundaries' + $begin 'Circuit Elements' + $end 'Circuit Elements' + $begin 'PMLGroups' + $end 'PMLGroups' + $begin 'MeshOperations' + $begin 'GlobalSurfApproximation' + CurvedSurfaceApproxChoice='UseSlider' + SliderMeshSettings=5 + $end 'GlobalSurfApproximation' + $begin 'GlobalCurvilinear' + Apply=false + $end 'GlobalCurvilinear' + $begin 'GlobalModelRes' + UseAutoLength=true + $end 'GlobalModelRes' + MeshMethod='Auto' + UseLegacyFaceterForTauVolumeMesh=false + DynamicSurfaceResolution=false + UseFlexMeshingForTAUvolumeMesh=false + UseAlternativeMeshMethodsAsFallBack=true + AllowPhiForLayeredGeometry=true + $end 'MeshOperations' + $end 'DesignData' + $end 'HFSSModel' + $begin 'MaterialDefinitions' + $begin 'Variables' + $end 'Variables' + $begin 'Datasets' + $end 'Datasets' + $begin 'Definitions' + $begin 'Materials' + $begin 'Rogers RO4003 (tm)' + CoordinateSystemType='Cartesian' + BulkOrSurfaceType=1 + $begin 'PhysicsTypes' + set('Electromagnetic') + $end 'PhysicsTypes' + permittivity='3.55' + conductivity='0' + dielectric_loss_tangent='0.0027' + ModTime=1617382295 + Library='' + LibLocation='Project' + ModSinceLib=false + $end 'Rogers RO4003 (tm)' + $begin 'Teflon (tm)' + CoordinateSystemType='Cartesian' + BulkOrSurfaceType=1 + $begin 'PhysicsTypes' + set('Electromagnetic', 'Thermal', 'Structural') + $end 'PhysicsTypes' + $begin 'AttachedData' + $begin 'MatAppearanceData' + property_data='appearance_data' + Red=26 + Green=26 + Blue=26 + $end 'MatAppearanceData' + $end 'AttachedData' + permittivity='2.1' + dielectric_loss_tangent='0.001' + thermal_conductivity='0.25' + mass_density='2250' + specific_heat='1400' + youngs_modulus='496000000' + poissons_ratio='0.3' + thermal_expansion_coefficient='1.35e-06' + ModTime=1499970477 + Library='Materials' + LibLocation='SysLibrary' + ModSinceLib=false + $end 'Teflon (tm)' + $begin 'vacuum' + CoordinateSystemType='Cartesian' + BulkOrSurfaceType=1 + $begin 'PhysicsTypes' + set('Electromagnetic') + $end 'PhysicsTypes' + $begin 'AttachedData' + $begin 'MatAppearanceData' + property_data='appearance_data' + Red=230 + Green=230 + Blue=230 + Transparency=0.94999998807907104 + $end 'MatAppearanceData' + $end 'AttachedData' + permittivity='1' + ModTime=1499970477 + Library='Materials' + LibLocation='SysLibrary' + ModSinceLib=false + $end 'vacuum' + $end 'Materials' + $begin 'SurfaceMaterials' + $end 'SurfaceMaterials' + $end 'Definitions' + $end 'MaterialDefinitions' + $begin 'GeometryData' + $begin 'Variables' + $begin 'LocalVariables' + VariableProp('subX', 'UD', '', '8cm') + VariableProp('radome_height', 'UD', '', '1cm') + VariableProp('radius', 'UD', '', '0.5cm') + VariableProp('radome_thick', 'UD', '', '0.8cm') + VariableProp('subH', 'UD', '', '0.1524cm') + VariableProp('subY', 'UD', '', '8cm') + $end 'LocalVariables' + $end 'Variables' + $begin 'Datasets' + $end 'Datasets' + $begin 'GeometryCore' + BlockVersionID=3 + DataVersion=27 + NativeKernel='PARASOLID' + NativeKernelVersionID=23 + Units='cm' + ModelExtents=10000 + InstanceID=-1 + $begin 'ValidationOptions' + EntityCheckLevel='Strict' + IgnoreUnclassifiedObjects=false + SkipIntersectionChecks=false + $end 'ValidationOptions' + ContainsGeomLinkUDM=false + $begin 'GeometryOperations' + BlockVersionID=2 + $begin 'AnsoftRangedIDServerManager' + $begin 'AnsoftRangedIDServer' + IDServerObjectTypeID=0 + IDServerRangeMin=0 + IDServerRangeMax=2146483647 + NextUniqueID=743 + MoveBackwards=false + $end 'AnsoftRangedIDServer' + $begin 'AnsoftRangedIDServer' + IDServerObjectTypeID=1 + IDServerRangeMin=2146483648 + IDServerRangeMax=2146485547 + NextUniqueID=2146483654 + MoveBackwards=false + $end 'AnsoftRangedIDServer' + $end 'AnsoftRangedIDServerManager' + StartBackGroundFaceID=2146483648 + $begin 'CoordinateSystems' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='CreateRelativeCoordinateSystem' + ID=233 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'RelativeCSParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + Mode='Axis/Position' + OriginX='0cm' + OriginY='0cm' + OriginZ='0.1524cm' + XAxisXvec='1cm' + XAxisYvec='0cm' + XAxisZvec='0cm' + YAxisXvec='0cm' + YAxisYvec='1cm' + YAxisZvec='0cm' + $end 'RelativeCSParameters' + ParentPartID=-1 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='RelativeCS1' + UDMId=-1 + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $end 'Operations' + XYPlaneID=234 + $end 'Operation' + $end 'CoordinateSystems' + $begin 'OperandCSs' + $end 'OperandCSs' + $begin 'UserDefinedModels' + $end 'UserDefinedModels' + $begin 'OperandUserDefinedModels' + $end 'OperandUserDefinedModels' + $begin 'ToplevelParts' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='sub' + Flags='' + Color='(0 128 0)' + Transparency=0.29999999999999999 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=-1 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='"Rogers RO4003 (tm)"' + SurfaceMaterialValue='""' + SolveInside=true + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0cm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=true + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Box' + ID=5 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'BoxParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + XPosition='-subX/2' + YPosition='-subY/2' + ZPosition='0cm' + XSize='subX' + YSize='subY' + ZSize='subH' + $end 'BoxParameters' + ParentPartID=6 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=6 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=6 + NumCoedges=24 + NumEdges=12 + NumVertices=8 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=6 + StartFaceID=7 + StartEdgeID=13 + StartVertexID=25 + NumNewFaces=6 + NumNewEdges=12 + NumNewVertices=8 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + $end 'Operation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='Ground' + Flags='' + Color='(255 128 65)' + Transparency=0.29999999999999999 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=-1 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='"vacuum"' + SurfaceMaterialValue='""' + SolveInside=true + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0cm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=true + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Rectangle' + ID=33 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'RectangleParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + XStart='-subX/2' + YStart='-subY/2' + ZStart='0cm' + Width='subX' + Height='subY' + WhichAxis='Z' + $end 'RectangleParameters' + ParentPartID=34 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=0 + NumWires=1 + NumLoops=0 + NumCoedges=0 + NumEdges=4 + NumVertices=4 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=34 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=35 + StartVertexID=39 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=4 + NumNewVertices=4 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='CoverLines' + ID=43 + $begin 'LocalOperationParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + LocalOpPart=34 + $end 'LocalOperationParameters' + ParentPartID=34 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=1 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=1 + NumCoedges=4 + NumEdges=4 + NumVertices=4 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=44 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=1 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'NewFaces' + $begin 'Face' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=44 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=64 + FcUVMid(0, 0, 0) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(-4, -4, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(4, -4, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(4, 4, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-4, 4, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'Face' + $end 'NewFaces' + $begin 'NewEdges' + $end 'NewEdges' + $begin 'NewVertices' + $end 'NewVertices' + $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $end 'OperationIdentity' + ParentOperationID=33 + $end 'Operation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='Box1' + Flags='Wireframe#' + Color='(255 0 0)' + Transparency=0 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=-1 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='"vacuum"' + SurfaceMaterialValue='""' + SolveInside=true + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0cm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=true + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Box' + ID=249 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'BoxParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + XPosition='-subX/2' + YPosition='-subY/2' + ZPosition='0cm' + XSize='subX' + YSize='subY' + ZSize='subH+radome_thick+radome_height+5cm' + $end 'BoxParameters' + ParentPartID=250 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=6 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=6 + NumCoedges=24 + NumEdges=12 + NumVertices=8 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=250 + StartFaceID=251 + StartEdgeID=257 + StartVertexID=269 + NumNewFaces=6 + NumNewEdges=12 + NumNewVertices=8 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + $end 'Operation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='Box2' + Flags='' + Color='(0 64 128)' + Transparency=0.5 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=-1 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='"Teflon (tm)"' + SurfaceMaterialValue='""' + SolveInside=true + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0cm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=true + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Box' + ID=360 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=233 + $begin 'BoxParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + XPosition='0cm' + YPosition='0cm' + ZPosition='0cm' + XSize='subX/2' + YSize='radome_thick' + ZSize='radome_height' + $end 'BoxParameters' + ParentPartID=361 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=6 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=6 + NumCoedges=24 + NumEdges=12 + NumVertices=8 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=361 + StartFaceID=362 + StartEdgeID=368 + StartVertexID=380 + NumNewFaces=6 + NumNewEdges=12 + NumNewVertices=8 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Unite' + ID=690 + $begin 'UniteParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + KeepOriginals=false + TurnOnNBodyBoolean=false + BlankPart=361 + NumToolParts=1 + ToolParts(389) + $end 'UniteParameters' + ParentPartID=361 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=8 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=8 + NumCoedges=36 + NumEdges=18 + NumVertices=12 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=691 + StartVertexID=692 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=1 + NumNewVertices=2 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'NewFaces' + $end 'NewFaces' + $begin 'NewEdges' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=691 + EdgeFaces(366, 395) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(0.80000000000000004, 0.80000000000000004, 1.1523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(0.80000000000000004, 0.80000000000000004, 0.15240000000000001, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(0.80000000000000004, 0.80000000000000004, 0.65239999999999998) + $end 'Edge' + $end 'NewEdges' + $begin 'NewVertices' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=692 + VtPos(0.80000000000000004, 0.80000000000000004, 1.1523999999999999) + $end 'Vertex' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=1 + ID=693 + VtPos(0.80000000000000004, 0.80000000000000004, 0.15240000000000001) + $end 'Vertex' + $end 'NewVertices' + $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'MergedFaces' + $end 'MergedFaces' + $begin 'MergedEdges' + $begin 'Element' + RetainedID=398 + MergedIDs(370, 398) + $end 'Element' + $end 'MergedEdges' + $end 'OperationIdentity' + BlankOperation=360 + NumToolOperations=1 + ToolOperations(388) + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Fillet' + ID=694 + $begin 'FilletParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + PartID=361 + Edges[1: 376] + Vertices[0:] + Radius='radius' + Setback='0cm' + $end 'FilletParameters' + ParentPartID=361 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=9 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=9 + NumCoedges=42 + NumEdges=21 + NumVertices=14 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=695 + StartEdgeID=696 + StartVertexID=700 + NumNewFaces=1 + NumNewEdges=4 + NumNewVertices=4 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'NewFaces' + $begin 'Face' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=695 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=0.78539816339744828 + FcUVMid(0.14644660940672616, 0.1464466094067263, 0.65239999999999998) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(0.50000000000000011, 0, 0.15240000000000001, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(0.50000000000000011, 0, 1.1523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(0, 0.5, 1.1523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(0, 0.5, 0.15240000000000001, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'Face' + $end 'NewFaces' + $begin 'NewEdges' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=696 + EdgeFaces(363, 695) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(0, 0.5, 0.15240000000000001, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(0.50000000000000011, 0, 0.15240000000000001, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(0.14644660940672632, 0.14644660940672616, 0.15240000000000001) + $end 'Edge' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=1 + ID=697 + EdgeFaces(364, 695) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(0.50000000000000011, 0, 1.1523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(0.50000000000000011, 0, 0.15240000000000001, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(0.50000000000000011, 0, 0.65239999999999998) + $end 'Edge' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=2 + ID=698 + EdgeFaces(362, 695) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(0, 0.5, 1.1523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(0.50000000000000011, 0, 1.1523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(0.14644660940672616, 0.1464466094067263, 1.1523999999999999) + $end 'Edge' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=3 + ID=699 + EdgeFaces(365, 695) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(0, 0.5, 1.1523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(0, 0.5, 0.15240000000000001, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(0, 0.5, 0.65239999999999998) + $end 'Edge' + $end 'NewEdges' + $begin 'NewVertices' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=701 + VtPos(0.50000000000000011, 0, 0.15240000000000001) + $end 'Vertex' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=1 + ID=702 + VtPos(0.50000000000000011, 0, 1.1523999999999999) + $end 'Vertex' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=2 + ID=700 + VtPos(0, 0.5, 0.15240000000000001) + $end 'Vertex' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=3 + ID=703 + VtPos(0, 0.5, 1.1523999999999999) + $end 'Vertex' + $end 'NewVertices' + $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $end 'OperationIdentity' + BlendBaseOperationID=690 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Fillet' + ID=704 + $begin 'FilletParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + PartID=361 + Edges[1: 691] + Vertices[0:] + Radius='radius' + Setback='0cm' + $end 'FilletParameters' + ParentPartID=361 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=10 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=10 + NumCoedges=48 + NumEdges=24 + NumVertices=16 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=705 + StartEdgeID=706 + StartVertexID=710 + NumNewFaces=1 + NumNewEdges=4 + NumNewVertices=4 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'NewFaces' + $begin 'Face' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=705 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=0.78539816339744828 + FcUVMid(0.9464466094067262, 0.94644660940672642, 0.65239999999999998) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(1.3, 0.80000000000000004, 1.1523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(1.3, 0.80000000000000004, 0.15240000000000001, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(0.80000000000000004, 1.3, 0.15240000000000001, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(0.80000000000000004, 1.3, 1.1523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'Face' + $end 'NewFaces' + $begin 'NewEdges' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=708 + EdgeFaces(362, 705) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(0.80000000000000004, 1.3, 1.1523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(1.3, 0.80000000000000004, 1.1523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(0.9464466094067262, 0.94644660940672642, 1.1523999999999999) + $end 'Edge' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=1 + ID=706 + EdgeFaces(363, 705) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(0.80000000000000004, 1.3, 0.15240000000000001, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(1.3, 0.80000000000000004, 0.15240000000000001, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(0.94644660940672642, 0.9464466094067262, 0.15240000000000001) + $end 'Edge' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=2 + ID=709 + EdgeFaces(366, 705) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(1.3, 0.80000000000000004, 1.1523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(1.3, 0.80000000000000004, 0.15240000000000001, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(1.3, 0.80000000000000004, 0.65239999999999998) + $end 'Edge' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=3 + ID=707 + EdgeFaces(395, 705) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(0.80000000000000004, 1.3, 1.1523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(0.80000000000000004, 1.3, 0.15240000000000001, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(0.80000000000000004, 1.3, 0.65239999999999998) + $end 'Edge' + $end 'NewEdges' + $begin 'NewVertices' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=710 + VtPos(1.3, 0.80000000000000004, 0.15240000000000001) + $end 'Vertex' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=1 + ID=713 + VtPos(1.3, 0.80000000000000004, 1.1523999999999999) + $end 'Vertex' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=2 + ID=711 + VtPos(0.80000000000000004, 1.3, 0.15240000000000001) + $end 'Vertex' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=3 + ID=712 + VtPos(0.80000000000000004, 1.3, 1.1523999999999999) + $end 'Vertex' + $end 'NewVertices' + $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $end 'OperationIdentity' + BlendBaseOperationID=694 + $end 'Operation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='Box4' + Flags='' + Color='(0 64 128)' + Transparency=0.5 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=-1 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='"Teflon (tm)"' + SurfaceMaterialValue='""' + SolveInside=true + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0cm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=true + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Box' + ID=416 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=233 + $begin 'BoxParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + XPosition='0cm' + YPosition='0cm' + ZPosition='radome_height' + XSize='subX/2' + YSize='subY/2' + ZSize='radome_thick' + $end 'BoxParameters' + ParentPartID=417 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=6 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=6 + NumCoedges=24 + NumEdges=12 + NumVertices=8 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=417 + StartFaceID=418 + StartEdgeID=424 + StartVertexID=436 + NumNewFaces=6 + NumNewEdges=12 + NumNewVertices=8 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Fillet' + ID=714 + $begin 'FilletParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + PartID=417 + Edges[2: 426, 427] + Vertices[0:] + Radius='radius' + Setback='0cm' + $end 'FilletParameters' + ParentPartID=417 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=8 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=8 + NumCoedges=34 + NumEdges=17 + NumVertices=11 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=715 + StartEdgeID=717 + StartVertexID=724 + NumNewFaces=2 + NumNewEdges=7 + NumNewVertices=6 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'NewFaces' + $begin 'Face' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=716 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=2.9991236110428123 + FcUVMid(1.9880000000000002, 0.14644660940672616, 1.8059533905932734) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(4, 0.50000000000000011, 1.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(0.5, 0.5, 1.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(0, 0, 1.4523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(4, 0, 1.4523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'Face' + $begin 'Face' + NormalizedSerialNum=1 + ID=715 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=2.998900906020622 + FcUVMid(0.14644660940672616, 1.9880000000000002, 1.8059533905932734) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(0.5, 0.5, 1.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(0.50000000000000011, 4, 1.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(0, 4, 1.4523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(0, 0, 1.4523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'Face' + $end 'NewFaces' + $begin 'NewEdges' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=721 + EdgeFaces(423, 716) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(4, 0.50000000000000011, 1.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(4, 0, 1.4523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(4, 0.1464466094067263, 1.8059533905932736) + $end 'Edge' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=1 + ID=723 + EdgeFaces(420, 716) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(0, 0, 1.4523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(4, 0, 1.4523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(2, 0, 1.4523999999999999) + $end 'Edge' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=2 + ID=720 + EdgeFaces(418, 715) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(0.50000000000000011, 4, 1.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(0.5, 0.5, 1.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(0.50000000000000011, 2.25, 1.9523999999999999) + $end 'Edge' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=3 + ID=722 + EdgeFaces(418, 716) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(4, 0.50000000000000011, 1.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(0.5, 0.5, 1.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(2.25, 0.50000000000000011, 1.9523999999999999) + $end 'Edge' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=4 + ID=717 + EdgeFaces(422, 715) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(0, 4, 1.4523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(0.50000000000000011, 4, 1.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(0.14644660940672616, 4, 1.8059533905932734) + $end 'Edge' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=5 + ID=718 + EdgeFaces(421, 715) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(0, 0, 1.4523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(0, 4, 1.4523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(0, 2, 1.4523999999999999) + $end 'Edge' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=6 + ID=719 + EdgeFaces(715, 716) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(0, 0, 1.4523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(0.5, 0.5, 1.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(0.1464466094067263, 0.1464466094067263, 1.8059533905932734) + $end 'Edge' + $end 'NewEdges' + $begin 'NewVertices' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=728 + VtPos(4, 0, 1.4523999999999999) + $end 'Vertex' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=1 + ID=727 + VtPos(0.5, 0.5, 1.9523999999999999) + $end 'Vertex' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=2 + ID=729 + VtPos(4, 0.50000000000000011, 1.9523999999999999) + $end 'Vertex' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=3 + ID=724 + VtPos(0.50000000000000011, 4, 1.9523999999999999) + $end 'Vertex' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=4 + ID=725 + VtPos(0, 4, 1.4523999999999999) + $end 'Vertex' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=5 + ID=726 + VtPos(0, 0, 1.4523999999999999) + $end 'Vertex' + $end 'NewVertices' + $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $end 'OperationIdentity' + BlendBaseOperationID=416 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Fillet' + ID=730 + $begin 'FilletParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + PartID=417 + Edges[2: 719, 432] + Vertices[0:] + Radius='radius' + Setback='0cm' + $end 'FilletParameters' + ParentPartID=417 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=10 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=10 + NumCoedges=42 + NumEdges=21 + NumVertices=13 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=731 + StartEdgeID=733 + StartVertexID=739 + NumNewFaces=2 + NumNewEdges=6 + NumNewVertices=4 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'NewFaces' + $begin 'Face' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=732 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=0.23561944901923443 + FcUVMid(0.14644660940672616, 0.14644660940672638, 1.3023999999999998) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(0.50000000000000011, 0, 1.1523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(0.50000000000000011, 0, 1.4523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(0, 0.50000000000000011, 1.4523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(0, 0.50000000000000011, 1.1523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'Face' + $begin 'Face' + NormalizedSerialNum=1 + ID=731 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 3, 3, 3) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=0.39269908169872397 + FcUVMid(0.25000000000000006, 0.25000000000000011, 1.8059533905932736) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(0.50000000000000011, 0, 1.4523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(0.5, 0.5, 1.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(0, 0.50000000000000011, 1.4523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'Face' + $end 'NewFaces' + $begin 'NewEdges' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=736 + EdgeFaces(419, 732) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(0, 0.50000000000000011, 1.1523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(0.50000000000000011, 0, 1.1523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(0.14644660940672632, 0.14644660940672624, 1.1523999999999999) + $end 'Edge' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=1 + ID=737 + EdgeFaces(420, 732) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(0.50000000000000011, 0, 1.4523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(0.50000000000000011, 0, 1.1523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(0.50000000000000011, 0, 1.3023999999999998) + $end 'Edge' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=2 + ID=738 + EdgeFaces(421, 732) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(0, 0.50000000000000011, 1.4523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(0, 0.50000000000000011, 1.1523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(0, 0.50000000000000011, 1.3023999999999998) + $end 'Edge' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=3 + ID=734 + EdgeFaces(716, 731) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(0.5, 0.5, 1.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(0.50000000000000011, 0, 1.4523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(0.50000000000000011, 0.14644660940672616, 1.8059533905932734) + $end 'Edge' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=4 + ID=735 + EdgeFaces(715, 731) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(0.5, 0.5, 1.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(0, 0.50000000000000011, 1.4523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(0.14644660940672616, 0.50000000000000011, 1.8059533905932734) + $end 'Edge' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=5 + ID=733 + EdgeFaces(731, 732) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(0, 0.50000000000000011, 1.4523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(0.50000000000000011, 0, 1.4523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(0.14644660940672616, 0.14644660940672638, 1.4523999999999999) + $end 'Edge' + $end 'NewEdges' + $begin 'NewVertices' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=742 + VtPos(0.50000000000000011, 0, 1.1523999999999999) + $end 'Vertex' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=1 + ID=741 + VtPos(0, 0.50000000000000011, 1.1523999999999999) + $end 'Vertex' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=2 + ID=740 + VtPos(0.50000000000000011, 0, 1.4523999999999999) + $end 'Vertex' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=3 + ID=739 + VtPos(0, 0.50000000000000011, 1.4523999999999999) + $end 'Vertex' + $end 'NewVertices' + $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $end 'OperationIdentity' + BlendBaseOperationID=714 + $end 'Operation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $end 'ToplevelParts' + $begin 'OperandParts' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='Box3' + Flags='' + Color='(0 64 128)' + Transparency=0 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=-1 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='""' + SurfaceMaterialValue='""' + SolveInside=true + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0cm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=true + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Box' + ID=388 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=233 + $begin 'BoxParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + XPosition='0cm' + YPosition='0cm' + ZPosition='0cm' + XSize='radome_thick' + YSize='subY/2' + ZSize='radome_height' + $end 'BoxParameters' + ParentPartID=389 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=6 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=6 + NumCoedges=24 + NumEdges=12 + NumVertices=8 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=389 + StartFaceID=390 + StartEdgeID=396 + StartVertexID=408 + NumNewFaces=6 + NumNewEdges=12 + NumNewVertices=8 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + $end 'Operation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $end 'OperandParts' + $begin 'Planes' + $end 'Planes' + $begin 'Points' + $end 'Points' + $begin 'GeometryEntityLists' + $end 'GeometryEntityLists' + $begin 'RegionIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=6 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=6 + NumCoedges=24 + NumEdges=12 + NumVertices=8 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=107 + StartFaceID=108 + StartEdgeID=114 + StartVertexID=126 + NumNewFaces=6 + NumNewEdges=12 + NumNewVertices=8 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + IsXZ2DModeler=false + $end 'RegionIdentity' + $begin 'CachedNames' + $begin 'allobjects' + allobjects(-1) + $end 'allobjects' + $begin 'box' + box(1, 2, 3, 4) + $end 'box' + $begin 'global' + global(-1) + $end 'global' + $begin 'ground' + ground(-1) + $end 'ground' + $begin 'model' + model(-1) + $end 'model' + $begin 'relativecs' + relativecs(1) + $end 'relativecs' + $begin 'sub' + sub(-1) + $end 'sub' + $end 'CachedNames' + $end 'GeometryOperations' + $begin 'GeometryDependencies' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 5) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 33) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 43) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 33) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 249) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 360) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 233) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 690) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 360) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 388) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 694) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 690) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 704) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 694) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 416) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 233) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 714) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 416) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 730) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 714) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 388) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 233) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 233) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $end 'GeometryDependencies' + $end 'GeometryCore' + $begin 'AssignedEntities' + AssignedObject[1: 34] + $begin 'AssignedFace' + kID=251 + $begin 'FaceData' + ParentObjectID=250 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=64 + FcUVMid(0, 0, 6.9523999999999999) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(4, -4, 6.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(4, 4, 6.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-4, 4, 6.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-4, -4, 6.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'FaceData' + $end 'AssignedFace' + $begin 'AssignedFace' + kID=253 + $begin 'FaceData' + ParentObjectID=250 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=55.619200000000006 + FcUVMid(0, -4, 3.4762) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(4, -4, 6.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-4, -4, 6.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-4, -4, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(4, -4, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'FaceData' + $end 'AssignedFace' + $begin 'AssignedFace' + kID=254 + $begin 'FaceData' + ParentObjectID=250 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=55.619200000000006 + FcUVMid(-4, 0, 3.4762) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(-4, -4, 6.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-4, 4, 6.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-4, 4, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-4, -4, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'FaceData' + $end 'AssignedFace' + $begin 'AssignedFace' + kID=255 + $begin 'FaceData' + ParentObjectID=250 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=55.619200000000006 + FcUVMid(0, 4, 3.4762) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(-4, 4, 6.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(4, 4, 6.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(4, 4, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-4, 4, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'FaceData' + $end 'AssignedFace' + $begin 'AssignedFace' + kID=256 + $begin 'FaceData' + ParentObjectID=250 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=55.619200000000006 + FcUVMid(4, 0, 3.4762) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(4, 4, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(4, 4, 6.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(4, -4, 6.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(4, -4, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'FaceData' + $end 'AssignedFace' + $begin 'AssignedVertex' + kID=271 + $begin 'VertexData' + ParentObjectID=250 + ParentEdges[3: 259, 258, 267] + TolVt(-4, 4, 6.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'VertexData' + $end 'AssignedVertex' + $begin 'AssignedVertex' + kID=272 + $begin 'VertexData' + ParentObjectID=250 + ParentEdges[3: 260, 259, 265] + TolVt(-4, -4, 6.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'VertexData' + $end 'AssignedVertex' + $begin 'AssignedVertex' + kID=275 + $begin 'VertexData' + ParentObjectID=250 + ParentEdges[3: 265, 263, 262] + TolVt(-4, -4, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'VertexData' + $end 'AssignedVertex' + $begin 'AssignedVertex' + kID=276 + $begin 'VertexData' + ParentObjectID=250 + ParentEdges[3: 267, 264, 263] + TolVt(-4, 4, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'VertexData' + $end 'AssignedVertex' + $end 'AssignedEntities' + $begin 'Settings' + IncludedParts[5: 6, 34, 250, 361, 417] + HiddenParts[0:] + IncludedCS[1: 233] + ReferenceCS=1 + IncludedParameters('radius', 'radome_height', 'radome_thick', 'subH', 'subX', 'subY') + IncludedDependentParameters() + ParameterDescription(radius='', radome_height='', radome_thick='', subH='', subX='', subY='') + $end 'Settings' + $end 'GeometryData' +$end 'ComponentBody' +$begin 'AllReferencedFilesForComponent' +$end 'AllReferencedFilesForComponent' +$end 'a3dcomp' +$begin 'a3dcomp' +Design_0.setup/UdmDefFiles/03_Radome_Side848.a3dcomp +BIN000000031483 +$begin 'AnsoftComponentChkSum' + ChecksumString='24f9541e0f1f67904551e94d3871e1eb' + ChecksumHistory('5d45f52a9e216e50d59e73534f9b66a5', 'bd94a6df1aa6242cafd3cf31ee7b96b6', 'cc9431f9f8a1abf4a5eba7246c4d6741', '6fede82269f5c82446e7314943f933e8', '0caa2c21ba3f444a6ee19a355fd8272a', '5ae6fe5bad977199e21f2acaa1cb71db', '12ba1933b3e5096927229ff9f3ef3af3', '8ed257867c34e79cd241f53177f868db') + VersionHistory('1.0', '2.0', '3.0', '4.0', '5.0', '6.0', '7.0', '8.0') + FormatVersion=11 + Version(2023, 1) + ComponentDefinitionType='DesignDerivedComponentDefinition' +$end 'AnsoftComponentChkSum' +$begin 'AnsoftComponentHeader' + $begin 'Information' + $begin 'ComponentInfo' + ComponentName='03_Radome_Side' + Company='' + 'Company URL'='' + 'Model Number'='' + 'Help URL'='' + Version='9.0' + Notes='' + IconType='' + Owner='Sergio Melais' + Email='sergio.melais@ansys.com' + Date='9:51:11 AM Jan 25, 2023' + HasLabel=false + LabelImage='' + $end 'ComponentInfo' + $end 'Information' + $begin 'DesignDataDescriptions' + $begin 'DesignSettings' + ProductName='HFSS' + SolutionType='HFSS Hybrid Modal Network' + $begin 'DrivenOptions' + AutoOpen=false + $end 'DrivenOptions' + $end 'DesignSettings' + $begin 'Component Meshing' + Type='Volume' + $end 'Component Meshing' + $end 'DesignDataDescriptions' + $begin 'Preview' + Image='' + $end 'Preview' + ContainsLightweightGeometry=false +$end 'AnsoftComponentHeader' +$begin 'ComponentBody' + $begin 'HFSSModel' + $begin 'Variables' + $end 'Variables' + $begin 'Datasets' + $end 'Datasets' + $begin 'DesignData' + $begin 'DesignSettings' + 'Allow Material Override'=true + IncludeTemperatureDependence=false + EnableFeedback=false + Temperatures(6, '22cel', 34, '22cel', 250, '22cel', 361, '22cel', 417, '22cel') + ObjsEnabledForDeformation() + $end 'DesignSettings' + $begin 'DCThickness' + $end 'DCThickness' + $begin 'Boundaries' + $begin 'groundMetal' + ID=1 + BoundType='Perfect E' + IsComponent=false + Objects(34) + ParentBndID=-1 + InfGroundPlane=false + $end 'groundMetal' + $begin 'Rad1' + ID=6 + BoundType='Radiation' + IsComponent=false + Faces(251) + ParentBndID=-1 + UseAdaptiveIE=false + IsFssReference=false + IsForPML=false + $end 'Rad1' + $begin 'LatticePair1' + ID=7 + BoundType='Lattice Pair' + IsComponent=false + Faces(253, 255) + ParentBndID=-1 + $begin 'CoordSysVector' + $begin 'GeometryPosition' + IsAttachedToEntity=true + EntityID=272 + ParentIDs(260, 259, 265) + FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 + TriangleVertexIndex=-1 + hasXYZ=true + PositionType='OnVertex' + UParam=0 + VParam=0 + XPosition='-4' + YPosition='-4' + ZPosition='6.9524' + $end 'GeometryPosition' + $begin 'uv_block_name' + uvpos_u=0 + uvpos_v=0 + uvpos_id=253 + $end 'uv_block_name' + $begin 'GeometryPosition' + IsAttachedToEntity=true + EntityID=275 + ParentIDs(265, 263, 262) + FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 + TriangleVertexIndex=-1 + hasXYZ=true + PositionType='OnVertex' + UParam=0 + VParam=0 + XPosition='-4' + YPosition='-4' + ZPosition='-4.33680868994202e-16' + $end 'GeometryPosition' + $begin 'uv_block_name' + uvpos_u=1 + uvpos_v=0 + uvpos_id=253 + $end 'uv_block_name' + $end 'CoordSysVector' + ReverseV=true + PhaseDelay='UseScanAngle' + Phi='0deg' + Theta='0deg' + Phase='0deg' + $end 'LatticePair1' + $begin 'LatticePair2' + ID=8 + BoundType='Lattice Pair' + IsComponent=false + Faces(254, 256) + ParentBndID=-1 + $begin 'CoordSysVector' + $begin 'GeometryPosition' + IsAttachedToEntity=true + EntityID=271 + ParentIDs(259, 258, 267) + FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 + TriangleVertexIndex=-1 + hasXYZ=true + PositionType='OnVertex' + UParam=0 + VParam=0 + XPosition='-4' + YPosition='4' + ZPosition='6.9524' + $end 'GeometryPosition' + $begin 'uv_block_name' + uvpos_u=1 + uvpos_v=1 + uvpos_id=254 + $end 'uv_block_name' + $begin 'GeometryPosition' + IsAttachedToEntity=true + EntityID=276 + ParentIDs(267, 264, 263) + FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 + TriangleVertexIndex=-1 + hasXYZ=true + PositionType='OnVertex' + UParam=0 + VParam=0 + XPosition='-4' + YPosition='4' + ZPosition='-4.33680868994202e-16' + $end 'GeometryPosition' + $begin 'uv_block_name' + uvpos_u=0 + uvpos_v=1 + uvpos_id=254 + $end 'uv_block_name' + $end 'CoordSysVector' + ReverseV=true + PhaseDelay='UseScanAngle' + Phi='0deg' + Theta='0deg' + Phase='0deg' + $end 'LatticePair2' + $end 'Boundaries' + $begin 'Circuit Elements' + $end 'Circuit Elements' + $begin 'PMLGroups' + $end 'PMLGroups' + $begin 'MeshOperations' + $begin 'GlobalSurfApproximation' + CurvedSurfaceApproxChoice='UseSlider' + SliderMeshSettings=5 + $end 'GlobalSurfApproximation' + $begin 'GlobalCurvilinear' + Apply=false + $end 'GlobalCurvilinear' + $begin 'GlobalModelRes' + UseAutoLength=true + $end 'GlobalModelRes' + MeshMethod='Auto' + UseLegacyFaceterForTauVolumeMesh=false + DynamicSurfaceResolution=false + UseFlexMeshingForTAUvolumeMesh=false + UseAlternativeMeshMethodsAsFallBack=true + AllowPhiForLayeredGeometry=true + $end 'MeshOperations' + $end 'DesignData' + $end 'HFSSModel' + $begin 'MaterialDefinitions' + $begin 'Variables' + $end 'Variables' + $begin 'Datasets' + $end 'Datasets' + $begin 'Definitions' + $begin 'Materials' + $begin 'Rogers RO4003 (tm)' + CoordinateSystemType='Cartesian' + BulkOrSurfaceType=1 + $begin 'PhysicsTypes' + set('Electromagnetic') + $end 'PhysicsTypes' + permittivity='3.55' + conductivity='0' + dielectric_loss_tangent='0.0027' + ModTime=1617382295 + Library='' + LibLocation='Project' + ModSinceLib=false + $end 'Rogers RO4003 (tm)' + $begin 'Teflon (tm)' + CoordinateSystemType='Cartesian' + BulkOrSurfaceType=1 + $begin 'PhysicsTypes' + set('Electromagnetic', 'Thermal', 'Structural') + $end 'PhysicsTypes' + $begin 'AttachedData' + $begin 'MatAppearanceData' + property_data='appearance_data' + Red=26 + Green=26 + Blue=26 + $end 'MatAppearanceData' + $end 'AttachedData' + permittivity='2.1' + dielectric_loss_tangent='0.001' + thermal_conductivity='0.25' + mass_density='2250' + specific_heat='1400' + youngs_modulus='496000000' + poissons_ratio='0.3' + thermal_expansion_coefficient='1.35e-06' + ModTime=1499970477 + Library='Materials' + LibLocation='SysLibrary' + ModSinceLib=false + $end 'Teflon (tm)' + $begin 'vacuum' + CoordinateSystemType='Cartesian' + BulkOrSurfaceType=1 + $begin 'PhysicsTypes' + set('Electromagnetic') + $end 'PhysicsTypes' + $begin 'AttachedData' + $begin 'MatAppearanceData' + property_data='appearance_data' + Red=230 + Green=230 + Blue=230 + Transparency=0.94999998807907104 + $end 'MatAppearanceData' + $end 'AttachedData' + permittivity='1' + ModTime=1499970477 + Library='Materials' + LibLocation='SysLibrary' + ModSinceLib=false + $end 'vacuum' + $end 'Materials' + $begin 'SurfaceMaterials' + $end 'SurfaceMaterials' + $end 'Definitions' + $end 'MaterialDefinitions' + $begin 'GeometryData' + $begin 'Variables' + $begin 'LocalVariables' + VariableProp('radius', 'UD', '', '0.5cm') + VariableProp('radome_height', 'UD', '', '1cm') + VariableProp('subX', 'UD', '', '8cm') + VariableProp('subH', 'UD', '', '0.1524cm') + VariableProp('radome_thick', 'UD', '', '0.8cm') + VariableProp('subY', 'UD', '', '8cm') + $end 'LocalVariables' + $end 'Variables' + $begin 'Datasets' + $end 'Datasets' + $begin 'GeometryCore' + BlockVersionID=3 + DataVersion=26 + NativeKernel='PARASOLID' + NativeKernelVersionID=23 + Units='cm' + ModelExtents=10000 + InstanceID=-1 + $begin 'ValidationOptions' + EntityCheckLevel='Strict' + IgnoreUnclassifiedObjects=false + SkipIntersectionChecks=false + $end 'ValidationOptions' + ContainsGeomLinkUDM=false + $begin 'GeometryOperations' + BlockVersionID=2 + $begin 'AnsoftRangedIDServerManager' + $begin 'AnsoftRangedIDServer' + IDServerObjectTypeID=0 + IDServerRangeMin=0 + IDServerRangeMax=2146483647 + NextUniqueID=677 + MoveBackwards=false + $end 'AnsoftRangedIDServer' + $begin 'AnsoftRangedIDServer' + IDServerObjectTypeID=1 + IDServerRangeMin=2146483648 + IDServerRangeMax=2146485547 + NextUniqueID=2146483654 + MoveBackwards=false + $end 'AnsoftRangedIDServer' + $end 'AnsoftRangedIDServerManager' + StartBackGroundFaceID=2146483648 + $begin 'CoordinateSystems' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='CreateRelativeCoordinateSystem' + ID=233 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'RelativeCSParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + Mode='Axis/Position' + OriginX='0cm' + OriginY='0cm' + OriginZ='0.1524cm' + XAxisXvec='1cm' + XAxisYvec='0cm' + XAxisZvec='0cm' + YAxisXvec='0cm' + YAxisYvec='1cm' + YAxisZvec='0cm' + $end 'RelativeCSParameters' + ParentPartID=-1 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='RelativeCS1' + UDMId=-1 + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $end 'Operations' + XYPlaneID=234 + $end 'Operation' + $end 'CoordinateSystems' + $begin 'OperandCSs' + $end 'OperandCSs' + $begin 'UserDefinedModels' + $end 'UserDefinedModels' + $begin 'OperandUserDefinedModels' + $end 'OperandUserDefinedModels' + $begin 'ToplevelParts' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='sub' + Flags='' + Color='(0 128 0)' + Transparency=0.29999999999999999 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=-1 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='"Rogers RO4003 (tm)"' + SurfaceMaterialValue='""' + SolveInside=true + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0cm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=true + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Box' + ID=5 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'BoxParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + XPosition='-subX/2' + YPosition='-subY/2' + ZPosition='0cm' + XSize='subX' + YSize='subY' + ZSize='subH' + $end 'BoxParameters' + ParentPartID=6 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=6 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=6 + NumCoedges=24 + NumEdges=12 + NumVertices=8 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=6 + StartFaceID=7 + StartEdgeID=13 + StartVertexID=25 + NumNewFaces=6 + NumNewEdges=12 + NumNewVertices=8 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + $end 'Operation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='Ground' + Flags='' + Color='(255 128 65)' + Transparency=0.29999999999999999 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=-1 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='"vacuum"' + SurfaceMaterialValue='""' + SolveInside=true + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0cm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=true + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Rectangle' + ID=33 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'RectangleParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + XStart='-subX/2' + YStart='-subY/2' + ZStart='0cm' + Width='subX' + Height='subY' + WhichAxis='Z' + $end 'RectangleParameters' + ParentPartID=34 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=0 + NumWires=1 + NumLoops=0 + NumCoedges=0 + NumEdges=4 + NumVertices=4 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=34 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=35 + StartVertexID=39 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=4 + NumNewVertices=4 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='CoverLines' + ID=43 + $begin 'LocalOperationParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + LocalOpPart=34 + $end 'LocalOperationParameters' + ParentPartID=34 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=1 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=1 + NumCoedges=4 + NumEdges=4 + NumVertices=4 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=44 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=1 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'NewFaces' + $begin 'Face' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=44 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=64 + FcUVMid(0, 0, 0) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(-4, -4, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(4, -4, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(4, 4, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-4, 4, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'Face' + $end 'NewFaces' + $begin 'NewEdges' + $end 'NewEdges' + $begin 'NewVertices' + $end 'NewVertices' + $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $end 'OperationIdentity' + ParentOperationID=33 + $end 'Operation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='Box1' + Flags='Wireframe#' + Color='(255 0 0)' + Transparency=0 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=-1 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='"vacuum"' + SurfaceMaterialValue='""' + 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'Operation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='Box2' + Flags='' + Color='(0 64 128)' + Transparency=0.5 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=-1 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='"Teflon (tm)"' + SurfaceMaterialValue='""' + SolveInside=true + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0cm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=true + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Box' + ID=360 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=233 + $begin 'BoxParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + XPosition='-subX/2' + YPosition='0cm' + ZPosition='0cm' + XSize='subX' + YSize='radome_thick' + ZSize='radome_height' + $end 'BoxParameters' + ParentPartID=361 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=6 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=6 + NumCoedges=24 + NumEdges=12 + NumVertices=8 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=361 + StartFaceID=362 + StartEdgeID=368 + StartVertexID=380 + NumNewFaces=6 + NumNewEdges=12 + NumNewVertices=8 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + $end 'Operation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='Box4' + Flags='' + Color='(0 64 128)' + Transparency=0.5 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=-1 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='"Teflon (tm)"' + SurfaceMaterialValue='""' + SolveInside=true + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0cm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=true + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Box' + ID=416 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=233 + $begin 'BoxParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + XPosition='-subX/2' + YPosition='0cm' + ZPosition='radome_height' + XSize='subX' + YSize='subY/2' + ZSize='radome_thick' + $end 'BoxParameters' + ParentPartID=417 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=6 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=6 + NumCoedges=24 + NumEdges=12 + NumVertices=8 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=417 + StartFaceID=418 + StartEdgeID=424 + StartVertexID=436 + NumNewFaces=6 + NumNewEdges=12 + NumNewVertices=8 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Fillet' + ID=667 + $begin 'FilletParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + PartID=417 + Edges[1: 427] + Vertices[0:] + Radius='radius' + Setback='0cm' + $end 'FilletParameters' + ParentPartID=417 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=7 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=7 + NumCoedges=30 + NumEdges=15 + NumVertices=10 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=668 + StartEdgeID=669 + StartVertexID=673 + NumNewFaces=1 + NumNewEdges=4 + NumNewVertices=4 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'NewFaces' + $begin 'Face' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=668 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=6.2831853071795871 + FcUVMid(0, 0.14644660940672616, 1.8059533905932734) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(4, 0.50000000000000011, 1.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-4, 0.50000000000000011, 1.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-4, 0, 1.4523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(4, 0, 1.4523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'Face' + $end 'NewFaces' + $begin 'NewEdges' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=669 + EdgeFaces(423, 668) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(4, 0, 1.4523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(4, 0.50000000000000011, 1.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(4, 0.1464466094067263, 1.8059533905932736) + $end 'Edge' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=1 + ID=670 + EdgeFaces(418, 668) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(-4, 0.50000000000000011, 1.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(4, 0.50000000000000011, 1.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(0, 0.50000000000000011, 1.9523999999999999) + $end 'Edge' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=2 + ID=671 + EdgeFaces(421, 668) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(-4, 0, 1.4523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-4, 0.50000000000000011, 1.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(-4, 0.14644660940672616, 1.8059533905932734) + $end 'Edge' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=3 + ID=672 + EdgeFaces(420, 668) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(4, 0, 1.4523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-4, 0, 1.4523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(0, 0, 1.4523999999999999) + $end 'Edge' + $end 'NewEdges' + $begin 'NewVertices' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=674 + VtPos(4, 0.50000000000000011, 1.9523999999999999) + $end 'Vertex' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=1 + ID=675 + VtPos(-4, 0.50000000000000011, 1.9523999999999999) + $end 'Vertex' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=2 + ID=676 + VtPos(-4, 0, 1.4523999999999999) + $end 'Vertex' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=3 + ID=673 + VtPos(4, 0, 1.4523999999999999) + $end 'Vertex' + $end 'NewVertices' + $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $end 'OperationIdentity' + BlendBaseOperationID=416 + $end 'Operation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $end 'ToplevelParts' + $begin 'OperandParts' + $end 'OperandParts' + $begin 'Planes' + $end 'Planes' + $begin 'Points' + $end 'Points' + $begin 'GeometryEntityLists' + $end 'GeometryEntityLists' + $begin 'RegionIdentity' + $begin 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'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 33) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 43) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 33) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 249) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 233) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 360) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 233) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 416) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 233) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 667) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 416) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 233) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $end 'GeometryDependencies' + $end 'GeometryCore' + $begin 'AssignedEntities' + AssignedObject[1: 34] + $begin 'AssignedFace' + kID=251 + $begin 'FaceData' + ParentObjectID=250 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=64 + FcUVMid(0, 0, 6.9523999999999999) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(4, -4, 6.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(4, 4, 6.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-4, 4, 6.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-4, -4, 6.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'FaceData' + $end 'AssignedFace' + $begin 'AssignedFace' + kID=253 + $begin 'FaceData' + ParentObjectID=250 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=55.619200000000006 + FcUVMid(0, -4, 3.4761999999999995) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(4, -4, 6.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-4, -4, 6.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-4, -4, -4.3368086899420177e-16, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(4, -4, -4.3368086899420177e-16, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'FaceData' + $end 'AssignedFace' + $begin 'AssignedFace' + kID=254 + $begin 'FaceData' + ParentObjectID=250 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=55.619200000000006 + FcUVMid(-4, 0, 3.4761999999999995) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(-4, -4, 6.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-4, 4, 6.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-4, 4, -4.3368086899420177e-16, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-4, -4, -4.3368086899420177e-16, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'FaceData' + $end 'AssignedFace' + $begin 'AssignedFace' + kID=255 + $begin 'FaceData' + ParentObjectID=250 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=55.619200000000006 + FcUVMid(0, 4, 3.4761999999999995) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(-4, 4, 6.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(4, 4, 6.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(4, 4, -4.3368086899420177e-16, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-4, 4, -4.3368086899420177e-16, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'FaceData' + $end 'AssignedFace' + $begin 'AssignedFace' + kID=256 + $begin 'FaceData' + ParentObjectID=250 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=55.619200000000006 + FcUVMid(4, 0, 3.4761999999999995) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(4, 4, -4.3368086899420177e-16, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(4, 4, 6.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(4, -4, 6.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(4, -4, -4.3368086899420177e-16, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'FaceData' + $end 'AssignedFace' + $begin 'AssignedVertex' + kID=271 + $begin 'VertexData' + ParentObjectID=250 + ParentEdges[3: 259, 258, 267] + TolVt(-4, 4, 6.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'VertexData' + $end 'AssignedVertex' + $begin 'AssignedVertex' + kID=272 + $begin 'VertexData' + ParentObjectID=250 + ParentEdges[3: 260, 259, 265] + TolVt(-4, -4, 6.9523999999999999, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'VertexData' + $end 'AssignedVertex' + $begin 'AssignedVertex' + kID=275 + $begin 'VertexData' + ParentObjectID=250 + ParentEdges[3: 265, 263, 262] + TolVt(-4, -4, -4.3368086899420177e-16, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'VertexData' + $end 'AssignedVertex' + $begin 'AssignedVertex' + kID=276 + $begin 'VertexData' + ParentObjectID=250 + ParentEdges[3: 267, 264, 263] + TolVt(-4, 4, -4.3368086899420177e-16, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'VertexData' + $end 'AssignedVertex' + $end 'AssignedEntities' + $begin 'Settings' + IncludedParts[5: 6, 34, 250, 361, 417] + HiddenParts[0:] + IncludedCS[1: 233] + ReferenceCS=1 + IncludedParameters('radius', 'radome_height', 'radome_thick', 'subH', 'subX', 'subY') + IncludedDependentParameters() + ParameterDescription(radius='', radome_height='', radome_thick='', subH='', subX='', subY='') + $end 'Settings' + $end 'GeometryData' +$end 'ComponentBody' +$begin 'AllReferencedFilesForComponent' +$end 'AllReferencedFilesForComponent' +$end 'a3dcomp' +$end 'Design_0.setup/UdmDefFiles' +$end 'AllReferencedFilesForProject' +$begin 'ProjectPreview' + IsEncrypted=false + Thumbnail64='/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wBDAAEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQE\ +BAQICAQECAQEBAgICAgICAgICAQICAgICAgICAgL/2wBDAQEBAQEBAQEBAQECAQEBAgICAgICAgICAg\ +ICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgL/wAARCABgAGADASIAAhEBAxEB/\ +8QAHwAAAQUBAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAECAwQFBgcICQoL/8QAtRAAAgEDAwIEAwUFBAQAAAF9AQIDAAQR\ +BRIhMUEGE1FhByJxFDKBkaEII0KxwRVS0fAkM2JyggkKFhcYGRolJicoKSo0NTY3ODk6Q0RFRkdISUp\ +TVFVWV1hZWmNkZWZnaGlqc3R1dnd4eXqDhIWGh4iJipKTlJWWl5iZmqKjpKWmp6ipqrKztLW2t7i5us\ +LDxMXGx8jJytLT1NXW19jZ2uHi4+Tl5ufo6erx8vP09fb3+Pn6/8QAHwEAAwEBAQEBAQEBAQAAAAAAA\ +AECAwQFBgcICQoL/8QAtREAAgECBAQDBAcFBAQAAQJ3AAECAxEEBSExBhJBUQdhcRMiMoEIFEKRobHB\ +CSMzUvAVYnLRChYkNOEl8RcYGRomJygpKjU2Nzg5OkNERUZHSElKU1RVVldYWVpjZGVmZ2hpanN0dXZ\ +3eHl6goOEhYaHiImKkpOUlZaXmJmaoqOkpaanqKmqsrO0tba3uLm6wsPExcbHyMnK0tPU1dbX2Nna4u\ +Pk5ebn6Onq8vP09fb3+Pn6/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwD+s/8A4KKf8FFLL9gqy+EtpafCW6+Lfi74t3Xja\ +40vS7jxtF8PfDmleHPh7F4Vj8SahqHiSPwrr1zJrban478Jx2NjHpJguIH1G4uNRs5LO2ttR/LXUv8A\ +g4l8T6Xp1/qdx+xVoLwadZXV9OkP7UWoNM0NpBJcSLEr/s1KrSFI2CgsoJIyQOa/Gj/gsh/wU78a/tC\ +ftaeJPh74b0D4eN8MP2W/GfxW+Gnw312107xFNr/ib+17rwFo/j7V/Eup/wDCVmz1S0bxb8MS+jPY2d\ +gken3224N7IyXC/i5d/Fj4xeNPF3iMw+LtS8P+CFl8N2aeHrfwn4Zl0nVbS58L6L/wlVra6xqehS34t\ +ZNabW0MiXrywrcBI5I2iU1+J8T5X42Y/ifiCtwzxflPC/CGW4N4ulPMHhoqfsKWGVbDwbwOLrSxdetU\ +qyw9OXLCVOnNucFFX+t4dxGbZhx94RcK8PeFGD46yfPMVl1DPas6XEtfHp4nP62GxEqcMnzXDU6OEpZ\ +XUwUViVhowpVvaurVc1r/AKQX/DW/7W3/AEa/+zp/4mN8S/8A6CGuL8Lft5ftP+Ltc+JHh/Tf2VvgLB\ +efC7xpY+BfEEt9+2B8Qora81fUPh34C+JkNzo7wfsWyvcacNB+IuiQs86W8ou7W6jELQpDcT/gns/aq\ +/6WOf2dv/EWv2JP/nmV5r4FT9pX/hKPjN/Z3/BfL4D+B7wfErS/7e8T337N/wCx/qFt8Y9V/wCFP/Cg\ +w/EfR7TVviHHBoWnWuhnRvCLWumPPYvd/Cu6vZJRqV5qEMPsYnNPZVsvhT8XsvnDE1pQqNUpWhBYetU\ +UpXyJNJzhCHuqTvJK3K3JfqHDvD/GOPyjjvF4/wCiZWhiskyqjisEvqPGcOfFTzzJsFOPL/rJ+9/2PF\ +4ufJ05XV/5dn9G3in9vL9p/wAI658N/D+pfsrfAWe8+KPjS+8C+H5bH9sD4hS21nq+n/Dvx78TJrnWH\ +n/Ytie3046D8OtbhV4EuJTd3VrGYVhea4gPiR+3l+0/8Lvh349+JniD9lb4C3mg/DrwX4p8da3aaP8A\ +tgfEK41e60jwjod94g1K20uC9/Ytt4Z9Rez0+ZYEmuIImlZVkmiQl1/nJ8dJ+0r/AMJR8Gf7R/4L5fA\ +fxxeH4lap/YPiex/Zv/Y/0+2+Dmq/8Kf+K5m+I+sWmk/EOSDXdOutDGs+EVtdTeCxS7+KlrexynUrPT\ +4Zj4zJ+0qPg/8AFc69/wAF8vgP8Y9DHw18df2z8ItH/Zv/AGP9C1b4qaV/wi+qf2j8ONL1vwz8Q59S0\ 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+1DwF4E8PW+t6ve6d8PtJv9V1W/tLrXNc1zVNU1zXNU1LVNSubl/a5/8Ak5X9hr/s4vx//wCsV/tcVy/\ +/AAuzSP8AolX7Wf8A4g/+2X/84el8F+Jb/wCI37TP7H48PfC/9oaws/Bvxo8eeLfFWueOf2Yf2i/hf4\ +W0Dw/J+yf+0r4Pg1DVPF3xM+F2kaXaeb4o8XeG7GCJrwTz3OsQxwxuSceJWzL+0szy+tVxccViq+OwD\ +bUouT5cXh/sx0tGK6JJRXZHZ4d+GXiFw5nOY5lnPAGdZHk+CyDin2mJxeV4/D4ekp8M5vTh7SvWoQpw\ +56k4Qi5zXNOcYq8pJP8AaKiiiv2g/NQooooAKKKKACiiigAooooAKKKKACiiigAooooAKKKKACiiigA\ +ooooAKKKKACiiigAooooA/9k=' + $end 'DesignInfo' +$end 'ProjectPreview' diff --git a/_unittest/example_models/T20/Circ_Patch_5GHz_hex.a3dcomp b/_unittest/example_models/T20/Circ_Patch_5GHz_232.a3dcomp similarity index 52% rename from _unittest/example_models/T20/Circ_Patch_5GHz_hex.a3dcomp rename to _unittest/example_models/T20/Circ_Patch_5GHz_232.a3dcomp index d46a4f6a3c3..a78e60d3e73 100644 --- a/_unittest/example_models/T20/Circ_Patch_5GHz_hex.a3dcomp +++ b/_unittest/example_models/T20/Circ_Patch_5GHz_232.a3dcomp @@ -1,25 +1,25 @@ $begin 'AnsoftComponentChkSum' - ChecksumString='f7080626955602408f5f88675d6e1add' - ChecksumHistory('67bee40a3a591b3c31eb05beb305c318') - VersionHistory('1.0') - FormatVersion=6 - Version(2022, 1) + ChecksumString='6a12cbfd15e157cadf37b8d1f78fb0a7' + ChecksumHistory('f4c81c746cee97b0fa0eca9b6026ba74', 'b76bafd4b64349f9b1bef83210e30246', '2deba8a0e7fff848e49beff26a952a82', 'b6452e22b0ea6d367603320594b474b6') + VersionHistory('1.0', '1.0', '1.0', '1.0') + FormatVersion=11 + Version(2023, 2) ComponentDefinitionType='DesignDerivedComponentDefinition' $end 'AnsoftComponentChkSum' $begin 'AnsoftComponentHeader' $begin 'Information' $begin 'ComponentInfo' - ComponentName='Circ_Patch_5GHz_hex' + ComponentName='Circ_Patch_5GHz_232' Company='' 'Company URL'='' 'Model Number'='' 'Help URL'='' - Version='1.0' + Version='2.0' Notes='' IconType='' Owner='Arien Sligar' Email='arien.sligar@ansys.com' - Date='9:39:23 AM Jun 14, 2022' + Date='9:25:10 AM Nov 06, 2023' HasLabel=false LabelImage='' $end 'ComponentInfo' @@ -27,9 +27,8 @@ $begin 'AnsoftComponentHeader' $begin 'DesignDataDescriptions' $begin 'DesignSettings' ProductName='HFSS' - SolutionType='DrivenModal' + SolutionType='HFSS Hybrid Modal Network' $begin 'DrivenOptions' - WithHybridAndArrays=true AutoOpen=false $end 'DrivenOptions' $end 'DesignSettings' @@ -48,232 +47,341 @@ LDxMXGx8jJytLT1NXW19jZ2uHi4+Tl5ufo6erx8vP09fb3+Pn6/8QAHwEAAwEBAQEBAQEBAQAAAAAAA\ AECAwQFBgcICQoL/8QAtREAAgECBAQDBAcFBAQAAQJ3AAECAxEEBSExBhJBUQdhcRMiMoEIFEKRobHB\ CSMzUvAVYnLRChYkNOEl8RcYGRomJygpKjU2Nzg5OkNERUZHSElKU1RVVldYWVpjZGVmZ2hpanN0dXZ\ 3eHl6goOEhYaHiImKkpOUlZaXmJmaoqOkpaanqKmqsrO0tba3uLm6wsPExcbHyMnK0tPU1dbX2Nna4u\ -Pk5ebn6Onq8vP09fb3+Pn6/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwD+/iiiigAooooAKKKKACiiigAooooAKKKKACiii\ -gAooooAKKKKACiivPdO+Lfwp1j4h658ItJ+J3w91T4r+GNLt9c8S/DDTvGnhu9+Ifh7RLtbJ7XWNc8F\ -W2pNqWk6XKupacY7i4to4XF/CVciVNwB6FRRRQAUUUUAFFFFABRRRQAUUUUAFFFFABRRXyLOlt8Xvjj\ -oMfinTtI8WfBi9+HPxBuvAvhjxDo2k694Y8Sat4V134Qxy/F+yt9Tsz9o+0/8J3rejaVLLDJH/Z2gza\ 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+erptlDZ6PZzLpunWUEP09RRX9/YTCYbAYXD4LB0VQwuFhGnThHaMIqyWt29Fq2229W222f0HicTWxde\ +ricRPnrVpOUmlGKu+kYxSjCKWkYQjGEIpRjFRSSKKKK6DAKKKKACiiigDjfiN4Mg+I/w98d/Dy51vW/\ +DNt488G+KPBlx4k8MjRD4k8PweKNEvtDl1vw+PEui6lpx1u0jvmntP7Q06/svPt4/tVldQeZBJ/P38T\ +f8Ag3S+Ems2OnaZ8J/2lPiF4Z02W11Wx8Waf8Y/h74H+MNjrNjdQ2dvp1no1p4Kk8BR6JapB/ayXsd4\ +urpepd26wixW3mF7/RtRXy3E3BXC/GEMPDiTKIZn9T5vZSc6tOdLmlCUvZ1KNSnUg5OnDmcZJtR5XeL\ +aeNXCZfiVOONynBZlzKKTxeCwmLlTUW5fuZYmjVlQ5m/3nsXD2qUVU5lCKX8VXjn/AINt/wBo7w+viy\ +88Bn9mfxBp+hnXbrw03gXxl4++DfxN8e6Vpou5dH0z7FpfgC007Qdd1SCGz/4lN/4wl0S11CaFLrXHg\ +tV1Rfg34lf8Elv25vhK2jLq3wB/ah0a018ag1lZ/DWPw5+0yrXGlmyF9c6zf+Co/H974RLR6hYJbw6h\ +dada3f2eZ9Ogmlg1KRP9EeivzLMvo/8ACmKjJ5fm+ZZZPpF4iGKoayTblSxVOq5NRvGLVSLi2pPms0/\ +nsVwFwBjU4S4YeVKfxVcvx2Oo1+a6k5U1jK+YYOnzNcsorBSpqnKUaUKUuSpT/wAujxp8PPjD8L/EOp\ +eFfiDcaB4Y8a6H9j/tf4cfETwD4x+Dfiyx/tOxtdSsP7Yg8T6/qF/4c83SdQsr+38/RJvtltcQNF5cN\ +1HdphSnx/YMIb/4eXOqTMBKtx4N8T+G9T0xI2JQQzz+MLzw/cpfhkdmSOzlgEckTLcvI0sUP+ppXwt8\ +QP8AgmV+wD8SdGttD1v9k34NeH7S01OHVo734V+F4/gj4hluILW9s0tbzxX8GZtB1TUNGaO/leTT57y\ +Swlnht7mW2e4tLWWH4bMvo65xBTnlXEuCzGbc+WOLwdXCcsbr2cHUwVaUZuzlzVPYRd0rRcWow+exfh\ +Lw3W5pZdxDmOU8jk1HEUMLmftE7cqdSlLKHQ9mk+aSp4j2zndRo8n7z/Olk8X2NpvGq6P4x0U224alN\ +qfgjxZHpWkmHIvJNQ8TW2jy6UmnwFZDLfR30mniOJrhbt7bEx0NG8TeHPEX2n/hH/EGia79j8n7X/Y2\ +q2Gp/ZftHm/Z/tP2K4fyN/kTbN2N3kttztOP7jPiB/wQY/Yd8Xazbal4S1L47/BzTYNMhsZ/DHw/+JW\ +n+ItGv76K6vbiTXrm9+NvhLxfqsWpywXNtbvFb6lBp6xaXC8VjFcvd3Fz+dHxO/4NsvE+r+HJ73Rv2h\ +/hB8VfF2leV/wjfhv4nfAPUPBfhyb7df6fFrHn+NrX4g+Mbrw5t0yKW4XyPD999sn063tJfsscpvbX4\ +TMvBPxAwDlyZDDM6cVNyq4PHUJpKCT92hio4StPn1jCMW56O6b5VP5zF+EOe03KWXZ/lmZxmpeypTli\ +8HiZNJclOr7bCywNGdST5VJ5hLDw+KriKcE5L+aWiv1z+JH/AAb3/tmeBH0j/hF/ht4L+Jlvqv2/ztM\ +/Z+/aI1jwXofhL7CLHy/7T0D4laj8PrKz+3veXEkP9i29/wCZNYXs2o/ZZZYHvfgnxz+wN+2h8L18WX\ +PiH4VftMaNbeBTrv8AwmfiLx1+zzrnij4ZaBpXhgXcniLxB/wnfw78JaPpFxoVrHp88/8Ab0HiC80B9\ +PimvI5bi1kgvYvhcx4T4hymTWZZDmOWxhvOvga6pP3VJ8lWgsRTnyp+/wC8uXbVqSj87ivDjj/CNxfC\ +eJzCUfi/s6eHzbkXKpc1T+y62LdOGtueajFyvG/MnFeBUVhQ6b8QCzxaXefDbxoqBJJr+HWNb8GtatK\ +XVLN9It9O8SCYYhZ1uTfQ+Z5rRC1TyPOnhk1fxFaIbjVfhx4502wjx597HF4X8RPDvISLGj+DfFOpal\ +ebpmjT/RrKbyxJ5s3lwJLNH89GNOp/CxNKrf4UqsIylfZRpzcark9lHk5m7JK7R8Zi41MvxVXA5jQqZ\ +bjqPLz0MRTnQrQ54qcOanVjCceaEozjdaxlGS0aZ0dR+dH53kFsS+X5wQhhujDbGZGIxJtYqHCklPMT\ +cBvTdyUvj7wpZ7f7Z1Kbwt5mfs3/AAm2lax4G+37Med/Zn/CYWFj/anlbovO+z+b5H2iLztnnRb+ot5\ +rO/t7S+tZra9tZ4oryxvLeSK5t5obiEmG6tLiMsskUlvMSsiEhkl4JVuanQrUkpVaM6cZbOUWk35NrU\ +hSU0nTkpK/rp12e5Zr0bxv/wAiz8Hv+yc6n/6tz4pV5zW/8WZ/E19oX7P/AIH8AaNrHiX4l/EbwheeD\ +vAHh7w7pr65r974h1b4ufFGzsbjTvD9tbTz63Ol/c2MNvbQ2832vUNSsLBvK+2CVPRyrD1cWsww1FXq\ +VqMUr6Jf7Vhm230SV230SbPRy/CYrH11gcDh54vG4106VGlTi5TqValalCEIRWspTk1GKW7aPon/AIJ\ +w/sY61/wUP/bR8C+Abzwtq2q/s3/A/wASW3jH9obxPHbTSeGpbW0s7iay8FXGt6Z4h0q506/1yS21jw\ +vbjT9Qk1WGXWta1ZNLkg8K3Mw/0WtA0DQvCuhaL4X8L6LpPhvwz4b0nTtA8O+HdA06z0fQtB0LR7OHT\ +tI0XRdI06GO30vSbXT7e3gtraCOOGCGBIokVFVR+cv/AASh/YL8L/sCfsi/D74eP4V0fSfjR4t0DRfF\ +Hx68QQW1s+val4zuILm7sPBep6zbeJNXi1LSvCWm6odBsjYX50m5l0++1y0tbe51y/ab9MK/urwx4Np\ +cJcO4eNWly5nj4xqVuZWnTi1zQoyT1Uo80p1Y3ly1pzhGcqVOly/1ZgMowvDOVYbhrA1IV6eAlKeJr0\ +2pQxeOkowr4iE03zUEoRoYT4Y/V6cK3s6davX5iiiiv0g2CiiigAooooAKKKKACiiigAooooAKKKKAC\ +iiigAooooA8n+KHwF+Bnxv/ALD/AOF0fBf4T/F7/hGP7T/4Rr/haHw68H+P/wDhHv7a/s/+2f7D/wCE\ +r0e7/sn7X/ZOlfafs/l+f/Zlv5u/yY9vxr4x/wCCRP8AwTp8ceI9R8Uar+zVoujX+qfZPP034f8Ajv4\ +r/CvwjbfYrC106L+yPAXwx8eaRoeg74bSOS4+w6db/arqWa9ufNvLi4nl/SKivFzHhvh3OG5ZtkOCzS\ +UpKTeJwtCu3KMeSMm6tOXvRh7qe6j7q00PQhm2a08NTwVPM8RDB0W3Ckq1RUoNuTbjTUuSLblJtpJty\ +k92z+eb4gf8G8nwXvdGtovhJ+0n8ZfCfiRdThkvdR+Knh/4e/FTw9Nogtb1bmys/D3grRPA11Z6y1++\ +myR3smrXFvHBbXED6dNJcRXNp8D/ABN/4NpfitB4iab4aeOf2XviDZajZnUtT8aeNvDHjD4HeN7XxRd\ +31+17/Z1v4P8ADPjaZpEiFhdw60mvWd+bu9lVbO3a0ivLv+xGivgsX4J+HGJcqmHyOWVV58qc8HisVQ\ +do9OSNZ0ter9nzPe99T5/FZFwrmDccw4OymvRdrwo4Gll2sfhftcpWAxCt1iqyjL7cZaH+fl8UP+CKv\ +7eXwmtfE2rQ/Bj4w3XhvwxqcunXviH4T/ETwZ8d38X2/wDbMWiaVrnhLwFrur+IfGV3o081ylxELbwx\ +pt/DY3zXevWFnHZTfYP0o/4Iif8ABNj4hXv7QHij9pX9rn4J+MNA079mrRvD3wv/AGaLL44/DPWPBPi\ +bxX4vvNW1L4t3/wAXH8Oa3NpQlvPCWp+Pdd0zSL5vCy6XcXPiC2u9NvF8R+Ebm7H9ctFcnD/gvkHDue\ +Us3w+a4zMKFOOuHxbw9XnmqkatOU68aFOtKFKUKcoU5Sl71OPNOUPcObKeGeGuH8zjneRZbUyzM4U6l\ +GCWKq18LTp1YyjOrTpYr2+IjjOWTpxrvGSpU6Tbp4WGJUcVEooor9iPZCiiigAooooAKKKKACiiigAo\ +oooAKKKKACiiigAooooAKKKKACiiigAooooAKKKKACiiigAooooAKKKKACiiigD/2Q==' $end 'Preview' ContainsLightweightGeometry=false $end 'AnsoftComponentHeader' @@ -288,7 +396,7 @@ $begin 'ComponentBody' 'Allow Material Override'=true IncludeTemperatureDependence=false EnableFeedback=false - Temperatures(114, '22cel', 217, '22cel', 252, '22cel', 287, '22cel', 996, '22cel', 1043, '22cel', 1084, '22cel') + Temperatures(6, '22cel', 34, '22cel', 114, '22cel', 217, '22cel', 252, '22cel', 287, '22cel', 952, '22cel') ObjsEnabledForDeformation() $end 'DesignSettings' $begin 'DCThickness' @@ -302,335 +410,234 @@ $begin 'ComponentBody' ParentBndID=-1 InfGroundPlane=false $end 'antennaMetal_2' - $begin 'coax_outer_2' - ID=7 + $begin 'groundMetal' + ID=4 BoundType='Perfect E' IsComponent=false - Faces(288) + Objects(34) ParentBndID=-1 InfGroundPlane=false - $end 'coax_outer_2' - $begin 'PerfE1' - ID=27 + $end 'groundMetal' + $begin 'coax_outer_2' + ID=7 BoundType='Perfect E' IsComponent=false - Objects(1084) + Faces(288) ParentBndID=-1 InfGroundPlane=false - $end 'PerfE1' + $end 'coax_outer_2' $begin 'Rad1' - ID=28 + ID=21 BoundType='Radiation' IsComponent=false - Faces(1004) + Faces(953) ParentBndID=-1 UseAdaptiveIE=false IsFssReference=false IsForPML=false $end 'Rad1' $begin 'Primary1' - ID=29 + ID=22 BoundType='Primary' IsComponent=false - Faces(1006) + Faces(957) ParentBndID=-1 $begin 'CoordSysVector' $begin 'GeometryPosition' IsAttachedToEntity=true - EntityID=1038 - ParentIDs(1020, 1024, 1019) + EntityID=975 + ParentIDs(970, 966, 963) FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 TriangleVertexIndex=-1 hasXYZ=true PositionType='OnVertex' UParam=0 VParam=0 - XPosition='10.25' - YPosition='-17.753520777581' + XPosition='17.645' + YPosition='17.645' ZPosition='-1.272' $end 'GeometryPosition' $begin 'uv_block_name' uvpos_u=0 - uvpos_v=8.6651553141475598e-17 - uvpos_id=1006 + uvpos_v=1 + uvpos_id=957 $end 'uv_block_name' $begin 'GeometryPosition' IsAttachedToEntity=true - EntityID=1035 - ParentIDs(1016, 1024, 1017) + EntityID=972 + ParentIDs(960, 959, 970) FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 TriangleVertexIndex=-1 hasXYZ=true PositionType='OnVertex' UParam=0 VParam=0 - XPosition='10.25' - YPosition='-17.753520777581' - ZPosition='38.728' + XPosition='17.645' + YPosition='17.645' + ZPosition='30' $end 'GeometryPosition' $begin 'uv_block_name' uvpos_u=1 - uvpos_v=8.6651553141475598e-17 - uvpos_id=1006 + uvpos_v=1 + uvpos_id=957 $end 'uv_block_name' $end 'CoordSysVector' ReverseV=false $end 'Primary1' $begin 'Secondary1' - ID=30 + ID=23 BoundType='Secondary' IsComponent=false - Faces(1009) + Faces(955) ParentBndID=-1 $begin 'CoordSysVector' $begin 'GeometryPosition' IsAttachedToEntity=true - EntityID=1040 - ParentIDs(1022, 1027, 1021) + EntityID=976 + ParentIDs(968, 964, 963) FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 TriangleVertexIndex=-1 hasXYZ=true PositionType='OnVertex' UParam=0 VParam=0 - XPosition='-20.5' - YPosition='1.77635683940025e-15' + XPosition='17.645' + YPosition='-17.645' ZPosition='-1.272' $end 'GeometryPosition' $begin 'uv_block_name' uvpos_u=1 - uvpos_v=8.6651553141475598e-17 - uvpos_id=1009 + uvpos_v=1 + uvpos_id=955 $end 'uv_block_name' $begin 'GeometryPosition' IsAttachedToEntity=true - EntityID=1033 - ParentIDs(1014, 1027, 1015) + EntityID=971 + ParentIDs(962, 959, 968) FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 TriangleVertexIndex=-1 hasXYZ=true PositionType='OnVertex' UParam=0 VParam=0 - XPosition='-20.5' - YPosition='1.77635683940025e-15' - ZPosition='38.728' + XPosition='17.645' + YPosition='-17.645' + ZPosition='30' $end 'GeometryPosition' $begin 'uv_block_name' uvpos_u=0 - uvpos_v=8.6651553141475598e-17 - uvpos_id=1009 + uvpos_v=1 + uvpos_id=955 $end 'uv_block_name' $end 'CoordSysVector' ReverseV=true - primary=29 + primary=22 PhaseDelay='UseScanAngle' Phi='0deg' Theta='0deg' Phase='0deg' $end 'Secondary1' $begin 'Primary2' - ID=31 + ID=24 BoundType='Primary' IsComponent=false - Faces(1011) + Faces(958) ParentBndID=-1 $begin 'CoordSysVector' $begin 'GeometryPosition' IsAttachedToEntity=true - EntityID=1037 - ParentIDs(1025, 1018, 1019) + EntityID=976 + ParentIDs(968, 964, 963) FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 TriangleVertexIndex=-1 hasXYZ=true PositionType='OnVertex' UParam=0 VParam=0 - XPosition='20.5' - YPosition='-1.77635683940025e-15' + XPosition='17.645' + YPosition='-17.645' ZPosition='-1.272' $end 'GeometryPosition' $begin 'uv_block_name' - uvpos_u=0 + uvpos_u=1 uvpos_v=0 - uvpos_id=1011 + uvpos_id=958 $end 'uv_block_name' $begin 'GeometryPosition' IsAttachedToEntity=true - EntityID=1030 - ParentIDs(1012, 1025, 1017) + EntityID=971 + ParentIDs(962, 959, 968) FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 TriangleVertexIndex=-1 hasXYZ=true PositionType='OnVertex' UParam=0 VParam=0 - XPosition='20.5' - YPosition='-1.77635683940025e-15' - ZPosition='38.728' + XPosition='17.645' + YPosition='-17.645' + ZPosition='30' $end 'GeometryPosition' $begin 'uv_block_name' - uvpos_u=1 + uvpos_u=0 uvpos_v=0 - uvpos_id=1011 + uvpos_id=958 $end 'uv_block_name' $end 'CoordSysVector' ReverseV=false $end 'Primary2' $begin 'Secondary2' - ID=32 + ID=25 BoundType='Secondary' IsComponent=false - Faces(1008) - ParentBndID=-1 - $begin 'CoordSysVector' - $begin 'GeometryPosition' - IsAttachedToEntity=true - EntityID=1039 - ParentIDs(1021, 1026, 1020) - FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 - TriangleVertexIndex=-1 - hasXYZ=true - PositionType='OnVertex' - UParam=0 - VParam=0 - XPosition='-10.25' - YPosition='-17.753520777581' - ZPosition='-1.272' - $end 'GeometryPosition' - $begin 'uv_block_name' - uvpos_u=1 - uvpos_v=-8.6651553141475635e-17 - uvpos_id=1008 - $end 'uv_block_name' - $begin 'GeometryPosition' - IsAttachedToEntity=true - EntityID=1034 - ParentIDs(1015, 1026, 1016) - FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 - TriangleVertexIndex=-1 - hasXYZ=true - PositionType='OnVertex' - UParam=0 - VParam=0 - XPosition='-10.25' - YPosition='-17.753520777581' - ZPosition='38.728' - $end 'GeometryPosition' - $begin 'uv_block_name' - uvpos_u=0 - uvpos_v=-8.6651553141475635e-17 - uvpos_id=1008 - $end 'uv_block_name' - $end 'CoordSysVector' - ReverseV=true - primary=31 - PhaseDelay='UseScanAngle' - Phi='0deg' - Theta='0deg' - Phase='0deg' - $end 'Secondary2' - $begin 'Primary3' - ID=33 - BoundType='Primary' - IsComponent=false - Faces(1010) + Faces(956) ParentBndID=-1 $begin 'CoordSysVector' $begin 'GeometryPosition' IsAttachedToEntity=true - EntityID=1036 - ParentIDs(1018, 1029, 1023) + EntityID=977 + ParentIDs(967, 965, 964) FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 TriangleVertexIndex=-1 hasXYZ=true PositionType='OnVertex' UParam=0 VParam=0 - XPosition='10.25' - YPosition='17.753520777581' + XPosition='-17.645' + YPosition='-17.645' ZPosition='-1.272' $end 'GeometryPosition' $begin 'uv_block_name' uvpos_u=0 - uvpos_v=8.6651553141475635e-17 - uvpos_id=1010 - $end 'uv_block_name' - $begin 'GeometryPosition' - IsAttachedToEntity=true - EntityID=1031 - ParentIDs(1012, 1029, 1013) - FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 - TriangleVertexIndex=-1 - hasXYZ=true - PositionType='OnVertex' - UParam=0 - VParam=0 - XPosition='10.25' - YPosition='17.753520777581' - ZPosition='38.728' - $end 'GeometryPosition' - $begin 'uv_block_name' - uvpos_u=1 - uvpos_v=8.6651553141475635e-17 - uvpos_id=1010 - $end 'uv_block_name' - $end 'CoordSysVector' - ReverseV=false - $end 'Primary3' - $begin 'Secondary3' - ID=34 - BoundType='Secondary' - IsComponent=false - Faces(1007) - ParentBndID=-1 - $begin 'CoordSysVector' - $begin 'GeometryPosition' - IsAttachedToEntity=true - EntityID=1038 - ParentIDs(1020, 1024, 1019) - FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 - TriangleVertexIndex=-1 - hasXYZ=true - PositionType='OnVertex' - UParam=0 - VParam=0 - XPosition='10.25' - YPosition='-17.753520777581' - ZPosition='-1.272' - $end 'GeometryPosition' - $begin 'uv_block_name' - uvpos_u=1 uvpos_v=0 - uvpos_id=1007 + uvpos_id=956 $end 'uv_block_name' $begin 'GeometryPosition' IsAttachedToEntity=true - EntityID=1035 - ParentIDs(1016, 1024, 1017) + EntityID=974 + ParentIDs(962, 961, 967) FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 TriangleVertexIndex=-1 hasXYZ=true PositionType='OnVertex' UParam=0 VParam=0 - XPosition='10.25' - YPosition='-17.753520777581' - ZPosition='38.728' + XPosition='-17.645' + YPosition='-17.645' + ZPosition='30' $end 'GeometryPosition' $begin 'uv_block_name' - uvpos_u=0 + uvpos_u=1 uvpos_v=0 - uvpos_id=1007 + uvpos_id=956 $end 'uv_block_name' $end 'CoordSysVector' ReverseV=true - primary=33 + primary=24 PhaseDelay='UseScanAngle' Phi='0deg' Theta='0deg' Phase='0deg' - $end 'Secondary3' + $end 'Secondary2' $end 'Boundaries' $begin 'Excitations' $begin '1' @@ -638,13 +645,13 @@ $begin 'ComponentBody' BoundType='Wave Port' IsComponent=false Faces(289) + WavePortType='Modal' NumModes=1 PECCapPartID=-1 UseLineModeAlignment=false DoDeembed=false DeembedDist='0mm' ParentBndID=-1 - RenormalizeAllTerminals=true $begin 'Modes' $begin 'Mode1' ModeNum=1 @@ -652,12 +659,12 @@ $begin 'ComponentBody' $begin 'IntLine' $begin 'GeometryPosition' IsAttachedToEntity=true - EntityID=293 - ParentIDs(291) + EntityID=291 FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 TriangleVertexIndex=-1 hasXYZ=true - PositionType='OnVertex' + closedU=true + PositionType='OnEdge' UParam=0 VParam=0 XPosition='-3.19117290349489' @@ -665,18 +672,18 @@ $begin 'ComponentBody' ZPosition='-3.772' $end 'GeometryPosition' $begin 'uv_block_name' - uvpos_u=0.14644660940672569 - uvpos_v=0.5 + uvpos_u=0.0059288537549406911 + uvpos_v=0.49999999999999989 uvpos_id=289 $end 'uv_block_name' $begin 'GeometryPosition' IsAttachedToEntity=true - EntityID=258 - ParentIDs(256) + EntityID=256 FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 TriangleVertexIndex=-1 hasXYZ=true - PositionType='OnVertex' + closedU=true + PositionType='OnEdge' UParam=0 VParam=0 XPosition='-2.76690883478296' @@ -684,8 +691,8 @@ $begin 'ComponentBody' ZPosition='-3.772' $end 'GeometryPosition' $begin 'uv_block_name' - uvpos_u=0.39601370864903718 - uvpos_v=0.49999999999999906 + uvpos_u=0.35468495698674718 + uvpos_v=0.5 uvpos_id=289 $end 'uv_block_name' $end 'IntLine' @@ -693,9 +700,9 @@ $begin 'ComponentBody' CharImp='Zpi' $end 'Mode1' $end 'Modes' + UseAnalyticAlignment=false ShowReporterFilter=false ReporterFilter(true) - UseAnalyticAlignment=false $end '1' $end 'Excitations' $begin 'Circuit Elements' @@ -792,34 +799,40 @@ $begin 'ComponentBody' $begin 'GeometryData' $begin 'Variables' $begin 'LocalVariables' - VariableProp('Ln', 'UD', '', '1.502mm') - VariableProp('Wn', 'UD', '', '3.004mm') - VariableProp('alpha', 'UD', '', '45deg') + VariableProp('beta2', 'UD', '', '-90deg') + VariableProp('beta4', 'UD', '', '-270deg') VariableProp('Sy', 'UD', '', '35.29mm') - VariableProp('Sf', 'UD', '', '3.663mm') - VariableProp('coax_inner_rad', 'UD', '', '0.25mm') - VariableProp('Sx', 'UD', '', '35.29mm') + VariableProp('subWidth', 'UD', '', '80mm') + VariableProp('Wn', 'UD', '', '3.004mm') VariableProp('Dp', 'UD', '', '23.53mm') + VariableProp('Ln', 'UD', '', '1.502mm') VariableProp('feedLength', 'UD', '', '2.5mm') - VariableProp('beta3', 'UD', '', '-180deg') + VariableProp('subLength', 'UD', '', '80mm') + VariableProp('coax_inner_rad', 'UD', '', '0.25mm') VariableProp('coax_outer_rad', 'UD', '', '0.85mm') + VariableProp('Sf', 'UD', '', '3.663mm') + VariableProp('Sx', 'UD', '', '35.29mm') VariableProp('H', 'UD', '', '1.272mm') + VariableProp('beta3', 'UD', '', '-180deg') + VariableProp('alpha', 'UD', '', '45deg') $end 'LocalVariables' $end 'Variables' $begin 'Datasets' $end 'Datasets' $begin 'GeometryCore' BlockVersionID=3 - DataVersion=5 - NativeKernel='ACIS' - NativeKernelVersionID=13 + DataVersion=7 + NativeKernel='PARASOLID' + NativeKernelVersionID=23 Units='mm' + ModelExtents=10000 InstanceID=-1 $begin 'ValidationOptions' EntityCheckLevel='Strict' IgnoreUnclassifiedObjects=false SkipIntersectionChecks=false $end 'ValidationOptions' + ContainsGeomLinkUDM=false $begin 'GeometryOperations' BlockVersionID=2 $begin 'AnsoftRangedIDServerManager' @@ -827,7 +840,7 @@ $begin 'ComponentBody' IDServerObjectTypeID=0 IDServerRangeMin=0 IDServerRangeMax=2146483647 - NextUniqueID=1107 + NextUniqueID=979 MoveBackwards=false $end 'AnsoftRangedIDServer' $begin 'AnsoftRangedIDServer' @@ -877,18 +890,19 @@ $begin 'ComponentBody' $begin 'ToplevelParts' $begin 'GeometryPart' $begin 'Attributes' - Name='Circle_2' + Name='Soil' Flags='' - Color='(255 128 65)' + Color='(0 128 0)' Transparency=0.29999999999999999 PartCoordinateSystem=1 UDMId=-1 GroupId=-1 - MaterialValue='"vacuum"' + MaterialValue='"Teflon (tm)"' SurfaceMaterialValue='""' SolveInside=true ShellElement=false ShellElementThickness='0mm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' IsMaterialEditable=true UseMaterialAppearance=false IsLightweight=false @@ -896,226 +910,337 @@ $begin 'ComponentBody' $end 'Attributes' $begin 'Operations' $begin 'Operation' - OperationType='DuplicateBodyAroundAxis' - ID=113 - $begin 'CloneFromParameters' - KernelVersion=13 - SourceID=46 - WhichClone=0 - $end 'CloneFromParameters' - ParentPartID=114 - ReferenceUDMID=-1 - IsSuppressed=false - $begin 'OperationIdentity' - $begin 'Topology' - NumLumps=1 - NumShells=1 - NumFaces=1 - NumWires=0 - NumLoops=1 - NumCoedges=8 - NumEdges=8 - NumVertices=8 - $end 'Topology' - BodyID=114 - StartFaceID=115 - StartEdgeID=116 - StartVertexID=124 - NumNewFaces=1 - NumNewEdges=8 - NumNewVertices=8 - FaceNameAndIDMap() - EdgeNameAndIDMap() - VertexNameAndIDMap() - $begin 'CloneFromOperationIdentityHelper' - CloneFaces('50'='115') - CloneEdges('76'='116', '77'='117', '78'='118', '79'='119', '80'='120', '81'='121', '82'='122', '83'='123') - CloneVertices('84'='124', '85'='125', '86'='126', '87'='127', '88'='128', '89'='129', '90'='130', '91'='131') - CloneIdentityHelperKernelType=0 - $end 'CloneFromOperationIdentityHelper' - OriginalFaceIDs(50) - OriginalEdgeIDs(76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83) - OriginalVertexIDs(84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91) - $end 'OperationIdentity' - PlaceHolderOpnId=112 - $end 'Operation' - $begin 'Operation' - OperationType='Move' - ID=154 + OperationType='Box' + ID=5 ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 - $begin 'TranslateParameters' + $begin 'BoxParameters' KernelVersion=13 - TargetID=114 - TranslateVectorX='-Sx/2' - TranslateVectorY='-Sy/2' - TranslateVectorZ='0' - $end 'TranslateParameters' - ParentPartID=114 + XPosition='-subWidth/2' + YPosition='-subLength/2' + ZPosition='0mm' + XSize='subWidth' + YSize='subLength' + ZSize='H' + $end 'BoxParameters' + ParentPartID=6 ReferenceUDMID=-1 IsSuppressed=false $begin 'OperationIdentity' $begin 'Topology' NumLumps=1 NumShells=1 - NumFaces=1 + NumFaces=6 NumWires=0 - NumLoops=1 - NumCoedges=8 - NumEdges=8 + NumLoops=6 + NumCoedges=24 + NumEdges=12 NumVertices=8 $end 'Topology' - BodyID=-1 - StartFaceID=-1 - StartEdgeID=-1 - StartVertexID=-1 - NumNewFaces=0 - NumNewEdges=0 - NumNewVertices=0 + BodyID=6 + StartFaceID=7 + StartEdgeID=13 + StartVertexID=25 + NumNewFaces=6 + NumNewEdges=12 + NumNewVertices=8 FaceNameAndIDMap() EdgeNameAndIDMap() VertexNameAndIDMap() $end 'OperationIdentity' - TranformBaseOperationID=113 $end 'Operation' $begin 'Operation' OperationType='Split' - ID=448 + ID=428 ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 $begin 'SplitToParameters' KernelVersion=13 - SourcePartID=114 + SourcePartID=6 SplitPlane='YZ' WhichSide='NegativeOnly' ToolType='PlaneTool' ToolEntityID=-1 ToolPartID=-1 $end 'SplitToParameters' - ParentPartID=114 + ParentPartID=6 ReferenceUDMID=-1 $end 'Operation' $begin 'Operation' OperationType='SplitEdit' - ID=449 + ID=429 $begin 'SplitFromParameters' $end 'SplitFromParameters' - ParentPartID=114 + ParentPartID=6 ReferenceUDMID=-1 IsSuppressed=false $begin 'OperationIdentity' $begin 'Topology' NumLumps=1 NumShells=1 - NumFaces=1 + NumFaces=6 NumWires=0 - NumLoops=1 - NumCoedges=8 - NumEdges=8 + NumLoops=6 + NumCoedges=24 + NumEdges=12 NumVertices=8 $end 'Topology' BodyID=-1 - StartFaceID=-1 - StartEdgeID=-1 - StartVertexID=-1 - NumNewFaces=0 - NumNewEdges=0 - NumNewVertices=0 + StartFaceID=430 + StartEdgeID=431 + StartVertexID=435 + NumNewFaces=1 + NumNewEdges=4 + NumNewVertices=4 FaceNameAndIDMap() EdgeNameAndIDMap() VertexNameAndIDMap() $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' $begin 'NewFaces' + $begin 'Face' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=430 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=101.76000000000001 + FcUVMid(0, 0, 0.63600000000000001) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(0, -40, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(0, -40, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(0, 40, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(0, 40, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'Face' $end 'NewFaces' $begin 'NewEdges' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=433 + EdgeFaces(7, 430) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(0, 40, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(0, -40, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(0, 0, 1.272) + $end 'Edge' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=1 + ID=434 + EdgeFaces(9, 430) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(0, -40, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(0, -40, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(0, -40, 0.63600000000000001) + $end 'Edge' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=2 + ID=432 + EdgeFaces(11, 430) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(0, 40, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(0, 40, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(0, 40, 0.63600000000000001) + $end 'Edge' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=3 + ID=431 + EdgeFaces(8, 430) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(0, -40, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(0, 40, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(0, 0, 0) + $end 'Edge' $end 'NewEdges' $begin 'NewVertices' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=435 + VtPos(0, -40, 0) + $end 'Vertex' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=1 + ID=438 + VtPos(0, -40, 1.272) + $end 'Vertex' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=2 + ID=437 + VtPos(0, 40, 1.272) + $end 'Vertex' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=3 + ID=436 + VtPos(0, 40, 0) + $end 'Vertex' $end 'NewVertices' $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' $end 'OperationIdentity' SplitFromOperation=-1 - SplitToOperation=448 - ParentOperation=154 + SplitToOperation=428 + ParentOperation=5 $end 'Operation' $begin 'Operation' OperationType='Split' - ID=510 + ID=492 ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 $begin 'SplitToParameters' KernelVersion=13 - SourcePartID=114 + SourcePartID=6 SplitPlane='ZX' WhichSide='NegativeOnly' ToolType='PlaneTool' ToolEntityID=-1 ToolPartID=-1 $end 'SplitToParameters' - ParentPartID=114 + ParentPartID=6 ReferenceUDMID=-1 $end 'Operation' $begin 'Operation' OperationType='SplitEdit' - ID=511 + ID=493 $begin 'SplitFromParameters' $end 'SplitFromParameters' - ParentPartID=114 + ParentPartID=6 ReferenceUDMID=-1 IsSuppressed=false $begin 'OperationIdentity' $begin 'Topology' NumLumps=1 NumShells=1 - NumFaces=1 + NumFaces=6 NumWires=0 - NumLoops=1 - NumCoedges=8 - NumEdges=8 + NumLoops=6 + NumCoedges=24 + NumEdges=12 NumVertices=8 $end 'Topology' BodyID=-1 - StartFaceID=-1 - StartEdgeID=-1 - StartVertexID=-1 - NumNewFaces=0 - NumNewEdges=0 - NumNewVertices=0 + StartFaceID=494 + StartEdgeID=495 + StartVertexID=499 + NumNewFaces=1 + NumNewEdges=4 + NumNewVertices=4 FaceNameAndIDMap() EdgeNameAndIDMap() VertexNameAndIDMap() $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' $begin 'NewFaces' - $end 'NewFaces' - $begin 'NewEdges' - $end 'NewEdges' - $begin 'NewVertices' - $end 'NewVertices' - $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'Face' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=494 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=50.880000000000003 + FcUVMid(-20, 0, 0.63600000000000001) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(0, 0, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(0, 0, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-40, 0, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-40, 0, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'Face' + $end 'NewFaces' + $begin 'NewEdges' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=498 + EdgeFaces(7, 494) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(0, 0, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-40, 0, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(-20, 0, 1.272) + $end 'Edge' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=1 + ID=497 + EdgeFaces(10, 494) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(-40, 0, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-40, 0, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(-40, 0, 0.63600000000000001) + $end 'Edge' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=2 + ID=496 + EdgeFaces(8, 494) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(0, 0, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-40, 0, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(-20, 0, 0) + $end 'Edge' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=3 + ID=495 + EdgeFaces(430, 494) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(0, 0, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(0, 0, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(0, 0, 0.63600000000000001) + $end 'Edge' + $end 'NewEdges' + $begin 'NewVertices' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=499 + VtPos(0, 0, 1.272) + $end 'Vertex' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=1 + ID=502 + VtPos(-40, 0, 1.272) + $end 'Vertex' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=2 + ID=501 + VtPos(-40, 0, 0) + $end 'Vertex' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=3 + ID=500 + VtPos(0, 0, 0) + $end 'Vertex' + $end 'NewVertices' + $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' $end 'OperationIdentity' SplitFromOperation=-1 - SplitToOperation=510 - ParentOperation=449 + SplitToOperation=492 + ParentOperation=429 $end 'Operation' $begin 'Operation' OperationType='Move' - ID=590 + ID=588 ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 $begin 'TranslateParameters' KernelVersion=13 - TargetID=114 + TargetID=6 TranslateVectorX='17.645mm' TranslateVectorY='17.645mm' TranslateVectorZ='-1.272mm' $end 'TranslateParameters' - ParentPartID=114 + ParentPartID=6 ReferenceUDMID=-1 IsSuppressed=false $begin 'OperationIdentity' $begin 'Topology' NumLumps=1 NumShells=1 - NumFaces=1 + NumFaces=6 NumWires=0 - NumLoops=1 - NumCoedges=8 - NumEdges=8 + NumLoops=6 + NumCoedges=24 + NumEdges=12 NumVertices=8 $end 'Topology' BodyID=-1 @@ -1129,140 +1254,295 @@ $begin 'ComponentBody' EdgeNameAndIDMap() VertexNameAndIDMap() $end 'OperationIdentity' - TranformBaseOperationID=511 + TranformBaseOperationID=493 $end 'Operation' $begin 'Operation' OperationType='Split' - ID=729 + ID=713 ReferenceCoordSystemID=709 $begin 'SplitToParameters' KernelVersion=13 - SourcePartID=114 + SourcePartID=6 SplitPlane='ZX' WhichSide='PositiveOnly' ToolType='PlaneTool' ToolEntityID=-1 ToolPartID=-1 $end 'SplitToParameters' - ParentPartID=114 + ParentPartID=6 ReferenceUDMID=-1 $end 'Operation' $begin 'Operation' OperationType='SplitEdit' - ID=730 + ID=714 $begin 'SplitFromParameters' $end 'SplitFromParameters' - ParentPartID=114 + ParentPartID=6 ReferenceUDMID=-1 IsSuppressed=false $begin 'OperationIdentity' $begin 'Topology' NumLumps=1 NumShells=1 - NumFaces=1 + NumFaces=6 NumWires=0 - NumLoops=1 - NumCoedges=8 - NumEdges=8 + NumLoops=6 + NumCoedges=24 + NumEdges=12 NumVertices=8 $end 'Topology' BodyID=-1 - StartFaceID=-1 - StartEdgeID=-1 - StartVertexID=-1 - NumNewFaces=0 - NumNewEdges=0 - NumNewVertices=0 + StartFaceID=715 + StartEdgeID=716 + StartVertexID=720 + NumNewFaces=1 + NumNewEdges=4 + NumNewVertices=4 FaceNameAndIDMap() EdgeNameAndIDMap() VertexNameAndIDMap() $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' $begin 'NewFaces' + $begin 'Face' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=715 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=50.880000000000038 + FcUVMid(-2.3550000000000044, -17.645, -0.63600000000000045) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(-22.355, -17.645, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-22.355000000000008, -17.645, -1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(17.645, -17.645, -1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(17.645, -17.645, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'Face' $end 'NewFaces' $begin 'NewEdges' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=719 + EdgeFaces(7, 715) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(17.645, -17.645, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-22.355, -17.645, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(-2.3550000000000013, -17.645, 0) + $end 'Edge' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=1 + ID=716 + EdgeFaces(10, 715) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(-22.355000000000008, -17.645, -1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-22.355, -17.645, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(-22.355, -17.645, -0.63600000000000001) + $end 'Edge' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=2 + ID=717 + EdgeFaces(8, 715) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(17.645, -17.645, -1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-22.355000000000008, -17.645, -1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(-2.3550000000000044, -17.645, -1.272) + $end 'Edge' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=3 + ID=718 + EdgeFaces(430, 715) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(17.645, -17.645, -1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(17.645, -17.645, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(17.645, -17.645, -0.63600000000000001) + $end 'Edge' $end 'NewEdges' $begin 'NewVertices' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=722 + VtPos(17.645, -17.645, -1.272) + $end 'Vertex' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=1 + ID=720 + VtPos(-22.355, -17.645, 0) + $end 'Vertex' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=2 + ID=721 + VtPos(-22.355000000000008, -17.645, -1.272) + $end 'Vertex' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=3 + ID=723 + VtPos(17.645, -17.645, 0) + $end 'Vertex' $end 'NewVertices' $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' $end 'OperationIdentity' SplitFromOperation=-1 - SplitToOperation=729 - ParentOperation=590 + SplitToOperation=713 + ParentOperation=588 $end 'Operation' $begin 'Operation' OperationType='Split' - ID=757 + ID=741 ReferenceCoordSystemID=709 $begin 'SplitToParameters' KernelVersion=13 - SourcePartID=114 + SourcePartID=6 SplitPlane='YZ' WhichSide='PositiveOnly' ToolType='PlaneTool' ToolEntityID=-1 ToolPartID=-1 $end 'SplitToParameters' - ParentPartID=114 + ParentPartID=6 ReferenceUDMID=-1 $end 'Operation' $begin 'Operation' OperationType='SplitEdit' - ID=758 + ID=742 $begin 'SplitFromParameters' $end 'SplitFromParameters' - ParentPartID=114 + ParentPartID=6 ReferenceUDMID=-1 IsSuppressed=false $begin 'OperationIdentity' $begin 'Topology' NumLumps=1 NumShells=1 - NumFaces=1 + NumFaces=6 NumWires=0 - NumLoops=1 - NumCoedges=8 - NumEdges=8 + NumLoops=6 + NumCoedges=24 + NumEdges=12 NumVertices=8 $end 'Topology' BodyID=-1 - StartFaceID=-1 - StartEdgeID=-1 - StartVertexID=-1 - NumNewFaces=0 - NumNewEdges=0 - NumNewVertices=0 + StartFaceID=743 + StartEdgeID=744 + StartVertexID=748 + NumNewFaces=1 + NumNewEdges=4 + NumNewVertices=4 FaceNameAndIDMap() EdgeNameAndIDMap() VertexNameAndIDMap() $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' $begin 'NewFaces' + $begin 'Face' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=743 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=44.888880000000029 + FcUVMid(-17.645, 0, -0.63600000000000045) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(-17.645, -17.645, -1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-17.645, -17.645, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-17.645, 17.645, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-17.645, 17.645, -1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'Face' $end 'NewFaces' $begin 'NewEdges' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=745 + EdgeFaces(7, 743) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(-17.645, -17.645, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-17.645, 17.645, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(-17.645, 0, 0) + $end 'Edge' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=1 + ID=747 + EdgeFaces(8, 743) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(-17.645, -17.645, -1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-17.645, 17.645, -1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(-17.645, 0, -1.272) + $end 'Edge' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=2 + ID=746 + EdgeFaces(494, 743) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(-17.645, 17.645, -1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-17.645, 17.645, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(-17.645, 17.645, -0.63600000000000001) + $end 'Edge' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=3 + ID=744 + EdgeFaces(715, 743) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(-17.645, -17.645, -1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-17.645, -17.645, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(-17.645, -17.645, -0.63600000000000045) + $end 'Edge' $end 'NewEdges' $begin 'NewVertices' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=748 + VtPos(-17.645, -17.645, -1.272) + $end 'Vertex' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=1 + ID=750 + VtPos(-17.645, 17.645, 0) + $end 'Vertex' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=2 + ID=751 + VtPos(-17.645, 17.645, -1.272) + $end 'Vertex' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=3 + ID=749 + VtPos(-17.645, -17.645, 0) + $end 'Vertex' $end 'NewVertices' $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' $end 'OperationIdentity' SplitFromOperation=-1 - SplitToOperation=757 - ParentOperation=730 + SplitToOperation=741 + ParentOperation=714 $end 'Operation' $end 'Operations' $end 'GeometryPart' $begin 'GeometryPart' $begin 'Attributes' - Name='FeedPin_2' + Name='Ground' Flags='' Color='(255 128 65)' Transparency=0.29999999999999999 PartCoordinateSystem=1 UDMId=-1 GroupId=-1 - MaterialValue='"pec"' + MaterialValue='"vacuum"' SurfaceMaterialValue='""' - SolveInside=false + SolveInside=true ShellElement=false ShellElementThickness='0mm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' IsMaterialEditable=true UseMaterialAppearance=false IsLightweight=false @@ -1270,129 +1550,229 @@ $begin 'ComponentBody' $end 'Attributes' $begin 'Operations' $begin 'Operation' - OperationType='DuplicateBodyAroundAxis' - ID=216 - $begin 'CloneFromParameters' + OperationType='Rectangle' + ID=33 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'RectangleParameters' KernelVersion=13 - SourceID=157 - WhichClone=0 - $end 'CloneFromParameters' - ParentPartID=217 + XStart='-subWidth/2' + YStart='-subLength/2' + ZStart='0mm' + Width='subWidth' + Height='subLength' + WhichAxis='Z' + $end 'RectangleParameters' + ParentPartID=34 ReferenceUDMID=-1 IsSuppressed=false $begin 'OperationIdentity' $begin 'Topology' NumLumps=1 NumShells=1 - NumFaces=3 - NumWires=0 - NumLoops=4 - NumCoedges=4 - NumEdges=2 - NumVertices=2 + NumFaces=0 + NumWires=1 + NumLoops=0 + NumCoedges=0 + NumEdges=4 + NumVertices=4 $end 'Topology' - BodyID=217 - StartFaceID=218 - StartEdgeID=221 - StartVertexID=223 - NumNewFaces=3 - NumNewEdges=2 - NumNewVertices=2 + BodyID=34 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=35 + StartVertexID=39 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=4 + NumNewVertices=4 FaceNameAndIDMap() EdgeNameAndIDMap() VertexNameAndIDMap() - $begin 'CloneFromOperationIdentityHelper' - CloneFaces('158'='218', '159'='219', '160'='220') - CloneEdges('161'='221', '162'='222') - CloneVertices('163'='223', '164'='224') - CloneIdentityHelperKernelType=0 - $end 'CloneFromOperationIdentityHelper' - OriginalFaceIDs(158, 159, 160) - OriginalEdgeIDs(161, 162) - OriginalVertexIDs(163, 164) $end 'OperationIdentity' - PlaceHolderOpnId=215 $end 'Operation' $begin 'Operation' - OperationType='Move' - ID=237 - ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 - $begin 'TranslateParameters' + OperationType='CoverLines' + ID=43 + $begin 'LocalOperationParameters' KernelVersion=13 - TargetID=217 - TranslateVectorX='-Sx/2' - TranslateVectorY='-Sy/2' - TranslateVectorZ='0' - $end 'TranslateParameters' - ParentPartID=217 + LocalOpPart=34 + $end 'LocalOperationParameters' + ParentPartID=34 ReferenceUDMID=-1 IsSuppressed=false $begin 'OperationIdentity' $begin 'Topology' NumLumps=1 NumShells=1 - NumFaces=3 + NumFaces=1 NumWires=0 - NumLoops=4 + NumLoops=1 NumCoedges=4 - NumEdges=2 - NumVertices=2 + NumEdges=4 + NumVertices=4 $end 'Topology' BodyID=-1 - StartFaceID=-1 + StartFaceID=44 StartEdgeID=-1 StartVertexID=-1 - NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewFaces=1 NumNewEdges=0 NumNewVertices=0 FaceNameAndIDMap() EdgeNameAndIDMap() VertexNameAndIDMap() - $end 'OperationIdentity' - TranformBaseOperationID=216 - $end 'Operation' - $begin 'Operation' - OperationType='Split' - ID=464 + $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'NewFaces' + $begin 'Face' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=44 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=6400.0000000000009 + FcUVMid(0, 0, 0) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(-40, -40, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(40, -40, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(40, 40, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-40, 40, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'Face' + $end 'NewFaces' + $begin 'NewEdges' + $end 'NewEdges' + $begin 'NewVertices' + $end 'NewVertices' + $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $end 'OperationIdentity' + ParentOperationID=33 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Substract' + ID=390 + $begin 'SubtractParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + KeepOriginals=false + TurnOnNBodyBoolean=false + BlankPart=34 + NumToolParts=4 + ToolParts(199, 370, 376, 382) + $end 'SubtractParameters' + ParentPartID=34 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=1 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=5 + NumCoedges=8 + NumEdges=8 + NumVertices=4 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=391 + StartVertexID=395 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=4 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'NewFaces' + $end 'NewFaces' + $begin 'NewEdges' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=391 + EdgeFaces(44) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(15.65590862452224, -15.65590862452224, 0) + $end 'Edge' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=1 + ID=392 + EdgeFaces(44) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(-19.634091375477759, -19.634091375477759, 0) + $end 'Edge' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=2 + ID=393 + EdgeFaces(44) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(-15.65590862452224, 15.65590862452224, 0) + $end 'Edge' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=3 + ID=394 + EdgeFaces(44) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(19.634091375477759, 19.634091375477759, 0) + $end 'Edge' + $end 'NewEdges' + $begin 'NewVertices' + $end 'NewVertices' + $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'MergedFaces' + $end 'MergedFaces' + $begin 'MergedEdges' + $end 'MergedEdges' + $end 'OperationIdentity' + BlankOperation=43 + NumToolOperations=4 + ToolOperations(386, 387, 388, 389) + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Split' + ID=439 ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 $begin 'SplitToParameters' KernelVersion=13 - SourcePartID=217 + SourcePartID=34 SplitPlane='YZ' WhichSide='NegativeOnly' ToolType='PlaneTool' ToolEntityID=-1 ToolPartID=-1 $end 'SplitToParameters' - ParentPartID=217 + ParentPartID=34 ReferenceUDMID=-1 $end 'Operation' $begin 'Operation' OperationType='SplitEdit' - ID=465 + ID=440 $begin 'SplitFromParameters' $end 'SplitFromParameters' - ParentPartID=217 + ParentPartID=34 ReferenceUDMID=-1 IsSuppressed=false $begin 'OperationIdentity' $begin 'Topology' NumLumps=1 NumShells=1 - NumFaces=3 + NumFaces=1 NumWires=0 - NumLoops=4 - NumCoedges=4 - NumEdges=2 - NumVertices=2 + NumLoops=3 + NumCoedges=6 + NumEdges=6 + NumVertices=4 $end 'Topology' BodyID=-1 StartFaceID=-1 - StartEdgeID=-1 - StartVertexID=-1 + StartEdgeID=441 + StartVertexID=442 NumNewFaces=0 - NumNewEdges=0 - NumNewVertices=0 + NumNewEdges=1 + NumNewVertices=2 FaceNameAndIDMap() EdgeNameAndIDMap() VertexNameAndIDMap() @@ -1400,57 +1780,77 @@ $begin 'ComponentBody' $begin 'NewFaces' $end 'NewFaces' $begin 'NewEdges' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=441 + EdgeFaces(44) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(0, -40, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(0, 40, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(0, 0, 0) + $end 'Edge' $end 'NewEdges' $begin 'NewVertices' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=443 + VtPos(0, 40, 0) + $end 'Vertex' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=1 + ID=442 + VtPos(0, -40, 0) + $end 'Vertex' $end 'NewVertices' $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' $end 'OperationIdentity' SplitFromOperation=-1 - SplitToOperation=464 - ParentOperation=237 + SplitToOperation=439 + ParentOperation=390 $end 'Operation' $begin 'Operation' OperationType='Split' - ID=514 + ID=503 ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 $begin 'SplitToParameters' KernelVersion=13 - SourcePartID=217 + SourcePartID=34 SplitPlane='ZX' WhichSide='NegativeOnly' ToolType='PlaneTool' ToolEntityID=-1 ToolPartID=-1 $end 'SplitToParameters' - ParentPartID=217 + ParentPartID=34 ReferenceUDMID=-1 $end 'Operation' $begin 'Operation' OperationType='SplitEdit' - ID=515 + ID=504 $begin 'SplitFromParameters' $end 'SplitFromParameters' - ParentPartID=217 + ParentPartID=34 ReferenceUDMID=-1 IsSuppressed=false $begin 'OperationIdentity' $begin 'Topology' NumLumps=1 NumShells=1 - NumFaces=3 + NumFaces=1 NumWires=0 - NumLoops=4 - NumCoedges=4 - NumEdges=2 - NumVertices=2 + NumLoops=2 + NumCoedges=5 + NumEdges=5 + NumVertices=4 $end 'Topology' BodyID=-1 StartFaceID=-1 - StartEdgeID=-1 - StartVertexID=-1 + StartEdgeID=505 + StartVertexID=506 NumNewFaces=0 - NumNewEdges=0 - NumNewVertices=0 + NumNewEdges=1 + NumNewVertices=2 FaceNameAndIDMap() EdgeNameAndIDMap() VertexNameAndIDMap() @@ -1458,39 +1858,59 @@ $begin 'ComponentBody' $begin 'NewFaces' $end 'NewFaces' $begin 'NewEdges' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=505 + EdgeFaces(44) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(0, 0, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-40, 0, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(-20, 0, 0) + $end 'Edge' $end 'NewEdges' $begin 'NewVertices' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=507 + VtPos(-40, 0, 0) + $end 'Vertex' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=1 + ID=506 + VtPos(0, 0, 0) + $end 'Vertex' $end 'NewVertices' $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' $end 'OperationIdentity' SplitFromOperation=-1 - SplitToOperation=514 - ParentOperation=465 + SplitToOperation=503 + ParentOperation=440 $end 'Operation' $begin 'Operation' OperationType='Move' - ID=591 + ID=589 ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 $begin 'TranslateParameters' KernelVersion=13 - TargetID=217 + TargetID=34 TranslateVectorX='17.645mm' TranslateVectorY='17.645mm' TranslateVectorZ='-1.272mm' $end 'TranslateParameters' - ParentPartID=217 + ParentPartID=34 ReferenceUDMID=-1 IsSuppressed=false $begin 'OperationIdentity' $begin 'Topology' NumLumps=1 NumShells=1 - NumFaces=3 + NumFaces=1 NumWires=0 - NumLoops=4 - NumCoedges=4 - NumEdges=2 - NumVertices=2 + NumLoops=2 + NumCoedges=5 + NumEdges=5 + NumVertices=4 $end 'Topology' BodyID=-1 StartFaceID=-1 @@ -1503,50 +1923,50 @@ $begin 'ComponentBody' EdgeNameAndIDMap() VertexNameAndIDMap() $end 'OperationIdentity' - TranformBaseOperationID=515 + TranformBaseOperationID=504 $end 'Operation' $begin 'Operation' OperationType='Split' - ID=731 + ID=724 ReferenceCoordSystemID=709 $begin 'SplitToParameters' KernelVersion=13 - SourcePartID=217 + SourcePartID=34 SplitPlane='ZX' WhichSide='PositiveOnly' ToolType='PlaneTool' ToolEntityID=-1 ToolPartID=-1 $end 'SplitToParameters' - ParentPartID=217 + ParentPartID=34 ReferenceUDMID=-1 $end 'Operation' $begin 'Operation' OperationType='SplitEdit' - ID=732 + ID=725 $begin 'SplitFromParameters' $end 'SplitFromParameters' - ParentPartID=217 + ParentPartID=34 ReferenceUDMID=-1 IsSuppressed=false $begin 'OperationIdentity' $begin 'Topology' NumLumps=1 NumShells=1 - NumFaces=3 + NumFaces=1 NumWires=0 - NumLoops=4 - NumCoedges=4 - NumEdges=2 - NumVertices=2 + NumLoops=2 + NumCoedges=5 + NumEdges=5 + NumVertices=4 $end 'Topology' BodyID=-1 StartFaceID=-1 - StartEdgeID=-1 - StartVertexID=-1 + StartEdgeID=726 + StartVertexID=727 NumNewFaces=0 - NumNewEdges=0 - NumNewVertices=0 + NumNewEdges=1 + NumNewVertices=2 FaceNameAndIDMap() EdgeNameAndIDMap() VertexNameAndIDMap() @@ -1554,57 +1974,77 @@ $begin 'ComponentBody' $begin 'NewFaces' $end 'NewFaces' $begin 'NewEdges' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=726 + EdgeFaces(44) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(-22.355, -17.645, -1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(17.645, -17.645, -1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(-2.3550000000000013, -17.645, -1.272) + $end 'Edge' $end 'NewEdges' $begin 'NewVertices' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=728 + VtPos(17.645, -17.645, -1.272) + $end 'Vertex' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=1 + ID=727 + VtPos(-22.355, -17.645, -1.272) + $end 'Vertex' $end 'NewVertices' $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' $end 'OperationIdentity' SplitFromOperation=-1 - SplitToOperation=731 - ParentOperation=591 + SplitToOperation=724 + ParentOperation=589 $end 'Operation' $begin 'Operation' OperationType='Split' - ID=759 + ID=752 ReferenceCoordSystemID=709 $begin 'SplitToParameters' KernelVersion=13 - SourcePartID=217 + SourcePartID=34 SplitPlane='YZ' WhichSide='PositiveOnly' ToolType='PlaneTool' ToolEntityID=-1 ToolPartID=-1 $end 'SplitToParameters' - ParentPartID=217 + ParentPartID=34 ReferenceUDMID=-1 $end 'Operation' $begin 'Operation' OperationType='SplitEdit' - ID=760 + ID=753 $begin 'SplitFromParameters' $end 'SplitFromParameters' - ParentPartID=217 + ParentPartID=34 ReferenceUDMID=-1 IsSuppressed=false $begin 'OperationIdentity' $begin 'Topology' NumLumps=1 NumShells=1 - NumFaces=3 + NumFaces=1 NumWires=0 - NumLoops=4 - NumCoedges=4 - NumEdges=2 - NumVertices=2 + NumLoops=2 + NumCoedges=5 + NumEdges=5 + NumVertices=4 $end 'Topology' BodyID=-1 StartFaceID=-1 - StartEdgeID=-1 - StartVertexID=-1 + StartEdgeID=754 + StartVertexID=755 NumNewFaces=0 - NumNewEdges=0 - NumNewVertices=0 + NumNewEdges=1 + NumNewVertices=2 FaceNameAndIDMap() EdgeNameAndIDMap() VertexNameAndIDMap() @@ -1612,31 +2052,52 @@ $begin 'ComponentBody' $begin 'NewFaces' $end 'NewFaces' $begin 'NewEdges' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=754 + EdgeFaces(44) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(-17.645, -17.645, -1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-17.645, 17.645, -1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(-17.645, 0, -1.272) + $end 'Edge' $end 'NewEdges' $begin 'NewVertices' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=755 + VtPos(-17.645, 17.645, -1.272) + $end 'Vertex' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=1 + ID=756 + VtPos(-17.645, -17.645, -1.272) + $end 'Vertex' $end 'NewVertices' $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' $end 'OperationIdentity' SplitFromOperation=-1 - SplitToOperation=759 - ParentOperation=732 + SplitToOperation=752 + ParentOperation=725 $end 'Operation' $end 'Operations' $end 'GeometryPart' $begin 'GeometryPart' $begin 'Attributes' - Name='coax_pin_2' + Name='Circle_2' Flags='' Color='(255 128 65)' Transparency=0.29999999999999999 PartCoordinateSystem=1 UDMId=-1 GroupId=-1 - MaterialValue='"pec"' + MaterialValue='"vacuum"' SurfaceMaterialValue='""' - SolveInside=false + SolveInside=true ShellElement=false ShellElementThickness='0mm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' IsMaterialEditable=true UseMaterialAppearance=false IsLightweight=false @@ -1645,72 +2106,72 @@ $begin 'ComponentBody' $begin 'Operations' $begin 'Operation' OperationType='DuplicateBodyAroundAxis' - ID=251 + ID=113 $begin 'CloneFromParameters' KernelVersion=13 - SourceID=166 + SourceID=46 WhichClone=0 $end 'CloneFromParameters' - ParentPartID=252 + ParentPartID=114 ReferenceUDMID=-1 IsSuppressed=false $begin 'OperationIdentity' $begin 'Topology' NumLumps=1 NumShells=1 - NumFaces=3 + NumFaces=1 NumWires=0 - NumLoops=4 - NumCoedges=4 - NumEdges=2 - NumVertices=2 + NumLoops=1 + NumCoedges=8 + NumEdges=8 + NumVertices=8 $end 'Topology' - BodyID=252 - StartFaceID=253 - StartEdgeID=256 - StartVertexID=258 - NumNewFaces=3 - NumNewEdges=2 - NumNewVertices=2 + BodyID=114 + StartFaceID=115 + StartEdgeID=116 + StartVertexID=124 + NumNewFaces=1 + NumNewEdges=8 + NumNewVertices=8 FaceNameAndIDMap() EdgeNameAndIDMap() VertexNameAndIDMap() $begin 'CloneFromOperationIdentityHelper' - CloneFaces('167'='253', '168'='254', '169'='255') - CloneEdges('170'='256', '171'='257') - CloneVertices('172'='258', '173'='259') - CloneIdentityHelperKernelType=0 + CloneFaces('50'='115') + CloneEdges('76'='116', '77'='117', '78'='118', '79'='119', '80'='120', '81'='121', '82'='122', '83'='123') + CloneVertices('84'='124', '85'='125', '86'='126', '87'='127', '88'='128', '89'='129', '90'='130', '91'='131') + CloneIdentityHelperKernelType=0 $end 'CloneFromOperationIdentityHelper' - OriginalFaceIDs(167, 168, 169) - OriginalEdgeIDs(170, 171) - OriginalVertexIDs(172, 173) + OriginalFaceIDs(50) + OriginalEdgeIDs(76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83) + OriginalVertexIDs(84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91) $end 'OperationIdentity' - PlaceHolderOpnId=250 + PlaceHolderOpnId=112 $end 'Operation' $begin 'Operation' OperationType='Move' - ID=272 + ID=154 ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 $begin 'TranslateParameters' KernelVersion=13 - TargetID=252 + TargetID=114 TranslateVectorX='-Sx/2' TranslateVectorY='-Sy/2' TranslateVectorZ='0' $end 'TranslateParameters' - ParentPartID=252 + ParentPartID=114 ReferenceUDMID=-1 IsSuppressed=false $begin 'OperationIdentity' $begin 'Topology' NumLumps=1 NumShells=1 - NumFaces=3 + NumFaces=1 NumWires=0 - NumLoops=4 - NumCoedges=4 - NumEdges=2 - NumVertices=2 + NumLoops=1 + NumCoedges=8 + NumEdges=8 + NumVertices=8 $end 'Topology' BodyID=-1 StartFaceID=-1 @@ -1723,42 +2184,42 @@ $begin 'ComponentBody' EdgeNameAndIDMap() VertexNameAndIDMap() $end 'OperationIdentity' - TranformBaseOperationID=251 + TranformBaseOperationID=113 $end 'Operation' $begin 'Operation' OperationType='Split' - ID=470 + ID=448 ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 $begin 'SplitToParameters' KernelVersion=13 - SourcePartID=252 + SourcePartID=114 SplitPlane='YZ' WhichSide='NegativeOnly' ToolType='PlaneTool' ToolEntityID=-1 ToolPartID=-1 $end 'SplitToParameters' - ParentPartID=252 + ParentPartID=114 ReferenceUDMID=-1 $end 'Operation' $begin 'Operation' OperationType='SplitEdit' - ID=471 + ID=449 $begin 'SplitFromParameters' $end 'SplitFromParameters' - ParentPartID=252 + ParentPartID=114 ReferenceUDMID=-1 IsSuppressed=false $begin 'OperationIdentity' $begin 'Topology' NumLumps=1 NumShells=1 - NumFaces=3 + NumFaces=1 NumWires=0 - NumLoops=4 - NumCoedges=4 - NumEdges=2 - NumVertices=2 + NumLoops=1 + NumCoedges=8 + NumEdges=8 + NumVertices=8 $end 'Topology' BodyID=-1 StartFaceID=-1 @@ -1780,43 +2241,43 @@ $begin 'ComponentBody' $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' $end 'OperationIdentity' SplitFromOperation=-1 - SplitToOperation=470 - ParentOperation=272 + SplitToOperation=448 + ParentOperation=154 $end 'Operation' $begin 'Operation' OperationType='Split' - ID=518 + ID=510 ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 $begin 'SplitToParameters' KernelVersion=13 - SourcePartID=252 + SourcePartID=114 SplitPlane='ZX' WhichSide='NegativeOnly' ToolType='PlaneTool' ToolEntityID=-1 ToolPartID=-1 $end 'SplitToParameters' - ParentPartID=252 + ParentPartID=114 ReferenceUDMID=-1 $end 'Operation' $begin 'Operation' OperationType='SplitEdit' - ID=519 + ID=511 $begin 'SplitFromParameters' $end 'SplitFromParameters' - ParentPartID=252 + ParentPartID=114 ReferenceUDMID=-1 IsSuppressed=false $begin 'OperationIdentity' $begin 'Topology' NumLumps=1 NumShells=1 - NumFaces=3 + NumFaces=1 NumWires=0 - NumLoops=4 - NumCoedges=4 - NumEdges=2 - NumVertices=2 + NumLoops=1 + NumCoedges=8 + NumEdges=8 + NumVertices=8 $end 'Topology' BodyID=-1 StartFaceID=-1 @@ -1838,33 +2299,33 @@ $begin 'ComponentBody' $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' $end 'OperationIdentity' SplitFromOperation=-1 - SplitToOperation=518 - ParentOperation=471 + SplitToOperation=510 + ParentOperation=449 $end 'Operation' $begin 'Operation' OperationType='Move' - ID=592 + ID=590 ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 $begin 'TranslateParameters' KernelVersion=13 - TargetID=252 + TargetID=114 TranslateVectorX='17.645mm' TranslateVectorY='17.645mm' TranslateVectorZ='-1.272mm' $end 'TranslateParameters' - ParentPartID=252 + ParentPartID=114 ReferenceUDMID=-1 IsSuppressed=false $begin 'OperationIdentity' $begin 'Topology' NumLumps=1 NumShells=1 - NumFaces=3 + NumFaces=1 NumWires=0 - NumLoops=4 - NumCoedges=4 - NumEdges=2 - NumVertices=2 + NumLoops=1 + NumCoedges=8 + NumEdges=8 + NumVertices=8 $end 'Topology' BodyID=-1 StartFaceID=-1 @@ -1877,42 +2338,42 @@ $begin 'ComponentBody' EdgeNameAndIDMap() VertexNameAndIDMap() $end 'OperationIdentity' - TranformBaseOperationID=519 + TranformBaseOperationID=511 $end 'Operation' $begin 'Operation' OperationType='Split' - ID=733 + ID=729 ReferenceCoordSystemID=709 $begin 'SplitToParameters' KernelVersion=13 - SourcePartID=252 + SourcePartID=114 SplitPlane='ZX' WhichSide='PositiveOnly' ToolType='PlaneTool' ToolEntityID=-1 ToolPartID=-1 $end 'SplitToParameters' - ParentPartID=252 + ParentPartID=114 ReferenceUDMID=-1 $end 'Operation' $begin 'Operation' OperationType='SplitEdit' - ID=734 + ID=730 $begin 'SplitFromParameters' $end 'SplitFromParameters' - ParentPartID=252 + ParentPartID=114 ReferenceUDMID=-1 IsSuppressed=false $begin 'OperationIdentity' $begin 'Topology' NumLumps=1 NumShells=1 - NumFaces=3 + NumFaces=1 NumWires=0 - NumLoops=4 - NumCoedges=4 - NumEdges=2 - NumVertices=2 + NumLoops=1 + NumCoedges=8 + NumEdges=8 + NumVertices=8 $end 'Topology' BodyID=-1 StartFaceID=-1 @@ -1934,43 +2395,43 @@ $begin 'ComponentBody' $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' $end 'OperationIdentity' SplitFromOperation=-1 - SplitToOperation=733 - ParentOperation=592 + SplitToOperation=729 + ParentOperation=590 $end 'Operation' $begin 'Operation' OperationType='Split' - ID=761 + ID=757 ReferenceCoordSystemID=709 $begin 'SplitToParameters' KernelVersion=13 - SourcePartID=252 + SourcePartID=114 SplitPlane='YZ' WhichSide='PositiveOnly' ToolType='PlaneTool' ToolEntityID=-1 ToolPartID=-1 $end 'SplitToParameters' - ParentPartID=252 + ParentPartID=114 ReferenceUDMID=-1 $end 'Operation' $begin 'Operation' OperationType='SplitEdit' - ID=762 + ID=758 $begin 'SplitFromParameters' $end 'SplitFromParameters' - ParentPartID=252 + ParentPartID=114 ReferenceUDMID=-1 IsSuppressed=false $begin 'OperationIdentity' $begin 'Topology' NumLumps=1 NumShells=1 - NumFaces=3 + NumFaces=1 NumWires=0 - NumLoops=4 - NumCoedges=4 - NumEdges=2 - NumVertices=2 + NumLoops=1 + NumCoedges=8 + NumEdges=8 + NumVertices=8 $end 'Topology' BodyID=-1 StartFaceID=-1 @@ -1992,25 +2453,26 @@ $begin 'ComponentBody' $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' $end 'OperationIdentity' SplitFromOperation=-1 - SplitToOperation=761 - ParentOperation=734 + SplitToOperation=757 + ParentOperation=730 $end 'Operation' $end 'Operations' $end 'GeometryPart' $begin 'GeometryPart' $begin 'Attributes' - Name='coax_2' + Name='FeedPin_2' Flags='' - Color='(128 255 255)' + Color='(255 128 65)' Transparency=0.29999999999999999 PartCoordinateSystem=1 UDMId=-1 GroupId=-1 - MaterialValue='"Teflon (tm)"' + MaterialValue='"pec"' SurfaceMaterialValue='""' - SolveInside=true + SolveInside=false ShellElement=false ShellElementThickness='0mm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' IsMaterialEditable=true UseMaterialAppearance=false IsLightweight=false @@ -2019,13 +2481,13 @@ $begin 'ComponentBody' $begin 'Operations' $begin 'Operation' OperationType='DuplicateBodyAroundAxis' - ID=286 + ID=216 $begin 'CloneFromParameters' KernelVersion=13 - SourceID=175 + SourceID=157 WhichClone=0 $end 'CloneFromParameters' - ParentPartID=287 + ParentPartID=217 ReferenceUDMID=-1 IsSuppressed=false $begin 'OperationIdentity' @@ -2037,42 +2499,42 @@ $begin 'ComponentBody' NumLoops=4 NumCoedges=4 NumEdges=2 - NumVertices=2 + NumVertices=0 $end 'Topology' - BodyID=287 - StartFaceID=288 - StartEdgeID=291 - StartVertexID=293 + BodyID=217 + StartFaceID=218 + StartEdgeID=221 + StartVertexID=-1 NumNewFaces=3 NumNewEdges=2 - NumNewVertices=2 + NumNewVertices=0 FaceNameAndIDMap() EdgeNameAndIDMap() VertexNameAndIDMap() $begin 'CloneFromOperationIdentityHelper' - CloneFaces('176'='288', '177'='289', '178'='290') - CloneEdges('179'='291', '180'='292') - CloneVertices('181'='293', '182'='294') + CloneFaces('158'='218', '159'='219', '160'='220') + CloneEdges('161'='221', '162'='222') + CloneVertices('163'='223', '164'='224') CloneIdentityHelperKernelType=0 $end 'CloneFromOperationIdentityHelper' - OriginalFaceIDs(176, 177, 178) - OriginalEdgeIDs(179, 180) - OriginalVertexIDs(181, 182) + OriginalFaceIDs(158, 159, 160) + OriginalEdgeIDs(161, 162) + OriginalVertexIDs() $end 'OperationIdentity' - PlaceHolderOpnId=285 + PlaceHolderOpnId=215 $end 'Operation' $begin 'Operation' OperationType='Move' - ID=307 + ID=237 ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 $begin 'TranslateParameters' KernelVersion=13 - TargetID=287 + TargetID=217 TranslateVectorX='-Sx/2' TranslateVectorY='-Sy/2' TranslateVectorZ='0' $end 'TranslateParameters' - ParentPartID=287 + ParentPartID=217 ReferenceUDMID=-1 IsSuppressed=false $begin 'OperationIdentity' @@ -2084,7 +2546,7 @@ $begin 'ComponentBody' NumLoops=4 NumCoedges=4 NumEdges=2 - NumVertices=2 + NumVertices=0 $end 'Topology' BodyID=-1 StartFaceID=-1 @@ -2097,30 +2559,30 @@ $begin 'ComponentBody' EdgeNameAndIDMap() VertexNameAndIDMap() $end 'OperationIdentity' - TranformBaseOperationID=286 + TranformBaseOperationID=216 $end 'Operation' $begin 'Operation' OperationType='Split' - ID=476 + ID=464 ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 $begin 'SplitToParameters' KernelVersion=13 - SourcePartID=287 + SourcePartID=217 SplitPlane='YZ' WhichSide='NegativeOnly' ToolType='PlaneTool' ToolEntityID=-1 ToolPartID=-1 $end 'SplitToParameters' - ParentPartID=287 + ParentPartID=217 ReferenceUDMID=-1 $end 'Operation' $begin 'Operation' OperationType='SplitEdit' - ID=477 + ID=465 $begin 'SplitFromParameters' $end 'SplitFromParameters' - ParentPartID=287 + ParentPartID=217 ReferenceUDMID=-1 IsSuppressed=false $begin 'OperationIdentity' @@ -2132,7 +2594,7 @@ $begin 'ComponentBody' NumLoops=4 NumCoedges=4 NumEdges=2 - NumVertices=2 + NumVertices=0 $end 'Topology' BodyID=-1 StartFaceID=-1 @@ -2154,31 +2616,31 @@ $begin 'ComponentBody' $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' $end 'OperationIdentity' SplitFromOperation=-1 - SplitToOperation=476 - ParentOperation=307 + SplitToOperation=464 + ParentOperation=237 $end 'Operation' $begin 'Operation' OperationType='Split' - ID=522 + ID=514 ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 $begin 'SplitToParameters' KernelVersion=13 - SourcePartID=287 + SourcePartID=217 SplitPlane='ZX' WhichSide='NegativeOnly' ToolType='PlaneTool' ToolEntityID=-1 ToolPartID=-1 $end 'SplitToParameters' - ParentPartID=287 + ParentPartID=217 ReferenceUDMID=-1 $end 'Operation' $begin 'Operation' OperationType='SplitEdit' - ID=523 + ID=515 $begin 'SplitFromParameters' $end 'SplitFromParameters' - ParentPartID=287 + ParentPartID=217 ReferenceUDMID=-1 IsSuppressed=false $begin 'OperationIdentity' @@ -2190,7 +2652,7 @@ $begin 'ComponentBody' NumLoops=4 NumCoedges=4 NumEdges=2 - NumVertices=2 + NumVertices=0 $end 'Topology' BodyID=-1 StartFaceID=-1 @@ -2212,21 +2674,21 @@ $begin 'ComponentBody' $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' $end 'OperationIdentity' SplitFromOperation=-1 - SplitToOperation=522 - ParentOperation=477 + SplitToOperation=514 + ParentOperation=465 $end 'Operation' $begin 'Operation' OperationType='Move' - ID=593 + ID=591 ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 $begin 'TranslateParameters' KernelVersion=13 - TargetID=287 + TargetID=217 TranslateVectorX='17.645mm' TranslateVectorY='17.645mm' TranslateVectorZ='-1.272mm' $end 'TranslateParameters' - ParentPartID=287 + ParentPartID=217 ReferenceUDMID=-1 IsSuppressed=false $begin 'OperationIdentity' @@ -2238,7 +2700,7 @@ $begin 'ComponentBody' NumLoops=4 NumCoedges=4 NumEdges=2 - NumVertices=2 + NumVertices=0 $end 'Topology' BodyID=-1 StartFaceID=-1 @@ -2251,30 +2713,30 @@ $begin 'ComponentBody' EdgeNameAndIDMap() VertexNameAndIDMap() $end 'OperationIdentity' - TranformBaseOperationID=523 + TranformBaseOperationID=515 $end 'Operation' $begin 'Operation' OperationType='Split' - ID=735 + ID=731 ReferenceCoordSystemID=709 $begin 'SplitToParameters' KernelVersion=13 - SourcePartID=287 + SourcePartID=217 SplitPlane='ZX' WhichSide='PositiveOnly' ToolType='PlaneTool' ToolEntityID=-1 ToolPartID=-1 $end 'SplitToParameters' - ParentPartID=287 + ParentPartID=217 ReferenceUDMID=-1 $end 'Operation' $begin 'Operation' OperationType='SplitEdit' - ID=736 + ID=732 $begin 'SplitFromParameters' $end 'SplitFromParameters' - ParentPartID=287 + ParentPartID=217 ReferenceUDMID=-1 IsSuppressed=false $begin 'OperationIdentity' @@ -2286,7 +2748,7 @@ $begin 'ComponentBody' NumLoops=4 NumCoedges=4 NumEdges=2 - NumVertices=2 + NumVertices=0 $end 'Topology' BodyID=-1 StartFaceID=-1 @@ -2308,31 +2770,31 @@ $begin 'ComponentBody' $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' $end 'OperationIdentity' SplitFromOperation=-1 - SplitToOperation=735 - ParentOperation=593 + SplitToOperation=731 + ParentOperation=591 $end 'Operation' $begin 'Operation' OperationType='Split' - ID=763 + ID=759 ReferenceCoordSystemID=709 $begin 'SplitToParameters' KernelVersion=13 - SourcePartID=287 + SourcePartID=217 SplitPlane='YZ' WhichSide='PositiveOnly' ToolType='PlaneTool' ToolEntityID=-1 ToolPartID=-1 $end 'SplitToParameters' - ParentPartID=287 + ParentPartID=217 ReferenceUDMID=-1 $end 'Operation' $begin 'Operation' OperationType='SplitEdit' - ID=764 + ID=760 $begin 'SplitFromParameters' $end 'SplitFromParameters' - ParentPartID=287 + ParentPartID=217 ReferenceUDMID=-1 IsSuppressed=false $begin 'OperationIdentity' @@ -2344,7 +2806,7 @@ $begin 'ComponentBody' NumLoops=4 NumCoedges=4 NumEdges=2 - NumVertices=2 + NumVertices=0 $end 'Topology' BodyID=-1 StartFaceID=-1 @@ -2366,36 +2828,26 @@ $begin 'ComponentBody' $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' $end 'OperationIdentity' SplitFromOperation=-1 - SplitToOperation=763 - ParentOperation=736 + SplitToOperation=759 + ParentOperation=732 $end 'Operation' - $begin 'BodyFromFaceToOperation' - OperationType='BodyFromFace' - ID=1098 - $begin 'BodyFromFaceToParameters' - KernelVersion=13 - LocalOpPart=287 - FacesToDetach[1: 290] - $end 'BodyFromFaceToParameters' - ParentPartID=287 - ReferenceUDMID=-1 - $end 'BodyFromFaceToOperation' $end 'Operations' $end 'GeometryPart' $begin 'GeometryPart' $begin 'Attributes' - Name='Cylinder1' - Flags='Wireframe#' - Color='(143 175 143)' - Transparency=0 + Name='coax_pin_2' + Flags='' + Color='(255 128 65)' + Transparency=0.29999999999999999 PartCoordinateSystem=1 UDMId=-1 GroupId=-1 - MaterialValue='"vacuum"' + MaterialValue='"pec"' SurfaceMaterialValue='""' - SolveInside=true + SolveInside=false ShellElement=false ShellElementThickness='0mm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' IsMaterialEditable=true UseMaterialAppearance=false IsLightweight=false @@ -2403,323 +2855,187 @@ $begin 'ComponentBody' $end 'Attributes' $begin 'Operations' $begin 'Operation' - OperationType='Cylinder' - ID=995 - ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 - $begin 'CylinderParameters' + OperationType='DuplicateBodyAroundAxis' + ID=251 + $begin 'CloneFromParameters' KernelVersion=13 - XCenter='0mm' - YCenter='0mm' - ZCenter='-1.272mm' - Radius='20.5mm' - Height='40mm' - WhichAxis='Z' - NumSides='6' - $end 'CylinderParameters' - ParentPartID=996 + SourceID=166 + WhichClone=0 + $end 'CloneFromParameters' + ParentPartID=252 ReferenceUDMID=-1 IsSuppressed=false $begin 'OperationIdentity' $begin 'Topology' NumLumps=1 NumShells=1 - NumFaces=8 + NumFaces=3 NumWires=0 - NumLoops=8 - NumCoedges=36 - NumEdges=18 - NumVertices=12 + NumLoops=4 + NumCoedges=4 + NumEdges=2 + NumVertices=0 $end 'Topology' - BodyID=996 - StartFaceID=1004 - StartEdgeID=1012 - StartVertexID=1030 - NumNewFaces=8 - NumNewEdges=18 - NumNewVertices=12 + BodyID=252 + StartFaceID=253 + StartEdgeID=256 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=3 + NumNewEdges=2 + NumNewVertices=0 FaceNameAndIDMap() EdgeNameAndIDMap() VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'CloneFromOperationIdentityHelper' + CloneFaces('167'='253', '168'='254', '169'='255') + CloneEdges('170'='256', '171'='257') + CloneVertices('172'='258', '173'='259') + CloneIdentityHelperKernelType=0 + $end 'CloneFromOperationIdentityHelper' + OriginalFaceIDs(167, 168, 169) + OriginalEdgeIDs(170, 171) + OriginalVertexIDs() $end 'OperationIdentity' + PlaceHolderOpnId=250 $end 'Operation' - $end 'Operations' - $end 'GeometryPart' - $begin 'GeometryPart' - $begin 'Attributes' - Name='sub' - Flags='' - Color='(143 175 143)' - Transparency=0 - PartCoordinateSystem=1 - UDMId=-1 - GroupId=-1 - MaterialValue='"Teflon (tm)"' - SurfaceMaterialValue='""' - SolveInside=true - ShellElement=false - ShellElementThickness='0mm' - IsMaterialEditable=true - UseMaterialAppearance=false - IsLightweight=false - IsAlwaysHidden=false - $end 'Attributes' - $begin 'Operations' $begin 'Operation' - OperationType='Cylinder' - ID=1042 + OperationType='Move' + ID=272 ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 - $begin 'CylinderParameters' + $begin 'TranslateParameters' KernelVersion=13 - XCenter='0mm' - YCenter='0mm' - ZCenter='-1.272mm' - Radius='20.5mm' - Height='H' - WhichAxis='Z' - NumSides='6' - $end 'CylinderParameters' - ParentPartID=1043 + TargetID=252 + TranslateVectorX='-Sx/2' + TranslateVectorY='-Sy/2' + TranslateVectorZ='0' + $end 'TranslateParameters' + ParentPartID=252 ReferenceUDMID=-1 IsSuppressed=false $begin 'OperationIdentity' $begin 'Topology' NumLumps=1 NumShells=1 - NumFaces=8 + NumFaces=3 NumWires=0 - NumLoops=8 - NumCoedges=36 - NumEdges=18 - NumVertices=12 + NumLoops=4 + NumCoedges=4 + NumEdges=2 + NumVertices=0 $end 'Topology' - BodyID=1043 - StartFaceID=1044 - StartEdgeID=1052 - StartVertexID=1070 - NumNewFaces=8 - NumNewEdges=18 - NumNewVertices=12 + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 FaceNameAndIDMap() EdgeNameAndIDMap() VertexNameAndIDMap() $end 'OperationIdentity' + TranformBaseOperationID=251 $end 'Operation' - $begin 'BodyFromFaceToOperation' - OperationType='BodyFromFace' - ID=1082 - $begin 'BodyFromFaceToParameters' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Split' + ID=470 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'SplitToParameters' KernelVersion=13 - LocalOpPart=1043 - FacesToDetach[1: 1045] - $end 'BodyFromFaceToParameters' - ParentPartID=1043 + SourcePartID=252 + SplitPlane='YZ' + WhichSide='NegativeOnly' + ToolType='PlaneTool' + ToolEntityID=-1 + ToolPartID=-1 + $end 'SplitToParameters' + ParentPartID=252 ReferenceUDMID=-1 - $end 'BodyFromFaceToOperation' - $end 'Operations' - $end 'GeometryPart' - $begin 'GeometryPart' - $begin 'Attributes' - Name='sub_ObjectFromFace1' - Flags='' - Color='(143 175 143)' - Transparency=0 - PartCoordinateSystem=1 - UDMId=-1 - GroupId=-1 - MaterialValue='"Teflon (tm)"' - SurfaceMaterialValue='""' - SolveInside=true - ShellElement=false - ShellElementThickness='0mm' - IsMaterialEditable=true - UseMaterialAppearance=false - IsLightweight=false - IsAlwaysHidden=false - $end 'Attributes' - $begin 'Operations' + $end 'Operation' $begin 'Operation' - OperationType='BodyFromFaceFrom' - ID=1083 - $begin 'BodyFromFaceFromParameters' - KernelVersion=13 - WhichFace=0 - $end 'BodyFromFaceFromParameters' - ParentPartID=1084 + OperationType='SplitEdit' + ID=471 + $begin 'SplitFromParameters' + $end 'SplitFromParameters' + ParentPartID=252 ReferenceUDMID=-1 IsSuppressed=false $begin 'OperationIdentity' $begin 'Topology' NumLumps=1 NumShells=1 - NumFaces=1 + NumFaces=3 NumWires=0 - NumLoops=1 - NumCoedges=6 - NumEdges=6 - NumVertices=6 + NumLoops=4 + NumCoedges=4 + NumEdges=2 + NumVertices=0 $end 'Topology' - BodyID=1084 - StartFaceID=1085 - StartEdgeID=1086 - StartVertexID=1092 - NumNewFaces=1 - NumNewEdges=6 - NumNewVertices=6 + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 FaceNameAndIDMap() EdgeNameAndIDMap() VertexNameAndIDMap() $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' $begin 'NewFaces' - $begin 'Face' - NormalizedSerialNum=0 - ID=1085 - $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' - FaceTopol(1, 6, 6, 6) - $begin 'FaceGeometry' - Area=1091.841527821231 - FcUVMid(8.8817841970012513e-16, -1.5383701491068513e-15, -1.272) - $begin 'FcTolVts' - TolVt(10.250000000000002, 17.753520777580988, -1.272, 0) - TolVt(20.5, -1.7763568394002505e-15, -1.272, 0) - TolVt(10.249999999999995, -17.753520777580999, -1.272, 0) - TolVt(-10.25, -17.753520777580992, -1.272, 0) - TolVt(-20.5, 1.7763568394002505e-15, -1.272, 0) - TolVt(-10.249999999999996, 17.753520777580995, -1.272, 0) - $end 'FcTolVts' - $end 'FaceGeometry' - $end 'FaceGeomTopol' - $end 'Face' $end 'NewFaces' $begin 'NewEdges' - $begin 'Edge' - NormalizedSerialNum=0 - ID=1086 - EdgeFaces(1085) - $begin 'EdTolVts' - TolVt(10.250000000000002, 17.753520777580988, -1.272, 0) - TolVt(20.5, -1.7763568394002505e-15, -1.272, 0) - $end 'EdTolVts' - EdgeMidPoint(15.375, 8.876760388790494, -1.272) - $end 'Edge' - $begin 'Edge' - NormalizedSerialNum=1 - ID=1087 - EdgeFaces(1085) - $begin 'EdTolVts' - TolVt(20.5, -1.7763568394002505e-15, -1.272, 0) - TolVt(10.249999999999995, -17.753520777580999, -1.272, 0) - $end 'EdTolVts' - EdgeMidPoint(15.374999999999996, -8.8767603887904993, -1.272) - $end 'Edge' - $begin 'Edge' - NormalizedSerialNum=2 - ID=1088 - EdgeFaces(1085) - $begin 'EdTolVts' - TolVt(10.249999999999995, -17.753520777580999, -1.272, 0) - TolVt(-10.25, -17.753520777580992, -1.272, 0) - $end 'EdTolVts' - EdgeMidPoint(-2.6645352591003757e-15, -17.753520777580992, -1.272) - $end 'Edge' - $begin 'Edge' - NormalizedSerialNum=3 - ID=1089 - EdgeFaces(1085) - $begin 'EdTolVts' - TolVt(-10.25, -17.753520777580992, -1.272, 0) - TolVt(-20.5, 1.7763568394002505e-15, -1.272, 0) - $end 'EdTolVts' - EdgeMidPoint(-15.375, -8.876760388790494, -1.272) - $end 'Edge' - $begin 'Edge' - NormalizedSerialNum=4 - ID=1090 - EdgeFaces(1085) - $begin 'EdTolVts' - TolVt(-20.5, 1.7763568394002505e-15, -1.272, 0) - TolVt(-10.249999999999996, 17.753520777580995, -1.272, 0) - $end 'EdTolVts' - EdgeMidPoint(-15.375, 8.8767603887904993, -1.272) - $end 'Edge' - $begin 'Edge' - NormalizedSerialNum=5 - ID=1091 - EdgeFaces(1085) - $begin 'EdTolVts' - TolVt(-10.249999999999996, 17.753520777580995, -1.272, 0) - TolVt(10.250000000000002, 17.753520777580988, -1.272, 0) - $end 'EdTolVts' - EdgeMidPoint(2.6645352591003757e-15, 17.753520777580992, -1.272) - $end 'Edge' $end 'NewEdges' $begin 'NewVertices' - $begin 'Vertex' - NormalizedSerialNum=0 - ID=1092 - VtPos(10.250000000000002, 17.753520777580988, -1.272) - $end 'Vertex' - $begin 'Vertex' - NormalizedSerialNum=1 - ID=1093 - VtPos(20.5, -1.7763568394002505e-15, -1.272) - $end 'Vertex' - $begin 'Vertex' - NormalizedSerialNum=2 - ID=1094 - VtPos(10.249999999999995, -17.753520777580999, -1.272) - $end 'Vertex' - $begin 'Vertex' - NormalizedSerialNum=3 - ID=1095 - VtPos(-10.25, -17.753520777580992, -1.272) - $end 'Vertex' - $begin 'Vertex' - NormalizedSerialNum=4 - ID=1096 - VtPos(-20.5, 1.7763568394002505e-15, -1.272) - $end 'Vertex' - $begin 'Vertex' - NormalizedSerialNum=5 - ID=1097 - VtPos(-10.249999999999996, 17.753520777580995, -1.272) - $end 'Vertex' $end 'NewVertices' $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' $end 'OperationIdentity' - BodyFromFaceToOpnId=1082 - SourceOperationID=1042 + SplitFromOperation=-1 + SplitToOperation=470 + ParentOperation=272 $end 'Operation' $begin 'Operation' - OperationType='Substract' - ID=1104 - $begin 'SubtractParameters' + OperationType='Split' + ID=518 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'SplitToParameters' KernelVersion=13 - KeepOriginals=false - BlankPart=1084 - NumToolParts=1 - ToolParts(1100) - $end 'SubtractParameters' - ParentPartID=1084 + SourcePartID=252 + SplitPlane='ZX' + WhichSide='NegativeOnly' + ToolType='PlaneTool' + ToolEntityID=-1 + ToolPartID=-1 + $end 'SplitToParameters' + ParentPartID=252 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='SplitEdit' + ID=519 + $begin 'SplitFromParameters' + $end 'SplitFromParameters' + ParentPartID=252 ReferenceUDMID=-1 IsSuppressed=false $begin 'OperationIdentity' $begin 'Topology' NumLumps=1 NumShells=1 - NumFaces=1 + NumFaces=3 NumWires=0 - NumLoops=2 - NumCoedges=7 - NumEdges=7 - NumVertices=7 + NumLoops=4 + NumCoedges=4 + NumEdges=2 + NumVertices=0 $end 'Topology' BodyID=-1 StartFaceID=-1 - StartEdgeID=1105 - StartVertexID=1106 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 NumNewFaces=0 - NumNewEdges=1 - NumNewVertices=1 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 FaceNameAndIDMap() EdgeNameAndIDMap() VertexNameAndIDMap() @@ -2727,51 +3043,929 @@ $begin 'ComponentBody' $begin 'NewFaces' $end 'NewFaces' $begin 'NewEdges' - $begin 'Edge' - NormalizedSerialNum=0 - ID=1105 - EdgeFaces(1085) - $begin 'EdTolVts' - TolVt(-3.1911729034948877, -3.1911729034948912, -1.272, 0) - $end 'EdTolVts' - EdgeMidPoint(-1.9890913754777564, -1.9890913754777597, -1.272) - $end 'Edge' $end 'NewEdges' $begin 'NewVertices' - $begin 'Vertex' - NormalizedSerialNum=0 - ID=1106 - VtPos(-3.1911729034948877, -3.1911729034948912, -1.272) - $end 'Vertex' $end 'NewVertices' $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' - $begin 'MergedFaces' - $end 'MergedFaces' - $begin 'MergedEdges' - $end 'MergedEdges' $end 'OperationIdentity' - BlankOperation=1083 - NumToolOperations=1 - ToolOperations(1099) + SplitFromOperation=-1 + SplitToOperation=518 + ParentOperation=471 $end 'Operation' - $end 'Operations' - $end 'GeometryPart' - $end 'ToplevelParts' - $begin 'OperandParts' - $begin 'GeometryPart' - $begin 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Move' + ID=592 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'TranslateParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + TargetID=252 + TranslateVectorX='17.645mm' + TranslateVectorY='17.645mm' + TranslateVectorZ='-1.272mm' + $end 'TranslateParameters' + ParentPartID=252 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=3 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=4 + NumCoedges=4 + NumEdges=2 + NumVertices=0 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + TranformBaseOperationID=519 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Split' + ID=733 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=709 + $begin 'SplitToParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + SourcePartID=252 + SplitPlane='ZX' + WhichSide='PositiveOnly' + ToolType='PlaneTool' + ToolEntityID=-1 + ToolPartID=-1 + $end 'SplitToParameters' + ParentPartID=252 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='SplitEdit' + ID=734 + $begin 'SplitFromParameters' + $end 'SplitFromParameters' + ParentPartID=252 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=3 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=4 + NumCoedges=4 + NumEdges=2 + NumVertices=0 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'NewFaces' + $end 'NewFaces' + $begin 'NewEdges' + $end 'NewEdges' + $begin 'NewVertices' + $end 'NewVertices' + $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $end 'OperationIdentity' + SplitFromOperation=-1 + SplitToOperation=733 + ParentOperation=592 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Split' + ID=761 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=709 + $begin 'SplitToParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + SourcePartID=252 + SplitPlane='YZ' + WhichSide='PositiveOnly' + ToolType='PlaneTool' + ToolEntityID=-1 + ToolPartID=-1 + $end 'SplitToParameters' + ParentPartID=252 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='SplitEdit' + ID=762 + $begin 'SplitFromParameters' + $end 'SplitFromParameters' + ParentPartID=252 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=3 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=4 + NumCoedges=4 + NumEdges=2 + NumVertices=0 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'NewFaces' + $end 'NewFaces' + $begin 'NewEdges' + $end 'NewEdges' + $begin 'NewVertices' + $end 'NewVertices' + $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $end 'OperationIdentity' + SplitFromOperation=-1 + SplitToOperation=761 + ParentOperation=734 + $end 'Operation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='coax_2' + Flags='' + Color='(128 255 255)' + Transparency=0.29999999999999999 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=-1 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='"Teflon (tm)"' + SurfaceMaterialValue='""' + SolveInside=true + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0mm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=true + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='DuplicateBodyAroundAxis' + ID=286 + $begin 'CloneFromParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + SourceID=175 + WhichClone=0 + $end 'CloneFromParameters' + ParentPartID=287 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=3 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=4 + NumCoedges=4 + NumEdges=2 + NumVertices=0 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=287 + StartFaceID=288 + StartEdgeID=291 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=3 + NumNewEdges=2 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'CloneFromOperationIdentityHelper' + CloneFaces('176'='288', '177'='289', '178'='290') + CloneEdges('179'='291', '180'='292') + CloneVertices('181'='293', '182'='294') + CloneIdentityHelperKernelType=0 + $end 'CloneFromOperationIdentityHelper' + OriginalFaceIDs(176, 177, 178) + OriginalEdgeIDs(179, 180) + OriginalVertexIDs() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + PlaceHolderOpnId=285 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Move' + ID=307 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'TranslateParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + TargetID=287 + TranslateVectorX='-Sx/2' + TranslateVectorY='-Sy/2' + TranslateVectorZ='0' + $end 'TranslateParameters' + ParentPartID=287 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=3 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=4 + NumCoedges=4 + NumEdges=2 + NumVertices=0 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + TranformBaseOperationID=286 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Split' + ID=476 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'SplitToParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + SourcePartID=287 + SplitPlane='YZ' + WhichSide='NegativeOnly' + ToolType='PlaneTool' + ToolEntityID=-1 + ToolPartID=-1 + $end 'SplitToParameters' + ParentPartID=287 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='SplitEdit' + ID=477 + $begin 'SplitFromParameters' + $end 'SplitFromParameters' + ParentPartID=287 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=3 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=4 + NumCoedges=4 + NumEdges=2 + NumVertices=0 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'NewFaces' + $end 'NewFaces' + $begin 'NewEdges' + $end 'NewEdges' + $begin 'NewVertices' + $end 'NewVertices' + $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $end 'OperationIdentity' + SplitFromOperation=-1 + SplitToOperation=476 + ParentOperation=307 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Split' + ID=522 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'SplitToParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + SourcePartID=287 + SplitPlane='ZX' + WhichSide='NegativeOnly' + ToolType='PlaneTool' + ToolEntityID=-1 + ToolPartID=-1 + $end 'SplitToParameters' + ParentPartID=287 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='SplitEdit' + ID=523 + $begin 'SplitFromParameters' + $end 'SplitFromParameters' + ParentPartID=287 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=3 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=4 + NumCoedges=4 + NumEdges=2 + NumVertices=0 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'NewFaces' + $end 'NewFaces' + $begin 'NewEdges' + $end 'NewEdges' + $begin 'NewVertices' + $end 'NewVertices' + $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $end 'OperationIdentity' + SplitFromOperation=-1 + SplitToOperation=522 + ParentOperation=477 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Move' + ID=593 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'TranslateParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + TargetID=287 + TranslateVectorX='17.645mm' + TranslateVectorY='17.645mm' + TranslateVectorZ='-1.272mm' + $end 'TranslateParameters' + ParentPartID=287 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=3 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=4 + NumCoedges=4 + NumEdges=2 + NumVertices=0 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + TranformBaseOperationID=523 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Split' + ID=735 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=709 + $begin 'SplitToParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + SourcePartID=287 + SplitPlane='ZX' + WhichSide='PositiveOnly' + ToolType='PlaneTool' + ToolEntityID=-1 + ToolPartID=-1 + $end 'SplitToParameters' + ParentPartID=287 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='SplitEdit' + ID=736 + $begin 'SplitFromParameters' + $end 'SplitFromParameters' + ParentPartID=287 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=3 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=4 + NumCoedges=4 + NumEdges=2 + NumVertices=0 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'NewFaces' + $end 'NewFaces' + $begin 'NewEdges' + $end 'NewEdges' + $begin 'NewVertices' + $end 'NewVertices' + $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $end 'OperationIdentity' + SplitFromOperation=-1 + SplitToOperation=735 + ParentOperation=593 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Split' + ID=763 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=709 + $begin 'SplitToParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + SourcePartID=287 + SplitPlane='YZ' + WhichSide='PositiveOnly' + ToolType='PlaneTool' + ToolEntityID=-1 + ToolPartID=-1 + $end 'SplitToParameters' + ParentPartID=287 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='SplitEdit' + ID=764 + $begin 'SplitFromParameters' + $end 'SplitFromParameters' + ParentPartID=287 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=3 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=4 + NumCoedges=4 + NumEdges=2 + NumVertices=0 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'NewFaces' + $end 'NewFaces' + $begin 'NewEdges' + $end 'NewEdges' + $begin 'NewVertices' + $end 'NewVertices' + $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $end 'OperationIdentity' + SplitFromOperation=-1 + SplitToOperation=763 + ParentOperation=736 + $end 'Operation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='Box1' + Flags='Wireframe#' + Color='(143 175 143)' + Transparency=0 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=-1 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='"vacuum"' + SurfaceMaterialValue='""' + SolveInside=true + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0mm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=true + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Box' + ID=951 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'BoxParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + XPosition='-17.645mm' + YPosition='17.645mm' + ZPosition='-1.272mm' + XSize='35.29mm' + YSize='-35.29mm' + ZSize='30mm+H' + $end 'BoxParameters' + ParentPartID=952 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=6 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=6 + NumCoedges=24 + NumEdges=12 + NumVertices=8 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=952 + StartFaceID=953 + StartEdgeID=959 + StartVertexID=971 + NumNewFaces=6 + NumNewEdges=12 + NumNewVertices=8 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + $end 'Operation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $end 'ToplevelParts' + $begin 'OperandParts' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' Name='Circle_0' Flags='' - Color='(255 128 65)' + Color='(255 128 65)' + Transparency=0.29999999999999999 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=-1 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='"vacuum"' + SurfaceMaterialValue='""' + SolveInside=true + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0mm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=true + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Circle' + ID=45 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'CircleParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + XCenter='0' + YCenter='0' + ZCenter='H' + Radius='Dp/2' + WhichAxis='Z' + NumSegments='0' + $end 'CircleParameters' + ParentPartID=46 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=0 + NumWires=1 + NumLoops=0 + NumCoedges=0 + NumEdges=1 + NumVertices=0 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=46 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=47 + StartVertexID=48 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=1 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='CoverLines' + ID=49 + $begin 'LocalOperationParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + LocalOpPart=46 + $end 'LocalOperationParameters' + ParentPartID=46 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=1 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=1 + NumCoedges=1 + NumEdges=1 + NumVertices=0 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=50 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=1 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'NewFaces' + $begin 'Face' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=50 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 1, 1, 0) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=434.84425400497821 + FcUVMid(0, 0, 1.272) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'Face' + $end 'NewFaces' + $begin 'NewEdges' + $end 'NewEdges' + $begin 'NewVertices' + $end 'NewVertices' + $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $end 'OperationIdentity' + ParentOperationID=45 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Substract' + ID=75 + $begin 'SubtractParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + KeepOriginals=false + TurnOnNBodyBoolean=false + BlankPart=46 + NumToolParts=2 + ToolParts(52, 64) + $end 'SubtractParameters' + ParentPartID=46 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=1 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=1 + NumCoedges=8 + NumEdges=8 + NumVertices=8 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=76 + StartVertexID=84 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=8 + NumNewVertices=8 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'NewFaces' + $end 'NewFaces' + $begin 'NewEdges' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=78 + EdgeFaces(50) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(-11.668728336884017, -1.502, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-10.263, -1.502, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(-10.965864168442007, -1.502, 1.272) + $end 'Edge' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=1 + ID=77 + EdgeFaces(50) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(-10.263, 1.502, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-10.263, -1.502, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(-10.263, 0, 1.272) + $end 'Edge' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=2 + ID=76 + EdgeFaces(50) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(-11.668728336884017, 1.502, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-10.263, 1.502, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(-10.965864168442007, 1.502, 1.272) + $end 'Edge' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=3 + ID=80 + EdgeFaces(50) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(11.668728336884017, -1.502, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(10.263, -1.502, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(10.965864168442007, -1.502, 1.272) + $end 'Edge' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=4 + ID=81 + EdgeFaces(50) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(10.263, 1.502, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(10.263, -1.502, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(10.263, 0, 1.272) + $end 'Edge' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=5 + ID=82 + EdgeFaces(50) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(11.668728336884017, 1.502, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(10.263, 1.502, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(10.965864168442007, 1.502, 1.272) + $end 'Edge' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=6 + ID=83 + EdgeFaces(50) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(11.668728336884017, 1.502, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-11.668728336884017, 1.502, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(7.2039847959843046e-16, 11.765000000000001, 1.272) + $end 'Edge' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=7 + ID=79 + EdgeFaces(50) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(11.668728336884017, -1.502, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-11.668728336884017, -1.502, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(-2.1611954387952916e-15, -11.765000000000001, 1.272) + $end 'Edge' + $end 'NewEdges' + $begin 'NewVertices' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=86 + VtPos(-10.263, -1.502, 1.272) + $end 'Vertex' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=1 + ID=85 + VtPos(-10.263, 1.502, 1.272) + $end 'Vertex' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=2 + ID=87 + VtPos(-11.668728336884017, -1.502, 1.272) + $end 'Vertex' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=3 + ID=84 + VtPos(-11.668728336884017, 1.502, 1.272) + $end 'Vertex' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=4 + ID=89 + VtPos(10.263, -1.502, 1.272) + $end 'Vertex' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=5 + ID=90 + VtPos(10.263, 1.502, 1.272) + $end 'Vertex' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=6 + ID=88 + VtPos(11.668728336884017, -1.502, 1.272) + $end 'Vertex' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=7 + ID=91 + VtPos(11.668728336884017, 1.502, 1.272) + $end 'Vertex' + $end 'NewVertices' + $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'MergedFaces' + $end 'MergedFaces' + $begin 'MergedEdges' + $end 'MergedEdges' + $end 'OperationIdentity' + BlankOperation=49 + NumToolOperations=2 + ToolOperations(61, 73) + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'CloneToOperation' + OperationType='DuplicateAroundAxis' + ID=112 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'DuplicateAroundAxisParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + ClonedEntity=46 + CreateNewObjects=true + WhichAxis='Z' + AngleStr='beta3' + NumClones='2' + $end 'DuplicateAroundAxisParameters' + ParentPartID=46 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + $end 'CloneToOperation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='NewObject_LXHI3Y' + Flags='' + Color='(132 132 193)' Transparency=0.29999999999999999 PartCoordinateSystem=1 UDMId=-1 GroupId=-1 - MaterialValue='"vacuum"' + MaterialValue='""' SurfaceMaterialValue='""' SolveInside=true ShellElement=false ShellElementThickness='0mm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' IsMaterialEditable=true UseMaterialAppearance=false IsLightweight=false @@ -2779,19 +3973,140 @@ $begin 'ComponentBody' $end 'Attributes' $begin 'Operations' $begin 'Operation' - OperationType='Circle' - ID=45 + OperationType='Rectangle' + ID=51 ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 - $begin 'CircleParameters' + $begin 'RectangleParameters' KernelVersion=13 - XCenter='0' - YCenter='0' - ZCenter='H' - Radius='Dp/2' + XStart='Dp/2' + YStart='-Wn/2' + ZStart='H' + Width='-Ln' + Height='Wn' WhichAxis='Z' - NumSegments='0' - $end 'CircleParameters' - ParentPartID=46 + $end 'RectangleParameters' + ParentPartID=52 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=0 + NumWires=1 + NumLoops=0 + NumCoedges=0 + NumEdges=4 + NumVertices=4 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=52 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=53 + StartVertexID=57 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=4 + NumNewVertices=4 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='CoverLines' + ID=61 + $begin 'LocalOperationParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + LocalOpPart=52 + $end 'LocalOperationParameters' + ParentPartID=52 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=1 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=1 + NumCoedges=4 + NumEdges=4 + NumVertices=4 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=62 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=1 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'NewFaces' + $begin 'Face' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=62 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=4.5120080000000016 + FcUVMid(11.013999999999999, 0, 1.272) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(11.765000000000001, -1.502, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(10.263, -1.502, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(10.263, 1.502, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(11.765000000000001, 1.502, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'Face' + $end 'NewFaces' + $begin 'NewEdges' + $end 'NewEdges' + $begin 'NewVertices' + $end 'NewVertices' + $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $end 'OperationIdentity' + ParentOperationID=51 + $end 'Operation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='NewObject_0TW2OL' + Flags='' + Color='(132 132 193)' + Transparency=0.29999999999999999 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=-1 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='""' + SurfaceMaterialValue='""' + SolveInside=true + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0mm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=true + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Rectangle' + ID=63 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'RectangleParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + XStart='-Dp/2' + YStart='-Wn/2' + ZStart='H' + Width='Ln' + Height='Wn' + WhichAxis='Z' + $end 'RectangleParameters' + ParentPartID=64 ReferenceUDMID=-1 IsSuppressed=false $begin 'OperationIdentity' @@ -2801,17 +4116,17 @@ $begin 'ComponentBody' NumFaces=0 NumWires=1 NumLoops=0 - NumCoedges=1 - NumEdges=1 - NumVertices=1 + NumCoedges=0 + NumEdges=4 + NumVertices=4 $end 'Topology' - BodyID=46 + BodyID=64 StartFaceID=-1 - StartEdgeID=47 - StartVertexID=48 + StartEdgeID=65 + StartVertexID=69 NumNewFaces=0 - NumNewEdges=1 - NumNewVertices=1 + NumNewEdges=4 + NumNewVertices=4 FaceNameAndIDMap() EdgeNameAndIDMap() VertexNameAndIDMap() @@ -2819,12 +4134,12 @@ $begin 'ComponentBody' $end 'Operation' $begin 'Operation' OperationType='CoverLines' - ID=49 + ID=73 $begin 'LocalOperationParameters' KernelVersion=13 - LocalOpPart=46 + LocalOpPart=64 $end 'LocalOperationParameters' - ParentPartID=46 + ParentPartID=64 ReferenceUDMID=-1 IsSuppressed=false $begin 'OperationIdentity' @@ -2834,12 +4149,12 @@ $begin 'ComponentBody' NumFaces=1 NumWires=0 NumLoops=1 - NumCoedges=1 - NumEdges=1 - NumVertices=1 + NumCoedges=4 + NumEdges=4 + NumVertices=4 $end 'Topology' BodyID=-1 - StartFaceID=50 + StartFaceID=74 StartEdgeID=-1 StartVertexID=-1 NumNewFaces=1 @@ -2852,14 +4167,17 @@ $begin 'ComponentBody' $begin 'NewFaces' $begin 'Face' NormalizedSerialNum=0 - ID=50 + ID=74 $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' - FaceTopol(1, 1, 1, 1) + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) $begin 'FaceGeometry' - Area=434.84425400497832 - FcUVMid(-8.8817841970012523e-16, -8.8817841970012523e-16, 1.272) + Area=4.5120080000000016 + FcUVMid(-11.013999999999999, 0, 1.272) $begin 'FcTolVts' - TolVt(11.765000000000001, 0, 1.272, 0) + TolVt(-11.765000000000001, -1.502, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-10.263, -1.502, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-10.263, 1.502, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-11.765000000000001, 1.502, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) $end 'FcTolVts' $end 'FaceGeometry' $end 'FaceGeomTopol' @@ -2871,210 +4189,255 @@ $begin 'ComponentBody' $end 'NewVertices' $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' $end 'OperationIdentity' - ParentOperationID=45 + ParentOperationID=63 $end 'Operation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='FeedPin_0' + Flags='' + Color='(255 128 65)' + Transparency=0.29999999999999999 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=-1 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='"pec"' + SurfaceMaterialValue='""' + SolveInside=false + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0mm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=true + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' $begin 'Operation' - OperationType='Substract' - ID=75 - $begin 'SubtractParameters' + OperationType='Cylinder' + ID=156 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'CylinderParameters' KernelVersion=13 - KeepOriginals=false - BlankPart=46 - NumToolParts=2 - ToolParts(52, 64) - $end 'SubtractParameters' - ParentPartID=46 + XCenter='Sf' + YCenter='0mm' + ZCenter='0mm' + Radius='coax_inner_rad' + Height='H' + WhichAxis='Z' + NumSides='0' + $end 'CylinderParameters' + ParentPartID=157 ReferenceUDMID=-1 IsSuppressed=false $begin 'OperationIdentity' $begin 'Topology' NumLumps=1 NumShells=1 - NumFaces=1 + NumFaces=3 NumWires=0 - NumLoops=1 - NumCoedges=8 - NumEdges=8 - NumVertices=8 + NumLoops=4 + NumCoedges=4 + NumEdges=2 + NumVertices=0 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=157 + StartFaceID=158 + StartEdgeID=161 + StartVertexID=163 + NumNewFaces=3 + NumNewEdges=2 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Rotate' + ID=204 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'RotateParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + TargetID=157 + RotateAxis='Z' + RotateAngle='alpha' + $end 'RotateParameters' + ParentPartID=157 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=3 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=4 + NumCoedges=4 + NumEdges=2 + NumVertices=0 $end 'Topology' BodyID=-1 StartFaceID=-1 - StartEdgeID=76 - StartVertexID=84 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 NumNewFaces=0 - NumNewEdges=8 - NumNewVertices=8 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + TranformBaseOperationID=156 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'CloneToOperation' + OperationType='DuplicateAroundAxis' + ID=215 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'DuplicateAroundAxisParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + ClonedEntity=157 + CreateNewObjects=true + WhichAxis='Z' + AngleStr='beta3' + NumClones='2' + $end 'DuplicateAroundAxisParameters' + ParentPartID=157 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + $end 'CloneToOperation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='coax_pin_0' + Flags='' + Color='(255 128 65)' + Transparency=0.29999999999999999 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=-1 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='"pec"' + SurfaceMaterialValue='""' + SolveInside=false + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0mm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=true + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Cylinder' + ID=165 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'CylinderParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + XCenter='Sf' + YCenter='0mm' + ZCenter='0mm' + Radius='coax_inner_rad' + Height='-feedLength' + WhichAxis='Z' + NumSides='0' + $end 'CylinderParameters' + ParentPartID=166 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=3 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=4 + NumCoedges=4 + NumEdges=2 + NumVertices=0 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=166 + StartFaceID=167 + StartEdgeID=170 + StartVertexID=172 + NumNewFaces=3 + NumNewEdges=2 + NumNewVertices=0 FaceNameAndIDMap() EdgeNameAndIDMap() VertexNameAndIDMap() - $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' - $begin 'NewFaces' - $end 'NewFaces' - $begin 'NewEdges' - $begin 'Edge' - NormalizedSerialNum=0 - ID=76 - EdgeFaces(50) - $begin 'EdTolVts' - TolVt(-11.668728336884017, 1.502, 1.272, 0) - TolVt(-10.263, 1.502, 1.272, 0) - $end 'EdTolVts' - EdgeMidPoint(-10.965864168442009, 1.502, 1.272) - $end 'Edge' - $begin 'Edge' - NormalizedSerialNum=1 - ID=77 - EdgeFaces(50) - $begin 'EdTolVts' - TolVt(-10.263, 1.502, 1.272, 0) - TolVt(-10.263, -1.502, 1.272, 0) - $end 'EdTolVts' - EdgeMidPoint(-10.263, 0, 1.272) - $end 'Edge' - $begin 'Edge' - NormalizedSerialNum=2 - ID=78 - EdgeFaces(50) - $begin 'EdTolVts' - TolVt(-10.263, -1.502, 1.272, 0) - TolVt(-11.668728336884017, -1.502, 1.272, 0) - $end 'EdTolVts' - EdgeMidPoint(-10.965864168442009, -1.502, 1.272) - $end 'Edge' - $begin 'Edge' - NormalizedSerialNum=3 - ID=79 - EdgeFaces(50) - $begin 'EdTolVts' - TolVt(-11.668728336884017, -1.502, 1.272, 0) - TolVt(11.668728336884017, -1.502, 1.272, 0) - $end 'EdTolVts' - EdgeMidPoint(-2.1611954387952916e-15, -11.765000000000001, 1.272) - $end 'Edge' - $begin 'Edge' - NormalizedSerialNum=4 - ID=80 - EdgeFaces(50) - $begin 'EdTolVts' - TolVt(11.668728336884017, -1.502, 1.272, 0) - TolVt(10.263, -1.502, 1.272, 0) - $end 'EdTolVts' - EdgeMidPoint(10.965864168442009, -1.502, 1.272) - $end 'Edge' - $begin 'Edge' - NormalizedSerialNum=5 - ID=81 - EdgeFaces(50) - $begin 'EdTolVts' - TolVt(10.263, -1.502, 1.272, 0) - TolVt(10.263, 1.502, 1.272, 0) - $end 'EdTolVts' - EdgeMidPoint(10.263, 0, 1.272) - $end 'Edge' - $begin 'Edge' - NormalizedSerialNum=6 - ID=82 - EdgeFaces(50) - $begin 'EdTolVts' - TolVt(10.263, 1.502, 1.272, 0) - TolVt(11.668728336884017, 1.502, 1.272, 0) - $end 'EdTolVts' - EdgeMidPoint(10.965864168442009, 1.502, 1.272) - $end 'Edge' - $begin 'Edge' - NormalizedSerialNum=7 - ID=83 - EdgeFaces(50) - $begin 'EdTolVts' - TolVt(11.668728336884017, 1.502, 1.272, 0) - TolVt(-11.668728336884017, 1.502, 1.272, 0) - $end 'EdTolVts' - EdgeMidPoint(3.3327532565414241e-15, 11.765000000000001, 1.272) - $end 'Edge' - $end 'NewEdges' - $begin 'NewVertices' - $begin 'Vertex' - NormalizedSerialNum=0 - ID=84 - VtPos(-11.668728336884017, 1.502, 1.272) - $end 'Vertex' - $begin 'Vertex' - NormalizedSerialNum=1 - ID=85 - VtPos(-10.263, 1.502, 1.272) - $end 'Vertex' - $begin 'Vertex' - NormalizedSerialNum=2 - ID=86 - VtPos(-10.263, -1.502, 1.272) - $end 'Vertex' - $begin 'Vertex' - NormalizedSerialNum=3 - ID=87 - VtPos(-11.668728336884017, -1.502, 1.272) - $end 'Vertex' - $begin 'Vertex' - NormalizedSerialNum=4 - ID=88 - VtPos(11.668728336884017, -1.502, 1.272) - $end 'Vertex' - $begin 'Vertex' - NormalizedSerialNum=5 - ID=89 - VtPos(10.263, -1.502, 1.272) - $end 'Vertex' - $begin 'Vertex' - NormalizedSerialNum=6 - ID=90 - VtPos(10.263, 1.502, 1.272) - $end 'Vertex' - $begin 'Vertex' - NormalizedSerialNum=7 - ID=91 - VtPos(11.668728336884017, 1.502, 1.272) - $end 'Vertex' - $end 'NewVertices' - $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' - $begin 'MergedFaces' - $end 'MergedFaces' - $begin 'MergedEdges' - $end 'MergedEdges' $end 'OperationIdentity' - BlankOperation=49 - NumToolOperations=2 - ToolOperations(61, 73) + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Rotate' + ID=239 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'RotateParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + TargetID=166 + RotateAxis='Z' + RotateAngle='alpha' + $end 'RotateParameters' + ParentPartID=166 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=3 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=4 + NumCoedges=4 + NumEdges=2 + NumVertices=0 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + TranformBaseOperationID=165 $end 'Operation' $begin 'CloneToOperation' OperationType='DuplicateAroundAxis' - ID=112 + ID=250 ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 $begin 'DuplicateAroundAxisParameters' KernelVersion=13 - ClonedEntity=46 + ClonedEntity=166 CreateNewObjects=true WhichAxis='Z' AngleStr='beta3' NumClones='2' $end 'DuplicateAroundAxisParameters' - ParentPartID=46 + ParentPartID=166 ReferenceUDMID=-1 $end 'CloneToOperation' $end 'Operations' $end 'GeometryPart' $begin 'GeometryPart' $begin 'Attributes' - Name='NewObject_LXHI3Y' + Name='coax_0' Flags='' - Color='(132 132 193)' + Color='(128 255 255)' Transparency=0.29999999999999999 PartCoordinateSystem=1 UDMId=-1 GroupId=-1 - MaterialValue='""' + MaterialValue='"Teflon (tm)"' SurfaceMaterialValue='""' SolveInside=true ShellElement=false ShellElementThickness='0mm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' IsMaterialEditable=true UseMaterialAppearance=false IsLightweight=false @@ -3082,108 +4445,102 @@ $begin 'ComponentBody' $end 'Attributes' $begin 'Operations' $begin 'Operation' - OperationType='Rectangle' - ID=51 + OperationType='Cylinder' + ID=174 ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 - $begin 'RectangleParameters' + $begin 'CylinderParameters' KernelVersion=13 - XStart='Dp/2' - YStart='-Wn/2' - ZStart='H' - Width='-Ln' - Height='Wn' + XCenter='Sf' + YCenter='0mm' + ZCenter='0mm' + Radius='coax_outer_rad' + Height='-feedLength' WhichAxis='Z' - $end 'RectangleParameters' - ParentPartID=52 + NumSides='0' + $end 'CylinderParameters' + ParentPartID=175 ReferenceUDMID=-1 IsSuppressed=false $begin 'OperationIdentity' $begin 'Topology' NumLumps=1 NumShells=1 - NumFaces=0 - NumWires=1 - NumLoops=0 + NumFaces=3 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=4 NumCoedges=4 - NumEdges=4 - NumVertices=4 + NumEdges=2 + NumVertices=0 $end 'Topology' - BodyID=52 - StartFaceID=-1 - StartEdgeID=53 - StartVertexID=57 - NumNewFaces=0 - NumNewEdges=4 - NumNewVertices=4 + BodyID=175 + StartFaceID=176 + StartEdgeID=179 + StartVertexID=181 + NumNewFaces=3 + NumNewEdges=2 + NumNewVertices=0 FaceNameAndIDMap() EdgeNameAndIDMap() VertexNameAndIDMap() $end 'OperationIdentity' $end 'Operation' $begin 'Operation' - OperationType='CoverLines' - ID=61 - $begin 'LocalOperationParameters' + OperationType='Rotate' + ID=274 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'RotateParameters' KernelVersion=13 - LocalOpPart=52 - $end 'LocalOperationParameters' - ParentPartID=52 + TargetID=175 + RotateAxis='Z' + RotateAngle='alpha' + $end 'RotateParameters' + ParentPartID=175 ReferenceUDMID=-1 IsSuppressed=false $begin 'OperationIdentity' $begin 'Topology' NumLumps=1 NumShells=1 - NumFaces=1 + NumFaces=3 NumWires=0 - NumLoops=1 + NumLoops=4 NumCoedges=4 - NumEdges=4 - NumVertices=4 + NumEdges=2 + NumVertices=0 $end 'Topology' BodyID=-1 - StartFaceID=62 + StartFaceID=-1 StartEdgeID=-1 StartVertexID=-1 - NumNewFaces=1 + NumNewFaces=0 NumNewEdges=0 NumNewVertices=0 FaceNameAndIDMap() EdgeNameAndIDMap() VertexNameAndIDMap() - $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' - $begin 'NewFaces' - $begin 'Face' - NormalizedSerialNum=0 - ID=62 - $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' - FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) - $begin 'FaceGeometry' - Area=4.5120080000000016 - FcUVMid(11.013999999999999, 0, 1.2720000000000002) - $begin 'FcTolVts' - TolVt(11.765000000000001, -1.502, 1.272, 0) - TolVt(10.263, -1.502, 1.272, 0) - TolVt(10.263, 1.502, 1.272, 0) - TolVt(11.765000000000001, 1.502, 1.272, 0) - $end 'FcTolVts' - $end 'FaceGeometry' - $end 'FaceGeomTopol' - $end 'Face' - $end 'NewFaces' - $begin 'NewEdges' - $end 'NewEdges' - $begin 'NewVertices' - $end 'NewVertices' - $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' $end 'OperationIdentity' - ParentOperationID=51 + TranformBaseOperationID=174 $end 'Operation' + $begin 'CloneToOperation' + OperationType='DuplicateAroundAxis' + ID=285 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'DuplicateAroundAxisParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + ClonedEntity=175 + CreateNewObjects=true + WhichAxis='Z' + AngleStr='beta3' + NumClones='2' + $end 'DuplicateAroundAxisParameters' + ParentPartID=175 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + $end 'CloneToOperation' $end 'Operations' $end 'GeometryPart' $begin 'GeometryPart' $begin 'Attributes' - Name='NewObject_0TW2OL' + Name='NewObject_84DCWV' Flags='' Color='(132 132 193)' Transparency=0.29999999999999999 @@ -3195,6 +4552,7 @@ $begin 'ComponentBody' SolveInside=true ShellElement=false ShellElementThickness='0mm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' IsMaterialEditable=true UseMaterialAppearance=false IsLightweight=false @@ -3202,19 +4560,19 @@ $begin 'ComponentBody' $end 'Attributes' $begin 'Operations' $begin 'Operation' - OperationType='Rectangle' - ID=63 + OperationType='Circle' + ID=198 ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 - $begin 'RectangleParameters' + $begin 'CircleParameters' KernelVersion=13 - XStart='-Dp/2' - YStart='-Wn/2' - ZStart='H' - Width='Ln' - Height='Wn' + XCenter='Sf' + YCenter='0mm' + ZCenter='0mm' + Radius='coax_outer_rad' WhichAxis='Z' - $end 'RectangleParameters' - ParentPartID=64 + NumSegments='0' + $end 'CircleParameters' + ParentPartID=199 ReferenceUDMID=-1 IsSuppressed=false $begin 'OperationIdentity' @@ -3224,17 +4582,17 @@ $begin 'ComponentBody' NumFaces=0 NumWires=1 NumLoops=0 - NumCoedges=4 - NumEdges=4 - NumVertices=4 + NumCoedges=0 + NumEdges=1 + NumVertices=0 $end 'Topology' - BodyID=64 + BodyID=199 StartFaceID=-1 - StartEdgeID=65 - StartVertexID=69 + StartEdgeID=200 + StartVertexID=201 NumNewFaces=0 - NumNewEdges=4 - NumNewVertices=4 + NumNewEdges=1 + NumNewVertices=0 FaceNameAndIDMap() EdgeNameAndIDMap() VertexNameAndIDMap() @@ -3242,12 +4600,12 @@ $begin 'ComponentBody' $end 'Operation' $begin 'Operation' OperationType='CoverLines' - ID=73 + ID=202 $begin 'LocalOperationParameters' KernelVersion=13 - LocalOpPart=64 + LocalOpPart=199 $end 'LocalOperationParameters' - ParentPartID=64 + ParentPartID=199 ReferenceUDMID=-1 IsSuppressed=false $begin 'OperationIdentity' @@ -3255,14 +4613,14 @@ $begin 'ComponentBody' NumLumps=1 NumShells=1 NumFaces=1 - NumWires=0 - NumLoops=1 - NumCoedges=4 - NumEdges=4 - NumVertices=4 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=1 + NumCoedges=1 + NumEdges=1 + NumVertices=0 $end 'Topology' BodyID=-1 - StartFaceID=74 + StartFaceID=203 StartEdgeID=-1 StartVertexID=-1 NumNewFaces=1 @@ -3275,17 +4633,13 @@ $begin 'ComponentBody' $begin 'NewFaces' $begin 'Face' NormalizedSerialNum=0 - ID=74 + ID=203 $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' - FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + FaceTopol(1, 1, 1, 0) $begin 'FaceGeometry' - Area=4.5120080000000016 - FcUVMid(-11.013999999999999, 0, 1.2720000000000002) + Area=2.2698006922186251 + FcUVMid(3.6629999999999994, 0, 0) $begin 'FcTolVts' - TolVt(-11.765000000000001, -1.502, 1.272, 0) - TolVt(-10.263, -1.502, 1.272, 0) - TolVt(-10.263, 1.502, 1.272, 0) - TolVt(-11.765000000000001, 1.502, 1.272, 0) $end 'FcTolVts' $end 'FaceGeometry' $end 'FaceGeomTopol' @@ -3297,93 +4651,31 @@ $begin 'ComponentBody' $end 'NewVertices' $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' $end 'OperationIdentity' - ParentOperationID=63 - $end 'Operation' - $end 'Operations' - $end 'GeometryPart' - $begin 'GeometryPart' - $begin 'Attributes' - Name='FeedPin_0' - Flags='' - Color='(255 128 65)' - Transparency=0.29999999999999999 - PartCoordinateSystem=1 - UDMId=-1 - GroupId=-1 - MaterialValue='"pec"' - SurfaceMaterialValue='""' - SolveInside=false - ShellElement=false - ShellElementThickness='0mm' - IsMaterialEditable=true - UseMaterialAppearance=false - IsLightweight=false - IsAlwaysHidden=false - $end 'Attributes' - $begin 'Operations' - $begin 'Operation' - OperationType='Cylinder' - ID=156 - ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 - $begin 'CylinderParameters' - KernelVersion=13 - XCenter='Sf' - YCenter='0mm' - ZCenter='0mm' - Radius='coax_inner_rad' - Height='H' - WhichAxis='Z' - NumSides='0' - $end 'CylinderParameters' - ParentPartID=157 - ReferenceUDMID=-1 - IsSuppressed=false - $begin 'OperationIdentity' - $begin 'Topology' - NumLumps=1 - NumShells=1 - NumFaces=3 - NumWires=0 - NumLoops=4 - NumCoedges=4 - NumEdges=2 - NumVertices=2 - $end 'Topology' - BodyID=157 - StartFaceID=158 - StartEdgeID=161 - StartVertexID=163 - NumNewFaces=3 - NumNewEdges=2 - NumNewVertices=2 - FaceNameAndIDMap() - EdgeNameAndIDMap() - VertexNameAndIDMap() - $end 'OperationIdentity' + ParentOperationID=198 $end 'Operation' $begin 'Operation' OperationType='Rotate' - ID=204 + ID=367 ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 $begin 'RotateParameters' KernelVersion=13 - TargetID=157 + TargetID=199 RotateAxis='Z' RotateAngle='alpha' $end 'RotateParameters' - ParentPartID=157 + ParentPartID=199 ReferenceUDMID=-1 IsSuppressed=false $begin 'OperationIdentity' $begin 'Topology' NumLumps=1 NumShells=1 - NumFaces=3 + NumFaces=1 NumWires=0 - NumLoops=4 - NumCoedges=4 - NumEdges=2 - NumVertices=2 + NumLoops=1 + NumCoedges=1 + NumEdges=1 + NumVertices=0 $end 'Topology' BodyID=-1 StartFaceID=-1 @@ -3396,39 +4688,108 @@ $begin 'ComponentBody' EdgeNameAndIDMap() VertexNameAndIDMap() $end 'OperationIdentity' - TranformBaseOperationID=156 + TranformBaseOperationID=202 $end 'Operation' $begin 'CloneToOperation' OperationType='DuplicateAroundAxis' - ID=215 + ID=368 ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 $begin 'DuplicateAroundAxisParameters' KernelVersion=13 - ClonedEntity=157 + ClonedEntity=199 + CreateNewObjects=true + WhichAxis='Z' + AngleStr='beta2' + NumClones='2' + $end 'DuplicateAroundAxisParameters' + ParentPartID=199 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + $end 'CloneToOperation' + $begin 'CloneToOperation' + OperationType='DuplicateAroundAxis' + ID=374 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'DuplicateAroundAxisParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + ClonedEntity=199 CreateNewObjects=true WhichAxis='Z' AngleStr='beta3' NumClones='2' $end 'DuplicateAroundAxisParameters' - ParentPartID=157 + ParentPartID=199 ReferenceUDMID=-1 $end 'CloneToOperation' + $begin 'CloneToOperation' + OperationType='DuplicateAroundAxis' + ID=380 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'DuplicateAroundAxisParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + ClonedEntity=199 + CreateNewObjects=true + WhichAxis='Z' + AngleStr='beta4' + NumClones='2' + $end 'DuplicateAroundAxisParameters' + ParentPartID=199 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + $end 'CloneToOperation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Move' + ID=386 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'TranslateParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + TargetID=199 + TranslateVectorX='Sx/2' + TranslateVectorY='Sy/2' + TranslateVectorZ='0' + $end 'TranslateParameters' + ParentPartID=199 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=1 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=1 + NumCoedges=1 + NumEdges=1 + NumVertices=0 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + TranformBaseOperationID=367 + $end 'Operation' $end 'Operations' $end 'GeometryPart' $begin 'GeometryPart' $begin 'Attributes' - Name='coax_pin_0' + Name='NewObject_84DCWV_1' Flags='' - Color='(255 128 65)' + Color='(132 132 193)' Transparency=0.29999999999999999 PartCoordinateSystem=1 UDMId=-1 GroupId=-1 - MaterialValue='"pec"' + MaterialValue='""' SurfaceMaterialValue='""' - SolveInside=false + SolveInside=true ShellElement=false ShellElementThickness='0mm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' IsMaterialEditable=true UseMaterialAppearance=false IsLightweight=false @@ -3436,68 +4797,73 @@ $begin 'ComponentBody' $end 'Attributes' $begin 'Operations' $begin 'Operation' - OperationType='Cylinder' - ID=165 - ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 - $begin 'CylinderParameters' + OperationType='DuplicateBodyAroundAxis' + ID=369 + $begin 'CloneFromParameters' KernelVersion=13 - XCenter='Sf' - YCenter='0mm' - ZCenter='0mm' - Radius='coax_inner_rad' - Height='-feedLength' - WhichAxis='Z' - NumSides='0' - $end 'CylinderParameters' - ParentPartID=166 + SourceID=199 + WhichClone=0 + $end 'CloneFromParameters' + ParentPartID=370 ReferenceUDMID=-1 IsSuppressed=false $begin 'OperationIdentity' $begin 'Topology' NumLumps=1 NumShells=1 - NumFaces=3 + NumFaces=1 NumWires=0 - NumLoops=4 - NumCoedges=4 - NumEdges=2 - NumVertices=2 + NumLoops=1 + NumCoedges=1 + NumEdges=1 + NumVertices=0 $end 'Topology' - BodyID=166 - StartFaceID=167 - StartEdgeID=170 - StartVertexID=172 - NumNewFaces=3 - NumNewEdges=2 - NumNewVertices=2 + BodyID=370 + StartFaceID=371 + StartEdgeID=372 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=1 + NumNewEdges=1 + NumNewVertices=0 FaceNameAndIDMap() EdgeNameAndIDMap() VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'CloneFromOperationIdentityHelper' + CloneFaces('203'='371') + CloneEdges('200'='372') + CloneVertices('201'='373') + CloneIdentityHelperKernelType=0 + $end 'CloneFromOperationIdentityHelper' + OriginalFaceIDs(203) + OriginalEdgeIDs(200) + OriginalVertexIDs() $end 'OperationIdentity' + PlaceHolderOpnId=368 $end 'Operation' $begin 'Operation' - OperationType='Rotate' - ID=239 + OperationType='Move' + ID=387 ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 - $begin 'RotateParameters' + $begin 'TranslateParameters' KernelVersion=13 - TargetID=166 - RotateAxis='Z' - RotateAngle='alpha' - $end 'RotateParameters' - ParentPartID=166 + TargetID=370 + TranslateVectorX='-Sx/2' + TranslateVectorY='Sy/2' + TranslateVectorZ='0' + $end 'TranslateParameters' + ParentPartID=370 ReferenceUDMID=-1 IsSuppressed=false $begin 'OperationIdentity' $begin 'Topology' NumLumps=1 NumShells=1 - NumFaces=3 + NumFaces=1 NumWires=0 - NumLoops=4 - NumCoedges=4 - NumEdges=2 - NumVertices=2 + NumLoops=1 + NumCoedges=1 + NumEdges=1 + NumVertices=0 $end 'Topology' BodyID=-1 StartFaceID=-1 @@ -3510,39 +4876,25 @@ $begin 'ComponentBody' EdgeNameAndIDMap() VertexNameAndIDMap() $end 'OperationIdentity' - TranformBaseOperationID=165 + TranformBaseOperationID=369 $end 'Operation' - $begin 'CloneToOperation' - OperationType='DuplicateAroundAxis' - ID=250 - ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 - $begin 'DuplicateAroundAxisParameters' - KernelVersion=13 - ClonedEntity=166 - CreateNewObjects=true - WhichAxis='Z' - AngleStr='beta3' - NumClones='2' - $end 'DuplicateAroundAxisParameters' - ParentPartID=166 - ReferenceUDMID=-1 - $end 'CloneToOperation' $end 'Operations' $end 'GeometryPart' $begin 'GeometryPart' $begin 'Attributes' - Name='coax_0' + Name='NewObject_84DCWV_2' Flags='' - Color='(128 255 255)' + Color='(132 132 193)' Transparency=0.29999999999999999 PartCoordinateSystem=1 UDMId=-1 GroupId=-1 - MaterialValue='"Teflon (tm)"' + MaterialValue='""' SurfaceMaterialValue='""' SolveInside=true ShellElement=false ShellElementThickness='0mm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' IsMaterialEditable=true UseMaterialAppearance=false IsLightweight=false @@ -3550,68 +4902,73 @@ $begin 'ComponentBody' $end 'Attributes' $begin 'Operations' $begin 'Operation' - OperationType='Cylinder' - ID=174 - ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 - $begin 'CylinderParameters' + OperationType='DuplicateBodyAroundAxis' + ID=375 + $begin 'CloneFromParameters' KernelVersion=13 - XCenter='Sf' - YCenter='0mm' - ZCenter='0mm' - Radius='coax_outer_rad' - Height='-feedLength' - WhichAxis='Z' - NumSides='0' - $end 'CylinderParameters' - ParentPartID=175 + SourceID=199 + WhichClone=0 + $end 'CloneFromParameters' + ParentPartID=376 ReferenceUDMID=-1 IsSuppressed=false $begin 'OperationIdentity' $begin 'Topology' NumLumps=1 NumShells=1 - NumFaces=3 - NumWires=0 - NumLoops=4 - NumCoedges=4 - NumEdges=2 - NumVertices=2 - $end 'Topology' - BodyID=175 - StartFaceID=176 - StartEdgeID=179 - StartVertexID=181 - NumNewFaces=3 - NumNewEdges=2 - NumNewVertices=2 + NumFaces=1 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=1 + NumCoedges=1 + NumEdges=1 + NumVertices=0 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=376 + StartFaceID=377 + StartEdgeID=378 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=1 + NumNewEdges=1 + NumNewVertices=0 FaceNameAndIDMap() EdgeNameAndIDMap() VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'CloneFromOperationIdentityHelper' + CloneFaces('203'='377') + CloneEdges('200'='378') + CloneVertices('201'='379') + CloneIdentityHelperKernelType=0 + $end 'CloneFromOperationIdentityHelper' + OriginalFaceIDs(203) + OriginalEdgeIDs(200) + OriginalVertexIDs() $end 'OperationIdentity' + PlaceHolderOpnId=374 $end 'Operation' $begin 'Operation' - OperationType='Rotate' - ID=274 + OperationType='Move' + ID=388 ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 - $begin 'RotateParameters' + $begin 'TranslateParameters' KernelVersion=13 - TargetID=175 - RotateAxis='Z' - RotateAngle='alpha' - $end 'RotateParameters' - ParentPartID=175 + TargetID=376 + TranslateVectorX='-Sx/2' + TranslateVectorY='-Sy/2' + TranslateVectorZ='0' + $end 'TranslateParameters' + ParentPartID=376 ReferenceUDMID=-1 IsSuppressed=false $begin 'OperationIdentity' $begin 'Topology' NumLumps=1 NumShells=1 - NumFaces=3 + NumFaces=1 NumWires=0 - NumLoops=4 - NumCoedges=4 - NumEdges=2 - NumVertices=2 + NumLoops=1 + NumCoedges=1 + NumEdges=1 + NumVertices=0 $end 'Topology' BodyID=-1 StartFaceID=-1 @@ -3624,30 +4981,15 @@ $begin 'ComponentBody' EdgeNameAndIDMap() VertexNameAndIDMap() $end 'OperationIdentity' - TranformBaseOperationID=174 + TranformBaseOperationID=375 $end 'Operation' - $begin 'CloneToOperation' - OperationType='DuplicateAroundAxis' - ID=285 - ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 - $begin 'DuplicateAroundAxisParameters' - KernelVersion=13 - ClonedEntity=175 - CreateNewObjects=true - WhichAxis='Z' - AngleStr='beta3' - NumClones='2' - $end 'DuplicateAroundAxisParameters' - ParentPartID=175 - ReferenceUDMID=-1 - $end 'CloneToOperation' $end 'Operations' $end 'GeometryPart' $begin 'GeometryPart' $begin 'Attributes' - Name='coax_2_ObjectFromFace1' + Name='NewObject_84DCWV_3' Flags='' - Color='(128 255 255)' + Color='(132 132 193)' Transparency=0.29999999999999999 PartCoordinateSystem=1 UDMId=-1 @@ -3657,6 +4999,7 @@ $begin 'ComponentBody' SolveInside=true ShellElement=false ShellElementThickness='0mm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' IsMaterialEditable=true UseMaterialAppearance=false IsLightweight=false @@ -3664,13 +5007,14 @@ $begin 'ComponentBody' $end 'Attributes' $begin 'Operations' $begin 'Operation' - OperationType='BodyFromFaceFrom' - ID=1099 - $begin 'BodyFromFaceFromParameters' + OperationType='DuplicateBodyAroundAxis' + ID=381 + $begin 'CloneFromParameters' KernelVersion=13 - WhichFace=0 - $end 'BodyFromFaceFromParameters' - ParentPartID=1100 + SourceID=199 + WhichClone=0 + $end 'CloneFromParameters' + ParentPartID=382 ReferenceUDMID=-1 IsSuppressed=false $begin 'OperationIdentity' @@ -3682,57 +5026,67 @@ $begin 'ComponentBody' NumLoops=1 NumCoedges=1 NumEdges=1 - NumVertices=1 + NumVertices=0 $end 'Topology' - BodyID=1100 - StartFaceID=1101 - StartEdgeID=1102 - StartVertexID=1103 + BodyID=382 + StartFaceID=383 + StartEdgeID=384 + StartVertexID=-1 NumNewFaces=1 NumNewEdges=1 - NumNewVertices=1 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'CloneFromOperationIdentityHelper' + CloneFaces('203'='383') + CloneEdges('200'='384') + CloneVertices('201'='385') + CloneIdentityHelperKernelType=0 + $end 'CloneFromOperationIdentityHelper' + OriginalFaceIDs(203) + OriginalEdgeIDs(200) + OriginalVertexIDs() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + PlaceHolderOpnId=380 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Move' + ID=389 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'TranslateParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + TargetID=382 + TranslateVectorX='Sx/2' + TranslateVectorY='-Sy/2' + TranslateVectorZ='0' + $end 'TranslateParameters' + ParentPartID=382 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=1 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=1 + NumCoedges=1 + NumEdges=1 + NumVertices=0 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 FaceNameAndIDMap() EdgeNameAndIDMap() VertexNameAndIDMap() - $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' - $begin 'NewFaces' - $begin 'Face' - NormalizedSerialNum=0 - ID=1101 - $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' - FaceTopol(1, 1, 1, 1) - $begin 'FaceGeometry' - Area=2.269800692218626 - FcUVMid(-2.5901321394863217, -2.5901321394863253, -1.272) - $begin 'FcTolVts' - TolVt(-3.1911729034948877, -3.1911729034948912, -1.272, 0) - $end 'FcTolVts' - $end 'FaceGeometry' - $end 'FaceGeomTopol' - $end 'Face' - $end 'NewFaces' - $begin 'NewEdges' - $begin 'Edge' - NormalizedSerialNum=0 - ID=1102 - EdgeFaces(1101) - $begin 'EdTolVts' - TolVt(-3.1911729034948877, -3.1911729034948912, -1.272, 0) - $end 'EdTolVts' - EdgeMidPoint(-1.9890913754777564, -1.9890913754777597, -1.272) - $end 'Edge' - $end 'NewEdges' - $begin 'NewVertices' - $begin 'Vertex' - NormalizedSerialNum=0 - ID=1103 - VtPos(-3.1911729034948877, -3.1911729034948912, -1.272) - $end 'Vertex' - $end 'NewVertices' - $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' $end 'OperationIdentity' - BodyFromFaceToOpnId=1098 - SourceOperationID=764 + TranformBaseOperationID=381 $end 'Operation' $end 'Operations' $end 'GeometryPart' @@ -3770,6 +5124,9 @@ $begin 'ComponentBody' $begin 'allobjects' allobjects(-1) $end 'allobjects' + $begin 'box' + box(1) + $end 'box' $begin 'circle_' circle_(2) $end 'circle_' @@ -3782,18 +5139,12 @@ $begin 'ComponentBody' $begin 'coax_0' coax_0(-1) $end 'coax_0' - $begin 'coax_2_objectfromface' - coax_2_objectfromface(1) - $end 'coax_2_objectfromface' $begin 'coax_pin_' coax_pin_(2) $end 'coax_pin_' $begin 'coax_pin_0' coax_pin_0(-1) $end 'coax_pin_0' - $begin 'cylinder' - cylinder(1) - $end 'cylinder' $begin 'feedpin_' feedpin_(2) $end 'feedpin_' @@ -3803,27 +5154,157 @@ $begin 'ComponentBody' $begin 'global' global(-1) $end 'global' + $begin 'ground' + ground(-1) + $end 'ground' $begin 'model' model(-1) $end 'model' $begin 'newobject_0tw2ol' newobject_0tw2ol(-1) $end 'newobject_0tw2ol' + $begin 'newobject_84dcwv' + newobject_84dcwv(-1) + $end 'newobject_84dcwv' + $begin 'newobject_84dcwv_' + newobject_84dcwv_(1, 2, 3) + $end 'newobject_84dcwv_' $begin 'newobject_lxhi3y' newobject_lxhi3y(-1) $end 'newobject_lxhi3y' $begin 'relativecs' relativecs(1) $end 'relativecs' - $begin 'sub' - sub(-1) - $end 'sub' - $begin 'sub_objectfromface' - sub_objectfromface(1) - $end 'sub_objectfromface' + $begin 'soil' + soil(-1) + $end 'soil' $end 'CachedNames' $end 'GeometryOperations' $begin 'GeometryDependencies' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 5) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 428) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 429) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 5) + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 428) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 492) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 493) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 429) + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 492) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 588) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 493) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 713) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 709) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 714) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 588) + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 713) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 741) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 709) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 742) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 714) + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 741) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 33) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 43) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 33) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=5 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 390) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 43) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 386) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 387) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 388) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 389) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 439) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 440) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 390) + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 439) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 503) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 504) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 440) + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 503) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 589) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 504) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 724) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 709) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 725) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 589) + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 724) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 752) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 709) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 753) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 725) + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 752) + $end 'DependencyInformation' $begin 'DependencyInformation' NumParents=2 DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 113) @@ -4072,36 +5553,11 @@ $begin 'ComponentBody' DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 736) DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 763) $end 'DependencyInformation' - $begin 'DependencyInformation' - NumParents=0 - DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 1098) - $end 'DependencyInformation' - $begin 'DependencyInformation' - NumParents=1 - DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 995) - DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) - $end 'DependencyInformation' $begin 'DependencyInformation' NumParents=1 - DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 1042) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 951) DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) $end 'DependencyInformation' - $begin 'DependencyInformation' - NumParents=0 - DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 1082) - $end 'DependencyInformation' - $begin 'DependencyInformation' - NumParents=2 - DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 1083) - DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 1082) - DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 1042) - $end 'DependencyInformation' - $begin 'DependencyInformation' - NumParents=2 - DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 1104) - DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 1083) - DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 1099) - $end 'DependencyInformation' $begin 'DependencyInformation' NumParents=1 DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 45) @@ -4192,11 +5648,78 @@ $begin 'ComponentBody' DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 285) DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 198) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 202) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 198) + $end 'DependencyInformation' $begin 'DependencyInformation' NumParents=2 - DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 1099) - DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 1098) - DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 764) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 367) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 202) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 368) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 374) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 380) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 386) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 367) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 369) + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 368) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 367) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 387) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 369) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 375) + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 374) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 367) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 388) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 375) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 381) + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 380) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 367) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 389) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 381) $end 'DependencyInformation' $begin 'DependencyInformation' NumParents=1 @@ -4205,14 +5728,216 @@ $begin 'ComponentBody' $end 'DependencyInformation' $end 'GeometryDependencies' $end 'GeometryCore' + $begin 'AssignedEntities' + AssignedObject[2: 34, 114] + $begin 'AssignedFace' + kID=288 + $begin 'FaceData' + ParentObjectID=287 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(2, 2, 2, 0) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=13.351768777756622 + FcUVMid(-1.9890913754777577, -1.9890913754777573, -2.5219999999999998) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'FaceData' + $end 'AssignedFace' + $begin 'AssignedFace' + kID=289 + $begin 'FaceData' + ParentObjectID=287 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 1, 1, 0) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=2.269800692218626 + FcUVMid(-2.590132139486323, -2.590132139486323, -3.7720000000000002) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'FaceData' + $end 'AssignedFace' + $begin 'AssignedFace' + kID=953 + $begin 'FaceData' + ParentObjectID=952 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=1245.3840999999998 + FcUVMid(0, 0, 30.000000000000004) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(17.645, -17.645, 30.000000000000004, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(17.645, 17.645, 30.000000000000004, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-17.645, 17.645, 30.000000000000004, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-17.645, -17.645, 30.000000000000004, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'FaceData' + $end 'AssignedFace' + $begin 'AssignedFace' + kID=955 + $begin 'FaceData' + ParentObjectID=952 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=1103.58888 + FcUVMid(0, -17.645, 14.364000000000001) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(17.645, -17.645, 30.000000000000004, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-17.645, -17.645, 30.000000000000004, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-17.645, -17.645, -1.2720000000000009, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(17.645, -17.645, -1.2720000000000009, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'FaceData' + $end 'AssignedFace' + $begin 'AssignedFace' + kID=956 + $begin 'FaceData' + ParentObjectID=952 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=1103.58888 + FcUVMid(-17.645, 0, 14.364000000000001) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(-17.645, -17.645, 30.000000000000004, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-17.645, 17.645, 30.000000000000004, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-17.645, 17.645, -1.2720000000000009, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-17.645, -17.645, -1.2720000000000009, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'FaceData' + $end 'AssignedFace' + $begin 'AssignedFace' + kID=957 + $begin 'FaceData' + ParentObjectID=952 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=1103.58888 + FcUVMid(0, 17.645, 14.364000000000001) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(-17.645, 17.645, 30.000000000000004, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(17.645, 17.645, 30.000000000000004, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(17.645, 17.645, -1.2720000000000009, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-17.645, 17.645, -1.2720000000000009, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'FaceData' + $end 'AssignedFace' + $begin 'AssignedFace' + kID=958 + $begin 'FaceData' + ParentObjectID=952 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=1103.58888 + FcUVMid(17.645, 0, 14.364000000000001) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(17.645, 17.645, -1.2720000000000009, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(17.645, 17.645, 30.000000000000004, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(17.645, -17.645, 30.000000000000004, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(17.645, -17.645, -1.2720000000000009, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'FaceData' + $end 'AssignedFace' + $begin 'AssignedEdge' + kID=256 + $begin 'EdgeData' + ParentObjectID=252 + ParentFaces[2: 253, 254] + $begin 'EdgeGeomTopol' + EdgeFaces(253, 254) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(-2.4133554441896861, -2.4133554441896861, -3.7720000000000002) + $end 'EdgeGeomTopol' + $end 'EdgeData' + $end 'AssignedEdge' + $begin 'AssignedEdge' + kID=291 + $begin 'EdgeData' + ParentObjectID=287 + ParentFaces[2: 288, 289] + $begin 'EdgeGeomTopol' + EdgeFaces(288, 289) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(-1.9890913754777577, -1.9890913754777577, -3.7720000000000002) + $end 'EdgeGeomTopol' + $end 'EdgeData' + $end 'AssignedEdge' + $begin 'AssignedVertex' + kID=971 + $begin 'VertexData' + ParentObjectID=952 + ParentEdges[3: 962, 959, 968] + TolVt(17.645, -17.645, 30.000000000000004, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'VertexData' + $end 'AssignedVertex' + $begin 'AssignedVertex' + kID=972 + $begin 'VertexData' + ParentObjectID=952 + ParentEdges[3: 960, 959, 970] + TolVt(17.645, 17.645, 30.000000000000004, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'VertexData' + $end 'AssignedVertex' + $begin 'AssignedVertex' + kID=974 + $begin 'VertexData' + ParentObjectID=952 + ParentEdges[3: 962, 961, 967] + TolVt(-17.645, -17.645, 30.000000000000004, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'VertexData' + $end 'AssignedVertex' + $begin 'AssignedVertex' + kID=975 + $begin 'VertexData' + ParentObjectID=952 + ParentEdges[3: 970, 966, 963] + TolVt(17.645, 17.645, -1.2720000000000009, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'VertexData' + $end 'AssignedVertex' + $begin 'AssignedVertex' + kID=976 + $begin 'VertexData' + ParentObjectID=952 + ParentEdges[3: 968, 964, 963] + TolVt(17.645, -17.645, -1.2720000000000009, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'VertexData' + $end 'AssignedVertex' + $begin 'AssignedVertex' + kID=977 + $begin 'VertexData' + ParentObjectID=952 + ParentEdges[3: 967, 965, 964] + TolVt(-17.645, -17.645, -1.2720000000000009, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'VertexData' + $end 'AssignedVertex' + $end 'AssignedEntities' $begin 'Settings' - IncludedParts[7: 114, 217, 252, 287, 996, 1043, 1084] + IncludedParts[7: 6, 34, 114, 217, 252, 287, 952] HiddenParts[0:] IncludedCS[0:] ReferenceCS=1 - IncludedParameters('Dp', 'H', 'Ln', 'Sf', 'Sx', 'Sy', 'Wn', 'alpha', 'beta3', 'coax_inner_rad', 'coax_outer_rad', 'feedLength') + IncludedParameters('Dp', 'H', 'Ln', 'Sf', 'Sx', 'Sy', 'Wn', 'alpha', 'beta2', 'beta3', 'beta4', 'coax_inner_rad', 'coax_outer_rad', 'feedLength', 'subLength', 'subWidth') IncludedDependentParameters() - ParameterDescription(Dp='', H='', Ln='', Sf='', Sx='', Sy='', Wn='', alpha='', beta3='', coax_inner_rad='', coax_outer_rad='', feedLength='') + ParameterDescription(Dp='', H='', Ln='', Sf='', Sx='', Sy='', Wn='', alpha='', beta2='', beta3='', beta4='', coax_inner_rad='', coax_outer_rad='', feedLength='', subLength='', subWidth='') $end 'Settings' $end 'GeometryData' $end 'ComponentBody' diff --git a/_unittest/example_models/T20/array_info.csv b/_unittest/example_models/T20/array_info.csv new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..7e740ea657a --- /dev/null +++ b/_unittest/example_models/T20/array_info.csv @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +ArrayName,A1 +Size Along A Vector,8 +Size Along B Vector,8 +A Vector,02_Patch1_LatticePair1 +B Vector,02_Patch1_LatticePair2 +Component Index,Component Name +1,02_Patch1 +2,01_Metal_Only1 +3,03_Radome_Side1 +4,Radome_Corner1 +Source Row,Source Column,Source Name,Magnitude,Phase +3,3,02_Patch1_1:1,ScanMag1*1,ScanPhase1 + (2*ScanPhaseShiftA + 2*ScanPhaseShiftB) +3,4,02_Patch1_1:1,ScanMag1*1,ScanPhase1 + (2*ScanPhaseShiftA + 3*ScanPhaseShiftB) +3,5,02_Patch1_1:1,ScanMag1*1,ScanPhase1 + (2*ScanPhaseShiftA + 4*ScanPhaseShiftB) +3,6,02_Patch1_1:1,ScanMag1*1,ScanPhase1 + (2*ScanPhaseShiftA + 5*ScanPhaseShiftB) +4,3,02_Patch1_1:1,ScanMag1*1,ScanPhase1 + (3*ScanPhaseShiftA + 2*ScanPhaseShiftB) +4,4,02_Patch1_1:1,ScanMag1*1,ScanPhase1 + (3*ScanPhaseShiftA + 3*ScanPhaseShiftB) +4,5,02_Patch1_1:1,ScanMag1*1,ScanPhase1 + (3*ScanPhaseShiftA + 4*ScanPhaseShiftB) +4,6,02_Patch1_1:1,ScanMag1*1,ScanPhase1 + (3*ScanPhaseShiftA + 5*ScanPhaseShiftB) +5,3,02_Patch1_1:1,ScanMag1*1,ScanPhase1 + (4*ScanPhaseShiftA + 2*ScanPhaseShiftB) +5,4,02_Patch1_1:1,ScanMag1*1,ScanPhase1 + (4*ScanPhaseShiftA + 3*ScanPhaseShiftB) +5,5,02_Patch1_1:1,ScanMag1*1,ScanPhase1 + (4*ScanPhaseShiftA + 4*ScanPhaseShiftB) +5,6,02_Patch1_1:1,ScanMag1*1,ScanPhase1 + (4*ScanPhaseShiftA + 5*ScanPhaseShiftB) +6,3,02_Patch1_1:1,ScanMag1*1,ScanPhase1 + (5*ScanPhaseShiftA + 2*ScanPhaseShiftB) +6,4,02_Patch1_1:1,ScanMag1*1,ScanPhase1 + (5*ScanPhaseShiftA + 3*ScanPhaseShiftB) +6,5,02_Patch1_1:1,ScanMag1*1,ScanPhase1 + (5*ScanPhaseShiftA + 4*ScanPhaseShiftB) +Array,Format: Component_index:Rotation_angle:Active_or_Passive +4,3,3,3,3,3,3,4:90.0deg, +3:270.0deg,2,2,2,2,2,2,3:90.0deg, +3:270.0deg,2:0,1,1,1,1,2,3:90.0deg, +3:270.0deg,2,1,1,1,1,2,3:90.0deg, +3:270.0deg,2,1,1,1,1,2,3:90.0deg:0, +3:270.0deg,2,1,1,1,1:0,2,, +3:270.0deg,2,2,,2,2,2,3:90.0deg, +4:270.0deg,3:180.0deg,3:180.0deg,,3:180.0deg,3:180.0deg,3:180.0deg,4:180.0deg, diff --git a/_unittest/example_models/T20/array_simple_232.json b/_unittest/example_models/T20/array_simple_232.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..a64330c56ec --- /dev/null +++ b/_unittest/example_models/T20/array_simple_232.json @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +{ + "primarylattice": "Circ_Patch_5GHz_232_1_Primary1", + "secondarylattice": "Circ_Patch_5GHz_232_1_Primary2", + "useairobjects": true, + "rowdimension": 3, + "columndimension": 3, + "visible": false, + "showcellnumber": false, + "paddingcells": 0, + "referencecsid": 1, + "cells": { + "(1,1)": { + "name": "Circ_Patch_5GHz_232_1", + "color": "(255,0,20)", + "active": true, + "postprocessing": true, + "rotation": 0.0 + }, + "(1,2)": { + "name": "Circ_Patch_5GHz_232_1" + }, + "(1,3)": { + "name": "Circ_Patch_5GHz_232_1" + }, + "(2,1)": { + "name": "Circ_Patch_5GHz_232_1" + }, + "(2,2)": { + "name": "Circ_Patch_5GHz_232_1" + }, + "(2,3)": { + "name": "Circ_Patch_5GHz_232_1" + }, + "(3,1)": { + "name": "Circ_Patch_5GHz_232_1" + }, + "(3,2)": { + "name": "Circ_Patch_5GHz_232_1" + }, + "(3,3)": { + "name": "Circ_Patch_5GHz_232_1" + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_unittest/example_models/T98/3d_comp_mesh_prio_test.aedt b/_unittest/example_models/T98/3d_comp_mesh_prio_test.aedt new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..96304ade003 --- /dev/null +++ b/_unittest/example_models/T98/3d_comp_mesh_prio_test.aedt @@ -0,0 +1,4363 @@ +$begin 'AnsoftProject' + Created='Tue Oct 31 11:07:03 2023' + Product='ElectronicsDesktop' + FileOwnedByWorkbench=false + $begin 'Desktop' + Version(2023, 2) + InfrastructureVersion(1, 0) + $begin 'FactoryHeader' + $begin 'geometry3deditor' + KernelVersion(2, 0) + ProjectContainsGeometry3D='1' + $end 'geometry3deditor' + $end 'FactoryHeader' + $end 'Desktop' + UsesAdvancedFeatures=true + NextUniqueID=0 + MoveBackwards=false + $begin 'HFSSEnvironment' + Version(1, 0) + $end 'HFSSEnvironment' + $begin 'PlanarEMEnvironment' + Version(1, 0) + $end 'PlanarEMEnvironment' + $begin 'Q3DEnvironment' + Version(1, 0) + $end 'Q3DEnvironment' + $begin '2DExtractorEnvironment' + Version(1, 0) + $end '2DExtractorEnvironment' + $begin 'NexximEnvironment' + Version(1, 0) + $end 'NexximEnvironment' + $begin 'NexximNetlistEnvironment' + Version(1, 0) + $end 'NexximNetlistEnvironment' + $begin 'EmitEnvironment' + Version(1, 0) + $end 'EmitEnvironment' + $begin 'Maxwell3DEnvironment' + Version(1, 0) + $end 'Maxwell3DEnvironment' + $begin 'Maxwell2DEnvironment' + Version(1, 0) + $end 'Maxwell2DEnvironment' + $begin 'RMxprtEnvironment' + Version(1, 0) + $end 'RMxprtEnvironment' + $begin 'MaxCirEnvironment' + Version(1, 0) + $end 'MaxCirEnvironment' + $begin 'SimplorerEnvironment' + Version(1, 0) + $end 'SimplorerEnvironment' + $begin 'IcepakEnvironment' + Version(1, 0) + $end 'IcepakEnvironment' + $begin 'MechanicalEnvironment' + Version(1, 0) + $end 'MechanicalEnvironment' + $begin 'SchematicEnvironment' + Version(1, 0) + $end 'SchematicEnvironment' + $begin 'geometry3deditor' + Version(1, 0) + $end 'geometry3deditor' + ReadVersion=11 + $begin 'DesignMgrEnvironment' + CompInstCounter=1 + GPortCounter=0 + NetCounter=0 + Alias('Ieee;Simplorer Elements\\Ieee', 'Std;Simplorer Elements\\Std', 'Basic_VHDLAMS;Simplorer Elements\\Basic Elements VHDLAMS\\Basic Elements VHDLAMS', 'Digital_Elements;Simplorer Elements\\Digital Elements\\Digital Elements', 'Transformations;Simplorer Elements\\Tools\\Transformations\\Transformations', 'HEV_VHDLAMS;Simplorer Elements\\HEV VHDLAMS\\HEV VHDLAMS', 'automotive_vda;Simplorer Elements\\VDALibs VHDLAMS\\automotive_vda', 'example_boardnet;Simplorer Elements\\VDALibs VHDLAMS\\example_boardnet', 'example_ecar;Simplorer Elements\\VDALibs VHDLAMS\\example_ecar', 'fundamentals_vda;Simplorer Elements\\VDALibs VHDLAMS\\fundamentals_vda', 'hybrid_emc_vda;Simplorer Elements\\VDALibs VHDLAMS\\hybrid_emc_vda', 'megma;Simplorer Elements\\VDALibs VHDLAMS\\megma', 'modelica_rotational;Simplorer Elements\\VDALibs VHDLAMS\\modelica_rotational', 'modelica_thermal;Simplorer Elements\\VDALibs VHDLAMS\\modelica_thermal', 'modelica_translational;Simplorer Elements\\VDALibs VHDLAMS\\modelica_translational', 'spice2vhd;Simplorer Elements\\VDALibs VHDLAMS\\spice2vhd', 'spice2vhd_devices;Simplorer Elements\\VDALibs VHDLAMS\\spice2vhd_devices', 'aircraft_electrical_vhdlams;Simplorer Elements\\Aircraft Electrical VHDLAMS\\Aircraft Electrical VHDLAMS', 'power_system_vhdlams;Simplorer Elements\\Power System VHDLAMS\\Power System VHDLAMS') + $end 'DesignMgrEnvironment' + $begin 'ProjectDatasets' + NextUniqueID=0 + MoveBackwards=false + DatasetType='ProjectDatasetType' + $begin 'DatasetDefinitions' + $end 'DatasetDefinitions' + $end 'ProjectDatasets' + VariableOrders[0:] + $begin 'Definitions' + $begin 'Materials' + $begin 'Al-Extruded' + CoordinateSystemType='Cartesian' + BulkOrSurfaceType=1 + $begin 'PhysicsTypes' + set('Thermal') + $end 'PhysicsTypes' + $begin 'AttachedData' + $begin 'MatAppearanceData' + property_data='appearance_data' + Red=232 + Green=235 + Blue=235 + $end 'MatAppearanceData' + $end 'AttachedData' + thermal_conductivity='205' + mass_density='2800' + specific_heat='900' + youngs_modulus='69000000000' + poissons_ratio='0.33' + thermal_expansion_coefficient='2.277e-06' + $begin 'thermal_material_type' + property_type='ChoiceProperty' + Choice='Solid' + $end 'thermal_material_type' + $begin 'clarity_type' + property_type='ChoiceProperty' + Choice='Opaque' + $end 'clarity_type' + ModTime=1592011950 + Library='Materials' + LibLocation='SysLibrary' + ModSinceLib=false + $end 'Al-Extruded' + $begin 'air' + CoordinateSystemType='Cartesian' + BulkOrSurfaceType=1 + $begin 'PhysicsTypes' + set('Electromagnetic', 'Thermal') + $end 'PhysicsTypes' + $begin 'AttachedData' + $begin 'MatAppearanceData' + property_data='appearance_data' + Red=230 + Green=230 + Blue=230 + Transparency=0.949999988079071 + $end 'MatAppearanceData' + $end 'AttachedData' + permittivity='1.0006' + permeability='1.0000004' + thermal_conductivity='0.0261' + mass_density='1.1614' + specific_heat='1005' + thermal_expansion_coefficient='0.00333' + $begin 'thermal_material_type' + property_type='ChoiceProperty' + Choice='Fluid' + $end 'thermal_material_type' + diffusivity='2.88e-05' + molecular_mass='0.028966' + viscosity='1.84e-05' + material_refractive_index='1.000293' + $begin 'clarity_type' + property_type='ChoiceProperty' + Choice='Transparent' + $end 'clarity_type' + ModTime=1592011950 + Library='Materials' + LibLocation='SysLibrary' + ModSinceLib=false + $end 'air' + $end 'Materials' + 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MeshCadAsLightWeight=true + EnableTransitionTemplate=false + TempSecondaryGradientSkewMesh=false + EnableMeshByLayerFor2DMLM=false + BoundaryBasedMeshRefinement=false + EnableAltitudeEffects=false + UpdateFanCurve=false + Altitude='0meter' + $begin 'SolutionTypeOption' + SolutionTypeOption='SteadyState' + ProblemOption='TemperatureAndFlow' + $end 'SolutionTypeOption' + $begin 'OutputVariable' + NextUniqueID=0 + MoveBackwards=false + $end 'OutputVariable' + $begin 'ModelSetup' + $begin 'DesignDatasets' + NextUniqueID=0 + MoveBackwards=false + DatasetType='DesignDatasetType' + $begin 'DatasetDefinitions' + $end 'DatasetDefinitions' + $end 'DesignDatasets' + VariableOrders[0:] + $begin 'Editor3D Doc Preferences' + 'Plane Background'=true + BackgroundColor1=16777215 + BackgroundColor2=0 + 'Need Lights'=true + 'Ambient Light'=8355711 + 'Num Lights'=1 + Light0[4: 16777215, 0.75, -0.150000005960464, -0.629999995231628] + Ver=2 + $end 'Editor3D Doc Preferences' + SnapMode=31 + WorkingCS=1 + 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'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='Rectangle1' + Flags='' + Color='(143 175 143)' + Transparency=0 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=165 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='"Al-Extruded"' + SurfaceMaterialValue='"Steel-oxidised-surface"' + SolveInside=true + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0mm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=false + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='ExternalBody' + ID=167 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'ExternalBodyParameters' + KernelVersion=23 + $end 'ExternalBodyParameters' + ParentPartID=195 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=1 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=1 + NumCoedges=4 + NumEdges=4 + NumVertices=4 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=195 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + 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NumEdges=4 + NumVertices=4 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=216 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=1 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'NewFaces' + $begin 'Face' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=216 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=11.25 + FcUVMid(9.375, -0.5, 2.5) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(7.5, 1, 2.5, 5e-07) + TolVt(11.25, 1, 2.5, 5e-07) + TolVt(11.25, -2, 2.5, 5e-07) + TolVt(7.5, -2, 2.5, 5e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'Face' + $end 'NewFaces' + $begin 'NewEdges' + $end 'NewEdges' + $begin 'NewVertices' + $end 'NewVertices' + $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $end 'OperationIdentity' + ParentOperationID=205 + $end 'Operation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='Box2' + 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+ NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + FaceKeyIDMap('96'=271) + EdgeKeyIDMap('93'=272) + VertexKeyIDMap() + BodyKeyIDMap('92'=270) + $end 'OperationIdentity' + AttribNameForId='ATTRIB_XACIS_ID' + $end 'Operation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='Box1_2' + Flags='' + Color='(143 175 143)' + Transparency=0 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=273 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='"Al-Extruded"' + SurfaceMaterialValue='"Steel-oxidised-surface"' + SolveInside=true + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0mm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=false + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='ExternalBody' + ID=274 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'ExternalBodyParameters' + KernelVersion=23 + $end 'ExternalBodyParameters' + ParentPartID=276 + 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UDMId=273 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='"Al-Extruded"' + SurfaceMaterialValue='"Steel-oxidised-surface"' + SolveInside=true + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0mm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=false + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='ExternalBody' + ID=275 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'ExternalBodyParameters' + KernelVersion=23 + $end 'ExternalBodyParameters' + ParentPartID=303 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=3 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=4 + NumCoedges=4 + NumEdges=2 + NumVertices=0 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=303 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + FaceKeyIDMap('63'=304, '64'=305, '65'=306) + EdgeKeyIDMap('66'=307, '67'=308) + VertexKeyIDMap() + BodyKeyIDMap('62'=303) + $end 'OperationIdentity' + AttribNameForId='ATTRIB_XACIS_ID' + $end 'Operation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $end 'ToplevelParts' + $begin 'OperandParts' + $end 'OperandParts' + $begin 'Planes' + $end 'Planes' + $begin 'Points' + $end 'Points' + $begin 'GeometryEntityLists' + $begin 'PriorityListOperation' + OperationType='CreatePriorityList' + ID=217 + $begin 'PriorityListParameters' + EntityType='Object' + EntityList(206, 248) + PriorityNumber=2 + PriorityListType='2D' + $end 'PriorityListParameters' + ParentPartID=-1 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='' + $end 'Attributes' + $end 'PriorityListOperation' + $begin 'PriorityListOperation' + OperationType='CreatePriorityList' + ID=218 + $begin 'PriorityListParameters' + EntityType='Object' + EntityList(109, 220) + PriorityNumber=2 + PriorityListType='3D' + $end 'PriorityListParameters' + ParentPartID=-1 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + 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+ StartFaceID=7 + StartEdgeID=13 + StartVertexID=25 + NumNewFaces=6 + NumNewEdges=12 + NumNewVertices=8 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + IsXZ2DModeler=false + $end 'RegionIdentity' + $begin 'CachedNames' + $begin 'all_2d_objects' + all_2d_objects(-1, 1) + $end 'all_2d_objects' + $begin 'all_3d_objects' + all_3d_objects(-1, 1) + $end 'all_3d_objects' + $begin 'allobjects' + allobjects(-1) + $end 'allobjects' + $begin 'box' + box(1, 2) + $end 'box' + $begin 'box1_' + box1_(1, 2) + $end 'box1_' + $begin 'cylinder' + cylinder(1) + $end 'cylinder' + $begin 'ellipse' + ellipse(1) + $end 'ellipse' + $begin 'ellipse1_' + ellipse1_(1) + $end 'ellipse1_' + $begin 'global' + global(-1) + $end 'global' + $begin 'icepakdesign' + icepakdesign(1) + $end 'icepakdesign' + $begin 'icepakdesign1_' + icepakdesign1_(1) + $end 'icepakdesign1_' + $begin 'model' + model(-1) + $end 'model' + $begin 'rectangle' + rectangle(1, 2) + $end 'rectangle' + $begin 'rectangle1_' + rectangle1_(1) + $end 'rectangle1_' + $begin 'region' + region(-1) + $end 'region' + $end 'CachedNames' + $end 'GeometryOperations' + $begin 'GeometryDependencies' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 5) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 108) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 166) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 167) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 205) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 215) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 205) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 219) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 247) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 251) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 247) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 258) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 259) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 274) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 275) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $end 'GeometryDependencies' + $end 'GeometryCore' + $begin 'AssignedEntities' + AssignedObject[1: 195] + $end 'AssignedEntities' + GroupByMaterial=true + GroupSheetByMaterial=true + GroupCompByDefID=true + DoNotOrganizeUnderGroup=false + DoNotOrganizeUnderComponent=false + OrganizeLightweight=false + ShowGroup=true + $begin 'LastUserInputs' + $end 'LastUserInputs' + $end 'ModelSetup' + $begin '3DComponent' + $begin 'ComponentDefinition' + ID=165 + $begin 'Excitations' + $begin 'ExcitationsDesc' + $end 'ExcitationsDesc' + $begin 'ExcitationsIDMap' + $begin '165' + $end '165' + $end 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'MeshRegionsInstData' + $end 'MeshRegions' + $begin 'MeshOperations' + $begin 'MeshOperationsDesc' + $end 'MeshOperationsDesc' + $begin 'MeshOperationsIDMap' + $begin '273' + $end '273' + $end 'MeshOperationsIDMap' + $begin 'MeshOperationsData' + $end 'MeshOperationsData' + $begin 'MeshOperationsInstData' + $end 'MeshOperationsInstData' + $end 'MeshOperations' + $end 'ComponentDefinition' + $end '3DComponent' + $begin 'BoundarySetup' + $begin 'GlobalBoundData' + $end 'GlobalBoundData' + $begin 'Boundaries' + NextUniqueID=2 + MoveBackwards=false + $begin 'IcepakDesign1_1_Source1' + ID=1 + BoundType='Source' + IsComponent=true + Objects(195) + 'Thermal Condition'='Total Power' + 'Total Power'='0.1W' + 'Surface Heat'='0mW_per_m2' + Temperature='AmbientTemp' + $begin 'Radiation' + Radiate=false + $end 'Radiation' + 'Voltage/Current - Enabled'=false + 'Voltage/Current Option'='Current' + Current='0A' + Voltage='0V' + $end 'IcepakDesign1_1_Source1' + $end 'Boundaries' + $begin 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'DesignDataDescriptions' + $begin 'DesignSettings' + ProductName='Icepak' + $begin 'SolutionTypeOption' + SolutionTypeOption='SteadyState' + ProblemOption='TemperatureAndFlow' + $end 'SolutionTypeOption' + $end 'DesignSettings' + $end 'DesignDataDescriptions' + $begin 'Preview' + Image='/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wBDAAEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQE\ +BAQICAQECAQEBAgICAgICAgICAQICAgICAgICAgL/2wBDAQEBAQEBAQEBAQECAQEBAgICAgICAgICAg\ +ICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgL/wAARCADIAMgDASIAAhEBAxEB/\ +8QAHwAAAQUBAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAECAwQFBgcICQoL/8QAtRAAAgEDAwIEAwUFBAQAAAF9AQIDAAQR\ +BRIhMUEGE1FhByJxFDKBkaEII0KxwRVS0fAkM2JyggkKFhcYGRolJicoKSo0NTY3ODk6Q0RFRkdISUp\ +TVFVWV1hZWmNkZWZnaGlqc3R1dnd4eXqDhIWGh4iJipKTlJWWl5iZmqKjpKWmp6ipqrKztLW2t7i5us\ +LDxMXGx8jJytLT1NXW19jZ2uHi4+Tl5ufo6erx8vP09fb3+Pn6/8QAHwEAAwEBAQEBAQEBAQAAAAAAA\ +AECAwQFBgcICQoL/8QAtREAAgECBAQDBAcFBAQAAQJ3AAECAxEEBSExBhJBUQdhcRMiMoEIFEKRobHB\ 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+s39oX32jz3V/2KfHmh75vhF+1D41sV+1Na2HhX49eBfCXxu8DeHvC/71rXTNHu/CkngbxvrHiK0EOmW\ +1vrPibx14juLizS8bWYdX1e7j1i08avwlmFO7o1aeIS6XcZP5Ncu9/tba+R89ieBc0pJvD16WKS2V3C\ +T0XSS5d7/a2V9L2ORr+Mv/AIKw/wDJ/nx5/wB34W/+qZ+Hdf2Nan8M/wBsfwil1c6l8JPhJ8VdE0eU2\ +jXPwj+MWoaJ8TfGcImFhaa9oXwq+LngHRfDfhaWeV4L+90i/wDihcjSbL7XBZ634kvrW1j1T8jfE3/B\ +GH45/tu/tr/Fj41fHnTfEX7LnwL1MfC+70/T9T1P4V+Ofix48OieF/CHhTxL4d0S1+HPxF1/R/BAFj4\ +Z11xrOpXV99ll1TSWg0HWEk1KPTVlWVZjhsa1Wwc4Jwkk7JxvdfaTcVs92iclyPNsJmLWIwE4KVOSUr\ +Jwu5R+2m4rZ7tfij+bL9n39m/43ftUfEW2+FHwB+H2rfEbx1caTqmvSaVp9zpWl2Wm6Ho0Ub6hrOveI\ +vEOoWem+HNKWaeytkuL+8toZr7VLLT4Hkvr20t5v7P/APgnl/wRB+CP7JF54f8Aiv8AGu80n49/tDaJ\ +q3h7xV4Y1hrHVdN+Hfwk13T9C8u4tvB3h651Ip441W38S3+o3Np4i1yzimjbRtF1DSdE8OapZT3F1+r\ +v7P37OPwS/ZY+HVt8KPgD8PtJ+HHgS21bVNefSNNudV1S71LXNZlSTUNZ17xD4h1C81LxHqzQwWVslz\ +qF5czQ2Ol2WnwPHY2Vpbw+219xh8DCnadW1Soun2V9+7835NJNXP0fCZZTo2qV7Vaq6fYj6J/E/Nrs0\ +k1cKKKK7z1QooooAKKKKACiiigAooooAKKKKACiiigAooooAKKKKACiiigAooooAKKKKACiiigAoooo\ +AKKKKACiiigAooooA//Z' + $end 'Preview' + ContainsLightweightGeometry=false +$end 'AnsoftComponentHeader' +$begin 'ComponentBody' + $begin 'IcepakModel' + $begin 'Variables' + $end 'Variables' + $begin 'Datasets' + $end 'Datasets' + $begin 'DesignData' + $begin 'DesignSettings' + $end 'DesignSettings' + $begin 'Boundaries' + $begin 'Source1' + ID=0 + BoundType='Source' + IsComponent=false + Objects(74) + 'Thermal Condition'='Total Power' + 'Total Power'='0.1W' + 'Surface Heat'='0mW_per_m2' + Temperature='AmbientTemp' + $begin 'Radiation' + Radiate=false + $end 'Radiation' + 'Voltage/Current - Enabled'=false + 'Voltage/Current Option'='Current' + Current='0A' + Voltage='0V' + $end 'Source1' + $end 'Boundaries' + $begin 'MeshRegions' + $end 'MeshRegions' + $begin 'MeshOperations' + $end 'MeshOperations' + $end 'DesignData' + $end 'IcepakModel' + $begin 'MaterialDefinitions' + $begin 'Variables' + $end 'Variables' + $begin 'Datasets' + $end 'Datasets' + $begin 'Definitions' + $begin 'Materials' + $begin 'Al-Extruded' + CoordinateSystemType='Cartesian' + BulkOrSurfaceType=1 + $begin 'PhysicsTypes' + set('Thermal') + $end 'PhysicsTypes' + $begin 'AttachedData' + $begin 'MatAppearanceData' + property_data='appearance_data' + Red=232 + Green=235 + Blue=235 + $end 'MatAppearanceData' + $end 'AttachedData' + thermal_conductivity='205' + mass_density='2800' + specific_heat='900' + youngs_modulus='69000000000' + poissons_ratio='0.33' + thermal_expansion_coefficient='2.277e-06' + $begin 'thermal_material_type' + property_type='ChoiceProperty' + Choice='Solid' + $end 'thermal_material_type' + $begin 'clarity_type' + property_type='ChoiceProperty' + Choice='Opaque' + $end 'clarity_type' + ModTime=1592011950 + Library='Materials' + LibLocation='SysLibrary' + ModSinceLib=false + $end 'Al-Extruded' + $end 'Materials' + $begin 'SurfaceMaterials' + $begin 'Steel-oxidised-surface' + CoordinateSystemType='Cartesian' + BulkOrSurfaceType=2 + $begin 'PhysicsTypes' + set('Thermal') + $end 'PhysicsTypes' + surface_emissivity='0.8' + ModTime=1461288057 + Library='SurfaceMaterials' + LibLocation='SysLibrary' + ModSinceLib=false + $end 'Steel-oxidised-surface' + $end 'SurfaceMaterials' + $end 'Definitions' + $end 'MaterialDefinitions' + $begin 'GeometryData' + $begin 'Variables' + $end 'Variables' + $begin 'Datasets' + $end 'Datasets' + $begin 'GeometryCore' + BlockVersionID=3 + DataVersion=1 + NativeKernel='PARASOLID' + NativeKernelVersionID=23 + Units='mm' + ModelExtents=10000 + InstanceID=-1 + $begin 'ValidationOptions' + EntityCheckLevel='Strict' + IgnoreUnclassifiedObjects=false + SkipIntersectionChecks=false + $end 'ValidationOptions' + ContainsGeomLinkUDM=false + $begin 'GeometryOperations' + BlockVersionID=2 + $begin 'AnsoftRangedIDServerManager' + $begin 'AnsoftRangedIDServer' + IDServerObjectTypeID=0 + IDServerRangeMin=0 + IDServerRangeMax=2146483647 + NextUniqueID=85 + MoveBackwards=false + $end 'AnsoftRangedIDServer' + $begin 'AnsoftRangedIDServer' + IDServerObjectTypeID=1 + IDServerRangeMin=2146483648 + IDServerRangeMax=2146485547 + NextUniqueID=2146483654 + MoveBackwards=false + $end 'AnsoftRangedIDServer' + $end 'AnsoftRangedIDServerManager' + StartBackGroundFaceID=2146483648 + $begin 'CoordinateSystems' + $end 'CoordinateSystems' + $begin 'OperandCSs' + $end 'OperandCSs' + $begin 'UserDefinedModels' + $end 'UserDefinedModels' + $begin 'OperandUserDefinedModels' + $end 'OperandUserDefinedModels' + $begin 'ToplevelParts' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='Box1' + Flags='' + Color='(143 175 143)' + Transparency=0 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=-1 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='"Al-Extruded"' + SurfaceMaterialValue='"Steel-oxidised-surface"' + SolveInside=true + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0mm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=true + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Box' + ID=33 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'BoxParameters' + KernelVersion=23 + XPosition='0mm' + YPosition='0mm' + ZPosition='0mm' + XSize='1mm' + YSize='1mm' + ZSize='1mm' + $end 'BoxParameters' + ParentPartID=34 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=6 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=6 + NumCoedges=24 + NumEdges=12 + NumVertices=8 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=34 + StartFaceID=35 + StartEdgeID=41 + StartVertexID=53 + NumNewFaces=6 + NumNewEdges=12 + NumNewVertices=8 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + $end 'Operation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='Rectangle1' + Flags='' + Color='(143 175 143)' + Transparency=0 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=-1 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='"Al-Extruded"' + SurfaceMaterialValue='"Steel-oxidised-surface"' + SolveInside=true + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0mm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=true + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Rectangle' + ID=73 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'RectangleParameters' + KernelVersion=23 + XStart='1mm' + YStart='1mm' + ZStart='1mm' + Width='-1mm' + Height='-1mm' + WhichAxis='Z' + $end 'RectangleParameters' + ParentPartID=74 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=0 + NumWires=1 + NumLoops=0 + NumCoedges=0 + NumEdges=4 + NumVertices=4 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=74 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=75 + StartVertexID=79 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=4 + NumNewVertices=4 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='CoverLines' + ID=83 + $begin 'LocalOperationParameters' + KernelVersion=23 + LocalOpPart=74 + $end 'LocalOperationParameters' + ParentPartID=74 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=1 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=1 + NumCoedges=4 + NumEdges=4 + NumVertices=4 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=84 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=1 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'NewFaces' + $begin 'Face' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=84 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=1 + FcUVMid(0.5, 0.5, 1) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(1, 1, 1, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(0, 1, 1, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(0, 0, 1, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(1, 0, 1, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'Face' + $end 'NewFaces' + $begin 'NewEdges' + $end 'NewEdges' + $begin 'NewVertices' + $end 'NewVertices' + $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $end 'OperationIdentity' + ParentOperationID=73 + $end 'Operation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $end 'ToplevelParts' + $begin 'OperandParts' + $end 'OperandParts' + $begin 'Planes' + $end 'Planes' + $begin 'Points' + $end 'Points' + $begin 'GeometryEntityLists' + $end 'GeometryEntityLists' + $begin 'RegionIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=6 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=6 + NumCoedges=24 + NumEdges=12 + NumVertices=8 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=6 + StartFaceID=7 + StartEdgeID=13 + StartVertexID=25 + NumNewFaces=6 + NumNewEdges=12 + NumNewVertices=8 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + IsXZ2DModeler=false + $end 'RegionIdentity' + $begin 'CachedNames' + $begin 'allobjects' + allobjects(-1) + $end 'allobjects' + $begin 'box' + box(1) + $end 'box' + $begin 'global' + global(-1) + $end 'global' + $begin 'model' + model(-1) + $end 'model' + $begin 'rectangle' + rectangle(1) + $end 'rectangle' + $end 'CachedNames' + $end 'GeometryOperations' + $begin 'GeometryDependencies' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 33) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 73) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 83) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 73) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $end 'GeometryDependencies' + $end 'GeometryCore' + $begin 'AssignedEntities' + AssignedObject[1: 74] + $end 'AssignedEntities' + $begin 'Settings' + IncludedParts[2: 74, 34] + HiddenParts[0:] + IncludedCS[0:] + ReferenceCS=1 + IncludedParameters() + IncludedDependentParameters() + ParameterDescription() + $end 'Settings' + $end 'GeometryData' +$end 'ComponentBody' +$begin 'AllReferencedFilesForComponent' +$end 'AllReferencedFilesForComponent' +$end 'a3dcomp' +$begin 'a3dcomp' +Design_0.setup/UdmDefFiles/all_2d_objects257.a3dcomp +BIN000000023692 +$begin 'AnsoftComponentChkSum' + ChecksumString='48b1fbe13ec15836fb483ca4bedb821f' + ChecksumHistory() + VersionHistory() + FormatVersion=11 + Version(2023, 2) + ComponentDefinitionType='DesignDerivedComponentDefinition' +$end 'AnsoftComponentChkSum' +$begin 'AnsoftComponentHeader' + $begin 'Information' + $begin 'ComponentInfo' + ComponentName='all_2d_objects' + Company='' + 'Company URL'='' + 'Model Number'='' + 'Help URL'='' + Version='1.0' + Notes='' + IconType='' + Owner='Nitin Netake' + Email='nitin.netake@ansys.com' + Date='4:57:29 PM Oct 31, 2023' + HasLabel=false + LabelImage='' + $end 'ComponentInfo' + $end 'Information' + $begin 'DesignDataDescriptions' + $begin 'DesignSettings' + ProductName='Icepak' + $begin 'SolutionTypeOption' + SolutionTypeOption='SteadyState' + ProblemOption='TemperatureAndFlow' + $end 'SolutionTypeOption' + $end 'DesignSettings' + $end 'DesignDataDescriptions' + $begin 'Preview' + Image='/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wBDAAEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQE\ +BAQICAQECAQEBAgICAgICAgICAQICAgICAgICAgL/2wBDAQEBAQEBAQEBAQECAQEBAgICAgICAgICAg\ +ICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgL/wAARCADIAMgDASIAAhEBAxEB/\ +8QAHwAAAQUBAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAECAwQFBgcICQoL/8QAtRAAAgEDAwIEAwUFBAQAAAF9AQIDAAQR\ +BRIhMUEGE1FhByJxFDKBkaEII0KxwRVS0fAkM2JyggkKFhcYGRolJicoKSo0NTY3ODk6Q0RFRkdISUp\ +TVFVWV1hZWmNkZWZnaGlqc3R1dnd4eXqDhIWGh4iJipKTlJWWl5iZmqKjpKWmp6ipqrKztLW2t7i5us\ +LDxMXGx8jJytLT1NXW19jZ2uHi4+Tl5ufo6erx8vP09fb3+Pn6/8QAHwEAAwEBAQEBAQEBAQAAAAAAA\ +AECAwQFBgcICQoL/8QAtREAAgECBAQDBAcFBAQAAQJ3AAECAxEEBSExBhJBUQdhcRMiMoEIFEKRobHB\ +CSMzUvAVYnLRChYkNOEl8RcYGRomJygpKjU2Nzg5OkNERUZHSElKU1RVVldYWVpjZGVmZ2hpanN0dXZ\ 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+aKK9Ghh6GGhyUKUaMXraKSu+77v1PVw+Fw2Eh7PDUI0IPVqKSu+7tu/NhRRRWxuFFFFABRRRQAUUUUA\ +FFFFABRRRQAUUUUAFFFFABRRRQAUUUUAFFFFABRRRQAUUUUAFFFFABRRRQAUUUUAFFFFABRRRQAUUUU\ +AFFFFABRRRQAUUUUAFFFFABRRRQAUUUUAFFFFABRRRQAUUUUAFFFFABRRRQAUUUUAFFFFABRRRQAUUU\ +UAFFFFABRRRQAUUUUAFFFFABRRRQAUUUUAFFFFABRRRQAUUUUAFFFFABRRRQAUUUUAFFFFABRRRQAUU\ +UUAFFFFABRRRQAUUUUAFFFFABRRRQAUUUUAFFFFABRRRQB//Z' + $end 'Preview' + ContainsLightweightGeometry=false +$end 'AnsoftComponentHeader' +$begin 'ComponentBody' + $begin 'IcepakModel' + $begin 'Variables' + $end 'Variables' + $begin 'Datasets' + $end 'Datasets' + $begin 'DesignData' + $begin 'DesignSettings' + $end 'DesignSettings' + $begin 'MeshRegions' + $end 'MeshRegions' + $begin 'MeshOperations' + $end 'MeshOperations' + $end 'DesignData' + $end 'IcepakModel' + $begin 'MaterialDefinitions' + $begin 'Variables' + $end 'Variables' + $begin 'Datasets' + $end 'Datasets' + $begin 'Definitions' + $begin 'Materials' + $begin 'Al-Extruded' + CoordinateSystemType='Cartesian' + BulkOrSurfaceType=1 + $begin 'PhysicsTypes' + set('Thermal') + $end 'PhysicsTypes' + $begin 'AttachedData' + $begin 'MatAppearanceData' + property_data='appearance_data' + Red=232 + Green=235 + Blue=235 + $end 'MatAppearanceData' + $end 'AttachedData' + thermal_conductivity='205' + mass_density='2800' + specific_heat='900' + youngs_modulus='69000000000' + poissons_ratio='0.33' + thermal_expansion_coefficient='2.277e-06' + $begin 'thermal_material_type' + property_type='ChoiceProperty' + Choice='Solid' + $end 'thermal_material_type' + $begin 'clarity_type' + property_type='ChoiceProperty' + Choice='Opaque' + $end 'clarity_type' + ModTime=1592011950 + Library='Materials' + LibLocation='SysLibrary' + ModSinceLib=false + $end 'Al-Extruded' + $end 'Materials' + $begin 'SurfaceMaterials' + $end 'SurfaceMaterials' + $end 'Definitions' + $end 'MaterialDefinitions' + $begin 'GeometryData' + $begin 'Variables' + $end 'Variables' + $begin 'Datasets' + $end 'Datasets' + $begin 'GeometryCore' + BlockVersionID=3 + DataVersion=2 + NativeKernel='PARASOLID' + NativeKernelVersionID=23 + Units='mm' + ModelExtents=10000 + InstanceID=-1 + $begin 'ValidationOptions' + EntityCheckLevel='Strict' + IgnoreUnclassifiedObjects=false + SkipIntersectionChecks=false + $end 'ValidationOptions' + ContainsGeomLinkUDM=false + $begin 'GeometryOperations' + BlockVersionID=2 + $begin 'AnsoftRangedIDServerManager' + $begin 'AnsoftRangedIDServer' + IDServerObjectTypeID=0 + IDServerRangeMin=0 + IDServerRangeMax=2146483647 + NextUniqueID=97 + MoveBackwards=false + $end 'AnsoftRangedIDServer' + $begin 'AnsoftRangedIDServer' + IDServerObjectTypeID=1 + IDServerRangeMin=2146483648 + IDServerRangeMax=2146485547 + NextUniqueID=2146483654 + MoveBackwards=false + $end 'AnsoftRangedIDServer' + $end 'AnsoftRangedIDServerManager' + StartBackGroundFaceID=2146483648 + $begin 'CoordinateSystems' + $end 'CoordinateSystems' + $begin 'OperandCSs' + $end 'OperandCSs' + $begin 'UserDefinedModels' + $end 'UserDefinedModels' + $begin 'OperandUserDefinedModels' + $end 'OperandUserDefinedModels' + $begin 'ToplevelParts' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='Rectangle1' + Flags='' + Color='(143 175 143)' + Transparency=0 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=-1 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='"Al-Extruded"' + SurfaceMaterialValue='"Steel-oxidised-surface"' + SolveInside=true + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0mm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=true + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Rectangle' + ID=70 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'RectangleParameters' + KernelVersion=23 + XStart='0mm' + YStart='0mm' + ZStart='0mm' + Width='2.5mm' + Height='2.5mm' + WhichAxis='Z' + $end 'RectangleParameters' + ParentPartID=71 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=0 + NumWires=1 + NumLoops=0 + NumCoedges=0 + NumEdges=4 + NumVertices=4 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=71 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=72 + StartVertexID=76 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=4 + NumNewVertices=4 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='CoverLines' + ID=89 + $begin 'LocalOperationParameters' + KernelVersion=23 + LocalOpPart=71 + $end 'LocalOperationParameters' + ParentPartID=71 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=1 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=1 + NumCoedges=4 + NumEdges=4 + NumVertices=4 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=90 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=1 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'NewFaces' + $begin 'Face' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=90 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=6.2500000000000009 + FcUVMid(1.25, 1.25, 0) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(0, 0, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(2.5, 0, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(2.5, 2.5, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(0, 2.5, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'Face' + $end 'NewFaces' + $begin 'NewEdges' + $end 'NewEdges' + $begin 'NewVertices' + $end 'NewVertices' + $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $end 'OperationIdentity' + ParentOperationID=70 + $end 'Operation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='Ellipse1' + Flags='' + Color='(143 175 143)' + Transparency=0 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=-1 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='"Al-Extruded"' + SurfaceMaterialValue='"Steel-oxidised-surface"' + SolveInside=true + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0mm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=true + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Ellipse' + ID=91 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'EllipseParameters' + KernelVersion=23 + XCenter='2.5mm' + YCenter='2.5mm' + ZCenter='0mm' + MajRadius='2mm' + Ratio='1.25' + WhichAxis='Z' + NumSegments='0' + $end 'EllipseParameters' + ParentPartID=92 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=0 + NumWires=1 + NumLoops=0 + NumCoedges=0 + NumEdges=1 + NumVertices=0 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=92 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=93 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=1 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='CoverLines' + ID=95 + $begin 'LocalOperationParameters' + KernelVersion=23 + LocalOpPart=92 + $end 'LocalOperationParameters' + ParentPartID=92 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=1 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=1 + NumCoedges=1 + NumEdges=1 + NumVertices=0 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=96 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=1 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'NewFaces' + $begin 'Face' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=96 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 1, 1, 0) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=15.707050686830295 + FcUVMid(2.5, 2.5, 0) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'Face' + $end 'NewFaces' + $begin 'NewEdges' + $end 'NewEdges' + $begin 'NewVertices' + $end 'NewVertices' + $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $end 'OperationIdentity' + ParentOperationID=91 + $end 'Operation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $end 'ToplevelParts' + $begin 'OperandParts' + $end 'OperandParts' + $begin 'Planes' + $end 'Planes' + $begin 'Points' + $end 'Points' + $begin 'GeometryEntityLists' + $end 'GeometryEntityLists' + $begin 'RegionIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=6 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=6 + NumCoedges=24 + NumEdges=12 + NumVertices=8 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=6 + StartFaceID=7 + StartEdgeID=13 + StartVertexID=25 + NumNewFaces=6 + NumNewEdges=12 + NumNewVertices=8 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + IsXZ2DModeler=false + $end 'RegionIdentity' + $begin 'CachedNames' + $begin 'allobjects' + allobjects(-1) + $end 'allobjects' + $begin 'ellipse' + ellipse(1) + $end 'ellipse' + $begin 'global' + global(-1) + $end 'global' + $begin 'model' + model(-1) + $end 'model' + $begin 'rectangle' + rectangle(1) + $end 'rectangle' + $begin 'region' + region(-1) + $end 'region' + $end 'CachedNames' + $end 'GeometryOperations' + $begin 'GeometryDependencies' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 70) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 89) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 70) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 91) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 95) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 91) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $end 'GeometryDependencies' + $end 'GeometryCore' + $begin 'AssignedEntities' + AssignedObject[0:] + $end 'AssignedEntities' + $begin 'Settings' + IncludedParts[2: 92, 71] + HiddenParts[0:] + IncludedCS[0:] + ReferenceCS=1 + IncludedParameters() + IncludedDependentParameters() + ParameterDescription() + $end 'Settings' + $end 'GeometryData' +$end 'ComponentBody' +$begin 'AllReferencedFilesForComponent' +$end 'AllReferencedFilesForComponent' +$end 'a3dcomp' +$begin 'a3dcomp' +Design_0.setup/UdmDefFiles/all_3d_objects273.a3dcomp +BIN000000019755 +$begin 'AnsoftComponentChkSum' + ChecksumString='1d642112d4e930ee4e995da76ff2d7f0' + ChecksumHistory() + VersionHistory() + FormatVersion=11 + Version(2023, 2) + ComponentDefinitionType='DesignDerivedComponentDefinition' +$end 'AnsoftComponentChkSum' +$begin 'AnsoftComponentHeader' + $begin 'Information' + $begin 'ComponentInfo' + ComponentName='all_3d_objects' + Company='' + 'Company URL'='' + 'Model Number'='' + 'Help URL'='' + Version='1.0' + Notes='' + IconType='' + Owner='Nitin Netake' + Email='nitin.netake@ansys.com' + Date='4:56:30 PM Oct 31, 2023' + HasLabel=false + LabelImage='' + $end 'ComponentInfo' + $end 'Information' + $begin 'DesignDataDescriptions' + $begin 'DesignSettings' + ProductName='Icepak' + $begin 'SolutionTypeOption' + SolutionTypeOption='SteadyState' + ProblemOption='TemperatureAndFlow' + $end 'SolutionTypeOption' + $end 'DesignSettings' + $end 'DesignDataDescriptions' + $begin 'Preview' + Image='/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wBDAAEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQE\ +BAQICAQECAQEBAgICAgICAgICAQICAgICAgICAgL/2wBDAQEBAQEBAQEBAQECAQEBAgICAgICAgICAg\ +ICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgL/wAARCADIAMgDASIAAhEBAxEB/\ +8QAHwAAAQUBAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAECAwQFBgcICQoL/8QAtRAAAgEDAwIEAwUFBAQAAAF9AQIDAAQR\ +BRIhMUEGE1FhByJxFDKBkaEII0KxwRVS0fAkM2JyggkKFhcYGRolJicoKSo0NTY3ODk6Q0RFRkdISUp\ +TVFVWV1hZWmNkZWZnaGlqc3R1dnd4eXqDhIWGh4iJipKTlJWWl5iZmqKjpKWmp6ipqrKztLW2t7i5us\ +LDxMXGx8jJytLT1NXW19jZ2uHi4+Tl5ufo6erx8vP09fb3+Pn6/8QAHwEAAwEBAQEBAQEBAQAAAAAAA\ +AECAwQFBgcICQoL/8QAtREAAgECBAQDBAcFBAQAAQJ3AAECAxEEBSExBhJBUQdhcRMiMoEIFEKRobHB\ 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+EqlOlioL6viJKnKM6fzz4l/wCMafHdz8QrP/iU/szeNv8AhLNb+Ntqn+k6P8Gvinq2saNqth8c7GwHl\ +f8ACE/CXW/tPjmT4n3cD3enafrtzovj+60vRLK7+LPjW4+s6+efA3jnxT4J8U6X8F/jRqn9reINW+3R\ +fCH4vS2OnaTp3xw07SdOu9YvvD3iGx0i0ttP8LftDaV4f07UL3WNHsre00rxPpWk3njPwZZ2mn2ni7w\ +j8O/nnxHafGT4HfFPwD+zt8Lb7wl4G/Zv+PP2zwz8K/iBe6pPrnjv9nH4heHvDvjXx/40+DXwj+Glz4\ +GvdL1fwlqXwp8G61qvw6HiC+Phn4e3nhbxFY3dtq3hey+HnwrvvKhjqeXxlVhRqTwderGk6CinWwuKq\ +ckYUXFPkVKtOUOWTmqdOpVjWVSeDrqrh/v6/CuK4wxFLL8VmODwvEeWZfVx0M0qVpLLs9yLBxr16+ZQ\ +rSp/WqmYZbhaOJdagsPPGYzC4Cvl08FhuIsrqYHN/rP4o/GrwJ8J/wCwtL12/wD7W8f+Nv7Ttvhd8Iv\ +Dt1o9z8U/i5rGk/2eNQ0b4deFtT1W0/tb7J/a2mTavqdxPaaF4a065fXfFOraJ4ftL7VbXyX/AIVd8U\ +/jt/xMPj5rv/CHfCXWP3//AAyp4Z0zw7N/b3h265/4RH9qL4mf2hrH/CyfN+waNd6h4d8FS+GvCy/2p\ +rvgrxHqPxY8JT/2hqXrXwu+DXhb4Vf27qVhqPi3xh428Yf2ZJ45+JfxF8Taj4w8d+L59K/tCe0t57++\ +dbTwl4Sg1bXPE+oad4U8NWWh+DdBvPGGrv4c8O6PFqN1FJ6zXb9Tr4738yly0HthacnyW2/f1FyvEcy\ +upUmo4blm6c6ddxjVfzH+smVcLfuOCaPt8zhpPPMXQpvFc3xJ5VhantqeUeyqKEqGPhOpnKqUIYrD4z\ 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+7ysoV8fisVWoU608Nhp0cIqeHgUUUV3Hy4UUUUAFFFFABRRRQAUUUUAFFFFABRRRQAUUUUAeefEv4aa\ +F8UNCtNL1S71bQdZ0HVoPFHgXx14Xns7Hxr8OPG1jZ3+n6b4z8GalqFhdW9tq0en6rq1ldWt7aX2ka1\ +pGt6n4e8Q6Zq/hzV9X0i++TPixqXxH8f/Djxf8Nr7QNJtf20vgtpMnx4/Z/XQJovDPhH40eLvhfLFP4\ +V8WfDDWfEmtfaPD3w88S6hqVr4E+J/hqTXYNb8MaJ8YNW8Kap4huPDPivwt468W/e1eTfFH4Xf8J3/Y\ +XiXw1rv/CCfFrwJ/ac/wAOPiPBpn9sf2P/AGx/Z7eIPCPi7w+uoWf/AAnfwl13+x9Gj8ReHZLyz+2f2\ +Pp2raTqOheLdC8MeJ9C8fNMveIo4ieHT9pXhyVYxcYurT2bg5e5HEU1eWHqSslUUYzlGm3KP6RwFxfT\ +yfMsooZvOm8FleIWJwNevTq1qWBxSfOo4inQf1itk+MqKNHOMJRVSpPCTrVsLRq4qMaVfrPAPjnwt8U\ +PAvgr4l+BtU/tzwT8RPCXhzxz4O1r7DqOmf2x4W8W6PZ6/wCHtU/s3WLS3u9P+0aTqFpL5F1BBcxed5\ +c8MUqsi9bX55/sbfFH+xfiZ8f/ANk/xzoX/CAfFDwf4t8R/tH6N4M1DU/7Vn1fwJ+0f8QvF/jfx5rHh\ +TxbdafpS/Frwlp/7Qeo/Ez+ztb0fRbSz03wb43+H2jeKV074kJ4x8PaN6z/AMLa8d/H3/iV/s4R/wBh\ +fDO7/wBA8RftO+JtN1jSPLtbz/S4NV/Zd8D+LvAc+n/H37R4fjjm0/xreTw/DiD/AITLQtd0SX4pQWH\ +iLwlb44HPcPiMvwleb9pja3PTlQpRl7R4ijL2denGnNqcFCquWUqzhGlGUXXnTTbO/inwrzbJuL8+yn\ +Dw+pcM5d9WxlLNMbWpvCU8nzKl9dyrF1sZh4yoYqpisBJVaVLLYYmtj6tOtTyzD4ucY03618UfjV4E+\ +E/9haXrt/8A2t4/8bf2nbfC74ReHbrR7n4p/FzWNJ/s8aho3w68Lanqtp/a32T+1tMm1fU7ie00Lw1p\ +1y+u+KdW0Tw/aX2q2vkv/Crvin8dv+Jh8fNd/wCEO+Eusfv/APhlTwzpnh2b+3vDt1z/AMIj+1F8TP7\ +Q1j/hZPm/YNGu9Q8O+CpfDXhZf7U13wV4j1H4seEp/wC0NS9a+F3wa8LfCr+3dSsNR8W+MPG3jD+zJP\ +HPxL+IvibUfGHjvxfPpX9oT2lvPf3zraeEvCUGra54n1DTvCnhqy0PwboN54w1d/Dnh3R4tRuopPWa6\ +PqdfHe/mUuWg9sLTk+S237+ouV4jmV1Kk1HDcs3TnTruMar8j/WTKuFv3HBNH2+Zw0nnmLoU3iub4k8\ +qwtT21PKPZVFCVDHwnUzlVKEMVh8Zlka9bL4ZOgaBoXhTQtF8LeFtF0nw14Z8NaTpugeHfDugabZ6Po\ +WgaFo9nDp2kaLoukadDHb6VpNrp9tbwW1tBHHDBDAkUSKiqo1qKK9WMYwjGEIqMYpJJKySWiSS0SS2R\ +8HWrVcRVq169WVevXlKc5zk5TnOTcpSlKTblKTbcpNttttu4UUUUzMKKKKACiiigAooooAKKKKACiii\ +gAooooAKKKKACiiigAooooA+efij+yd+zl8bPHehfEj4sfCLwl498W6F4S1PwD9p8RW91eaP4l8Capr\ +Gn+Jf+EK+IvhP7WNJ+KfhKz8W6Vput6RpviWx1az0PXbNNc0aGw1YfbK+hqKK56OEwmHq4ivQw1OjWx\ +bUqs4QjGVWUVaMqkopObS0Tk20tFoexmHEOf5vgMnyvNc8xmZ5Zw9TqUsvw2IxNatQwNKrP2lWlg6NS\ +cqeGp1Kn7ypCjGEZz96SctQoooroPHCiiigAooooAKKKKACiiigAooooAKKKKACiiigAooooAKKKKAC\ +iiigAooooAKKKKACiiigAooooAKKKKACiiigAooooAKKKKACiiigAooooA//9k=' + $end 'DesignInfo' +$end 'ProjectPreview' diff --git a/_unittest/example_models/syslib/Materials.amat b/_unittest/example_models/syslib/Materials.amat new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..a688590e6d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/_unittest/example_models/syslib/Materials.amat @@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ +$begin '$base_index$' + $begin 'properties' + all_levels=000000000000 + time(year=000000002021, month=000000000009, day=000000000001, hour=000000000015, min=000000000032, sec=000000000052) + version=000000000000 + $end 'properties' + $begin '$base_index$' + $index$(pos=000000318773, lin=000000011311, lvl=000000000000) + $end '$base_index$' +$end '$base_index$' +$begin 'FC-78' + $begin 'MaterialDef' + $begin 'FC-78' + CoordinateSystemType='Cartesian' + BulkOrSurfaceType=1 + $begin 'PhysicsTypes' + set('Thermal') + $end 'PhysicsTypes' + $begin 'AttachedData' + $begin 'MatAppearanceData' + property_data='appearance_data' + Red=0 + Green=128 + Blue=255 + Transparency=0.8 + $end 'MatAppearanceData' + $end 'AttachedData' + thermal_conductivity='0.062' + mass_density='1700' + specific_heat='1050' + thermal_expansion_coeffcient='0.0016' + $begin 'thermal_material_type' + property_type='ChoiceProperty' + Choice='Fluid' + $end 'thermal_material_type' + $begin 'clarity_type' + property_type='ChoiceProperty' + Choice='Transparent' + $end 'clarity_type' + molecular_mass='0.001' + viscosity='0.000462' + ModTime=1592011950 + $end 'FC-78' + $end 'MaterialDef' +$end 'FC-78' +$begin 'Polyflon CuFlon (tm)' + $begin 'AttachedData' + $begin 'MatAppearanceData' + property_data='appearance_data' + Red=230 + Green=225 + Blue=220 + $end 'MatAppearanceData' + $end 'AttachedData' + simple('permittivity', 2.1) + simple('dielectric_loss_tangent', 0.00045) + ModTime=1499970477 +$end 'Polyflon CuFlon (tm)' +$begin 'Water(@360K)' + $begin 'MaterialDef' + $begin 'Water(@360K)' + CoordinateSystemType='Cartesian' + BulkOrSurfaceType=1 + $begin 'PhysicsTypes' + set('Thermal') + $end 'PhysicsTypes' + $begin 'AttachedData' + $begin 'MatAppearanceData' + property_data='appearance_data' + Red=0 + Green=128 + Blue=255 + Transparency=0.8 + $end 'MatAppearanceData' + $end 'AttachedData' + thermal_conductivity='0.6743' + mass_density='967.4' + specific_heat='4206' + thermal_expansion_coeffcient='0.0006979' + $begin 'thermal_material_type' + property_type='ChoiceProperty' + Choice='Fluid' + $end 'thermal_material_type' + $begin 'clarity_type' + property_type='ChoiceProperty' + Choice='Transparent' + $end 'clarity_type' + material_refractive_index='1.333' + diffusivity='1.657e-007' + molecular_mass='0.018015' + viscosity='0.000324' + ModTime=1592011950 + $end 'Water(@360K)' + $end 'MaterialDef' +$end 'Water(@360K)' +$begin 'steel_stainless' + $begin 'AttachedData' + $begin 'MatAppearanceData' + property_data='appearance_data' + Red=176 + Green=154 + Blue=176 + $end 'MatAppearanceData' + $end 'AttachedData' + simple('conductivity', 1100000) + simple('thermal_conductivity', 13.8) + simple('mass_density', 8055) + simple('specific_heat', 480) + simple('youngs_modulus', 195000000000) + simple('poissons_ratio', 0.3) + simple('thermal_expansion_coeffcient', 1.08e-005) + ModTime=1499970477 +$end 'steel_stainless' +$begin '$index$' + $begin '$index$' + steel_stainless(pos=1224, lin=48, lvl=0) + 'Polyflon CuFlon (tm)'(pos=22164, lin=814, lvl=0) + 'FC-78'(pos=126130, lin=4842, lvl=0) + 'Water(@360K)'(pos=118115, lin=4556, lvl=0) + $base_index$(pos=0, lin=1, lvl=0) + $index$(pos=318773, lin=11311, lvl=0) + $end '$index$' +$end '$index$' diff --git a/_unittest/test_00_EDB.py b/_unittest/test_00_EDB.py index 717b7d2b97d..b926ebd088d 100644 --- a/_unittest/test_00_EDB.py +++ b/_unittest/test_00_EDB.py @@ -1,10 +1,15 @@ +import builtins import json import os # Setup paths for module imports # Import required modules import sys +from unittest.mock import mock_open +from mock import MagicMock +from mock import PropertyMock +from mock import patch import pytest from pyaedt import Edb @@ -12,6 +17,7 @@ from pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.edbvalue import EdbValue from pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.simulation_configuration import SimulationConfiguration from pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.sources import Source +from pyaedt.edb_core.materials import Materials from pyaedt.generic.constants import RadiationBoxType from pyaedt.generic.general_methods import check_numeric_equivalence @@ -33,6 +39,59 @@ test_subfolder = "TEDB" +MATERIALS = """ +$begin 'Polyflon CuFlon (tm)' + $begin 'AttachedData' + $begin 'MatAppearanceData' + property_data='appearance_data' + Red=230 + Green=225 + Blue=220 + $end 'MatAppearanceData' + $end 'AttachedData' + simple('permittivity', 2.1) + simple('dielectric_loss_tangent', 0.00045) + ModTime=1499970477 +$end 'Polyflon CuFlon (tm)' +$begin 'Water(@360K)' + $begin 'MaterialDef' + $begin 'Water(@360K)' + CoordinateSystemType='Cartesian' + BulkOrSurfaceType=1 + $begin 'PhysicsTypes' + set('Thermal') + $end 'PhysicsTypes' + $begin 'AttachedData' + $begin 'MatAppearanceData' + property_data='appearance_data' + Red=0 + Green=128 + Blue=255 + Transparency=0.8 + $end 'MatAppearanceData' + $end 'AttachedData' + thermal_conductivity='0.6743' + mass_density='967.4' + specific_heat='4206' + thermal_expansion_coeffcient='0.0006979' + $begin 'thermal_material_type' + property_type='ChoiceProperty' + Choice='Fluid' + $end 'thermal_material_type' + $begin 'clarity_type' + property_type='ChoiceProperty' + Choice='Transparent' + $end 'clarity_type' + material_refractive_index='1.333' + diffusivity='1.657e-007' + molecular_mass='0.018015' + viscosity='0.000324' + ModTime=1592011950 + $end 'Water(@360K)' + $end 'MaterialDef' +$end 'Water(@360K)' +""" + @pytest.fixture(scope="class") def edbapp(add_edb): @@ -114,7 +173,7 @@ def test_003_create_coax_port_on_component(self): coax_port.radial_extent_factor = 3 assert coax_port.radial_extent_factor == 3 assert coax_port.component - assert self.edbapp.components["U6"].pins["R3"].terminal + assert self.edbapp.components["U6"].pins["R3"].get_terminal() assert self.edbapp.components["U6"].pins["R3"].id assert self.edbapp.terminals assert self.edbapp.ports @@ -278,7 +337,7 @@ def test_010_nets_query(self): diff_pair = self.edbapp.differential_pairs.create("new_pair1", "PCIe_Gen4_RX1_P", "PCIe_Gen4_RX1_N") assert diff_pair.positive_net.name == "PCIe_Gen4_RX1_P" assert diff_pair.negative_net.name == "PCIe_Gen4_RX1_N" - assert self.edbapp.differential_pairs.items + assert self.edbapp.differential_pairs["new_pair1"] assert self.edbapp.net_classes.items assert self.edbapp.net_classes.create("DDR4_ADD", ["DDR4_A0", "DDR4_A1"]) @@ -435,6 +494,10 @@ def test_041_create_voltage_source(self): assert list(self.edbapp.sources.values())[0].magnitude == 3.3 list(self.edbapp.sources.values())[0].phase = 1 assert list(self.edbapp.sources.values())[0].phase == 1 + u6 = self.edbapp.components["U6"] + self.edbapp.create_voltage_source( + u6.pins["F2"].get_terminal(create_new_terminal=True), u6.pins["F1"].get_terminal(create_new_terminal=True) + ) def test_042_create_current_source(self): assert self.edbapp.siwave.create_current_source_on_net("U1", "USB3_D_N", "U1", "GND", 0.1, 0) != "" @@ -448,12 +511,12 @@ def test_042_create_current_source(self): ) self.edbapp.siwave.create_pin_group( - reference_designator="U1", pin_numbers=["A14", "A15"], group_name="sink_pos" + reference_designator="U1", pin_numbers=["R23", "P23"], group_name="sink_pos" ) assert self.edbapp.siwave.create_voltage_source_on_pin_group("sink_pos", "gnd", name="vrm_voltage_source") self.edbapp.siwave.create_pin_group(reference_designator="U1", pin_numbers=["A27", "A28"], group_name="vp_pos") - self.edbapp.siwave.create_pin_group(reference_designator="U1", pin_numbers=["A14", "A15"], group_name="vp_neg") + self.edbapp.siwave.create_pin_group(reference_designator="U1", pin_numbers=["R23", "P23"], group_name="vp_neg") assert self.edbapp.siwave.create_voltage_probe_on_pin_group("vprobe", "vp_pos", "vp_neg") assert self.edbapp.probes["vprobe"] self.edbapp.siwave.place_voltage_probe( @@ -465,6 +528,10 @@ def test_042_create_current_source(self): ref_term.location = [0, 0] assert ref_term.layer ref_term.layer = "1_Top" + u6 = self.edbapp.components["U6"] + self.edbapp.create_current_source( + u6.pins["H8"].get_terminal(create_new_terminal=True), u6.pins["G9"].get_terminal(create_new_terminal=True) + ) def test_043_create_dc_terminal(self): assert self.edbapp.siwave.create_dc_terminal("U1", "DDR4_DQ40", "dc_terminal1") == "dc_terminal1" @@ -1051,8 +1118,10 @@ def test_086_set_component_type(self): assert comp.type == "Other" def test_087_deactivate_rlc(self): - assert self.edbapp.components.deactivate_rlc_component(component="C1", create_circuit_port=True) + assert self.edbapp.components.deactivate_rlc_component(component="C1", create_circuit_port=False) + assert self.edbapp.ports["C1"] assert self.edbapp.components["C1"].is_enabled is False + assert self.edbapp.components.deactivate_rlc_component(component="C2", create_circuit_port=True) self.edbapp.components["C2"].is_enabled = False assert self.edbapp.components["C2"].is_enabled is False self.edbapp.components["C2"].is_enabled = True @@ -2001,6 +2070,7 @@ def test_129_hfss_simulation_setup(self): setup1.hfss_solver_settings.relative_residual = 0.0002 setup1.hfss_solver_settings.use_shell_elements = True + setup1b = edbapp.setups["setup1"] hfss_solver_settings = edbapp.setups["setup1"].hfss_solver_settings assert hfss_solver_settings.order_basis == "first" assert hfss_solver_settings.relative_residual == 0.0002 @@ -2167,72 +2237,55 @@ def test_129_hfss_simulation_setup(self): def test_130_siwave_dc_simulation_setup(self): setup1 = self.edbapp.create_siwave_dc_setup("DC1") - assert setup1.name == "DC1" - assert not setup1.compute_inductance - assert setup1.contact_radius == "0.1mm" - assert setup1.dc_slider_position == 1 - assert setup1.enabled - assert setup1.energy_error == 3.0 - assert setup1.max_init_mesh_edge_length == "2.5mm" - assert setup1.max_num_pass == 5 - assert setup1.min_num_pass == 1 - assert setup1.mesh_bondwires - assert setup1.mesh_vias - assert setup1.min_plane_area == "0.25mm2" - assert setup1.min_void_area == "0.01mm2" - assert setup1.num_bondwire_sides == 8 - assert setup1.num_via_sides == 8 - assert setup1.percent_local_refinement == 20.0 - assert setup1.perform_adaptive_refinement - assert setup1.plot_jv - assert not setup1.refine_bondwires - assert not setup1.refine_vias - setup1.name = "DC2" - setup1.compute_inductance = True - setup1.contact_radius = "0.2mm" - setup1.dc_slider_position = 2 - setup1.energy_error = 2.0 - setup1.max_init_mesh_edge_length = "5.5mm" - setup1.max_num_pass = 3 - setup1.min_num_pass = 2 - setup1.mesh_bondwires = False - setup1.mesh_vias = False - assert not setup1.mesh_bondwires - assert not setup1.mesh_vias - setup1.min_plane_area = "0.5mm2" - setup1.min_void_area = "0.021mm2" - setup1.num_bondwire_sides = 6 - setup1.num_via_sides = 10 - setup1.percent_local_refinement = 10.0 - setup1.perform_adaptive_refinement = False - setup1.plot_jv = False - setup1.refine_bondwires = True - setup1.refine_vias = True - - assert setup1.name == "DC2" - assert setup1.compute_inductance - assert setup1.contact_radius == "0.2mm" - assert setup1.dc_slider_position == 2 - assert setup1.energy_error == 2.0 - assert setup1.max_init_mesh_edge_length == "5.5mm" - assert setup1.max_num_pass == 3 - assert setup1.min_num_pass == 2 - assert setup1.mesh_bondwires - assert setup1.mesh_vias - assert setup1.min_plane_area == "0.5mm2" - assert setup1.min_void_area == "0.021mm2" - assert setup1.num_bondwire_sides == 6 - assert setup1.num_via_sides == 10 - assert setup1.percent_local_refinement == 10.0 - assert not setup1.perform_adaptive_refinement - assert not setup1.plot_jv - assert setup1.refine_bondwires - assert setup1.refine_vias + setup1.dc_settings.restore_default() + setup1.dc_advanced_settings.restore_default() + + settings = self.edbapp.setups["DC1"].get_configurations() + for k, v in setup1.dc_settings.defaults.items(): + if k in ["compute_inductance", "plot_jv"]: + continue + print(k) + assert settings["dc_settings"][k] == v + + for k, v in setup1.dc_advanced_settings.defaults.items(): + print(k) + assert settings["dc_advanced_settings"][k] == v + + for p in [0, 1, 2]: + setup1.set_dc_slider(p) + settings = self.edbapp.setups["DC1"].get_configurations() + for k, v in setup1.dc_settings.dc_defaults.items(): + print(k) + assert settings["dc_settings"][k] == v[p] + + for k, v in setup1.dc_advanced_settings.dc_defaults.items(): + print(k) + assert settings["dc_advanced_settings"][k] == v[p] def test_131_siwave_ac_simulation_setup(self): setup1 = self.edbapp.create_siwave_syz_setup("AC1") assert setup1.name == "AC1" assert setup1.enabled + setup1.advanced_settings.restore_default() + + settings = self.edbapp.setups["AC1"].get_configurations() + for k, v in setup1.advanced_settings.defaults.items(): + if k in ["min_plane_area_to_mesh"]: + continue + assert settings["advanced_settings"][k] == v + + for p in [0, 1, 2]: + setup1.set_si_slider(p) + settings = self.edbapp.setups["AC1"].get_configurations() + for k, v in setup1.advanced_settings.si_defaults.items(): + assert settings["advanced_settings"][k] == v[p] + + for p in [0, 1, 2]: + setup1.set_pi_slider(p) + settings = self.edbapp.setups["AC1"].get_configurations() + for k, v in setup1.advanced_settings.pi_defaults.items(): + assert settings["advanced_settings"][k] == v[p] + sweep = setup1.add_frequency_sweep( "sweep1", frequency_sweep=[ @@ -2241,7 +2294,6 @@ def test_131_siwave_ac_simulation_setup(self): ["linear scale", "0.1GHz", "10GHz", "0.1GHz"], ], ) - assert "sweep1" in setup1.frequency_sweeps assert "0" in sweep.frequencies assert not sweep.adaptive_sampling assert not sweep.adv_dc_extrapolation @@ -2250,9 +2302,9 @@ def test_131_siwave_ac_simulation_setup(self): assert not sweep.enforce_dc_and_causality assert sweep.enforce_passivity assert sweep.freq_sweep_type == "kInterpolatingSweep" - assert sweep.interp_use_full_basis - assert sweep.interp_use_port_impedance - assert sweep.interp_use_prop_const + assert sweep.interpolation_use_full_basis + assert sweep.interpolation_use_port_impedance + assert sweep.interpolation_use_prop_const assert sweep.max_solutions == 250 assert sweep.min_freq_s_mat_only_solve == "1MHz" assert not sweep.min_solved_freq @@ -2264,14 +2316,15 @@ def test_131_siwave_ac_simulation_setup(self): sweep.adaptive_sampling = True sweep.adv_dc_extrapolation = True + sweep.compute_dc_point = True sweep.auto_s_mat_only_solve = False sweep.enforce_causality = True sweep.enforce_dc_and_causality = True sweep.enforce_passivity = False sweep.freq_sweep_type = "kDiscreteSweep" - sweep.interp_use_full_basis = False - sweep.interp_use_port_impedance = False - sweep.interp_use_prop_const = False + sweep.interpolation_use_full_basis = False + sweep.interpolation_use_port_impedance = False + sweep.interpolation_use_prop_const = False sweep.max_solutions = 200 sweep.min_freq_s_mat_only_solve = "2MHz" sweep.min_solved_freq = "1Hz" @@ -2283,14 +2336,15 @@ def test_131_siwave_ac_simulation_setup(self): assert sweep.adaptive_sampling assert sweep.adv_dc_extrapolation + assert sweep.compute_dc_point assert not sweep.auto_s_mat_only_solve assert sweep.enforce_causality assert sweep.enforce_dc_and_causality assert not sweep.enforce_passivity assert sweep.freq_sweep_type == "kDiscreteSweep" - assert not sweep.interp_use_full_basis - assert not sweep.interp_use_port_impedance - assert not sweep.interp_use_prop_const + assert not sweep.interpolation_use_full_basis + assert not sweep.interpolation_use_port_impedance + assert not sweep.interpolation_use_prop_const assert sweep.max_solutions == 200 assert sweep.min_freq_s_mat_only_solve == "2MHz" assert sweep.min_solved_freq == "1Hz" @@ -2300,85 +2354,6 @@ def test_131_siwave_ac_simulation_setup(self): assert sweep.save_rad_fields_only assert sweep.use_q3d_for_dc - setup1.pi_slider_postion = 0 - setup1.pi_slider_postion = 1 - setup1.pi_slider_postion = 2 - setup1.si_slider_postion = 0 - setup1.si_slider_postion = 1 - setup1.si_slider_postion = 2 - assert setup1.automatic_mesh - assert setup1.enabled - assert setup1.dc_settings - assert setup1.ignore_non_functional_pads - assert setup1.include_coplane_coupling - assert setup1.include_fringe_coupling - assert not setup1.include_infinite_ground - assert not setup1.include_inter_plane_coupling - assert setup1.include_split_plane_coupling - assert setup1.include_trace_coupling - assert not setup1.include_vi_sources - assert setup1.infinite_ground_location == "0" - assert setup1.max_coupled_lines == 40 - assert setup1.mesh_frequency == "4GHz" - assert setup1.min_pad_area_to_mesh == "1mm2" - assert setup1.min_plane_area_to_mesh == "6.25e-6mm2" - assert setup1.min_void_area == "2mm2" - assert setup1.name == "AC1" - assert setup1.perform_erc - assert setup1.return_current_distribution - assert setup1.snap_length_threshold == "2.5um" - assert setup1.use_si_settings - assert setup1.use_custom_settings - assert setup1.xtalk_threshold == "-34" - - setup1.automatic_mesh = False - setup1.enabled = False - setup1.ignore_non_functional_pads = False - setup1.include_coplane_coupling = False - setup1.include_fringe_coupling = False - setup1.include_infinite_ground = True - setup1.include_inter_plane_coupling = True - setup1.include_split_plane_coupling = False - setup1.include_trace_coupling = False - assert setup1.use_custom_settings - setup1.include_vi_sources = True - setup1.infinite_ground_location = "0.1" - setup1.max_coupled_lines = 10 - setup1.mesh_frequency = "3GHz" - setup1.min_pad_area_to_mesh = "2mm2" - setup1.min_plane_area_to_mesh = "5.25e-6mm2" - setup1.min_void_area = "1mm2" - setup1.name = "AC2" - setup1.perform_erc = False - setup1.return_current_distribution = True - setup1.snap_length_threshold = "3.5um" - setup1.use_si_settings = False - assert not setup1.use_custom_settings - setup1.xtalk_threshold = "-44" - - assert not setup1.automatic_mesh - assert not setup1.enabled - assert not setup1.ignore_non_functional_pads - assert not setup1.include_coplane_coupling - assert not setup1.include_fringe_coupling - assert setup1.include_infinite_ground - assert setup1.include_inter_plane_coupling - assert not setup1.include_split_plane_coupling - assert not setup1.include_trace_coupling - assert setup1.include_vi_sources - assert setup1.infinite_ground_location == "0.1" - assert setup1.max_coupled_lines == 10 - assert setup1.mesh_frequency == "3GHz" - assert setup1.min_pad_area_to_mesh == "2mm2" - assert setup1.min_plane_area_to_mesh == "5.25e-6mm2" - assert setup1.min_void_area == "1mm2" - assert setup1.name == "AC2" - assert not setup1.perform_erc - assert setup1.return_current_distribution - assert setup1.snap_length_threshold == "3.5um" - assert not setup1.use_si_settings - assert setup1.xtalk_threshold == "-44" - def test_132_via_plating_ratio_check(self): assert self.edbapp.padstacks.check_and_fix_via_plating() @@ -2391,7 +2366,7 @@ def test_133_siwave_build_ac_prject(self): simconfig.solver_type = SolverType.SiwaveSYZ simconfig.mesh_freq = "40.25GHz" edbapp.build_simulation_project(simconfig) - assert edbapp.siwave_ac_setups[simconfig.setup_name].mesh_frequency == simconfig.mesh_freq + assert edbapp.siwave_ac_setups[simconfig.setup_name].advanced_settings.mesh_frequency == simconfig.mesh_freq edbapp.close() def test_134_create_port_between_pin_and_layer(self): @@ -2402,6 +2377,14 @@ def test_134_create_port_between_pin_and_layer(self): edbapp.siwave.create_port_between_pin_and_layer( component_name="U1", pins_name="A27", layer_name="16_Bottom", reference_net="GND" ) + U7 = edbapp.components["U7"] + U7.pins["G7"].create_port() + port = U7.pins["F7"].create_port(reference=U7.pins["E7"]) + port.is_circuit_port = True + _, pin_group = edbapp.siwave.create_pin_group_on_net( + reference_designator="U7", net_name="GND", group_name="U7_GND" + ) + U7.pins["F7"].create_port(reference=pin_group) edbapp.close() def test_134_siwave_source_setter(self): @@ -2946,14 +2929,57 @@ def test_147_find_dc_shorts(self): assert len(edbapp.nets["DDR4_DM3"].find_dc_short()) == 0 edbapp.close() - def test_148_load_amat(self): - assert "Rogers RO3003 (tm)" in self.edbapp.materials.materials_in_aedt - material_file = os.path.join(self.edbapp.materials.syslib, "Materials.amat") - assert self.edbapp.materials.add_material_from_aedt("Arnold_Magnetics_N28AH_-40C") - assert "Arnold_Magnetics_N28AH_-40C" in self.edbapp.materials.materials.keys() - assert self.edbapp.materials.load_amat(material_file) + @patch("pyaedt.edb_core.materials.Materials.materials", new_callable=PropertyMock) + @patch.object(builtins, "open", new_callable=mock_open, read_data=MATERIALS) + def test_149_materials_read_materials(self, mock_file_open, mock_materials_property): + """Read materials from an AMAT file.""" + mock_materials_property.return_value = ["copper"] + materials = Materials(MagicMock()) + expected_res = { + "Polyflon CuFlon (tm)": {"permittivity": 2.1, "tangent_delta": 0.00045}, + "Water(@360K)": { + "thermal_conductivity": 0.6743, + "mass_density": 967.4, + "specific_heat": 4206, + "thermal_expansion_coeffcient": 0.0006979, + }, + } + mats = materials.read_materials("some path") + assert mats == expected_res + + def test_150_material_load_amat(self): + """Load material from an AMAT file.""" + mat_file = os.path.join(self.edbapp.base_path, "syslib", "Materials.amat") + assert self.edbapp.materials.load_amat(mat_file) material_list = list(self.edbapp.materials.materials.keys()) assert material_list assert len(material_list) > 0 assert self.edbapp.materials.materials["Rogers RO3003 (tm)"].loss_tangent == 0.0013 assert self.edbapp.materials.materials["Rogers RO3003 (tm)"].permittivity == 3.0 + + def test_151_materials_read_materials(self): + """Read materials.""" + path = os.path.join(local_path, "example_models", "syslib", "Materials.amat") + mats = self.edbapp.materials.read_materials(path) + key = "FC-78" + assert key in mats + assert mats[key]["thermal_conductivity"] == 0.062 + assert mats[key]["mass_density"] == 1700 + assert mats[key]["specific_heat"] == 1050 + assert mats[key]["thermal_expansion_coeffcient"] == 0.0016 + key = "Polyflon CuFlon (tm)" + assert key in mats + assert mats[key]["permittivity"] == 2.1 + assert mats[key]["tangent_delta"] == 0.00045 + key = "Water(@360K)" + assert key in mats + assert mats[key]["thermal_conductivity"] == 0.6743 + assert mats[key]["mass_density"] == 967.4 + assert mats[key]["specific_heat"] == 4206 + assert mats[key]["thermal_expansion_coeffcient"] == 0.0006979 + key = "steel_stainless" + assert mats[key]["conductivity"] == 1100000 + assert mats[key]["thermal_conductivity"] == 13.8 + assert mats[key]["mass_density"] == 8055 + assert mats[key]["specific_heat"] == 480 + assert mats[key]["thermal_expansion_coeffcient"] == 1.08e-005 diff --git a/_unittest/test_01_Design.py b/_unittest/test_01_Design.py index 1dc5fc7c31f..00e37c48092 100644 --- a/_unittest/test_01_Design.py +++ b/_unittest/test_01_Design.py @@ -98,6 +98,8 @@ def test_08_objects(self): print(self.aedtapp.logger) print(self.aedtapp.variable_manager) print(self.aedtapp.materials) + print(self.aedtapp) + assert self.aedtapp.info def test_09_set_objects_deformation(self): assert self.aedtapp.modeler.set_objects_deformation(["inner"]) diff --git a/_unittest/test_02_3D_modeler.py b/_unittest/test_02_3D_modeler.py index f728c871e3d..8dc36cfa7ac 100644 --- a/_unittest/test_02_3D_modeler.py +++ b/_unittest/test_02_3D_modeler.py @@ -1041,3 +1041,44 @@ def test_61_get_face_by_id(self): assert isinstance(face, FacePrimitive) face = self.aedtapp.modeler.get_face_by_id(random.randint(10000, 100000)) assert not face + + def test_62_copy_solid_bodies_udm_3dcomponent(self, add_app): + self.aedtapp.insert_design("udm") + my_udmPairs = [] + mypair = ["ILD Thickness (ILD)", "0.006mm"] + my_udmPairs.append(mypair) + mypair = ["Line Spacing (LS)", "0.004mm"] + my_udmPairs.append(mypair) + mypair = ["Line Thickness (LT)", "0.005mm"] + my_udmPairs.append(mypair) + mypair = ["Line Width (LW)", "0.004mm"] + my_udmPairs.append(mypair) + mypair = ["No. of Turns (N)", 2] + my_udmPairs.append(mypair) + mypair = ["Outer Diameter (OD)", "0.15mm"] + my_udmPairs.append(mypair) + mypair = ["Substrate Thickness", "0.2mm"] + my_udmPairs.append(mypair) + mypair = [ + "Inductor Type", + '"Square,Square,Octagonal,Circular,Square-Differential,Octagonal-Differential,Circular-Differential"', + ] + my_udmPairs.append(mypair) + mypair = ["Underpass Thickness (UT)", "0.001mm"] + my_udmPairs.append(mypair) + mypair = ["Via Thickness (VT)", "0.001mm"] + my_udmPairs.append(mypair) + + obj_udm = self.aedtapp.modeler.create_udm( + udmfullname="Maxwell3D/OnDieSpiralInductor.py", udm_params_list=my_udmPairs, udm_library="syslib" + ) + + compfile = self.aedtapp.components3d["Bowtie_DM"] + obj_3dcomp = self.aedtapp.modeler.insert_3d_component(compfile) + dest = add_app(design_name="IcepakDesign1", just_open=True) + dest.copy_solid_bodies_from(self.aedtapp, [obj_udm.name, obj_3dcomp.name]) + dest.delete_design("IcepakDesign1") + dest = add_app(design_name="IcepakDesign2", just_open=True) + dest.copy_solid_bodies_from(self.aedtapp) + dest2 = add_app(design_name="uUSB") + dest2.copy_solid_bodies_from(self.aedtapp, [obj_udm.name, obj_3dcomp.name]) diff --git a/_unittest/test_03_Materials.py b/_unittest/test_03_Materials.py index 7fc62a651e3..53b23a0bbf1 100644 --- a/_unittest/test_03_Materials.py +++ b/_unittest/test_03_Materials.py @@ -227,7 +227,9 @@ def test_09_non_linear_materials(self, add_app): assert app.materials["myMat"].permittivity.type == "nonlinear" assert app.materials["myMat"].permeability.bunit == "tesla" mat2 = app.materials.add_material("myMat2") + assert not mat2.is_used assert app.modeler.create_box([0, 0, 0], [10, 10, 10], matname="myMat2") + assert app.materials.material_keys["mymat2"].is_used def test_10_add_material_sweep(self): assert self.aedtapp.materials.add_material_sweep(["copper", "aluminum"], "sweep_copper") @@ -237,3 +239,9 @@ def test_11_material_case(self): assert self.aedtapp.materials["Aluminum"] == self.aedtapp.materials["aluminum"] assert self.aedtapp.materials["Aluminum"].name == "aluminum" assert self.aedtapp.materials.add_material("AluMinum") == self.aedtapp.materials["aluminum"] + + def test_12_material_model(self): + mat = self.aedtapp.materials.add_material("ds_material") + self.aedtapp["$dk"] = 3 + self.aedtapp["$df"] = 0.01 + assert mat.set_djordjevic_sarkar_model(dk="$dk", df="$df") diff --git a/_unittest/test_04_SBR.py b/_unittest/test_04_SBR.py index 9a7ff0374b3..65878cfd65e 100644 --- a/_unittest/test_04_SBR.py +++ b/_unittest/test_04_SBR.py @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ def test_01_open_source(self, source): assert len(self.aedtapp.native_components) == 1 def test_02_add_antennas(self): + self.aedtapp.insert_design("add_antennas") dict1 = {"polarization": "Horizontal"} par_beam = self.aedtapp.create_sbr_antenna( self.aedtapp.SbrAntennas.ParametricBeam, parameters_dict=dict1, antenna_name="TX1" @@ -71,8 +72,8 @@ def test_02_add_antennas(self): assert par_beam.update() self.aedtapp.modeler.user_defined_components["TX1_1"].native_properties["Unit"] = "mm" - assert len(self.aedtapp.native_components) == 3 - assert len(self.aedtapp.modeler.user_defined_components) == 3 + assert len(self.aedtapp.native_components) == 2 + assert len(self.aedtapp.modeler.user_defined_components) == 2 assert self.aedtapp.set_sbr_txrx_settings({"TX1_1_p1": "RX1_1_p1"}) assert self.aedtapp.create_sbr_antenna( self.aedtapp.SbrAntennas.CrossDipole, use_current_source_representation=True @@ -109,6 +110,7 @@ def test_02_add_antennas(self): assert array.update() def test_03_add_ffd_antenna(self): + self.aedtapp.insert_design("ffd_antenna") assert self.aedtapp.create_sbr_file_based_antenna( ffd_full_path=os.path.join(local_path, "example_models", test_subfolder, "test.ffd") ) diff --git a/_unittest/test_07_Object3D.py b/_unittest/test_07_Object3D.py index bbfb5ad8054..439aa15bfe5 100644 --- a/_unittest/test_07_Object3D.py +++ b/_unittest/test_07_Object3D.py @@ -340,14 +340,14 @@ def test_print_object(self): o = self.create_copper_box() assert o.name in o.__str__() test_face = o.faces[0] - assert "FaceId" in test_face.__repr__() - assert "FaceId" in test_face.__str__() + assert isinstance(int(test_face.__str__()), int) + assert isinstance(int(test_face.__repr__()), int) test_edge = test_face.edges[0] - assert "EdgeId" in test_edge.__repr__() - assert "EdgeId" in test_edge.__str__() + assert isinstance(int(test_edge.__str__()), int) + assert isinstance(int(test_edge.__repr__()), int) test_vertex = test_face.vertices[0] - assert "Vertex" in test_vertex.__repr__() - assert "Vertex" in test_vertex.__str__() + assert isinstance(int(test_vertex.__str__()), int) + assert isinstance(int(test_vertex.__repr__()), int) def test_13_delete_self(self): o = self.create_copper_box() diff --git a/_unittest/test_08_Primitives3D.py b/_unittest/test_08_Primitives3D.py index d23a7fe61ec..4aa553bf993 100644 --- a/_unittest/test_08_Primitives3D.py +++ b/_unittest/test_08_Primitives3D.py @@ -1185,6 +1185,13 @@ def test_64_create_3d_component_encrypted(self): is_encrypted=True, password="password_test", ) + assert self.aedtapp.modeler.create_3dcomponent( + self.component3d_file, + included_cs="Global", + is_encrypted=True, + password="password_test", + hide_contents=["Solid"], + ) assert not self.aedtapp.modeler.create_3dcomponent( self.component3d_file, included_cs="Global", @@ -1769,8 +1776,9 @@ def test_85_insert_layoutcomponent(self): ) self.aedtapp.solution_type = "Terminal" comp = self.aedtapp.modeler.insert_layout_component(self.layout_component, name=None, parameter_mapping=False) + assert comp.name in self.aedtapp.modeler.layout_component_names assert isinstance(comp, UserDefinedComponent) - assert len(self.aedtapp.modeler.modeler.user_defined_components[comp.name].parts) == 3 + assert len(self.aedtapp.modeler.user_defined_components[comp.name].parts) == 3 comp2 = self.aedtapp.modeler.insert_layout_component( self.layout_component, name="new_layout", parameter_mapping=True ) diff --git a/_unittest/test_20_HFSS.py b/_unittest/test_20_HFSS.py index 08cf93e0e11..72f828818a7 100644 --- a/_unittest/test_20_HFSS.py +++ b/_unittest/test_20_HFSS.py @@ -14,10 +14,17 @@ test_subfolder = "T20" if config["desktopVersion"] > "2022.2": + component = "Circ_Patch_5GHz_232.a3dcomp" +else: + component = "Circ_Patch_5GHz.a3dcomp" + +if config["desktopVersion"] > "2023.1": diff_proj_name = "differential_pairs_231" else: diff_proj_name = "differential_pairs" +component_array = "Array_232" + @pytest.fixture(scope="class") def aedtapp(add_app): @@ -1257,16 +1264,32 @@ def test_51a_array(self): self.aedtapp.insert_design("Array_simple", "Modal") from pyaedt.generic.DataHandlers import json_to_dict - dict_in = json_to_dict( - os.path.join(local_path, "../_unittest/example_models", test_subfolder, "array_simple.json") - ) - dict_in["Circ_Patch_5GHz1"] = os.path.join( - local_path, "../_unittest/example_models", test_subfolder, "Circ_Patch_5GHz.a3dcomp" - ) - dict_in["cells"][(3, 3)] = {"name": "Circ_Patch_5GHz1"} + if config["desktopVersion"] > "2023.1": + dict_in = json_to_dict( + os.path.join(local_path, "../_unittest/example_models", test_subfolder, "array_simple_232.json") + ) + dict_in["Circ_Patch_5GHz_232_1"] = os.path.join( + local_path, "../_unittest/example_models", test_subfolder, component + ) + dict_in["cells"][(3, 3)] = {"name": "Circ_Patch_5GHz_232_1"} + else: + dict_in = json_to_dict( + os.path.join(local_path, "../_unittest/example_models", test_subfolder, "array_simple.json") + ) + dict_in["Circ_Patch_5GHz1"] = os.path.join( + local_path, "../_unittest/example_models", test_subfolder, component + ) + dict_in["cells"][(3, 3)] = {"name": "Circ_Patch_5GHz1"} + assert self.aedtapp.add_3d_component_array_from_json(dict_in) + array_name = self.aedtapp.component_array_names[0] + assert self.aedtapp.component_array[array_name].cells[2][2].rotation == 0 + assert self.aedtapp.component_array_names dict_in["cells"][(3, 3)]["rotation"] = 90 - assert self.aedtapp.add_3d_component_array_from_json(dict_in) + component_array = self.aedtapp.add_3d_component_array_from_json(dict_in) + assert component_array.cells[2][2].rotation == 90 + component_array.cells[2][2].rotation = 0 + assert component_array.cells[2][2].rotation == 0 def test_51b_set_material_threshold(self): assert self.aedtapp.set_material_threshold() @@ -1470,3 +1493,116 @@ def test_64_import_dxf(self): dxf_layers = self.aedtapp.get_dxf_layers(dxf_file) assert isinstance(dxf_layers, list) assert self.aedtapp.import_dxf(dxf_file, dxf_layers) + + def test_65_component_array(self, add_app): + hfss_array = add_app(project_name=component_array, subfolder=test_subfolder) + assert len(hfss_array.component_array) == 1 + + array = hfss_array.component_array["A1"] + assert array.name == hfss_array.component_array_names[0] + + cell1 = array.get_cell(1, 1) + cell2 = array[1, 1] + assert cell2 + assert cell1.rotation == 0 + + assert not array.get_cell(0, 0) + assert not array.get_cell(10, 0) + + lc = array.lattice_vector() + assert len(lc) == 6 + + assert len(array.component_names) == 4 + + assert len(array.post_processing_cells) == 4 + post_cells = array.post_processing_cells + post_cells["Radome_Corner1"] = [8, 1] + array.post_processing_cells = post_cells + assert array.post_processing_cells["Radome_Corner1"] == [8, 1] + + array.cells[0][1].component = None + assert not array.cells[0][1].component + + array.cells[1][1].rotation = 90 + assert array.cells[1][1].rotation == 90 + + array.cells[1][1].rotation = 10 + assert not array.cells[1][1].rotation == 10 + + array.cells[1][1].is_active = False + array.cells[1][1].is_active = 1 + assert not array.cells[1][1].is_active + + assert array.cells[1][2].component == array.component_names[2] + assert not array.cells[1][2].component == "test" + + array.cells[0][1].component = array.component_names[3] + assert array.cells[0][1].component == array.component_names[3] + + hfss_array.component_array["A1"].name = "Array_new" + assert hfss_array.component_array_names[0] == "Array_new" + hfss_array.component_array["Array_new"].name = "A1" + + omodel = hfss_array.get_oo_object(hfss_array.odesign, "Model") + oarray = hfss_array.get_oo_object(omodel, "A1") + + assert array.visible + array.visible = False + assert not oarray.GetPropValue("Visible") + array.visible = True + assert oarray.GetPropValue("Visible") + + assert array.show_cell_number + array.show_cell_number = False + assert not oarray.GetPropValue("Show Cell Number") + array.show_cell_number = True + assert oarray.GetPropValue("Show Cell Number") + + assert array.render == "Shaded" + array.render = "Wireframe" + assert oarray.GetPropValue("Render") == "Wireframe" + array.render = "Shaded" + assert oarray.GetPropValue("Render") == "Shaded" + array.render = "Shaded1" + assert not array.render == "Shaded1" + + a_choices = array.a_vector_choices + assert array.a_vector_name in a_choices + array.a_vector_name = a_choices[0] + assert oarray.GetPropValue("A Vector") == a_choices[0] + array.a_vector_name = "Test" + assert not array.a_vector_name == "Test" + + b_choices = array.b_vector_choices + assert array.b_vector_name in b_choices + array.b_vector_name = b_choices[1] + assert oarray.GetPropValue("B Vector") == b_choices[1] + array.b_vector_name = "Test" + assert not array.b_vector_name == "Test" + + assert array.a_size == 8 + + assert array.b_size == 8 + + assert array.padding_cells == 0 + array.padding_cells = 2 + assert oarray.GetPropValue("Padding") == "2" + array.padding_cells = 0 + + assert array.coordinate_system == "Global" + array.coordinate_system = "Corner" + array.coordinate_system = "Global" + + array_csv = os.path.join(local_path, "../_unittest/example_models", test_subfolder, "array_info.csv") + array_info = array.parse_array_info_from_csv(array_csv) + assert len(array_info) == 4 + assert array_info["component"][1] == "02_Patch1" + + # Delete 3D Component + hfss_array.modeler.user_defined_components["03_Radome_Side1"].delete() + array.update_properties() + assert len(array.component_names) == 3 + assert len(array.post_processing_cells) == 3 + + array.delete() + assert not hfss_array.component_array diff --git a/_unittest/test_98_Icepak.py b/_unittest/test_98_Icepak.py index cbc6be940e7..b9d858fb6ea 100644 --- a/_unittest/test_98_Icepak.py +++ b/_unittest/test_98_Icepak.py @@ -327,58 +327,14 @@ def test_25_copy_solid_bodies(self, add_app): new_design.delete_design(design_name) new_design.close_project(project_name) - def test_26_copy_solid_bodies_udm_3dcomponent(self, add_app): - my_udmPairs = [] - mypair = ["ILD Thickness (ILD)", "0.006mm"] - my_udmPairs.append(mypair) - mypair = ["Line Spacing (LS)", "0.004mm"] - my_udmPairs.append(mypair) - mypair = ["Line Thickness (LT)", "0.005mm"] - my_udmPairs.append(mypair) - mypair = ["Line Width (LW)", "0.004mm"] - my_udmPairs.append(mypair) - mypair = ["No. of Turns (N)", 2] - my_udmPairs.append(mypair) - mypair = ["Outer Diameter (OD)", "0.15mm"] - my_udmPairs.append(mypair) - mypair = ["Substrate Thickness", "0.2mm"] - my_udmPairs.append(mypair) - mypair = [ - "Inductor Type", - '"Square,Square,Octagonal,Circular,Square-Differential,Octagonal-Differential,Circular-Differential"', - ] - my_udmPairs.append(mypair) - mypair = ["Underpass Thickness (UT)", "0.001mm"] - my_udmPairs.append(mypair) - mypair = ["Via Thickness (VT)", "0.001mm"] - my_udmPairs.append(mypair) - - obj_udm = self.aedtapp.modeler.create_udm( - udmfullname="Maxwell3D/OnDieSpiralInductor.py", udm_params_list=my_udmPairs, udm_library="syslib" - ) - - compfile = self.aedtapp.components3d["ADDA_AB0305MB_GA0"] - obj_3dcomp = self.aedtapp.modeler.insert_3d_component(compfile) - dest = add_app(application=Icepak, design_name="IcepakDesign1", just_open=True) - dest.copy_solid_bodies_from(self.aedtapp, [obj_udm.name, obj_3dcomp.name]) - dest.delete_design("IcepakDesign1") - dest = add_app(application=Icepak, design_name="IcepakDesign2", just_open=True) - dest.copy_solid_bodies_from(self.aedtapp) - dest2 = add_app(design_name="uUSB") - dest2.copy_solid_bodies_from(self.aedtapp, [obj_udm.name, obj_3dcomp.name]) - def test_27_get_all_conductors(self): conductors = self.aedtapp.get_all_conductors_names() - assert sorted(conductors) == ["Inductor", "Paddle", "box", "network_box", "network_box2"] + assert sorted(conductors) == ["box", "network_box", "network_box2"] def test_28_get_all_dielectrics(self): dielectrics = self.aedtapp.get_all_dielectrics_names() assert sorted(dielectrics) == [ - "ADDA_AB0305MB_GA0_1_Box", - "Boundary", - "ILD", "Region", - "Substrate", "box2", "box3", "network_box3", @@ -1307,3 +1263,18 @@ def test_67_import_dxf(self): dxf_layers = self.aedtapp.get_dxf_layers(dxf_file) assert isinstance(dxf_layers, list) assert self.aedtapp.import_dxf(dxf_file, dxf_layers) + + def test_68_mesh_priority_3d_comp(self, add_app): + app = add_app( + application=Icepak, + project_name="3d_comp_mesh_prio_test", + design_name="IcepakDesign1", + subfolder=test_subfolder, + ) + assert app.mesh.add_priority(entity_type=2, comp_name="IcepakDesign1_1", priority=3) + + assert app.mesh.add_priority(entity_type=2, comp_name="all_2d_objects1", priority=2) + + assert app.mesh.add_priority(entity_type=2, comp_name="all_3d_objects1", priority=2) + + app.close_project(name="3d_comp_mesh_prio_test", save_project=False) diff --git a/_unittest_solvers/example_models/T00/Circ_Patch_5GHz_232.a3dcomp b/_unittest_solvers/example_models/T00/Circ_Patch_5GHz_232.a3dcomp new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..a78e60d3e73 --- /dev/null +++ b/_unittest_solvers/example_models/T00/Circ_Patch_5GHz_232.a3dcomp @@ -0,0 +1,5945 @@ +$begin 'AnsoftComponentChkSum' + ChecksumString='6a12cbfd15e157cadf37b8d1f78fb0a7' + ChecksumHistory('f4c81c746cee97b0fa0eca9b6026ba74', 'b76bafd4b64349f9b1bef83210e30246', '2deba8a0e7fff848e49beff26a952a82', 'b6452e22b0ea6d367603320594b474b6') + VersionHistory('1.0', '1.0', '1.0', '1.0') + FormatVersion=11 + Version(2023, 2) + ComponentDefinitionType='DesignDerivedComponentDefinition' +$end 'AnsoftComponentChkSum' +$begin 'AnsoftComponentHeader' + $begin 'Information' + $begin 'ComponentInfo' + ComponentName='Circ_Patch_5GHz_232' + Company='' + 'Company URL'='' + 'Model Number'='' + 'Help URL'='' + Version='2.0' + Notes='' + IconType='' + Owner='Arien Sligar' + Email='arien.sligar@ansys.com' + Date='9:25:10 AM Nov 06, 2023' + HasLabel=false + LabelImage='' + $end 'ComponentInfo' + $end 'Information' + $begin 'DesignDataDescriptions' + $begin 'DesignSettings' + ProductName='HFSS' + SolutionType='HFSS Hybrid Modal Network' + $begin 'DrivenOptions' + AutoOpen=false + $end 'DrivenOptions' + $end 'DesignSettings' + $begin 'Component Meshing' + Type='Volume' + $end 'Component Meshing' + $end 'DesignDataDescriptions' + $begin 'Preview' + Image='/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wBDAAEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQE\ +BAQICAQECAQEBAgICAgICAgICAQICAgICAgICAgL/2wBDAQEBAQEBAQEBAQECAQEBAgICAgICAgICAg\ +ICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgL/wAARCADIAMgDASIAAhEBAxEB/\ +8QAHwAAAQUBAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAECAwQFBgcICQoL/8QAtRAAAgEDAwIEAwUFBAQAAAF9AQIDAAQR\ +BRIhMUEGE1FhByJxFDKBkaEII0KxwRVS0fAkM2JyggkKFhcYGRolJicoKSo0NTY3ODk6Q0RFRkdISUp\ +TVFVWV1hZWmNkZWZnaGlqc3R1dnd4eXqDhIWGh4iJipKTlJWWl5iZmqKjpKWmp6ipqrKztLW2t7i5us\ +LDxMXGx8jJytLT1NXW19jZ2uHi4+Tl5ufo6erx8vP09fb3+Pn6/8QAHwEAAwEBAQEBAQEBAQAAAAAAA\ +AECAwQFBgcICQoL/8QAtREAAgECBAQDBAcFBAQAAQJ3AAECAxEEBSExBhJBUQdhcRMiMoEIFEKRobHB\ +CSMzUvAVYnLRChYkNOEl8RcYGRomJygpKjU2Nzg5OkNERUZHSElKU1RVVldYWVpjZGVmZ2hpanN0dXZ\ +3eHl6goOEhYaHiImKkpOUlZaXmJmaoqOkpaanqKmqsrO0tba3uLm6wsPExcbHyMnK0tPU1dbX2Nna4u\ +Pk5ebn6Onq8vP09fb3+Pn6/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwD+/iiiigAooooAKKKKACiivmj4jeM/GOtfErwB4\ +C8DeJbzwj4bPjrVPBnxJ8UaXp3h658Sr4ll+EPiH4oeG/DXhlPFui6nZ/Y4tG06xvNYuZdNII1/SrbT\ +b2SdNahss6tWNKKlJOTlKMUla7cnZbtLzd3smZVq0aMYyknJylGKStduTSW7S63d2rJNn0vRXkX/AAi\ +fxf0v/R9B+L2kavZv++kufid8MbHxHryXLfI8FpffDfxR4NsYtIEUcLRxS6ZPdrNLcPJfywyQW9qf2z\ +8cdO4vPAPw58R2dhxd3/h/4ka7pGva9bWv+vu9E8Ha98PGsdL1e6iR3ttMvfFJtIJp0tbjXzCr6jU+1\ +t8dKcF6KX/pDk187IXtmvjozgvRS/8ATbm187I9doryL/hbf9n/API3fDL4u+EPO/5B/wDxRf8Awsb+\ +0PL/AOPv/kiOpeKf7G8nfbf8hP7B9o+0/wChfavIu/s9zT/jZ8JtQv7HRW8feHNH8SajeW2n2vg7xZe\ +jwX46N/fTJBp1jP4E8XLY6xZ3l0ZrZ7OKaxje7hvLee2WWC4hkkft6OzqKMu0nyy+cZWa+a6ruCxFC6\ +TqqMn0k+WXzjK0lfS11rdPqj1Gimu6Ro0kjKiIrO7uwVERQWZmZjhVABJJ4AFfyY+O/wDg6b8O+HPHP\ +jLw94S/Yzfxt4T0LxX4h0bwz4zb9oxdBfxb4e0zV7ux0bxOdCX4E3o0Zr/TYLa6+yC9uhb/AGryftM+\ +zzW1Nj+tCiuK+G3j/wAOfFf4d+A/ih4Ou/t/hL4jeDfDPjrwze/Lm60DxZotlr2kTsEYhXawv4CwBOG\ +JGeK7WgAooooAKKKKACiiigAooooAKKKKACiiigAooooAKKKKAOF+IHie/wDDuj29p4ehs7vxv4svLn\ +wx8P7HU45m0e68XSaHrOt202vzQXELW3hyy0vQ9W1HUWSVbl7HRriDTo7rU5bKyufOdb8MWHgy+/Zm8\ +MabNeXdvpPxR1iCTUtTkhn1jW7+T4EfHC51XxDr95BbxLqXiPUdUnvL7Ubsxq93fahcXMg8yVyej8Bf\ +8V1qw+L9z8+lahpEum/CRR/o0kfw28R23hbWdQ8QapZrlhq+v65odjeRpcSs9poulaLE1jpGrS6/bzn\ +xJ/5HL9n7/srutf8AqhfjbXHP34qs9nOmof4faQu/+3mr+cVHZ3OGp+8iqz1TnSUP8Htabb/7eavvrF\ +Q0Tueu0UUV2HcFU9Q0+w1awvtK1Wxs9T0vU7O50/UtN1C2hvbDULC9he2vLG+s7lGju7OW3lkjlikVk\ +kSRldSpIq5RQ0mmmrpg0mmmrpn49f8ABXLxH8Jf2Rv2Bfjv8SfBfhLw/wDDr4g+JNDh+FPw/wBW+HMT\ +/DbX7vxP8SJW0DyZNV8DzadNrOn2Ohya1rb6beSXGn3EnhOKS4tJngh2/wAq3wL/AOCcN18RP+CMP7S\ +/7X5TUx410f4q6L468DaXHY6PJZ6p8Mvgot54W8b6x/aU+kPqFrbxx+PvifLPDbXkNpPJ4BtnvIJ5be\ +1ktf0B/wCDnz9oi78T/Er9nb9j/wALTXGoHwzpl38YPGGkacst5JfeLPGVxc+Dvh3pf2S3BY6xa6NYe\ +KpUiCtI8XjWAqPnUN438I/2yP8Agsv8Gf2WtC/Y/wDDX/BLPVNT+D2jfDjXPhhcW3iL9jP9r+71vxDo\ +Him21WHxVd6/d6b43tLW51jU59d1i4vJILO3hefUZGjt40IjERp04K0IKCdn7qtt3tb+tDONKnBNQgq\ +adn7q5b22va1/6R+sf/Bvv+0d8VfjH+w5beANK174fa9qv7Mni3UPhy3grxRp3iPRfEGpeDfEJl8VeC\ +NUufiRput6nFpGnwLq2vafZxjwndtJD4DFkzRGb+0Ifh/9tD/gsP8At9fssf8ABVH4kfBjSp9D8b/DL\ +wy3gzQPC/7MmkaV4N1rQtZ8YfEn9nXwrdeD7dPie3wq0zxfq1uvxT8ZaTrk9rHc2c1w0EuiQXEdk8co\ ++Ov+DfD4z+Kv2Yv+ChviL9m34n6T4g8ByfHXwvrPw48Q+D/F+l6j4Y1nw/8AFXwCt34v8IReIdF1i3h\ +uNM1ZbK28ZaVHbXEMcv2nxXGmAxCtp/t0QRXP/Byp4Qtp0WWC4/a6/wCCfUE0bgFZIpfCP7NUciMD1U\ +oxBHvQoWk5KTs+jd1fur3a7WTUfK+o1Dlk5KcrS+y3dX7q92u1k1H+7fU+g/2s/wBv7/gup+w7feA/i\ +38dPF3wsfwX4y8QTaRdfDXS/giw+H3hbxRbW82pN8PNd8Z6v8N9Ju9au5bGy1ZoLrw14y12zuINHuJ7\ +fWJY/Kml/eKw/wCCqfwzvP8AgmXqf/BQqHR9P1O98OfDHR/EHif4SaR4lsrrUtD+JGueKx8M9L8Iard\ 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+cJcO4eNWly5nj4xqVuZWnTi1zQoyT1Uo80p1Y3ly1pzhGcqVOly/1ZgMowvDOVYbhrA1IV6eAlKeJr0\ +2pQxeOkowr4iE03zUEoRoYT4Y/V6cK3s6davX5iiiiv0g2CiiigAooooAKKKKACiiigAooooAKKKKAC\ +iiigAooooA8n+KHwF+Bnxv/ALD/AOF0fBf4T/F7/hGP7T/4Rr/haHw68H+P/wDhHv7a/s/+2f7D/wCE\ +r0e7/sn7X/ZOlfafs/l+f/Zlv5u/yY9vxr4x/wCCRP8AwTp8ceI9R8Uar+zVoujX+qfZPP034f8Ajv4\ +r/CvwjbfYrC106L+yPAXwx8eaRoeg74bSOS4+w6db/arqWa9ufNvLi4nl/SKivFzHhvh3OG5ZtkOCzS\ +UpKTeJwtCu3KMeSMm6tOXvRh7qe6j7q00PQhm2a08NTwVPM8RDB0W3Ckq1RUoNuTbjTUuSLblJtpJty\ +k92z+eb4gf8G8nwXvdGtovhJ+0n8ZfCfiRdThkvdR+Knh/4e/FTw9Nogtb1bmys/D3grRPA11Z6y1++\ +myR3smrXFvHBbXED6dNJcRXNp8D/ABN/4NpfitB4iab4aeOf2XviDZajZnUtT8aeNvDHjD4HeN7XxRd\ +31+17/Z1v4P8ADPjaZpEiFhdw60mvWd+bu9lVbO3a0ivLv+xGivgsX4J+HGJcqmHyOWVV58qc8HisVQ\ +do9OSNZ0ter9nzPe99T5/FZFwrmDccw4OymvRdrwo4Gll2sfhftcpWAxCt1iqyjL7cZaH+fl8UP+CKv\ +7eXwmtfE2rQ/Bj4w3XhvwxqcunXviH4T/ETwZ8d38X2/wDbMWiaVrnhLwFrur+IfGV3o081ylxELbwx\ +pt/DY3zXevWFnHZTfYP0o/4Iif8ABNj4hXv7QHij9pX9rn4J+MNA079mrRvD3wv/AGaLL44/DPWPBPi\ +bxX4vvNW1L4t3/wAXH8Oa3NpQlvPCWp+Pdd0zSL5vCy6XcXPiC2u9NvF8R+Ebm7H9ctFcnD/gvkHDue\ +Us3w+a4zMKFOOuHxbw9XnmqkatOU68aFOtKFKUKcoU5Sl71OPNOUPcObKeGeGuH8zjneRZbUyzM4U6l\ +GCWKq18LTp1YyjOrTpYr2+IjjOWTpxrvGSpU6Tbp4WGJUcVEooor9iPZCiiigAooooAKKKKACiiigAo\ +oooAKKKKACiiigAooooAKKKKACiiigAooooAKKKKACiiigAooooAKKKKACiiigD/2Q==' + $end 'Preview' + ContainsLightweightGeometry=false +$end 'AnsoftComponentHeader' +$begin 'ComponentBody' + $begin 'HFSSModel' + $begin 'Variables' + $end 'Variables' + $begin 'Datasets' + $end 'Datasets' + $begin 'DesignData' + $begin 'DesignSettings' + 'Allow Material Override'=true + IncludeTemperatureDependence=false + EnableFeedback=false + Temperatures(6, '22cel', 34, '22cel', 114, '22cel', 217, '22cel', 252, '22cel', 287, '22cel', 952, '22cel') + ObjsEnabledForDeformation() + $end 'DesignSettings' + $begin 'DCThickness' + $end 'DCThickness' + $begin 'Boundaries' + $begin 'antennaMetal_2' + ID=2 + BoundType='Perfect E' + IsComponent=false + Objects(114) + 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+ uvpos_v=1 + uvpos_id=957 + $end 'uv_block_name' + $begin 'GeometryPosition' + IsAttachedToEntity=true + EntityID=972 + ParentIDs(960, 959, 970) + FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 + TriangleVertexIndex=-1 + hasXYZ=true + PositionType='OnVertex' + UParam=0 + VParam=0 + XPosition='17.645' + YPosition='17.645' + ZPosition='30' + $end 'GeometryPosition' + $begin 'uv_block_name' + uvpos_u=1 + uvpos_v=1 + uvpos_id=957 + $end 'uv_block_name' + $end 'CoordSysVector' + ReverseV=false + $end 'Primary1' + $begin 'Secondary1' + ID=23 + BoundType='Secondary' + IsComponent=false + Faces(955) + ParentBndID=-1 + $begin 'CoordSysVector' + $begin 'GeometryPosition' + IsAttachedToEntity=true + EntityID=976 + ParentIDs(968, 964, 963) + FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 + TriangleVertexIndex=-1 + hasXYZ=true + PositionType='OnVertex' + UParam=0 + VParam=0 + XPosition='17.645' + YPosition='-17.645' + ZPosition='-1.272' + $end 'GeometryPosition' + $begin 'uv_block_name' + uvpos_u=1 + uvpos_v=1 + uvpos_id=955 + $end 'uv_block_name' + $begin 'GeometryPosition' + IsAttachedToEntity=true + EntityID=971 + ParentIDs(962, 959, 968) + FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 + TriangleVertexIndex=-1 + hasXYZ=true + PositionType='OnVertex' + UParam=0 + VParam=0 + XPosition='17.645' + YPosition='-17.645' + ZPosition='30' + $end 'GeometryPosition' + $begin 'uv_block_name' + uvpos_u=0 + uvpos_v=1 + uvpos_id=955 + $end 'uv_block_name' + $end 'CoordSysVector' + ReverseV=true + primary=22 + PhaseDelay='UseScanAngle' + Phi='0deg' + Theta='0deg' + Phase='0deg' + $end 'Secondary1' + $begin 'Primary2' + ID=24 + BoundType='Primary' + IsComponent=false + Faces(958) + ParentBndID=-1 + $begin 'CoordSysVector' + $begin 'GeometryPosition' + IsAttachedToEntity=true + EntityID=976 + ParentIDs(968, 964, 963) + FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 + TriangleVertexIndex=-1 + hasXYZ=true + PositionType='OnVertex' + UParam=0 + VParam=0 + XPosition='17.645' + YPosition='-17.645' + ZPosition='-1.272' + $end 'GeometryPosition' + $begin 'uv_block_name' + uvpos_u=1 + uvpos_v=0 + uvpos_id=958 + $end 'uv_block_name' + $begin 'GeometryPosition' + IsAttachedToEntity=true + EntityID=971 + ParentIDs(962, 959, 968) + FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 + TriangleVertexIndex=-1 + hasXYZ=true + PositionType='OnVertex' + UParam=0 + VParam=0 + XPosition='17.645' + YPosition='-17.645' + ZPosition='30' + $end 'GeometryPosition' + $begin 'uv_block_name' + uvpos_u=0 + uvpos_v=0 + uvpos_id=958 + $end 'uv_block_name' + $end 'CoordSysVector' + ReverseV=false + $end 'Primary2' + $begin 'Secondary2' + ID=25 + BoundType='Secondary' + IsComponent=false + Faces(956) + ParentBndID=-1 + $begin 'CoordSysVector' + $begin 'GeometryPosition' + IsAttachedToEntity=true + EntityID=977 + ParentIDs(967, 965, 964) + FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 + TriangleVertexIndex=-1 + hasXYZ=true + PositionType='OnVertex' + UParam=0 + VParam=0 + XPosition='-17.645' + YPosition='-17.645' + ZPosition='-1.272' + $end 'GeometryPosition' + $begin 'uv_block_name' + uvpos_u=0 + uvpos_v=0 + uvpos_id=956 + $end 'uv_block_name' + $begin 'GeometryPosition' + IsAttachedToEntity=true + EntityID=974 + ParentIDs(962, 961, 967) + FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 + TriangleVertexIndex=-1 + hasXYZ=true + PositionType='OnVertex' + UParam=0 + VParam=0 + XPosition='-17.645' + YPosition='-17.645' + ZPosition='30' + $end 'GeometryPosition' + $begin 'uv_block_name' + uvpos_u=1 + uvpos_v=0 + uvpos_id=956 + $end 'uv_block_name' + $end 'CoordSysVector' + ReverseV=true + primary=24 + PhaseDelay='UseScanAngle' + Phi='0deg' + Theta='0deg' + Phase='0deg' + $end 'Secondary2' + $end 'Boundaries' + $begin 'Excitations' + $begin '1' + ID=26 + BoundType='Wave Port' + IsComponent=false + Faces(289) + WavePortType='Modal' + NumModes=1 + PECCapPartID=-1 + UseLineModeAlignment=false + DoDeembed=false + DeembedDist='0mm' + ParentBndID=-1 + $begin 'Modes' + $begin 'Mode1' + ModeNum=1 + UseIntLine=true + $begin 'IntLine' + $begin 'GeometryPosition' + IsAttachedToEntity=true + EntityID=291 + FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 + TriangleVertexIndex=-1 + hasXYZ=true + closedU=true + PositionType='OnEdge' + UParam=0 + VParam=0 + XPosition='-3.19117290349489' + YPosition='-3.19117290349489' + ZPosition='-3.772' + $end 'GeometryPosition' + $begin 'uv_block_name' + uvpos_u=0.0059288537549406911 + uvpos_v=0.49999999999999989 + uvpos_id=289 + $end 'uv_block_name' + $begin 'GeometryPosition' + IsAttachedToEntity=true + EntityID=256 + FacetedBodyTriangleIndex=-1 + TriangleVertexIndex=-1 + hasXYZ=true + closedU=true + PositionType='OnEdge' + UParam=0 + VParam=0 + XPosition='-2.76690883478296' + YPosition='-2.76690883478296' + ZPosition='-3.772' + $end 'GeometryPosition' + $begin 'uv_block_name' + uvpos_u=0.35468495698674718 + uvpos_v=0.5 + uvpos_id=289 + $end 'uv_block_name' + $end 'IntLine' + AlignmentGroup=0 + CharImp='Zpi' + $end 'Mode1' + $end 'Modes' + UseAnalyticAlignment=false + ShowReporterFilter=false + ReporterFilter(true) + $end '1' + $end 'Excitations' + $begin 'Circuit Elements' + $end 'Circuit Elements' + $begin 'PMLGroups' + $end 'PMLGroups' + $begin 'MeshOperations' + $begin 'GlobalSurfApproximation' + CurvedSurfaceApproxChoice='UseSlider' + SliderMeshSettings=5 + $end 'GlobalSurfApproximation' + $begin 'GlobalCurvilinear' + Apply=false + $end 'GlobalCurvilinear' + $begin 'GlobalModelRes' + UseAutoLength=true + $end 'GlobalModelRes' + MeshMethod='Auto' + UseLegacyFaceterForTauVolumeMesh=false + DynamicSurfaceResolution=false + UseFlexMeshingForTAUvolumeMesh=false + UseAlternativeMeshMethodsAsFallBack=true + AllowPhiForLayeredGeometry=true + $end 'MeshOperations' + $end 'DesignData' + $end 'HFSSModel' + $begin 'MaterialDefinitions' + $begin 'Variables' + $end 'Variables' + $begin 'Datasets' + $end 'Datasets' + $begin 'Definitions' + $begin 'Materials' + $begin 'Teflon (tm)' + CoordinateSystemType='Cartesian' + BulkOrSurfaceType=1 + $begin 'PhysicsTypes' + set('Electromagnetic') + $end 'PhysicsTypes' + permittivity='2.1' + conductivity='0' + dielectric_loss_tangent='0.001' + ModTime=1610399599 + Library='' + LibLocation='Project' + ModSinceLib=false + $end 'Teflon (tm)' + $begin 'pec' + CoordinateSystemType='Cartesian' + BulkOrSurfaceType=1 + $begin 'PhysicsTypes' + set('Electromagnetic') + $end 'PhysicsTypes' + $begin 'AttachedData' + $begin 'MatAppearanceData' + property_data='appearance_data' + Red=247 + Green=242 + Blue=232 + $end 'MatAppearanceData' + $end 'AttachedData' + conductivity='1e+30' + ModTime=1499970477 + Library='Materials' + LibLocation='SysLibrary' + ModSinceLib=false + $end 'pec' + $begin 'vacuum' + CoordinateSystemType='Cartesian' + BulkOrSurfaceType=1 + $begin 'PhysicsTypes' + set('Electromagnetic') + $end 'PhysicsTypes' + $begin 'AttachedData' + $begin 'MatAppearanceData' + property_data='appearance_data' + Red=230 + Green=230 + Blue=230 + Transparency=0.94999998807907104 + $end 'MatAppearanceData' + $end 'AttachedData' + permittivity='1' + ModTime=1499970477 + Library='Materials' + LibLocation='SysLibrary' + ModSinceLib=false + $end 'vacuum' + $end 'Materials' + $begin 'SurfaceMaterials' + $end 'SurfaceMaterials' + $end 'Definitions' + $end 'MaterialDefinitions' + $begin 'GeometryData' + $begin 'Variables' + $begin 'LocalVariables' + VariableProp('beta2', 'UD', '', '-90deg') + VariableProp('beta4', 'UD', '', '-270deg') + VariableProp('Sy', 'UD', '', '35.29mm') + VariableProp('subWidth', 'UD', '', '80mm') + VariableProp('Wn', 'UD', '', '3.004mm') + VariableProp('Dp', 'UD', '', '23.53mm') + VariableProp('Ln', 'UD', '', '1.502mm') + VariableProp('feedLength', 'UD', '', '2.5mm') + VariableProp('subLength', 'UD', '', '80mm') + VariableProp('coax_inner_rad', 'UD', '', '0.25mm') + VariableProp('coax_outer_rad', 'UD', '', '0.85mm') + VariableProp('Sf', 'UD', '', '3.663mm') + VariableProp('Sx', 'UD', '', '35.29mm') + VariableProp('H', 'UD', '', '1.272mm') + VariableProp('beta3', 'UD', '', '-180deg') + VariableProp('alpha', 'UD', '', '45deg') + $end 'LocalVariables' + $end 'Variables' + $begin 'Datasets' + $end 'Datasets' + $begin 'GeometryCore' + BlockVersionID=3 + DataVersion=7 + NativeKernel='PARASOLID' + NativeKernelVersionID=23 + Units='mm' + ModelExtents=10000 + InstanceID=-1 + $begin 'ValidationOptions' + EntityCheckLevel='Strict' + IgnoreUnclassifiedObjects=false + SkipIntersectionChecks=false + $end 'ValidationOptions' + ContainsGeomLinkUDM=false + $begin 'GeometryOperations' + BlockVersionID=2 + $begin 'AnsoftRangedIDServerManager' + $begin 'AnsoftRangedIDServer' + IDServerObjectTypeID=0 + IDServerRangeMin=0 + IDServerRangeMax=2146483647 + NextUniqueID=979 + MoveBackwards=false + $end 'AnsoftRangedIDServer' + $begin 'AnsoftRangedIDServer' + IDServerObjectTypeID=1 + IDServerRangeMin=2146483648 + IDServerRangeMax=2146485547 + NextUniqueID=2146483654 + MoveBackwards=false + $end 'AnsoftRangedIDServer' + $end 'AnsoftRangedIDServerManager' + StartBackGroundFaceID=2146483648 + $begin 'CoordinateSystems' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='CreateRelativeCoordinateSystem' + ID=709 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'RelativeCSParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + Mode='Axis/Position' + OriginX='-17.645mm' + OriginY='-17.645mm' + OriginZ='14mm' + XAxisXvec='1mm' + XAxisYvec='0mm' + XAxisZvec='0mm' + YAxisXvec='0mm' + YAxisYvec='1mm' + YAxisZvec='0mm' + $end 'RelativeCSParameters' + ParentPartID=-1 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='RelativeCS1' + UDMId=-1 + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $end 'Operations' + XYPlaneID=710 + $end 'Operation' + $end 'CoordinateSystems' + $begin 'OperandCSs' + $end 'OperandCSs' + $begin 'UserDefinedModels' + $end 'UserDefinedModels' + $begin 'OperandUserDefinedModels' + $end 'OperandUserDefinedModels' + $begin 'ToplevelParts' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='Soil' + Flags='' + Color='(0 128 0)' + Transparency=0.29999999999999999 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=-1 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='"Teflon (tm)"' + SurfaceMaterialValue='""' + SolveInside=true + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0mm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=true + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Box' + ID=5 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'BoxParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + XPosition='-subWidth/2' + YPosition='-subLength/2' + ZPosition='0mm' + XSize='subWidth' + YSize='subLength' + ZSize='H' + $end 'BoxParameters' + ParentPartID=6 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=6 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=6 + NumCoedges=24 + NumEdges=12 + NumVertices=8 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=6 + StartFaceID=7 + StartEdgeID=13 + StartVertexID=25 + NumNewFaces=6 + NumNewEdges=12 + NumNewVertices=8 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Split' + ID=428 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'SplitToParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + SourcePartID=6 + SplitPlane='YZ' + WhichSide='NegativeOnly' + ToolType='PlaneTool' + ToolEntityID=-1 + ToolPartID=-1 + $end 'SplitToParameters' + ParentPartID=6 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='SplitEdit' + ID=429 + $begin 'SplitFromParameters' + $end 'SplitFromParameters' + ParentPartID=6 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=6 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=6 + NumCoedges=24 + NumEdges=12 + NumVertices=8 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=430 + StartEdgeID=431 + StartVertexID=435 + NumNewFaces=1 + NumNewEdges=4 + NumNewVertices=4 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'NewFaces' + $begin 'Face' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=430 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=101.76000000000001 + FcUVMid(0, 0, 0.63600000000000001) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(0, -40, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(0, -40, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(0, 40, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(0, 40, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'Face' + $end 'NewFaces' + $begin 'NewEdges' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=433 + EdgeFaces(7, 430) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(0, 40, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(0, -40, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(0, 0, 1.272) + $end 'Edge' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=1 + ID=434 + EdgeFaces(9, 430) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(0, -40, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(0, -40, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(0, -40, 0.63600000000000001) + $end 'Edge' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=2 + ID=432 + EdgeFaces(11, 430) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(0, 40, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(0, 40, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(0, 40, 0.63600000000000001) + $end 'Edge' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=3 + ID=431 + EdgeFaces(8, 430) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(0, -40, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(0, 40, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(0, 0, 0) + $end 'Edge' + $end 'NewEdges' + $begin 'NewVertices' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=435 + VtPos(0, -40, 0) + $end 'Vertex' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=1 + ID=438 + VtPos(0, -40, 1.272) + $end 'Vertex' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=2 + ID=437 + VtPos(0, 40, 1.272) + $end 'Vertex' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=3 + ID=436 + VtPos(0, 40, 0) + $end 'Vertex' + $end 'NewVertices' + $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $end 'OperationIdentity' + SplitFromOperation=-1 + SplitToOperation=428 + ParentOperation=5 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Split' + ID=492 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'SplitToParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + SourcePartID=6 + SplitPlane='ZX' + WhichSide='NegativeOnly' + ToolType='PlaneTool' + ToolEntityID=-1 + ToolPartID=-1 + $end 'SplitToParameters' + ParentPartID=6 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='SplitEdit' + ID=493 + $begin 'SplitFromParameters' + $end 'SplitFromParameters' + ParentPartID=6 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=6 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=6 + NumCoedges=24 + NumEdges=12 + NumVertices=8 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=494 + StartEdgeID=495 + StartVertexID=499 + NumNewFaces=1 + NumNewEdges=4 + NumNewVertices=4 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'NewFaces' + $begin 'Face' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=494 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=50.880000000000003 + FcUVMid(-20, 0, 0.63600000000000001) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(0, 0, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(0, 0, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-40, 0, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-40, 0, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'Face' + $end 'NewFaces' + $begin 'NewEdges' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=498 + EdgeFaces(7, 494) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(0, 0, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-40, 0, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(-20, 0, 1.272) + $end 'Edge' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=1 + ID=497 + EdgeFaces(10, 494) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(-40, 0, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-40, 0, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(-40, 0, 0.63600000000000001) + $end 'Edge' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=2 + ID=496 + EdgeFaces(8, 494) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(0, 0, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-40, 0, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(-20, 0, 0) + $end 'Edge' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=3 + ID=495 + EdgeFaces(430, 494) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(0, 0, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(0, 0, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(0, 0, 0.63600000000000001) + $end 'Edge' + $end 'NewEdges' + $begin 'NewVertices' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=499 + VtPos(0, 0, 1.272) + $end 'Vertex' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=1 + ID=502 + VtPos(-40, 0, 1.272) + $end 'Vertex' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=2 + ID=501 + VtPos(-40, 0, 0) + $end 'Vertex' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=3 + ID=500 + VtPos(0, 0, 0) + $end 'Vertex' + $end 'NewVertices' + $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $end 'OperationIdentity' + SplitFromOperation=-1 + SplitToOperation=492 + ParentOperation=429 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Move' + ID=588 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'TranslateParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + TargetID=6 + TranslateVectorX='17.645mm' + TranslateVectorY='17.645mm' + TranslateVectorZ='-1.272mm' + $end 'TranslateParameters' + ParentPartID=6 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=6 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=6 + NumCoedges=24 + NumEdges=12 + NumVertices=8 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + TranformBaseOperationID=493 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Split' + ID=713 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=709 + $begin 'SplitToParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + SourcePartID=6 + SplitPlane='ZX' + WhichSide='PositiveOnly' + ToolType='PlaneTool' + ToolEntityID=-1 + ToolPartID=-1 + $end 'SplitToParameters' + ParentPartID=6 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='SplitEdit' + ID=714 + $begin 'SplitFromParameters' + $end 'SplitFromParameters' + ParentPartID=6 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=6 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=6 + NumCoedges=24 + NumEdges=12 + NumVertices=8 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=715 + StartEdgeID=716 + StartVertexID=720 + NumNewFaces=1 + NumNewEdges=4 + NumNewVertices=4 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'NewFaces' + $begin 'Face' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=715 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=50.880000000000038 + FcUVMid(-2.3550000000000044, -17.645, -0.63600000000000045) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(-22.355, -17.645, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-22.355000000000008, -17.645, -1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(17.645, -17.645, -1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(17.645, -17.645, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'Face' + $end 'NewFaces' + $begin 'NewEdges' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=719 + EdgeFaces(7, 715) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(17.645, -17.645, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-22.355, -17.645, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(-2.3550000000000013, -17.645, 0) + $end 'Edge' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=1 + ID=716 + EdgeFaces(10, 715) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(-22.355000000000008, -17.645, -1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-22.355, -17.645, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(-22.355, -17.645, -0.63600000000000001) + $end 'Edge' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=2 + ID=717 + EdgeFaces(8, 715) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(17.645, -17.645, -1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-22.355000000000008, -17.645, -1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(-2.3550000000000044, -17.645, -1.272) + $end 'Edge' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=3 + ID=718 + EdgeFaces(430, 715) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(17.645, -17.645, -1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(17.645, -17.645, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(17.645, -17.645, -0.63600000000000001) + $end 'Edge' + $end 'NewEdges' + $begin 'NewVertices' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=722 + VtPos(17.645, -17.645, -1.272) + $end 'Vertex' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=1 + ID=720 + VtPos(-22.355, -17.645, 0) + $end 'Vertex' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=2 + ID=721 + VtPos(-22.355000000000008, -17.645, -1.272) + $end 'Vertex' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=3 + ID=723 + VtPos(17.645, -17.645, 0) + $end 'Vertex' + $end 'NewVertices' + $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $end 'OperationIdentity' + SplitFromOperation=-1 + SplitToOperation=713 + ParentOperation=588 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Split' + ID=741 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=709 + $begin 'SplitToParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + SourcePartID=6 + SplitPlane='YZ' + WhichSide='PositiveOnly' + ToolType='PlaneTool' + ToolEntityID=-1 + ToolPartID=-1 + $end 'SplitToParameters' + ParentPartID=6 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='SplitEdit' + ID=742 + $begin 'SplitFromParameters' + $end 'SplitFromParameters' + ParentPartID=6 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=6 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=6 + NumCoedges=24 + NumEdges=12 + NumVertices=8 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=743 + StartEdgeID=744 + StartVertexID=748 + NumNewFaces=1 + NumNewEdges=4 + NumNewVertices=4 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'NewFaces' + $begin 'Face' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=743 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=44.888880000000029 + FcUVMid(-17.645, 0, -0.63600000000000045) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(-17.645, -17.645, -1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-17.645, -17.645, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-17.645, 17.645, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-17.645, 17.645, -1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'Face' + $end 'NewFaces' + $begin 'NewEdges' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=745 + EdgeFaces(7, 743) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(-17.645, -17.645, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-17.645, 17.645, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(-17.645, 0, 0) + $end 'Edge' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=1 + ID=747 + EdgeFaces(8, 743) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(-17.645, -17.645, -1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-17.645, 17.645, -1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(-17.645, 0, -1.272) + $end 'Edge' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=2 + ID=746 + EdgeFaces(494, 743) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(-17.645, 17.645, -1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-17.645, 17.645, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(-17.645, 17.645, -0.63600000000000001) + $end 'Edge' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=3 + ID=744 + EdgeFaces(715, 743) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(-17.645, -17.645, -1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-17.645, -17.645, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(-17.645, -17.645, -0.63600000000000045) + $end 'Edge' + $end 'NewEdges' + $begin 'NewVertices' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=748 + VtPos(-17.645, -17.645, -1.272) + $end 'Vertex' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=1 + ID=750 + VtPos(-17.645, 17.645, 0) + $end 'Vertex' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=2 + ID=751 + VtPos(-17.645, 17.645, -1.272) + $end 'Vertex' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=3 + ID=749 + VtPos(-17.645, -17.645, 0) + $end 'Vertex' + $end 'NewVertices' + $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $end 'OperationIdentity' + SplitFromOperation=-1 + SplitToOperation=741 + ParentOperation=714 + $end 'Operation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='Ground' + Flags='' + Color='(255 128 65)' + Transparency=0.29999999999999999 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=-1 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='"vacuum"' + SurfaceMaterialValue='""' + SolveInside=true + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0mm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=true + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Rectangle' + ID=33 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'RectangleParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + XStart='-subWidth/2' + YStart='-subLength/2' + ZStart='0mm' + Width='subWidth' + Height='subLength' + WhichAxis='Z' + $end 'RectangleParameters' + ParentPartID=34 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=0 + NumWires=1 + NumLoops=0 + NumCoedges=0 + NumEdges=4 + NumVertices=4 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=34 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=35 + StartVertexID=39 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=4 + NumNewVertices=4 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='CoverLines' + ID=43 + $begin 'LocalOperationParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + LocalOpPart=34 + $end 'LocalOperationParameters' + ParentPartID=34 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=1 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=1 + NumCoedges=4 + NumEdges=4 + NumVertices=4 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=44 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=1 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'NewFaces' + $begin 'Face' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=44 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=6400.0000000000009 + FcUVMid(0, 0, 0) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(-40, -40, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(40, -40, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(40, 40, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-40, 40, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'Face' + $end 'NewFaces' + $begin 'NewEdges' + $end 'NewEdges' + $begin 'NewVertices' + $end 'NewVertices' + $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $end 'OperationIdentity' + ParentOperationID=33 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Substract' + ID=390 + $begin 'SubtractParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + KeepOriginals=false + TurnOnNBodyBoolean=false + BlankPart=34 + NumToolParts=4 + ToolParts(199, 370, 376, 382) + $end 'SubtractParameters' + ParentPartID=34 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=1 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=5 + NumCoedges=8 + NumEdges=8 + NumVertices=4 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=391 + StartVertexID=395 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=4 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'NewFaces' + $end 'NewFaces' + $begin 'NewEdges' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=391 + EdgeFaces(44) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(15.65590862452224, -15.65590862452224, 0) + $end 'Edge' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=1 + ID=392 + EdgeFaces(44) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(-19.634091375477759, -19.634091375477759, 0) + $end 'Edge' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=2 + ID=393 + EdgeFaces(44) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(-15.65590862452224, 15.65590862452224, 0) + $end 'Edge' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=3 + ID=394 + EdgeFaces(44) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(19.634091375477759, 19.634091375477759, 0) + $end 'Edge' + $end 'NewEdges' + $begin 'NewVertices' + $end 'NewVertices' + $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'MergedFaces' + $end 'MergedFaces' + $begin 'MergedEdges' + $end 'MergedEdges' + $end 'OperationIdentity' + BlankOperation=43 + NumToolOperations=4 + ToolOperations(386, 387, 388, 389) + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Split' + ID=439 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'SplitToParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + SourcePartID=34 + SplitPlane='YZ' + WhichSide='NegativeOnly' + ToolType='PlaneTool' + ToolEntityID=-1 + ToolPartID=-1 + $end 'SplitToParameters' + ParentPartID=34 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='SplitEdit' + ID=440 + $begin 'SplitFromParameters' + $end 'SplitFromParameters' + ParentPartID=34 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=1 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=3 + NumCoedges=6 + NumEdges=6 + NumVertices=4 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=441 + StartVertexID=442 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=1 + NumNewVertices=2 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'NewFaces' + $end 'NewFaces' + $begin 'NewEdges' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=441 + EdgeFaces(44) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(0, -40, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(0, 40, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(0, 0, 0) + $end 'Edge' + $end 'NewEdges' + $begin 'NewVertices' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=443 + VtPos(0, 40, 0) + $end 'Vertex' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=1 + ID=442 + VtPos(0, -40, 0) + $end 'Vertex' + $end 'NewVertices' + $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $end 'OperationIdentity' + SplitFromOperation=-1 + SplitToOperation=439 + ParentOperation=390 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Split' + ID=503 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'SplitToParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + SourcePartID=34 + SplitPlane='ZX' + WhichSide='NegativeOnly' + ToolType='PlaneTool' + ToolEntityID=-1 + ToolPartID=-1 + $end 'SplitToParameters' + ParentPartID=34 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='SplitEdit' + ID=504 + $begin 'SplitFromParameters' + $end 'SplitFromParameters' + ParentPartID=34 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=1 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=2 + NumCoedges=5 + NumEdges=5 + NumVertices=4 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=505 + StartVertexID=506 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=1 + NumNewVertices=2 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'NewFaces' + $end 'NewFaces' + $begin 'NewEdges' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=505 + EdgeFaces(44) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(0, 0, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-40, 0, 0, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(-20, 0, 0) + $end 'Edge' + $end 'NewEdges' + $begin 'NewVertices' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=507 + VtPos(-40, 0, 0) + $end 'Vertex' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=1 + ID=506 + VtPos(0, 0, 0) + $end 'Vertex' + $end 'NewVertices' + $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $end 'OperationIdentity' + SplitFromOperation=-1 + SplitToOperation=503 + ParentOperation=440 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Move' + ID=589 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'TranslateParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + TargetID=34 + TranslateVectorX='17.645mm' + TranslateVectorY='17.645mm' + TranslateVectorZ='-1.272mm' + $end 'TranslateParameters' + ParentPartID=34 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=1 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=2 + NumCoedges=5 + NumEdges=5 + NumVertices=4 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + TranformBaseOperationID=504 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Split' + ID=724 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=709 + $begin 'SplitToParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + SourcePartID=34 + SplitPlane='ZX' + WhichSide='PositiveOnly' + ToolType='PlaneTool' + ToolEntityID=-1 + ToolPartID=-1 + $end 'SplitToParameters' + ParentPartID=34 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='SplitEdit' + ID=725 + $begin 'SplitFromParameters' + $end 'SplitFromParameters' + ParentPartID=34 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=1 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=2 + NumCoedges=5 + NumEdges=5 + NumVertices=4 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=726 + StartVertexID=727 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=1 + NumNewVertices=2 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'NewFaces' + $end 'NewFaces' + $begin 'NewEdges' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=726 + EdgeFaces(44) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(-22.355, -17.645, -1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(17.645, -17.645, -1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(-2.3550000000000013, -17.645, -1.272) + $end 'Edge' + $end 'NewEdges' + $begin 'NewVertices' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=728 + VtPos(17.645, -17.645, -1.272) + $end 'Vertex' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=1 + ID=727 + VtPos(-22.355, -17.645, -1.272) + $end 'Vertex' + $end 'NewVertices' + $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $end 'OperationIdentity' + SplitFromOperation=-1 + SplitToOperation=724 + ParentOperation=589 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Split' + ID=752 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=709 + $begin 'SplitToParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + SourcePartID=34 + SplitPlane='YZ' + WhichSide='PositiveOnly' + ToolType='PlaneTool' + ToolEntityID=-1 + ToolPartID=-1 + $end 'SplitToParameters' + ParentPartID=34 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='SplitEdit' + ID=753 + $begin 'SplitFromParameters' + $end 'SplitFromParameters' + ParentPartID=34 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=1 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=2 + NumCoedges=5 + NumEdges=5 + NumVertices=4 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=754 + StartVertexID=755 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=1 + NumNewVertices=2 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'NewFaces' + $end 'NewFaces' + $begin 'NewEdges' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=754 + EdgeFaces(44) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(-17.645, -17.645, -1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-17.645, 17.645, -1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(-17.645, 0, -1.272) + $end 'Edge' + $end 'NewEdges' + $begin 'NewVertices' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=755 + VtPos(-17.645, 17.645, -1.272) + $end 'Vertex' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=1 + ID=756 + VtPos(-17.645, -17.645, -1.272) + $end 'Vertex' + $end 'NewVertices' + $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $end 'OperationIdentity' + SplitFromOperation=-1 + SplitToOperation=752 + ParentOperation=725 + $end 'Operation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='Circle_2' + Flags='' + Color='(255 128 65)' + Transparency=0.29999999999999999 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=-1 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='"vacuum"' + SurfaceMaterialValue='""' + SolveInside=true + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0mm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=true + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='DuplicateBodyAroundAxis' + ID=113 + $begin 'CloneFromParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + SourceID=46 + WhichClone=0 + $end 'CloneFromParameters' + ParentPartID=114 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=1 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=1 + NumCoedges=8 + NumEdges=8 + NumVertices=8 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=114 + StartFaceID=115 + StartEdgeID=116 + StartVertexID=124 + NumNewFaces=1 + NumNewEdges=8 + NumNewVertices=8 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'CloneFromOperationIdentityHelper' + CloneFaces('50'='115') + CloneEdges('76'='116', '77'='117', '78'='118', '79'='119', '80'='120', '81'='121', '82'='122', '83'='123') + CloneVertices('84'='124', '85'='125', '86'='126', '87'='127', '88'='128', '89'='129', '90'='130', '91'='131') + CloneIdentityHelperKernelType=0 + $end 'CloneFromOperationIdentityHelper' + OriginalFaceIDs(50) + OriginalEdgeIDs(76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83) + OriginalVertexIDs(84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91) + $end 'OperationIdentity' + PlaceHolderOpnId=112 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Move' + ID=154 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'TranslateParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + TargetID=114 + TranslateVectorX='-Sx/2' + TranslateVectorY='-Sy/2' + TranslateVectorZ='0' + $end 'TranslateParameters' + ParentPartID=114 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=1 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=1 + NumCoedges=8 + NumEdges=8 + NumVertices=8 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + TranformBaseOperationID=113 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Split' + ID=448 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'SplitToParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + SourcePartID=114 + SplitPlane='YZ' + WhichSide='NegativeOnly' + ToolType='PlaneTool' + ToolEntityID=-1 + ToolPartID=-1 + $end 'SplitToParameters' + ParentPartID=114 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='SplitEdit' + ID=449 + $begin 'SplitFromParameters' + $end 'SplitFromParameters' + ParentPartID=114 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=1 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=1 + NumCoedges=8 + NumEdges=8 + NumVertices=8 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'NewFaces' + $end 'NewFaces' + $begin 'NewEdges' + $end 'NewEdges' + $begin 'NewVertices' + $end 'NewVertices' + $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $end 'OperationIdentity' + SplitFromOperation=-1 + SplitToOperation=448 + ParentOperation=154 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Split' + ID=510 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'SplitToParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + SourcePartID=114 + SplitPlane='ZX' + WhichSide='NegativeOnly' + ToolType='PlaneTool' + ToolEntityID=-1 + ToolPartID=-1 + $end 'SplitToParameters' + ParentPartID=114 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='SplitEdit' + ID=511 + $begin 'SplitFromParameters' + $end 'SplitFromParameters' + ParentPartID=114 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=1 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=1 + NumCoedges=8 + NumEdges=8 + NumVertices=8 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'NewFaces' + $end 'NewFaces' + $begin 'NewEdges' + $end 'NewEdges' + $begin 'NewVertices' + $end 'NewVertices' + $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $end 'OperationIdentity' + SplitFromOperation=-1 + SplitToOperation=510 + ParentOperation=449 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Move' + ID=590 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'TranslateParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + TargetID=114 + TranslateVectorX='17.645mm' + TranslateVectorY='17.645mm' + TranslateVectorZ='-1.272mm' + $end 'TranslateParameters' + ParentPartID=114 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=1 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=1 + NumCoedges=8 + NumEdges=8 + NumVertices=8 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + TranformBaseOperationID=511 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Split' + ID=729 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=709 + $begin 'SplitToParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + SourcePartID=114 + SplitPlane='ZX' + WhichSide='PositiveOnly' + ToolType='PlaneTool' + ToolEntityID=-1 + ToolPartID=-1 + $end 'SplitToParameters' + ParentPartID=114 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='SplitEdit' + ID=730 + $begin 'SplitFromParameters' + $end 'SplitFromParameters' + ParentPartID=114 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=1 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=1 + NumCoedges=8 + NumEdges=8 + NumVertices=8 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'NewFaces' + $end 'NewFaces' + $begin 'NewEdges' + $end 'NewEdges' + $begin 'NewVertices' + $end 'NewVertices' + $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $end 'OperationIdentity' + SplitFromOperation=-1 + SplitToOperation=729 + ParentOperation=590 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Split' + ID=757 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=709 + $begin 'SplitToParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + SourcePartID=114 + SplitPlane='YZ' + WhichSide='PositiveOnly' + ToolType='PlaneTool' + ToolEntityID=-1 + ToolPartID=-1 + $end 'SplitToParameters' + ParentPartID=114 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='SplitEdit' + ID=758 + $begin 'SplitFromParameters' + $end 'SplitFromParameters' + ParentPartID=114 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=1 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=1 + NumCoedges=8 + NumEdges=8 + NumVertices=8 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'NewFaces' + $end 'NewFaces' + $begin 'NewEdges' + $end 'NewEdges' + $begin 'NewVertices' + $end 'NewVertices' + $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $end 'OperationIdentity' + SplitFromOperation=-1 + SplitToOperation=757 + ParentOperation=730 + $end 'Operation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='FeedPin_2' + Flags='' + Color='(255 128 65)' + Transparency=0.29999999999999999 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=-1 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='"pec"' + SurfaceMaterialValue='""' + SolveInside=false + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0mm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=true + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='DuplicateBodyAroundAxis' + ID=216 + $begin 'CloneFromParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + SourceID=157 + WhichClone=0 + $end 'CloneFromParameters' + ParentPartID=217 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=3 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=4 + NumCoedges=4 + NumEdges=2 + NumVertices=0 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=217 + StartFaceID=218 + StartEdgeID=221 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=3 + NumNewEdges=2 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'CloneFromOperationIdentityHelper' + CloneFaces('158'='218', '159'='219', '160'='220') + CloneEdges('161'='221', '162'='222') + CloneVertices('163'='223', '164'='224') + CloneIdentityHelperKernelType=0 + $end 'CloneFromOperationIdentityHelper' + OriginalFaceIDs(158, 159, 160) + OriginalEdgeIDs(161, 162) + OriginalVertexIDs() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + PlaceHolderOpnId=215 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Move' + ID=237 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'TranslateParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + TargetID=217 + TranslateVectorX='-Sx/2' + TranslateVectorY='-Sy/2' + TranslateVectorZ='0' + $end 'TranslateParameters' + ParentPartID=217 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=3 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=4 + NumCoedges=4 + NumEdges=2 + NumVertices=0 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + TranformBaseOperationID=216 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Split' + ID=464 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'SplitToParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + SourcePartID=217 + SplitPlane='YZ' + WhichSide='NegativeOnly' + ToolType='PlaneTool' + ToolEntityID=-1 + ToolPartID=-1 + $end 'SplitToParameters' + ParentPartID=217 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='SplitEdit' + ID=465 + $begin 'SplitFromParameters' + $end 'SplitFromParameters' + ParentPartID=217 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=3 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=4 + NumCoedges=4 + NumEdges=2 + NumVertices=0 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'NewFaces' + $end 'NewFaces' + $begin 'NewEdges' + $end 'NewEdges' + $begin 'NewVertices' + $end 'NewVertices' + $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $end 'OperationIdentity' + SplitFromOperation=-1 + SplitToOperation=464 + ParentOperation=237 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Split' + ID=514 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'SplitToParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + SourcePartID=217 + SplitPlane='ZX' + WhichSide='NegativeOnly' + ToolType='PlaneTool' + ToolEntityID=-1 + ToolPartID=-1 + $end 'SplitToParameters' + ParentPartID=217 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='SplitEdit' + ID=515 + $begin 'SplitFromParameters' + $end 'SplitFromParameters' + ParentPartID=217 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=3 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=4 + NumCoedges=4 + NumEdges=2 + NumVertices=0 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'NewFaces' + $end 'NewFaces' + $begin 'NewEdges' + $end 'NewEdges' + $begin 'NewVertices' + $end 'NewVertices' + $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $end 'OperationIdentity' + SplitFromOperation=-1 + SplitToOperation=514 + ParentOperation=465 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Move' + ID=591 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'TranslateParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + TargetID=217 + TranslateVectorX='17.645mm' + TranslateVectorY='17.645mm' + TranslateVectorZ='-1.272mm' + $end 'TranslateParameters' + ParentPartID=217 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=3 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=4 + NumCoedges=4 + NumEdges=2 + NumVertices=0 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + TranformBaseOperationID=515 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Split' + ID=731 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=709 + $begin 'SplitToParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + SourcePartID=217 + SplitPlane='ZX' + WhichSide='PositiveOnly' + ToolType='PlaneTool' + ToolEntityID=-1 + ToolPartID=-1 + $end 'SplitToParameters' + ParentPartID=217 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='SplitEdit' + ID=732 + $begin 'SplitFromParameters' + $end 'SplitFromParameters' + ParentPartID=217 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=3 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=4 + NumCoedges=4 + NumEdges=2 + NumVertices=0 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'NewFaces' + $end 'NewFaces' + $begin 'NewEdges' + $end 'NewEdges' + $begin 'NewVertices' + $end 'NewVertices' + $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $end 'OperationIdentity' + SplitFromOperation=-1 + SplitToOperation=731 + ParentOperation=591 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Split' + ID=759 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=709 + $begin 'SplitToParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + SourcePartID=217 + SplitPlane='YZ' + WhichSide='PositiveOnly' + ToolType='PlaneTool' + ToolEntityID=-1 + ToolPartID=-1 + $end 'SplitToParameters' + ParentPartID=217 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='SplitEdit' + ID=760 + $begin 'SplitFromParameters' + $end 'SplitFromParameters' + ParentPartID=217 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=3 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=4 + NumCoedges=4 + NumEdges=2 + NumVertices=0 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'NewFaces' + $end 'NewFaces' + $begin 'NewEdges' + $end 'NewEdges' + $begin 'NewVertices' + $end 'NewVertices' + $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $end 'OperationIdentity' + SplitFromOperation=-1 + SplitToOperation=759 + ParentOperation=732 + $end 'Operation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='coax_pin_2' + Flags='' + Color='(255 128 65)' + Transparency=0.29999999999999999 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=-1 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='"pec"' + SurfaceMaterialValue='""' + SolveInside=false + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0mm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=true + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='DuplicateBodyAroundAxis' + ID=251 + $begin 'CloneFromParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + SourceID=166 + WhichClone=0 + $end 'CloneFromParameters' + ParentPartID=252 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=3 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=4 + NumCoedges=4 + NumEdges=2 + NumVertices=0 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=252 + StartFaceID=253 + StartEdgeID=256 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=3 + NumNewEdges=2 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'CloneFromOperationIdentityHelper' + CloneFaces('167'='253', '168'='254', '169'='255') + CloneEdges('170'='256', '171'='257') + CloneVertices('172'='258', '173'='259') + CloneIdentityHelperKernelType=0 + $end 'CloneFromOperationIdentityHelper' + OriginalFaceIDs(167, 168, 169) + OriginalEdgeIDs(170, 171) + OriginalVertexIDs() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + PlaceHolderOpnId=250 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Move' + ID=272 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'TranslateParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + TargetID=252 + TranslateVectorX='-Sx/2' + TranslateVectorY='-Sy/2' + TranslateVectorZ='0' + $end 'TranslateParameters' + ParentPartID=252 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=3 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=4 + NumCoedges=4 + NumEdges=2 + NumVertices=0 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + TranformBaseOperationID=251 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Split' + ID=470 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'SplitToParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + SourcePartID=252 + SplitPlane='YZ' + WhichSide='NegativeOnly' + ToolType='PlaneTool' + ToolEntityID=-1 + ToolPartID=-1 + $end 'SplitToParameters' + ParentPartID=252 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='SplitEdit' + ID=471 + $begin 'SplitFromParameters' + $end 'SplitFromParameters' + ParentPartID=252 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=3 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=4 + NumCoedges=4 + NumEdges=2 + NumVertices=0 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'NewFaces' + $end 'NewFaces' + $begin 'NewEdges' + $end 'NewEdges' + $begin 'NewVertices' + $end 'NewVertices' + $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $end 'OperationIdentity' + SplitFromOperation=-1 + SplitToOperation=470 + ParentOperation=272 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Split' + ID=518 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'SplitToParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + SourcePartID=252 + SplitPlane='ZX' + WhichSide='NegativeOnly' + ToolType='PlaneTool' + ToolEntityID=-1 + ToolPartID=-1 + $end 'SplitToParameters' + ParentPartID=252 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='SplitEdit' + ID=519 + $begin 'SplitFromParameters' + $end 'SplitFromParameters' + ParentPartID=252 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=3 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=4 + NumCoedges=4 + NumEdges=2 + NumVertices=0 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'NewFaces' + $end 'NewFaces' + $begin 'NewEdges' + $end 'NewEdges' + $begin 'NewVertices' + $end 'NewVertices' + $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $end 'OperationIdentity' + SplitFromOperation=-1 + SplitToOperation=518 + ParentOperation=471 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Move' + ID=592 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'TranslateParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + TargetID=252 + TranslateVectorX='17.645mm' + TranslateVectorY='17.645mm' + TranslateVectorZ='-1.272mm' + $end 'TranslateParameters' + ParentPartID=252 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=3 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=4 + NumCoedges=4 + NumEdges=2 + NumVertices=0 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + TranformBaseOperationID=519 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Split' + ID=733 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=709 + $begin 'SplitToParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + SourcePartID=252 + SplitPlane='ZX' + WhichSide='PositiveOnly' + ToolType='PlaneTool' + ToolEntityID=-1 + ToolPartID=-1 + $end 'SplitToParameters' + ParentPartID=252 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='SplitEdit' + ID=734 + $begin 'SplitFromParameters' + $end 'SplitFromParameters' + ParentPartID=252 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=3 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=4 + NumCoedges=4 + NumEdges=2 + NumVertices=0 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'NewFaces' + $end 'NewFaces' + $begin 'NewEdges' + $end 'NewEdges' + $begin 'NewVertices' + $end 'NewVertices' + $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $end 'OperationIdentity' + SplitFromOperation=-1 + SplitToOperation=733 + ParentOperation=592 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Split' + ID=761 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=709 + $begin 'SplitToParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + SourcePartID=252 + SplitPlane='YZ' + WhichSide='PositiveOnly' + ToolType='PlaneTool' + ToolEntityID=-1 + ToolPartID=-1 + $end 'SplitToParameters' + ParentPartID=252 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='SplitEdit' + ID=762 + $begin 'SplitFromParameters' + $end 'SplitFromParameters' + ParentPartID=252 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=3 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=4 + NumCoedges=4 + NumEdges=2 + NumVertices=0 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'NewFaces' + $end 'NewFaces' + $begin 'NewEdges' + $end 'NewEdges' + $begin 'NewVertices' + $end 'NewVertices' + $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $end 'OperationIdentity' + SplitFromOperation=-1 + SplitToOperation=761 + ParentOperation=734 + $end 'Operation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='coax_2' + Flags='' + Color='(128 255 255)' + Transparency=0.29999999999999999 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=-1 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='"Teflon (tm)"' + SurfaceMaterialValue='""' + SolveInside=true + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0mm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=true + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='DuplicateBodyAroundAxis' + ID=286 + $begin 'CloneFromParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + SourceID=175 + WhichClone=0 + $end 'CloneFromParameters' + ParentPartID=287 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=3 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=4 + NumCoedges=4 + NumEdges=2 + NumVertices=0 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=287 + StartFaceID=288 + StartEdgeID=291 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=3 + NumNewEdges=2 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'CloneFromOperationIdentityHelper' + CloneFaces('176'='288', '177'='289', '178'='290') + CloneEdges('179'='291', '180'='292') + CloneVertices('181'='293', '182'='294') + CloneIdentityHelperKernelType=0 + $end 'CloneFromOperationIdentityHelper' + OriginalFaceIDs(176, 177, 178) + OriginalEdgeIDs(179, 180) + OriginalVertexIDs() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + PlaceHolderOpnId=285 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Move' + ID=307 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'TranslateParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + TargetID=287 + TranslateVectorX='-Sx/2' + TranslateVectorY='-Sy/2' + TranslateVectorZ='0' + $end 'TranslateParameters' + ParentPartID=287 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=3 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=4 + NumCoedges=4 + NumEdges=2 + NumVertices=0 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + TranformBaseOperationID=286 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Split' + ID=476 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'SplitToParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + SourcePartID=287 + SplitPlane='YZ' + WhichSide='NegativeOnly' + ToolType='PlaneTool' + ToolEntityID=-1 + ToolPartID=-1 + $end 'SplitToParameters' + ParentPartID=287 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='SplitEdit' + ID=477 + $begin 'SplitFromParameters' + $end 'SplitFromParameters' + ParentPartID=287 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=3 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=4 + NumCoedges=4 + NumEdges=2 + NumVertices=0 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'NewFaces' + $end 'NewFaces' + $begin 'NewEdges' + $end 'NewEdges' + $begin 'NewVertices' + $end 'NewVertices' + $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $end 'OperationIdentity' + SplitFromOperation=-1 + SplitToOperation=476 + ParentOperation=307 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Split' + ID=522 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'SplitToParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + SourcePartID=287 + SplitPlane='ZX' + WhichSide='NegativeOnly' + ToolType='PlaneTool' + ToolEntityID=-1 + ToolPartID=-1 + $end 'SplitToParameters' + ParentPartID=287 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='SplitEdit' + ID=523 + $begin 'SplitFromParameters' + $end 'SplitFromParameters' + ParentPartID=287 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=3 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=4 + NumCoedges=4 + NumEdges=2 + NumVertices=0 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'NewFaces' + $end 'NewFaces' + $begin 'NewEdges' + $end 'NewEdges' + $begin 'NewVertices' + $end 'NewVertices' + $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $end 'OperationIdentity' + SplitFromOperation=-1 + SplitToOperation=522 + ParentOperation=477 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Move' + ID=593 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'TranslateParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + TargetID=287 + TranslateVectorX='17.645mm' + TranslateVectorY='17.645mm' + TranslateVectorZ='-1.272mm' + $end 'TranslateParameters' + ParentPartID=287 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=3 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=4 + NumCoedges=4 + NumEdges=2 + NumVertices=0 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + TranformBaseOperationID=523 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Split' + ID=735 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=709 + $begin 'SplitToParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + SourcePartID=287 + SplitPlane='ZX' + WhichSide='PositiveOnly' + ToolType='PlaneTool' + ToolEntityID=-1 + ToolPartID=-1 + $end 'SplitToParameters' + ParentPartID=287 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='SplitEdit' + ID=736 + $begin 'SplitFromParameters' + $end 'SplitFromParameters' + ParentPartID=287 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=3 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=4 + NumCoedges=4 + NumEdges=2 + NumVertices=0 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'NewFaces' + $end 'NewFaces' + $begin 'NewEdges' + $end 'NewEdges' + $begin 'NewVertices' + $end 'NewVertices' + $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $end 'OperationIdentity' + SplitFromOperation=-1 + SplitToOperation=735 + ParentOperation=593 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Split' + ID=763 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=709 + $begin 'SplitToParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + SourcePartID=287 + SplitPlane='YZ' + WhichSide='PositiveOnly' + ToolType='PlaneTool' + ToolEntityID=-1 + ToolPartID=-1 + $end 'SplitToParameters' + ParentPartID=287 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='SplitEdit' + ID=764 + $begin 'SplitFromParameters' + $end 'SplitFromParameters' + ParentPartID=287 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=3 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=4 + NumCoedges=4 + NumEdges=2 + NumVertices=0 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'NewFaces' + $end 'NewFaces' + $begin 'NewEdges' + $end 'NewEdges' + $begin 'NewVertices' + $end 'NewVertices' + $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $end 'OperationIdentity' + SplitFromOperation=-1 + SplitToOperation=763 + ParentOperation=736 + $end 'Operation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='Box1' + Flags='Wireframe#' + Color='(143 175 143)' + Transparency=0 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=-1 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='"vacuum"' + SurfaceMaterialValue='""' + SolveInside=true + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0mm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=true + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Box' + ID=951 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'BoxParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + XPosition='-17.645mm' + YPosition='17.645mm' + ZPosition='-1.272mm' + XSize='35.29mm' + YSize='-35.29mm' + ZSize='30mm+H' + $end 'BoxParameters' + ParentPartID=952 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=6 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=6 + NumCoedges=24 + NumEdges=12 + NumVertices=8 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=952 + StartFaceID=953 + StartEdgeID=959 + StartVertexID=971 + NumNewFaces=6 + NumNewEdges=12 + NumNewVertices=8 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + $end 'Operation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $end 'ToplevelParts' + $begin 'OperandParts' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='Circle_0' + Flags='' + Color='(255 128 65)' + Transparency=0.29999999999999999 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=-1 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='"vacuum"' + SurfaceMaterialValue='""' + SolveInside=true + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0mm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=true + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Circle' + ID=45 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'CircleParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + XCenter='0' + YCenter='0' + ZCenter='H' + Radius='Dp/2' + WhichAxis='Z' + NumSegments='0' + $end 'CircleParameters' + ParentPartID=46 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=0 + NumWires=1 + NumLoops=0 + NumCoedges=0 + NumEdges=1 + NumVertices=0 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=46 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=47 + StartVertexID=48 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=1 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='CoverLines' + ID=49 + $begin 'LocalOperationParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + LocalOpPart=46 + $end 'LocalOperationParameters' + ParentPartID=46 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=1 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=1 + NumCoedges=1 + NumEdges=1 + NumVertices=0 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=50 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=1 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'NewFaces' + $begin 'Face' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=50 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 1, 1, 0) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=434.84425400497821 + FcUVMid(0, 0, 1.272) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'Face' + $end 'NewFaces' + $begin 'NewEdges' + $end 'NewEdges' + $begin 'NewVertices' + $end 'NewVertices' + $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $end 'OperationIdentity' + ParentOperationID=45 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Substract' + ID=75 + $begin 'SubtractParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + KeepOriginals=false + TurnOnNBodyBoolean=false + BlankPart=46 + NumToolParts=2 + ToolParts(52, 64) + $end 'SubtractParameters' + ParentPartID=46 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=1 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=1 + NumCoedges=8 + NumEdges=8 + NumVertices=8 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=76 + StartVertexID=84 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=8 + NumNewVertices=8 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'NewFaces' + $end 'NewFaces' + $begin 'NewEdges' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=78 + EdgeFaces(50) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(-11.668728336884017, -1.502, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-10.263, -1.502, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(-10.965864168442007, -1.502, 1.272) + $end 'Edge' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=1 + ID=77 + EdgeFaces(50) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(-10.263, 1.502, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-10.263, -1.502, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(-10.263, 0, 1.272) + $end 'Edge' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=2 + ID=76 + EdgeFaces(50) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(-11.668728336884017, 1.502, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-10.263, 1.502, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(-10.965864168442007, 1.502, 1.272) + $end 'Edge' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=3 + ID=80 + EdgeFaces(50) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(11.668728336884017, -1.502, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(10.263, -1.502, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(10.965864168442007, -1.502, 1.272) + $end 'Edge' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=4 + ID=81 + EdgeFaces(50) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(10.263, 1.502, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(10.263, -1.502, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(10.263, 0, 1.272) + $end 'Edge' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=5 + ID=82 + EdgeFaces(50) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(11.668728336884017, 1.502, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(10.263, 1.502, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(10.965864168442007, 1.502, 1.272) + $end 'Edge' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=6 + ID=83 + EdgeFaces(50) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(11.668728336884017, 1.502, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-11.668728336884017, 1.502, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(7.2039847959843046e-16, 11.765000000000001, 1.272) + $end 'Edge' + $begin 'Edge' + NormalizedSerialNum=7 + ID=79 + EdgeFaces(50) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + TolVt(11.668728336884017, -1.502, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-11.668728336884017, -1.502, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(-2.1611954387952916e-15, -11.765000000000001, 1.272) + $end 'Edge' + $end 'NewEdges' + $begin 'NewVertices' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=86 + VtPos(-10.263, -1.502, 1.272) + $end 'Vertex' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=1 + ID=85 + VtPos(-10.263, 1.502, 1.272) + $end 'Vertex' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=2 + ID=87 + VtPos(-11.668728336884017, -1.502, 1.272) + $end 'Vertex' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=3 + ID=84 + VtPos(-11.668728336884017, 1.502, 1.272) + $end 'Vertex' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=4 + ID=89 + VtPos(10.263, -1.502, 1.272) + $end 'Vertex' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=5 + ID=90 + VtPos(10.263, 1.502, 1.272) + $end 'Vertex' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=6 + ID=88 + VtPos(11.668728336884017, -1.502, 1.272) + $end 'Vertex' + $begin 'Vertex' + NormalizedSerialNum=7 + ID=91 + VtPos(11.668728336884017, 1.502, 1.272) + $end 'Vertex' + $end 'NewVertices' + $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'MergedFaces' + $end 'MergedFaces' + $begin 'MergedEdges' + $end 'MergedEdges' + $end 'OperationIdentity' + BlankOperation=49 + NumToolOperations=2 + ToolOperations(61, 73) + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'CloneToOperation' + OperationType='DuplicateAroundAxis' + ID=112 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'DuplicateAroundAxisParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + ClonedEntity=46 + CreateNewObjects=true + WhichAxis='Z' + AngleStr='beta3' + NumClones='2' + $end 'DuplicateAroundAxisParameters' + ParentPartID=46 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + $end 'CloneToOperation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='NewObject_LXHI3Y' + Flags='' + Color='(132 132 193)' + Transparency=0.29999999999999999 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=-1 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='""' + SurfaceMaterialValue='""' + SolveInside=true + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0mm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=true + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Rectangle' + ID=51 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'RectangleParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + XStart='Dp/2' + YStart='-Wn/2' + ZStart='H' + Width='-Ln' + Height='Wn' + WhichAxis='Z' + $end 'RectangleParameters' + ParentPartID=52 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=0 + NumWires=1 + NumLoops=0 + NumCoedges=0 + NumEdges=4 + NumVertices=4 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=52 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=53 + StartVertexID=57 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=4 + NumNewVertices=4 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='CoverLines' + ID=61 + $begin 'LocalOperationParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + LocalOpPart=52 + $end 'LocalOperationParameters' + ParentPartID=52 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=1 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=1 + NumCoedges=4 + NumEdges=4 + NumVertices=4 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=62 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=1 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'NewFaces' + $begin 'Face' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=62 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=4.5120080000000016 + FcUVMid(11.013999999999999, 0, 1.272) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(11.765000000000001, -1.502, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(10.263, -1.502, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(10.263, 1.502, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(11.765000000000001, 1.502, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'Face' + $end 'NewFaces' + $begin 'NewEdges' + $end 'NewEdges' + $begin 'NewVertices' + $end 'NewVertices' + $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $end 'OperationIdentity' + ParentOperationID=51 + $end 'Operation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='NewObject_0TW2OL' + Flags='' + Color='(132 132 193)' + Transparency=0.29999999999999999 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=-1 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='""' + SurfaceMaterialValue='""' + SolveInside=true + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0mm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=true + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Rectangle' + ID=63 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'RectangleParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + XStart='-Dp/2' + YStart='-Wn/2' + ZStart='H' + Width='Ln' + Height='Wn' + WhichAxis='Z' + $end 'RectangleParameters' + ParentPartID=64 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=0 + NumWires=1 + NumLoops=0 + NumCoedges=0 + NumEdges=4 + NumVertices=4 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=64 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=65 + StartVertexID=69 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=4 + NumNewVertices=4 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='CoverLines' + ID=73 + $begin 'LocalOperationParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + LocalOpPart=64 + $end 'LocalOperationParameters' + ParentPartID=64 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=1 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=1 + NumCoedges=4 + NumEdges=4 + NumVertices=4 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=74 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=1 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'NewFaces' + $begin 'Face' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=74 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=4.5120080000000016 + FcUVMid(-11.013999999999999, 0, 1.272) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(-11.765000000000001, -1.502, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-10.263, -1.502, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-10.263, 1.502, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-11.765000000000001, 1.502, 1.272, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'Face' + $end 'NewFaces' + $begin 'NewEdges' + $end 'NewEdges' + $begin 'NewVertices' + $end 'NewVertices' + $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $end 'OperationIdentity' + ParentOperationID=63 + $end 'Operation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='FeedPin_0' + Flags='' + Color='(255 128 65)' + Transparency=0.29999999999999999 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=-1 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='"pec"' + SurfaceMaterialValue='""' + SolveInside=false + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0mm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=true + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Cylinder' + ID=156 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'CylinderParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + XCenter='Sf' + YCenter='0mm' + ZCenter='0mm' + Radius='coax_inner_rad' + Height='H' + WhichAxis='Z' + NumSides='0' + $end 'CylinderParameters' + ParentPartID=157 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=3 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=4 + NumCoedges=4 + NumEdges=2 + NumVertices=0 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=157 + StartFaceID=158 + StartEdgeID=161 + StartVertexID=163 + NumNewFaces=3 + NumNewEdges=2 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Rotate' + ID=204 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'RotateParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + TargetID=157 + RotateAxis='Z' + RotateAngle='alpha' + $end 'RotateParameters' + ParentPartID=157 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=3 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=4 + NumCoedges=4 + NumEdges=2 + NumVertices=0 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + TranformBaseOperationID=156 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'CloneToOperation' + OperationType='DuplicateAroundAxis' + ID=215 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'DuplicateAroundAxisParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + ClonedEntity=157 + CreateNewObjects=true + WhichAxis='Z' + AngleStr='beta3' + NumClones='2' + $end 'DuplicateAroundAxisParameters' + ParentPartID=157 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + $end 'CloneToOperation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='coax_pin_0' + Flags='' + Color='(255 128 65)' + Transparency=0.29999999999999999 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=-1 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='"pec"' + SurfaceMaterialValue='""' + SolveInside=false + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0mm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=true + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Cylinder' + ID=165 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'CylinderParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + XCenter='Sf' + YCenter='0mm' + ZCenter='0mm' + Radius='coax_inner_rad' + Height='-feedLength' + WhichAxis='Z' + NumSides='0' + $end 'CylinderParameters' + ParentPartID=166 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=3 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=4 + NumCoedges=4 + NumEdges=2 + NumVertices=0 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=166 + StartFaceID=167 + StartEdgeID=170 + StartVertexID=172 + NumNewFaces=3 + NumNewEdges=2 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Rotate' + ID=239 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'RotateParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + TargetID=166 + RotateAxis='Z' + RotateAngle='alpha' + $end 'RotateParameters' + ParentPartID=166 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=3 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=4 + NumCoedges=4 + NumEdges=2 + NumVertices=0 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + TranformBaseOperationID=165 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'CloneToOperation' + OperationType='DuplicateAroundAxis' + ID=250 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'DuplicateAroundAxisParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + ClonedEntity=166 + CreateNewObjects=true + WhichAxis='Z' + AngleStr='beta3' + NumClones='2' + $end 'DuplicateAroundAxisParameters' + ParentPartID=166 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + $end 'CloneToOperation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='coax_0' + Flags='' + Color='(128 255 255)' + Transparency=0.29999999999999999 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=-1 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='"Teflon (tm)"' + SurfaceMaterialValue='""' + SolveInside=true + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0mm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=true + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Cylinder' + ID=174 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'CylinderParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + XCenter='Sf' + YCenter='0mm' + ZCenter='0mm' + Radius='coax_outer_rad' + Height='-feedLength' + WhichAxis='Z' + NumSides='0' + $end 'CylinderParameters' + ParentPartID=175 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=3 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=4 + NumCoedges=4 + NumEdges=2 + NumVertices=0 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=175 + StartFaceID=176 + StartEdgeID=179 + StartVertexID=181 + NumNewFaces=3 + NumNewEdges=2 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Rotate' + ID=274 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'RotateParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + TargetID=175 + RotateAxis='Z' + RotateAngle='alpha' + $end 'RotateParameters' + ParentPartID=175 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=3 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=4 + NumCoedges=4 + NumEdges=2 + NumVertices=0 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + TranformBaseOperationID=174 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'CloneToOperation' + OperationType='DuplicateAroundAxis' + ID=285 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'DuplicateAroundAxisParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + ClonedEntity=175 + CreateNewObjects=true + WhichAxis='Z' + AngleStr='beta3' + NumClones='2' + $end 'DuplicateAroundAxisParameters' + ParentPartID=175 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + $end 'CloneToOperation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='NewObject_84DCWV' + Flags='' + Color='(132 132 193)' + Transparency=0.29999999999999999 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=-1 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='""' + SurfaceMaterialValue='""' + SolveInside=true + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0mm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=true + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Circle' + ID=198 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'CircleParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + XCenter='Sf' + YCenter='0mm' + ZCenter='0mm' + Radius='coax_outer_rad' + WhichAxis='Z' + NumSegments='0' + $end 'CircleParameters' + ParentPartID=199 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=0 + NumWires=1 + NumLoops=0 + NumCoedges=0 + NumEdges=1 + NumVertices=0 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=199 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=200 + StartVertexID=201 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=1 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='CoverLines' + ID=202 + $begin 'LocalOperationParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + LocalOpPart=199 + $end 'LocalOperationParameters' + ParentPartID=199 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=1 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=1 + NumCoedges=1 + NumEdges=1 + NumVertices=0 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=203 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=1 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $begin 'NewFaces' + $begin 'Face' + NormalizedSerialNum=0 + ID=203 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 1, 1, 0) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=2.2698006922186251 + FcUVMid(3.6629999999999994, 0, 0) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'Face' + $end 'NewFaces' + $begin 'NewEdges' + $end 'NewEdges' + $begin 'NewVertices' + $end 'NewVertices' + $end 'GeomTopolBasedOperationIdentityHelper' + $end 'OperationIdentity' + ParentOperationID=198 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Rotate' + ID=367 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'RotateParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + TargetID=199 + RotateAxis='Z' + RotateAngle='alpha' + $end 'RotateParameters' + ParentPartID=199 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=1 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=1 + NumCoedges=1 + NumEdges=1 + NumVertices=0 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + TranformBaseOperationID=202 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'CloneToOperation' + OperationType='DuplicateAroundAxis' + ID=368 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'DuplicateAroundAxisParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + ClonedEntity=199 + CreateNewObjects=true + WhichAxis='Z' + AngleStr='beta2' + NumClones='2' + $end 'DuplicateAroundAxisParameters' + ParentPartID=199 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + $end 'CloneToOperation' + $begin 'CloneToOperation' + OperationType='DuplicateAroundAxis' + ID=374 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'DuplicateAroundAxisParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + ClonedEntity=199 + CreateNewObjects=true + WhichAxis='Z' + AngleStr='beta3' + NumClones='2' + $end 'DuplicateAroundAxisParameters' + ParentPartID=199 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + $end 'CloneToOperation' + $begin 'CloneToOperation' + OperationType='DuplicateAroundAxis' + ID=380 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'DuplicateAroundAxisParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + ClonedEntity=199 + CreateNewObjects=true + WhichAxis='Z' + AngleStr='beta4' + NumClones='2' + $end 'DuplicateAroundAxisParameters' + ParentPartID=199 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + $end 'CloneToOperation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Move' + ID=386 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'TranslateParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + TargetID=199 + TranslateVectorX='Sx/2' + TranslateVectorY='Sy/2' + TranslateVectorZ='0' + $end 'TranslateParameters' + ParentPartID=199 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=1 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=1 + NumCoedges=1 + NumEdges=1 + NumVertices=0 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + TranformBaseOperationID=367 + $end 'Operation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='NewObject_84DCWV_1' + Flags='' + Color='(132 132 193)' + Transparency=0.29999999999999999 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=-1 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='""' + SurfaceMaterialValue='""' + SolveInside=true + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0mm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=true + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='DuplicateBodyAroundAxis' + ID=369 + $begin 'CloneFromParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + SourceID=199 + WhichClone=0 + $end 'CloneFromParameters' + ParentPartID=370 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=1 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=1 + NumCoedges=1 + NumEdges=1 + NumVertices=0 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=370 + StartFaceID=371 + StartEdgeID=372 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=1 + NumNewEdges=1 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'CloneFromOperationIdentityHelper' + CloneFaces('203'='371') + CloneEdges('200'='372') + CloneVertices('201'='373') + CloneIdentityHelperKernelType=0 + $end 'CloneFromOperationIdentityHelper' + OriginalFaceIDs(203) + OriginalEdgeIDs(200) + OriginalVertexIDs() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + PlaceHolderOpnId=368 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Move' + ID=387 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'TranslateParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + TargetID=370 + TranslateVectorX='-Sx/2' + TranslateVectorY='Sy/2' + TranslateVectorZ='0' + $end 'TranslateParameters' + ParentPartID=370 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=1 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=1 + NumCoedges=1 + NumEdges=1 + NumVertices=0 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + TranformBaseOperationID=369 + $end 'Operation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='NewObject_84DCWV_2' + Flags='' + Color='(132 132 193)' + Transparency=0.29999999999999999 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=-1 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='""' + SurfaceMaterialValue='""' + SolveInside=true + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0mm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=true + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='DuplicateBodyAroundAxis' + ID=375 + $begin 'CloneFromParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + SourceID=199 + WhichClone=0 + $end 'CloneFromParameters' + ParentPartID=376 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=1 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=1 + NumCoedges=1 + NumEdges=1 + NumVertices=0 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=376 + StartFaceID=377 + StartEdgeID=378 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=1 + NumNewEdges=1 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'CloneFromOperationIdentityHelper' + CloneFaces('203'='377') + CloneEdges('200'='378') + CloneVertices('201'='379') + CloneIdentityHelperKernelType=0 + $end 'CloneFromOperationIdentityHelper' + OriginalFaceIDs(203) + OriginalEdgeIDs(200) + OriginalVertexIDs() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + PlaceHolderOpnId=374 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Move' + ID=388 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'TranslateParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + TargetID=376 + TranslateVectorX='-Sx/2' + TranslateVectorY='-Sy/2' + TranslateVectorZ='0' + $end 'TranslateParameters' + ParentPartID=376 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=1 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=1 + NumCoedges=1 + NumEdges=1 + NumVertices=0 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + TranformBaseOperationID=375 + $end 'Operation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'GeometryPart' + $begin 'Attributes' + Name='NewObject_84DCWV_3' + Flags='' + Color='(132 132 193)' + Transparency=0.29999999999999999 + PartCoordinateSystem=1 + UDMId=-1 + GroupId=-1 + MaterialValue='""' + SurfaceMaterialValue='""' + SolveInside=true + ShellElement=false + ShellElementThickness='0mm' + ReferenceTemperature='20cel' + IsMaterialEditable=true + UseMaterialAppearance=false + IsLightweight=false + IsAlwaysHidden=false + $end 'Attributes' + $begin 'Operations' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='DuplicateBodyAroundAxis' + ID=381 + $begin 'CloneFromParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + SourceID=199 + WhichClone=0 + $end 'CloneFromParameters' + ParentPartID=382 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=1 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=1 + NumCoedges=1 + NumEdges=1 + NumVertices=0 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=382 + StartFaceID=383 + StartEdgeID=384 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=1 + NumNewEdges=1 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $begin 'CloneFromOperationIdentityHelper' + CloneFaces('203'='383') + CloneEdges('200'='384') + CloneVertices('201'='385') + CloneIdentityHelperKernelType=0 + $end 'CloneFromOperationIdentityHelper' + OriginalFaceIDs(203) + OriginalEdgeIDs(200) + OriginalVertexIDs() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + PlaceHolderOpnId=380 + $end 'Operation' + $begin 'Operation' + OperationType='Move' + ID=389 + ReferenceCoordSystemID=1 + $begin 'TranslateParameters' + KernelVersion=13 + TargetID=382 + TranslateVectorX='Sx/2' + TranslateVectorY='-Sy/2' + TranslateVectorZ='0' + $end 'TranslateParameters' + ParentPartID=382 + ReferenceUDMID=-1 + IsSuppressed=false + $begin 'OperationIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=1 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=1 + NumCoedges=1 + NumEdges=1 + NumVertices=0 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=-1 + StartFaceID=-1 + StartEdgeID=-1 + StartVertexID=-1 + NumNewFaces=0 + NumNewEdges=0 + NumNewVertices=0 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + $end 'OperationIdentity' + TranformBaseOperationID=381 + $end 'Operation' + $end 'Operations' + $end 'GeometryPart' + $end 'OperandParts' + $begin 'Planes' + $end 'Planes' + $begin 'Points' + $end 'Points' + $begin 'GeometryEntityLists' + $end 'GeometryEntityLists' + $begin 'RegionIdentity' + $begin 'Topology' + NumLumps=1 + NumShells=1 + NumFaces=6 + NumWires=0 + NumLoops=6 + NumCoedges=24 + NumEdges=12 + NumVertices=8 + $end 'Topology' + BodyID=400 + StartFaceID=401 + StartEdgeID=407 + StartVertexID=419 + NumNewFaces=6 + NumNewEdges=12 + NumNewVertices=8 + FaceNameAndIDMap() + EdgeNameAndIDMap() + VertexNameAndIDMap() + IsXZ2DModeler=false + $end 'RegionIdentity' + $begin 'CachedNames' + $begin 'allobjects' + allobjects(-1) + $end 'allobjects' + $begin 'box' + box(1) + $end 'box' + $begin 'circle_' + circle_(2) + $end 'circle_' + $begin 'circle_0' + circle_0(-1) + $end 'circle_0' + $begin 'coax_' + coax_(2) + $end 'coax_' + $begin 'coax_0' + coax_0(-1) + $end 'coax_0' + $begin 'coax_pin_' + coax_pin_(2) + $end 'coax_pin_' + $begin 'coax_pin_0' + coax_pin_0(-1) + $end 'coax_pin_0' + $begin 'feedpin_' + feedpin_(2) + $end 'feedpin_' + $begin 'feedpin_0' + feedpin_0(-1) + $end 'feedpin_0' + $begin 'global' + global(-1) + $end 'global' + $begin 'ground' + ground(-1) + $end 'ground' + $begin 'model' + model(-1) + $end 'model' + $begin 'newobject_0tw2ol' + newobject_0tw2ol(-1) + $end 'newobject_0tw2ol' + $begin 'newobject_84dcwv' + newobject_84dcwv(-1) + $end 'newobject_84dcwv' + $begin 'newobject_84dcwv_' + newobject_84dcwv_(1, 2, 3) + $end 'newobject_84dcwv_' + $begin 'newobject_lxhi3y' + newobject_lxhi3y(-1) + $end 'newobject_lxhi3y' + $begin 'relativecs' + relativecs(1) + $end 'relativecs' + $begin 'soil' + soil(-1) + $end 'soil' + $end 'CachedNames' + $end 'GeometryOperations' + $begin 'GeometryDependencies' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 5) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 428) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 429) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 5) + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 428) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 492) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 493) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 429) + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 492) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 588) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 493) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 713) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 709) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 714) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 588) + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 713) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 741) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 709) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 742) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 714) + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 741) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 33) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 43) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 33) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=5 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 390) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 43) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 386) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 387) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 388) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 389) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 439) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 440) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 390) + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 439) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 503) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 504) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 440) + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 503) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 589) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 504) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 724) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 709) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 725) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 589) + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 724) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 752) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 709) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 753) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 725) + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 752) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 113) + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 112) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 75) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 154) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 113) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 448) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 449) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 154) + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 448) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 510) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 511) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 449) + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 510) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 590) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 511) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 729) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 709) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 730) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 590) + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 729) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 757) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 709) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 758) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 730) + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 757) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 216) + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 215) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 204) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 237) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 216) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 464) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 465) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 237) + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 464) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 514) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 515) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 465) + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 514) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 591) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 515) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 731) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 709) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 732) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 591) + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 731) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 759) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 709) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 760) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 732) + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 759) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 251) + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 250) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 239) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 272) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 251) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 470) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 471) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 272) + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 470) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 518) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 519) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 471) + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 518) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 592) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 519) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 733) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 709) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 734) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 592) + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 733) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 761) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 709) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 762) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 734) + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 761) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 286) + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 285) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 274) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 307) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 286) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 476) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 477) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 307) + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 476) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 522) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 523) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 477) + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 522) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 593) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 523) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 735) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 709) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 736) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 593) + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 735) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 763) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 709) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 764) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 736) + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 763) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 951) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 45) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 49) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 45) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=3 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 75) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 49) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 61) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 73) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 112) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 51) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 61) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 51) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 63) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 73) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 63) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 156) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 204) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 156) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 215) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 165) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 239) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 165) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 250) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 174) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 274) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 174) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 285) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 198) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 202) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 198) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 367) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 202) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 368) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 374) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 380) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 386) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 367) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 369) + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 368) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 367) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 387) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 369) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 375) + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 374) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 367) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 388) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 375) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 381) + DependencyObject('GeometryOperation', 380) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 367) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=2 + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 389) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + DependencyObject('GeometryBodyOperation', 381) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $begin 'DependencyInformation' + NumParents=1 + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 709) + DependencyObject('CoordinateSystem', 1) + $end 'DependencyInformation' + $end 'GeometryDependencies' + $end 'GeometryCore' + $begin 'AssignedEntities' + AssignedObject[2: 34, 114] + $begin 'AssignedFace' + kID=288 + $begin 'FaceData' + ParentObjectID=287 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(2, 2, 2, 0) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=13.351768777756622 + FcUVMid(-1.9890913754777577, -1.9890913754777573, -2.5219999999999998) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'FaceData' + $end 'AssignedFace' + $begin 'AssignedFace' + kID=289 + $begin 'FaceData' + ParentObjectID=287 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 1, 1, 0) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=2.269800692218626 + FcUVMid(-2.590132139486323, -2.590132139486323, -3.7720000000000002) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'FaceData' + $end 'AssignedFace' + $begin 'AssignedFace' + kID=953 + $begin 'FaceData' + ParentObjectID=952 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=1245.3840999999998 + FcUVMid(0, 0, 30.000000000000004) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(17.645, -17.645, 30.000000000000004, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(17.645, 17.645, 30.000000000000004, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-17.645, 17.645, 30.000000000000004, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-17.645, -17.645, 30.000000000000004, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'FaceData' + $end 'AssignedFace' + $begin 'AssignedFace' + kID=955 + $begin 'FaceData' + ParentObjectID=952 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=1103.58888 + FcUVMid(0, -17.645, 14.364000000000001) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(17.645, -17.645, 30.000000000000004, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-17.645, -17.645, 30.000000000000004, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-17.645, -17.645, -1.2720000000000009, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(17.645, -17.645, -1.2720000000000009, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'FaceData' + $end 'AssignedFace' + $begin 'AssignedFace' + kID=956 + $begin 'FaceData' + ParentObjectID=952 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=1103.58888 + FcUVMid(-17.645, 0, 14.364000000000001) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(-17.645, -17.645, 30.000000000000004, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-17.645, 17.645, 30.000000000000004, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-17.645, 17.645, -1.2720000000000009, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-17.645, -17.645, -1.2720000000000009, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'FaceData' + $end 'AssignedFace' + $begin 'AssignedFace' + kID=957 + $begin 'FaceData' + ParentObjectID=952 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=1103.58888 + FcUVMid(0, 17.645, 14.364000000000001) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(-17.645, 17.645, 30.000000000000004, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(17.645, 17.645, 30.000000000000004, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(17.645, 17.645, -1.2720000000000009, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(-17.645, 17.645, -1.2720000000000009, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'FaceData' + $end 'AssignedFace' + $begin 'AssignedFace' + kID=958 + $begin 'FaceData' + ParentObjectID=952 + $begin 'FaceGeomTopol' + FaceTopol(1, 4, 4, 4) + $begin 'FaceGeometry' + Area=1103.58888 + FcUVMid(17.645, 0, 14.364000000000001) + $begin 'FcTolVts' + TolVt(17.645, 17.645, -1.2720000000000009, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(17.645, 17.645, 30.000000000000004, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(17.645, -17.645, 30.000000000000004, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + TolVt(17.645, -17.645, -1.2720000000000009, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'FcTolVts' + $end 'FaceGeometry' + $end 'FaceGeomTopol' + $end 'FaceData' + $end 'AssignedFace' + $begin 'AssignedEdge' + kID=256 + $begin 'EdgeData' + ParentObjectID=252 + ParentFaces[2: 253, 254] + $begin 'EdgeGeomTopol' + EdgeFaces(253, 254) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(-2.4133554441896861, -2.4133554441896861, -3.7720000000000002) + $end 'EdgeGeomTopol' + $end 'EdgeData' + $end 'AssignedEdge' + $begin 'AssignedEdge' + kID=291 + $begin 'EdgeData' + ParentObjectID=287 + ParentFaces[2: 288, 289] + $begin 'EdgeGeomTopol' + EdgeFaces(288, 289) + $begin 'EdTolVts' + $end 'EdTolVts' + EdgeMidPoint(-1.9890913754777577, -1.9890913754777577, -3.7720000000000002) + $end 'EdgeGeomTopol' + $end 'EdgeData' + $end 'AssignedEdge' + $begin 'AssignedVertex' + kID=971 + $begin 'VertexData' + ParentObjectID=952 + ParentEdges[3: 962, 959, 968] + TolVt(17.645, -17.645, 30.000000000000004, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'VertexData' + $end 'AssignedVertex' + $begin 'AssignedVertex' + kID=972 + $begin 'VertexData' + ParentObjectID=952 + ParentEdges[3: 960, 959, 970] + TolVt(17.645, 17.645, 30.000000000000004, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'VertexData' + $end 'AssignedVertex' + $begin 'AssignedVertex' + kID=974 + $begin 'VertexData' + ParentObjectID=952 + ParentEdges[3: 962, 961, 967] + TolVt(-17.645, -17.645, 30.000000000000004, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'VertexData' + $end 'AssignedVertex' + $begin 'AssignedVertex' + kID=975 + $begin 'VertexData' + ParentObjectID=952 + ParentEdges[3: 970, 966, 963] + TolVt(17.645, 17.645, -1.2720000000000009, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'VertexData' + $end 'AssignedVertex' + $begin 'AssignedVertex' + kID=976 + $begin 'VertexData' + ParentObjectID=952 + ParentEdges[3: 968, 964, 963] + TolVt(17.645, -17.645, -1.2720000000000009, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'VertexData' + $end 'AssignedVertex' + $begin 'AssignedVertex' + kID=977 + $begin 'VertexData' + ParentObjectID=952 + ParentEdges[3: 967, 965, 964] + TolVt(-17.645, -17.645, -1.2720000000000009, 4.9999999999999998e-07) + $end 'VertexData' + $end 'AssignedVertex' + $end 'AssignedEntities' + $begin 'Settings' + IncludedParts[7: 6, 34, 114, 217, 252, 287, 952] + HiddenParts[0:] + IncludedCS[0:] + ReferenceCS=1 + IncludedParameters('Dp', 'H', 'Ln', 'Sf', 'Sx', 'Sy', 'Wn', 'alpha', 'beta2', 'beta3', 'beta4', 'coax_inner_rad', 'coax_outer_rad', 'feedLength', 'subLength', 'subWidth') + IncludedDependentParameters() + ParameterDescription(Dp='', H='', Ln='', Sf='', Sx='', Sy='', Wn='', alpha='', beta2='', beta3='', beta4='', coax_inner_rad='', coax_outer_rad='', feedLength='', subLength='', subWidth='') + $end 'Settings' + $end 'GeometryData' +$end 'ComponentBody' +$begin 'AllReferencedFilesForComponent' +$end 'AllReferencedFilesForComponent' diff --git a/_unittest_solvers/example_models/T00/array_simple_232.json b/_unittest_solvers/example_models/T00/array_simple_232.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..a64330c56ec --- /dev/null +++ b/_unittest_solvers/example_models/T00/array_simple_232.json @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +{ + "primarylattice": "Circ_Patch_5GHz_232_1_Primary1", + "secondarylattice": "Circ_Patch_5GHz_232_1_Primary2", + "useairobjects": true, + "rowdimension": 3, + "columndimension": 3, + "visible": false, + "showcellnumber": false, + "paddingcells": 0, + "referencecsid": 1, + "cells": { + "(1,1)": { + "name": "Circ_Patch_5GHz_232_1", + "color": "(255,0,20)", + "active": true, + "postprocessing": true, + "rotation": 0.0 + }, + "(1,2)": { + "name": "Circ_Patch_5GHz_232_1" + }, + "(1,3)": { + "name": "Circ_Patch_5GHz_232_1" + }, + "(2,1)": { + "name": "Circ_Patch_5GHz_232_1" + }, + "(2,2)": { + "name": "Circ_Patch_5GHz_232_1" + }, + "(2,3)": { + "name": "Circ_Patch_5GHz_232_1" + }, + "(3,1)": { + "name": "Circ_Patch_5GHz_232_1" + }, + "(3,2)": { + "name": "Circ_Patch_5GHz_232_1" + }, + "(3,3)": { + "name": "Circ_Patch_5GHz_232_1" + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_unittest_solvers/test_00_analyze.py b/_unittest_solvers/test_00_analyze.py index f35a5fb6334..93f85153aae 100644 --- a/_unittest_solvers/test_00_analyze.py +++ b/_unittest_solvers/test_00_analyze.py @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ from pyaedt import Icepak from pyaedt import Hfss3dLayout from pyaedt import Circuit, Maxwell3d - +from _unittest.conftest import config sbr_platform_name = "satellite_231" array_name = "array_231" @@ -22,6 +22,11 @@ original_project_name = "Galileo_t21_231" transient = "Transient_StrandedWindings" +if config["desktopVersion"] > "2022.2": + component = "Circ_Patch_5GHz_232.a3dcomp" +else: + component = "Circ_Patch_5GHz.a3dcomp" + test_subfolder = "T00" @@ -147,14 +152,25 @@ def test_02_hfss_export_results(self, hfss_app): hfss_app.insert_design("Array_simple_resuts", "Modal") from pyaedt.generic.DataHandlers import json_to_dict - dict_in = json_to_dict( - os.path.join(local_path, "../_unittest_solvers/example_models", test_subfolder, "array_simple.json")) - dict_in["Circ_Patch_5GHz1"] = os.path.join( - local_path, "../_unittest_solvers/example_models", test_subfolder, "Circ_Patch_5GHz.a3dcomp" - ) - dict_in["cells"][(3, 3)] = {"name": "Circ_Patch_5GHz1"} - assert hfss_app.add_3d_component_array_from_json(dict_in) - dict_in["cells"][(3, 3)]["rotation"] = 90 + if config["desktopVersion"] > "2023.1": + dict_in = json_to_dict( + os.path.join(local_path, "example_models", test_subfolder, "array_simple_232.json") + ) + dict_in["Circ_Patch_5GHz_232_1"] = os.path.join( + local_path, "example_models", test_subfolder, component + ) + dict_in["cells"][(3, 3)] = {"name": "Circ_Patch_5GHz_232_1"} + dict_in["cells"][(3, 3)]["rotation"] = 90 + else: + dict_in = json_to_dict( + os.path.join(local_path, "example_models", test_subfolder, "array_simple.json") + ) + dict_in["Circ_Patch_5GHz1"] = os.path.join( + local_path, "example_models", test_subfolder, component + ) + dict_in["cells"][(3, 3)] = {"name": "Circ_Patch_5GHz1"} + dict_in["cells"][(3, 3)]["rotation"] = 90 + hfss_app.add_3d_component_array_from_json(dict_in) exported_files = hfss_app.export_results() assert len(exported_files) == 0 setup = hfss_app.create_setup(setupname="test") diff --git a/doc/source/API/Primitive_Objects.rst b/doc/source/API/Primitive_Objects.rst index 8c6d9b9dab6..ee4652f3461 100644 --- a/doc/source/API/Primitive_Objects.rst +++ b/doc/source/API/Primitive_Objects.rst @@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ They contain all getters and setters to simplify object manipulation. cad.elements3d.VertexPrimitive cad.polylines.PolylineSegment cad.polylines.Polyline + cad.component_array.ComponentArray cad.components_3d.UserDefinedComponent cad.elements3d.Point cad.elements3d.Plane diff --git a/doc/source/Getting_started/Troubleshooting.rst b/doc/source/Getting_started/Troubleshooting.rst index e50ad5b5598..d5fc1592811 100644 --- a/doc/source/Getting_started/Troubleshooting.rst +++ b/doc/source/Getting_started/Troubleshooting.rst @@ -135,11 +135,12 @@ Failure connecting to the gRPC server On Linux, PyAEDT may fail to initialize a new instance of the gRPC server or connect to an existing server session. This may be due to: - - Firewall - - Proxy - - Permissions - - License - - Scheduler (for example if the gRPC server was started from LSF or Slurm) + +- Firewall +- Proxy +- Permissions +- License +- Scheduler (for example if the gRPC server was started from LSF or Slurm) For issues related to use of a proxy server, you may set the following environment variable to disable the proxy server for the *localhost*. diff --git a/doc/source/conf.py b/doc/source/conf.py index 0b335cb0883..864471ad0ff 100644 --- a/doc/source/conf.py +++ b/doc/source/conf.py @@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ from docutils.parsers.rst import Directive from docutils import nodes from sphinx import addnodes +import shutil # <-----------------Override the sphinx pdf builder----------------> # Some pages do not render properly as per the expected Sphinx LaTeX PDF signature. @@ -70,9 +71,16 @@ def autodoc_skip_member(app, what, name, obj, skip, options): # return True if exclude else None +def remove_doctree(app, exception): + """Remove the .doctree directory created during the documentation build. + """ + shutil.rmtree(app.doctreedir) + + def setup(app): app.add_directive('pprint', PrettyPrintDirective) app.connect('autodoc-skip-member', autodoc_skip_member) + app.connect('build-finished', remove_doctree) local_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) @@ -318,6 +326,7 @@ def setup(app): # specify the location of your github repo html_theme_options = { "github_url": "https://github.com/ansys/pyaedt", + "navigation_with_keys": False, "show_prev_next": False, "show_breadcrumbs": True, "collapse_navigation": True, @@ -337,6 +346,7 @@ def setup(app): "version_match": get_version_match(__version__), }, "collapse_navigation": True, + "navigation_with_keys": True, "use_meilisearch": { "api_key": os.getenv("MEILISEARCH_PUBLIC_API_KEY", ""), "index_uids": { diff --git a/doc/styles/Vocab/ANSYS/accept.txt b/doc/styles/Vocab/ANSYS/accept.txt index 05c0ccba44d..68b407714d1 100644 --- a/doc/styles/Vocab/ANSYS/accept.txt +++ b/doc/styles/Vocab/ANSYS/accept.txt @@ -1,51 +1,46 @@ -ANSYS -Ansys -ansys +2D Extractor +2D modeler +3D modeler +_static AEDB -API AEDT -AEDT API -2D Extractor airbox airgap +(?i)Ansys +API autosave busbar busbars Bz -circuit -Circuit -com -COM +[Cc]ircuit +codecov +[Cc]om COM interface -Components -components +[Cc]omponents +Conda CPython DesignXploration docstring -Docstrings -docstrings +[Dd]ocstrings doppler EDB -EDB API +EDT efields EMIT getters globals -gRPC -GRPC +[Gg]gRPC HFSS -HFSS 3D Layout Huray Icepak IronPython +[Ll]ayout limitilines -Layout -layout matplotlib Maxwell 2D Maxwell 3D Maxwell Circuit -Mechanical +[Mm]echanical multiphysics multiplot namespaces @@ -53,52 +48,39 @@ netlist Nexxim numpy numpydoc -optimetrics -Optimetrics +[Oo]ptimetrics padstack padstacks parametrics -polyline +PMs +[Pp]olyline polylines -Polyline Postprocessing -PMs +pwl pyaedt PyAEDT -PyAnsys -PyPI +(?i)PyAnsys +[Pp]y[Pp][Ii] Python +Python.NET pyvista Q2D Extractor -Q3D Extractor Q3D +Q3D Extractor RC +reusability RF RMXprt scipy -Siwave setters +Siwave +Slurm Spyder +Stackup 3D stackups stripline subcircuit +[Tt]oolkits Twin Builder Uncomment vias -_static -pwl -Conda -PyAnsys -codecov -mechanical -reusability -pypi -EDT -pyansys -Slurm -Python.NET -Toolkits -toolkits -3D modeler -2D modeler -Stackup 3D diff --git a/examples/00-EDB/01_edb_example.py b/examples/00-EDB/01_edb_example.py index 6df7a797c2d..c2b71e1b18d 100644 --- a/examples/00-EDB/01_edb_example.py +++ b/examples/00-EDB/01_edb_example.py @@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ edb.siwave.create_current_source_on_net("IC2", "NetD3_2", "IC2", "GND", 1.0, 0, "I1") setup = edb.siwave.add_siwave_dc_analysis("myDCIR_4") setup.use_dc_custom_settings = True -setup.dc_slider_position = 0 +setup.set_dc_slider = 0 setup.add_source_terminal_to_ground("V1", 1) diff --git a/examples/02-HFSS/Array.py b/examples/02-HFSS/Array.py index 1d3950e471c..9564242c923 100644 --- a/examples/02-HFSS/Array.py +++ b/examples/02-HFSS/Array.py @@ -54,7 +54,18 @@ dict_in = pyaedt.data_handler.json_to_dict(os.path.join(example_path, "array_simple.json")) dict_in["Circ_Patch_5GHz1"] = os.path.join(example_path, "Circ_Patch_5GHz.a3dcomp") dict_in["cells"][(3, 3)] = {"name": "Circ_Patch_5GHz1"} -hfss.add_3d_component_array_from_json(dict_in) +array = hfss.add_3d_component_array_from_json(dict_in) + +########################################################## +# Modify cells +# ~~~~~~~~~~~~ +# Make center element passive and rotate corner elements. + +array.cells[1][1].is_active = False +array.cells[0][0].rotation = 90 +array.cells[0][2].rotation = 90 +array.cells[2][0].rotation = 90 +array.cells[2][2].rotation = 90 ########################################################## # Set up simulation diff --git a/pyaedt/application/Design.py b/pyaedt/application/Design.py index b83305c3c82..7c4091ba855 100644 --- a/pyaedt/application/Design.py +++ b/pyaedt/application/Design.py @@ -103,15 +103,36 @@ class Design(AedtObjects): """ - def __str__(self): - pyaedt_details = " pyaedt API\n" - pyaedt_details += "pyaedt running AEDT Version {} \n".format(settings.aedt_version) - pyaedt_details += "Running {} tool in AEDT\n".format(self.design_type) - pyaedt_details += "Solution Type: {} \n".format(self.solution_type) - pyaedt_details += "Project Name: {} Design Name {} \n".format(self.project_name, self.design_name) + @property + def _pyaedt_details(self): + import platform + + from pyaedt import __version__ as pyaedt_version + + _p_dets = { + "PyAEDT Version": pyaedt_version, + "Product": "Ansys Electronics Desktop {}".format(settings.aedt_version), + "Design Type": self.design_type, + "Solution Type": self.solution_type, + "Project Name": self.project_name, + "Design Name": self.design_name, + "Project Path": "", + } if self._oproject: - pyaedt_details += 'Project Path: "{}" \n'.format(self.project_path) - return pyaedt_details + _p_dets["Project Path"] = self.project_file + _p_dets["Platform"] = platform.platform() + _p_dets["Python Version"] = platform.python_version() + _p_dets["AEDT Process ID"] = self.desktop_class.aedt_process_id + _p_dets["AEDT GRPC Port"] = self.desktop_class.port + return _p_dets + + def __str__(self): + return "\n".join( + [ + "{}:".format(each_name).ljust(25) + "{}".format(each_attr).ljust(25) + for each_name, each_attr in self._pyaedt_details.items() + ] + ) def __exit__(self, ex_type, ex_value, ex_traceback): if ex_type: @@ -133,6 +154,16 @@ def __setitem__(self, variable_name, variable_value): self.variable_manager[variable_name] = variable_value return True + @property + def info(self): + """Dictionary of the PyAEDT session information. + + Returns + ------- + dict + """ + return self._pyaedt_details + def _init_design(self, project_name, design_name, solution_type=None): # calls the method from the application class self._init_from_design( diff --git a/pyaedt/desktop.py b/pyaedt/desktop.py index 93b9bd14c82..65a79301e7d 100644 --- a/pyaedt/desktop.py +++ b/pyaedt/desktop.py @@ -655,7 +655,8 @@ def __init__( sys.path.append( os.path.join(self._main.sDesktopinstallDirectory, "common", "commonfiles", "IronPython", "DLLs") ) - + if "GetGrpcServerPort" in dir(self.odesktop): + self.port = self.odesktop.GetGrpcServerPort() # save the current desktop session in the database _desktop_sessions[self.aedt_process_id] = self diff --git a/pyaedt/edb.py b/pyaedt/edb.py index 3eee3c44133..7dc1d8b4e67 100644 --- a/pyaedt/edb.py +++ b/pyaedt/edb.py @@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ from pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.edbvalue import EdbValue from pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.hfss_simulation_setup_data import HfssSimulationSetup from pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.ports import BundleWavePort +from pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.ports import CircuitPort from pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.ports import CoaxPort from pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.ports import ExcitationSources from pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.ports import GapPort @@ -31,16 +32,10 @@ from pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.siwave_simulation_setup_data import SiwaveDCSimulationSetup from pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.siwave_simulation_setup_data import SiwaveSYZSimulationSetup from pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.sources import SourceType -from pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.terminals import BundleTerminal -from pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.terminals import EdgeTerminal -from pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.terminals import PadstackInstanceTerminal -from pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.terminals import PinGroupTerminal from pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.terminals import Terminal from pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.variables import Variable -from pyaedt.edb_core.general import BoundaryType from pyaedt.edb_core.general import LayoutObjType from pyaedt.edb_core.general import Primitives -from pyaedt.edb_core.general import TerminalType from pyaedt.edb_core.general import convert_py_list_to_net_list from pyaedt.edb_core.hfss import EdbHfss from pyaedt.edb_core.ipc2581.ipc2581 import Ipc2581 @@ -273,7 +268,6 @@ def _clean_variables(self): self._siwave = None self._hfss = None self._nets = None - self._setups = {} self._layout_instance = None self._variables = None self._active_cell = None @@ -357,18 +351,10 @@ def variables(self): def terminals(self): """Get terminals belonging to active layout.""" temp = {} + terminal_mapping = Terminal(self)._terminal_mapping for i in self.layout.terminals: terminal_type = i.ToString().split(".")[-1] - if terminal_type == TerminalType.EdgeTerminal.name: - ter = EdgeTerminal(self, i) - elif terminal_type == TerminalType.BundleTerminal.name: - ter = BundleTerminal(self, i) - elif terminal_type == TerminalType.PadstackInstanceTerminal.name: - ter = PadstackInstanceTerminal(self, i) - elif terminal_type == TerminalType.PinGroupTerminal.name: - ter = PinGroupTerminal(self, i) - else: - ter = Terminal(self, i) + ter = terminal_mapping[terminal_type](self, i) temp[ter.name] = ter return temp @@ -400,12 +386,18 @@ def ports(self): ports = {} for t in temp: t2 = Terminal(self, t) - if t2.terminal_type == TerminalType.BundleTerminal.name: - bundle_ter = BundleWavePort(self, t) - ports[bundle_ter.name] = bundle_ter + if not t2.boundary_type == "PortBoundary": + continue + + if t2.is_circuit_port: + port = CircuitPort(self, t) + ports[port.name] = port + elif t2.terminal_type == "BundleTerminal": + port = BundleWavePort(self, t) + ports[port.name] = port elif t2.hfss_type == "Wave": ports[t2.name] = WavePort(self, t) - elif t2.terminal_type == TerminalType.PadstackInstanceTerminal.name: + elif t2.terminal_type == "PadstackInstanceTerminal": ports[t2.name] = CoaxPort(self, t) else: ports[t2.name] = GapPort(self, t) @@ -429,7 +421,7 @@ def probes(self): """Get all layout sources.""" temp = {} for name, val in self.terminals.items(): - if val.boundary_type == BoundaryType.kVoltageProbe.name: + if val.boundary_type == "kVoltageProbe": if not val.is_reference_terminal: temp[name] = val return temp @@ -3191,7 +3183,7 @@ def build_simulation_project(self, simulation_setup): self.edbpath = legacy_name self.open_edb() return True - except: # pragma: no cover + except: return False @pyaedt_function_handler() @@ -3320,15 +3312,15 @@ def setups(self): Dict[str, :class:`pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.siwave_simulation_setup_data.SiwaveSYZSimulationSetup`] """ + setups = {} for i in list(self.active_cell.SimulationSetups): - if i.GetName() not in self._setups: - if i.GetType() == self.edb_api.utility.utility.SimulationSetupType.kHFSS: - self._setups[i.GetName()] = HfssSimulationSetup(self, i.GetName(), i) - elif i.GetType() == self.edb_api.utility.utility.SimulationSetupType.kSIWave: - self._setups[i.GetName()] = SiwaveSYZSimulationSetup(self, i.GetName(), i) - elif i.GetType() == self.edb_api.utility.utility.SimulationSetupType.kSIWaveDCIR: - self._setups[i.GetName()] = SiwaveDCSimulationSetup(self, i.GetName(), i) - return self._setups + if i.GetType() == self.edb_api.utility.utility.SimulationSetupType.kHFSS: + setups[i.GetName()] = HfssSimulationSetup(self, i) + elif i.GetType() == self.edb_api.utility.utility.SimulationSetupType.kSIWave: + setups[i.GetName()] = SiwaveSYZSimulationSetup(self, i) + elif i.GetType() == self.edb_api.utility.utility.SimulationSetupType.kSIWaveDCIR: + setups[i.GetName()] = SiwaveDCSimulationSetup(self, i) + return setups @property def hfss_setups(self): @@ -3349,7 +3341,7 @@ def siwave_dc_setups(self): ------- Dict[str, :class:`pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.siwave_simulation_setup_data.SiwaveDCSimulationSetup`] """ - return {name: i for name, i in self.setups.items() if i.setup_type == "kSIWaveDCIR"} + return {name: i for name, i in self.setups.items() if isinstance(i, SiwaveDCSimulationSetup)} @property def siwave_ac_setups(self): @@ -3359,10 +3351,10 @@ def siwave_ac_setups(self): ------- Dict[str, :class:`pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.siwave_simulation_setup_data.SiwaveSYZSimulationSetup`] """ - return {name: i for name, i in self.setups.items() if i.setup_type == "kSIWave"} + return {name: i for name, i in self.setups.items() if isinstance(i, SiwaveSYZSimulationSetup)} def create_hfss_setup(self, name=None): - """Create a setup from a template. + """Create an HFSS simulation setup from a template. Parameters ---------- @@ -3380,8 +3372,7 @@ def create_hfss_setup(self, name=None): """ if name in self.setups: return False - setup = HfssSimulationSetup(self, name) - self._setups[name] = setup + setup = HfssSimulationSetup(self).create(name) return setup @pyaedt_function_handler() @@ -3410,11 +3401,8 @@ def create_siwave_syz_setup(self, name=None): name = generate_unique_name("Siwave_SYZ") if name in self.setups: return False - setup = SiwaveSYZSimulationSetup(self, name) - setup.si_slider_postion = 1 - setup.pi_slider_postion = 1 - self._setups[name] = setup - return setup + SiwaveSYZSimulationSetup(self).create(name) + return self.setups[name] @pyaedt_function_handler() def create_siwave_dc_setup(self, name=None): @@ -3439,8 +3427,7 @@ def create_siwave_dc_setup(self, name=None): name = generate_unique_name("Siwave_DC") if name in self.setups: return False - setup = SiwaveDCSimulationSetup(self, name) - self._setups[name] = setup + setup = SiwaveDCSimulationSetup(self).create(name) return setup @pyaedt_function_handler() @@ -3639,3 +3626,151 @@ def _get_connected_ports_from_multizone_cutout(self, terminal_info_dict): ): connected_ports_list.append((port1_connexion, port2_connexion)) return connected_ports_list + + @pyaedt_function_handler + def create_port(self, terminal, ref_terminal=None, is_circuit_port=False): + """Create a port. + + Parameters + ---------- + terminal : class:`pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.terminals.EdgeTerminal`, + class:`pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.terminals.PadstackInstanceTerminal`, + class:`pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.terminals.PointTerminal`, + class:`pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.terminals.PinGroupTerminal`, + Positive terminal of the port. + ref_terminal : class:`pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.terminals.EdgeTerminal`, + class:`pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.terminals.PadstackInstanceTerminal`, + class:`pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.terminals.PointTerminal`, + class:`pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.terminals.PinGroupTerminal`, + optional + Negative terminal of the port. + is_circuit_port : bool, optional + Whether it is a circuit port. The default is ``False``. + + Returns + ------- + + """ + + terminal.boundary_type = "PortBoundary" + terminal.is_circuit_port = is_circuit_port + + if ref_terminal: + ref_terminal.boundary_type = "PortBoundary" + terminal.ref_terminal = ref_terminal + + return self.ports[terminal.name] + + @pyaedt_function_handler + def create_voltage_probe(self, terminal, ref_terminal): + """Create a voltage probe. + + Parameters + ---------- + terminal : :class:`pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.terminals.EdgeTerminal`, + :class:`pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.terminals.PadstackInstanceTerminal`, + :class:`pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.terminals.PointTerminal`, + :class:`pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.terminals.PinGroupTerminal`, + Positive terminal of the port. + ref_terminal : :class:`pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.terminals.EdgeTerminal`, + :class:`pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.terminals.PadstackInstanceTerminal`, + :class:`pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.terminals.PointTerminal`, + :class:`pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.terminals.PinGroupTerminal`, + Negative terminal of the probe. + + Returns + ------- + + """ + term = Terminal(self, terminal._edb_object) + term.boundary_type = "kVoltageProbe" + + ref_term = Terminal(self, ref_terminal._edb_object) + ref_term.boundary_type = "kVoltageProbe" + + term.ref_terminal = ref_terminal + return self.probes[term.name] + + @pyaedt_function_handler + def create_voltage_source(self, terminal, ref_terminal): + """Create a voltage source. + + Parameters + ---------- + terminal : :class:`pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.terminals.EdgeTerminal`, + :class:`pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.terminals.PadstackInstanceTerminal`, + :class:`pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.terminals.PointTerminal`, + :class:`pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.terminals.PinGroupTerminal`, + Positive terminal of the port. + ref_terminal : class:`pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.terminals.EdgeTerminal`, + :class:`pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.terminals.PadstackInstanceTerminal`, + :class:`pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.terminals.PointTerminal`, + :class:`pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.terminals.PinGroupTerminal`, + Negative terminal of the source. + + Returns + ------- + class:`pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.ports.ExcitationSources` + """ + term = Terminal(self, terminal._edb_object) + term.boundary_type = "kVoltageSource" + + ref_term = Terminal(self, ref_terminal._edb_object) + ref_term.boundary_type = "kVoltageProbe" + + term.ref_terminal = ref_terminal + return self.sources[term.name] + + @pyaedt_function_handler + def create_current_source(self, terminal, ref_terminal): + """Create a current source. + + Parameters + ---------- + terminal : :class:`pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.terminals.EdgeTerminal`, + :class:`pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.terminals.PadstackInstanceTerminal`, + :class:`pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.terminals.PointTerminal`, + :class:`pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.terminals.PinGroupTerminal`, + Positive terminal of the port. + ref_terminal : class:`pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.terminals.EdgeTerminal`, + :class:`pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.terminals.PadstackInstanceTerminal`, + :class:`pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.terminals.PointTerminal`, + :class:`pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.terminals.PinGroupTerminal`, + Negative terminal of the source. + + Returns + ------- + :class:`pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.ports.ExcitationSources` + """ + term = Terminal(self, terminal._edb_object) + term.boundary_type = "kCurrentSource" + + ref_term = Terminal(self, ref_terminal._edb_object) + ref_term.boundary_type = "kCurrentSource" + + term.ref_terminal = ref_terminal + return self.sources[term.name] + + @pyaedt_function_handler + def get_point_terminal(self, name, net_name, location, layer): + """Place a voltage probe between two points. + + Parameters + ---------- + name : str, + Name of the terminal. + net_name : str + Name of the net. + location : list + Location of the terminal. + layer : str, + Layer of the terminal. + + Returns + ------- + :class:`pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.terminals.PointTerminal` + """ + from pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.terminals import PointTerminal + + point_terminal = PointTerminal(self) + return point_terminal.create(name, net_name, location, layer) diff --git a/pyaedt/edb_core/components.py b/pyaedt/edb_core/components.py index 2bb82399012..3d492a36528 100644 --- a/pyaedt/edb_core/components.py +++ b/pyaedt/edb_core/components.py @@ -713,7 +713,7 @@ def create_source_on_component(self, sources=None): return True @pyaedt_function_handler() - def create_port_on_pins(self, refdes, pins, reference_pins, impedance=50.0): + def create_port_on_pins(self, refdes, pins, reference_pins, impedance=50.0, port_name=None): """Create circuit port between pins and reference ones. Parameters @@ -732,6 +732,8 @@ def create_port_on_pins(self, refdes, pins, reference_pins, impedance=50.0): str, [str], EDBPadstackInstance, [EDBPadstackInstance] impedance : Port impedance str, float + port_name : Port Name (Optional) when provided will overwrite the default naming convention + str Returns ------- @@ -767,6 +769,8 @@ def create_port_on_pins(self, refdes, pins, reference_pins, impedance=50.0): if not len([pin for pin in pins if isinstance(pin, EDBPadstackInstance)]) == len(pins): self._logger.error("Pin list must contain only pins instances") return + if not port_name: + port_name = "Port_{}_{}".format(pins[0].net_name, pins[0].name) if len([pin for pin in reference_pins if isinstance(pin, str)]) == len(reference_pins): ref_cmp_pins = [] for ref_pin_name in reference_pins: @@ -781,17 +785,17 @@ def create_port_on_pins(self, refdes, pins, reference_pins, impedance=50.0): if len(pins) > 1: group_name = "group_{}_{}".format(pins[0].net_name, pins[0].name) pin_group = self.create_pingroup_from_pins(pins, group_name) - term = self._create_pin_group_terminal(pingroup=pin_group) + term = self._create_pin_group_terminal(pingroup=pin_group, term_name=port_name) else: - term = self._create_terminal(pins[0]) + term = self._create_terminal(pins[0], term_name=port_name) term.SetIsCircuitPort(True) if len(reference_pins) > 1: ref_group_name = "group_{}_{}_ref".format(reference_pins[0].net_name, reference_pins[0].name) ref_pin_group = self.create_pingroup_from_pins(reference_pins, ref_group_name) - ref_term = self._create_pin_group_terminal(pingroup=ref_pin_group) + ref_term = self._create_pin_group_terminal(pingroup=ref_pin_group, term_name=port_name + "_ref") else: - ref_term = self._create_terminal(reference_pins[0]) + ref_term = self._create_terminal(reference_pins[0], term_name=port_name + "_ref") ref_term.SetIsCircuitPort(True) term.SetImpedance(self._edb.utility.value(impedance)) term.SetReferenceTerminal(ref_term) @@ -820,7 +824,7 @@ def create_port_on_component( False will take the closest reference pin and generate one port per signal pin. refnet : string or list of string. list of the reference net. - port_name : string + port_name : str Port name for overwriting the default port-naming convention, which is ``[component][net][pin]``. The port name must be unique. If a port with the specified name already exists, the @@ -933,13 +937,16 @@ def create_port_on_component( return True @pyaedt_function_handler() - def _create_terminal(self, pin): + def _create_terminal(self, pin, term_name=None): """Create terminal on component pin. Parameters ---------- pin : Edb padstack instance. + term_name : Terminal name (Optional). + str. + Returns ------- Edb terminal. @@ -951,7 +958,8 @@ def _create_terminal(self, pin): cmp_name = pin.GetComponent().GetName() net_name = pin.GetNet().GetName() pin_name = pin.GetName() - term_name = "{}.{}.{}".format(cmp_name, pin_name, net_name) + if term_name is None: + term_name = "{}.{}.{}".format(cmp_name, pin_name, net_name) for term in list(self._pedb.active_layout.Terminals): if term.GetName() == term_name: return term @@ -1057,7 +1065,7 @@ def deactivate_rlc_component(self, component=None, create_circuit_port=False): >>> from pyaedt import Edb >>> edb_file = r'C:\my_edb_file.aedb' >>> edb = Edb(edb_file) - >>> for cmp in list(edb.components.components.keys()): + >>> for cmp in list(edb.components.instances.keys()): >>> edb.components.deactivate_rlc_component(component=cmp, create_circuit_port=False) >>> edb.save_edb() >>> edb.close_edb() @@ -1078,12 +1086,10 @@ def deactivate_rlc_component(self, component=None, create_circuit_port=False): self._logger.info("Component %s passed to deactivate is not an RLC.", component.refdes) return False component.is_enabled = False - if create_circuit_port: - return self.add_port_on_rlc_component(component.refdes) - return True + return self.add_port_on_rlc_component(component=component.refdes, circuit_ports=create_circuit_port) @pyaedt_function_handler() - def add_port_on_rlc_component(self, component=None): + def add_port_on_rlc_component(self, component=None, circuit_ports=True): """Deactivate RLC component and replace it with a circuit port. The circuit port supports only 2-pin components. @@ -1092,6 +1098,10 @@ def add_port_on_rlc_component(self, component=None): component : str Reference designator of the RLC component. + circuit_ports : bool + ``True`` will replace RLC component by circuit ports, ``False`` gap ports compatible with HFSS 3D modeler + export. + Returns ------- bool @@ -1108,35 +1118,43 @@ def add_port_on_rlc_component(self, component=None): pt = self._pedb.point_data(*pos_pin_loc) pin_layers = self._padstack._get_pin_layer_range(pins[0]) - pos_pin_term = self._pedb.edb_api.cell.terminal.PointTerminal.Create( + pos_pin_term = self._pedb.edb_api.cell.terminal.PadstackInstanceTerminal.Create( self._active_layout, pins[0].GetNet(), "{}_{}".format(component.refdes, pins[0].GetName()), - pt, + pins[0], pin_layers[0], + False, ) if not pos_pin_term: # pragma: no cover return False neg_pin_loc = self.get_pin_position(pins[1]) pt = self._pedb.point_data(*neg_pin_loc) - neg_pin_term = self._pedb.edb_api.cell.terminal.PointTerminal.Create( + neg_pin_term = self._pedb.edb_api.cell.terminal.PadstackInstanceTerminal.Create( self._active_layout, pins[1].GetNet(), "{}_{}_ref".format(component.refdes, pins[1].GetName()), - pt, + pins[1], pin_layers[0], + False, ) if not neg_pin_term: # pragma: no cover return False pos_pin_term.SetBoundaryType(self._pedb.edb_api.cell.terminal.BoundaryType.PortBoundary) - pos_pin_term.SetIsCircuitPort(True) pos_pin_term.SetName(component.refdes) neg_pin_term.SetBoundaryType(self._pedb.edb_api.cell.terminal.BoundaryType.PortBoundary) - neg_pin_term.SetIsCircuitPort(True) pos_pin_term.SetReferenceTerminal(neg_pin_term) + if circuit_ports: + pos_pin_term.SetIsCircuitPort(True) + neg_pin_term.SetIsCircuitPort(True) + else: + pos_pin_term.SetIsCircuitPort(False) + neg_pin_term.SetIsCircuitPort(False) + self._logger.info("Component {} has been replaced by port".format(component.refdes)) return True + return False @pyaedt_function_handler() def add_rlc_boundary(self, component=None, circuit_type=True): @@ -1213,7 +1231,7 @@ def add_rlc_boundary(self, component=None, circuit_type=True): return True @pyaedt_function_handler() - def _create_pin_group_terminal(self, pingroup, isref=False): + def _create_pin_group_terminal(self, pingroup, isref=False, term_name=None): """Creates an EDB pin group terminal from a given EDB pin group. Parameters @@ -1222,14 +1240,16 @@ def _create_pin_group_terminal(self, pingroup, isref=False): isref : bool + term_name : Terminal name (Optional). If not provided default name is Component name, Pin name, Net name. + str. + Returns ------- Edb pin group terminal. """ pin = list(pingroup.GetPins())[0] - term_name = "{}.{}.{}".format( - pin.GetComponent().GetName(), pin.GetComponent().GetName(), pin.GetNet().GetName() - ) + if term_name is None: + term_name = "{}.{}.{}".format(pin.GetComponent().GetName(), pin.GetName(), pin.GetNet().GetName()) for t in list(self._pedb.active_layout.Terminals): if t.GetName() == term_name: return t @@ -1869,10 +1889,10 @@ def set_solder_ball( cmp_property.SetSolderBallProperty(solder_ball_prop) port_prop = cmp_property.GetPortProperty().Clone() + port_prop.SetReferenceHeight(self._pedb.edb_value(reference_height)) port_prop.SetReferenceSizeAuto(auto_reference_size) if not auto_reference_size: port_prop.SetReferenceSize(self._pedb.edb_value(reference_size_x), self._pedb.edb_value(reference_size_y)) - port_prop.SetReferenceHeight(self._pedb.edb_value(reference_height)) cmp_property.SetPortProperty(port_prop) edb_cmp.SetComponentProperty(cmp_property) return True diff --git a/pyaedt/edb_core/edb_data/hfss_simulation_setup_data.py b/pyaedt/edb_core/edb_data/hfss_simulation_setup_data.py index 76e9cc8e6da..d7e6afecf7b 100644 --- a/pyaedt/edb_core/edb_data/hfss_simulation_setup_data.py +++ b/pyaedt/edb_core/edb_data/hfss_simulation_setup_data.py @@ -1,487 +1,11 @@ +from pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.simulation_setup import BaseSimulationSetup +from pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.simulation_setup import EdbFrequencySweep from pyaedt.edb_core.general import convert_py_list_to_net_list from pyaedt.generic.clr_module import Tuple from pyaedt.generic.general_methods import generate_unique_name from pyaedt.generic.general_methods import pyaedt_function_handler -class EdbFrequencySweep(object): - """Manages EDB methods for frequency sweep.""" - - def __init__(self, sim_setup, frequency_sweep=None, name=None, edb_sweep_data=None): - self._sim_setup = sim_setup - - if edb_sweep_data: - self._edb_sweep_data = edb_sweep_data - self._name = self._edb_sweep_data.Name - else: - if not name: - self._name = generate_unique_name("sweep") - else: - self._name = name - self._edb_sweep_data = self._sim_setup._edb.simsetupdata.SweepData(self._name) - self.set_frequencies(frequency_sweep) - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def _update_sweep(self): - """Update sweep.""" - self._sim_setup._edb_sim_setup_info.SweepDataList.Clear() - for el in list(self._sim_setup.frequency_sweeps.values()): - self._sim_setup._edb_sim_setup_info.SweepDataList.Add(el._edb_sweep_data) - self._sim_setup._edb_sim_setup_info.SweepDataList.Add(self._edb_sweep_data) - return self._sim_setup._update_setup() - - @property - def name(self): - """Name of the sweep.""" - return self._edb_sweep_data.Name - - @name.setter - def name(self, value): - """Set name of this sweep""" - self._edb_sweep_data.Name = value - self._update_sweep() - - @property - def sweep_type(self): - """Sweep type.""" - return - - @property - def frequencies(self): - """List of frequencies points.""" - return list(self._edb_sweep_data.Frequencies) - - @property - def adaptive_sampling(self): - """Whether adaptive sampling is used. - - Returns - ------- - bool - ``True`` if adaptive sampling is used, ``False`` otherwise. - """ - return self._edb_sweep_data.AdaptiveSampling - - @property - def adv_dc_extrapolation(self): - """Whether to turn on advanced DC Extrapolation. - - Returns - ------- - bool - ``True`` if advanced DC Extrapolation is used, ``False`` otherwise. - - """ - return self._edb_sweep_data.AdvDCExtrapolation - - @property - def auto_s_mat_only_solve(self): - """Whether to turn on Auto/Manual SMatrix only solve. - - Returns - ------- - bool - ``True`` if Auto/Manual SMatrix only solve is used, ``False`` otherwise. - """ - return self._edb_sweep_data.AutoSMatOnlySolve - - @property - def enforce_causality(self): - """Whether to enforce causality during interpolating sweep. - - Returns - ------- - bool - ``True`` if enforce causality is used, ``False`` otherwise. - """ - return self._edb_sweep_data.EnforceCausality - - @property - def enforce_dc_and_causality(self): - """Whether to enforce DC point and causality. - - Returns - ------- - bool - ``True`` if enforce dc point and causality is used, ``False`` otherwise. - - """ - return self._edb_sweep_data.EnforceDCAndCausality - - @property - def enforce_passivity(self): - """Whether to enforce passivity during interpolating sweep. - - Returns - ------- - bool - ``True`` if enforce passivity is used, ``False`` otherwise. - """ - return self._edb_sweep_data.EnforcePassivity - - @property - def freq_sweep_type(self): - """Sweep type. - Options are: - - ``kInterpolatingSweep``. - - ``kDiscreteSweep``. - - ``kBroadbandFastSweep``. - - Returns - ------- - str - """ - return self._edb_sweep_data.FreqSweepType.ToString() - - @property - def interp_use_full_basis(self): - """Whether to use Full basis elements. - - Returns - ------- - bool - ``True`` if full basis interpolation is used, ``False`` otherwise. - """ - return self._edb_sweep_data.InterpUseFullBasis - - @property - def interp_use_port_impedance(self): - """Whether to turn on the port impedance interpolation. - - Returns - ------- - bool - ``True`` if port impedance is used, ``False`` otherwise. - """ - return self._edb_sweep_data.InterpUsePortImpedance - - @property - def interp_use_prop_const(self): - """Whether to use propagation constants. - - Returns - ------- - bool - ``True`` if propagation constants are used, ``False`` otherwise. - """ - return self._edb_sweep_data.InterpUsePropConst - - @property - def interp_use_s_matrix(self): - """Whether to use S matrix. - - Returns - ------- - bool - ``True`` if S matrix are used, ``False`` otherwise. - """ - return self._edb_sweep_data.InterpUseSMatrix - - @property - def max_solutions(self): - """Number of aximum solutions. - - Returns - ------- - int - """ - return self._edb_sweep_data.MaxSolutions - - @property - def min_freq_s_mat_only_solve(self): - """Minimum frequency SMatrix only solve. - - Returns - ------- - str - Frequency with units. - """ - return self._edb_sweep_data.MinFreqSMatOnlySolve - - @property - def min_solved_freq(self): - """Minimum solved frequency. - - Returns - ------- - str - Frequency with units. - """ - return self._edb_sweep_data.MinSolvedFreq - - @property - def passivity_tolerance(self): - """Tolerance for passivity enforcement. - - Returns - ------- - float - """ - return self._edb_sweep_data.PassivityTolerance - - @property - def relative_s_error(self): - """Specify S-parameter error tolerance for interpolating sweep. - - Returns - ------- - float - """ - return self._edb_sweep_data.RelativeSError - - @property - def save_fields(self): - """Whether to turn on or off the extraction of surface current data. - - Returns - ------- - bool - ``True`` if save fields is enabled, ``False`` otherwise. - """ - return self._edb_sweep_data.SaveFields - - @property - def save_rad_fields_only(self): - """Whether to turn on save radiated fields only. - - Returns - ------- - bool - ``True`` if save radiated field only is used, ``False`` otherwise. - - """ - return self._edb_sweep_data.SaveRadFieldsOnly - - @property - def use_q3d_for_dc(self): - """Whether to enable Q3D solver for DC point extraction . - - Returns - ------- - bool - ``True`` if Q3d for DC point is used, ``False`` otherwise. - """ - return self._edb_sweep_data.UseQ3DForDC - - @adaptive_sampling.setter - def adaptive_sampling(self, value): - self._edb_sweep_data.AdaptiveSampling = value - self._update_sweep() - - @adv_dc_extrapolation.setter - def adv_dc_extrapolation(self, value): - self._edb_sweep_data.AdvDCExtrapolation = value - self._update_sweep() - - @auto_s_mat_only_solve.setter - def auto_s_mat_only_solve(self, value): - self._edb_sweep_data.AutoSMatOnlySolve = value - self._update_sweep() - - @enforce_causality.setter - def enforce_causality(self, value): - self._edb_sweep_data.EnforceCausality = value - self._update_sweep() - - @enforce_dc_and_causality.setter - def enforce_dc_and_causality(self, value): - self._edb_sweep_data.EnforceDCAndCausality = value - self._update_sweep() - - @enforce_passivity.setter - def enforce_passivity(self, value): - self._edb_sweep_data.EnforcePassivity = value - self._update_sweep() - - @freq_sweep_type.setter - def freq_sweep_type(self, value): - edb_freq_sweep_type = self._edb_sweep_data.TFreqSweepType - if value in [0, "kInterpolatingSweep"]: - self._edb_sweep_data.FreqSweepType = edb_freq_sweep_type.kInterpolatingSweep - elif value in [1, "kDiscreteSweep"]: - self._edb_sweep_data.FreqSweepType = edb_freq_sweep_type.kDiscreteSweep - elif value in [2, "kBroadbandFastSweep"]: - self._edb_sweep_data.FreqSweepType = edb_freq_sweep_type.kBroadbandFastSweep - elif value in [3, "kNumSweepTypes"]: - self._edb_sweep_data.FreqSweepType = edb_freq_sweep_type.kNumSweepTypes - self._edb_sweep_data.FreqSweepType.ToString() - - @interp_use_full_basis.setter - def interp_use_full_basis(self, value): - self._edb_sweep_data.InterpUseFullBasis = value - self._update_sweep() - - @interp_use_port_impedance.setter - def interp_use_port_impedance(self, value): - self._edb_sweep_data.InterpUsePortImpedance = value - self._update_sweep() - - @interp_use_prop_const.setter - def interp_use_prop_const(self, value): - self._edb_sweep_data.InterpUsePropConst = value - self._update_sweep() - - @interp_use_s_matrix.setter - def interp_use_s_matrix(self, value): - self._edb_sweep_data.InterpUseSMatrix = value - self._update_sweep() - - @max_solutions.setter - def max_solutions(self, value): - self._edb_sweep_data.MaxSolutions = value - self._update_sweep() - - @min_freq_s_mat_only_solve.setter - def min_freq_s_mat_only_solve(self, value): - self._edb_sweep_data.MinFreqSMatOnlySolve = value - self._update_sweep() - - @min_solved_freq.setter - def min_solved_freq(self, value): - self._edb_sweep_data.MinSolvedFreq = value - self._update_sweep() - - @passivity_tolerance.setter - def passivity_tolerance(self, value): - self._edb_sweep_data.PassivityTolerance = value - self._update_sweep() - - @relative_s_error.setter - def relative_s_error(self, value): - self._edb_sweep_data.RelativeSError = value - self._update_sweep() - - @save_fields.setter - def save_fields(self, value): - self._edb_sweep_data.SaveFields = value - self._update_sweep() - - @save_rad_fields_only.setter - def save_rad_fields_only(self, value): - self._edb_sweep_data.SaveRadFieldsOnly = value - self._update_sweep() - - @use_q3d_for_dc.setter - def use_q3d_for_dc(self, value): - self._edb_sweep_data.UseQ3DForDC = value - self._update_sweep() - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def _set_frequencies(self, freq_sweep_string="Linear Step: 0GHz to 20GHz, step=0.05GHz"): - self._edb_sweep_data.SetFrequencies(freq_sweep_string) - self._update_sweep() - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def set_frequencies_linear_scale(self, start="0.1GHz", stop="20GHz", step="50MHz"): - """Set a linear scale frequency sweep. - - Parameters - ---------- - start : str, float - Start frequency. - stop : str, float - Stop frequency. - step : str, float - Step frequency. - - Returns - ------- - bool - ``True`` if correctly executed, ``False`` otherwise. - - """ - self._edb_sweep_data.Frequencies = self._edb_sweep_data.SetFrequencies(start, stop, step) - return self._update_sweep() - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def set_frequencies_linear_count(self, start="1kHz", stop="0.1GHz", count=10): - """Set a linear count frequency sweep. - - Parameters - ---------- - start : str, float - Start frequency. - stop : str, float - Stop frequency. - count : int - Step frequency. - - Returns - ------- - bool - ``True`` if correctly executed, ``False`` otherwise. - - """ - start = self._sim_setup._edb.arg_to_dim(start, "Hz") - stop = self._sim_setup._edb.arg_to_dim(stop, "Hz") - self._edb_sweep_data.Frequencies = self._edb_sweep_data.SetFrequencies(start, stop, count) - return self._update_sweep() - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def set_frequencies_log_scale(self, start="1kHz", stop="0.1GHz", samples=10): - """Set a log count frequency sweep. - - Parameters - ---------- - start : str, float - Start frequency. - stop : str, float - Stop frequency. - samples : int - Step frequency. - - Returns - ------- - bool - ``True`` if correctly executed, ``False`` otherwise. - """ - start = self._sim_setup._edb.arg_to_dim(start, "Hz") - stop = self._sim_setup._edb.arg_to_dim(stop, "Hz") - self._edb_sweep_data.Frequencies = self._edb_sweep_data.SetLogFrequencies(start, stop, samples) - return self._update_sweep() - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def set_frequencies(self, frequency_list=None): - """Set frequency list to the sweep frequencies. - - Parameters - ---------- - frequency_list : list, optional - List of lists with four elements. Each list must contain: - - 1- frequency type (``"linear count"``, ``"log scale"`` or ``"linear scale"``) - 2- start frequency - 3- stop frequency - 4- step frequency or count - - Returns - ------- - bool - ``True`` if correctly executed, ``False`` otherwise. - - """ - if not frequency_list: - frequency_list = [ - ["linear count", "0", "1kHz", 1], - ["log scale", "1kHz", "0.1GHz", 10], - ["linear scale", "0.1GHz", "10GHz", "0.1GHz"], - ] - temp = [] - for i in frequency_list: - if i[0] == "linear count": - temp.extend(list(self._edb_sweep_data.SetFrequencies(i[1], i[2], i[3]))) - elif i[0] == "linear scale": - temp.extend(list(self._edb_sweep_data.SetFrequencies(i[1], i[2], i[3]))) - elif i[0] == "log scale": - temp.extend(list(self._edb_sweep_data.SetLogFrequencies(i[1], i[2], i[3]))) - else: - return False - self._edb_sweep_data.Frequencies.Clear() - for i in temp: - self._edb_sweep_data.Frequencies.Add(i) - return self._update_sweep() - - class MeshOperation(object): """Mesh Operation Class.""" @@ -752,7 +276,7 @@ def __init__(self, parent): @property def _hfss_port_settings(self): - return self._parent._edb_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.HFSSPortSettings + return self._parent.get_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.HFSSPortSettings @property def max_delta_z0(self): @@ -819,12 +343,12 @@ def enable_set_triangles_wave_port(self, value): class HfssSolverSettings(object): """Manages EDB methods for HFSS solver settings.""" - def __init__(self, parent): - self._parent = parent + def __init__(self, sim_setup): + self._parent = sim_setup @property def _hfss_solver_settings(self): - return self._parent._edb_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.HFSSSolverSettings + return self._parent.get_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.HFSSSolverSettings @property def enhanced_low_freq_accuracy(self): @@ -993,7 +517,7 @@ def adaptive_settings(self): ------- :class:`pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.hfss_simulation_setup_data.AdaptiveSettings` """ - return self._parent._edb_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.AdaptiveSettings + return self._parent.get_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.AdaptiveSettings @property def adaptive_frequency_data_list(self): @@ -1115,7 +639,7 @@ def save_fields(self, value): @property def save_rad_field_only(self): - """Whether to turn on save radiated fields only. + """Flag indicating if the saving of only radiated fields is turned on. Returns ------- @@ -1181,10 +705,10 @@ def add_adaptive_frequency_data(self, frequency=0, max_num_passes=10, max_delta_ bool ``True`` if method is successful, ``False`` otherwise. """ - low_freq_adapt_data = self._parent._edb.simsetupdata.AdaptiveFrequencyData() - low_freq_adapt_data.MaxDelta = self._parent._edb.edb_value(max_delta_s).ToString() + low_freq_adapt_data = self._parent._pedb.simsetupdata.AdaptiveFrequencyData() + low_freq_adapt_data.MaxDelta = self._parent._pedb.edb_value(max_delta_s).ToString() low_freq_adapt_data.MaxPasses = max_num_passes - low_freq_adapt_data.AdaptiveFrequency = self._parent._edb.edb_value(frequency).ToString() + low_freq_adapt_data.AdaptiveFrequency = self._parent._pedb.edb_value(frequency).ToString() self.adaptive_settings.AdaptiveFrequencyDataList.Clear() self.adaptive_settings.AdaptiveFrequencyDataList.Add(low_freq_adapt_data) return self._parent._update_setup() @@ -1211,14 +735,14 @@ def add_broadband_adaptive_frequency_data( bool ``True`` if method is successful, ``False`` otherwise. """ - low_freq_adapt_data = self._parent._edb.simsetupdata.AdaptiveFrequencyData() - low_freq_adapt_data.MaxDelta = self._parent._edb.edb_value(max_delta_s).ToString() + low_freq_adapt_data = self._parent._pedb.simsetupdata.AdaptiveFrequencyData() + low_freq_adapt_data.MaxDelta = self._parent._pedb.edb_value(max_delta_s).ToString() low_freq_adapt_data.MaxPasses = max_num_passes - low_freq_adapt_data.AdaptiveFrequency = self._parent._edb.edb_value(low_frequency).ToString() - high_freq_adapt_data = self._parent._edb.simsetupdata.AdaptiveFrequencyData() - high_freq_adapt_data.MaxDelta = self._parent._edb.edb_value(max_delta_s).ToString() + low_freq_adapt_data.AdaptiveFrequency = self._parent._pedb.edb_value(low_frequency).ToString() + high_freq_adapt_data = self._parent._pedb.simsetupdata.AdaptiveFrequencyData() + high_freq_adapt_data.MaxDelta = self._parent._pedb.edb_value(max_delta_s).ToString() high_freq_adapt_data.MaxPasses = max_num_passes - high_freq_adapt_data.AdaptiveFrequency = self._parent._edb.edb_value(high_frequency).ToString() + high_freq_adapt_data.AdaptiveFrequency = self._parent._pedb.edb_value(high_frequency).ToString() self.adaptive_settings.AdaptiveFrequencyDataList.Clear() self.adaptive_settings.AdaptiveFrequencyDataList.Add(low_freq_adapt_data) self.adaptive_settings.AdaptiveFrequencyDataList.Add(high_freq_adapt_data) @@ -1233,7 +757,7 @@ def __init__(self, parent): @property def _defeature_settings(self): - return self._parent._edb_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DefeatureSettings + return self._parent.get_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DefeatureSettings @property def defeature_abs_length(self): @@ -1401,7 +925,7 @@ def __init__( @property def _via_settings(self): - return self._parent._edb_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.ViaSettings + return self._parent.get_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.ViaSettings @property def via_density(self): @@ -1478,7 +1002,7 @@ def __init__(self, parent): @property def _advanced_mesh_settings(self): - return self._parent._edb_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.AdvancedMeshSettings + return self._parent.get_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.AdvancedMeshSettings @property def layer_snap_tol(self): @@ -1537,7 +1061,7 @@ def __init__(self, parent): @property def _curve_approx_settings(self): - return self._parent._edb_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.CurveApproxSettings + return self._parent.get_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.CurveApproxSettings @property def arc_angle(self): @@ -1623,7 +1147,7 @@ def __init__(self, parent): @property def _dcr_settings(self): - return self._parent._edb_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCRSettings + return self._parent.get_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCRSettings @property def conduction_max_passes(self): @@ -1701,82 +1225,25 @@ def conduction_per_refine(self, value): self._parent._update_setup() -class HfssSimulationSetup(object): +class HfssSimulationSetup(BaseSimulationSetup): """Manages EDB methods for HFSS simulation setup.""" - def __init__(self, edb, name=None, edb_hfss_sim_setup=None): - self._edb = edb - self._name = None + def __init__(self, pedb, edb_object=None): + super().__init__(pedb, edb_object) + self._setup_type = "kHFSS" self._mesh_operations = {} - if edb_hfss_sim_setup: - self._edb_sim_setup = edb_hfss_sim_setup - self._edb_sim_setup_info = edb_hfss_sim_setup.GetSimSetupInfo() - self._name = edb_hfss_sim_setup.GetName() - else: - self._edb_sim_setup_info = self._edb.simsetupdata.SimSetupInfo[ - self._edb.simsetupdata.HFSSSimulationSettings - ]() - if not name: - self._edb_sim_setup_info.Name = generate_unique_name("hfss") - else: - self._edb_sim_setup_info.Name = name - self._name = name - self.hfss_solver_settings.order_basis = "mixed" - - self._edb_sim_setup = self._edb.edb_api.utility.utility.HFSSSimulationSetup(self._edb_sim_setup_info) - self._update_setup() - - @property - def edb_sim_setup_info(self): - """EDB internal simulation setup object.""" - return self._edb_sim_setup_info - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def _update_setup(self): - mesh_operations = self._edb_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.MeshOperations - mesh_operations.Clear() - for mop in self.mesh_operations.values(): - mesh_operations.Add(mop.mesh_operation) - - self._edb_sim_setup = self._edb.edb_api.utility.utility.HFSSSimulationSetup(self._edb_sim_setup_info) - - if self._name in self._edb.setups: - self._edb.active_cell.DeleteSimulationSetup(self._name) - self._name = self.name - self._edb.active_cell.AddSimulationSetup(self._edb_sim_setup) - for i in list(self._edb.active_cell.SimulationSetups): - if i.GetSimSetupInfo().Name == self._name: - self._edb_sim_setup_info = i.GetSimSetupInfo() - return True - return False - - @property - def frequency_sweeps(self): - """Frequency sweep list. - - Returns - ------- - List of :class:`pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.hfss_simulation_setup_data.EdbFrequencySweep` - """ - sweep_data_list = {} - for i in list(self._edb_sim_setup_info.SweepDataList): - sweep_data_list[i.Name] = EdbFrequencySweep(self, None, i.Name, i) - return sweep_data_list + def create(self, name=None): + """Create a HFSS setup.""" + self._name = name + self._create(name) + return self @property - def name(self): - """Name of the setup.""" - return self._edb_sim_setup_info.Name - - @name.setter - def name(self, value): - legacy_name = self._name - self._edb_sim_setup_info.Name = value - self._update_setup() - if legacy_name in self._edb.setups: - del self._edb._setups[legacy_name] - self._name = value + def get_sim_setup_info(self): + """Get simulation setup information.""" + return self._edb_object.GetSimSetupInfo() @property def solver_slider_type(self): @@ -1791,35 +1258,30 @@ def solver_slider_type(self): ------- str """ - return self._edb_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.TSolveSliderType.ToString() + return self.get_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.TSolveSliderType.ToString() @solver_slider_type.setter def solver_slider_type(self, value): """Set solver slider type.""" solver_types = { - "kFast": self._edb_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.TSolveSliderType.k25DViaWirebond, - "kMedium": self._edb_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.TSolveSliderType.k25DViaRibbon, - "kAccurate": self._edb_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.TSolveSliderType.k25DViaMesh, - "kNumSliderTypes": self._edb_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.TSolveSliderType.k25DViaField, + "kFast": self.get_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.TSolveSliderType.k25DViaWirebond, + "kMedium": self.get_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.TSolveSliderType.k25DViaRibbon, + "kAccurate": self.get_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.TSolveSliderType.k25DViaMesh, + "kNumSliderTypes": self.get_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.TSolveSliderType.k25DViaField, } - self._edb_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.TSolveSliderType = solver_types[value] + self.get_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.TSolveSliderType = solver_types[value] self._update_setup() @property def is_auto_setup(self): """Whether if auto setup is enabled.""" - return self._edb_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.IsAutoSetup + return self.get_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.IsAutoSetup @is_auto_setup.setter def is_auto_setup(self, value): - self._edb_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.IsAutoSetup = value + self.get_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.IsAutoSetup = value self._update_setup() - @property - def setup_type(self): - """Setup type.""" - return self._edb_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.SetupType - @property def hfss_solver_settings(self): """Manages EDB methods for HFSS solver settings. @@ -1919,7 +1381,7 @@ def mesh_operations(self): """ if self._mesh_operations: return self._mesh_operations - settings = self._edb_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.MeshOperations + settings = self.get_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.MeshOperations self._mesh_operations = {} for i in list(settings): if i.MeshOpType == i.TMeshOpType.kMeshSetupLength: @@ -1970,7 +1432,7 @@ def add_length_mesh_operation( """ if not name: name = generate_unique_name("skin") - mesh_operation = MeshOperationLength(self, self._edb.simsetupdata.LengthMeshOperation()) + mesh_operation = MeshOperationLength(self, self._pedb.simsetupdata.LengthMeshOperation()) mesh_operation.mesh_region = mesh_region mesh_operation.name = name mesh_operation.nets_layers_list = net_layer_list @@ -2024,7 +1486,7 @@ def add_skin_depth_mesh_operation( """ if not name: name = generate_unique_name("length") - mesh_operation = MeshOperationSkinDepth(self, self._edb.simsetupdata.SkinDepthMeshOperation()) + mesh_operation = MeshOperationSkinDepth(self, self._pedb.simsetupdata.SkinDepthMeshOperation()) mesh_operation.mesh_region = mesh_region mesh_operation.name = name mesh_operation.nets_layers_list = net_layer_list diff --git a/pyaedt/edb_core/edb_data/padstacks_data.py b/pyaedt/edb_core/edb_data/padstacks_data.py index a37d2b2987a..4abd7768f42 100644 --- a/pyaedt/edb_core/edb_data/padstacks_data.py +++ b/pyaedt/edb_core/edb_data/padstacks_data.py @@ -998,12 +998,29 @@ def __init__(self, edb_padstackinstance, _pedb): self._position = [] self._pdef = None - @property - def terminal(self): - """Return PadstackInstanceTerminal object.""" - from pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.terminals import PadstackInstanceTerminal + @pyaedt_function_handler + def get_terminal(self, name=None, create_new_terminal=False): + """Return PadstackInstanceTerminal object. - term = PadstackInstanceTerminal(self._pedb, self._edb_object.GetPadstackInstanceTerminal()) + Parameters + ---------- + name : str, optional + Name of the terminal. Only applicable when create_new_terminal is True. + create_new_terminal : bool, optional + Whether to create a new terminal. + + Returns + ------- + :class:`pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.terminals` + + """ + + if create_new_terminal: + term = self._create_terminal(name) + else: + from pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.terminals import PadstackInstanceTerminal + + term = PadstackInstanceTerminal(self._pedb, self._edb_object.GetPadstackInstanceTerminal()) if not term.is_null: return term @@ -1018,12 +1035,35 @@ def _create_terminal(self, name=None): @pyaedt_function_handler def create_coax_port(self, name=None, radial_extent_factor=0): """Create a coax port.""" - from pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.ports import CoaxPort - term = self._create_terminal(name) - coax = CoaxPort(self._pedb, term._edb_object) - coax.radial_extent_factor = radial_extent_factor - return coax + port = self.create_port(name) + port.radial_extent_factor = radial_extent_factor + return port + + @pyaedt_function_handler + def create_port(self, name=None, reference=None, is_circuit_port=False): + """Create a port on the padstack. + + Parameters + ---------- + name : str, optional + Name of the port. The default is ``None``, in which case a name is automatically assigned. + reference : class:`pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.nets_data.EDBNetsData`, + class:`pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.padstacks_data.EDBPadstackInstance`, + class:`pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.sources.PinGroup`, optional + Negative terminal of the port. + is_circuit_port : bool, optional + Whether it is a circuit port. + """ + terminal = self._create_terminal(name) + if reference: + ref_terminal = reference._create_terminal(terminal.name + "_ref") + if reference._edb_object.ToString() == "PinGroup": + is_circuit_port = True + else: + ref_terminal = None + + return self._pedb.create_port(terminal, ref_terminal, is_circuit_port) @property def _em_properties(self): @@ -1163,7 +1203,8 @@ def in_polygon(self, polygon_data, include_partial=True, simple_check=False): @property def pin(self): - """Return Edb padstack object.""" + """EDB padstack object.""" + warnings.warn("`pin` is deprecated.", DeprecationWarning) return self._edb_padstackinstance @property diff --git a/pyaedt/edb_core/edb_data/ports.py b/pyaedt/edb_core/edb_data/ports.py index a26d240be6f..b68539286ba 100644 --- a/pyaedt/edb_core/edb_data/ports.py +++ b/pyaedt/edb_core/edb_data/ports.py @@ -54,6 +54,25 @@ def renormalize_z0(self): ) +class CircuitPort(GapPort): + """Manages gap port properties. + + Parameters + ---------- + pedb : pyaedt.edb.Edb + EDB object from the ``Edblib`` library. + edb_object : Ansys.Ansoft.Edb.Cell.Terminal.EdgeTerminal + Edge terminal instance from EDB. + + Examples + -------- + This example shows how to access the ``GapPort`` class. + """ + + def __init__(self, pedb, edb_object): + super().__init__(pedb, edb_object) + + class WavePort(EdgeTerminal): """Manages wave port properties. diff --git a/pyaedt/edb_core/edb_data/primitives_data.py b/pyaedt/edb_core/edb_data/primitives_data.py index 4b29f1c4dbc..8896d96cb99 100644 --- a/pyaedt/edb_core/edb_data/primitives_data.py +++ b/pyaedt/edb_core/edb_data/primitives_data.py @@ -123,12 +123,12 @@ def layer_name(self): @layer_name.setter def layer_name(self, val): if isinstance(val, str) and val in list(self._core_stackup.layers.keys()): - lay = self._core_stackup.layers["TOP"]._edb_layer + lay = self._core_stackup.layers[val]._edb_layer if lay: self.primitive_object.SetLayer(lay) else: raise AttributeError("Layer {} not found in layer".format(val)) - elif isinstance(val, type(self._core_stackup.layers["TOP"])): + elif isinstance(val, type(self._core_stackup.layers[val])): try: self.primitive_object.SetLayer(val._edb_layer) except: @@ -1053,14 +1053,14 @@ def in_polygon( class EdbText(EDBPrimitivesMain, TextDotNet): def __init__(self, raw_primitive, core_app): - TextDotNet.__init__(self, self._app, raw_primitive) EDBPrimitives.__init__(self, raw_primitive, core_app) + TextDotNet.__init__(self, self._app, raw_primitive) class EdbBondwire(EDBPrimitivesMain, BondwireDotNet): def __init__(self, raw_primitive, core_app): - BondwireDotNet.__init__(self, self._app, raw_primitive) EDBPrimitives.__init__(self, raw_primitive, core_app) + BondwireDotNet.__init__(self, core_app, raw_primitive) class EDBArcs(object): diff --git a/pyaedt/edb_core/edb_data/simulation_setup.py b/pyaedt/edb_core/edb_data/simulation_setup.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..adfe33d7562 --- /dev/null +++ b/pyaedt/edb_core/edb_data/simulation_setup.py @@ -0,0 +1,723 @@ +from pyaedt.generic.general_methods import generate_unique_name +from pyaedt.generic.general_methods import pyaedt_function_handler + + +class BaseSimulationSetup(object): + """Provide base simulation setup. + + Parameters + ---------- + pedb : :class:`pyaedt.edb.Edb` + Inherited AEDT object. + edb_object : :class:`Ansys.Ansoft.Edb.Utility.SIWaveSimulationSetup`, + :class:`Ansys.Ansoft.Edb.Utility.SIWDCIRSimulationSettings`, + :class:`Ansys.Ansoft.Edb.Utility.HFSSSimulationSettings` + Edb object. + """ + + def __init__(self, pedb, edb_setup=None): + self._pedb = pedb + self._edb_object = edb_setup + self._setup_type = "" + self._setup_type_mapping = { + "kHFSS": self._pedb.simsetupdata.HFSSSimulationSettings, + "kPEM": None, + "kSIwave": self._pedb.simsetupdata.SIwave.SIWSimulationSettings, + "kLNA": None, + "kTransient": None, + "kQEye": None, + "kVEye": None, + "kAMI": None, + "kAnalysisOption": None, + "kSIwaveDCIR": self._pedb.simsetupdata.SIwave.SIWDCIRSimulationSettings, + "kSIwaveEMI": None, + "kHFSSPI": None, + "kDDRwizard": None, + "kQ3D": None, + "kNumSetupTypes": None, + } + if self._edb_object: + self._name = self._edb_object.GetName() + + self._sweep_list = {} + + @pyaedt_function_handler + def _create(self, name=None): + """Create a setup.""" + if not name: + name = generate_unique_name(self.setup_type) + self._name = name + + setup_type = self._setup_type_mapping[self._setup_type] + edb_setup_info = self._pedb.simsetupdata.SimSetupInfo[setup_type]() + edb_setup_info.Name = name + self._edb_object = self._set_edb_setup_info(edb_setup_info) + self._update_setup() + + @pyaedt_function_handler + def _set_edb_setup_info(self, edb_setup_info): + """Create a setup object from setup information object.""" + utility = self._pedb._edb.Utility + setup_type_mapping = { + "kHFSS": utility.HFSSSimulationSetup, + "kPEM": None, + "kSIwave": utility.SIWaveSimulationSetup, + "kLNA": None, + "kTransient": None, + "kQEye": None, + "kVEye": None, + "kAMI": None, + "kAnalysisOption": None, + "kSIwaveDCIR": utility.SIWaveDCIRSimulationSetup, + "kSIwaveEMI": None, + "kHFSSPI": None, + "kDDRwizard": None, + "kQ3D": None, + "kNumSetupTypes": None, + } + setup_utility = setup_type_mapping[self._setup_type] + return setup_utility(edb_setup_info) + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def _update_setup(self): + """Update setup in EDB.""" + if self._setup_type == "kHFSS": + mesh_operations = self.get_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.MeshOperations + mesh_operations.Clear() + for mop in self.mesh_operations.values(): + mesh_operations.Add(mop.mesh_operation) + + if self._name in self._pedb.setups: + self._pedb.layout.cell.DeleteSimulationSetup(self._name) + if not self._pedb.layout.cell.AddSimulationSetup(self._edb_object): + raise Exception("Updating setup {} failed.".format(self._name)) + else: + return True + + @property + def enabled(self): + """Whether the setup is enabled.""" + return self.get_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.Enabled + + @enabled.setter + def enabled(self, value): + edb_setup_info = self.get_sim_setup_info + edb_setup_info.SimulationSettings.Enabled = value + self._edb_object = self._set_edb_setup_info(edb_setup_info) + self._update_setup() + + @property + def name(self): + """Name of the setup.""" + return self._edb_object.GetName() + + @name.setter + def name(self, value): + self._pedb.layout.cell.DeleteSimulationSetup(self.name) + edb_setup_info = self.get_sim_setup_info + edb_setup_info.Name = value + self._name = value + self._edb_object = self._set_edb_setup_info(edb_setup_info) + self._update_setup() + + @property + def position(self): + """Position in the setup list.""" + return self.get_sim_setup_info.Position + + @position.setter + def position(self, value): + edb_setup_info = self.get_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings + edb_setup_info.Position = value + self._set_edb_setup_info(edb_setup_info) + self._update_setup() + + @property + def setup_type(self): + """Type of the setup.""" + return self.get_sim_setup_info.SimSetupType.ToString() + + @property + def frequency_sweeps(self): + """List of frequency sweeps.""" + temp = {} + for i in list(self.get_sim_setup_info.SweepDataList): + temp[i.Name] = EdbFrequencySweep(self, None, i.Name, i) + return temp + + @pyaedt_function_handler + def _add_frequency_sweep(self, sweep_data): + """Add a frequency sweep. + + Parameters + ---------- + sweep_data: EdbFrequencySweep + """ + self._sweep_list[sweep_data.name] = sweep_data + edb_setup_info = self.get_sim_setup_info + + if self._setup_type in ["kSIwave", "kHFSS"]: + for _, v in self._sweep_list.items(): + edb_setup_info.SweepDataList.Add(v._edb_object) + + self._edb_object = self._set_edb_setup_info(edb_setup_info) + self._update_setup() + + @pyaedt_function_handler + def delete_frequency_sweep(self, sweep_data): + """Delete a frequency sweep. + + Parameters + ---------- + sweep_data : EdbFrequencySweep + """ + name = sweep_data.name + if name in self._sweep_list: + self._sweep_list.pop(name) + + fsweep = [] + for k, val in self.frequency_sweeps.items(): + if not k == name: + fsweep.append(val) + self.get_sim_setup_info.SweepDataList.Clear() + for i in fsweep: + self.get_sim_setup_info.SweepDataList.Add(i._edb_object) + self._update_setup() + return True if name in self.frequency_sweeps else False + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def add_frequency_sweep(self, name=None, frequency_sweep=None): + """Add frequency sweep. + + Parameters + ---------- + name : str, optional + Name of the frequency sweep. + frequency_sweep : list, optional + List of frequency points. + + Returns + ------- + :class:`pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.simulation_setup_data.EdbFrequencySweep` + + Examples + -------- + >>> setup1 = edbapp.create_siwave_syz_setup("setup1") + >>> setup1.add_frequency_sweep(frequency_sweep=[ + ... ["linear count", "0", "1kHz", 1], + ... ["log scale", "1kHz", "0.1GHz", 10], + ... ["linear scale", "0.1GHz", "10GHz", "0.1GHz"], + ... ]) + """ + if name in self.frequency_sweeps: + return False + + if not frequency_sweep: + frequency_sweep = [["linear scale", "0.1GHz", "10GHz", "0.1GHz"]] + elif not isinstance(frequency_sweep[0], list): + frequency_sweep = [frequency_sweep] + + if not name: + name = generate_unique_name("sweep") + sweep = EdbFrequencySweep(self, frequency_sweep, name) + self._add_frequency_sweep(sweep) + self._update_setup() + return sweep + + +class EdbFrequencySweep(object): + """Manages EDB methods for a frequency sweep. + + Parameters + ---------- + sim_setup : :class:`pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.siwave_simulation_setup_data.SiwaveSYZSimulationSetup` + name : str, optional + Name of the frequency sweep. + edb_sweep_data : :class:`Ansys.Ansoft.Edb.Utility.SIWDCIRSimulationSettings`, optional + Edb object. + """ + + def __init__(self, sim_setup, frequency_sweep=None, name=None, edb_sweep_data=None): + self._sim_setup = sim_setup + + if edb_sweep_data: + self._edb_sweep_data = edb_sweep_data + self._name = self._edb_sweep_data.Name + else: + if not name: + self._name = generate_unique_name("sweep") + else: + self._name = name + self._edb_sweep_data = self._pedb.simsetupdata.SweepData(self._name) + self.set_frequencies(frequency_sweep) + + @property + def _edb_object(self): + return self._edb_sweep_data + + @property + def _pedb(self): + """EDB.""" + return self._sim_setup._pedb + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def _update_sweep(self): + """Update the sweep.""" + self._sim_setup.delete_frequency_sweep(self) + self._sim_setup._add_frequency_sweep(self) + return + + @property + def name(self): + """Name of the sweep.""" + return self._edb_sweep_data.Name + + @name.setter + def name(self, value): + self._edb_sweep_data.Name = value + self._update_sweep() + + @property + def sweep_type(self): + """Sweep type.""" + return + + @property + def frequencies(self): + """List of frequency points.""" + return list(self._edb_sweep_data.Frequencies) + + @property + def adaptive_sampling(self): + """Whether adaptive sampling is used. + + Returns + ------- + bool + ``True`` if adaptive sampling is used, ``False`` otherwise. + """ + return self._edb_sweep_data.AdaptiveSampling + + @property + def adv_dc_extrapolation(self): + """Flag indicating if advanced DC extrapolation is turned on. + + Returns + ------- + bool + ``True`` if advanced DC Extrapolation is used, ``False`` otherwise. + + """ + return self._edb_sweep_data.AdvDCExtrapolation + + @property + def compute_dc_point(self): + """Flag indication if compute exact dc point is turned on.""" + return self._edb_sweep_data.ComputeDCPoint + + @compute_dc_point.setter + def compute_dc_point(self, value): + self._edb_sweep_data.ComputeDCPoint = value + self._update_sweep() + + @property + def auto_s_mat_only_solve(self): + """Flag indication if Auto SMatrix only solve is turned on.""" + return self._edb_sweep_data.AutoSMatOnlySolve + + @property + def enforce_causality(self): + """Whether to enforce causality during interpolating sweep. + + Returns + ------- + bool + ``True`` if enforce causality is used, ``False`` otherwise. + """ + return self._edb_sweep_data.EnforceCausality + + @property + def enforce_dc_and_causality(self): + """Flag indicating if DC point and causality are enforced. + + Returns + ------- + bool + ``True`` if enforce dc point and causality is used, ``False`` otherwise. + + """ + return self._edb_sweep_data.EnforceDCAndCausality + + @property + def enforce_passivity(self): + """Whether to enforce passivity during interpolating sweep. + + Returns + ------- + bool + ``True`` if enforce passivity is used, ``False`` otherwise. + """ + return self._edb_sweep_data.EnforcePassivity + + @property + def freq_sweep_type(self): + """Sweep type. Options are. + + - ``"kInterpolatingSweep"`` + - ``"kDiscreteSweep"`` + - ``"kBroadbandFastSweep"`` + + Returns + ------- + str + Sweep type. + """ + return self._edb_sweep_data.FreqSweepType.ToString() + + @property + def interpolation_use_full_basis(self): + """Whether to use Full basis elements. + + Returns + ------- + bool + ``True`` if full basis interpolation is used, ``False`` otherwise. + """ + return self._edb_sweep_data.InterpUseFullBasis + + @property + def interpolation_use_port_impedance(self): + """Whether to turn on the port impedance interpolation. + + Returns + ------- + bool + ``True`` if port impedance is used, ``False`` otherwise. + """ + return self._edb_sweep_data.InterpUsePortImpedance + + @property + def interpolation_use_prop_const(self): + """Flag indicating if propagation constants are used. + + Returns + ------- + bool + ``True`` if propagation constants are used, ``False`` otherwise. + """ + return self._edb_sweep_data.InterpUsePropConst + + @property + def interpolation_use_s_matrix(self): + """Flag indicating if the S matrix is used. + + Returns + ------- + bool + ``True`` if S matrix are used, ``False`` otherwise. + """ + return self._edb_sweep_data.InterpUseSMatrix + + @property + def max_solutions(self): + """Number of aximum solutions. + + Returns + ------- + int + """ + return self._edb_sweep_data.MaxSolutions + + @property + def min_freq_s_mat_only_solve(self): + """Minimum frequency SMatrix only solve. + + Returns + ------- + str + Frequency with units. + """ + return self._edb_sweep_data.MinFreqSMatOnlySolve + + @property + def min_solved_freq(self): + """Minimum solved frequency. + + Returns + ------- + str + Frequency with units. + """ + return self._edb_sweep_data.MinSolvedFreq + + @property + def passivity_tolerance(self): + """Tolerance for passivity enforcement. + + Returns + ------- + float + """ + return self._edb_sweep_data.PassivityTolerance + + @property + def relative_s_error(self): + """S-parameter error tolerance for the interpolating sweep. + + Returns + ------- + float + """ + return self._edb_sweep_data.RelativeSError + + @property + def save_fields(self): + """Flag indicating if the extraction of surface current data is turned on. + + Returns + ------- + bool + ``True`` if save fields is enabled, ``False`` otherwise. + """ + return self._edb_sweep_data.SaveFields + + @property + def save_rad_fields_only(self): + """Flag indicating if the saving of only radiated fields is turned on. + + Returns + ------- + bool + ``True`` if save radiated field only is used, ``False`` otherwise. + + """ + return self._edb_sweep_data.SaveRadFieldsOnly + + @property + def use_q3d_for_dc(self): + """Flag indicating if The Q3D solver is enabled for DC point extraction. + + Returns + ------- + bool + ``True`` if Q3d for DC point is used, ``False`` otherwise. + """ + return self._edb_sweep_data.UseQ3DForDC + + @adaptive_sampling.setter + def adaptive_sampling(self, value): + self._edb_sweep_data.AdaptiveSampling = value + self._update_sweep() + + @adv_dc_extrapolation.setter + def adv_dc_extrapolation(self, value): + self._edb_sweep_data.AdvDCExtrapolation = value + self._update_sweep() + + @auto_s_mat_only_solve.setter + def auto_s_mat_only_solve(self, value): + self._edb_sweep_data.AutoSMatOnlySolve = value + self._update_sweep() + + @enforce_causality.setter + def enforce_causality(self, value): + self._edb_sweep_data.EnforceCausality = value + self._update_sweep() + + @enforce_dc_and_causality.setter + def enforce_dc_and_causality(self, value): + self._edb_sweep_data.EnforceDCAndCausality = value + self._update_sweep() + + @enforce_passivity.setter + def enforce_passivity(self, value): + self._edb_sweep_data.EnforcePassivity = value + self._update_sweep() + + @freq_sweep_type.setter + def freq_sweep_type(self, value): + edb_freq_sweep_type = self._edb_sweep_data.TFreqSweepType + if value in [0, "kInterpolatingSweep"]: + self._edb_sweep_data.FreqSweepType = edb_freq_sweep_type.kInterpolatingSweep + elif value in [1, "kDiscreteSweep"]: + self._edb_sweep_data.FreqSweepType = edb_freq_sweep_type.kDiscreteSweep + elif value in [2, "kBroadbandFastSweep"]: + self._edb_sweep_data.FreqSweepType = edb_freq_sweep_type.kBroadbandFastSweep + elif value in [3, "kNumSweepTypes"]: + self._edb_sweep_data.FreqSweepType = edb_freq_sweep_type.kNumSweepTypes + self._edb_sweep_data.FreqSweepType.ToString() + + @interpolation_use_full_basis.setter + def interpolation_use_full_basis(self, value): + self._edb_sweep_data.InterpUseFullBasis = value + self._update_sweep() + + @interpolation_use_port_impedance.setter + def interpolation_use_port_impedance(self, value): + self._edb_sweep_data.InterpUsePortImpedance = value + self._update_sweep() + + @interpolation_use_prop_const.setter + def interpolation_use_prop_const(self, value): + self._edb_sweep_data.InterpUsePropConst = value + self._update_sweep() + + @interpolation_use_s_matrix.setter + def interpolation_use_s_matrix(self, value): + self._edb_sweep_data.InterpUseSMatrix = value + self._update_sweep() + + @max_solutions.setter + def max_solutions(self, value): + self._edb_sweep_data.MaxSolutions = value + self._update_sweep() + + @min_freq_s_mat_only_solve.setter + def min_freq_s_mat_only_solve(self, value): + self._edb_sweep_data.MinFreqSMatOnlySolve = value + self._update_sweep() + + @min_solved_freq.setter + def min_solved_freq(self, value): + self._edb_sweep_data.MinSolvedFreq = value + self._update_sweep() + + @passivity_tolerance.setter + def passivity_tolerance(self, value): + self._edb_sweep_data.PassivityTolerance = value + self._update_sweep() + + @relative_s_error.setter + def relative_s_error(self, value): + self._edb_sweep_data.RelativeSError = value + self._update_sweep() + + @save_fields.setter + def save_fields(self, value): + self._edb_sweep_data.SaveFields = value + self._update_sweep() + + @save_rad_fields_only.setter + def save_rad_fields_only(self, value): + self._edb_sweep_data.SaveRadFieldsOnly = value + self._update_sweep() + + @use_q3d_for_dc.setter + def use_q3d_for_dc(self, value): + self._edb_sweep_data.UseQ3DForDC = value + self._update_sweep() + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def _set_frequencies(self, freq_sweep_string="Linear Step: 0GHz to 20GHz, step=0.05GHz"): + self._edb_sweep_data.SetFrequencies(freq_sweep_string) + self._update_sweep() + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def set_frequencies_linear_scale(self, start="0.1GHz", stop="20GHz", step="50MHz"): + """Set a linear scale frequency sweep. + + Parameters + ---------- + start : str, float, optional + Start frequency. The default is ``"0.1GHz"``. + stop : str, float, optional + Stop frequency. The default is ``"20GHz"``. + step : str, float, optional + Step frequency. The default is ``"50MHz"``. + + Returns + ------- + bool + ``True`` if correctly executed, ``False`` otherwise. + + """ + self._edb_sweep_data.Frequencies = self._edb_sweep_data.SetFrequencies(start, stop, step) + return self._update_sweep() + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def set_frequencies_linear_count(self, start="1kHz", stop="0.1GHz", count=10): + """Set a linear count frequency sweep. + + Parameters + ---------- + start : str, float + Start frequency. + stop : str, float + Stop frequency. + count : int + Step frequency. + + Returns + ------- + bool + ``True`` if correctly executed, ``False`` otherwise. + + """ + start = self._sim_setup._pedb.arg_to_dim(start, "Hz") + stop = self._sim_setup._pedb.arg_to_dim(stop, "Hz") + self._edb_sweep_data.Frequencies = self._edb_sweep_data.SetFrequencies(start, stop, count) + return self._update_sweep() + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def set_frequencies_log_scale(self, start="1kHz", stop="0.1GHz", samples=10): + """Set a log-count frequency sweep. + + Parameters + ---------- + start : str, float, optional + Start frequency. The default is ``"1kHz"``. + stop : str, float, optional + Stop frequency. The default is ``"0.1GHz"``. + samples : int, optional + Step frequency. The default is ``10``. + + Returns + ------- + bool + ``True`` if correctly executed, ``False`` otherwise. + """ + start = self._sim_setup._pedb.arg_to_dim(start, "Hz") + stop = self._sim_setup._pedb.arg_to_dim(stop, "Hz") + self._edb_sweep_data.Frequencies = self._edb_sweep_data.SetLogFrequencies(start, stop, samples) + return self._update_sweep() + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def set_frequencies(self, frequency_list=None, update=True): + """Set frequency list to the sweep frequencies. + + Parameters + ---------- + frequency_list : list, optional + List of lists with four elements. The default is ``None``. If provided, each list must contain: + 1 - frequency type (``"linear count"``, ``"log scale"``, or ``"linear scale"``) + 2 - start frequency + 3 - stop frequency + 4 - step frequency or count + + Returns + ------- + bool + ``True`` if correctly executed, ``False`` otherwise. + + """ + if not frequency_list: + frequency_list = [ + ["linear count", "0", "1kHz", 1], + ["log scale", "1kHz", "0.1GHz", 10], + ["linear scale", "0.1GHz", "10GHz", "0.1GHz"], + ] + temp = [] + for i in frequency_list: + if i[0] == "linear count": + temp.extend(list(self._edb_sweep_data.SetFrequencies(i[1], i[2], i[3]))) + elif i[0] == "linear scale": + temp.extend(list(self._edb_sweep_data.SetFrequencies(i[1], i[2], i[3]))) + elif i[0] == "log scale": + temp.extend(list(self._edb_sweep_data.SetLogFrequencies(i[1], i[2], i[3]))) + else: + return False + self._edb_sweep_data.Frequencies.Clear() + for i in temp: + self._edb_sweep_data.Frequencies.Add(i) + if update: + return self._update_sweep() diff --git a/pyaedt/edb_core/edb_data/siwave_simulation_setup_data.py b/pyaedt/edb_core/edb_data/siwave_simulation_setup_data.py index 71e10479425..90abe4e3f2e 100644 --- a/pyaedt/edb_core/edb_data/siwave_simulation_setup_data.py +++ b/pyaedt/edb_core/edb_data/siwave_simulation_setup_data.py @@ -1,19 +1,131 @@ -from pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.hfss_simulation_setup_data import EdbFrequencySweep +from pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.simulation_setup import BaseSimulationSetup from pyaedt.edb_core.general import convert_netdict_to_pydict from pyaedt.edb_core.general import convert_pydict_to_netdict -from pyaedt.generic.general_methods import generate_unique_name from pyaedt.generic.general_methods import is_linux from pyaedt.generic.general_methods import pyaedt_function_handler -class SiwaveAdvancedSettings(object): +def _parse_value(v): + """Parse value in C sharp format.""" + # duck typing parse of the value 'v' + if v is None or v == "": + pv = v + elif v == "true": + pv = True + elif v == "false": + pv = False + else: + try: + pv = int(v) + except ValueError: + try: + pv = float(v) + except ValueError: + if isinstance(v, str) and v[0] == v[-1] == "'": + pv = v[1:-1] + else: + pv = v + return pv + + +class SettingsBase(object): + """Provide base settings.""" + def __init__(self, parent): self._parent = parent @property def sim_setup_info(self): """EDB internal simulation setup object.""" - return self._parent._edb_sim_setup_info + + return self._parent.get_sim_setup_info + + @pyaedt_function_handler + def get_configurations(self): + """Get all attributes. + + Returns + ------- + dict + """ + temp = {} + attrs_list = [i for i in dir(self) if not i.startswith("_")] + attrs_list = [ + i + for i in attrs_list + if i + not in [ + "get_configurations", + "sim_setup_info", + "defaults", + "si_defaults", + "pi_defaults", + "set_dc_slider", + "set_si_slider", + "set_pi_slider", + ] + ] + for i in attrs_list: + temp[i] = self.__getattribute__(i) + return temp + + @pyaedt_function_handler + def restore_default(self): + for k, val in self.defaults.items(): + self.__setattr__(k, val) + + +class AdvancedSettings(SettingsBase): + def __init__(self, parent): + super().__init__(parent) + self.defaults = { + "automatic_mesh": True, + "ignore_non_functional_pads": True, + "include_coplane_coupling": True, + "include_fringe_coupling": True, + "include_infinite_ground": False, + "include_inter_plane_coupling": False, + "include_split_plane_coupling": True, + "include_trace_coupling": True, + "include_vi_sources": False, + "infinite_ground_location": "0", + "max_coupled_lines": 12, + "mesh_frequency": "4GHz", + "min_pad_area_to_mesh": "28mm2", + "min_plane_area_to_mesh": "5e-5mm2", + "min_void_area": "2mm2", + "perform_erc": False, + "return_current_distribution": False, + "snap_length_threshold": "2.5um", + "xtalk_threshold": "-34", + } + + self.si_defaults = { + "include_coplane_coupling": [False, True, True], + "include_fringe_coupling": [False, True, True], + "include_inter_plane_coupling": [False, False, False], + "include_split_plane_coupling": [False, True, True], + "max_coupled_lines": [12, 12, 40], + "return_current_distribution": [False, False, True], + } + + self.pi_defaults = { + "include_coplane_coupling": [False, False, True], + "include_fringe_coupling": [False, True, True], + "include_split_plane_coupling": [False, False, True], + "include_trace_coupling": [False, False, True], + "max_coupled_lines": [12, 12, 40], + } + + @pyaedt_function_handler + def set_si_slider(self, value): + for k, val in self.si_defaults.items(): + self.__setattr__(k, val[value]) + + @pyaedt_function_handler + def set_pi_slider(self, value): + for k, val in self.pi_defaults.items(): + self.__setattr__(k, val[value]) @property def include_inter_plane_coupling(self): @@ -246,130 +358,286 @@ def mesh_frequency(self): ------- str """ - self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.UseCustomSettings = True return self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.AdvancedSettings.MeshFrequency @include_inter_plane_coupling.setter def include_inter_plane_coupling(self, value): - self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.UseCustomSettings = True - self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.AdvancedSettings.IncludeInterPlaneCoupling = value + edb_setup_info = self.sim_setup_info + edb_setup_info.SimulationSettings.AdvancedSettings.IncludeInterPlaneCoupling = value + self._parent._edb_object = self._parent._set_edb_setup_info(edb_setup_info) self._parent._update_setup() @xtalk_threshold.setter def xtalk_threshold(self, value): - self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.UseCustomSettings = True - self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.AdvancedSettings.XtalkThreshold = value + edb_setup_info = self.sim_setup_info + edb_setup_info.SimulationSettings.AdvancedSettings.XtalkThreshold = value + self._parent._edb_object = self._parent._set_edb_setup_info(edb_setup_info) self._parent._update_setup() @min_void_area.setter def min_void_area(self, value): - self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.AdvancedSettings.MinVoidArea = value + edb_setup_info = self.sim_setup_info + edb_setup_info.SimulationSettings.AdvancedSettings.MinVoidArea = value + self._parent._edb_object = self._parent._set_edb_setup_info(edb_setup_info) self._parent._update_setup() @min_pad_area_to_mesh.setter def min_pad_area_to_mesh(self, value): - self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.AdvancedSettings.MinPadAreaToMesh = value + edb_setup_info = self.sim_setup_info + edb_setup_info.SimulationSettings.AdvancedSettings.MinPadAreaToMesh = value + self._parent._edb_object = self._parent._set_edb_setup_info(edb_setup_info) self._parent._update_setup() @min_plane_area_to_mesh.setter def min_plane_area_to_mesh(self, value): - self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.AdvancedSettings.MinPlaneAreaToMesh = value + edb_setup_info = self.sim_setup_info + edb_setup_info.SimulationSettings.AdvancedSettings.MinPlaneAreaToMesh = value + self._parent._edb_object = self._parent._set_edb_setup_info(edb_setup_info) self._parent._update_setup() @snap_length_threshold.setter def snap_length_threshold(self, value): - self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.AdvancedSettings.SnapLengthThreshold = value + edb_setup_info = self.sim_setup_info + edb_setup_info.SimulationSettings.AdvancedSettings.SnapLengthThreshold = value + self._parent._edb_object = self._parent._set_edb_setup_info(edb_setup_info) self._parent._update_setup() @return_current_distribution.setter def return_current_distribution(self, value): - self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.AdvancedSettings.ReturnCurrentDistribution = value + edb_setup_info = self.sim_setup_info + edb_setup_info.SimulationSettings.AdvancedSettings.ReturnCurrentDistribution = value + self._parent._edb_object = self._parent._set_edb_setup_info(edb_setup_info) self._parent._update_setup() @ignore_non_functional_pads.setter def ignore_non_functional_pads(self, value): - self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.AdvancedSettings.IgnoreNonFunctionalPads = value + edb_setup_info = self.sim_setup_info + edb_setup_info.SimulationSettings.AdvancedSettings.IgnoreNonFunctionalPads = value + self._parent._edb_object = self._parent._set_edb_setup_info(edb_setup_info) self._parent._update_setup() @include_coplane_coupling.setter def include_coplane_coupling(self, value): - self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.UseCustomSettings = True - self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.AdvancedSettings.IncludeCoPlaneCoupling = value + edb_setup_info = self.sim_setup_info + edb_setup_info.SimulationSettings.AdvancedSettings.IncludeCoPlaneCoupling = value + self._parent._edb_object = self._parent._set_edb_setup_info(edb_setup_info) self._parent._update_setup() @include_fringe_coupling.setter def include_fringe_coupling(self, value): - self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.UseCustomSettings = True - self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.AdvancedSettings.IncludeFringeCoupling = value + edb_setup_info = self.sim_setup_info + + edb_setup_info.SimulationSettings.AdvancedSettings.IncludeFringeCoupling = value + self._parent._edb_object = self._parent._set_edb_setup_info(edb_setup_info) self._parent._update_setup() @include_split_plane_coupling.setter def include_split_plane_coupling(self, value): - self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.UseCustomSettings = True - self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.AdvancedSettings.IncludeSplitPlaneCoupling = value + edb_setup_info = self.sim_setup_info + + edb_setup_info.SimulationSettings.AdvancedSettings.IncludeSplitPlaneCoupling = value + self._parent._edb_object = self._parent._set_edb_setup_info(edb_setup_info) self._parent._update_setup() @include_infinite_ground.setter def include_infinite_ground(self, value): - self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.UseCustomSettings = True - self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.AdvancedSettings.IncludeInfGnd = value + edb_setup_info = self.sim_setup_info + + edb_setup_info.SimulationSettings.AdvancedSettings.IncludeInfGnd = value + self._parent._edb_object = self._parent._set_edb_setup_info(edb_setup_info) self._parent._update_setup() @include_trace_coupling.setter def include_trace_coupling(self, value): - self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.UseCustomSettings = True - self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.AdvancedSettings.IncludeTraceCoupling = value + edb_setup_info = self.sim_setup_info + + edb_setup_info.SimulationSettings.AdvancedSettings.IncludeTraceCoupling = value + self._parent._edb_object = self._parent._set_edb_setup_info(edb_setup_info) self._parent._update_setup() @include_vi_sources.setter def include_vi_sources(self, value): - self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.UseCustomSettings = True - self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.AdvancedSettings.IncludeVISources = value + edb_setup_info = self.sim_setup_info + + edb_setup_info.SimulationSettings.AdvancedSettings.IncludeVISources = value + self._parent._edb_object = self._parent._set_edb_setup_info(edb_setup_info) self._parent._update_setup() @infinite_ground_location.setter def infinite_ground_location(self, value): - self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.UseCustomSettings = True - self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.AdvancedSettings.InfGndLocation = value + edb_setup_info = self.sim_setup_info + + edb_setup_info.SimulationSettings.AdvancedSettings.InfGndLocation = value + self._parent._edb_object = self._parent._set_edb_setup_info(edb_setup_info) self._parent._update_setup() @max_coupled_lines.setter def max_coupled_lines(self, value): - self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.UseCustomSettings = True - self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.AdvancedSettings.MaxCoupledLines = value + edb_setup_info = self.sim_setup_info + + edb_setup_info.SimulationSettings.AdvancedSettings.MaxCoupledLines = value + self._parent._edb_object = self._parent._set_edb_setup_info(edb_setup_info) self._parent._update_setup() @automatic_mesh.setter def automatic_mesh(self, value): - self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.UseCustomSettings = True - self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.AdvancedSettings.MeshAutoMatic = value + edb_setup_info = self.sim_setup_info + + edb_setup_info.SimulationSettings.AdvancedSettings.MeshAutoMatic = value + self._parent._edb_object = self._parent._set_edb_setup_info(edb_setup_info) self._parent._update_setup() @perform_erc.setter def perform_erc(self, value): - self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.AdvancedSettings.PerformERC = value + edb_setup_info = self.sim_setup_info + edb_setup_info.SimulationSettings.AdvancedSettings.PerformERC = value + self._parent._edb_object = self._parent._set_edb_setup_info(edb_setup_info) self._parent._update_setup() @mesh_frequency.setter def mesh_frequency(self, value): - self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.UseCustomSettings = True - self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.AdvancedSettings.MeshFrequency = value + edb_setup_info = self.sim_setup_info + + edb_setup_info.SimulationSettings.AdvancedSettings.MeshFrequency = value + self._parent._edb_object = self._parent._set_edb_setup_info(edb_setup_info) self._parent._update_setup() -class SiwaveDCAdvancedSettings(object): +class DCSettings(SettingsBase): def __init__(self, parent): - self._parent = parent + super().__init__(parent) + self.defaults = { + "compute_inductance": False, + "contact_radius": "0.1mm", + "use_dc_custom_settings": False, + "plot_jv": True, + } + self.dc_defaults = { + "dc_slider_position": [0, 1, 2], + } @property - def sim_setup_info(self): - """EDB internal simulation setup object.""" + def compute_inductance(self): + """Whether to compute Inductance. + + Returns + ------- + bool + ``True`` if inductances will be computed, ``False`` otherwise. + """ - return self._parent._edb_sim_setup_info + return self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCSettings.ComputeInductance + + @compute_inductance.setter + def compute_inductance(self, value): + edb_setup_info = self.sim_setup_info + edb_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCSettings.ComputeInductance = value + self._parent._edb_object = self._parent._set_edb_setup_info(edb_setup_info) + self._parent._update_setup() @property - def min_void_area(self): - """Minimum area below which voids are ignored. + def contact_radius(self): + """Circuit element contact radius. + + Returns + ------- + str + """ + return self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCSettings.ContactRadius + + @contact_radius.setter + def contact_radius(self, value): + edb_setup_info = self.sim_setup_info + edb_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCSettings.ContactRadius = value + self._parent._edb_object = self._parent._set_edb_setup_info(edb_setup_info) + self._parent._update_setup() + + @property + def dc_slider_position(self): + """DC simulation accuracy level slider position. This property only change slider position. + + Options: + 0- ``optimal speed`` + 1- ``balanced`` + 2- ``optimal accuracy``. + """ + return self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCSettings.DCSliderPos + + @dc_slider_position.setter + def dc_slider_position(self, value): + edb_setup_info = self.sim_setup_info + edb_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCSettings.DCSliderPos = value + self._parent._edb_object = self._parent._set_edb_setup_info(edb_setup_info) + self._parent._update_setup() + + @property + def use_dc_custom_settings(self): + """Whether to use DC custom settings. + This setting is automatically enabled by other properties when needed. + + Returns + ------- + bool + ``True`` if custom dc settings are used, ``False`` otherwise. + """ + return self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCSettings.UseDCCustomSettings + + @use_dc_custom_settings.setter + def use_dc_custom_settings(self, value): + edb_setup_info = self.sim_setup_info + edb_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCSettings.UseDCCustomSettings = value + self._parent._edb_object = self._parent._set_edb_setup_info(edb_setup_info) + self._parent._update_setup() + + @property + def plot_jv(self): + """Plot current and voltage distributions. + + Returns + ------- + bool + ``True`` if plot JV is used, ``False`` otherwise. + """ + return self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCSettings.PlotJV + + @plot_jv.setter + def plot_jv(self, value): + edb_setup_info = self.sim_setup_info + edb_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCSettings.PlotJV = value + self._parent._edb_object = self._parent._set_edb_setup_info(edb_setup_info) + self._parent._update_setup() + + +class DCAdvancedSettings(SettingsBase): + def __init__(self, parent): + super().__init__(parent) + self.defaults = { + "dc_min_void_area_to_mesh": "0.001mm2", + "max_init_mesh_edge_length": "5mm", + "dc_min_plane_area_to_mesh": "1.5mm2", + "num_bondwire_sides": 8, + "num_via_sides": 8, + "percent_local_refinement": 20.0, + } + self.dc_defaults = { + "energy_error": [2, 2, 1], + "max_num_pass": [5, 5, 10], + "mesh_bondwires": [False, True, True], + "mesh_vias": [False, True, True], + "min_num_pass": [1, 1, 3], + "perform_adaptive_refinement": [False, True, True], + "refine_bondwires": [False, False, True], + "refine_vias": [False, False, True], + } + + @pyaedt_function_handler + def set_dc_slider(self, value): + for k, val in self.dc_defaults.items(): + self.__setattr__(k, val[value]) + + @property + def dc_min_void_area_to_mesh(self): + """DC minimum area below which voids are ignored. Returns ------- @@ -378,7 +646,7 @@ def min_void_area(self): return self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCAdvancedSettings.DcMinVoidAreaToMesh @property - def min_plane_area(self): + def dc_min_plane_area_to_mesh(self): """Minimum area below which geometry is ignored. Returns @@ -511,336 +779,292 @@ def refine_vias(self): """ return self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCAdvancedSettings.RefineVias - @property - def compute_inductance(self): - """Whether to compute Inductance. - - Returns - ------- - bool - ``True`` if inductances will be computed, ``False`` otherwise. - """ - return self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCSettings.ComputeInductance - - @property - def contact_radius(self): - """Circuit element contact radius. - - Returns - ------- - str - """ - return self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCSettings.ContactRadius - - @property - def dc_slider_position(self): - """Slider position for DC. - - Returns - ------- - int - """ - return self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCSettings.DCSliderPos - - @property - def use_dc_custom_settings(self): - """Whether to use DC custom settings. - This setting is automatically enabled by other properties when needed. - - Returns - ------- - bool - ``True`` if custom dc settings are used, ``False`` otherwise. - """ - return self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCSettings.UseDCCustomSettings - - @property - def plot_jv(self): - """Plot JV. - - Returns - ------- - bool - ``True`` if plot JV is used, ``False`` otherwise. - """ - return self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCSettings.PlotJV - - @plot_jv.setter - def plot_jv(self, value): - self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCSettings.PlotJV = value + @dc_min_void_area_to_mesh.setter + def dc_min_void_area_to_mesh(self, value): + edb_setup_info = self.sim_setup_info + edb_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCAdvancedSettings.DcMinVoidAreaToMesh = value + self._parent._edb_object = self._parent._set_edb_setup_info(edb_setup_info) self._parent._update_setup() - @compute_inductance.setter - def compute_inductance(self, value): - self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCSettings.ComputeInductance = value - self._parent._update_setup() - - @contact_radius.setter - def contact_radius(self, value): - self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCSettings.ContactRadius = value - self._parent._update_setup() - - @dc_slider_position.setter - def dc_slider_position(self, value): - """DC simulation accuracy level slider position. - Options: - 0- ``optimal speed`` - 1- ``balanced`` - 2- ``optimal accuracy``. - """ - self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCSettings.UseDCCustomSettings = False - self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCSettings.DCSliderPos = value - self._parent._update_setup() - - @use_dc_custom_settings.setter - def use_dc_custom_settings(self, value): - self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCSettings.UseDCCustomSettings = value - self._parent._update_setup() - - @min_void_area.setter - def min_void_area(self, value): - self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCAdvancedSettings.DcMinVoidAreaToMesh = value - self._parent._update_setup() - - @min_plane_area.setter - def min_plane_area(self, value): - self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCAdvancedSettings.DcMinPlaneAreaToMesh = value + @dc_min_plane_area_to_mesh.setter + def dc_min_plane_area_to_mesh(self, value): + edb_setup_info = self.sim_setup_info + edb_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCAdvancedSettings.DcMinPlaneAreaToMesh = value + self._parent._edb_object = self._parent._set_edb_setup_info(edb_setup_info) self._parent._update_setup() @energy_error.setter def energy_error(self, value): - self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCSettings.UseDCCustomSettings = True - self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCAdvancedSettings.EnergyError = value + edb_setup_info = self.sim_setup_info + + edb_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCAdvancedSettings.EnergyError = value + self._parent._edb_object = self._parent._set_edb_setup_info(edb_setup_info) self._parent._update_setup() @max_init_mesh_edge_length.setter def max_init_mesh_edge_length(self, value): - self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCSettings.UseDCCustomSettings = True - self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCAdvancedSettings.MaxInitMeshEdgeLength = value + edb_setup_info = self.sim_setup_info + + edb_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCAdvancedSettings.MaxInitMeshEdgeLength = value + self._parent._edb_object = self._parent._set_edb_setup_info(edb_setup_info) self._parent._update_setup() @max_num_pass.setter def max_num_pass(self, value): - self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCSettings.UseDCCustomSettings = True - self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCAdvancedSettings.MaxNumPasses = value + edb_setup_info = self.sim_setup_info + + edb_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCAdvancedSettings.MaxNumPasses = value + self._parent._edb_object = self._parent._set_edb_setup_info(edb_setup_info) self._parent._update_setup() @min_num_pass.setter def min_num_pass(self, value): - self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCSettings.UseDCCustomSettings = True - self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCAdvancedSettings.MinNumPasses = value + edb_setup_info = self.sim_setup_info + + edb_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCAdvancedSettings.MinNumPasses = value + self._parent._edb_object = self._parent._set_edb_setup_info(edb_setup_info) self._parent._update_setup() @mesh_bondwires.setter def mesh_bondwires(self, value): - self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCSettings.UseDCCustomSettings = True - self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCAdvancedSettings.MeshBws = value + edb_setup_info = self.sim_setup_info + + edb_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCAdvancedSettings.MeshBws = value + self._parent._edb_object = self._parent._set_edb_setup_info(edb_setup_info) self._parent._update_setup() @mesh_vias.setter def mesh_vias(self, value): - self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCSettings.UseDCCustomSettings = True - self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCAdvancedSettings.MeshVias = value + edb_setup_info = self.sim_setup_info + edb_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCAdvancedSettings.MeshVias = value + self._parent._edb_object = self._parent._set_edb_setup_info(edb_setup_info) self._parent._update_setup() @num_bondwire_sides.setter def num_bondwire_sides(self, value): - self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCAdvancedSettings.MeshBws = True - self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCSettings.UseDCCustomSettings = True - self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCAdvancedSettings.NumBwSides = value + edb_setup_info = self.sim_setup_info + edb_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCAdvancedSettings.NumBwSides = value + self._parent._edb_object = self._parent._set_edb_setup_info(edb_setup_info) self._parent._update_setup() @num_via_sides.setter def num_via_sides(self, value): - self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCAdvancedSettings.MeshVias = True - self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCSettings.UseDCCustomSettings = True - self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCAdvancedSettings.NumViaSides = value + edb_setup_info = self.sim_setup_info + edb_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCAdvancedSettings.NumViaSides = value + self._parent._edb_object = self._parent._set_edb_setup_info(edb_setup_info) self._parent._update_setup() @percent_local_refinement.setter def percent_local_refinement(self, value): - self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCSettings.UseDCCustomSettings = True - self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCAdvancedSettings.PercentLocalRefinement = value + edb_setup_info = self.sim_setup_info + + edb_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCAdvancedSettings.PercentLocalRefinement = value + self._parent._edb_object = self._parent._set_edb_setup_info(edb_setup_info) self._parent._update_setup() @perform_adaptive_refinement.setter def perform_adaptive_refinement(self, value): - self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCSettings.UseDCCustomSettings = True - self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCAdvancedSettings.PerformAdaptiveRefinement = value + edb_setup_info = self.sim_setup_info + + edb_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCAdvancedSettings.PerformAdaptiveRefinement = value + self._parent._edb_object = self._parent._set_edb_setup_info(edb_setup_info) self._parent._update_setup() @refine_bondwires.setter def refine_bondwires(self, value): - self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCAdvancedSettings.MeshBws = True - self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCSettings.UseDCCustomSettings = True - self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCAdvancedSettings.RefineBws = value + edb_setup_info = self.sim_setup_info + edb_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCAdvancedSettings.RefineBws = value + self._parent._edb_object = self._parent._set_edb_setup_info(edb_setup_info) self._parent._update_setup() @refine_vias.setter def refine_vias(self, value): - self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCAdvancedSettings.MeshVias = True - self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCSettings.UseDCCustomSettings = True - self.sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCAdvancedSettings.RefineVias = value + edb_setup_info = self.sim_setup_info + edb_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCAdvancedSettings.RefineVias = value + self._parent._edb_object = self._parent._set_edb_setup_info(edb_setup_info) self._parent._update_setup() -class SiwaveSYZSimulationSetup(SiwaveAdvancedSettings, object): - """Manages EDB methods for HFSS simulation setup.""" - - def __init__(self, edb, name=None, edb_siwave_sim_setup=None): - self._edb = edb - self._sweep_data_list = {} - self._edb_sim_setup_info = self._edb.simsetupdata.SimSetupInfo[ - self._edb.simsetupdata.SIwave.SIWSimulationSettings - ]() - if edb_siwave_sim_setup: - _get_edb_setup_info(edb_siwave_sim_setup, self._edb_sim_setup_info) - else: - if not name: - self._edb_sim_setup_info.Name = generate_unique_name("siwave") - else: - self._edb_sim_setup_info.Name = name - self._update_setup() - self.setup_type = "kSIWave" - SiwaveAdvancedSettings.__init__(self, self) +class SiwaveSYZSimulationSetup(BaseSimulationSetup): + """Manages EDB methods for SIwave simulation setup. - @property - def edb_sim_setup_info(self): - """EDB internal simulation setup object.""" - return self._edb_sim_setup_info + Parameters + ---------- + pedb : :class:`pyaedt.edb.Edb` + Inherited AEDT object. + edb_setup : :class:`Ansys.Ansoft.Edb.Utility.SIWaveSimulationSetup` + Edb object. + """ + + def __init__(self, pedb, edb_setup=None): + super().__init__(pedb, edb_setup) + self._edb = self._pedb + self._setup_type = "kSIwave" + self._sim_setup_info = None @pyaedt_function_handler() - def _update_setup(self): - self._edb_sim_setup = self._edb.edb_api.utility.utility.SIWaveSimulationSetup(self._edb_sim_setup_info) - if self.name in self._edb.setups: - self._edb.layout.cell.DeleteSimulationSetup(self.name) - self._edb.layout.cell.AddSimulationSetup(self._edb_sim_setup) - return True + def create(self, name=None): + """Create a SIwave SYZ setup. - @property - def dc_settings(self): - """Siwave DC settings. + Returns + ------- + :class:`SiwaveDCSimulationSetup` + """ + self._name = name + self._create(name) + self.set_si_slider(1) + + return self + + @pyaedt_function_handler + def get_configurations(self): + """Get SIwave SYZ simulation settings. Returns ------- - :class:`pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.siwave_simulation_setup_data.SiwaveDCAdvancedSettings` + dict + Dictionary of SIwave SYZ simulation settings. """ - return SiwaveDCAdvancedSettings(self) + return { + "pi_slider_postion": self.pi_slider_position, + "si_slider_postion": self.si_slider_position, + "use_custom_settings": self.use_si_settings, + "use_si_settings": self.use_si_settings, + "advanced_settings": self.advanced_settings.get_configurations(), + } @property - def frequency_sweeps(self): - """Get frequency sweep list.""" - if self._sweep_data_list: - return self._sweep_data_list - self._sweep_data_list = {} - for i in list(self._edb_sim_setup_info.SweepDataList): - self._sweep_data_list[i.Name] = EdbFrequencySweep(self, None, i.Name, i) - return self._sweep_data_list + def advanced_settings(self): + """SIwave advanced settings.""" + return AdvancedSettings(self) @property - def name(self): - """Setup name.""" - return self._edb_sim_setup_info.Name - - @name.setter - def name(self, value): - """Set name of the setup.""" - legacy_name = self._edb_sim_setup_info.Name - self._edb_sim_setup_info.Name = value - self._update_setup() - if legacy_name in self._edb.setups: - del self._edb._setups[legacy_name] + def get_sim_setup_info(self): + """Get simulation information from the setup.""" + if self._sim_setup_info: + return self._sim_setup_info + + edb_setup = self._edb_object + edb_sim_setup_info = self._pedb.simsetupdata.SimSetupInfo[self._setup_type_mapping[self._setup_type]]() + edb_sim_setup_info.Name = edb_setup.GetName() + + string = edb_setup.ToString().replace("\t", "").split("\r\n") + + if is_linux: + string = string[0].split("\n") + keys = [i.split("=")[0] for i in string if len(i.split("=")) == 2 and "SourceTermsToGround" not in i] + values = [i.split("=")[1] for i in string if len(i.split("=")) == 2 and "SourceTermsToGround" not in i] + for val in string: + if "SourceTermsToGround()" in val: + break + elif "SourceTermsToGround" in val: + sources = {} + val = val.replace("SourceTermsToGround(", "").replace(")", "").split(",") + for v in val: + source = v.split("=") + sources[source[0]] = source[1] + edb_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCIRSettings.SourceTermsToGround = convert_pydict_to_netdict( + sources + ) + break + for k in keys: + value = _parse_value(values[keys.index(k)]) + setter = None + if k in dir(edb_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings): + setter = edb_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings + elif k in dir(edb_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.AdvancedSettings): + setter = edb_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.AdvancedSettings + + elif k in dir(edb_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCAdvancedSettings): + setter = edb_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCAdvancedSettings + elif "DCIRSettings" in dir(edb_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings) and k in dir( + edb_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCIRSettings + ): + setter = edb_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCIRSettings + elif k in dir(edb_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCSettings): + setter = edb_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCSettings + elif k in dir(edb_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.AdvancedSettings): + setter = edb_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.AdvancedSettings + if setter: + try: + setter.__setattr__(k, value) + except TypeError: + try: + setter.__setattr__(k, str(value)) + except: + pass - @property - def enabled(self): - """Whether the setup is enabled.""" - return self._edb_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.Enabled + return edb_sim_setup_info - @enabled.setter - def enabled(self, value): - self._edb_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.Enabled = value - self._update_setup() + @pyaedt_function_handler + def set_pi_slider(self, value): + """Set SIwave PI simulation accuracy level. + + Options are: + + - ``0``: Optimal speed + - ``1``: Balanced + - ``2``: Optimal accuracy + """ + self.use_si_settings = False + self.use_custom_settings = False + self.pi_slider_position = value + self.advanced_settings.set_pi_slider(value) + + @pyaedt_function_handler + def set_si_slider(self, value): + """Set SIwave SI simulation accuracy level. + + Options are: + + - ``0``: Optimal speed + - ``1``: Balanced + - ``2``: Optimal accuracy``` + """ + self.use_si_settings = True + self.use_custom_settings = False + self.si_slider_position = value + self.advanced_settings.set_si_slider(value) @property - def pi_slider_postion(self): + def pi_slider_position(self): """PI solider position. Values are from ``1`` to ``3``.""" - return self._edb_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.PISliderPos - - @pi_slider_postion.setter - def pi_slider_postion(self, value): - if value == 0: - self.include_coplane_coupling = False - self.include_inter_plane_coupling = False - self.include_split_plane_coupling = False - self.include_fringe_coupling = False - self.include_trace_coupling = False - self.max_coupled_lines = 12 - elif value == 1: - self.include_coplane_coupling = False - self.include_inter_plane_coupling = False - self.include_split_plane_coupling = False - self.include_fringe_coupling = True - self.include_trace_coupling = False - self.max_coupled_lines = 12 - else: - self.include_coplane_coupling = True - self.include_inter_plane_coupling = False - self.include_split_plane_coupling = True - self.include_fringe_coupling = True - self.include_trace_coupling = True - self.max_coupled_lines = 40 - self._edb_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.UseCustomSettings = False - self._edb_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.PISliderPos = value + return self.get_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.PISliderPos + + @pi_slider_position.setter + def pi_slider_position(self, value): + edb_setup_info = self.get_sim_setup_info + edb_setup_info.SimulationSettings.PISliderPos = value + self._edb_object = self._set_edb_setup_info(edb_setup_info) self._update_setup() @property - def si_slider_postion(self): + def si_slider_position(self): """SI solider position. Values are from ``1`` to ``3``.""" - return self._edb_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.SISliderPos - - @si_slider_postion.setter - def si_slider_postion(self, value): - if value == 0: - self.include_coplane_coupling = False - self.include_inter_plane_coupling = False - self.include_split_plane_coupling = False - self.include_fringe_coupling = False - self.include_trace_coupling = True - self.max_coupled_lines = 12 - self.return_current_distribution = False - elif value == 1: - self.include_coplane_coupling = True - self.include_inter_plane_coupling = False - self.include_split_plane_coupling = True - self.include_fringe_coupling = True - self.include_trace_coupling = True - self.max_coupled_lines = 12 - self.return_current_distribution = False - else: - self.include_coplane_coupling = True - self.include_inter_plane_coupling = False - self.include_split_plane_coupling = True - self.include_fringe_coupling = True - self.include_trace_coupling = True - self.max_coupled_lines = 40 - self.return_current_distribution = True - self._edb_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.UseCustomSettings = False - self._edb_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.SISliderPos = value + return self.get_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.SISliderPos + + @si_slider_position.setter + def si_slider_position(self, value): + edb_setup_info = self.get_sim_setup_info + edb_setup_info.SimulationSettings.SISliderPos = value + self._edb_object = self._set_edb_setup_info(edb_setup_info) self._update_setup() @property def use_custom_settings(self): - """Whether to use custom settings. + """Custom settings to use. Returns ------- bool """ - return self._edb_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.UseCustomSettings + return self.get_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.UseCustomSettings @use_custom_settings.setter def use_custom_settings(self, value): - self._edb_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.UseCustomSettings = value + edb_setup_info = self.get_sim_setup_info + edb_setup_info.SimulationSettings.UseCustomSettings = value + self._edb_object = self._set_edb_setup_info(edb_setup_info) self._update_setup() @property @@ -851,184 +1075,88 @@ def use_si_settings(self): ------- bool """ - return self._edb_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.UseSISettings + return self.get_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.UseSISettings @use_si_settings.setter def use_si_settings(self, value): - self._edb_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.UseCustomSettings = False - self._edb_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.UseSISettings = value + edb_setup_info = self.get_sim_setup_info + edb_setup_info.SimulationSettings.UseSISettings = value + self._edb_object = self._set_edb_setup_info(edb_setup_info) self._update_setup() - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def add_frequency_sweep(self, name=None, frequency_sweep=None): - """Add frequency sweep. - - Parameters - ---------- - name : str, optional - Name of the frequency sweep. - frequency_sweep : list, optional - List of frequency points. - Returns - ------- - :class:`pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.simulation_setup_data.EdbFrequencySweep` - - Examples - -------- - >>> setup1 = edbapp.create_siwave_syz_setup("setup1") - >>> setup1.add_frequency_sweep(frequency_sweep=[ - ... ["linear count", "0", "1kHz", 1], - ... ["log scale", "1kHz", "0.1GHz", 10], - ... ["linear scale", "0.1GHz", "10GHz", "0.1GHz"], - ... ]) - """ - if name in self.frequency_sweeps: - return False - if not name: - name = generate_unique_name("sweep") - sweep = EdbFrequencySweep(self, frequency_sweep, name) - self._sweep_data_list[name] = sweep - return sweep - - -def _parse_value(v): - """ +class SiwaveDCSimulationSetup(SiwaveSYZSimulationSetup): + """Manages EDB methods for SIwave DC simulation setup. Parameters ---------- - v : + pedb : :class:`pyaedt.edb.Edb` + Inherited AEDT object. + edb_setup : Ansys.Ansoft.Edb.Utility.SIWDCIRSimulationSettings + EDB object. The default is ``None``. + """ + def __init__(self, pedb, edb_object=None): + super().__init__(pedb, edb_object) + self._setup_type = "kSIwaveDCIR" + self._edb = pedb + self._mesh_operations = {} - Returns - ------- + def create(self, name=None): + """Create a SIwave DCIR setup. - """ - # duck typing parse of the value 'v' - if v is None or v == "": - pv = v - elif v == "true": - pv = True - elif v == "false": - pv = False - else: - try: - pv = int(v) - except ValueError: - try: - pv = float(v) - except ValueError: - if isinstance(v, str) and v[0] == v[-1] == "'": - pv = v[1:-1] - else: - pv = v - return pv + Returns + ------- + :class:`SiwaveDCSimulationSetup` + """ + self._name = name + self._create(name) + self.set_dc_slider(1) + return self -@pyaedt_function_handler() -def _get_edb_setup_info(edb_siwave_sim_setup, edb_sim_setup_info): - string = edb_siwave_sim_setup.ToString().replace("\t", "").split("\r\n") - if is_linux: - string = string[0].split("\n") - keys = [i.split("=")[0] for i in string if len(i.split("=")) == 2 and "SourceTermsToGround" not in i] - values = [i.split("=")[1] for i in string if len(i.split("=")) == 2 and "SourceTermsToGround" not in i] - for val in string: - if "SourceTermsToGround()" in val: - break - elif "SourceTermsToGround" in val: - sources = {} - val = val.replace("SourceTermsToGround(", "").replace(")", "").split(",") - for v in val: - source = v.split("=") - sources[source[0]] = source[1] - edb_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCIRSettings.SourceTermsToGround = convert_pydict_to_netdict(sources) - break - for k in keys: - value = _parse_value(values[keys.index(k)]) - setter = None - if k in dir(edb_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings): - setter = edb_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings - elif k in dir(edb_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.AdvancedSettings): - setter = edb_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.AdvancedSettings - - elif k in dir(edb_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCAdvancedSettings): - setter = edb_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCAdvancedSettings - elif "DCIRSettings" in dir(edb_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings) and k in dir( - edb_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCIRSettings - ): - setter = edb_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCIRSettings - elif k in dir(edb_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCSettings): - setter = edb_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCSettings - elif k in dir(edb_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.AdvancedSettings): - setter = edb_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.AdvancedSettings - if setter: - try: - setter.__setattr__(k, value) - except TypeError: - try: - setter.__setattr__(k, str(value)) - except: - pass - + @pyaedt_function_handler + def get_configurations(self): + """Get SIwave DC simulation settings. -class SiwaveDCSimulationSetup(SiwaveDCAdvancedSettings, object): - """Manages EDB methods for HFSS simulation setup.""" + Returns + ------- + dict + Dictionary of SIwave DC simulation settings. + """ + return { + "dc_settings": self.dc_settings.get_configurations(), + "dc_advanced_settings": self.dc_advanced_settings.get_configurations(), + } - def __init__(self, edb, name=None, edb_siwave_sim_setup=None): - self._edb = edb - self._mesh_operations = {} - self._edb_sim_setup_info = self._edb.simsetupdata.SimSetupInfo[ - self._edb.simsetupdata.SIwave.SIWDCIRSimulationSettings - ]() - if edb_siwave_sim_setup: - _get_edb_setup_info(edb_siwave_sim_setup, self._edb_sim_setup_info) - - else: - if not name: - self._edb_sim_setup_info.Name = generate_unique_name("siwave") - else: - self._edb_sim_setup_info.Name = name - self._update_setup() - self.setup_type = "kSIWaveDCIR" - - SiwaveDCAdvancedSettings.__init__(self, self) + @pyaedt_function_handler + def set_dc_slider(self, value): + """Set DC simulation accuracy level. - @property - def edb_sim_setup_info(self): - """EDB internal simulation setup object.""" - return self._edb_sim_setup_info + Options are: - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def _update_setup(self): - edb_sim_setup = self._edb.edb_api.utility.utility.SIWaveDCIRSimulationSetup(self._edb_sim_setup_info) - if self.name in self._edb.setups: - self._edb.layout.cell.DeleteSimulationSetup(self.name) - self._edb.active_cell.AddSimulationSetup(edb_sim_setup) - return True + - ``0``: Optimal speed + - ``1``: Balanced + - ``2``: Optimal accuracy + """ + self.use_custom_settings = False + self.dc_settings.dc_slider_position = value + self.dc_advanced_settings.set_dc_slider(value) @property - def name(self): - """Setup name.""" - return self._edb_sim_setup_info.Name - - @name.setter - def name(self, value): - """Set name of the setup.""" - legacy_name = self._edb_sim_setup_info.Name - self._edb_sim_setup_info.Name = value - self._update_setup() - if legacy_name in self._edb.setups: - del self._edb._setups[legacy_name] + def dc_settings(self): + """SIwave DC setting.""" + return DCSettings(self) @property - def enabled(self): - """Whether setup is enabled.""" - return self._edb_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.Enabled + def dc_advanced_settings(self): + """Siwave DC advanced settings. - @enabled.setter - def enabled(self, value): - self._edb_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.Enabled = value - self._update_setup() + Returns + ------- + :class:`pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.siwave_simulation_setup_data.SiwaveDCAdvancedSettings` + """ + return DCAdvancedSettings(self) @property def source_terms_to_ground(self): @@ -1040,7 +1168,7 @@ def source_terms_to_ground(self): {str, int}, keys is source name, value int 0 unspecified, 1 negative node, 2 positive one. """ - return convert_netdict_to_pydict(self._edb_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCIRSettings.SourceTermsToGround) + return convert_netdict_to_pydict(self.get_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCIRSettings.SourceTermsToGround) @pyaedt_function_handler() def add_source_terminal_to_ground(self, source_name, terminal=0): @@ -1064,7 +1192,7 @@ def add_source_terminal_to_ground(self, source_name, terminal=0): """ terminals = self.source_terms_to_ground terminals[source_name] = terminal - self._edb_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCIRSettings.SourceTermsToGround = convert_pydict_to_netdict( + self.get_sim_setup_info.SimulationSettings.DCIRSettings.SourceTermsToGround = convert_pydict_to_netdict( terminals ) return self._update_setup() diff --git a/pyaedt/edb_core/edb_data/sources.py b/pyaedt/edb_core/edb_data/sources.py index f7a3bc6c0a0..ad17de61947 100644 --- a/pyaedt/edb_core/edb_data/sources.py +++ b/pyaedt/edb_core/edb_data/sources.py @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +import pyaedt from pyaedt import pyaedt_function_handler from pyaedt.generic.constants import NodeType from pyaedt.generic.constants import SourceType @@ -229,6 +230,7 @@ def __init__(self, name="", edb_pin_group=None, pedb=None): self._component = "" self._node_pins = [] self._net = "" + self._edb_object = self._edb_pin_group @property def _active_layout(self): @@ -274,26 +276,49 @@ def net(self, value): def net_name(self): return self._edb_pin_group.GetNet().GetName() - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def _create_pin_group_terminal(self, is_reference=False): - pg_term = self._edb_pin_group.GetPinGroupTerminal() - pin_group_net = self._edb_pin_group.GetNet() - if pin_group_net.IsNull(): # pragma: no cover - pin_group_net = list(self._edb_pin_group.GetPins())[0].GetNet() - if pg_term.IsNull(): - return self._pedb.edb_api.cell.terminal.PinGroupTerminal.Create( - self._active_layout, - pin_group_net, - self.name, - self._edb_pin_group, - is_reference, - ) + @pyaedt_function_handler + def get_terminal(self, name=None, create_new_terminal=False): + """Terminal.""" + + if create_new_terminal: + term = self._create_terminal(name) else: - return pg_term + from pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.terminals import PinGroupTerminal + + term = PinGroupTerminal(self._pedb, self._edb_pin_group.GetPinGroupTerminal()) + return term if not term.is_null else None + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def _create_terminal(self, name=None): + """Create a terminal on the pin group. + + Parameters + ---------- + name : str, optional + Name of the terminal. The default is ``None``, in which case a name is + automatically assigned. + + Returns + ------- + :class:`pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.terminals.PinGroupTerminal` + """ + terminal = self.get_terminal() + if terminal: + return terminal + + if not name: + name = pyaedt.generate_unique_name(self.name) + + from pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.terminals import PinGroupTerminal + + term = PinGroupTerminal(self._pedb) + + term = term.create(name, self.net_name, self.name) + return term @pyaedt_function_handler() def create_current_source_terminal(self, magnitude=1, phase=0): - terminal = self._create_pin_group_terminal() + terminal = self._create_terminal()._edb_object terminal.SetBoundaryType(self._pedb.edb_api.cell.terminal.BoundaryType.kCurrentSource) terminal.SetSourceAmplitude(self._pedb.edb_value(magnitude)) terminal.SetSourcePhase(self._pedb.edb_api.utility.value(phase)) @@ -301,7 +326,7 @@ def create_current_source_terminal(self, magnitude=1, phase=0): @pyaedt_function_handler() def create_voltage_source_terminal(self, magnitude=1, phase=0, impedance=0.001): - terminal = self._create_pin_group_terminal() + terminal = self._create_terminal()._edb_object terminal.SetBoundaryType(self._pedb.edb_api.cell.terminal.BoundaryType.kVoltageSource) terminal.SetSourceAmplitude(self._pedb.edb_value(magnitude)) terminal.SetSourcePhase(self._pedb.edb_api.utility.value(phase)) @@ -310,14 +335,14 @@ def create_voltage_source_terminal(self, magnitude=1, phase=0, impedance=0.001): @pyaedt_function_handler() def create_voltage_probe_terminal(self, impedance=1000000): - terminal = self._create_pin_group_terminal() + terminal = self._create_terminal()._edb_object terminal.SetBoundaryType(self._pedb.edb_api.cell.terminal.BoundaryType.kVoltageProbe) terminal.SetImpedance(self._pedb.edb_value(impedance)) return terminal @pyaedt_function_handler() def create_port_terminal(self, impedance=50): - terminal = self._create_pin_group_terminal() + terminal = self._create_terminal()._edb_object terminal.SetBoundaryType(self._pedb.edb_api.cell.terminal.BoundaryType.PortBoundary) terminal.SetImpedance(self._pedb.edb_value(impedance)) terminal.SetIsCircuitPort(True) diff --git a/pyaedt/edb_core/edb_data/terminals.py b/pyaedt/edb_core/edb_data/terminals.py index 39245883611..c178821eb70 100644 --- a/pyaedt/edb_core/edb_data/terminals.py +++ b/pyaedt/edb_core/edb_data/terminals.py @@ -4,19 +4,49 @@ from pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.connectable import Connectable from pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.padstacks_data import EDBPadstackInstance from pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.primitives_data import cast -from pyaedt.edb_core.general import BoundaryType -from pyaedt.edb_core.general import TerminalType from pyaedt.edb_core.general import convert_py_list_to_net_list from pyaedt.generic.general_methods import generate_unique_name class Terminal(Connectable): - def __init__(self, pedb, edb_object): + def __init__(self, pedb, edb_object=None): super().__init__(pedb, edb_object) self._reference_object = None + self._boundary_type_mapping = { + "InvalidBoundary": self._pedb.edb_api.cell.terminal.BoundaryType.InvalidBoundary, + "PortBoundary": self._pedb.edb_api.cell.terminal.BoundaryType.PortBoundary, + "PecBoundary": self._pedb.edb_api.cell.terminal.BoundaryType.PecBoundary, + "RlcBoundary": self._pedb.edb_api.cell.terminal.BoundaryType.RlcBoundary, + "kCurrentSource": self._pedb.edb_api.cell.terminal.BoundaryType.kCurrentSource, + "kVoltageSource": self._pedb.edb_api.cell.terminal.BoundaryType.kVoltageSource, + "kNexximGround": self._pedb.edb_api.cell.terminal.BoundaryType.kNexximGround, + "kNexximPort": self._pedb.edb_api.cell.terminal.BoundaryType.kNexximPort, + "kDcTerminal": self._pedb.edb_api.cell.terminal.BoundaryType.kDcTerminal, + "kVoltageProbe": self._pedb.edb_api.cell.terminal.BoundaryType.kVoltageProbe, + } + + self._terminal_type_mapping = { + "InvalidTerminal": self._pedb.edb_api.cell.terminal.TerminalType.InvalidTerminal, + "EdgeTerminal": self._pedb.edb_api.cell.terminal.TerminalType.EdgeTerminal, + "PointTerminal": self._pedb.edb_api.cell.terminal.TerminalType.PointTerminal, + "TerminalInstanceTerminal": self._pedb.edb_api.cell.terminal.TerminalType.TerminalInstanceTerminal, + "PadstackInstanceTerminal": self._pedb.edb_api.cell.terminal.TerminalType.PadstackInstanceTerminal, + "BundleTerminal": self._pedb.edb_api.cell.terminal.TerminalType.BundleTerminal, + "PinGroupTerminal": self._pedb.edb_api.cell.terminal.TerminalType.PinGroupTerminal, + } + + self._terminal_mapping = { + "EdgeTerminal": EdgeTerminal, + "PointTerminal": PointTerminal, + "PadstackInstanceTerminal": PadstackInstanceTerminal, + "BundleTerminal": BundleTerminal, + "PinGroupTerminal": PinGroupTerminal, + } + @property def _hfss_port_property(self): + """HFSS port property.""" hfss_prop = re.search(r"HFSS\(.*?\)", self._edb_properties) p = {} if hfss_prop: @@ -128,25 +158,26 @@ def terminal_type(self): """ return self._edb_object.GetTerminalType().ToString() + @terminal_type.setter + def terminal_type(self, value): + self._edb_object.GetTerminalType(self._terminal_type_mapping[value]) + @property def boundary_type(self): - """Boundary Type. + """Boundary type. + Returns ------- - int + str + InvalidBoundary, PortBoundary, PecBoundary, RlcBoundary, kCurrentSource, kVoltageSource, kNexximGround, + kNexximPort, kDcTerminal, kVoltageProbe """ return self._edb_object.GetBoundaryType().ToString() @boundary_type.setter def boundary_type(self, value): - if not value in [i.name for i in BoundaryType]: # pragma : no cover - self._pedb.logger.warning("Invalid Boundary Type={}".format(value)) - if value == self._pedb.edb_api.cell.terminal.BoundaryType.kVoltageProbe.ToString(): - temp = self._pedb.edb_api.cell.terminal.BoundaryType.kVoltageProbe - else: # pragma : no cover - temp = self._pedb.edb_api.cell.terminal.BoundaryType.InvalidBoundary - self._edb_object.SetBoundaryType(temp) + self._edb_object.SetBoundaryType(self._boundary_type_mapping[value]) @property def impedance(self): @@ -168,12 +199,7 @@ def ref_terminal(self): terminal = Terminal(self._pedb, self._edb_object.GetReferenceTerminal()) if not terminal.is_null: - if terminal.terminal_type == TerminalType.PointTerminal.name: - return PointTerminal(self._pedb, terminal._edb_object) - elif terminal.terminal_type == TerminalType.EdgeTerminal.name: - return EdgeTerminal(self._pedb, terminal._edb_object) - elif terminal.terminal_type == TerminalType.InvalidTerminal.name: # pragma : no cover - return None + return self._terminal_mapping[terminal.terminal_type](self._pedb, terminal._edb_object) @ref_terminal.setter def ref_terminal(self, value): @@ -199,11 +225,11 @@ def reference_object(self): # pragma : no cover self._reference_object = self.get_pad_edge_terminal_reference_pin() else: self._reference_object = self.get_edge_terminal_reference_primitive() - elif self.terminal_type == TerminalType.PinGroupTerminal.name: + elif self.terminal_type == "PinGroupTerminal": self._reference_object = self.get_pin_group_terminal_reference_pin() - elif self.terminal_type == TerminalType.PointTerminal.name: + elif self.terminal_type == "PointTerminal": self._reference_object = self.get_point_terminal_reference_primitive() - elif self.terminal_type == TerminalType.PadstackInstanceTerminal.name: + elif self.terminal_type == "PadstackInstanceTerminal": self._reference_object = self.get_padstack_terminal_reference_pin() else: self._pedb.logger.warning("Invalid Terminal Type={}".format(term.GetTerminalType())) @@ -471,7 +497,10 @@ def create(self, padstack_instance, name=None, layer=None, is_ref=False): Edb.Cell.Terminal.EdgeTerminal """ if not name: - name = generate_unique_name("Terminal") + pin_name = padstack_instance._edb_object.GetName() + refdes = padstack_instance.component.refdes + name = "{}_{}".format(refdes, pin_name) + name = generate_unique_name(name) if not layer: layer = padstack_instance.start_layer @@ -516,7 +545,7 @@ def create(self, name, net, location, layer, is_ref=False): Returns ------- - + :class:`pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.terminals.PointTerminal` """ terminal = self._pedb.edb_api.cell.terminal.PointTerminal.Create( self._pedb.active_layout, @@ -531,11 +560,10 @@ def create(self, name, net, location, layer, is_ref=False): @property def location(self): - """Get location of the terminal.""" - point_data = self._pedb.point_data(0, 0) + """Location of the terminal.""" layer = list(self._pedb.stackup.layers.values())[0]._edb_layer - if self._edb_object.GetParameters(point_data, layer): - return [point_data.X.ToDouble(), point_data.Y.ToDouble()] + _, point_data, _ = self._edb_object.GetParameters(None, layer) + return [point_data.X.ToDouble(), point_data.Y.ToDouble()] @location.setter def location(self, value): @@ -562,3 +590,32 @@ class PinGroupTerminal(Terminal): def __init__(self, pedb, edb_object=None): super().__init__(pedb, edb_object) + + @pyaedt_function_handler + def create(self, name, net_name, pin_group_name, is_ref=False): + """Create a pin group terminal. + + Parameters + ---------- + name : str + Name of the terminal. + net_name : str + Name of the net. + pin_group_name : str, + Name of the pin group. + is_ref : bool, optional + Whether it is a reference terminal. The default is ``False``. + + Returns + ------- + :class:`pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.terminals.PinGroupTerminal` + """ + term = self._pedb.edb_api.cell.terminal.PinGroupTerminal.Create( + self._pedb.active_layout, + self._pedb.nets[net_name].net_object, + name, + self._pedb.siwave.pin_groups[pin_group_name]._edb_object, + is_ref, + ) + term = PinGroupTerminal(self._pedb, term) + return term if not term.is_null else False diff --git a/pyaedt/edb_core/general.py b/pyaedt/edb_core/general.py index 6be4a4b417d..a3cfcb63883 100644 --- a/pyaedt/edb_core/general.py +++ b/pyaedt/edb_core/general.py @@ -151,29 +151,6 @@ class DielectricExtentType(Enum): Polygon = 3 -class BoundaryType(Enum): - InvalidBoundary = -1 - PortBoundary = 0 - PecBoundary = 1 - RlcBoundary = 2 - kCurrentSource = 3 - kVoltageSource = 4 - kNexximGround = 5 - kNexximPort = 6 - kDcTerminal = 7 - kVoltageProbe = 8 - - -class TerminalType(Enum): - InvalidTerminal = -1 - EdgeTerminal = 0 - PointTerminal = 1 - TerminalInstanceTerminal = 2 - PadstackInstanceTerminal = 3 - BundleTerminal = 4 - PinGroupTerminal = 5 - - class Primitives(Enum): Rectangle = 0 Circle = 1 diff --git a/pyaedt/edb_core/materials.py b/pyaedt/edb_core/materials.py index 154ef5d5d4b..180787bac4c 100644 --- a/pyaedt/edb_core/materials.py +++ b/pyaedt/edb_core/materials.py @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ from __future__ import absolute_import # noreorder import difflib -import fnmatch import logging import os +import re import warnings from pyaedt import is_ironpython @@ -368,7 +368,6 @@ def __getitem__(self, item): def __init__(self, pedb): self._pedb = pedb self._syslib = os.path.join(self._pedb.base_path, "syslib") - self._personal_lib = None self._materials_in_aedt = None if not self.materials: self.add_material("air") @@ -381,7 +380,7 @@ def materials_in_aedt(self): """Retrieve the dictionary of materials available in AEDT syslib.""" if self._materials_in_aedt: return self._materials_in_aedt - self._materials_in_aedt = self._read_materials() + self._materials_in_aedt = self.read_materials(os.path.join(self._syslib, "Materials.amat")) return self._materials_in_aedt @property @@ -389,16 +388,6 @@ def syslib(self): """Retrieve the project sys library.""" return self._syslib - @property - def personallib(self): - """Get or Set the user personallib.""" - return self._personal_lib - - @personallib.setter - def personallib(self, value): - self._personal_lib = value - self._materials_in_aedt = self._read_materials() - @pyaedt_function_handler() def _edb_value(self, value): return self._pedb.edb_value(value) @@ -838,7 +827,7 @@ def get_property_by_material_name(self, property_name, material_name): @pyaedt_function_handler() def add_material_from_aedt(self, material_name): - """Add a material read from ``syslib amat`` library. + """Add a material read from a ``syslib AMAT`` library. Parameters ---------- @@ -856,116 +845,137 @@ def add_material_from_aedt(self, material_name): return False new_material = self.add_material(name=material_name) material = self.materials_in_aedt[material_name] - try: - new_material.permittivity = float(material["permittivity"]) - except (KeyError, TypeError): - pass - try: - new_material.conductivity = float(material["conductivity"]) - except (KeyError, TypeError): - pass - try: - new_material.mass_density = float(material["mass_density"]) - except (KeyError, TypeError): - pass - try: - new_material.permeability = float(material["permeability"]) - except (KeyError, TypeError): - pass - try: - new_material.loss_tangent = float(material["dielectric_loss_tangent"]) - except (KeyError, TypeError): - pass - try: - new_material.specific_heat = float(material["specific_heat"]) - except (KeyError, TypeError): - pass - try: - new_material.thermal_expansion_coefficient = float(material["thermal_expansion_coeffcient"]) - except (KeyError, TypeError): - pass + properties = [ + "permittivity", + "conductivity", + "mass_density", + "permeability", + "specific_heat", + "thermal_expansion_coefficient", + ] + for mat_prop_name, mat_prop_value in material.items(): + if mat_prop_name in properties: + setattr(new_material, mat_prop_name, mat_prop_value) + if mat_prop_name == "dielectric_loss_tangent": + new_material.loss_tangent = mat_prop_value return True @pyaedt_function_handler() def load_amat(self, amat_file): - """Load material from an amat file and add materials to Edb. + """Load materials from an AMAT file. Parameters ---------- amat_file : str - Full path to the amat file to read and add to the Edb. + Full path to the AMAT file to read and add to the Edb. + + Returns + ------- + bool """ - material_dict = self._read_materials(amat_file) + if not os.path.exists(amat_file): + self._pedb.logger.error("File path {} does not exist.".format(amat_file)) + material_dict = self.read_materials(amat_file) for material_name, material in material_dict.items(): if not material_name in list(self.materials.keys()): new_material = self.add_material(name=material_name) - try: - new_material.permittivity = float(material["permittivity"]) - except (KeyError, TypeError): - pass - try: - new_material.conductivity = float(material["conductivity"]) - except (KeyError, TypeError): - pass - try: - new_material.mass_density = float(material["mass_density"]) - except (KeyError, TypeError): - pass - try: - new_material.permeability = float(material["permeability"]) - except (KeyError, TypeError): - pass - try: - new_material.loss_tangent = float(material["dielectric_loss_tangent"]) - except (KeyError, TypeError): - pass - try: - new_material.specific_heat = float(material["specific_heat"]) - except (KeyError, TypeError): - pass - try: - new_material.thermal_expansion_coefficient = float(material["thermal_expansion_coeffcient"]) - except (KeyError, TypeError): - pass + properties = [ + "permittivity", + "conductivity", + "mass_density", + "permeability", + "specific_heat", + "thermal_expansion_coefficient", + ] + for mat_prop_name, mat_prop_value in material.items(): + if mat_prop_name in properties: + setattr(new_material, mat_prop_name, mat_prop_value) + if mat_prop_name == "tangent_delta": + new_material.loss_tangent = mat_prop_value return True + @staticmethod @pyaedt_function_handler() - def _read_materials(self, mat_file=None): - def get_mat_list(file_name, mats): - from pyaedt.generic.LoadAEDTFile import load_entire_aedt_file - - mread = load_entire_aedt_file(file_name) - for mat, mdict in mread.items(): - if mat != "$base_index$": - try: - mats[mat] = mdict["MaterialDef"][mat] - except KeyError: - mats[mat] = mdict - - if mat_file and os.path.exists(mat_file): - materials = {} - get_mat_list(mat_file, materials) - return materials - - amat_sys = [ - os.path.join(dirpath, filename) - for dirpath, _, filenames in os.walk(self.syslib) - for filename in filenames - if fnmatch.fnmatch(filename, "*.amat") + def read_materials(amat_file): + """Read materials from an AMAT file. + + Parameters + ---------- + amat_file : str + Full path to the AMAT file to read. + + Returns + ------- + dict + {material name: dict of material property to value}. + """ + + def get_line_float_value(line): + """Retrieve the float value expected in the line of an AMAT file. + The associated string is expected to follow one of the following cases: + - simple('permittivity', 12.) + - permittivity='12'. + """ + try: + return float(re.split(",|=", line)[-1].strip(")'")) + except ValueError: + return None + + res = {} + _begin_search = re.compile(r"^\$begin '(.+)'") + _end_search = re.compile(r"^\$end '(.+)'") + amat_keys = [ + "thermal_conductivity", + "permittivity", + "dielectric_loss_tangent", + "permeability", + "magnetic_loss_tangent", + "thermal_expansion_coeffcient", + "specific_heat", + "mass_density", ] - amat_personal = [] - if self.personallib: - amat_personal = [ - os.path.join(dirpath, filename) - for dirpath, _, filenames in os.walk(self.personallib) - for filename in filenames - if fnmatch.fnmatch(filename, "*.amat") - ] - materials = {} - for amat in amat_sys: - get_mat_list(amat, materials) - - if amat_personal: - for amat in amat_personal: - get_mat_list(amat, materials) - return materials + keys = [ + "thermal_conductivity", + "permittivity", + "tangent_delta", + "permeability", + "magnetic_loss_tangent", + "thermal_expansion_coeffcient", + "specific_heat", + "mass_density", + ] + + with open(amat_file, "r") as amat_fh: + raw_lines = amat_fh.read().splitlines() + mat_found = "" + for line in raw_lines: + b = _begin_search.search(line) + if b: # walk down a level + mat_found = b.group(1) + res.setdefault(mat_found, {}) + if mat_found: + for amat_key, key in zip(amat_keys, keys): + if amat_key in line: + value = get_line_float_value(line) + if value is not None: + res[mat_found][key] = value + # Extra case to avoid confusion ("conductivity" is included in "thermal_conductivity") + if "conductivity" in line and "thermal_conductivity" not in line: + value = get_line_float_value(line) + if value is not None: + res[mat_found]["conductivity"] = value + end = _end_search.search(line) + if end: + mat_found = "" + + # Clean unwanted data + try: + del res["$index$"] + except KeyError: + pass + try: + del res["$base_index$"] + except KeyError: + pass + + return res diff --git a/pyaedt/edb_core/siwave.py b/pyaedt/edb_core/siwave.py index 8d6b65c0ced..35ed2eb60b6 100644 --- a/pyaedt/edb_core/siwave.py +++ b/pyaedt/edb_core/siwave.py @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ from pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.sources import PinGroup from pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.sources import ResistorSource from pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.sources import VoltageSource -from pyaedt.edb_core.general import BoundaryType from pyaedt.edb_core.general import convert_py_list_to_net_list from pyaedt.generic.constants import SolverType from pyaedt.generic.constants import SweepType @@ -838,7 +837,7 @@ def add_siwave_syz_analysis( third_arg = int(decade_count) if sweeptype == 0: third_arg = self._pedb.number_with_units(step_freq, "Hz") - setup.si_slider_postion = int(accuracy_level) + setup.si_slider_position = int(accuracy_level) sweep = setup.add_frequency_sweep( frequency_sweep=[ [sweep, start_freq, stop_freq, third_arg], @@ -1418,13 +1417,7 @@ def place_voltage_probe( negative_layer : str Layer of the negative terminal. """ - from pyaedt.edb_core.edb_data.terminals import PointTerminal - point_terminal = PointTerminal(self._pedb) - p_terminal = point_terminal.create(name, positive_net_name, positive_location, positive_layer) - p_terminal.boundary_type = BoundaryType.kVoltageProbe.name - - n_terminal = point_terminal.create(name + "_ref", negative_net_name, negative_location, negative_layer) - n_terminal.boundary_type = BoundaryType.kVoltageProbe.name - p_terminal.ref_terminal = n_terminal - return self._pedb.probes[name] + p_terminal = self._pedb.get_point_terminal(name, positive_net_name, positive_location, positive_layer) + n_terminal = self._pedb.get_point_terminal(name + "_ref", negative_net_name, negative_location, negative_layer) + return self._pedb.create_voltage_probe(p_terminal, n_terminal) diff --git a/pyaedt/edb_core/stackup.py b/pyaedt/edb_core/stackup.py index 09043aab508..3c009b43535 100644 --- a/pyaedt/edb_core/stackup.py +++ b/pyaedt/edb_core/stackup.py @@ -1723,7 +1723,7 @@ def _import_csv(self, file_path): Parameters ---------- - fpath : str + file_path : str File path to the CSV file. """ if not pd: @@ -1739,17 +1739,17 @@ def _import_csv(self, file_path): logger.error("{} doesn't exist in csv".format(name)) return False - for name, l in df.iterrows(): - layer_type = l.Type + for name, layer_info in df.iterrows(): + layer_type = layer_info.Type if name in self.layers: layer = self.layers[name] layer.type = layer_type else: layer = self.add_layer(name, layer_type=layer_type, material="copper", fillMaterial="copper") - layer.material = l.Material - layer.thickness = l.Thickness - layer.dielectric_fill = l.Dielectric_Fill + layer.material = layer_info.Material + layer.thickness = layer_info.Thickness + layer.dielectric_fill = layer_info.Dielectric_Fill lc_new = self._pedb.edb_api.Cell.LayerCollection() for name, _ in df.iterrows(): diff --git a/pyaedt/generic/LoadAEDTFile.py b/pyaedt/generic/LoadAEDTFile.py index 7c92cf447f0..584dba38708 100644 --- a/pyaedt/generic/LoadAEDTFile.py +++ b/pyaedt/generic/LoadAEDTFile.py @@ -80,17 +80,7 @@ def load_keyword_in_aedt_file(filename, keyword): def _parse_value(v): - """ - - Parameters - ---------- - v : - - - Returns - ------- - - """ + """Parse value in C# format.""" # duck typing parse of the value 'v' if v is None: pv = v @@ -155,7 +145,7 @@ def _decode_recognized_subkeys(sk, d): if m and m.group("SKEY1") == "simple": # extra verification. SKEY2 is with spaces, so it's not considered here. elems = _separate_list_elements(m.group("LIST1")) if elems[0] == "thermal_expansion_coeffcient": - elems[0] = "thermal_expansion_coefficient" # fix a typo in the amat files. AEDT supports both strings! + elems[0] = "thermal_expansion_coefficient" # fix a typo in the AMAT files. AEDT supports both strings! d[elems[0]] = str(elems[1]) # convert to string as it is dedicated to material props return True elif re.search(r"^\w+IDMap\(.*\)$", sk, re.IGNORECASE): # check if the format is AAKeyIDMap('10'=56802, '7'=56803) diff --git a/pyaedt/generic/touchstone_parser.py b/pyaedt/generic/touchstone_parser.py index 9ccdbdeb0c5..3650790a729 100644 --- a/pyaedt/generic/touchstone_parser.py +++ b/pyaedt/generic/touchstone_parser.py @@ -104,10 +104,12 @@ def get_insertion_loss_index(self, threshold=-3): """ temp_list = [] freq_idx = 0 + s_db = self.s_db[freq_idx, :, :] for i in self.port_tuples: - loss = self.s_db[freq_idx, i[0], i[1]] - if loss > threshold: - temp_list.append(i) + if i[0] != i[1]: + loss = s_db[i[0], i[1]] + if loss > threshold: + temp_list.append(i) return temp_list def plot_insertion_losses(self, threshold=-3, plot=True): @@ -126,13 +128,7 @@ def plot_insertion_losses(self, threshold=-3, plot=True): list List of tuples representing insertion loss excitations. """ - temp_list = [] - freq_idx = 0 - for i in self.port_tuples: - loss = self.s_db[freq_idx, i[0], i[1]] - if loss > threshold: - temp_list.append(i) - + temp_list = self.get_insertion_loss_index(threshold=threshold) if plot: # pragma: no cover for i in temp_list: self.plot_s_db(*i, logx=self.log_x) diff --git a/pyaedt/hfss.py b/pyaedt/hfss.py index 4eca4251975..53d96d99303 100644 --- a/pyaedt/hfss.py +++ b/pyaedt/hfss.py @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ from pyaedt.generic.general_methods import parse_excitation_file from pyaedt.generic.general_methods import pyaedt_function_handler from pyaedt.modeler import cad +from pyaedt.modeler.cad.component_array import ComponentArray from pyaedt.modeler.cad.components_3d import UserDefinedComponent from pyaedt.modeler.geometry_operators import GeometryOperators from pyaedt.modules.Boundary import BoundaryObject @@ -192,6 +193,10 @@ def __init__( aedt_process_id, ) self._field_setups = [] + self.component_array = {} + self.component_array_names = list(self.get_oo_name(self.odesign, "Model")) + for component_array in self.component_array_names: + self.component_array[component_array] = ComponentArray(self, component_array) def _init_from_design(self, *args, **kwargs): self.__init__(*args, **kwargs) @@ -240,7 +245,8 @@ def hybrid(self): @hybrid.setter def hybrid(self, value): - self.design_solutions.hybrid = value + if value != self.design_solutions.hybrid and isinstance(value, bool): + self.design_solutions.hybrid = value @property def composite(self): @@ -5555,8 +5561,7 @@ def add_3d_component_array_from_json(self, json_file, array_name=None): Returns ------- - bool - ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. + class:`pyaedt.modeler.cad.component_array.ComponentArray` Examples -------- @@ -5594,9 +5599,8 @@ def add_3d_component_array_from_json(self, json_file, array_name=None): >>> from pyaedt.generic.DataHandlers import json_to_dict >>> hfss_app = Hfss() >>> dict_in = json_to_dict(path\to\json_file) - >>> hfss_app.add_3d_component_array_from_json(dict_in) + >>> component_array = hfss_app.add_3d_component_array_from_json(dict_in) """ - self.hybrid = True if isinstance(json_file, dict): json_dict = json_file @@ -5621,9 +5625,11 @@ def add_3d_component_array_from_json(self, json_file, array_name=None): cells_names[v["name"]].append(k1) else: def_names = self.oeditor.Get3DComponentDefinitionNames() - if v["name"] not in def_names and v["name"][:-1] not in def_names: + if v["name"] not in def_names and v["name"][:-1] not in def_names and v["name"][:-2] not in def_names: if v["name"] not in json_dict: - self.logger.error("a3comp is not present in design and not define correctly in json.") + self.logger.error( + "3D component array is not present in design and not defined correctly in the JSON file." + ) return False geometryparams = self.get_components3d_vars(json_dict[v["name"]]) @@ -5704,9 +5710,15 @@ def add_3d_component_array_from_json(self, json_file, array_name=None): args.append(col) if self.omodelsetup.IsArrayDefined(): self.omodelsetup.EditArray(args) + if settings.aedt_version < "2024.1": + self.save_project() else: self.omodelsetup.AssignArray(args) - return True + if settings.aedt_version < "2024.1": + self.save_project() + self.component_array[array_name] = ComponentArray(self, array_name) + self.component_array_names = [array_name] + return self.component_array[array_name] @pyaedt_function_handler() def get_antenna_ffd_solution_data( @@ -5770,8 +5782,8 @@ def get_antenna_ffd_solution_data( self.logger.info("Far field sphere %s is created.", setup_name) component_name = None - if self.solution_type == "SBR+" and self.modeler.modeler.user_defined_component_names: - antenna = self.modeler.user_defined_components[self.modeler.modeler.user_defined_component_names[0]] + if self.solution_type == "SBR+" and self.modeler.user_defined_component_names: + antenna = self.modeler.user_defined_components[self.modeler.user_defined_component_names[0]] if antenna.native_properties["Type"] == "Linked Antenna": component_name = antenna.name diff --git a/pyaedt/modeler/cad/Modeler.py b/pyaedt/modeler/cad/Modeler.py index 44b50ac0ed4..8714124a50b 100644 --- a/pyaedt/modeler/cad/Modeler.py +++ b/pyaedt/modeler/cad/Modeler.py @@ -10,14 +10,8 @@ from __future__ import absolute_import # noreorder from collections import OrderedDict -import copy -import math -import os -import warnings -from pyaedt.application.Variables import decompose_variable_value from pyaedt.generic.DataHandlers import _dict2arg -from pyaedt.generic.constants import AEDT_UNITS from pyaedt.generic.general_methods import PropsManager from pyaedt.generic.general_methods import generate_unique_name from pyaedt.generic.general_methods import pyaedt_function_handler @@ -26,7 +20,6 @@ from pyaedt.modeler.cad.elements3d import FacePrimitive from pyaedt.modeler.cad.elements3d import VertexPrimitive from pyaedt.modeler.cad.object3d import Object3d -from pyaedt.modeler.cad.polylines import Polyline from pyaedt.modeler.geometry_operators import GeometryOperators @@ -1889,4875 +1882,3 @@ def _oimportexport(self): def projdir(self): """Project directory.""" return self._app.project_path - - -class GeometryModeler(Modeler, object): - """Manages the main AEDT Modeler functionalities for geometry-based designs. - - Parameters - ---------- - app : - Inherited parent object. - is3d : bool, optional - Whether the model is 3D. The default is ``True``. - """ - - def __init__(self, app, is3d=True): - self._app = app - Modeler.__init__(self, app) - # TODO Refactor this as a dictionary with names as key - self._coordinate_systems = [] - self._user_lists = [] - self._planes = [] - self._is3d = is3d - self._solids = [] - self._sheets = [] - self._lines = [] - self._points = [] - self._unclassified = [] - self._all_object_names = [] - self.objects = {} - self.user_defined_components = {} - self._object_names_to_ids = {} - - @property - def _odefinition_manager(self): - return self._app.odefinition_manager - - @property - def _omaterial_manager(self): - return self._app.omaterial_manager - - @property - def coordinate_systems(self): - """Coordinate Systems.""" - if settings.aedt_version > "2022.2": - cs_names = [i for i in self.oeditor.GetChildNames("CoordinateSystems") if i != "Global"] - for cs_name in cs_names: - props = {} - local_names = [i.name for i in self._coordinate_systems] - if cs_name not in local_names: - if self.oeditor.GetChildObject(cs_name).GetPropValue("Type") == "Relative": - self._coordinate_systems.append(CoordinateSystem(self, props, cs_name)) - elif self.oeditor.GetChildObject(cs_name).GetPropValue("Type") == "Face": - self._coordinate_systems.append(FaceCoordinateSystem(self, props, cs_name)) - elif self.oeditor.GetChildObject(cs_name).GetPropValue("Type") == "Object": - self._coordinate_systems.append(ObjectCoordinateSystem(self, props, cs_name)) - return self._coordinate_systems - if not self._coordinate_systems: - self._coordinate_systems = self._get_coordinates_data() - return self._coordinate_systems - - @property - def user_lists(self): - """User Lists.""" - if not self._user_lists: - self._user_lists = self._get_lists_data() - return self._user_lists - - @property - def planes(self): - """Planes.""" - if not self._planes: - self._planes = self._get_planes_data() - return self._planes - - @property - def oeditor(self): - """Aedt oEditor Module. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor = oDesign.SetActiveEditor("3D Modeler")""" - - return self._app.oeditor - - @property - def materials(self): - """Material library used in the project. - - Returns - ------- - :class:`pyaedt.modules.MaterialLib.Materials` - - """ - return self._app.materials - - def _get_coordinates_data(self): # pragma: no cover - coord = [] - id2name = {1: "Global"} - name2refid = {} - if self._app.design_properties and "ModelSetup" in self._app.design_properties: - cs = self._app.design_properties["ModelSetup"]["GeometryCore"]["GeometryOperations"]["CoordinateSystems"] - for ds in cs: - try: - if isinstance(cs[ds], (OrderedDict, dict)): - if cs[ds]["OperationType"] == "CreateRelativeCoordinateSystem": - props = cs[ds]["RelativeCSParameters"] - name = cs[ds]["Attributes"]["Name"] - cs_id = cs[ds]["ID"] - id2name[cs_id] = name - name2refid[name] = cs[ds]["ReferenceCoordSystemID"] - coord.append(CoordinateSystem(self, props, name)) - if "ZXZ" in props["Mode"]: - coord[-1].mode = "zxz" - elif "ZYZ" in props["Mode"]: - coord[-1].mode = "zyz" - else: - coord[-1].mode = "axis" - elif cs[ds]["OperationType"] == "CreateFaceCoordinateSystem": - name = cs[ds]["Attributes"]["Name"] - cs_id = cs[ds]["ID"] - id2name[cs_id] = name - op_id = cs[ds]["PlaceHolderOperationID"] - geometry_part = self._app.design_properties["ModelSetup"]["GeometryCore"][ - "GeometryOperations" - ]["ToplevelParts"]["GeometryPart"] - if isinstance(geometry_part, (OrderedDict, dict)): - op = geometry_part["Operations"]["FaceCSHolderOperation"] - if isinstance(op, (OrderedDict, dict)): - if op["ID"] == op_id: - props = op["FaceCSParameters"] - coord.append(FaceCoordinateSystem(self, props, name)) - elif isinstance(op, list): - for iop in op: - if iop["ID"] == op_id: - props = iop["FaceCSParameters"] - coord.append(FaceCoordinateSystem(self, props, name)) - break - elif isinstance(geometry_part, list): - for gp in geometry_part: - op = gp["Operations"]["FaceCSHolderOperation"] - if isinstance(op, (OrderedDict, dict)): - if op["ID"] == op_id: - props = op["FaceCSParameters"] - coord.append(FaceCoordinateSystem(self, props, name)) - elif isinstance(op, list): - for iop in op: - if iop["ID"] == op_id: - props = iop["FaceCSParameters"] - coord.append(FaceCoordinateSystem(self, props, name)) - break - elif isinstance(cs[ds], list): - for el in cs[ds]: - if el["OperationType"] == "CreateRelativeCoordinateSystem": - props = el["RelativeCSParameters"] - name = el["Attributes"]["Name"] - cs_id = el["ID"] - id2name[cs_id] = name - name2refid[name] = el["ReferenceCoordSystemID"] - coord.append(CoordinateSystem(self, props, name)) - if "ZXZ" in props["Mode"]: - coord[-1].mode = "zxz" - elif "ZYZ" in props["Mode"]: - coord[-1].mode = "zyz" - else: - coord[-1].mode = "axis" - elif el["OperationType"] == "CreateFaceCoordinateSystem": - name = el["Attributes"]["Name"] - cs_id = el["ID"] - id2name[cs_id] = name - op_id = el["PlaceHolderOperationID"] - geometry_part = self._app.design_properties["ModelSetup"]["GeometryCore"][ - "GeometryOperations" - ]["ToplevelParts"]["GeometryPart"] - if isinstance(geometry_part, (OrderedDict, dict)): - op = geometry_part["Operations"]["FaceCSHolderOperation"] - if isinstance(op, (OrderedDict, dict)): - if op["ID"] == op_id: - props = op["FaceCSParameters"] - coord.append(FaceCoordinateSystem(self, props, name)) - elif isinstance(op, list): - for iop in op: - if iop["ID"] == op_id: - props = iop["FaceCSParameters"] - coord.append(FaceCoordinateSystem(self, props, name)) - break - elif isinstance(geometry_part, list): - for gp in geometry_part: - try: - op = gp["Operations"]["FaceCSHolderOperation"] - except KeyError: - continue - if isinstance(op, (OrderedDict, dict)): - if op["ID"] == op_id: - props = op["FaceCSParameters"] - coord.append(FaceCoordinateSystem(self, props, name)) - elif isinstance(op, list): - for iop in op: - if iop["ID"] == op_id: - props = iop["FaceCSParameters"] - coord.append(FaceCoordinateSystem(self, props, name)) - break - except: - pass - for cs in coord: - if isinstance(cs, CoordinateSystem): - try: - cs._ref_cs = id2name[name2refid[cs.name]] - except: - pass - coord.reverse() - return coord - - def _get_lists_data(self): - """Retrieve user object list data. - - Returns - ------- - [Dict with List information] - """ - design_lists = [] - if self._app.design_properties and self._app.design_properties.get("ModelSetup", None): - key1 = "GeometryOperations" - key2 = "GeometryEntityLists" - key3 = "GeometryEntityListOperation" - try: - entity_list = self._app.design_properties["ModelSetup"]["GeometryCore"][key1][key2] - if entity_list: - geom_entry = copy.deepcopy(entity_list[key3]) - if isinstance(geom_entry, (dict, OrderedDict)): - geom_entry = [geom_entry] - for data in geom_entry: - props = {} - name = data["Attributes"]["Name"] - props["ID"] = data["ID"] - props["Type"] = data["GeometryEntityListParameters"]["EntityType"] - if props["Type"] == "Object": - name_list = [] - for element in data["GeometryEntityListParameters"]["EntityList"]: - element_name = self.oeditor.GetObjectNameByID(int(element)) - name_list.append(element_name) - props["List"] = name_list - else: - props["List"] = data["GeometryEntityListParameters"]["EntityList"] - design_lists.append(Lists(self, props, name)) - except: - self.logger.info("Lists were not retrieved from AEDT file") - return design_lists - - def _get_planes_data(self): - """Retrieve planes data. - - Returns - ------- - [Dict with List information] - """ - try: - return { - plane_name: self.oeditor.GetChildObject(plane_name) - for plane_name in self.oeditor.GetChildNames("Planes") - } - except TypeError: - return {} - - def __get__(self, instance, owner): - self._app = instance - return self - - @property - def model_units(self): - """Model units as a string. For example ``"mm"``. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.GetModelUnits - >>> oEditor.SetModelUnits - """ - return self.oeditor.GetModelUnits() - - @model_units.setter - def model_units(self, units): - assert units in AEDT_UNITS["Length"], "Invalid units string {0}.".format(units) - self.oeditor.SetModelUnits(["NAME:Units Parameter", "Units:=", units, "Rescale:=", False]) - - @property - def selections(self): - """Selections. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.GetSelections - """ - return self.oeditor.GetSelections() - - @property - def obounding_box(self): - """Bounding box. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.GetModelBoundingBox - """ - return self.oeditor.GetModelBoundingBox() - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def fit_all(self): - """Fit all. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.FitAll - """ - self.oeditor.FitAll() - - @property - def dimension(self): - """Dimensions. - - Returns - ------- - str - Dimensionality, which is either ``"2D"`` or ``"3D"``. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oDesign.Is2D - """ - try: - if self._odesign.Is2D(): - return "2D" - else: - return "3D" - except: - if self.design_type == "2D Extractor": - return "2D" - else: - return "3D" - - @property - def design_type(self): - """Design type. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oDesign.GetDesignType - """ - return self._app.design_type - - @property - def geometry_mode(self): - """Geometry mode. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oDesign.GetGeometryMode""" - return self._odesign.GetGeometryMode() - - @property - def solid_bodies(self): - """List of Object Names. - - .. note:: - Non-model objects are also returned. - - Returns - ------- - list os str - List of object names with the object name as the key. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.GetObjectsInGroup - """ - if self.dimension == "3D": - objects = self.oeditor.GetObjectsInGroup("Solids") - else: - objects = self.oeditor.GetObjectsInGroup("Sheets") - return list(objects) - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def _find_perpendicular_points(self, face): - if isinstance(face, str): - vertices = [i.position for i in self[face].vertices] - else: - vertices = [] - for vertex in list(self.oeditor.GetVertexIDsFromFace(face)): - vertices.append([float(i) for i in list(self.oeditor.GetVertexPosition(vertex))]) - assert len(vertices) > 2, "Automatic A-B Assignment can be done only on face with more than 2 vertices." - origin = vertices[0] - a_end = [] - b_end = [] - tol = 1e-10 - for v in vertices[1:]: - edge1 = GeometryOperators.v_points(origin, v) - for v2 in vertices[1:]: - if v2 != v: - edge2 = GeometryOperators.v_points(origin, v2) - if abs(GeometryOperators.v_dot(edge1, edge2)) < tol: - a_end = v - b_end = v2 - break - if a_end: - break - if not a_end: - a_end = vertices[1] - b_end = vertices[2] - return False, (origin, a_end, b_end) - return True, (origin, a_end, b_end) - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def cover_lines(self, selection): - """Cover a closed line and transform it to sheet. - - Parameters - ---------- - selection : str, int - Polyline object to cover. - Returns - ------- - bool - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.CoverLines - """ - obj_to_cover = self.convert_to_selections(selection, False) - self.oeditor.CoverLines(["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", obj_to_cover, "NewPartsModelFlag:=", "Model"]) - return True - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def cover_faces(self, selection): - """Cover a sheet. - - Parameters - ---------- - selection : str, int - Sheet object to cover. - Returns - ------- - bool - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.CoverLines - """ - obj_to_cover = self.convert_to_selections(selection, False) - self.oeditor.CoverSurfaces(["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", obj_to_cover, "NewPartsModelFlag:=", "Model"]) - return True - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def create_coordinate_system( - self, - origin=None, - reference_cs="Global", - name=None, - mode="axis", - view="iso", - x_pointing=None, - y_pointing=None, - psi=0, - theta=0, - phi=0, - u=None, - ): - """Create a coordinate system. - - Parameters - ---------- - origin : list - List of ``[x, y, z]`` coordinates for the origin of the - coordinate system. The default is ``None``, in which case - ``[0, 0, 0]`` is used. - reference_cs : str, optional - Name of the reference coordinate system. The default is - ``"Global"``. - name : str - Name of the coordinate system. The default is ``None``. - mode : str, optional - Definition mode. Options are ``"view"``, ``"axis"``, - ``"zxz"``, ``"zyz"``, and ``"axisrotation"``. The default - is ``"axis"``. Enumerator ``pyaedt.generic.constants.CSMODE`` can be used. - - * If ``mode="view"``, specify ``view``. - * If ``mode="axis"``, specify ``x_pointing`` and ``y_pointing``. - * If ``mode="zxz"`` or ``mode="zyz"``, specify ``phi``, ``theta``, and ``psi``. - * If ``mode="axisrotation"``, specify ``theta`` and ``u``. - - Parameters not needed by the specified mode are ignored. - The default mode, ``"axis"``, is a coordinate system parallel to the - global coordinate system centered in the global origin. - - view : str, int optional - View for the coordinate system if ``mode="view"``. Options - are ``"XY"``, ``"XZ"``, ``"XY"``, ``"iso"``, ``None``, and - ``"rotate"`` (obsolete). The default is ``"iso"``. - Enumerator ``pyaedt.generic.constants.VIEW`` can be used. - - .. note:: - For backward compatibility, ``mode="view"`` and ``view="rotate"`` are the same as - ``mode="axis"``. Because the "rotate" option in the "view" mode is obsolete, use - ``mode="axis"`` instead. - - x_pointing : list, optional - List of the ``[x, y, z]`` coordinates specifying the X axis - pointing in the global coordinate system if ``mode="axis"``. - The default is ``[1, 0, 0]``. - y_pointing : list, optional - List of the ``[x, y, z]`` coordinates specifying the Y axis - pointing in the global coordinate system if ``mode="axis"``. - The default is ``[0, 1, 0]``. - phi : float, optional - Euler angle phi in degrees if ``mode="zxz"`` or ``mode="zyz"``. - The default is ``0``. - theta : float, optional - Euler angle theta or rotation angle in degrees if ``mode="zxz"``, - ``mode="zyz"``, or ``mode="axisrotation"``. The default is ``0``. - psi : float, optional - Euler angle psi in degrees if ``mode="zxz"`` or ``mode="zyz"``. - The default is ``0``. - u : list - List of the ``[ux, uy, uz]`` coordinates for the rotation axis - if ``mode="zxz"``. The default is ``[1, 0, 0]``. - - Returns - ------- - :class:`pyaedt.modeler.Modeler.CoordinateSystem` - Created coordinate system. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.CreateRelativeCS - """ - if name: - cs_names = [i.name for i in self.coordinate_systems] - if name in cs_names: - raise AttributeError("A coordinate system with the specified name already exists!") - - cs = CoordinateSystem(self) - if cs: - result = cs.create( - origin=origin, - reference_cs=reference_cs, - name=name, - mode=mode, - view=view, - x_pointing=x_pointing, - y_pointing=y_pointing, - phi=phi, - theta=theta, - psi=psi, - u=u, - ) - if result: - return cs - return False - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def create_face_coordinate_system( - self, face, origin, axis_position, axis="X", name=None, offset=None, rotation=0, always_move_to_end=True - ): - """Create a face coordinate system. - The face coordinate has always the Z axis parallel to face normal. - The X and Y axis lie on the face plane. - - Parameters - ---------- - face : int, FacePrimitive - Face where the coordinate system is defined. - origin : int, FacePrimitive, EdgePrimitive, VertexPrimitive - Specify the coordinate system origin. The origin must belong to the face where the - coordinate system is defined. - If a face is specified, the origin is placed on the face center. It must be the same as ``face``. - If an edge is specified, the origin is placed on the edge midpoint. - If a vertex is specified, the origin is placed on the vertex. - axis_position : int, FacePrimitive, EdgePrimitive, VertexPrimitive - Specify where the X or Y axis is pointing. The position must belong to the face where the - coordinate system is defined. - Select which axis is considered with the option ``axis``. - If a face is specified, the position is placed on the face center. It must be the same as ``face``. - If an edge is specified, the position is placed on the edce midpoint. - If a vertex is specified, the position is placed on the vertex. - axis : str, optional - Select which axis is considered for positioning. Possible values are ``"X"`` and ``"Y"``. - The default is ``"X"``. - name : str, optional - Name of the coordinate system. The default is ``None``. - offset : list, optional - List of the ``[x, y]`` coordinates specifying the offset of the coordinate system origin. - The offset specified in the face coordinate system reference. - The default is ``[0, 0]``. - rotation : float, optional - Rotation angle of the coordinate system around its Z axis. Angle is in degrees. - The default is ``0``. - always_move_to_end : bool, optional - If ``True`` the Face Coordinate System creation operation will always be moved to the end of subsequent - objects operation. This will guarantee that the coordinate system will remain solidal with the object - face. If ``False`` the option "Always Move CS to End" is set to off. The default is ``True``. - - Returns - ------- - :class:`pyaedt.modeler.Modeler.FaceCoordinateSystem` - - """ - - if name: - cs_names = [i.name for i in self.coordinate_systems] - if name in cs_names: # pragma: no cover - raise AttributeError("A coordinate system with the specified name already exists!") - - cs = FaceCoordinateSystem(self) - if cs: - result = cs.create( - face=face, - origin=origin, - axis_position=axis_position, - axis=axis, - name=name, - offset=offset, - rotation=rotation, - always_move_to_end=always_move_to_end, - ) - - if result: - return cs - return False - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def create_object_coordinate_system( - self, obj, origin, x_axis, y_axis, move_to_end=True, reverse_x_axis=False, reverse_y_axis=False, name=None - ): - """Create an object coordinate system. - - Parameters - ---------- - obj : str, :class:`pyaedt.modeler.cad.object3d.Object3d` - Object to attach the object coordinate system to. - origin : int, VertexPrimitive, EdgePrimitive, FacePrimitive, list - Refer to the origin where the object coordinate system is anchored. - It can be: - - - int in which case it refers to the entity Id. - - VertexPrimitive, EdgePrimitive, FacePrimitive in which case it refers to the entity type. - - list in which case it refers to the origin coordinate system ``[x, y, z]``. - - x_axis : int, VertexPrimitive, EdgePrimitive, FacePrimitive, list - Entity that the x axis of the object coordinate system points to. - It can be: - - - int in which case it refers to the entity Id. - - VertexPrimitive, EdgePrimitive, FacePrimitive in which case it refers to the entity type. - - list in which case it refers to the point coordinate system ``[x, y, z]`` that the x axis points to. - - y_axis : int, VertexPrimitive, EdgePrimitive, FacePrimitive, list - Entity that the y axis of the object coordinate system points to. - It can be: - - - int in which case it refers to the entity Id. - - VertexPrimitive, EdgePrimitive, FacePrimitive in which case it refers to the entity type. - - list in which case it refers to the point coordinate system ``[x, y, z]`` that the y axis points to. - - move_to_end : bool, optional - If ``True`` the Coordinate System creation operation will always be moved to the end of subsequent - objects operation. This will guarantee that the coordinate system will remain solidal with the object - face. If ``False`` the option "Always Move CS to End" is set to off. The default is ``True``. - reverse_x_axis : bool, optional - Whether the x-axis is in the reverse direction. - The default is ``False``. - reverse_y_axis : bool, optional - Whether the y-axis is in the reverse direction. - The default is ``False``. - name : str, optional - Name of the coordinate system. The default is ``None``. - - Returns - ------- - bool - ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. - """ - if name: - cs_names = [i.name for i in self.coordinate_systems] - if name in cs_names: # pragma: no cover - raise AttributeError("A coordinate system with the specified name already exists.") - - cs = ObjectCoordinateSystem(self, name=name) - if cs: - result = cs.create( - obj=obj, - origin=origin, - x_axis=x_axis, - y_axis=y_axis, - move_to_end=move_to_end, - reverse_x_axis=reverse_x_axis, - reverse_y_axis=reverse_y_axis, - ) - - if result: - return cs - return False - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def global_to_cs(self, point, ref_cs): - """Transform a point from the global coordinate system to another coordinate system. - - Parameters - ---------- - point : list - List of the ``[x, y, z]`` coordinates to transform. - ref_cs : str, CoordinateSystem - Name of the destination reference system. The ``CoordinateSystem`` object can also be - used. - - Returns - ------- - list - List of the transformed ``[x, y, z]`` coordinates. - - """ - if type(point) is not list or len(point) != 3: - raise AttributeError("Point must be in format [x, y, z].") - try: - point = [float(i) for i in point] - except: - raise AttributeError("Point must be in format [x, y, z].") - if isinstance(ref_cs, BaseCoordinateSystem): - ref_cs_name = ref_cs.name - elif isinstance(ref_cs, str): - ref_cs_name = ref_cs - else: - raise AttributeError("ref_cs must be either a string or a CoordinateSystem object.") - if ref_cs_name == "Global": - return point - cs_names = [i.name for i in self.coordinate_systems] - if ref_cs_name not in cs_names: - raise AttributeError("Specified coordinate system does not exist in the design.") - - def get_total_transformation(p, cs): - idx = cs_names.index(cs) - q = self.coordinate_systems[idx].quaternion - ox = GeometryOperators.parse_dim_arg( - self.coordinate_systems[idx].props["OriginX"], - self.model_units, - variable_manager=self._app.variable_manager, - ) - oy = GeometryOperators.parse_dim_arg( - self.coordinate_systems[idx].props["OriginY"], - self.model_units, - variable_manager=self._app.variable_manager, - ) - oz = GeometryOperators.parse_dim_arg( - self.coordinate_systems[idx].props["OriginZ"], - self.model_units, - variable_manager=self._app.variable_manager, - ) - o = [ox, oy, oz] - refcs = self.coordinate_systems[idx].ref_cs - if refcs == "Global": - p1 = p - else: - p1 = get_total_transformation(p, refcs) - p2 = GeometryOperators.q_rotation_inv(GeometryOperators.v_sub(p1, o), q) - return p2 - - p = get_total_transformation(point, ref_cs_name) - return [round(p[i], 13) for i in range(3)] - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def set_working_coordinate_system(self, name): - """Set the working coordinate system to another coordinate system. - - Parameters - ---------- - name : str, FaceCoordinateSystem, CoordinateSystem - Name of the coordinate system or ``CoordinateSystem`` object to set as the working - coordinate system. - - Returns - ------- - bool - ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.SetWCS - """ - if isinstance(name, BaseCoordinateSystem): - self.oeditor.SetWCS( - ["NAME:SetWCS Parameter", "Working Coordinate System:=", name.name, "RegionDepCSOk:=", False] - ) - else: - self.oeditor.SetWCS( - ["NAME:SetWCS Parameter", "Working Coordinate System:=", name, "RegionDepCSOk:=", False] - ) - return True - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def invert_cs(self, coordinate_system, to_global=False): - """Get the inverse translation and the conjugate quaternion of the input coordinate system. - - By defining a new coordinate system with this information, the reference coordinate system - of the input coordinate system is obtained. - - Parameters - ---------- - coordinate_system : str, CoordinateSystem - Name of the destination reference system. A ``CoordinateSystem`` object can also be - used. - to_global : bool, optional - Whether to compute the inverse transformation of the input coordinate system with - respect to the global coordinate system. The default is ``False``. - - Returns - ------- - list - Origin coordinates. - list - Quaternion. - """ - if isinstance(coordinate_system, BaseCoordinateSystem): - cs = coordinate_system - elif isinstance(coordinate_system, str): - cs_names = [i.name for i in self.coordinate_systems] - if coordinate_system not in cs_names: # pragma: no cover - raise AttributeError("Specified coordinate system does not exist in the design.") - cs = self.coordinate_systems[cs_names.index(coordinate_system)] - else: # pragma: no cover - raise AttributeError("coordinate_system must either be a string or a CoordinateSystem object.") - - if to_global: - o, q = self.reference_cs_to_global(coordinate_system) - o = GeometryOperators.v_prod(-1, GeometryOperators.q_rotation(o, q)) - q = [q[0], -q[1], -q[2], -q[3]] - else: - q = cs.quaternion - q = [q[0], -q[1], -q[2], -q[3]] - o = GeometryOperators.v_prod(-1, GeometryOperators.q_rotation(cs.origin, q)) - return o, q - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def reference_cs_to_global(self, coordinate_system): - """Get the origin and quaternion defining the coordinate system in the global coordinates. - - Parameters - ---------- - coordinate_system : str, CoordinateSystem - Name of the destination reference system. The ``CoordinateSystem`` object can also be used. - - Returns - ------- - list - Origin coordinates. - list - Quaternion. - """ - cs_names = [i.name for i in self.coordinate_systems] - if isinstance(coordinate_system, BaseCoordinateSystem): - cs = coordinate_system - elif isinstance(coordinate_system, str): - if coordinate_system not in cs_names: # pragma: no cover - raise AttributeError("Specified coordinate system does not exist in the design.") - cs = self.coordinate_systems[cs_names.index(coordinate_system)] - else: # pragma: no cover - raise AttributeError("coordinate_system must either be a string or a CoordinateSystem object.") - quaternion = cs.quaternion - origin = cs.origin - ref_cs_name = cs.ref_cs - while ref_cs_name != "Global": - ref_cs = self.coordinate_systems[cs_names.index(ref_cs_name)] - quaternion_ref = ref_cs.quaternion - quaternion = GeometryOperators.q_prod(quaternion_ref, quaternion) - origin_ref = ref_cs.origin - origin = GeometryOperators.v_sum(origin_ref, GeometryOperators.q_rotation(origin, quaternion_ref)) - ref_cs_name = ref_cs.ref_cs - return origin, quaternion - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def duplicate_coordinate_system_to_global(self, coordinate_system): - """Create a duplicate coordinate system referenced to the global coordinate system. - - Having this coordinate system referenced to the global coordinate - system removes all nested coordinate system dependencies. - - Parameters - ---------- - coordinate_system : str, CoordinateSystem - Name of the destination reference system. The ``CoordinateSystem`` object can also be used. - - Returns - ------- - :class:`pyaedt.modeler.Modeler.CoordinateSystem` - Created coordinate system. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.CreateRelativeCS - """ - cs_names = [i.name for i in self.coordinate_systems] - if isinstance(coordinate_system, BaseCoordinateSystem): - cs = coordinate_system - elif isinstance(coordinate_system, str): - if coordinate_system not in cs_names: # pragma: no cover - raise AttributeError("Specified coordinate system does not exist in the design.") - cs = self.coordinate_systems[cs_names.index(coordinate_system)] - else: # pragma: no cover - raise AttributeError("coordinate_system must either be a string or a CoordinateSystem object.") - if isinstance(cs, CoordinateSystem): - o, q = self.reference_cs_to_global(coordinate_system) - x, y, _ = GeometryOperators.quaternion_to_axis(q) - reference_cs = "Global" - name = cs.name + "_RefToGlobal" - if name in cs_names: - name = cs.name + generate_unique_name("_RefToGlobal") - cs = CoordinateSystem(self) - if cs: - result = cs.create( - origin=o, - reference_cs=reference_cs, - name=name, - mode="axis", - x_pointing=x, - y_pointing=y, - ) - if result: - return cs - elif isinstance(cs, FaceCoordinateSystem): - name = cs.name + "_RefToGlobal" - if name in cs_names: - name = cs.name + generate_unique_name("_RefToGlobal") - face_cs = FaceCoordinateSystem(self, props=cs.props, name=name, face_id=cs.props["FaceID"]) - obj = [obj for obj in self.object_list for face in obj.faces if face.id == face_cs.props["FaceID"]][0] - face = [face for face in obj.faces if face.id == face_cs.props["FaceID"]][0] - if face_cs.props["Origin"]["PositionType"] == "FaceCenter": - origin = face - elif face_cs.props["Origin"]["PositionType"] == "EdgeCenter": - origin = [edge for edge in face.edges if edge.id == face_cs.props["Origin"]["EntityID"]][0] - elif face_cs.props["Origin"]["PositionType"] == "OnVertex": - edge = [ - edge - for edge in face.edges - for vertex in edge.vertices - if vertex.id == face_cs.props["Origin"]["EntityID"] - ][0] - origin = [v for v in edge.vertices if v.id == face_cs.props["Origin"]["EntityID"]][0] - if face_cs.props["AxisPosn"]["PositionType"] == "EdgeCenter": - axis_position = [edge for edge in face.edges if edge.id == face_cs.props["AxisPosn"]["EntityID"]][0] - elif face_cs.props["AxisPosn"]["PositionType"] == "OnVertex": - edge = [ - edge - for edge in face.edges - for vertex in edge.vertices - if vertex.id == face_cs.props["AxisPosn"]["EntityID"] - ][0] - axis_position = [v for v in edge.vertices if v.id == face_cs.props["AxisPosn"]["EntityID"]][0] - if face_cs: - result = face_cs.create( - face=face, - origin=origin, - axis_position=axis_position, - axis=face_cs.props["WhichAxis"], - name=name, - offset=[face_cs["XOffset"], face_cs["YOffset"]], - rotation=decompose_variable_value(face_cs["ZRotationAngle"])[0], - always_move_to_end=face_cs["MoveToEnd"], - ) - if result: - return face_cs - elif isinstance(cs, ObjectCoordinateSystem): - name = cs.name + "_RefToGlobal" - if name in cs_names: - name = cs.name + generate_unique_name("_RefToGlobal") - obj_cs = ObjectCoordinateSystem(self, props=cs.props, name=name, entity_id=cs.entity_id) - objs_by_name_list = [obj for obj in self.object_list if obj.part_coordinate_system == cs.name] - objs_by_id_list = [o for o in self.object_list if o.id == cs.entity_id] - if objs_by_name_list: - obj = objs_by_name_list[0] - elif objs_by_id_list: - obj = [o for o in self.object_list if o.id == cs.entity_id][0] - if cs.props["Origin"]["PositionType"] != "AbsolutePosition": - if cs.props["Origin"]["PositionType"] == "FaceCenter": - origin = [f for f in obj.faces if f.id == cs.props["Origin"]["EntityID"]][0] - elif ( - cs.props["Origin"]["PositionType"] == "EdgeCenter" - or cs.props["Origin"]["PositionType"] == "ArcCenter" - ): - origin = [e for e in obj.edges if e.id == cs.props["Origin"]["EntityID"]][0] - elif cs.props["Origin"]["PositionType"] == "OnVertex": - origin = [v for v in obj.vertices if v.id == cs.props["Origin"]["EntityID"]][0] - else: - origin = [ - cs.props["Origin"]["XPosition"], - cs.props["Origin"]["YPosition"], - cs.props["Origin"]["ZPosition"], - ] - if "xAxisPos" in cs.props: - if cs.props["xAxisPos"]["PositionType"] == "FaceCenter": - x_axis = [f for f in obj.faces if f.id == cs.props["xAxisPos"]["EntityID"]][0] - elif ( - cs.props["xAxisPos"]["PositionType"] == "EdgeCenter" - or cs.props["xAxisPos"]["PositionType"] == "ArcCenter" - ): - x_axis = [e for e in obj.edges if e.id == cs.props["xAxisPos"]["EntityID"]][0] - elif cs.props["xAxisPos"]["PositionType"] == "OnVertex": - x_axis = [v for v in obj.vertices if v.id == cs.props["xAxisPos"]["EntityID"]][0] - elif "xAxis" in cs.props: - x_axis = [ - cs.props["xAxis"]["xDirection"], - cs.props["xAxis"]["yDirection"], - cs.props["xAxis"]["zDirection"], - ] - if "yAxisPos" in cs.props: - if cs.props["yAxisPos"]["PositionType"] == "FaceCenter": - y_axis = [f for f in obj.faces if f.id == cs.props["yAxisPos"]["EntityID"]][0] - elif ( - cs.props["yAxisPos"]["PositionType"] == "EdgeCenter" - or cs.props["yAxisPos"]["PositionType"] == "ArcCenter" - ): - y_axis = [e for e in obj.edges if e.id == cs.props["yAxisPos"]["EntityID"]][0] - elif cs.props["yAxisPos"]["PositionType"] == "OnVertex": - y_axis = [v for v in obj.vertices if v.id == cs.props["yAxisPos"]["EntityID"]][0] - elif "yAxis" in cs.props: - y_axis = [ - cs.props["yAxis"]["xDirection"], - cs.props["yAxis"]["yDirection"], - cs.props["yAxis"]["zDirection"], - ] - if obj_cs: - result = obj_cs.create( - obj=obj, - origin=origin, - x_axis=x_axis, - y_axis=y_axis, - move_to_end=cs.props["MoveToEnd"], - reverse_x_axis=cs.props["ReverseXAxis"], - reverse_y_axis=cs.props["ReverseYAxis"], - ) - if result: - return obj_cs - return False - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def set_objects_deformation(self, objects): - """Assign deformation objects to a Workbench link. - - Parameters - ---------- - objects : list - List of the deformation objects to assign to the Workbench link. - - Returns - ------- - bool - ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oDesign.SetObjectDeformation - """ - self.logger.info("Enabling deformation feedback") - try: - self._odesign.SetObjectDeformation(["EnabledObjects:=", objects]) - except: - self.logger.error("Failed to enable the deformation dependence") - return False - else: - self.logger.info("Successfully enabled deformation feedback") - return True - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def set_objects_temperature(self, objects, ambient_temp=22, create_project_var=False): - """Assign temperatures to objects. - - The materials assigned to the objects must have a thermal modifier. - - Parameters - ---------- - objects : list - List of objects. - ambient_temp : float, optional - Ambient temperature. The default is ``22``. - create_project_var : bool, optional - Whether to create a project variable for the ambient temperature. - The default is ``False``. If ``True,`` ``$AmbientTemp`` is created. - - Returns - ------- - bool - ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oDesign.SetObjectTemperature - """ - self.logger.info("Set model temperature and enabling Thermal Feedback") - if create_project_var: - self._app.variable_manager["$AmbientTemp"] = str(ambient_temp) + "cel" - var = "$AmbientTemp" - else: - var = str(ambient_temp) + "cel" - vargs1 = [ - "NAME:TemperatureSettings", - "IncludeTemperatureDependence:=", - True, - "EnableFeedback:=", - True, - "Temperatures:=", - ] - vargs2 = [] - for obj in objects: - mat = self[obj].material_name - th = self._app.materials.check_thermal_modifier(mat) - if th: - vargs2.append(obj) - vargs2.append(var) - if not vargs2: - return False - else: - vargs1.append(vargs2) - try: - self._odesign.SetObjectTemperature(vargs1) - except: - self.logger.error("Failed to enable the temperature dependence") - return False - else: - self.logger.info("Assigned Objects Temperature") - return True - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def _create_sheet_from_object_closest_edge(self, startobj, endobject, axisdir, portonplane): - """Create a sheet from the edge closest to the object. - - Parameters - ---------- - startobj : str - Name of the starting object. - endobject : str - Name of the ending object. - axisdir : int - Axis direction. Options are ``0`` through ``5``. - portonplane : bool - Whether edges are to be on the plane orthogonal to the axis - direction. - - Returns - ------- - str - Name of the sheet. - list - List of float values of the first edge midpoint. - Point in ``[x, y, z]`` coordinates. - list - List of float values of the second edge midpoint. - Point in ``[x, y, z]`` coordinates. - - """ - out, parallel = self.find_closest_edges(startobj, endobject, axisdir) - port_edges = self.get_equivalent_parallel_edges(out, portonplane, axisdir, startobj, endobject) - if port_edges is None or port_edges is False: - port_edges = [] - for e in out: - edge = self.create_object_from_edge(e) - port_edges.append(edge) - edge_0 = port_edges[0].edges[0] - edge_1 = port_edges[1].edges[0] - sheet_name = port_edges[0].name - point0 = edge_0.midpoint - point1 = edge_1.midpoint - self.connect(port_edges) - return sheet_name, point0, point1 - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def find_point_around(self, objectname, startposition, offset, plane): - """Find the point around an object. - - Parameters - ---------- - objectname : str - Name of the object. - startposition : list - List of the ``[x, y, z]`` coordinates for the starting - position of the object. - offset : - Offset to apply. - plane : str - Coordinate plane of the arc. Choices are ``"YZ"``, - ``"ZX"``, and ``"XY"``. - - - Returns - ------- - list - List of the ``[x, y, z]`` coordinates for the point. - - """ - position = [0, 0, 0] - angle = 0 - if plane == 0: - while angle <= 360: - position[0] = startposition[0] + offset * math.cos(math.pi * angle / 180) - position[1] = startposition[1] + offset * math.sin(math.pi * angle / 180) - if objectname in self.get_bodynames_from_position(startposition): - angle = 400 - else: - angle += 90 - elif plane == 1: - while angle <= 360: - position[1] = startposition[1] + offset * math.cos(math.pi * angle / 180) - position[2] = startposition[2] + offset * math.sin(math.pi * angle / 180) - if objectname in self.get_bodynames_from_position(startposition): - angle = 400 - else: - angle += 90 - elif plane == 2: - while angle <= 360: - position[0] = startposition[0] + offset * math.cos(math.pi * angle / 180) - position[2] = startposition[2] + offset * math.sin(math.pi * angle / 180) - if objectname in self.get_bodynames_from_position(startposition): - angle = 400 - else: - angle += 90 - return position - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def create_sheet_to_ground(self, objectname, groundname=None, axisdir=0, sheet_dim=1): - """Create a sheet between an object and a ground plane. - - The ground plane must be bigger than the object and perpendicular - to one of the three axes. - - Parameters - ---------- - objectname : str - Name of the object. - groundname : str, optional - Name of the ground. The default is ``None``, in which case the - bounding box is used. - axisdir : int, optional - Axis direction. Options are ``0`` through ``5``. The default is ``0``. - sheet_dim : optional - Sheet dimension in millimeters. The default is ``1``. - - Returns - ------- - int - ID of the sheet created. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.CreatePolyline - """ - if axisdir > 2: - obj_cent = [-1e6, -1e6, -1e6] - else: - obj_cent = [1e6, 1e6, 1e6] - face_ob = None - for face in self[objectname].faces: - center = face.center - if not center: - continue - if axisdir > 2 and center[axisdir - 3] > obj_cent[axisdir - 3]: - obj_cent = center - face_ob = face - elif axisdir <= 2 and center[axisdir] < obj_cent[axisdir]: - obj_cent = center - face_ob = face - vertex = face_ob.vertices - start = vertex[0].position - - if not groundname: - gnd_cent = [] - bounding = self.get_model_bounding_box() - if axisdir < 3: - for i in bounding[0:3]: - gnd_cent.append(float(i)) - else: - for i in bounding[3:]: - gnd_cent.append(float(i)) - else: - ground_plate = self[groundname] - if axisdir > 2: - gnd_cent = [1e6, 1e6, 1e6] - else: - gnd_cent = [-1e6, -1e6, -1e6] - face_gnd = ground_plate.faces - for face in face_gnd: - center = face.center - if not center: - continue - if axisdir > 2 and center[axisdir - 3] < gnd_cent[axisdir - 3]: - gnd_cent = center - elif axisdir <= 2 and center[axisdir] > gnd_cent[axisdir]: - gnd_cent = center - - axisdist = obj_cent[divmod(axisdir, 3)[1]] - gnd_cent[divmod(axisdir, 3)[1]] - if axisdir < 3: - axisdist = -axisdist - - if divmod(axisdir, 3)[1] == 0: - cs = self._app.PLANE.YZ - vector = [axisdist, 0, 0] - elif divmod(axisdir, 3)[1] == 1: - cs = self._app.PLANE.ZX - vector = [0, axisdist, 0] - elif divmod(axisdir, 3)[1] == 2: - cs = self._app.PLANE.XY - vector = [0, 0, axisdist] - - offset = self.find_point_around(objectname, start, sheet_dim, cs) - p1 = self.create_polyline([start, offset]) - p2 = p1.clone().move(vector) - self.connect([p1, p2]) - - return p1 - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def _get_faceid_on_axis(self, objname, axisdir): - """Get the ID of the face on the axis. - - Parameters - ---------- - objname : str - Name of the object. - axisdir : int - Axis direction. Options are ``1`` through ``5``. - - Returns - ------- - int - ID of the face. - - """ - faces = self.get_object_faces(objname) - face = None - center = None - for f in faces: - try: - c = self.get_face_center(f) - if not face and c: - face = f - center = c - elif axisdir < 3 and c[axisdir] < center[axisdir]: - face = f - center = c - elif axisdir > 2 and c[axisdir - 3] > center[axisdir - 3]: - face = f - center = c - except: - pass - return face - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def _create_microstrip_sheet_from_object_closest_edge(self, startobj, endobject, axisdir, vfactor=3, hfactor=5): - def duplicate_and_unite(sheet_name, array1, array2, dup_factor): - status, list = self.duplicate_along_line(sheet_name, array1, dup_factor + 1) - status, list2 = self.duplicate_along_line(sheet_name, array2, dup_factor + 1) - list_unite.extend(list) - list_unite.extend(list2) - self.unite(list_unite) - - tol = 1e-6 - out, parallel = self.find_closest_edges(startobj, endobject, axisdir) - port_edges = self.get_equivalent_parallel_edges(out, True, axisdir, startobj, endobject) - if port_edges is None: - return False - sheet_name = port_edges[0].name - point0 = port_edges[0].edges[0].midpoint - point1 = port_edges[1].edges[0].midpoint - len = port_edges[0].edges[0].length - vect = GeometryOperators.v_points(point1, point0) - l1 = out[0].length - l2 = out[1].length - if l1 < l2: - vect_t = [i * (vfactor - 1) for i in vect] - self.move(port_edges[0], vect_t) - else: - vect_t = [i * (1 - vfactor) for i in vect] - self.move(port_edges[1], vect_t) - - self.connect(port_edges) - list_unite = [sheet_name] - dup_factor = divmod((hfactor + 1), 2)[0] - coeff = float(hfactor - 1) / 2 / dup_factor - - if divmod(axisdir, 3)[1] == 0 and abs(vect[1]) < tol: - duplicate_and_unite(sheet_name, [0, len * coeff, 0], [0, -len * coeff, 0], dup_factor) - elif divmod(axisdir, 3)[1] == 0 and abs(vect[2]) < tol: - duplicate_and_unite(sheet_name, [0, 0, len * coeff], [0, 0, -len * coeff], dup_factor) - elif divmod(axisdir, 3)[1] == 1 and abs(vect[0]) < tol: - duplicate_and_unite(sheet_name, [len * coeff, 0, 0], [-len * coeff, 0, 0], dup_factor) - elif divmod(axisdir, 3)[1] == 1 and abs(vect[2]) < tol: - duplicate_and_unite(sheet_name, [0, 0, len * coeff], [0, 0, -len * coeff], dup_factor) - elif divmod(axisdir, 3)[1] == 2 and abs(vect[0]) < tol: - duplicate_and_unite(sheet_name, [len * coeff, 0, 0], [-len * coeff, 0, 0], dup_factor) - elif divmod(axisdir, 3)[1] == 2 and abs(vect[1]) < tol: - duplicate_and_unite(sheet_name, [0, len * coeff, 0], [0, -len * coeff, 0], dup_factor) - - return sheet_name, point0, point1 - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def get_boundaries_name(self): - """Retrieve all boundary names. - - Returns - ------- - list - List of boundary names. Boundaries with multiple modes will return one - boundary for each mode. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oModule.GetBoundaries - """ - if self._app.design_type == "Icepak": - return list(self._app.odesign.GetChildObject("Thermal").GetChildNames()) - else: - return list(self._app.odesign.GetChildObject("Boundaries").GetChildNames()) - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def set_object_model_state(self, obj_list, model=True): - """Set a list of objects to either models or non-models. - - Parameters - ---------- - obj_list : list - List of objects IDs or names. - model : bool, optional - Whether to set the objects as models. The default is ``True``. - If ``False``, the objects are set as non-models. - - Returns - ------- - bool - ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.ChangeProperty - """ - selections = self.convert_to_selections(obj_list, True) - arguments = [ - "NAME:AllTabs", - [ - "NAME:Geometry3DAttributeTab", - ["NAME:PropServers"] + selections, - ["NAME:ChangedProps", ["NAME:Model", "Value:=", model]], - ], - ] - self._modeler.oeditor.ChangeProperty(arguments) - return True - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def get_objects_in_group(self, group): - """Retrieve a list of objects belonging to a group. - - Parameters - ---------- - group : str - Name of the group. - - Returns - ------- - list - List of objects belonging to the group. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.GetObjectsInGroup - """ - if type(group) is not str: - raise ValueError("Group name must be a string") - group_objs = list(self.oeditor.GetObjectsInGroup(group)) - if not group_objs: - return None - return group_objs - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def get_group_bounding_box(self, group): - """Retrieve the bounding box of a group. - - Parameters - ---------- - group : str - Name of the group. - - Returns - ------- - list - List of six float values representing the bounding box - in the form ``[min_x, min_y, min_z, max_x, max_y, max_z]``. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.GetObjectsInGroup - >>> oEditor.GetModelBoundingBox - """ - if type(group) is not str: - raise ValueError("Group name must be a string") - group_objs = list(self.oeditor.GetObjectsInGroup(group)) - if not group_objs: - return None - all_objs = self.object_names - objs_to_unmodel = [i for i in all_objs if i not in group_objs] - if objs_to_unmodel: - vArg1 = ["NAME:Model", "Value:=", False] - self._change_geometry_property(vArg1, objs_to_unmodel) - bounding = self.get_model_bounding_box() - self._odesign.Undo() - else: - bounding = self.get_model_bounding_box() - return bounding - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def convert_to_selections(self, object_id, return_list=False): - """Convert modeler objects. - - This method converts modeler object or IDs to the corresponding - output according to the following scheme: - - ==================== =========================== - ``object_id`` Return value - ==================== =========================== - - ``int`` object name (str) - ``Object3D`` object name (str) - ``FacePrimitive`` int, face ID - ``EdgePrimitive`` int, edge ID - ``str`` return the same ``str`` - - - - If ``object_id`` is a list, a list is returned according - to the table. If ``object_id`` is a single value, a list - of ``length == 1`` is returned (default). - - - If the second argument, ``return_list``, is set to `False` (default), a - string is returned with elements separated by a comma (,)". - - - Parameters - ---------- - object_id : str, int, list - One or more object IDs whose name will be returned. A list can contain - both strings (object names) and integers (object IDs). - return_list : bool, option - Whether to return a list of the selections. The default is - ``False``, in which case a string of the selections is returned. - If ``True``, a list of the selections is returned. - - Returns - ------- - str or list - Name of the objects corresponding to the one or more object IDs passed as arguments. - - """ - if not isinstance(object_id, list): - object_id = [object_id] - objnames = [] - for el in object_id: - if isinstance(el, int) and el in self.objects: - objnames.append(self.objects[el].name) - elif isinstance(el, int): - objnames.append(el) - elif isinstance(el, Object3d): - objnames.append(el.name) - elif isinstance(el, FacePrimitive) or isinstance(el, EdgePrimitive) or isinstance(el, VertexPrimitive): - objnames.append(el.id) - elif isinstance(el, str): - objnames.append(el) - if return_list: - return objnames - else: - return ",".join([str(i) for i in objnames]) - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def split(self, objects, plane=None, sides="Both", tool=None, split_crossing_objs=False, delete_invalid_objs=True): - """Split a list of objects. - In case of 3D design possible splitting options are plane, Face Primitive, Edge Primitive or Polyline. - In case of 2D design possible splitting option is plane. - - Parameters - ---------- - objects : str, int, or list - One or more objects to split. A list can contain - both strings (object names) and integers (object IDs). - plane : str, optional - Coordinate plane of the cut or the Application.PLANE object. - The default value is ``None``. - Choices for the coordinate plane are ``"XY"``, ``"YZ"``, and ``"ZX"``. - If plane or tool parameter are not provided the method returns ``False``. - sides : str, optional - Which side to keep. The default is ``"Both"``, in which case - all objects are kept after the split. Options are ``"Both"``, - ``"NegativeOnly"``, and ``"PositiveOnly"``. - tool : str, int, :class:`pyaedt.modeler.cad.elements3d.FacePrimitive`or - :class:`pyaedt.modeler.cad.elements3d.EdgePrimitive`, optional - For 3D design types is the name, ID, face, edge or polyline used to split the objects. - For 2D design types is the name of the plane used to split the objects. - The default value is ``None``. - If plane or tool parameter are not provided the method returns ``False``. - split_crossing_objs : bool, optional - Whether to split crossing plane objects. - The default is ``False``. - delete_invalid_objs : bool, optional - Whether to delete invalid objects. - The default is ``True``. - - Returns - ------- - list of str - List of split object names. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.Split - """ - if not plane and not tool or plane and tool: - self.logger.info("One method to split the objects has to be defined.") - return False - objects = self.convert_to_selections(objects) - all_objs = [i for i in self.object_names] - if self._is3d: - if plane and not tool: - tool_type = "PlaneTool" - tool_entity_id = -1 - planes = GeometryOperators.cs_plane_to_plane_str(plane) - selections = ["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", objects, "NewPartsModelFlag:=", "Model"] - elif tool and not plane: - if isinstance(tool, str): - obj = [f for f in self.object_list if f.name == tool][0] - obj_name = obj.name - if isinstance(obj, Object3d) and obj.object_type != "Line": - obj = obj.faces[0] - tool_type = "FaceTool" - elif obj.object_type == "Line": - obj = obj.edges[0] - tool_type = "EdgeTool" - elif isinstance(tool, int): - # check whether tool it's an object Id - if tool in self.objects.keys(): - obj = self.objects[tool] - else: - # check whether tool is an Id of an object face - objs = [o for o in self.object_list for f in o.faces if f.id == tool] - if objs: - obj = objs[0] - else: - self.logger.info("Tool must be a sheet object or a face of an object.") - return False - if isinstance(obj, FacePrimitive) or isinstance(obj, Object3d) and obj.object_type != "Line": - obj_name = obj.name - obj = obj.faces[0] - tool_type = "FaceTool" - elif obj.object_type == "Line": - obj_name = obj.name - obj = obj.edges[0] - tool_type = "EdgeTool" - elif isinstance(tool, FacePrimitive): - for o in self.object_list: - for f in o.faces: - if f.id == tool.id: - obj_name = o.name - obj = f - tool_type = "FaceTool" - elif isinstance(tool, EdgePrimitive): - for o in self.object_list: - for e in o.edges: - if e.id == tool.id: - obj_name = o.name - obj = e - tool_type = "EdgeTool" - elif isinstance(tool, Polyline) or tool.object_type != "Line": - for o in self.object_list: - if o.name == tool.name: - obj_name = tool.name - obj = o.edges[0] - tool_type = "EdgeTool" - else: - self.logger.error("Face tool part has to be provided as a string (name) or an int (face id).") - return False - planes = "Dummy" - tool_type = tool_type - tool_entity_id = obj.id - selections = [ - "NAME:Selections", - "Selections:=", - objects, - "NewPartsModelFlag:=", - "Model", - "ToolPart:=", - obj_name, - ] - else: - if not plane and tool or not plane: - self.logger.info("For 2D design types only planes can be defined.") - return False - elif plane: - tool_type = "PlaneTool" - tool_entity_id = -1 - planes = GeometryOperators.cs_plane_to_plane_str(plane) - selections = ["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", objects, "NewPartsModelFlag:=", "Model"] - self.oeditor.Split( - selections, - [ - "NAME:SplitToParameters", - "SplitPlane:=", - planes, - "WhichSide:=", - sides, - "ToolType:=", - tool_type, - "ToolEntityID:=", - tool_entity_id, - "SplitCrossingObjectsOnly:=", - split_crossing_objs, - "DeleteInvalidObjects:=", - delete_invalid_objs, - ], - ) - self.refresh_all_ids() - return [objects] + [i for i in self.object_names if i not in all_objs] - - @pyaedt_function_handler() # TODO: Deprecate this and add duplicate as an option in the mirror method. - def duplicate_and_mirror( - self, - objid, - position, - vector, - is_3d_comp=False, - duplicate_assignment=True, - ): - """Duplicate and mirror a selection. - - Parameters - ---------- - objid : str, int, or Object3d - Name or ID of the object. - position : float - List of the ``[x, y, z]`` coordinates or - Application.Position object for the selection. - vector : float - List of the ``[x1, y1, z1]`` coordinates or - Application.Position object for the vector. - is_3d_comp : bool, optional - If ``True``, the method will try to return the duplicated list of 3dcomponents. The default is ``False``. - duplicate_assignment : bool, optional - If True, the method duplicates selection assignments. The default value is ``True``. - - Returns - ------- - list - List of objects created or an empty list. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.DuplicateMirror - """ - return self.mirror( - objid, position, vector, duplicate=True, is_3d_comp=is_3d_comp, duplicate_assignment=duplicate_assignment - ) - # selections = self.convert_to_selections(objid) - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def mirror(self, objid, position, vector, duplicate=False, is_3d_comp=False, duplicate_assignment=True): - """Mirror a selection. - - Parameters - ---------- - objid : str, int, or Object3d - Name or ID of the object. - position : int or float - List of the ``[x, y, z]`` coordinates or the - ``Application.Position`` object for the selection. - duplicate : bool, optional - Whether if duplicate the object before mirror or not. Default is ``False``. - is_3d_comp : bool, optional - Whether the component is 3D. The default is ``False``. If ``True``, the method - tries to return the duplicated list of 3D components. - vector : float - List of the ``[x1, y1, z1]`` coordinates or - the ``Application.Position`` object for the vector. - duplicate_assignment : bool, optional - Whether to duplicate selection assignments. The default is ``True``. - - Returns - ------- - bool, list - List of objects created or ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.Mirror - >>> oEditor.DuplicateMirror - """ - selections = self.convert_to_selections(objid) - Xpos, Ypos, Zpos = self._pos_with_arg(position) - Xnorm, Ynorm, Znorm = self._pos_with_arg(vector) - if duplicate: - vArg1 = ["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", selections, "NewPartsModelFlag:=", "Model"] - vArg2 = ["NAME:DuplicateToMirrorParameters"] - vArg2.append("DuplicateMirrorBaseX:="), vArg2.append(Xpos) - vArg2.append("DuplicateMirrorBaseY:="), vArg2.append(Ypos) - vArg2.append("DuplicateMirrorBaseZ:="), vArg2.append(Zpos) - vArg2.append("DuplicateMirrorNormalX:="), vArg2.append(Xnorm) - vArg2.append("DuplicateMirrorNormalY:="), vArg2.append(Ynorm) - vArg2.append("DuplicateMirrorNormalZ:="), vArg2.append(Znorm) - vArg3 = ["NAME:Options", "DuplicateAssignments:=", duplicate_assignment] - if is_3d_comp: - orig_3d = [i for i in self.user_defined_component_names] - added_objs = self.oeditor.DuplicateMirror(vArg1, vArg2, vArg3) - self.add_new_objects() - if is_3d_comp: - added_3d_comps = [i for i in self.user_defined_component_names if i not in orig_3d] - if added_3d_comps: - self.logger.info("Found 3D Components Duplication") - return added_3d_comps - return added_objs - else: - vArg1 = ["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", selections, "NewPartsModelFlag:=", "Model"] - vArg2 = ["NAME:MirrorParameters"] - vArg2.append("MirrorBaseX:="), vArg2.append(Xpos) - vArg2.append("MirrorBaseY:="), vArg2.append(Ypos) - vArg2.append("MirrorBaseZ:="), vArg2.append(Zpos) - vArg2.append("MirrorNormalX:="), vArg2.append(Xnorm) - vArg2.append("MirrorNormalY:="), vArg2.append(Ynorm) - vArg2.append("MirrorNormalZ:="), vArg2.append(Znorm) - - self.oeditor.Mirror(vArg1, vArg2) - return True - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def move(self, objid, vector): - """Move objects from a list. - - Parameters - ---------- - objid : list, Position object - List of object IDs. - vector : list - Vector of the direction move. It can be a list of the ``[x, y, z]`` - coordinates or a Position object. - - Returns - ------- - bool - ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.Move - """ - Xvec, Yvec, Zvec = self._pos_with_arg(vector) - szSelections = self.convert_to_selections(objid) - - vArg1 = ["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", szSelections, "NewPartsModelFlag:=", "Model"] - vArg2 = ["NAME:TranslateParameters"] - vArg2.append("TranslateVectorX:="), vArg2.append(Xvec) - vArg2.append("TranslateVectorY:="), vArg2.append(Yvec) - vArg2.append("TranslateVectorZ:="), vArg2.append(Zvec) - - if self.oeditor is not None: - self.oeditor.Move(vArg1, vArg2) - return True - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def duplicate_around_axis( - self, - objid, - cs_axis, - angle=90, - nclones=2, - create_new_objects=True, - is_3d_comp=False, - duplicate_assignment=True, - ): - """Duplicate a selection around an axis. - - Parameters - ---------- - objid : list, str, int, Object3d or UserDefinedComponent - Name or ID of the object. - cs_axis : - Coordinate system axis or the Application.AXIS object. - angle : float, optional - Angle rotation in degees. The default is ``90``. - nclones : int, optional - Number of clones. The default is ``2``. - create_new_objects : - Whether to create the copies as new objects. The - default is ``True``. - is_3d_comp : bool, optional - If ``True``, the method will try to return the duplicated list of 3dcomponents. The default is ``False``. - duplicate_assignment : bool, optional - If True, the method duplicates selection assignments. The default value is ``True``. - - Returns - ------- - tuple - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.DuplicateAroundAxis - """ - selections = self.convert_to_selections(objid) - - vArg1 = ["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", selections, "NewPartsModelFlag:=", "Model"] - vArg2 = [ - "NAME:DuplicateAroundAxisParameters", - "CreateNewObjects:=", - create_new_objects, - "WhichAxis:=", - GeometryOperators.cs_axis_str(cs_axis), - "AngleStr:=", - self._arg_with_dim(angle, "deg"), - "Numclones:=", - str(nclones), - ] - vArg3 = ["NAME:Options", "DuplicateAssignments:=", duplicate_assignment] - added_objs = self.oeditor.DuplicateAroundAxis(vArg1, vArg2, vArg3) - self._duplicate_added_objects_tuple() - if is_3d_comp: - return self._duplicate_added_components_tuple() - return True, list(added_objs) - - def _duplicate_added_objects_tuple(self): - added_objects = self.add_new_objects() - if added_objects: - return True, added_objects - else: - return False, [] - - def _duplicate_added_components_tuple(self): - added_component = self.add_new_user_defined_component() - if added_component: - return True, added_component - else: - return False, [] - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def duplicate_along_line( - self, - objid, - vector, - nclones=2, - attachObject=False, - is_3d_comp=False, - duplicate_assignment=True, - ): - """Duplicate a selection along a line. - - Parameters - ---------- - objid : list, str, int, :class:`pyaedt.modeler.Object3d.Object3d` - Name or ID of the object. - vector : list - List of ``[x1,y1,z1]`` coordinates or the Application.Position object for - the vector. - attachObject : bool, optional - The default is ``False``. - nclones : int, optional - Number of clones. The default is ``2``. - is_3d_comp : bool, optional - If True, the method will try to return the duplicated list of 3dcomponents. The default is ``False``. - duplicate_assignment : bool, optional - If True, the method duplicates selection assignments. The default value is ``True``. - - Returns - ------- - tuple - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.DuplicateAlongLine - """ - selections = self.convert_to_selections(objid) - Xpos, Ypos, Zpos = self._pos_with_arg(vector) - - vArg1 = ["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", selections, "NewPartsModelFlag:=", "Model"] - vArg2 = ["NAME:DuplicateToAlongLineParameters"] - vArg2.append("CreateNewObjects:="), vArg2.append(not attachObject) - vArg2.append("XComponent:="), vArg2.append(Xpos) - vArg2.append("YComponent:="), vArg2.append(Ypos) - vArg2.append("ZComponent:="), vArg2.append(Zpos) - vArg2.append("Numclones:="), vArg2.append(str(nclones)) - vArg3 = ["NAME:Options", "DuplicateAssignments:=", duplicate_assignment] - self.oeditor.DuplicateAlongLine(vArg1, vArg2, vArg3) - if is_3d_comp: - return self._duplicate_added_components_tuple() - if attachObject: - return True, [] - return self._duplicate_added_objects_tuple() - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def thicken_sheet(self, objid, thickness, bBothSides=False): - """Thicken the sheet of the selection. - - Parameters - ---------- - objid : list, str, int, :class:`pyaedt.modeler.Object3d.Object3d` - Name or ID of the object. - thickness : float, str - Amount to thicken the sheet by. - bBothSides : bool, optional - Whether to thicken the sheet on both side. The default is ``False``. - - Returns - ------- - pyaedt.modeler.cad.object3d.Object3d - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.ThickenSheet - """ - selections = self.convert_to_selections(objid) - - vArg1 = ["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", selections, "NewPartsModelFlag:=", "Model"] - vArg2 = ["NAME:SheetThickenParameters"] - vArg2.append("Thickness:="), vArg2.append(self._arg_with_dim(thickness)) - vArg2.append("BothSides:="), vArg2.append(bBothSides) - - self.oeditor.ThickenSheet(vArg1, vArg2) - - if isinstance(objid, list): - obj_list = [] - for objl in objid: - obj_list.append(self.update_object(objl)) - return obj_list - return self.update_object(objid) - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def sweep_along_normal(self, obj_name, face_id, sweep_value=0.1): - """Sweep the selection along the vector. - - Parameters - ---------- - obj_name : list, str, int, :class:`pyaedt.modeler.Object3d.Object3d` - Name or ID of the object. - face_id : int or list - Face or list of faces to sweep. - sweep_value : float, optional - Sweep value. The default is ``0.1``. - - Returns - ------- - pyaedt.modeler.cad.object3d.Object3d - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.SweepFacesAlongNormal - """ - if not isinstance(face_id, list): - face_id = [face_id] - selections = self.convert_to_selections(obj_name) - vArg1 = ["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", selections, "NewPartsModelFlag:=", "Model"] - vArg2 = ["NAME:Parameters"] - vArg2.append( - [ - "NAME:SweepFaceAlongNormalToParameters", - "FacesToDetach:=", - face_id, - "LengthOfSweep:=", - self._arg_with_dim(sweep_value), - ] - ) - - objs = self._all_object_names - self.oeditor.SweepFacesAlongNormal(vArg1, vArg2) - self.cleanup_objects() - objs2 = self._all_object_names - obj = [i for i in objs2 if i not in objs] - for el in obj: - self._create_object(el) - if obj: - if len(obj) > 1: - return [self.update_object(self[o]) for o in obj] - else: - return self.update_object(self[obj[0]]) - return False - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def sweep_along_vector(self, objid, sweep_vector, draft_angle=0, draft_type="Round"): - """Sweep the selection along a vector. - - Parameters - ---------- - objid : list, str, int, :class:`pyaedt.modeler.Object3d.Object3d` - Name or ID of the object. - sweep_vector : float - List of ``[x1, y1, z1]`` coordinates or Application.Position object for - the vector. - draft_angle : float, optional - Draft angle in degrees. The default is ``0``. - draft_type : str - Type of the draft. Options are ``"Round"``, ``"Natural"``, - and ``"Extended"``. The default is ``"Round"``. - - Returns - ------- - bool - ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.SweepAlongVector - """ - selections = self.convert_to_selections(objid) - vectorx, vectory, vectorz = self._pos_with_arg(sweep_vector) - vArg1 = ["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", selections, "NewPartsModelFlag:=", "Model"] - vArg2 = ["NAME:VectorSweepParameters"] - vArg2.append("DraftAngle:="), vArg2.append(self._arg_with_dim(draft_angle, "deg")) - vArg2.append("DraftType:="), vArg2.append(GeometryOperators.draft_type_str(draft_type)) - vArg2.append("SweepVectorX:="), vArg2.append(vectorx) - vArg2.append("SweepVectorY:="), vArg2.append(vectory) - vArg2.append("SweepVectorZ:="), vArg2.append(vectorz) - - self.oeditor.SweepAlongVector(vArg1, vArg2) - - return self.update_object(objid) - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def sweep_along_path( - self, objid, sweep_object, draft_angle=0, draft_type="Round", is_check_face_intersection=False, twist_angle=0 - ): - """Sweep the selection along a path. - - Parameters - ---------- - objid : list, str, int, :class:`pyaedt.modeler.Object3d.Object3d` - Name or ID of the object. - sweep_object : str, int - Name or ID of the sweep. - draft_angle : float, optional - Draft angle in degrees. The default is ``0``. - draft_type : str - Type of the draft. Options are ``"Round"``, ``"Natural"``, - and ``"Extended"``. The default is ``"Round"``. - is_check_face_intersection : bool, optional - The default is ``False``. - twist_angle : float, optional - Twist angle in degrees. The default is ``0``. - - Returns - ------- - bool - ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.SweepAlongPath - """ - selections = self.convert_to_selections(objid) + "," + self.convert_to_selections(sweep_object) - vArg1 = ["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", selections, "NewPartsModelFlag:=", "Model"] - vArg2 = ["NAME:PathSweepParameters"] - vArg2.append("DraftAngle:="), vArg2.append(self._arg_with_dim(draft_angle, "deg")) - vArg2.append("DraftType:="), vArg2.append(GeometryOperators.draft_type_str(draft_type)) - vArg2.append("CheckFaceFaceIntersection:="), vArg2.append(is_check_face_intersection) - vArg2.append("TwistAngle:="), vArg2.append(str(twist_angle) + "deg") - - self.oeditor.SweepAlongPath(vArg1, vArg2) - - return self.update_object(objid) - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def sweep_around_axis(self, objid, cs_axis, sweep_angle=360, draft_angle=0, number_of_segments=0): - """Sweep the selection around the axis. - - Parameters - ---------- - objid : list, str, int, :class:`pyaedt.modeler.Object3d.Object3d` - Name or ID of the object. - cs_axis : - Coordinate system axis or the Application.AXIS object. - sweep_angle : float - Sweep angle in degrees. The default is ``360``. - draft_angle : float - Draft angle in degrees. The default is ``0``. - number_of_segments : int, optional - Number of segments of the sweep operation. Default is ``0``. - - Returns - ------- - bool - ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.SweepAroundAxis - """ - selections = self.convert_to_selections(objid) - - vArg1 = ["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", selections, "NewPartsModelFlag:=", "Model"] - vArg2 = [ - "NAME:AxisSweepParameters", - "DraftAngle:=", - self._arg_with_dim(draft_angle, "deg"), - "DraftType:=", - "Round", - "CheckFaceFaceIntersection:=", - False, - "SweepAxis:=", - GeometryOperators.cs_axis_str(cs_axis), - "SweepAngle:=", - self._arg_with_dim(sweep_angle, "deg"), - "NumOfSegments:=", - str(number_of_segments), - ] - - self.oeditor.SweepAroundAxis(vArg1, vArg2) - - return self.update_object(objid) - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def section(self, object_list, plane, create_new=True, section_cross_object=False): - """Section the selection. - - Parameters - ---------- - object_list : list, str, int, or :class:`pyaedt.modeler.Object3d.Object3d` - One or more objects to section. - plane : str - Coordinate plane or Application.PLANE object. - Choices for the coordinate plane are ``"XY"``, ``"YZ"``, and ``"ZX"``.' - create_new : bool, optional - The default is ``True``, but this parameter has no effect. - section_cross_object : bool, optional - The default is ``False``, but this parameter has no effect. - - Returns - ------- - bool - ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.Section - """ - section_plane = GeometryOperators.cs_plane_to_plane_str(plane) - - selections = self.convert_to_selections(object_list) - - self.oeditor.Section( - ["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", selections, "NewPartsModelFlag:=", "Model"], - [ - "NAME:SectionToParameters", - "CreateNewObjects:=", - create_new, - "SectionPlane:=", - section_plane, - "SectionCrossObject:=", - section_cross_object, - ], - ) - self.refresh_all_ids() - return True - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def separate_bodies(self, object_list, create_group=False): - """Separate bodies of the selection. - - Parameters - ---------- - object_list : list - List of objects to separate. - create_group : bool, optional - Whether to create a group. The default is ``False``. - - Returns - ------- - pyaedt.modeler.Object3d.Object3d, bool - 3D object. - ``False`` when failed. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.SeparateBody - """ - try: - selections = self.convert_to_selections(object_list) - all_objs = [i for i in self.object_names] - self.oeditor.SeparateBody( - ["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", selections, "NewPartsModelFlag:=", "Model"], - ["CreateGroupsForNewObjects:=", create_group], - ) - self.refresh_all_ids() - new_objects_list_names = [selections] + [i for i in self.object_names if i not in all_objs] - new_objects_list = [] - for obj in self.object_list: - for new_obj in new_objects_list_names: - if obj.name == new_obj: - new_objects_list.append(obj) - return new_objects_list - except: - return False - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def rotate(self, objid, cs_axis, angle=90.0, unit="deg"): - """Rotate the selection. - - Parameters - ---------- - objid : list, str, int, or :class:`pyaedt.modeler.Object3d.Object3d` - ID of the object. - cs_axis - Coordinate system axis or the Application.AXIS object. - angle : float - Angle of rotation. The units, defined by ``unit``, can be either - degrees or radians. The default is ``90.0``. - unit : text, optional - Units for the angle. Options are ``"deg"`` or ``"rad"``. - The default is ``"deg"``. - - Returns - ------- - bool - ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.Rotate - """ - selections = self.convert_to_selections(objid) - vArg1 = ["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", selections, "NewPartsModelFlag:=", "Model"] - vArg2 = ["NAME:RotateParameters"] - vArg2.append("RotateAxis:="), vArg2.append(GeometryOperators.cs_axis_str(cs_axis)) - vArg2.append("RotateAngle:="), vArg2.append(self._arg_with_dim(angle, unit)) - - if self.oeditor is not None: - self.oeditor.Rotate(vArg1, vArg2) - - return True - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def subtract(self, blank_list, tool_list, keep_originals=True, **kwargs): - """Subtract objects. - - Parameters - ---------- - blank_list : str, Object3d, int or List of str, int and Object3d. - List of objects to subtract from. The list can be of - either :class:`pyaedt.modeler.Object3d.Object3d` objects or object IDs. - tool_list : list - List of objects to subtract. The list can be of - either Object3d objects or object IDs. - keep_originals : bool, optional - Whether to keep the original objects. The default is ``True``. - - Returns - ------- - bool - ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.Subtract - """ - if "keepOriginals" in kwargs: - warnings.warn("keepOriginals has been deprecated. use keep_originals.", DeprecationWarning) - keep_originals = kwargs["keepOriginals"] - szList = self.convert_to_selections(blank_list) - szList1 = self.convert_to_selections(tool_list) - - vArg1 = ["NAME:Selections", "Blank Parts:=", szList, "Tool Parts:=", szList1] - vArg2 = ["NAME:SubtractParameters", "KeepOriginals:=", keep_originals] - - self.oeditor.Subtract(vArg1, vArg2) - if not keep_originals: - self.cleanup_objects() - - return True - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def imprint(self, blank_list, tool_list, keep_originals=True): - """Imprin an object list on another object list. - - Parameters - ---------- - blank_list : list of Object3d or list of int - List of objects to imprint from. The list can be of - either :class:`pyaedt.modeler.Object3d.Object3d` objects or object IDs. - tool_list : list of Object3d or list of int - List of objects to imprint. The list can be of - either Object3d objects or object IDs. - keep_originals : bool, optional - Whether to keep the original objects. The default is ``True``. - - Returns - ------- - bool - ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.Imprint - """ - szList = self.convert_to_selections(blank_list) - szList1 = self.convert_to_selections(tool_list) - - vArg1 = ["NAME:Selections", "Blank Parts:=", szList, "Tool Parts:=", szList1] - vArg2 = ["NAME:ImprintParameters", "KeepOriginals:=", keep_originals] - - self.oeditor.Imprint(vArg1, vArg2) - if not keep_originals: - self.cleanup_objects() - return True - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def _imprint_projection(self, tool_list, keep_originals=True, normal=True, vector_direction=None, distance="1mm"): - szList1 = self.convert_to_selections(tool_list) - - varg1 = ["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", szList1] - varg2 = [ - "NAME:ImprintProjectionParameters", - "KeepOriginals:=", - keep_originals, - "NormalProjection:=", - normal, - ] - if not normal: - varg2.append("Distance:=") - varg2.append(self._app.value_with_units(distance)) - varg2.append("DirectionX:=") - varg2.append(self._app.value_with_units(vector_direction[0])) - varg2.append("DirectionY:=") - varg2.append(self._app.value_with_units(vector_direction[1])) - varg2.append("DirectionZ:=") - varg2.append(self._app.value_with_units(vector_direction[2])) - - self.oeditor.ImprintProjection(varg1, varg2) - if not keep_originals: - self.cleanup_objects() - return True - - @pyaedt_function_handler - def imprint_normal_projection( - self, - tool_list, - keep_originals=True, - ): - """Imprint the normal projection of objects over a sheet. - - Parameters - ---------- - tool_list : list - List of objects to imprint. The list can be of - either Object3d objects or object IDs. - keep_originals : bool, optional - Whether to keep the original objects. The default is ``True``. - - Returns - ------- - bool - ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.ImprintProjection - """ - return self._imprint_projection(tool_list, keep_originals, True) - - @pyaedt_function_handler - def imprint_vector_projection( - self, - tool_list, - vector_points, - distance, - keep_originals=True, - ): - """Imprint the projection of objects over a sheet with a specified vector and distance. - - Parameters - ---------- - tool_list : list - List of objects to imprint. The list can be of - either Object3d objects or object IDs. - vector_points : list - List of [x,y,z] vector projection. - distance : str, int - Distance of Projection. - keep_originals : bool, optional - Whether to keep the original objects. The default is ``True``. - - Returns - ------- - bool - ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.ImprintProjection - """ - return self._imprint_projection(tool_list, keep_originals, False, vector_points, distance) - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def purge_history(self, theList): - """Purge history objects from object names. - - Parameters - ---------- - theList : list - List of object names to purge. - - Returns - ------- - bool - ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.PurgeHistory - """ - szList = self.convert_to_selections(theList) - - vArg1 = ["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", szList, "NewPartsModelFlag:=", "Model"] - - self.oeditor.PurgeHistory(vArg1) - return True - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def get_model_bounding_box(self): - """Retrieve the model bounding box. - - - Returns - ------- - List - List of six float values representing the bounding box - in the form ``[min_x, min_y, min_z, max_x, max_y, max_z]``. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.GetModelBoundingBox - """ - bb = list(self.oeditor.GetModelBoundingBox()) - bound = [float(b) for b in bb] - return bound - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def unite(self, unite_list, purge=False, keep_originals=False): - """Unite objects from a list. - - Parameters - ---------- - unite_list : list - List of objects. - purge : bool, optional - Purge history after unite. Default is False. - keep_originals : bool, optional - Keep original objects used for the operation. Default is False. - - Returns - ------- - str - The united object that is the first in the list. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.Unite - """ - slice = min(100, len(unite_list)) - num_objects = len(unite_list) - remaining = num_objects - objs_groups = [] - while remaining > 1: - objs = unite_list[:slice] - szSelections = self.convert_to_selections(objs) - vArg1 = ["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", szSelections] - vArg2 = ["NAME:UniteParameters", "KeepOriginals:=", keep_originals] - if settings.aedt_version > "2022.2": - vArg2.append("TurnOnNBodyBoolean:=") - vArg2.append(True) - self.oeditor.Unite(vArg1, vArg2) - if szSelections.split(",")[0] in self.unclassified_names: - self.logger.error("Error in uniting objects.") - self._odesign.Undo() - self.cleanup_objects() - return False - elif purge: - self.purge_history(objs[0]) - objs_groups.append(objs[0]) - remaining -= slice - if remaining > 0: - unite_list = unite_list[slice:] - if remaining > 0: - objs_groups.extend(unite_list) - self.cleanup_objects() - if len(objs_groups) > 1: - return self.unite(objs_groups, purge=purge) - self.logger.info("Union of {} objects has been executed.".format(num_objects)) - return self.convert_to_selections(unite_list[0], False) - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def clone(self, objid): - """Clone objects from a list of object IDs. - - Parameters - ---------- - objid : list - List of object IDs. - - Returns - ------- - bool - ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. - List - List of names of objects cloned when successful. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.Copy - >>> oEditor.Paste - """ - self.copy(objid) - new_objects = self.paste() - return True, new_objects - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def copy(self, object_list): - """Copy objects to the clipboard. - - Parameters - ---------- - object_list : list - List of objects (IDs or names). - - Returns - ------- - list - List of names of the objects copied when successful. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.Copy - """ - # convert to string - - try: - selections = self.convert_to_selections(object_list) - vArg1 = ["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", selections] - self.oeditor.Copy(vArg1) - return selections - except AttributeError: - self.logger.error("Unable to copy selections to clipboard.") - return None - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def paste(self): - """Paste objects from the clipboard. - - Returns - ------- - list - List of passed objects. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.Paste - """ - self.oeditor.Paste() - new_objects = self.add_new_objects() - return new_objects - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def intersect(self, theList, keep_originals=False, **kwargs): - """Intersect objects from a list. - - Parameters - ---------- - theList : list - List of objects. - keep_originals : bool, optional - Whether to keep the original object. The default is ``False``. - - Returns - ------- - str - Retrieve the resulting 3D Object when succeeded. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.Intersect - """ - if "keeporiginal" in kwargs: - warnings.warn("keeporiginal has been deprecated. use keep_originals.", DeprecationWarning) - keep_originals = kwargs["keeporiginal"] - unclassified = list(self.oeditor.GetObjectsInGroup("Unclassified")) - szSelections = self.convert_to_selections(theList) - - vArg1 = ["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", szSelections] - vArg2 = ["NAME:IntersectParameters", "KeepOriginals:=", keep_originals] - - self.oeditor.Intersect(vArg1, vArg2) - unclassified1 = list(self.oeditor.GetObjectsInGroup("Unclassified")) - if unclassified != unclassified1: - self._odesign.Undo() - self.logger.error("Error in intersection. Reverting Operation") - return - self.cleanup_objects() - self.logger.info("Intersection Succeeded") - return self.convert_to_selections(theList[0], False) - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def connect(self, theList): - """Connect objects from a list. - - Parameters - ---------- - theList : list - List of objects. - - Returns - ------- - pyaedt.modeler.Object3d.Object3d, bool - 3D object. - ``False`` when failed. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.Connect - """ - try: - unclassified_before = list(self.unclassified_names) - szSelections = self.convert_to_selections(theList) - szSelections_list = szSelections.split(",") - vArg1 = ["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", szSelections] - - self.oeditor.Connect(vArg1) - if unclassified_before != self.unclassified_names: - self._odesign.Undo() - self.logger.error("Error in connection. Reverting Operation") - return False - - self.cleanup_objects() - self.logger.info("Connection Correctly created") - - self.refresh_all_ids() - objects_list_after_connection = [ - obj - for obj in self.object_list - for sel in set(szSelections_list).intersection(self.object_names) - if obj.name == sel - ] - return objects_list_after_connection - except: - return False - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def chassis_subtraction(self, chassis_part): - """Subtract all non-vacuum objects from the main chassis object. - - Parameters - ---------- - chassis_part : str - Name of the main chassis object. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.Subtract - """ - self.logger.info("Subtract all objects from Chassis object - exclude vacuum objs") - mat_names = self._omaterial_manager.GetNames() - num_obj_start = self.oeditor.GetNumObjects() - blank_part = chassis_part - # in main code this object will need to be determined automatically eg by name such as chassis or sheer size - self.logger.info("Blank Part in Subtraction = " + str(blank_part)) - """ - check if blank part exists, if not, skip subtraction - """ - tool_parts = list(self.oeditor.GetObjectsInGroup("Solids")) - tool_parts.remove(blank_part) - for mat in mat_names: - if str(mat).lower() == "vacuum": - objnames = self.oeditor.GetObjectsByMaterial(mat) - for obj in objnames: - tool_parts.remove(obj) - # tool_parts_final=list(set(tool_parts).difference(set(objnames))) - tool_parts = ",".join(tool_parts) - num_obj_end = self.oeditor.GetNumObjects() - self.subtract(blank_part, tool_parts, True) - - self.logger.info("Subtraction Objs - Initial: " + str(num_obj_start) + " , Final: " + str(num_obj_end)) - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def _offset_on_plane(self, i, offset): - """Offset the object on a plane. - - Parameters - ---------- - i : - - offset : - Offset to apply. - - Returns - ------- - tuple - Position of object after offset is applied. - - """ - if i > 7: - off1 = 0 - elif i % 4 == 0 or i % 4 == 1: - off1 = offset - else: - off1 = -offset - if 3 < i < 8: - off2 = 0 - elif i % 2 == 0: - off2 = offset - else: - off2 = -offset - if i < 4: - off3 = 0 - elif i != 4 and i != 7 and i != 8 and i != 11: - off3 = -offset - else: - off3 = +offset - return off1, off2, off3 - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def check_plane(self, obj, faceposition, offset=1): - """Check for the plane that is defined as the face for an object. - - Parameters - ---------- - obj : str - Name of the object. - faceposition : list - List of the ``[x, y, z]`` coordinates for the position of the face. - offset : optional - Offset to apply. The default is ``1``. - - Returns - ------- - str - Name of the plane. It can be "XY", "XZ" or "YZ". - - """ - - Xvec, Yvec, Zvec = self._pos_with_arg(faceposition) - - if isinstance(obj, int): - obj = self.objects[obj].name - plane = None - found = False - i = 0 - while not found: - off1, off2, off3 = self._offset_on_plane(i, offset) - vArg1 = ["NAME:FaceParameters"] - vArg1.append("BodyName:="), vArg1.append(obj) - vArg1.append("XPosition:="), vArg1.append(Xvec + "+" + self._arg_with_dim(off1)) - vArg1.append("YPosition:="), vArg1.append(Yvec + "+" + self._arg_with_dim(off2)) - vArg1.append("ZPosition:="), vArg1.append(Zvec + "+" + self._arg_with_dim(off3)) - try: - face_id = self.oeditor.GetFaceByPosition(vArg1) - if i < 4: - plane = "XY" - elif i < 8: - plane = "XZ" - else: - plane = "YZ" - found = True - except: - i = i + 1 - if i > 11: - found = True - - return plane - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def get_matched_object_name(self, search_string): - """Retrieve the name of the matched object. - - Parameters - ---------- - search_string : str - Text string to search for. - - - Returns - ------- - str - Name of the matched object. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.GetMatchedObjectName - """ - return self.oeditor.GetMatchedObjectName(search_string) - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def clean_objects_name(self, main_part_name): - """Clean the names of the objects for a main part. - - Parameters - ---------- - main_part_name : str - Name of the main part. - - Returns - ------- - bool - ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.RenamePart - """ - # import os.path - # (CADPath, CADFilename) = os.path.split(CADFile) - # (CADName, CADExt) = os.path.splitext(CADFilename) - CADSuffix = main_part_name + "_" - objNames = self.oeditor.GetMatchedObjectName(CADSuffix + "*") - for name in objNames: - RenameArgs = {} - RenameArgs["NAME"] = "Rename Data" - RenameArgs["Old Name"] = name - RenameArgs["New Name"] = name.replace(CADSuffix, "") - self.oeditor.RenamePart(RenameArgs) - return True - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def create_airbox(self, offset=0, offset_type="Absolute", defname="AirBox_Auto"): - """Create an airbox that is as big as the bounding extension of the project. - - Parameters - ---------- - offset : - Double offset value to apply on the airbox faces versus the bounding box. - The default is ``0``. - offset_type : str - Type of the offset. Options are ``"Absolute"`` and ``"Relative"``. - The default is ``"Absolute"``. If ``"Relative"``, the offset input - is between 0 and 100. - defname : str, optional - Name of the airbox. The default is ``"AirBox_Auto"``. - - Returns - ------- - int - ID of the airbox created. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.CreateBox - """ - self.logger.info("Adding Airbox to the Bounding ") - - bound = self.get_model_bounding_box() - if offset_type == "Absolute": - offset1 = offset2 = offset3 = offset - else: - offset1 = (bound[3] - bound[0]) * offset / 100 - offset2 = (bound[4] - bound[1]) * offset / 100 - offset3 = (bound[5] - bound[2]) * offset / 100 - startpos = self.Position(bound[0] - offset1, bound[1] - offset2, bound[2] - offset3) - - dim = [] - dim.append(bound[3] - bound[0] + 2 * offset1) - dim.append(bound[4] - bound[1] + 2 * offset2) - dim.append(bound[5] - bound[2] + 2 * offset3) - airid = self.create_box(startpos, dim, defname) - return airid - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def create_air_region(self, x_pos=0, y_pos=0, z_pos=0, x_neg=0, y_neg=0, z_neg=0, is_percentage=True): - """Create an air region. - - Parameters - ---------- - x_pos : float or str, optional - If float, padding in the +X direction in modeler units. - If str, padding with units in the +X direction. - The default is ``0``. - y_pos : float or str, optional - If float, padding in the +Y direction in modeler units. - If str, padding with units in the +Y direction. - The default is ``0``. - z_pos : float or str, optional - If float, padding in the +Z direction in modeler units. - If str, padding with units in the +Z direction. - The default is ``0``. - x_neg : float or str, optional - If float, padding in the -X direction in modeler units. - If str, padding with units in the -X direction. - The default is ``0``. - y_neg : float or str, optional - If float, padding in the -Y direction in modeler units. - If str, padding with units in the -Y direction. - The default is ``0``. - z_neg : float or str, optional - If float, padding in the -Z direction in modeler units. - If str, padding with units in the -Z direction. - The default is ``0``. - is_percentage : bool, optional - Region definition in percentage or absolute value. The default is `True``. - - Returns - ------- - :class:`pyaedt.modeler.cad.object3d.Object3d` - 3D object. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.CreateRegion - """ - return self.create_region([x_pos, y_pos, z_pos, x_neg, y_neg, z_neg], is_percentage) - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def edit_region_dimensions(self, listvalues): - """Modify the dimensions of the region. - - Parameters - ---------- - listvalues : list - List of the padding percentages along all six directions in - the form ``[+X, -X, +Y, -Y, +Z, -Z]``. - - Returns - ------- - bool - ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.ChangeProperty - """ - arg = ["NAME:AllTabs"] - arg2 = ["NAME:Geometry3DCmdTab", ["NAME:PropServers", "Region:CreateRegion:1"]] - arg3 = ["NAME:ChangedProps"] - p = ["+X", "-X", "+Y", "-Y", "+Z", "-Z"] - for label, value in zip(p, listvalues): - padding = [] - padding.append("NAME:" + label + " Padding Data") - padding.append("Value:=") - padding.append(str(value)) - arg3.append(padding) - arg2.append(arg3) - arg.append(arg2) - self.oeditor.ChangeProperty(arg) - return True - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def create_face_list(self, face_list, name=None): - """Create a list of faces given a list of face ID or a list of objects. - - Parameters - ---------- - face_list : list - List of face ID or list of objects - - name : str, optional - Name of the new list. - - Returns - ------- - :class:`pyaedt.modeler.Modeler.Lists` - List object when successful, ``False`` when failed. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.CreateEntityList - """ - if name: - for i in self.user_lists: - if i.name == name: - self.logger.warning("A List with the specified name already exists!") - return i - face_list = self.convert_to_selections(face_list, True) - user_list = Lists(self) - list_type = "Face" - if user_list: - result = user_list.create( - object_list=face_list, - name=name, - type=list_type, - ) - if result: - return user_list - else: - self._app.logger.error("Wrong object definition. Review object list and type") - return False - else: - self._app.logger.error("User list object could not be created") - return False - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def create_object_list(self, object_list, name=None): - """Create an object list given a list of object names. - - Parameters - ---------- - object_list : list - List of object names. - name : str, optional - Name of the new object list. - - Returns - ------- - :class:`pyaedt.modeler.Modeler.Lists` - List object when successful, ``False`` when failed. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.CreateEntityList - """ - if name: - for i in self.user_lists: - if i.name == name: - self.logger.warning("A List with the specified name already exists!") - return i - object_list = self.convert_to_selections(object_list, True) - user_list = Lists(self) - list_type = "Object" - if user_list: - result = user_list.create( - object_list=object_list, - name=name, - type=list_type, - ) - if result: - return user_list - else: - self._app.logger.error("Wrong object definition. Review object list and type") - return False - else: - self._app.logger.error("User list object could not be created") - return False - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def generate_object_history(self, objectname): - """Generate history for the object. - - Parameters - ---------- - objectname : str - Name of the history object. - - Returns - ------- - bool - ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.GenerateHistory - """ - objectname = self.convert_to_selections(objectname) - self.oeditor.GenerateHistory( - ["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", objectname, "NewPartsModelFlag:=", "Model", "UseCurrentCS:=", True] - ) - self.cleanup_objects() - return True - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def create_faceted_bondwire_from_true_surface(self, bondname, bond_direction, min_size=0.2, numberofsegments=8): - """Create a faceted bondwire from an existing true surface bondwire. - - Parameters - ---------- - bondname : str - Name of the bondwire to replace. - bond_direction : list - List of the ``[x, y, z]`` coordinates for the axis direction - of the bondwire. For example, ``[0, 1, 2]``. - min_size : float - Minimum size of the subsegment of the new polyline. The default is ``0.2``. - numberofsegments : int, optional - Number of segments. The default is ``8``. - - Returns - ------- - str - Name of the bondwire created. - """ - old_bondwire = self.get_object_from_name(bondname) - if not old_bondwire: - return False - edges = old_bondwire.edges - faces = old_bondwire.faces - centers = [] - for el in faces: - center = el.center - if center: - centers.append(center) - edgelist = [] - verlist = [] - for el in edges: - ver = el.vertices - if len(ver) < 2: - continue - p1 = ver[0].position - p2 = ver[1].position - p3 = [abs(i - j) for i, j in zip(p1, p2)] - - dir = p3.index(max(p3)) - if dir == bond_direction: - edgelist.append(el) - verlist.append([p1, p2]) - if not edgelist: - self.logger.error("No edges found specified direction. Check again") - return False - connected = [edgelist[0]] - tol = 1e-6 - for edge in edgelist[1:]: - ver = edge.vertices - p1 = ver[0].position - p2 = ver[1].position - for el in connected: - ver1 = el.vertices - p3 = ver1[0].position - p4 = ver1[1].position - dist = GeometryOperators.points_distance(p1, p3) - if dist < tol: - connected.append(edge) - break - dist = GeometryOperators.points_distance(p1, p4) - if dist < tol: - connected.append(edge) - break - dist = GeometryOperators.points_distance(p2, p3) - if dist < tol: - connected.append(edge) - break - dist = GeometryOperators.points_distance(p2, p4) - if dist < tol: - connected.append(edge) - break - new_edges = [] - for edge in connected: - edge_object = self.create_object_from_edge(edge) - new_edges.append(edge_object) - - self.unite(new_edges) - self.generate_object_history(new_edges[0]) - self.convert_segments_to_line(new_edges[0].name) - - edges = new_edges[0].edges - i = 0 - edge_to_delete = [] - first_vert = None - for edge in edges: - ver = edge.vertices - p1 = ver[0].position - p2 = ver[1].position - if not first_vert: - first_vert = p1 - dist = GeometryOperators.points_distance(p1, p2) - if dist < min_size: - edge_to_delete.append(i) - i += 1 - - rad = 1e6 - move_vector = None - for fc in centers: - dist = GeometryOperators.points_distance(fc, first_vert) - if dist < rad: - rad = dist - move_vector = GeometryOperators.v_sub(fc, first_vert) - - P = self.get_existing_polyline(object=new_edges[0]) - - if edge_to_delete: - P.remove_edges(edge_to_delete) - - angle = math.pi * (180 - 360 / numberofsegments) / 360 - - status = P.set_crosssection_properties( - type="Circle", num_seg=numberofsegments, width=(rad * (2 - math.sin(angle))) * 2 - ) - if status: - self.move(new_edges[0], move_vector) - old_bondwire.model = False - return new_edges[0] - else: - return False - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def get_entitylist_id(self, name): - """Retrieve the ID of an entity list. - - Parameters - ---------- - name : str - Name of the entity list. - - Returns - ------- - int - ID of the entity list. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.GetEntityListIDByName - """ - id = self.oeditor.GetEntityListIDByName(name) - return id - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def create_outer_facelist(self, externalobjects, name="outer_faces"): - """Create a face list from a list of outer objects. - - Parameters - ---------- - externalobjects : list - List of outer objects. - name : str, optional - Name of the new list. The default is ``"outer_faces"``. - - Returns - ------- - bool - ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. - - """ - list2 = self.select_allfaces_fromobjects(externalobjects) # find ALL faces of outer objects - self.create_face_list(list2, name) - self.logger.info("Extfaces of thermal model = " + str(len(list2))) - return True - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def explicitly_subtract(self, diellist, metallist): - """Explicitly subtract all elements in a SolveInside list and a SolveSurface list. - - Parameters - ---------- - diellist : list - List of dielectrics. - metallist : list - List of metals. - - Returns - ------- - bool - ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.Subtract - >>> oEditor.PurgeHistory - """ - self.logger.info("Creating explicit subtraction between objects.") - for el in diellist: - list1 = el - list2 = "" - for el1 in metallist: - list2 = list2 + el1 + "," - for el1 in diellist: - if el1 is not el: - list2 = list2 + el1 + "," - if list2: - list2 = list2[:-1] - self.subtract(list1, list2, True) - self.purge_history(list1) - self.purge_history(list2) - for el in metallist: - list1 = el - list2 = "" - for el1 in metallist: - if el1 is not el: - list2 = list2 + el1 + "," - if list2: - list2 = list2[:-1] - self.subtract(list1, list2, True) - self.purge_history(list1) - self.purge_history(list2) - self.logger.info("Explicit subtraction is completed.") - return True - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def find_port_faces(self, port_sheets): - """Find the vacuums given a list of input sheets. - - Starting from a list of input sheets, this method creates a list of output sheets - that represent the blank parts (vacuums) and the tool parts of all the intersections - of solids on the sheets. After a vacuum on a sheet is found, a port can be - created on it. - - Parameters - ---------- - port_sheets : list - List of input sheets names. - - Returns - ------- - List - List of output sheets (`2x len(port_sheets)`). - - """ - faces = [] - solids = [s for s in self.solid_objects if s.material_name not in ["vacuum", "air"] and s.model] - for sheet_name in port_sheets: - sheet = self[sheet_name] # get the sheet object - _, cloned = self.clone(sheet) - cloned = self[cloned[0]] - cloned.subtract(solids) - sheet.subtract(cloned) - cloned.name = sheet.name + "_Face1Vacuum" - faces.append(sheet.name) - faces.append(cloned.name) - return faces - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def get_line_ids(self): - """Create a dictionary of object IDs for the lines in the design with the line name as the key.""" - line_ids = {} - line_list = list(self.oeditor.GetObjectsInGroup("Lines")) - for line_object in line_list: - # TODO Problem with GetObjectIDByName - try: - line_ids[line_object] = str(self.oeditor.GetObjectIDByName(line_object)) - except: - self.logger.warning("Line {} has an invalid ID!".format(line_object)) - return line_ids - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def get_bounding_dimension(self): - """Retrieve the dimension array of the bounding box. - - Returns - ------- - list - List of three float values representing the bounding box dimensions - in the form ``[dim_x, dim_y, dim_z]``. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.GetModelBoundingBox - """ - oBoundingBox = list(self.oeditor.GetModelBoundingBox()) - dimensions = [] - dimensions.append(abs(float(oBoundingBox[0]) - float(oBoundingBox[3]))) - dimensions.append(abs(float(oBoundingBox[1]) - float(oBoundingBox[4]))) - dimensions.append(abs(float(oBoundingBox[2]) - float(oBoundingBox[5]))) - return dimensions - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def get_object_name_from_edge_id(self, edge_id): - """Retrieve the object name for a predefined edge ID. - - Parameters - ---------- - edge_id : int - ID of the edge. - - Returns - ------- - str - Name of the edge if it exists, ``False`` otherwise. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.GetEdgeIDsFromObject - """ - for object in list(self._object_names_to_ids.keys()): - try: - oEdgeIDs = self.oeditor.GetEdgeIDsFromObject(object) - if str(edge_id) in oEdgeIDs: - return object - except: - return False - return False - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def get_solving_volume(self): - """Generate a mesh for a setup. - - Returns - ------- - int - ``1`` when successful, ``0`` when failed. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.GetModelBoundingBox - """ - bound = self.get_model_bounding_box() - volume = abs(bound[3] - bound[0]) * abs(bound[4] - bound[1]) * abs(bound[5] - bound[2]) - volume = str(round(volume, 0)) - return volume - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def vertex_data_of_lines(self, txtfilter=None): - """Generate a dictionary of line vertex data for all lines contained within the design. - - Parameters - ---------- - txtfilter : str, optional - Text string for filtering. The default is ``None``. When a text string is specified, - line data is generated only if this text string is contained within the line name. - - Returns - ------- - dict - Dictionary of the line name with a list of vertex positions in either 2D or 3D. - - """ - line_data = {} - lines = self.get_line_ids() - if txtfilter is not None: - lines = [n for n in lines if txtfilter in n] - for x in lines: - line_data[x] = self.get_vertices_of_line(x) - - return line_data - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def get_vertices_of_line(self, sLineName): - """Generate a list of vertex positions for a line object from AEDT in model units. - - Parameters - ---------- - sLineName : str - Name of the line object in AEDT. - - Returns - ------- - list - List of the ``[x, y, (z)]`` coordinates for the 2D or 3D line object. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.GetVertexIDsFromObject - """ - position_list = [] - - # Get all vertices in the line - vertices_on_line = self.oeditor.GetVertexIDsFromObject(sLineName) - - if settings.aedt_version > "2022.2": - vertices_on_line = vertices_on_line[::-1] - - for x in vertices_on_line: - pos = self.oeditor.GetVertexPosition(x) - if self.design_type == "Maxwell 2D": - if self.geometry_mode == "XY": - position_list.append([float(pos[0]), float(pos[1])]) - else: - position_list.append([float(pos[0]), float(pos[2])]) - else: - position_list.append([float(pos[0]), float(pos[1]), float(pos[2])]) - - return position_list - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def import_3d_cad( - self, - filename, - healing=False, - refresh_all_ids=True, - import_materials=False, - create_lightweigth_part=False, - group_by_assembly=False, - create_group=True, - separate_disjoints_lumped_object=False, - import_free_surfaces=False, - point_coicidence_tolerance=1e-6, - ): - """Import a CAD model. - - Parameters - ---------- - filename : str - Full path and name of the CAD file. - healing : bool, optional - Whether to perform healing. The default is ``False``, in which - case healing is not performed. - healing : int, optional - Whether to perform healing. The default is ``0``, in which - case healing is not performed. - refresh_all_ids : bool, optional - Whether to refresh all IDs after the CAD file is loaded. The - default is ``True``. Refreshing IDs can take a lot of time in - a big project. - import_materials : bool optional - Either to import material names from the file or not if presents. - create_lightweigth_part : bool ,optional - Either to import lightweight or not. - group_by_assembly : bool, optional - Either import by sub-assembly or individual parts. The default is ``False``. - create_group : bool, optional - Either to create a new group of imported objects. The default is ``True``. - separate_disjoints_lumped_object : bool, optional - Either to automatically separate disjoint parts. The default is ``False``. - import_free_surfaces : bool, optional - Either to import free surfaces parts. The default is ``False``. - point_coicidence_tolerance : float, optional - Tolerance on point. Default is ``1e-6``. - - Returns - ------- - bool - ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.Import - """ - - if str(healing) in ["0", "1"]: - warnings.warn( - "Assigning `0` or `1` to `healing` option is deprecated. Assign `True` or `False` instead.", - DeprecationWarning, - ) - vArg1 = ["NAME:NativeBodyParameters"] - vArg1.append("HealOption:="), vArg1.append(int(healing)) - vArg1.append("Options:="), vArg1.append("-1") - vArg1.append("FileType:="), vArg1.append("UnRecognized") - vArg1.append("MaxStitchTol:="), vArg1.append(-1) - vArg1.append("ImportFreeSurfaces:="), vArg1.append(import_free_surfaces) - vArg1.append("GroupByAssembly:="), vArg1.append(group_by_assembly) - vArg1.append("CreateGroup:="), vArg1.append(create_group) - vArg1.append("STLFileUnit:="), vArg1.append("Auto") - vArg1.append("MergeFacesAngle:="), vArg1.append(-1) - vArg1.append("PointCoincidenceTol:="), vArg1.append(point_coicidence_tolerance) - vArg1.append("CreateLightweightPart:="), vArg1.append(create_lightweigth_part) - vArg1.append("ImportMaterialNames:="), vArg1.append(import_materials) - vArg1.append("SeparateDisjointLumps:="), vArg1.append(separate_disjoints_lumped_object) - vArg1.append("SourceFile:="), vArg1.append(filename) - self.oeditor.Import(vArg1) - if refresh_all_ids: - self.refresh_all_ids() - self.logger.info("Step file {} imported".format(filename)) - return True - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def import_spaceclaim_document(self, SCFile): - """Import a SpaceClaim document. - - Parameters - ---------- - SCFile : - Full path and name of the SpaceClaim file. - - Returns - ------- - bool - ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.CreateUserDefinedModel - """ - environlist = os.environ - latestversion = "" - for l in environlist: - if "AWP_ROOT" in l: - if l > latestversion: - latestversion = l - if not latestversion: - self.logger.error("SpaceClaim is not found.") - else: - scdm_path = os.path.join(os.environ[latestversion], "scdm") - self.oeditor.CreateUserDefinedModel( - [ - "NAME:UserDefinedModelParameters", - [ - "NAME:Definition", - [ - "NAME:UDMParam", - "Name:=", - "GeometryFilePath", - "Value:=", - '"' + SCFile + '"', - "DataType:=", - "String", - "PropType2:=", - 0, - "PropFlag2:=", - 1, - ], - [ - "NAME:UDMParam", - "Name:=", - "IsSpaceClaimLinkUDM", - "Value:=", - "1", - "DataType:=", - "Int", - "PropType2:=", - 5, - "PropFlag2:=", - 8, - ], - ], - [ - "NAME:Options", - [ - "NAME:UDMParam", - "Name:=", - "Solid Bodies", - "Value:=", - "1", - "DataType:=", - "Int", - "PropType2:=", - 5, - "PropFlag2:=", - 0, - ], - [ - "NAME:UDMParam", - "Name:=", - "Surface Bodies", - "Value:=", - "1", - "DataType:=", - "Int", - "PropType2:=", - 5, - "PropFlag2:=", - 0, - ], - [ - "NAME:UDMParam", - "Name:=", - "Parameters", - "Value:=", - "1", - "DataType:=", - "Int", - "PropType2:=", - 5, - "PropFlag2:=", - 0, - ], - [ - "NAME:UDMParam", - "Name:=", - "Parameter Key", - "Value:=", - '""', - "DataType:=", - "String", - "PropType2:=", - 0, - "PropFlag2:=", - 0, - ], - [ - "NAME:UDMParam", - "Name:=", - "Named Selections", - "Value:=", - "1", - "DataType:=", - "Int", - "PropType2:=", - 5, - "PropFlag2:=", - 8, - ], - [ - "NAME:UDMParam", - "Name:=", - "Rendering Attributes", - "Value:=", - "1", - "DataType:=", - "Int", - "PropType2:=", - 5, - "PropFlag2:=", - 0, - ], - [ - "NAME:UDMParam", - "Name:=", - "Material Assignment", - "Value:=", - "1", - "DataType:=", - "Int", - "PropType2:=", - 5, - "PropFlag2:=", - 0, - ], - [ - "NAME:UDMParam", - "Name:=", - "Import suppressed for physics objects", - "Value:=", - "0", - "DataType:=", - "Int", - "PropType2:=", - 5, - "PropFlag2:=", - 0, - ], - [ - "NAME:UDMParam", - "Name:=", - "Explode Multi-Body Parts", - "Value:=", - "1", - "DataType:=", - "Int", - "PropType2:=", - 5, - "PropFlag2:=", - 8, - ], - [ - "NAME:UDMParam", - "Name:=", - "SpaceClaim Installation Path", - "Value:=", - '"' + scdm_path + '"', - "DataType:=", - "String", - "PropType2:=", - 0, - "PropFlag2:=", - 8, - ], - [ - "NAME:UDMParam", - "Name:=", - "Smart CAD Update", - "Value:=", - "1", - "DataType:=", - "Int", - "PropType2:=", - 5, - "PropFlag2:=", - 8, - ], - ], - ["NAME:GeometryParams"], - "DllName:=", - "SCIntegUDM", - "Library:=", - "installLib", - "Version:=", - "2.0", - "ConnectionID:=", - "", - ] - ) - self.refresh_all_ids() - return True - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def modeler_variable(self, value): - """Modeler variable. - - Parameters - ---------- - value : - - - Returns - ------- - - """ - if isinstance(value, str): - return value - else: - return str(value) + self.model_units - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def break_spaceclaim_connection(self): # TODO: Need to change this name. Don't use "break". - """Disconnect from the running SpaceClaim instance. - - Returns - ------- - bool - ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.BreakUDMConnection - """ - args = ["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", "SpaceClaim1"] - self.oeditor.BreakUDMConnection(args) - return True - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def load_scdm_in_hfss(self, SpaceClaimFile): - """Load a SpaceClaim file in HFSS. - - Parameters - ---------- - SpaceClaimFile : str - Full path and name of the SpaceClaim file. - - - Returns - ------- - bool - ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.CreateUserDefinedModel - >>> oEditor.BreakUDMConnection - """ - self.import_spaceclaim_document(SpaceClaimFile) - self.break_spaceclaim_connection() - return True - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def get_faces_from_materials(self, mats): - """Select all outer faces given a list of materials. - - Parameters - ---------- - mats : list - List of materials to include in the search for outer - faces. - - Returns - ------- - list - List of all outer faces of the specified materials. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.GetObjectsByMaterial - >>> oEditor.GetFaceIDs - """ - self.logger.info("Selecting outer faces.") - - sel = [] - objs = [] - if type(mats) is str: - mats = [mats] - for mat in mats: - objs.extend(list(self.oeditor.GetObjectsByMaterial(mat.lower()))) - - for i in objs: - oFaceIDs = self.oeditor.GetFaceIDs(i) - - for face in oFaceIDs: - sel.append(int(face)) - return sel - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def scale(self, obj_list, x=2.0, y=2.0, z=2.0): - """Scale a list of objects. - - Parameters - ---------- - obj_list : list - List of objects IDs or names. - x : float, optional - Scale factor for X. - y : float, optional - Scale factor for Y. - z : float, optional - Scale factor for Z. - - Returns - ------- - bool - ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.Scale - """ - selections = self.convert_to_selections(obj_list, True) - arg1 = ["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", ", ".join(selections), "NewPartsModelFlag:=", "Model"] - arg2 = ["NAME:ScaleParameters", "ScaleX:=", str(x), "ScaleY:=", str(y), "ScaleZ:=", str(z)] - self.oeditor.Scale(arg1, arg2) - return True - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def select_allfaces_fromobjects(self, elements): - """Select all outer faces given a list of objects. - - Parameters - ---------- - elements : list - List of objects to include in the search for outer faces. - - Returns - ------- - List - List of outer faces in the given list of objects. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.GetFaceIDs - """ - self.logger.info("Selecting outer faces.") - - sel = [] - - for i in elements: - oFaceIDs = self.oeditor.GetFaceIDs(i) - - for face in oFaceIDs: - sel.append(int(face)) - return sel - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def setunassigned_mats(self): - """Find unassagned objects and set them to non-model. - - Returns - ------- - bool - ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.SetPropertyValue - """ - oObjects = list(self.oeditor.GetObjectsInGroup("Solids")) - for obj in oObjects: - pro = self.oeditor.GetPropertyValue("Geometry3DAttributeTab", obj, "Material") - if pro == '""': - self.oeditor.SetPropertyValue("Geometry3DAttributeTab", obj, "Model", False) - return True - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def automatic_thicken_sheets(self, inputlist, value, internalExtr=True, internalvalue=1): - """Create thickened sheets for a list of input faces. - - This method automatically checks the direction in which to thicken the sheets. - - Parameters - ---------- - inputlist : list - List of faces. - value : float - Value in millimeters to thicken the sheets. - internalExtr : bool, optional - Whether to extrude sheets internally. The default is ``True``. - internalvalue : float, optional - Value in millimeters to thicken the sheets internally (vgoing into the model). - The default is ``1``. - - Returns - ------- - bool - ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.ThickenSheet - """ - aedt_bounding_box = self.get_model_bounding_box() - directions = {} - inputlist = self.convert_to_selections(inputlist, True) - for el in inputlist: - objID = self.oeditor.GetFaceIDs(el) - faceCenter = self.oeditor.GetFaceCenter(int(objID[0])) - directionfound = False - l = 10 - while not directionfound: - self.oeditor.ThickenSheet( - ["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", el, "NewPartsModelFlag:=", "Model"], - ["NAME:SheetThickenParameters", "Thickness:=", str(l) + "mm", "BothSides:=", False], - ) - aedt_bounding_box2 = self.get_model_bounding_box() - self._odesign.Undo() - if aedt_bounding_box != aedt_bounding_box2: - directions[el] = "External" - directionfound = True - self.oeditor.ThickenSheet( - ["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", el, "NewPartsModelFlag:=", "Model"], - ["NAME:SheetThickenParameters", "Thickness:=", "-" + str(l) + "mm", "BothSides:=", False], - ) - aedt_bounding_box2 = self.get_model_bounding_box() - - self._odesign.Undo() - - if aedt_bounding_box != aedt_bounding_box2: - directions[el] = "Internal" - directionfound = True - else: - l = l + 10 - for el in inputlist: - objID = self.oeditor.GetFaceIDs(el) - faceCenter = self.oeditor.GetFaceCenter(int(objID[0])) - if directions[el] == "Internal": - self.oeditor.ThickenSheet( - ["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", el, "NewPartsModelFlag:=", "Model"], - ["NAME:SheetThickenParameters", "Thickness:=", "-" + str(value) + "mm", "BothSides:=", False], - ) - else: - self.oeditor.ThickenSheet( - ["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", el, "NewPartsModelFlag:=", "Model"], - ["NAME:SheetThickenParameters", "Thickness:=", str(value) + "mm", "BothSides:=", False], - ) - if internalExtr: - objID2 = self.oeditor.GetFaceIDs(el) - for fid in objID2: - try: - faceCenter2 = self.oeditor.GetFaceCenter(int(fid)) - if faceCenter2 == faceCenter: - self.oeditor.MoveFaces( - ["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", el, "NewPartsModelFlag:=", "Model"], - [ - "NAME:Parameters", - [ - "NAME:MoveFacesParameters", - "MoveAlongNormalFlag:=", - True, - "OffsetDistance:=", - str(internalvalue) + "mm", - "MoveVectorX:=", - "0mm", - "MoveVectorY:=", - "0mm", - "MoveVectorZ:=", - "0mm", - "FacesToMove:=", - [int(fid)], - ], - ], - ) - except: - self.logger.info("done") - # self.modeler_oproject.ClearMessages() - return True - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def move_face(self, faces, offset=1.0): - """Move an input face or a list of input faces of a specific object. - - This method moves a face or a list of faces which belong to the same solid. - - Parameters - ---------- - faces : list - List of Face ID or List of :class:`pyaedt.modeler.Object3d.FacePrimitive` object or mixed. - offset : float, optional - Offset to apply in model units. The default is ``1.0``. - - Returns - ------- - bool - ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.MoveFaces - - """ - face_selection = self.convert_to_selections(faces, True) - selection = {} - for f in face_selection: - if self.oeditor.GetObjectNameByFaceID(f) in selection: - selection[self.oeditor.GetObjectNameByFaceID(f)].append(f) - else: - selection[self.oeditor.GetObjectNameByFaceID(f)] = [f] - - arg1 = [ - "NAME:Selections", - "Selections:=", - self.convert_to_selections(list(selection.keys()), False), - "NewPartsModelFlag:=", - "Model", - ] - arg2 = ["NAME:Parameters"] - for el in list(selection.keys()): - arg2.append( - [ - "NAME:MoveFacesParameters", - "MoveAlongNormalFlag:=", - True, - "OffsetDistance:=", - str(offset) + self.model_units, - "MoveVectorX:=", - "0mm", - "MoveVectorY:=", - "0mm", - "MoveVectorZ:=", - "0mm", - "FacesToMove:=", - selection[el], - ] - ) - self.oeditor.MoveFaces(arg1, arg2) - return True - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def move_edge(self, edges, offset=1.0): - """Move an input edge or a list of input edges of a specific object. - - This method moves an edge or a list of edges which belong to the same solid. - - Parameters - ---------- - edges : list - List of Edge ID or List of :class:`pyaedt.modeler.Object3d.EdgePrimitive` object or mixed. - offset : float, optional - Offset to apply in model units. The default is ``1.0``. - - Returns - ------- - bool - ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.MoveEdges - - """ - edge_selection = self.convert_to_selections(edges, True) - selection = {} - for f in edge_selection: - if self.oeditor.GetObjectNameByEdgeID(f) in selection: - selection[self.oeditor.GetObjectNameByEdgeID(f)].append(f) - else: - selection[self.oeditor.GetObjectNameByEdgeID(f)] = [f] - - arg1 = [ - "NAME:Selections", - "Selections:=", - self.convert_to_selections(list(selection.keys()), False), - "NewPartsModelFlag:=", - "Model", - ] - arg2 = ["NAME:Parameters"] - for el in list(selection.keys()): - arg2.append( - [ - "NAME:MoveEdgesParameters", - "MoveAlongNormalFlag:=", - True, - "OffsetDistance:=", - str(offset) + self.model_units, - "MoveVectorX:=", - "0mm", - "MoveVectorY:=", - "0mm", - "MoveVectorZ:=", - "0mm", - "EdgesToMove:=", - selection[el], - ] - ) - self.oeditor.MoveEdges(arg1, arg2) - return True - - class Position: - """Position. - - Parameters - ---------- - args : list or int - Position of the item as either a list of the ``[x, y, z]`` coordinates - or three separate values. If no or insufficient arguments - are specified, ``0`` is applied. - - """ - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def __getitem__(self, item): - if item == 0: - return self.X - elif item == 1: - return self.Y - elif item == 2: - return self.Z - else: - raise IndexError - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def __setitem__(self, item, value): - if item == 0: - self.X = value - elif item == 1: - self.Y = value - elif item == 2: - self.Z = value - - def __len__(self): - return 3 - - def __init__(self, *args): - if len(args) == 1 and type(args[0]) is list: - try: - self.X = args[0][0] - except: - self.X = 0 - try: - self.Y = args[0][1] - except: - self.Y = 0 - try: - self.Z = args[0][2] - except: - self.Z = 0 - else: - try: - self.X = args[0] - except: - self.X = 0 - try: - self.Y = args[1] - except: - self.Y = 0 - try: - self.Z = args[2] - except: - self.Z = 0 - - class SweepOptions(object): - """Manages sweep options. - - Parameters - ---------- - draftType : str, optional - Type of the draft. Options are ``"Round"``, ``"Natural"``, - and ``"Extended"``. The default is ``"Round"``. - draftAngle : str, optional - Draft angle with units. The default is ``"0deg"``. - twistAngle : str, optional - Twist angle with units. The default is ``"0deg"``. - - """ - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def __init__(self, draftType="Round", draftAngle="0deg", twistAngle="0deg"): - self.DraftType = draftType - self.DraftAngle = draftAngle - self.TwistAngle = twistAngle - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def create_group(self, objects=None, components=None, groups=None, group_name=None): - """Group objects or groups into one group. - - At least one between ``objects``, ``components``, ``groups`` has to be defined. - - Parameters - ---------- - objects : list, optional - List of objects. The default is ``None``, in which case a group - with all objects is created. - components : list, optional - List of 3d components to group. The default is ``None``. - groups : list, optional - List of groups. The default is ``None``. - group_name : str, optional - Name of the new group. The default is ``None``. - It is not possible to choose the name but a name is - assigned automatically. - - Returns - ------- - str - Name assigned to the new group. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.CreateGroup - """ - if components is None and groups is None and objects is None: - raise AttributeError("At least one between ``objects``, ``components``, ``groups`` has to be defined.") - - all_objects = self.object_names - if objects: - object_selection = self.convert_to_selections(objects, return_list=False) - else: - object_selection = "" - if groups: - group_selection = self.convert_to_selections(groups, return_list=False) - else: - group_selection = "" - if components: - component_selection = self.convert_to_selections(components, return_list=False) - else: - component_selection = "" - - arg = [ - "NAME:GroupParameter", - "ParentGroupID:=", - "Model", - "Parts:=", - object_selection, - "SubmodelInstances:=", - component_selection, - "Groups:=", - group_selection, - ] - assigned_name = self.oeditor.CreateGroup(arg) - if group_name and group_name not in all_objects: - self.oeditor.ChangeProperty( - [ - "NAME:AllTabs", - [ - "NAME:Attributes", - ["NAME:PropServers", assigned_name], - ["NAME:ChangedProps", ["NAME:Name", "Value:=", group_name]], - ], - ] - ) - return group_name - else: - return assigned_name - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def ungroup(self, groups): - """Ungroup one or more groups. - - Parameters - ---------- - groups : list - List of group names. - - Returns - ------- - bool - ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.Ungroup - """ - group_list = self.convert_to_selections(groups, return_list=True) - arg = ["Groups:=", group_list] - self.oeditor.Ungroup(arg) - return True - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def flatten_assembly(self): - """Flatten the assembly, removing all group trees. - - Returns - ------- - bool - ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.FlattenGroup - """ - self.oeditor.FlattenGroup(["Groups:=", ["Model"]]) - return True - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def wrap_sheet(self, sheet_name, object_name, imprinted=False): - """Execute the sheet wrapping around an object. - If wrapping produces an unclassified operation it will be reverted. - - Parameters - ---------- - sheet_name : str, :class:`pyaedt.modeler.Object3d.Object3d` - Sheet name or sheet object. - object_name : str, :class:`pyaedt.modeler.Object3d.Object3d` - Object name or solid object. - imprinted : bool, optional - Either if imprint or not over the sheet. Default is ``False``. - - Returns - ------- - bool - Command execution status. - """ - sheet_name = self.convert_to_selections(sheet_name, False) - object_name = self.convert_to_selections(object_name, False) - - if sheet_name not in self.sheet_names: - self.logger.error("{} is not a valid sheet.".format(sheet_name)) - return False - if object_name not in self.solid_names: - self.logger.error("{} is not a valid solid body.".format(object_name)) - return False - unclassified = [i for i in self.unclassified_objects] - self.oeditor.WrapSheet( - ["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", "{},{}".format(sheet_name, object_name)], - ["NAME:WrapSheetParameters", "Imprinted:=", imprinted], - ) - is_unclassified = [i for i in self.unclassified_objects if i not in unclassified] - if is_unclassified: - self.logger.error("Failed to Wrap sheet. Reverting to original objects.") - self._odesign.Undo() - return False - if imprinted: - self.cleanup_objects() - return True - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def heal_objects( - self, - input_objects_list, - auto_heal=True, - tolerant_stitch=True, - simplify_geometry=True, - tighten_gaps=True, - heal_to_solid=False, - stop_after_first_stitch_error=False, - max_stitch_tolerance=0.001, - explode_and_stitch=True, - geometry_simplification_tolerance=1, - maximum_generated_radius=1, - simplify_type=0, - tighten_gaps_width=0.00001, - remove_silver_faces=True, - remove_small_edges=True, - remove_small_faces=True, - silver_face_tolerance=1, - small_edge_tolerance=1, - small_face_area_tolerance=1, - bounding_box_scale_factor=0, - remove_holes=True, - remove_chamfers=True, - remove_blends=True, - hole_radius_tolerance=1, - chamfer_width_tolerance=1, - blend_radius_tolerance=1, - allowable_surface_area_change=5, - allowable_volume_change=5, - ): - """Repair invalid geometry entities for the selected objects within the specified tolerance settings. - - Parameters - ---------- - input_objects_list : str - List of object names to analyze. - auto_heal : bool, optional - Auto heal option. Default value is ``True``. - tolerant_stitch : bool, optional - Tolerant stitch for manual healing. The default is ``True``. - simplify_geometry : bool, optional - Simplify geometry for manual healing. The default is ``True``. - tighten_gaps : bool, optional - Tighten gaps for manual healing. The default is ``True``. - heal_to_solid : bool, optional - Heal to solid for manual healing. The default is ``False``. - stop_after_first_stitch_error : bool, optional - Stop after first stitch error for manual healing. The default is ``False``. - max_stitch_tolerance : float, str, optional - Max stitch tolerance for manual healing. The default is ``0.001``. - explode_and_stitch : bool, optional - Explode and stitch for manual healing. The default is ``True``. - geometry_simplification_tolerance : float, str, optional - Geometry simplification tolerance for manual healing in mm. The default is ``1``. - maximum_generated_radius : float, str, optional - Maximum generated radius for manual healing in mm. The default is ``1``. - simplify_type : int, optional - Simplify type for manual healing. The default is ``0`` which refers to ``Curves``. - Other available values are ``1`` for ``Surfaces`` and ``2`` for ``Both``. - tighten_gaps_width : float, str, optional - Tighten gaps width for manual healing in mm. The default is ``0.00001``. - remove_silver_faces : bool, optional - Remove silver faces for manual healing. The default is ``True``. - remove_small_edges : bool, optional - Remove small edges faces for manual healing. The default is ``True``. - remove_small_faces : bool, optional - Remove small faces for manual healing. The default is ``True``. - silver_face_tolerance : float, str, optional - Silver face tolerance for manual healing in mm. The default is ``1``. - small_edge_tolerance : float, str, optional - Silver face tolerance for manual healing in mm. The default is ``1``. - small_face_area_tolerance : float, str, optional - Silver face tolerance for manual healing in mm^2. The default is ``1``. - bounding_box_scale_factor : int, optional - Bounding box scaling factor for manual healing. The default is ``0``. - remove_holes : bool, optional - Remove holes for manual healing. The default is ``True``. - remove_chamfers : bool, optional - Remove chamfers for manual healing. The default is``True``. - remove_blends : bool, optional - Remove blends for manual healing. The default is ``True``. - hole_radius_tolerance : float, str, optional - Hole radius tolerance for manual healing in mm. The default is ``1``. - chamfer_width_tolerance : float, str, optional - Chamfer width tolerance for manual healing in mm. The default is ``1``. - blend_radius_tolerance : float, str, optional - Blend radius tolerance for manual healing in mm. The default is ``1``. - allowable_surface_area_change : float, str, optional - Allowable surface area for manual healing in mm. The default is ``1``. - allowable_volume_change : float, str, optional - Allowable volume change for manual healing in mm. The default is ``1``. - - Returns - ------- - bool - ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. - """ - if not input_objects_list: - self.logger.error("Provide an object name or a list of object names as a string.") - return False - elif not isinstance(input_objects_list, str): - self.logger.error("Provide an object name or a list of object names as a string.") - return False - elif "," in input_objects_list: - input_objects_list = input_objects_list.strip() - if ", " in input_objects_list: - input_objects_list_split = input_objects_list.split(", ") - else: - input_objects_list_split = input_objects_list.split(",") - for obj in input_objects_list_split: - if obj not in self.modeler.object_names: - self.logger.error("Provide an object name or a list of object names that exists in current design.") - return False - objects_selection = ",".join(input_objects_list_split) - else: - objects_selection = input_objects_list - - if simplify_type not in [0, 1, 2]: - self.logger.error("Invalid simplify type.") - return False - - selections_args = ["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", objects_selection, "NewPartsModelFlag:=", "Model"] - healing_parameters = [ - "NAME:ObjectHealingParameters", - "Version:=", - 1, - "AutoHeal:=", - auto_heal, - "TolerantStitch:=", - tolerant_stitch, - "SimplifyGeom:=", - simplify_geometry, - "TightenGaps:=", - tighten_gaps, - "HealToSolid:=", - heal_to_solid, - "StopAfterFirstStitchError:=", - stop_after_first_stitch_error, - "MaxStitchTol:=", - max_stitch_tolerance, - "ExplodeAndStitch:=", - explode_and_stitch, - "GeomSimplificationTol:=", - geometry_simplification_tolerance, - "MaximumGeneratedRadiusForSimplification:=", - maximum_generated_radius, - "SimplifyType:=", - simplify_type, - "TightenGapsWidth:=", - tighten_gaps_width, - "RemoveSliverFaces:=", - remove_silver_faces, - "RemoveSmallEdges:=", - remove_small_edges, - "RemoveSmallFaces:=", - remove_small_faces, - "SliverFaceTol:=", - silver_face_tolerance, - "SmallEdgeTol:=", - small_edge_tolerance, - "SmallFaceAreaTol:=", - small_face_area_tolerance, - "SpikeTol:=", - -1, - "GashWidthBound:=", - -1, - "GashAspectBound:=", - -1, - "BoundingBoxScaleFactor:=", - bounding_box_scale_factor, - "RemoveHoles:=", - remove_holes, - "RemoveChamfers:=", - remove_chamfers, - "RemoveBlends:=", - remove_blends, - "HoleRadiusTol:=", - hole_radius_tolerance, - "ChamferWidthTol:=", - chamfer_width_tolerance, - "BlendRadiusTol:=", - blend_radius_tolerance, - "AllowableSurfaceAreaChange:=", - allowable_surface_area_change, - "AllowableVolumeChange:=", - allowable_volume_change, - ] - self.oeditor.HealObject(selections_args, healing_parameters) - return True - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def simplify_objects( - self, - input_objects_list, - simplify_type="Polygon Fit", - extrusion_axis="Auto", - clean_up=True, - allow_splitting=True, - separate_bodies=True, - clone_body=True, - generate_primitive_history=False, - interior_points_on_arc=5, - length_threshold_percentage=25, - create_group_for_new_objects=False, - ): - """Simplify command to converts complex objects into simpler primitives which are easy to mesh and solve. - - Parameters - ---------- - input_objects_list : str - List of object names to simplify. - simplify_type : str, optional - Simplify type. Default value is ``Polygon Fit``. - Available values are ``Polygon Fit`` ``Primitive Fit`` or ``Bounding Box``. - extrusion_axis : str, optional - Extrusion axis. Default value is ``Auto``. - Available values are ``Auto`` ``X``, ``Y`` or ``Z``. - clean_up : bool, optional - Clean up. The default is ``True``. - allow_splitting : bool, optional - Allow splitting. The default is ``True``. - separate_bodies : bool, optional - Separate bodies. The default is ``True``. - clone_body : bool, optional - Clone body. The default is ``True``. - generate_primitive_history : bool, optional - Generate primitive history. - This option will purge the history for selected objects. - The default is ``False``. - interior_points_on_arc : float, optional - Number points on curve. The default is ``5``. - length_threshold_percentage : float, optional - Number points on curve. The default is ``25``. - create_group_for_new_objects : bool, optional - Create group for new objects. The default is ``False``. - - Returns - ------- - bool - ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. - """ - if not input_objects_list: - self.logger.error("Provide an object name or a list of object names as a string.") - return False - elif not isinstance(input_objects_list, str): - self.logger.error("Provide an object name or a list of object names as a string.") - return False - elif "," in input_objects_list: - input_objects_list = input_objects_list.strip() - if ", " in input_objects_list: - input_objects_list_split = input_objects_list.split(", ") - else: - input_objects_list_split = input_objects_list.split(",") - for obj in input_objects_list_split: - if obj not in self.modeler.object_names: - self.logger.error("Provide an object name or a list of object names that exists in current design.") - return False - objects_selection = ",".join(input_objects_list_split) - else: - objects_selection = input_objects_list - - if simplify_type not in ["Polygon Fit", "Primitive Fit", "Bounding Box"]: - self.logger.error("Invalid simplify type.") - return False - - if extrusion_axis not in ["Auto", "X", "Y", "Z"]: - self.logger.error("Invalid extrusion axis.") - return False - - selections_args = ["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", objects_selection, "NewPartsModelFlag:=", "Model"] - simplify_parameters = [ - "NAME:SimplifyParameters", - "Type:=", - simplify_type, - "ExtrusionAxis:=", - extrusion_axis, - "Cleanup:=", - clean_up, - "Splitting:=", - allow_splitting, - "SeparateBodies:=", - separate_bodies, - "CloneBody:=", - clone_body, - "Generate Primitive History:=", - generate_primitive_history, - "NumberPointsCurve:=", - interior_points_on_arc, - "LengthThresholdCurve:=", - length_threshold_percentage, - ] - groups_for_new_object = ["CreateGroupsForNewObjects:=", create_group_for_new_objects] - - try: - self.oeditor.Simplify(selections_args, simplify_parameters, groups_for_new_object) - return True - except: - self.logger.error("Simplify objects failed.") - return False - - @pyaedt_function_handler - def get_face_by_id(self, id): - """Give the face object given its Id. - - Parameters - ---------- - id : int - Id of the face to retrieve. - - Returns - ------- - modeler.cad.elements3d.FacePrimitive - Face object. - - """ - obj = [o for o in self.object_list for face in o.faces if face.id == id] - if obj: - face_obj = [face for face in obj[0].faces if face.id == id][0] - return face_obj - else: - return False diff --git a/pyaedt/modeler/cad/Primitives.py b/pyaedt/modeler/cad/Primitives.py index f5a1a371b30..edbd2e27451 100644 --- a/pyaedt/modeler/cad/Primitives.py +++ b/pyaedt/modeler/cad/Primitives.py @@ -10,17 +10,29 @@ import random import string import time +import warnings from pyaedt.application.Variables import Variable from pyaedt.application.Variables import decompose_variable_value +from pyaedt.generic.constants import AEDT_UNITS from pyaedt.generic.general_methods import _dim_arg from pyaedt.generic.general_methods import _uname +from pyaedt.generic.general_methods import generate_unique_name from pyaedt.generic.general_methods import is_number from pyaedt.generic.general_methods import pyaedt_function_handler +from pyaedt.generic.general_methods import settings +from pyaedt.modeler.cad.Modeler import BaseCoordinateSystem +from pyaedt.modeler.cad.Modeler import CoordinateSystem +from pyaedt.modeler.cad.Modeler import FaceCoordinateSystem +from pyaedt.modeler.cad.Modeler import Lists +from pyaedt.modeler.cad.Modeler import Modeler +from pyaedt.modeler.cad.Modeler import ObjectCoordinateSystem from pyaedt.modeler.cad.components_3d import UserDefinedComponent +from pyaedt.modeler.cad.elements3d import EdgePrimitive from pyaedt.modeler.cad.elements3d import FacePrimitive from pyaedt.modeler.cad.elements3d import Plane from pyaedt.modeler.cad.elements3d import Point +from pyaedt.modeler.cad.elements3d import VertexPrimitive from pyaedt.modeler.cad.object3d import Object3d from pyaedt.modeler.cad.polylines import Polyline from pyaedt.modeler.cad.polylines import PolylineSegment @@ -41,30 +53,330 @@ aedt_wait_time = 0.1 -class Primitives(object): - """Provides common functionalities for primitives. +class GeometryModeler(Modeler): + """Manages the main AEDT Modeler functionalities for geometry-based designs. Parameters ---------- - application : :class:`pyaedt.modeler.Model3D.Modeler3D`, :class:`pyaedt.modeler.Model2D.Modeler2D` - Pointer to the parent object. + app : + Inherited parent object. + is3d : bool, optional + Whether the model is 3D. The default is ``True``. + """ - Examples - -------- - Basic usage demonstrated with an HFSS design: + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def __getitem__(self, partId): + """Get the object ``Object3D`` for a given object ID or object name. - >>> from pyaedt import Hfss - >>> aedtapp = Hfss() - >>> prim = aedtapp.modeler - """ + Parameters + ---------- + partId : int or str + Object ID or object name from the 3D modeler. + + Returns + ------- + :class:`pyaedt.modeler.cad.object3d.Object3d` + Returns ``None`` if the part ID or the object name is not found. + + """ + if isinstance(partId, (int, str)) and not ( + partId in self.objects or partId in self._object_names_to_ids or partId in self.user_defined_components + ): + self.refresh_all_ids() + if isinstance(partId, int): + if partId in self.objects: + return self.objects[partId] + elif partId in self._object_names_to_ids: + return self.objects[self._object_names_to_ids[partId]] + elif partId in self.user_defined_components: + return self.user_defined_components[partId] + elif isinstance(partId, Object3d) or isinstance(partId, UserDefinedComponent): + return partId + return None - def __init__(self): + def __init__(self, app, is3d=True): + self._app = app + Modeler.__init__(self, app) + # TODO Refactor this as a dictionary with names as key + self._coordinate_systems = [] + self._user_lists = [] + self._planes = [] + self._is3d = is3d + self._solids = [] + self._sheets = [] + self._lines = [] + self._points = [] + self._unclassified = [] + self._all_object_names = [] + self.objects = {} + self.user_defined_components = {} + self._object_names_to_ids = {} self.points = {} self.refresh() + class Position: + """Position. + + Parameters + ---------- + args : list or int + Position of the item as either a list of the ``[x, y, z]`` coordinates + or three separate values. If no or insufficient arguments + are specified, ``0`` is applied. + + """ + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def __getitem__(self, item): + if item == 0: + return self.X + elif item == 1: + return self.Y + elif item == 2: + return self.Z + else: + raise IndexError + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def __setitem__(self, item, value): + if item == 0: + self.X = value + elif item == 1: + self.Y = value + elif item == 2: + self.Z = value + + def __len__(self): + return 3 + + def __init__(self, *args): + if len(args) == 1 and type(args[0]) is list: + try: + self.X = args[0][0] + except: + self.X = 0 + try: + self.Y = args[0][1] + except: + self.Y = 0 + try: + self.Z = args[0][2] + except: + self.Z = 0 + else: + try: + self.X = args[0] + except: + self.X = 0 + try: + self.Y = args[1] + except: + self.Y = 0 + try: + self.Z = args[2] + except: + self.Z = 0 + + class SweepOptions(object): + """Manages sweep options. + + Parameters + ---------- + draftType : str, optional + Type of the draft. Options are ``"Round"``, ``"Natural"``, + and ``"Extended"``. The default is ``"Round"``. + draftAngle : str, optional + Draft angle with units. The default is ``"0deg"``. + twistAngle : str, optional + Twist angle with units. The default is ``"0deg"``. + + """ + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def __init__(self, draftType="Round", draftAngle="0deg", twistAngle="0deg"): + self.DraftType = draftType + self.DraftAngle = draftAngle + self.TwistAngle = twistAngle + + @property + def _design_properties(self): + return self._app.design_properties + + @property + def _odefinition_manager(self): + return self._app.odefinition_manager + + @property + def _omaterial_manager(self): + return self._app.omaterial_manager + + @property + def coordinate_systems(self): + """Coordinate systems.""" + if settings.aedt_version > "2022.2": + cs_names = [i for i in self.oeditor.GetChildNames("CoordinateSystems") if i != "Global"] + for cs_name in cs_names: + props = {} + local_names = [i.name for i in self._coordinate_systems] + if cs_name not in local_names: + if self.oeditor.GetChildObject(cs_name).GetPropValue("Type") == "Relative": + self._coordinate_systems.append(CoordinateSystem(self, props, cs_name)) + elif self.oeditor.GetChildObject(cs_name).GetPropValue("Type") == "Face": + self._coordinate_systems.append(FaceCoordinateSystem(self, props, cs_name)) + elif self.oeditor.GetChildObject(cs_name).GetPropValue("Type") == "Object": + self._coordinate_systems.append(ObjectCoordinateSystem(self, props, cs_name)) + return self._coordinate_systems + if not self._coordinate_systems: + self._coordinate_systems = self._get_coordinates_data() + return self._coordinate_systems + + @property + def user_lists(self): + """User lists.""" + if not self._user_lists: + self._user_lists = self._get_lists_data() + return self._user_lists + + @property + def planes(self): + """Planes.""" + if not self._planes: + self._planes = self._get_planes_data() + return self._planes + + @property + def oeditor(self): + """AEDT ``oEditor`` module. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor = oDesign.SetActiveEditor("3D Modeler")""" + + return self._app.oeditor + + @property + def materials(self): + """Material library used in the project. + + Returns + ------- + :class:`pyaedt.modules.MaterialLib.Materials` + + """ + return self._app.materials + + @property + def model_units(self): + """Model units as a string. For example, ``"mm"``. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.GetModelUnits + >>> oEditor.SetModelUnits + """ + return self.oeditor.GetModelUnits() + + @model_units.setter + def model_units(self, units): + assert units in AEDT_UNITS["Length"], "Invalid units string {0}.".format(units) + self.oeditor.SetModelUnits(["NAME:Units Parameter", "Units:=", units, "Rescale:=", False]) + + @property + def selections(self): + """Selections. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.GetSelections + """ + return self.oeditor.GetSelections() + + @property + def obounding_box(self): + """Bounding box. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.GetModelBoundingBox + """ + return self.oeditor.GetModelBoundingBox() + + @property + def dimension(self): + """Dimensions. + + Returns + ------- + str + Dimensionality, which is either ``"2D"`` or ``"3D"``. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oDesign.Is2D + """ + try: + if self._odesign.Is2D(): + return "2D" + else: + return "3D" + except: + if self.design_type == "2D Extractor": + return "2D" + else: + return "3D" + + @property + def design_type(self): + """Design type. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oDesign.GetDesignType + """ + return self._app.design_type + + @property + def geometry_mode(self): + """Geometry mode. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oDesign.GetGeometryMode""" + return self._odesign.GetGeometryMode() + + @property + def solid_bodies(self): + """List of object names. + + .. note:: + Non-model objects are also returned. + + Returns + ------- + list os str + List of object names with the object name as the key. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.GetObjectsInGroup + """ + if self.dimension == "3D": + objects = self.oeditor.GetObjectsInGroup("Solids") + else: + objects = self.oeditor.GetObjectsInGroup("Sheets") + return list(objects) + @property def _modeler(self): - return self._app.modeler + return self @property def solid_objects(self): @@ -238,6 +550,22 @@ def user_defined_component_names(self): new_obs3d = [] return new_obs3d + @property + def layout_component_names(self): + """List of the names of all Layout component objects. + + Returns + ------- + list + Layout component names. + """ + lc_names = [] + if self.user_defined_components: + for name, value in self.user_defined_components.items(): + if value.layout_component: + lc_names.append(name) + return lc_names + @property def _oproject(self): """Project.""" @@ -269,51 +597,4937 @@ def logger(self): """Logger.""" return self._app.logger - @property - def version(self): - """Version.""" - return self._app._aedt_version + @property + def version(self): + """Version.""" + return self._app._aedt_version + + @property + def model_objects(self): + """List of the names of all model objects.""" + return self._get_model_objects(model=True) + + @property + def non_model_objects(self): + """List of objects of all non-model objects.""" + return list(self.oeditor.GetObjectsInGroup("Non Model")) + + @property + def model_consistency_report(self): + """Summary of detected inconsistencies between the AEDT modeler and PyAEDT structures. + + Returns + ------- + dict + + """ + obj_names = self.object_names + missing = [] + for name in obj_names: + if name not in self._object_names_to_ids: + missing.append(name) + non_existent = [] + for name in self._object_names_to_ids: + if name not in obj_names and name not in self.unclassified_names: + non_existent.append(name) + report = {"Missing Objects": missing, "Non-Existent Objects": non_existent} + return report + + @property + def objects_by_name(self): + """Object dictionary organized by name. + + Returns + ------- + dict + """ + obj_dict = {} + for _, v in self.objects.items(): + obj_dict[v._m_name] = v + return obj_dict + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def refresh(self): + """Refresh this object.""" + self._solids = [] + self._sheets = [] + self._lines = [] + self._points = [] + self._unclassified = [] + self._all_object_names = [] + self.objects = {} + self.user_defined_components = {} + self._object_names_to_ids = {} + self._currentId = 0 + self._refresh_object_types() + self._refresh_all_ids_from_aedt_file() + self.refresh_all_ids() + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def _get_commands(self, name): + try: + return self.oeditor.GetChildObject(name).GetChildNames() + except: + return [] + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def _create_user_defined_component(self, name): + if name not in list(self.user_defined_components.keys()): + native_component_properties = self._get_native_component_properties(name) + if native_component_properties: + component_type = native_component_properties["NativeComponentDefinitionProvider"]["Type"] + o = UserDefinedComponent(self, name, native_component_properties, component_type) + else: + o = UserDefinedComponent(self, name) + self.user_defined_components[name] = o + else: + o = self.user_defined_components[name] + return o + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def _create_point(self, name): + point = Point(self, name) + self.refresh_all_ids() + + return point + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def _refresh_all_ids_from_aedt_file(self): + if not self._design_properties or "ModelSetup" not in self._design_properties: + return False + + try: + groups = self._design_properties["ModelSetup"]["GeometryCore"]["GeometryOperations"]["Groups"]["Group"] + except KeyError: + groups = [] + if not isinstance(groups, list): + groups = [groups] + try: + self._design_properties["ModelSetup"]["GeometryCore"]["GeometryOperations"]["ToplevelParts"]["GeometryPart"] + except KeyError: + return 0 + for el in self._design_properties["ModelSetup"]["GeometryCore"]["GeometryOperations"]["ToplevelParts"][ + "GeometryPart" + ]: + if isinstance(el, (OrderedDict, dict)): + attribs = el["Attributes"] + operations = el.get("Operations", None) + else: + attribs = self._design_properties["ModelSetup"]["GeometryCore"]["GeometryOperations"]["ToplevelParts"][ + "GeometryPart" + ]["Attributes"] + operations = self._design_properties["ModelSetup"]["GeometryCore"]["GeometryOperations"][ + "ToplevelParts" + ]["GeometryPart"]["Operations"] + if attribs["Name"] in self._all_object_names: + pid = 0 + + if operations and isinstance(operations.get("Operation", None), (OrderedDict, dict)): + try: + pid = operations["Operation"]["ParentPartID"] + except: # pragma: no cover + pass + elif operations and isinstance(operations.get("Operation", None), list): + try: + pid = operations["Operation"][0]["ParentPartID"] + except: + pass + o = self._create_object(name=attribs["Name"], pid=pid, use_cached=True) + o._part_coordinate_system = attribs["PartCoordinateSystem"] + if "NonModel" in attribs["Flags"]: + o._model = False + else: + o._model = True + if "Wireframe" in attribs["Flags"]: + o._wireframe = True + else: + o._wireframe = False + groupname = "" + for group in groups: + if attribs["GroupId"] == group["GroupID"]: + groupname = group["Attributes"]["Name"] + + o._m_groupName = groupname + try: + o._color = tuple(int(x) for x in attribs["Color"][1:-1].split(" ")) + except: + o._color = None + o._surface_material = attribs.get("SurfaceMaterialValue", None) + if o._surface_material: + o._surface_material = o._surface_material[1:-1].lower() + if "MaterialValue" in attribs: + o._material_name = attribs["MaterialValue"][1:-1].lower() + + o._is_updated = True + return len(self.objects) + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def cleanup_objects(self): + """Clean up objects that no longer exist in the modeler because + they were removed by previous operations. + + This method also updates object IDs that may have changed via + a modeler operation such as :func:`pyaedt.modeler.Model3D.Modeler3D.unite` + or :func:`pyaedt.modeler.Model2D.Modeler2D.unite`. + + Returns + ------- + dict + Dictionary of updated object IDs. + + """ + new_object_dict = {} + new_object_id_dict = {} + new_points_dict = {} + + all_objects = self.object_names + all_unclassified = self.unclassified_names + all_objs = all_objects + all_unclassified + for old_id, obj in self.objects.items(): + if obj.name in all_objs: + # Check if ID can change in boolean operations + # updated_id = obj.id # By calling the object property we get the new id + new_object_id_dict[obj.name] = old_id + new_object_dict[old_id] = obj + for old_id, obj in self.points.items(): + if obj.name in self._points: + new_points_dict[obj.name] = obj + self.objects = new_object_dict + self._object_names_to_ids = new_object_id_dict + self.points = new_points_dict + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def find_new_objects(self): + """Find any new objects in the modeler that were created + by previous operations. + + Returns + ------- + dict + Dictionary of new objects. + + """ + new_objects = [] + for obj_name in self.object_names: + if obj_name not in self._object_names_to_ids: + new_objects.append(obj_name) + return new_objects + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def add_new_objects(self): + """Add objects that have been created in the modeler by + previous operations. + + Returns + ------- + list + List of added objects. + + """ + # TODO: Need to improve documentation for this method. + added_objects = [] + + for obj_name in self.object_names: + if obj_name not in self._object_names_to_ids: + self._create_object(obj_name) + added_objects.append(obj_name) + for obj_name in self.unclassified_names: + if obj_name not in self._object_names_to_ids: + self._create_object(obj_name) + added_objects.append(obj_name) + for obj_name in self.point_names: + if obj_name not in self.points.keys(): + self._create_object(obj_name) + added_objects.append(obj_name) + return added_objects + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def add_new_user_defined_component(self): + """Add 3D components and user-defined models that have been created in the modeler by + previous operations. + + Returns + ------- + list + List of added components. + + """ + added_component = [] + for comp_name in self.user_defined_component_names: + if comp_name not in self.user_defined_components: + self._create_user_defined_component(comp_name) + added_component.append(comp_name) + return added_component + + # TODO Eliminate this - check about import_3d_cad + # Should no longer be a problem + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def refresh_all_ids(self): + """Refresh all IDs.""" + + self.add_new_objects() + self.add_new_user_defined_component() + self.cleanup_objects() + + return len(self.objects) + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def get_objects_by_material(self, materialname=None): + """Get a list of objects either of a specified material or classified by material. + + Parameters + ---------- + materialname : str + Name of the material. The default is ``None``. + + Returns + ------- + list of class:`pyaedt.modeler.cad.object3d.Object3d` + If a material name is not provided, the method returns + a list of dictionaries where keys are material names + of conductors, dielectrics, gases, and liquids respectively + in the design and values are objects assigned to these materials. + If a material name is provided, the method returns a list + of objects assigned to the material. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.GetObjectsByMaterial + + """ + obj_lst = [] + if materialname is not None: + for obj in self.object_list: + if obj and ("[" in obj.material_name or "(" in obj.material_name) and obj.object_type == "Solid": + material = ( + self._app.odesign.GetChildObject("3D Modeler") + .GetChildObject(obj.name) + .GetPropEvaluatedValue("Material") + .lower() + ) + if materialname.lower() == material: + obj_lst.append(obj) + elif obj and (obj.material_name == materialname or obj.material_name == materialname.lower()): + obj_lst.append(obj) + else: + obj_lst = [ + self._get_object_dict_by_material(self.materials.conductors), + self._get_object_dict_by_material(self.materials.dielectrics), + self._get_object_dict_by_material(self.materials.gases), + self._get_object_dict_by_material(self.materials.liquids), + ] + return obj_lst + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def _get_coordinates_data(self): # pragma: no cover + coord = [] + id2name = {1: "Global"} + name2refid = {} + if self._design_properties and "ModelSetup" in self._design_properties: + cs = self._design_properties["ModelSetup"]["GeometryCore"]["GeometryOperations"]["CoordinateSystems"] + for ds in cs: + try: + if isinstance(cs[ds], (OrderedDict, dict)): + if cs[ds]["OperationType"] == "CreateRelativeCoordinateSystem": + props = cs[ds]["RelativeCSParameters"] + name = cs[ds]["Attributes"]["Name"] + cs_id = cs[ds]["ID"] + id2name[cs_id] = name + name2refid[name] = cs[ds]["ReferenceCoordSystemID"] + coord.append(CoordinateSystem(self, props, name)) + if "ZXZ" in props["Mode"]: + coord[-1].mode = "zxz" + elif "ZYZ" in props["Mode"]: + coord[-1].mode = "zyz" + else: + coord[-1].mode = "axis" + elif cs[ds]["OperationType"] == "CreateFaceCoordinateSystem": + name = cs[ds]["Attributes"]["Name"] + cs_id = cs[ds]["ID"] + id2name[cs_id] = name + op_id = cs[ds]["PlaceHolderOperationID"] + geometry_part = self._design_properties["ModelSetup"]["GeometryCore"]["GeometryOperations"][ + "ToplevelParts" + ]["GeometryPart"] + if isinstance(geometry_part, (OrderedDict, dict)): + op = geometry_part["Operations"]["FaceCSHolderOperation"] + if isinstance(op, (OrderedDict, dict)): + if op["ID"] == op_id: + props = op["FaceCSParameters"] + coord.append(FaceCoordinateSystem(self, props, name)) + elif isinstance(op, list): + for iop in op: + if iop["ID"] == op_id: + props = iop["FaceCSParameters"] + coord.append(FaceCoordinateSystem(self, props, name)) + break + elif isinstance(geometry_part, list): + for gp in geometry_part: + op = gp["Operations"]["FaceCSHolderOperation"] + if isinstance(op, (OrderedDict, dict)): + if op["ID"] == op_id: + props = op["FaceCSParameters"] + coord.append(FaceCoordinateSystem(self, props, name)) + elif isinstance(op, list): + for iop in op: + if iop["ID"] == op_id: + props = iop["FaceCSParameters"] + coord.append(FaceCoordinateSystem(self, props, name)) + break + elif isinstance(cs[ds], list): + for el in cs[ds]: + if el["OperationType"] == "CreateRelativeCoordinateSystem": + props = el["RelativeCSParameters"] + name = el["Attributes"]["Name"] + cs_id = el["ID"] + id2name[cs_id] = name + name2refid[name] = el["ReferenceCoordSystemID"] + coord.append(CoordinateSystem(self, props, name)) + if "ZXZ" in props["Mode"]: + coord[-1].mode = "zxz" + elif "ZYZ" in props["Mode"]: + coord[-1].mode = "zyz" + else: + coord[-1].mode = "axis" + elif el["OperationType"] == "CreateFaceCoordinateSystem": + name = el["Attributes"]["Name"] + cs_id = el["ID"] + id2name[cs_id] = name + op_id = el["PlaceHolderOperationID"] + geometry_part = self._design_properties["ModelSetup"]["GeometryCore"][ + "GeometryOperations" + ]["ToplevelParts"]["GeometryPart"] + if isinstance(geometry_part, (OrderedDict, dict)): + op = geometry_part["Operations"]["FaceCSHolderOperation"] + if isinstance(op, (OrderedDict, dict)): + if op["ID"] == op_id: + props = op["FaceCSParameters"] + coord.append(FaceCoordinateSystem(self, props, name)) + elif isinstance(op, list): + for iop in op: + if iop["ID"] == op_id: + props = iop["FaceCSParameters"] + coord.append(FaceCoordinateSystem(self, props, name)) + break + elif isinstance(geometry_part, list): + for gp in geometry_part: + try: + op = gp["Operations"]["FaceCSHolderOperation"] + except KeyError: + continue + if isinstance(op, (OrderedDict, dict)): + if op["ID"] == op_id: + props = op["FaceCSParameters"] + coord.append(FaceCoordinateSystem(self, props, name)) + elif isinstance(op, list): + for iop in op: + if iop["ID"] == op_id: + props = iop["FaceCSParameters"] + coord.append(FaceCoordinateSystem(self, props, name)) + break + except: + pass + for cs in coord: + if isinstance(cs, CoordinateSystem): + try: + cs._ref_cs = id2name[name2refid[cs.name]] + except: + pass + coord.reverse() + return coord + + def _get_lists_data(self): + """Retrieve user object list data. + + Returns + ------- + [Dict with List information] + """ + design_lists = [] + if self._design_properties and self._design_properties.get("ModelSetup", None): + key1 = "GeometryOperations" + key2 = "GeometryEntityLists" + key3 = "GeometryEntityListOperation" + try: + entity_list = self._design_properties["ModelSetup"]["GeometryCore"][key1][key2] + if entity_list: + geom_entry = copy.deepcopy(entity_list[key3]) + if isinstance(geom_entry, (dict, OrderedDict)): + geom_entry = [geom_entry] + for data in geom_entry: + props = {} + name = data["Attributes"]["Name"] + props["ID"] = data["ID"] + props["Type"] = data["GeometryEntityListParameters"]["EntityType"] + if props["Type"] == "Object": + name_list = [] + for element in data["GeometryEntityListParameters"]["EntityList"]: + element_name = self.oeditor.GetObjectNameByID(int(element)) + name_list.append(element_name) + props["List"] = name_list + else: + props["List"] = data["GeometryEntityListParameters"]["EntityList"] + design_lists.append(Lists(self, props, name)) + except: + self.logger.info("Lists were not retrieved from AEDT file") + return design_lists + + def _get_planes_data(self): + """Get the plane's data. + + Returns + ------- + [Dict with List information] + """ + try: + return { + plane_name: self.oeditor.GetChildObject(plane_name) + for plane_name in self.oeditor.GetChildNames("Planes") + } + except TypeError: + return {} + + def __get__(self, instance, owner): + self._app = instance + return self + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def fit_all(self): + """Fit all. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.FitAll + + Examples + -------- + + >>> from pyaedt import hfss + >>> hfss = Hfss() + >>> point_object = hfss.modeler.fit_all + """ + self.oeditor.FitAll() + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def _find_perpendicular_points(self, face): + if isinstance(face, str): + vertices = [i.position for i in self[face].vertices] + else: + vertices = [] + for vertex in list(self.oeditor.GetVertexIDsFromFace(face)): + vertices.append([float(i) for i in list(self.oeditor.GetVertexPosition(vertex))]) + assert len(vertices) > 2, "Automatic A-B Assignment can be done only on face with more than 2 vertices." + origin = vertices[0] + a_end = [] + b_end = [] + tol = 1e-10 + for v in vertices[1:]: + edge1 = GeometryOperators.v_points(origin, v) + for v2 in vertices[1:]: + if v2 != v: + edge2 = GeometryOperators.v_points(origin, v2) + if abs(GeometryOperators.v_dot(edge1, edge2)) < tol: + a_end = v + b_end = v2 + break + if a_end: + break + if not a_end: + a_end = vertices[1] + b_end = vertices[2] + return False, (origin, a_end, b_end) + return True, (origin, a_end, b_end) + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def cover_lines(self, selection): + """Cover closed lines and transform them to a sheet. + + Parameters + ---------- + selection : str, int + Polyline object to cover. + + Returns + ------- + bool + ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.CoverLines + """ + obj_to_cover = self.convert_to_selections(selection, False) + self.oeditor.CoverLines(["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", obj_to_cover, "NewPartsModelFlag:=", "Model"]) + return True + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def cover_faces(self, selection): + """Cover a face. + + Parameters + ---------- + selection : str, int + Sheet object to cover. + Returns + ------- + bool + ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.CoverLines + """ + obj_to_cover = self.convert_to_selections(selection, False) + self.oeditor.CoverSurfaces(["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", obj_to_cover, "NewPartsModelFlag:=", "Model"]) + return True + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def create_coordinate_system( + self, + origin=None, + reference_cs="Global", + name=None, + mode="axis", + view="iso", + x_pointing=None, + y_pointing=None, + psi=0, + theta=0, + phi=0, + u=None, + ): + """Create a coordinate system. + + Parameters + ---------- + origin : list, optional + List of ``[x, y, z]`` coordinates for the origin of the + coordinate system. The default is ``None``, in which case + ``[0, 0, 0]`` is used. + reference_cs : str, optional + Name of the reference coordinate system. The default is + ``"Global"``. + name : str, optional + Name of the coordinate system. The default is ``None``. + mode : str, optional + Definition mode. Options are ``"axis"``, ``"axisrotation"``, + ``"view"``, ``"zxz"``, and ``"zyz"`` The default + is ``"axis"``. You can also use the ``pyaedt.generic.constants.CSMODE`` + enumerator. + + * If ``mode="axis"``, specify the ``x_pointing`` and ``y_pointing`` parameters. + * If ``mode="axisrotation"``, specify the ``theta`` and ``u`` parameters. + * If ``mode="view"``, specify the ``view`` parameter. + * If ``mode="zxz"`` or ``mode="zyz"``, specify the ``phi``, ``theta``, + and ``psi`` parameters. + + + Parameters not needed by the specified mode are ignored. + The default mode, ``"axis"``, is a coordinate system parallel to the + global coordinate system centered in the global origin. + + view : str, int optional + View for the coordinate system if ``mode="view"``. Options + are ``"iso"``, ``None``, ``"XY"``, ``"XZ"``, and ``"XY"``. The + default is ``"iso"``. the ``"rotate"`` option is obsolete. You can + also use the ``pyaedt.generic.constants.VIEW`` enumerator. + + .. note:: + For backward compatibility, ``mode="view"`` and ``view="rotate"`` are the same as + ``mode="axis"``. Because the "rotate" option in the "view" mode is obsolete, use + ``mode="axis"`` instead. + + x_pointing : list, optional + List of the ``[x, y, z]`` coordinates specifying the X axis + pointing in the global coordinate system if ``mode="axis"``. + The default is ``[1, 0, 0]``. + y_pointing : list, optional + List of the ``[x, y, z]`` coordinates specifying the Y axis + pointing in the global coordinate system if ``mode="axis"``. + The default is ``[0, 1, 0]``. + phi : float, optional + Euler angle phi in degrees if ``mode="zxz"`` or ``mode="zyz"``. + The default is ``0``. + theta : float, optional + Euler angle theta or rotation angle in degrees if ``mode="zxz"``, + ``mode="zyz"``, or ``mode="axisrotation"``. The default is ``0``. + psi : float, optional + Euler angle psi in degrees if ``mode="zxz"`` or ``mode="zyz"``. + The default is ``0``. + u : list + List of the ``[ux, uy, uz]`` coordinates for the rotation axis + if ``mode="zxz"``. The default is ``[1, 0, 0]``. + + Returns + ------- + :class:`pyaedt.modeler.Modeler.CoordinateSystem` + Created coordinate system. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.CreateRelativeCS + """ + if name: + cs_names = [i.name for i in self.coordinate_systems] + if name in cs_names: + raise AttributeError("A coordinate system with the specified name already exists.") + + cs = CoordinateSystem(self) + if cs: + result = cs.create( + origin=origin, + reference_cs=reference_cs, + name=name, + mode=mode, + view=view, + x_pointing=x_pointing, + y_pointing=y_pointing, + phi=phi, + theta=theta, + psi=psi, + u=u, + ) + if result: + return cs + return False + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def create_face_coordinate_system( + self, face, origin, axis_position, axis="X", name=None, offset=None, rotation=0, always_move_to_end=True + ): + """Create a face coordinate system. + + The face coordinate has always the Z axis parallel to face normal. + The X and Y axis lie on the face plane. + + Parameters + ---------- + face : int, FacePrimitive + Face where the coordinate system is defined. + origin : int, FacePrimitive, EdgePrimitive, VertexPrimitive + Coordinate system origin. The origin must belong to the face where the + coordinate system is defined. + + - If a face is specified, the origin is placed on the face center. It must be + the same as the ``face`` parameter. + - If an edge is specified, the origin is placed on the edge midpoint. + - If a vertex is specified, the origin is placed on the vertex. + + axis_position : int, FacePrimitive, EdgePrimitive, VertexPrimitive + Specify where the X or Y axis is pointing. The position must belong to the face where the + coordinate system is defined. + Select which axis is considered with the option ``axis``. + If a face is specified, the position is placed on the face center. It must be the same as ``face``. + If an edge is specified, the position is placed on the edce midpoint. + If a vertex is specified, the position is placed on the vertex. + axis : str, optional + Select which axis is considered for positioning. Possible values are ``"X"`` and ``"Y"``. + The default is ``"X"``. + name : str, optional + Name of the coordinate system. The default is ``None``. + offset : list, optional + List of the ``[x, y]`` coordinates specifying the offset of the coordinate system origin. + The offset specified in the face coordinate system reference. + The default is ``[0, 0]``. + rotation : float, optional + Rotation angle of the coordinate system around its Z axis. Angle is in degrees. + The default is ``0``. + always_move_to_end : bool, optional + If ``True`` the Face Coordinate System creation operation will always be moved to the end of subsequent + objects operation. This will guarantee that the coordinate system will remain solidal with the object + face. If ``False`` the option "Always Move CS to End" is set to off. The default is ``True``. + + Returns + ------- + :class:`pyaedt.modeler.Modeler.FaceCoordinateSystem` + + """ + + if name: + cs_names = [i.name for i in self.coordinate_systems] + if name in cs_names: # pragma: no cover + raise AttributeError("A coordinate system with the specified name already exists!") + + cs = FaceCoordinateSystem(self) + if cs: + result = cs.create( + face=face, + origin=origin, + axis_position=axis_position, + axis=axis, + name=name, + offset=offset, + rotation=rotation, + always_move_to_end=always_move_to_end, + ) + + if result: + return cs + return False + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def create_object_coordinate_system( + self, obj, origin, x_axis, y_axis, move_to_end=True, reverse_x_axis=False, reverse_y_axis=False, name=None + ): + """Create an object coordinate system. + + Parameters + ---------- + obj : str, :class:`pyaedt.modeler.cad.object3d.Object3d` + Object to attach the object coordinate system to. + origin : int, VertexPrimitive, EdgePrimitive, FacePrimitive, list + Refer to the origin where the object coordinate system is anchored. + It can be: + + - int in which case it refers to the entity Id. + - VertexPrimitive, EdgePrimitive, FacePrimitive in which case it refers to the entity type. + - list in which case it refers to the origin coordinate system ``[x, y, z]``. + + x_axis : int, VertexPrimitive, EdgePrimitive, FacePrimitive, list + Entity that the x axis of the object coordinate system points to. + It can be: + + - int in which case it refers to the entity Id. + - VertexPrimitive, EdgePrimitive, FacePrimitive in which case it refers to the entity type. + - list in which case it refers to the point coordinate system ``[x, y, z]`` that the x axis points to. + + y_axis : int, VertexPrimitive, EdgePrimitive, FacePrimitive, list + Entity that the y axis of the object coordinate system points to. + It can be: + + - int in which case it refers to the entity Id. + - VertexPrimitive, EdgePrimitive, FacePrimitive in which case it refers to the entity type. + - list in which case it refers to the point coordinate system ``[x, y, z]`` that the y axis points to. + + move_to_end : bool, optional + If ``True`` the Coordinate System creation operation will always be moved to the end of subsequent + objects operation. This will guarantee that the coordinate system will remain solidal with the object + face. If ``False`` the option "Always Move CS to End" is set to off. The default is ``True``. + reverse_x_axis : bool, optional + Whether the x-axis is in the reverse direction. + The default is ``False``. + reverse_y_axis : bool, optional + Whether the y-axis is in the reverse direction. + The default is ``False``. + name : str, optional + Name of the coordinate system. The default is ``None``. + + Returns + ------- + bool + ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. + """ + if name: + cs_names = [i.name for i in self.coordinate_systems] + if name in cs_names: # pragma: no cover + raise AttributeError("A coordinate system with the specified name already exists.") + + cs = ObjectCoordinateSystem(self, name=name) + if cs: + result = cs.create( + obj=obj, + origin=origin, + x_axis=x_axis, + y_axis=y_axis, + move_to_end=move_to_end, + reverse_x_axis=reverse_x_axis, + reverse_y_axis=reverse_y_axis, + ) + + if result: + return cs + return False + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def global_to_cs(self, point, ref_cs): + """Transform a point from the global coordinate system to another coordinate system. + + Parameters + ---------- + point : list + List of the ``[x, y, z]`` coordinates to transform. + ref_cs : str, CoordinateSystem + Name of the destination reference system. The ``CoordinateSystem`` object can also be + used. + + Returns + ------- + list + List of the transformed ``[x, y, z]`` coordinates. + + """ + if type(point) is not list or len(point) != 3: + raise AttributeError("Point must be in format [x, y, z].") + try: + point = [float(i) for i in point] + except: + raise AttributeError("Point must be in format [x, y, z].") + if isinstance(ref_cs, BaseCoordinateSystem): + ref_cs_name = ref_cs.name + elif isinstance(ref_cs, str): + ref_cs_name = ref_cs + else: + raise AttributeError("ref_cs must be either a string or a CoordinateSystem object.") + if ref_cs_name == "Global": + return point + cs_names = [i.name for i in self.coordinate_systems] + if ref_cs_name not in cs_names: + raise AttributeError("Specified coordinate system does not exist in the design.") + + def get_total_transformation(p, cs): + idx = cs_names.index(cs) + q = self.coordinate_systems[idx].quaternion + ox = GeometryOperators.parse_dim_arg( + self.coordinate_systems[idx].props["OriginX"], + self.model_units, + variable_manager=self._app.variable_manager, + ) + oy = GeometryOperators.parse_dim_arg( + self.coordinate_systems[idx].props["OriginY"], + self.model_units, + variable_manager=self._app.variable_manager, + ) + oz = GeometryOperators.parse_dim_arg( + self.coordinate_systems[idx].props["OriginZ"], + self.model_units, + variable_manager=self._app.variable_manager, + ) + o = [ox, oy, oz] + refcs = self.coordinate_systems[idx].ref_cs + if refcs == "Global": + p1 = p + else: + p1 = get_total_transformation(p, refcs) + p2 = GeometryOperators.q_rotation_inv(GeometryOperators.v_sub(p1, o), q) + return p2 + + p = get_total_transformation(point, ref_cs_name) + return [round(p[i], 13) for i in range(3)] + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def set_working_coordinate_system(self, name): + """Set the working coordinate system to another coordinate system. + + Parameters + ---------- + name : str, FaceCoordinateSystem, CoordinateSystem + Name of the coordinate system or ``CoordinateSystem`` object to set as the working + coordinate system. + + Returns + ------- + bool + ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.SetWCS + """ + if isinstance(name, BaseCoordinateSystem): + self.oeditor.SetWCS( + ["NAME:SetWCS Parameter", "Working Coordinate System:=", name.name, "RegionDepCSOk:=", False] + ) + else: + self.oeditor.SetWCS( + ["NAME:SetWCS Parameter", "Working Coordinate System:=", name, "RegionDepCSOk:=", False] + ) + return True + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def invert_cs(self, coordinate_system, to_global=False): + """Get the inverse translation and the conjugate quaternion of the input coordinate system. + + By defining a new coordinate system with this information, the reference coordinate system + of the input coordinate system is obtained. + + Parameters + ---------- + coordinate_system : str, CoordinateSystem + Name of the destination reference system. A ``CoordinateSystem`` object can also be + used. + to_global : bool, optional + Whether to compute the inverse transformation of the input coordinate system with + respect to the global coordinate system. The default is ``False``. + + Returns + ------- + list + Origin coordinates. + list + Quaternion. + """ + if isinstance(coordinate_system, BaseCoordinateSystem): + cs = coordinate_system + elif isinstance(coordinate_system, str): + cs_names = [i.name for i in self.coordinate_systems] + if coordinate_system not in cs_names: # pragma: no cover + raise AttributeError("Specified coordinate system does not exist in the design.") + cs = self.coordinate_systems[cs_names.index(coordinate_system)] + else: # pragma: no cover + raise AttributeError("coordinate_system must either be a string or a CoordinateSystem object.") + + if to_global: + o, q = self.reference_cs_to_global(coordinate_system) + o = GeometryOperators.v_prod(-1, GeometryOperators.q_rotation(o, q)) + q = [q[0], -q[1], -q[2], -q[3]] + else: + q = cs.quaternion + q = [q[0], -q[1], -q[2], -q[3]] + o = GeometryOperators.v_prod(-1, GeometryOperators.q_rotation(cs.origin, q)) + return o, q + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def reference_cs_to_global(self, coordinate_system): + """Get the origin and quaternion defining the coordinate system in the global coordinates. + + Parameters + ---------- + coordinate_system : str, CoordinateSystem + Name of the destination reference system. The ``CoordinateSystem`` object can also be used. + + Returns + ------- + list + Origin coordinates. + list + Quaternion. + """ + cs_names = [i.name for i in self.coordinate_systems] + if isinstance(coordinate_system, BaseCoordinateSystem): + cs = coordinate_system + elif isinstance(coordinate_system, str): + if coordinate_system not in cs_names: # pragma: no cover + raise AttributeError("Specified coordinate system does not exist in the design.") + cs = self.coordinate_systems[cs_names.index(coordinate_system)] + else: # pragma: no cover + raise AttributeError("coordinate_system must either be a string or a CoordinateSystem object.") + quaternion = cs.quaternion + origin = cs.origin + ref_cs_name = cs.ref_cs + while ref_cs_name != "Global": + ref_cs = self.coordinate_systems[cs_names.index(ref_cs_name)] + quaternion_ref = ref_cs.quaternion + quaternion = GeometryOperators.q_prod(quaternion_ref, quaternion) + origin_ref = ref_cs.origin + origin = GeometryOperators.v_sum(origin_ref, GeometryOperators.q_rotation(origin, quaternion_ref)) + ref_cs_name = ref_cs.ref_cs + return origin, quaternion + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def duplicate_coordinate_system_to_global(self, coordinate_system): + """Create a duplicate coordinate system referenced to the global coordinate system. + + Having this coordinate system referenced to the global coordinate + system removes all nested coordinate system dependencies. + + Parameters + ---------- + coordinate_system : str, CoordinateSystem + Name of the destination reference system. The ``CoordinateSystem`` object can also be used. + + Returns + ------- + :class:`pyaedt.modeler.Modeler.CoordinateSystem` + Created coordinate system. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.CreateRelativeCS + """ + cs_names = [i.name for i in self.coordinate_systems] + if isinstance(coordinate_system, BaseCoordinateSystem): + cs = coordinate_system + elif isinstance(coordinate_system, str): + if coordinate_system not in cs_names: # pragma: no cover + raise AttributeError("Specified coordinate system does not exist in the design.") + cs = self.coordinate_systems[cs_names.index(coordinate_system)] + else: # pragma: no cover + raise AttributeError("coordinate_system must either be a string or a CoordinateSystem object.") + if isinstance(cs, CoordinateSystem): + o, q = self.reference_cs_to_global(coordinate_system) + x, y, _ = GeometryOperators.quaternion_to_axis(q) + reference_cs = "Global" + name = cs.name + "_RefToGlobal" + if name in cs_names: + name = cs.name + generate_unique_name("_RefToGlobal") + cs = CoordinateSystem(self) + if cs: + result = cs.create( + origin=o, + reference_cs=reference_cs, + name=name, + mode="axis", + x_pointing=x, + y_pointing=y, + ) + if result: + return cs + elif isinstance(cs, FaceCoordinateSystem): + name = cs.name + "_RefToGlobal" + if name in cs_names: + name = cs.name + generate_unique_name("_RefToGlobal") + face_cs = FaceCoordinateSystem(self, props=cs.props, name=name, face_id=cs.props["FaceID"]) + obj = [obj for obj in self.object_list for face in obj.faces if face.id == face_cs.props["FaceID"]][0] + face = [face for face in obj.faces if face.id == face_cs.props["FaceID"]][0] + if face_cs.props["Origin"]["PositionType"] == "FaceCenter": + origin = face + elif face_cs.props["Origin"]["PositionType"] == "EdgeCenter": + origin = [edge for edge in face.edges if edge.id == face_cs.props["Origin"]["EntityID"]][0] + elif face_cs.props["Origin"]["PositionType"] == "OnVertex": + edge = [ + edge + for edge in face.edges + for vertex in edge.vertices + if vertex.id == face_cs.props["Origin"]["EntityID"] + ][0] + origin = [v for v in edge.vertices if v.id == face_cs.props["Origin"]["EntityID"]][0] + if face_cs.props["AxisPosn"]["PositionType"] == "EdgeCenter": + axis_position = [edge for edge in face.edges if edge.id == face_cs.props["AxisPosn"]["EntityID"]][0] + elif face_cs.props["AxisPosn"]["PositionType"] == "OnVertex": + edge = [ + edge + for edge in face.edges + for vertex in edge.vertices + if vertex.id == face_cs.props["AxisPosn"]["EntityID"] + ][0] + axis_position = [v for v in edge.vertices if v.id == face_cs.props["AxisPosn"]["EntityID"]][0] + if face_cs: + result = face_cs.create( + face=face, + origin=origin, + axis_position=axis_position, + axis=face_cs.props["WhichAxis"], + name=name, + offset=[face_cs["XOffset"], face_cs["YOffset"]], + rotation=decompose_variable_value(face_cs["ZRotationAngle"])[0], + always_move_to_end=face_cs["MoveToEnd"], + ) + if result: + return face_cs + elif isinstance(cs, ObjectCoordinateSystem): + name = cs.name + "_RefToGlobal" + if name in cs_names: + name = cs.name + generate_unique_name("_RefToGlobal") + obj_cs = ObjectCoordinateSystem(self, props=cs.props, name=name, entity_id=cs.entity_id) + objs_by_name_list = [obj for obj in self.object_list if obj.part_coordinate_system == cs.name] + objs_by_id_list = [o for o in self.object_list if o.id == cs.entity_id] + if objs_by_name_list: + obj = objs_by_name_list[0] + elif objs_by_id_list: + obj = [o for o in self.object_list if o.id == cs.entity_id][0] + if cs.props["Origin"]["PositionType"] != "AbsolutePosition": + if cs.props["Origin"]["PositionType"] == "FaceCenter": + origin = [f for f in obj.faces if f.id == cs.props["Origin"]["EntityID"]][0] + elif ( + cs.props["Origin"]["PositionType"] == "EdgeCenter" + or cs.props["Origin"]["PositionType"] == "ArcCenter" + ): + origin = [e for e in obj.edges if e.id == cs.props["Origin"]["EntityID"]][0] + elif cs.props["Origin"]["PositionType"] == "OnVertex": + origin = [v for v in obj.vertices if v.id == cs.props["Origin"]["EntityID"]][0] + else: + origin = [ + cs.props["Origin"]["XPosition"], + cs.props["Origin"]["YPosition"], + cs.props["Origin"]["ZPosition"], + ] + if "xAxisPos" in cs.props: + if cs.props["xAxisPos"]["PositionType"] == "FaceCenter": + x_axis = [f for f in obj.faces if f.id == cs.props["xAxisPos"]["EntityID"]][0] + elif ( + cs.props["xAxisPos"]["PositionType"] == "EdgeCenter" + or cs.props["xAxisPos"]["PositionType"] == "ArcCenter" + ): + x_axis = [e for e in obj.edges if e.id == cs.props["xAxisPos"]["EntityID"]][0] + elif cs.props["xAxisPos"]["PositionType"] == "OnVertex": + x_axis = [v for v in obj.vertices if v.id == cs.props["xAxisPos"]["EntityID"]][0] + elif "xAxis" in cs.props: + x_axis = [ + cs.props["xAxis"]["xDirection"], + cs.props["xAxis"]["yDirection"], + cs.props["xAxis"]["zDirection"], + ] + if "yAxisPos" in cs.props: + if cs.props["yAxisPos"]["PositionType"] == "FaceCenter": + y_axis = [f for f in obj.faces if f.id == cs.props["yAxisPos"]["EntityID"]][0] + elif ( + cs.props["yAxisPos"]["PositionType"] == "EdgeCenter" + or cs.props["yAxisPos"]["PositionType"] == "ArcCenter" + ): + y_axis = [e for e in obj.edges if e.id == cs.props["yAxisPos"]["EntityID"]][0] + elif cs.props["yAxisPos"]["PositionType"] == "OnVertex": + y_axis = [v for v in obj.vertices if v.id == cs.props["yAxisPos"]["EntityID"]][0] + elif "yAxis" in cs.props: + y_axis = [ + cs.props["yAxis"]["xDirection"], + cs.props["yAxis"]["yDirection"], + cs.props["yAxis"]["zDirection"], + ] + if obj_cs: + result = obj_cs.create( + obj=obj, + origin=origin, + x_axis=x_axis, + y_axis=y_axis, + move_to_end=cs.props["MoveToEnd"], + reverse_x_axis=cs.props["ReverseXAxis"], + reverse_y_axis=cs.props["ReverseYAxis"], + ) + if result: + return obj_cs + return False + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def set_objects_deformation(self, objects): + """Assign deformation objects to a Workbench link. + + Parameters + ---------- + objects : list + List of the deformation objects to assign to the Workbench link. + + Returns + ------- + bool + ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oDesign.SetObjectDeformation + """ + self.logger.info("Enabling deformation feedback") + try: + self._odesign.SetObjectDeformation(["EnabledObjects:=", objects]) + except: + self.logger.error("Failed to enable the deformation dependence") + return False + else: + self.logger.info("Successfully enabled deformation feedback") + return True + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def set_objects_temperature(self, objects, ambient_temp=22, create_project_var=False): + """Assign temperatures to objects. + + The materials assigned to the objects must have a thermal modifier. + + Parameters + ---------- + objects : list + List of objects. + ambient_temp : float, optional + Ambient temperature. The default is ``22``. + create_project_var : bool, optional + Whether to create a project variable for the ambient temperature. + The default is ``False``. If ``True,`` ``$AmbientTemp`` is created. + + Returns + ------- + bool + ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oDesign.SetObjectTemperature + """ + self.logger.info("Set model temperature and enabling Thermal Feedback") + if create_project_var: + self._app.variable_manager["$AmbientTemp"] = str(ambient_temp) + "cel" + var = "$AmbientTemp" + else: + var = str(ambient_temp) + "cel" + vargs1 = [ + "NAME:TemperatureSettings", + "IncludeTemperatureDependence:=", + True, + "EnableFeedback:=", + True, + "Temperatures:=", + ] + vargs2 = [] + for obj in objects: + mat = self[obj].material_name + th = self._app.materials.check_thermal_modifier(mat) + if th: + vargs2.append(obj) + vargs2.append(var) + if not vargs2: + return False + else: + vargs1.append(vargs2) + try: + self._odesign.SetObjectTemperature(vargs1) + except: + self.logger.error("Failed to enable the temperature dependence") + return False + else: + self.logger.info("Assigned Objects Temperature") + return True + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def _create_sheet_from_object_closest_edge(self, startobj, endobject, axisdir, portonplane): + """Create a sheet from the edge closest to the object. + + Parameters + ---------- + startobj : str + Name of the starting object. + endobject : str + Name of the ending object. + axisdir : int + Axis direction. Options are ``0`` through ``5``. + portonplane : bool + Whether edges are to be on the plane orthogonal to the axis + direction. + + Returns + ------- + str + Name of the sheet. + list + List of float values of the first edge midpoint. + Point in ``[x, y, z]`` coordinates. + list + List of float values of the second edge midpoint. + Point in ``[x, y, z]`` coordinates. + + """ + out, parallel = self.find_closest_edges(startobj, endobject, axisdir) + port_edges = self.get_equivalent_parallel_edges(out, portonplane, axisdir, startobj, endobject) + if port_edges is None or port_edges is False: + port_edges = [] + for e in out: + edge = self.create_object_from_edge(e) + port_edges.append(edge) + edge_0 = port_edges[0].edges[0] + edge_1 = port_edges[1].edges[0] + sheet_name = port_edges[0].name + point0 = edge_0.midpoint + point1 = edge_1.midpoint + self.connect(port_edges) + return sheet_name, point0, point1 + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def find_point_around(self, objectname, startposition, offset, plane): + """Find the point around an object. + + Parameters + ---------- + objectname : str + Name of the object. + startposition : list + List of the ``[x, y, z]`` coordinates for the starting + position of the object. + offset : + Offset to apply. + plane : str + Coordinate plane of the arc. Choices are ``"YZ"``, + ``"ZX"``, and ``"XY"``. + + + Returns + ------- + list + List of the ``[x, y, z]`` coordinates for the point. + + """ + position = [0, 0, 0] + angle = 0 + if plane == 0: + while angle <= 360: + position[0] = startposition[0] + offset * math.cos(math.pi * angle / 180) + position[1] = startposition[1] + offset * math.sin(math.pi * angle / 180) + if objectname in self.get_bodynames_from_position(startposition): + angle = 400 + else: + angle += 90 + elif plane == 1: + while angle <= 360: + position[1] = startposition[1] + offset * math.cos(math.pi * angle / 180) + position[2] = startposition[2] + offset * math.sin(math.pi * angle / 180) + if objectname in self.get_bodynames_from_position(startposition): + angle = 400 + else: + angle += 90 + elif plane == 2: + while angle <= 360: + position[0] = startposition[0] + offset * math.cos(math.pi * angle / 180) + position[2] = startposition[2] + offset * math.sin(math.pi * angle / 180) + if objectname in self.get_bodynames_from_position(startposition): + angle = 400 + else: + angle += 90 + return position + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def create_sheet_to_ground(self, objectname, groundname=None, axisdir=0, sheet_dim=1): + """Create a sheet between an object and a ground plane. + + The ground plane must be bigger than the object and perpendicular + to one of the three axes. + + Parameters + ---------- + objectname : str + Name of the object. + groundname : str, optional + Name of the ground. The default is ``None``, in which case the + bounding box is used. + axisdir : int, optional + Axis direction. Options are ``0`` through ``5``. The default is ``0``. + sheet_dim : optional + Sheet dimension in millimeters. The default is ``1``. + + Returns + ------- + int + ID of the sheet created. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.CreatePolyline + """ + if axisdir > 2: + obj_cent = [-1e6, -1e6, -1e6] + else: + obj_cent = [1e6, 1e6, 1e6] + face_ob = None + for face in self[objectname].faces: + center = face.center + if not center: + continue + if axisdir > 2 and center[axisdir - 3] > obj_cent[axisdir - 3]: + obj_cent = center + face_ob = face + elif axisdir <= 2 and center[axisdir] < obj_cent[axisdir]: + obj_cent = center + face_ob = face + vertex = face_ob.vertices + start = vertex[0].position + + if not groundname: + gnd_cent = [] + bounding = self.get_model_bounding_box() + if axisdir < 3: + for i in bounding[0:3]: + gnd_cent.append(float(i)) + else: + for i in bounding[3:]: + gnd_cent.append(float(i)) + else: + ground_plate = self[groundname] + if axisdir > 2: + gnd_cent = [1e6, 1e6, 1e6] + else: + gnd_cent = [-1e6, -1e6, -1e6] + face_gnd = ground_plate.faces + for face in face_gnd: + center = face.center + if not center: + continue + if axisdir > 2 and center[axisdir - 3] < gnd_cent[axisdir - 3]: + gnd_cent = center + elif axisdir <= 2 and center[axisdir] > gnd_cent[axisdir]: + gnd_cent = center + + axisdist = obj_cent[divmod(axisdir, 3)[1]] - gnd_cent[divmod(axisdir, 3)[1]] + if axisdir < 3: + axisdist = -axisdist + + if divmod(axisdir, 3)[1] == 0: + cs = self._app.PLANE.YZ + vector = [axisdist, 0, 0] + elif divmod(axisdir, 3)[1] == 1: + cs = self._app.PLANE.ZX + vector = [0, axisdist, 0] + elif divmod(axisdir, 3)[1] == 2: + cs = self._app.PLANE.XY + vector = [0, 0, axisdist] + + offset = self.find_point_around(objectname, start, sheet_dim, cs) + p1 = self.create_polyline([start, offset]) + p2 = p1.clone().move(vector) + self.connect([p1, p2]) + + return p1 + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def _get_faceid_on_axis(self, objname, axisdir): + """Get the ID of the face on the axis. + + Parameters + ---------- + objname : str + Name of the object. + axisdir : int + Axis direction. Options are ``1`` through ``5``. + + Returns + ------- + int + ID of the face. + + """ + faces = self.get_object_faces(objname) + face = None + center = None + for f in faces: + try: + c = self.get_face_center(f) + if not face and c: + face = f + center = c + elif axisdir < 3 and c[axisdir] < center[axisdir]: + face = f + center = c + elif axisdir > 2 and c[axisdir - 3] > center[axisdir - 3]: + face = f + center = c + except: + pass + return face + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def _create_microstrip_sheet_from_object_closest_edge(self, startobj, endobject, axisdir, vfactor=3, hfactor=5): + def duplicate_and_unite(sheet_name, array1, array2, dup_factor): + status, list = self.duplicate_along_line(sheet_name, array1, dup_factor + 1) + status, list2 = self.duplicate_along_line(sheet_name, array2, dup_factor + 1) + list_unite.extend(list) + list_unite.extend(list2) + self.unite(list_unite) + + tol = 1e-6 + out, parallel = self.find_closest_edges(startobj, endobject, axisdir) + port_edges = self.get_equivalent_parallel_edges(out, True, axisdir, startobj, endobject) + if port_edges is None: + return False + sheet_name = port_edges[0].name + point0 = port_edges[0].edges[0].midpoint + point1 = port_edges[1].edges[0].midpoint + len = port_edges[0].edges[0].length + vect = GeometryOperators.v_points(point1, point0) + l1 = out[0].length + l2 = out[1].length + if l1 < l2: + vect_t = [i * (vfactor - 1) for i in vect] + self.move(port_edges[0], vect_t) + else: + vect_t = [i * (1 - vfactor) for i in vect] + self.move(port_edges[1], vect_t) + + self.connect(port_edges) + list_unite = [sheet_name] + dup_factor = divmod((hfactor + 1), 2)[0] + coeff = float(hfactor - 1) / 2 / dup_factor + + if divmod(axisdir, 3)[1] == 0 and abs(vect[1]) < tol: + duplicate_and_unite(sheet_name, [0, len * coeff, 0], [0, -len * coeff, 0], dup_factor) + elif divmod(axisdir, 3)[1] == 0 and abs(vect[2]) < tol: + duplicate_and_unite(sheet_name, [0, 0, len * coeff], [0, 0, -len * coeff], dup_factor) + elif divmod(axisdir, 3)[1] == 1 and abs(vect[0]) < tol: + duplicate_and_unite(sheet_name, [len * coeff, 0, 0], [-len * coeff, 0, 0], dup_factor) + elif divmod(axisdir, 3)[1] == 1 and abs(vect[2]) < tol: + duplicate_and_unite(sheet_name, [0, 0, len * coeff], [0, 0, -len * coeff], dup_factor) + elif divmod(axisdir, 3)[1] == 2 and abs(vect[0]) < tol: + duplicate_and_unite(sheet_name, [len * coeff, 0, 0], [-len * coeff, 0, 0], dup_factor) + elif divmod(axisdir, 3)[1] == 2 and abs(vect[1]) < tol: + duplicate_and_unite(sheet_name, [0, len * coeff, 0], [0, -len * coeff, 0], dup_factor) + + return sheet_name, point0, point1 + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def get_boundaries_name(self): + """Retrieve all boundary names. + + Returns + ------- + list + List of boundary names. Boundaries with multiple modes will return one + boundary for each mode. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oModule.GetBoundaries + """ + if self._app.design_type == "Icepak": + return list(self._app.odesign.GetChildObject("Thermal").GetChildNames()) + else: + return list(self._app.odesign.GetChildObject("Boundaries").GetChildNames()) + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def set_object_model_state(self, obj_list, model=True): + """Set a list of objects to either models or non-models. + + Parameters + ---------- + obj_list : list + List of objects IDs or names. + model : bool, optional + Whether to set the objects as models. The default is ``True``. + If ``False``, the objects are set as non-models. + + Returns + ------- + bool + ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.ChangeProperty + """ + selections = self.convert_to_selections(obj_list, True) + arguments = [ + "NAME:AllTabs", + [ + "NAME:Geometry3DAttributeTab", + ["NAME:PropServers"] + selections, + ["NAME:ChangedProps", ["NAME:Model", "Value:=", model]], + ], + ] + self._modeler.oeditor.ChangeProperty(arguments) + return True + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def get_objects_in_group(self, group): + """Retrieve a list of objects belonging to a group. + + Parameters + ---------- + group : str + Name of the group. + + Returns + ------- + list + List of objects belonging to the group. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.GetObjectsInGroup + """ + if type(group) is not str: + raise ValueError("Group name must be a string") + group_objs = list(self.oeditor.GetObjectsInGroup(group)) + if not group_objs: + return None + return group_objs + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def get_group_bounding_box(self, group): + """Retrieve the bounding box of a group. + + Parameters + ---------- + group : str + Name of the group. + + Returns + ------- + list + List of six float values representing the bounding box + in the form ``[min_x, min_y, min_z, max_x, max_y, max_z]``. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.GetObjectsInGroup + >>> oEditor.GetModelBoundingBox + """ + if type(group) is not str: + raise ValueError("Group name must be a string") + group_objs = list(self.oeditor.GetObjectsInGroup(group)) + if not group_objs: + return None + all_objs = self.object_names + objs_to_unmodel = [i for i in all_objs if i not in group_objs] + if objs_to_unmodel: + vArg1 = ["NAME:Model", "Value:=", False] + self._change_geometry_property(vArg1, objs_to_unmodel) + bounding = self.get_model_bounding_box() + self._odesign.Undo() + else: + bounding = self.get_model_bounding_box() + return bounding + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def convert_to_selections(self, object_id, return_list=False): + """Convert modeler objects. + + This method converts modeler object or IDs to the corresponding + output according to the following scheme: + + ==================== =========================== + ``object_id`` Return value + ==================== =========================== + + ``int`` object name (str) + ``Object3D`` object name (str) + ``FacePrimitive`` int, face ID + ``EdgePrimitive`` int, edge ID + ``str`` return the same ``str`` + + + - If ``object_id`` is a list, a list is returned according + to the table. If ``object_id`` is a single value, a list + of ``length == 1`` is returned (default). + + - If the second argument, ``return_list``, is set to `False` (default), a + string is returned with elements separated by a comma (,)". + + + Parameters + ---------- + object_id : str, int, list + One or more object IDs whose name will be returned. A list can contain + both strings (object names) and integers (object IDs). + return_list : bool, option + Whether to return a list of the selections. The default is + ``False``, in which case a string of the selections is returned. + If ``True``, a list of the selections is returned. + + Returns + ------- + str or list + Name of the objects corresponding to the one or more object IDs passed as arguments. + + """ + if not isinstance(object_id, list): + object_id = [object_id] + objnames = [] + for el in object_id: + if isinstance(el, int) and el in self.objects: + objnames.append(self.objects[el].name) + elif isinstance(el, int): + objnames.append(el) + elif isinstance(el, Object3d): + objnames.append(el.name) + elif isinstance(el, FacePrimitive) or isinstance(el, EdgePrimitive) or isinstance(el, VertexPrimitive): + objnames.append(el.id) + elif isinstance(el, str): + objnames.append(el) + if return_list: + return objnames + else: + return ",".join([str(i) for i in objnames]) + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def split(self, objects, plane=None, sides="Both", tool=None, split_crossing_objs=False, delete_invalid_objs=True): + """Split a list of objects. + In case of 3D design possible splitting options are plane, Face Primitive, Edge Primitive or Polyline. + In case of 2D design possible splitting option is plane. + + Parameters + ---------- + objects : str, int, or list + One or more objects to split. A list can contain + both strings (object names) and integers (object IDs). + plane : str, optional + Coordinate plane of the cut or the Application.PLANE object. + The default value is ``None``. + Choices for the coordinate plane are ``"XY"``, ``"YZ"``, and ``"ZX"``. + If plane or tool parameter are not provided the method returns ``False``. + sides : str, optional + Which side to keep. The default is ``"Both"``, in which case + all objects are kept after the split. Options are ``"Both"``, + ``"NegativeOnly"``, and ``"PositiveOnly"``. + tool : str, int, :class:`pyaedt.modeler.cad.elements3d.FacePrimitive`or + :class:`pyaedt.modeler.cad.elements3d.EdgePrimitive`, optional + For 3D design types is the name, ID, face, edge or polyline used to split the objects. + For 2D design types is the name of the plane used to split the objects. + The default value is ``None``. + If plane or tool parameter are not provided the method returns ``False``. + split_crossing_objs : bool, optional + Whether to split crossing plane objects. + The default is ``False``. + delete_invalid_objs : bool, optional + Whether to delete invalid objects. + The default is ``True``. + + Returns + ------- + list of str + List of split object names. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.Split + """ + if plane is None and not tool or plane and tool: + self.logger.info("One method to split the objects has to be defined.") + return False + objects = self.convert_to_selections(objects) + all_objs = [i for i in self.object_names] + selections = [] + planes = "Dummy" + tool_type = "PlaneTool" + tool_entity_id = -1 + if self._is3d: + obj_name = None + obj = [] + if plane is not None and not tool: + tool_type = "PlaneTool" + tool_entity_id = -1 + planes = GeometryOperators.cs_plane_to_plane_str(plane) + selections = ["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", objects, "NewPartsModelFlag:=", "Model"] + elif tool and plane is None: + if isinstance(tool, str): + obj = [f for f in self.object_list if f.name == tool][0] + obj_name = obj.name + if isinstance(obj, Object3d) and obj.object_type != "Line": + obj = obj.faces[0] + tool_type = "FaceTool" + elif obj.object_type == "Line": + obj = obj.edges[0] + tool_type = "EdgeTool" + elif isinstance(tool, int): + # check whether tool it's an object Id + if tool in self.objects.keys(): + obj = self.objects[tool] + else: + # check whether tool is an ID of an object face + objs = [o for o in self.object_list for f in o.faces if f.id == tool] + if objs: + obj = objs[0] + else: + self.logger.info("Tool must be a sheet object or a face of an object.") + return False + if isinstance(obj, FacePrimitive) or isinstance(obj, Object3d) and obj.object_type != "Line": + obj_name = obj.name + obj = obj.faces[0] + tool_type = "FaceTool" + elif obj.object_type == "Line": + obj_name = obj.name + obj = obj.edges[0] + tool_type = "EdgeTool" + elif isinstance(tool, FacePrimitive): + for o in self.object_list: + for f in o.faces: + if f.id == tool.id: + obj_name = o.name + obj = f + tool_type = "FaceTool" + elif isinstance(tool, EdgePrimitive): + for o in self.object_list: + for e in o.edges: + if e.id == tool.id: + obj_name = o.name + obj = e + tool_type = "EdgeTool" + elif isinstance(tool, Polyline) or tool.object_type != "Line": + for o in self.object_list: + if o.name == tool.name: + obj_name = tool.name + obj = o.edges[0] + tool_type = "EdgeTool" + else: + self.logger.error("Face tool part has to be provided as a string (name) or an int (face id).") + return False + planes = "Dummy" + tool_type = tool_type + tool_entity_id = obj.id + selections = [ + "NAME:Selections", + "Selections:=", + objects, + "NewPartsModelFlag:=", + "Model", + "ToolPart:=", + obj_name, + ] + else: + if plane is None and tool or not plane: + self.logger.info("For 2D design types only planes can be defined.") + return False + elif plane is not None: + tool_type = "PlaneTool" + tool_entity_id = -1 + planes = GeometryOperators.cs_plane_to_plane_str(plane) + selections = ["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", objects, "NewPartsModelFlag:=", "Model"] + self.oeditor.Split( + selections, + [ + "NAME:SplitToParameters", + "SplitPlane:=", + planes, + "WhichSide:=", + sides, + "ToolType:=", + tool_type, + "ToolEntityID:=", + tool_entity_id, + "SplitCrossingObjectsOnly:=", + split_crossing_objs, + "DeleteInvalidObjects:=", + delete_invalid_objs, + ], + ) + self.refresh_all_ids() + return [objects] + [i for i in self.object_names if i not in all_objs] + + @pyaedt_function_handler() # TODO: Deprecate this and add duplicate as an option in the mirror method. + def duplicate_and_mirror( + self, + objid, + position, + vector, + is_3d_comp=False, + duplicate_assignment=True, + ): + """Duplicate and mirror a selection. + + Parameters + ---------- + objid : str, int, or Object3d + Name or ID of the object. + position : float + List of the ``[x, y, z]`` coordinates or + Application.Position object for the selection. + vector : float + List of the ``[x1, y1, z1]`` coordinates or + Application.Position object for the vector. + is_3d_comp : bool, optional + If ``True``, the method will try to return the duplicated list of 3dcomponents. The default is ``False``. + duplicate_assignment : bool, optional + If True, the method duplicates selection assignments. The default value is ``True``. + + Returns + ------- + list + List of objects created or an empty list. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.DuplicateMirror + """ + return self.mirror( + objid, position, vector, duplicate=True, is_3d_comp=is_3d_comp, duplicate_assignment=duplicate_assignment + ) + # selections = self.convert_to_selections(objid) + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def mirror(self, objid, position, vector, duplicate=False, is_3d_comp=False, duplicate_assignment=True): + """Mirror a selection. + + Parameters + ---------- + objid : str, int, or Object3d + Name or ID of the object. + position : int or float + List of the ``[x, y, z]`` coordinates or the + ``Application.Position`` object for the selection. + duplicate : bool, optional + Whether if duplicate the object before mirror or not. Default is ``False``. + is_3d_comp : bool, optional + Whether the component is 3D. The default is ``False``. If ``True``, the method + tries to return the duplicated list of 3D components. + vector : float + List of the ``[x1, y1, z1]`` coordinates or + the ``Application.Position`` object for the vector. + duplicate_assignment : bool, optional + Whether to duplicate selection assignments. The default is ``True``. + + Returns + ------- + bool, list + List of objects created or ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.Mirror + >>> oEditor.DuplicateMirror + """ + selections = self.convert_to_selections(objid) + Xpos, Ypos, Zpos = self._pos_with_arg(position) + Xnorm, Ynorm, Znorm = self._pos_with_arg(vector) + if duplicate: + vArg1 = ["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", selections, "NewPartsModelFlag:=", "Model"] + vArg2 = ["NAME:DuplicateToMirrorParameters"] + vArg2.append("DuplicateMirrorBaseX:="), vArg2.append(Xpos) + vArg2.append("DuplicateMirrorBaseY:="), vArg2.append(Ypos) + vArg2.append("DuplicateMirrorBaseZ:="), vArg2.append(Zpos) + vArg2.append("DuplicateMirrorNormalX:="), vArg2.append(Xnorm) + vArg2.append("DuplicateMirrorNormalY:="), vArg2.append(Ynorm) + vArg2.append("DuplicateMirrorNormalZ:="), vArg2.append(Znorm) + vArg3 = ["NAME:Options", "DuplicateAssignments:=", duplicate_assignment] + if is_3d_comp: + orig_3d = [i for i in self.user_defined_component_names] + added_objs = self.oeditor.DuplicateMirror(vArg1, vArg2, vArg3) + self.add_new_objects() + if is_3d_comp: + added_3d_comps = [i for i in self.user_defined_component_names if i not in orig_3d] + if added_3d_comps: + self.logger.info("Found 3D Components Duplication") + return added_3d_comps + return added_objs + else: + vArg1 = ["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", selections, "NewPartsModelFlag:=", "Model"] + vArg2 = ["NAME:MirrorParameters"] + vArg2.append("MirrorBaseX:="), vArg2.append(Xpos) + vArg2.append("MirrorBaseY:="), vArg2.append(Ypos) + vArg2.append("MirrorBaseZ:="), vArg2.append(Zpos) + vArg2.append("MirrorNormalX:="), vArg2.append(Xnorm) + vArg2.append("MirrorNormalY:="), vArg2.append(Ynorm) + vArg2.append("MirrorNormalZ:="), vArg2.append(Znorm) + + self.oeditor.Mirror(vArg1, vArg2) + return True + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def move(self, objid, vector): + """Move objects from a list. + + Parameters + ---------- + objid : list, Position object + List of object IDs. + vector : list + Vector of the direction move. It can be a list of the ``[x, y, z]`` + coordinates or a Position object. + + Returns + ------- + bool + ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.Move + """ + Xvec, Yvec, Zvec = self._pos_with_arg(vector) + szSelections = self.convert_to_selections(objid) + + vArg1 = ["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", szSelections, "NewPartsModelFlag:=", "Model"] + vArg2 = ["NAME:TranslateParameters"] + vArg2.append("TranslateVectorX:="), vArg2.append(Xvec) + vArg2.append("TranslateVectorY:="), vArg2.append(Yvec) + vArg2.append("TranslateVectorZ:="), vArg2.append(Zvec) + + if self.oeditor is not None: + self.oeditor.Move(vArg1, vArg2) + return True + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def duplicate_around_axis( + self, + objid, + cs_axis, + angle=90, + nclones=2, + create_new_objects=True, + is_3d_comp=False, + duplicate_assignment=True, + ): + """Duplicate a selection around an axis. + + Parameters + ---------- + objid : list, str, int, Object3d or UserDefinedComponent + Name or ID of the object. + cs_axis : + Coordinate system axis or the Application.AXIS object. + angle : float, optional + Angle rotation in degees. The default is ``90``. + nclones : int, optional + Number of clones. The default is ``2``. + create_new_objects : + Whether to create the copies as new objects. The + default is ``True``. + is_3d_comp : bool, optional + If ``True``, the method will try to return the duplicated list of 3dcomponents. The default is ``False``. + duplicate_assignment : bool, optional + If True, the method duplicates selection assignments. The default value is ``True``. + + Returns + ------- + tuple + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.DuplicateAroundAxis + """ + selections = self.convert_to_selections(objid) + + vArg1 = ["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", selections, "NewPartsModelFlag:=", "Model"] + vArg2 = [ + "NAME:DuplicateAroundAxisParameters", + "CreateNewObjects:=", + create_new_objects, + "WhichAxis:=", + GeometryOperators.cs_axis_str(cs_axis), + "AngleStr:=", + self._arg_with_dim(angle, "deg"), + "Numclones:=", + str(nclones), + ] + vArg3 = ["NAME:Options", "DuplicateAssignments:=", duplicate_assignment] + added_objs = self.oeditor.DuplicateAroundAxis(vArg1, vArg2, vArg3) + self._duplicate_added_objects_tuple() + if is_3d_comp: + return self._duplicate_added_components_tuple() + return True, list(added_objs) + + def _duplicate_added_objects_tuple(self): + added_objects = self.add_new_objects() + if added_objects: + return True, added_objects + else: + return False, [] + + def _duplicate_added_components_tuple(self): + added_component = self.add_new_user_defined_component() + if added_component: + return True, added_component + else: + return False, [] + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def duplicate_along_line( + self, + objid, + vector, + nclones=2, + attachObject=False, + is_3d_comp=False, + duplicate_assignment=True, + ): + """Duplicate a selection along a line. + + Parameters + ---------- + objid : list, str, int, :class:`pyaedt.modeler.Object3d.Object3d` + Name or ID of the object. + vector : list + List of ``[x1,y1,z1]`` coordinates or the Application.Position object for + the vector. + attachObject : bool, optional + The default is ``False``. + nclones : int, optional + Number of clones. The default is ``2``. + is_3d_comp : bool, optional + If True, the method will try to return the duplicated list of 3dcomponents. The default is ``False``. + duplicate_assignment : bool, optional + If True, the method duplicates selection assignments. The default value is ``True``. + + Returns + ------- + tuple + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.DuplicateAlongLine + """ + selections = self.convert_to_selections(objid) + Xpos, Ypos, Zpos = self._pos_with_arg(vector) + + vArg1 = ["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", selections, "NewPartsModelFlag:=", "Model"] + vArg2 = ["NAME:DuplicateToAlongLineParameters"] + vArg2.append("CreateNewObjects:="), vArg2.append(not attachObject) + vArg2.append("XComponent:="), vArg2.append(Xpos) + vArg2.append("YComponent:="), vArg2.append(Ypos) + vArg2.append("ZComponent:="), vArg2.append(Zpos) + vArg2.append("Numclones:="), vArg2.append(str(nclones)) + vArg3 = ["NAME:Options", "DuplicateAssignments:=", duplicate_assignment] + self.oeditor.DuplicateAlongLine(vArg1, vArg2, vArg3) + if is_3d_comp: + return self._duplicate_added_components_tuple() + if attachObject: + return True, [] + return self._duplicate_added_objects_tuple() + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def thicken_sheet(self, objid, thickness, bBothSides=False): + """Thicken the sheet of the selection. + + Parameters + ---------- + objid : list, str, int, :class:`pyaedt.modeler.Object3d.Object3d` + Name or ID of the object. + thickness : float, str + Amount to thicken the sheet by. + bBothSides : bool, optional + Whether to thicken the sheet on both side. The default is ``False``. + + Returns + ------- + pyaedt.modeler.cad.object3d.Object3d + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.ThickenSheet + """ + selections = self.convert_to_selections(objid) + + vArg1 = ["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", selections, "NewPartsModelFlag:=", "Model"] + vArg2 = ["NAME:SheetThickenParameters"] + vArg2.append("Thickness:="), vArg2.append(self._arg_with_dim(thickness)) + vArg2.append("BothSides:="), vArg2.append(bBothSides) + + self.oeditor.ThickenSheet(vArg1, vArg2) + + if isinstance(objid, list): + obj_list = [] + for objl in objid: + obj_list.append(self.update_object(objl)) + return obj_list + return self.update_object(objid) + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def sweep_along_normal(self, obj_name, face_id, sweep_value=0.1): + """Sweep the selection along the vector. + + Parameters + ---------- + obj_name : list, str, int, :class:`pyaedt.modeler.Object3d.Object3d` + Name or ID of the object. + face_id : int or list + Face or list of faces to sweep. + sweep_value : float, optional + Sweep value. The default is ``0.1``. + + Returns + ------- + pyaedt.modeler.cad.object3d.Object3d + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.SweepFacesAlongNormal + """ + if not isinstance(face_id, list): + face_id = [face_id] + selections = self.convert_to_selections(obj_name) + vArg1 = ["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", selections, "NewPartsModelFlag:=", "Model"] + vArg2 = ["NAME:Parameters"] + vArg2.append( + [ + "NAME:SweepFaceAlongNormalToParameters", + "FacesToDetach:=", + face_id, + "LengthOfSweep:=", + self._arg_with_dim(sweep_value), + ] + ) + + objs = self._all_object_names + self.oeditor.SweepFacesAlongNormal(vArg1, vArg2) + self.cleanup_objects() + objs2 = self._all_object_names + obj = [i for i in objs2 if i not in objs] + for el in obj: + self._create_object(el) + if obj: + if len(obj) > 1: + return [self.update_object(self[o]) for o in obj] + else: + return self.update_object(self[obj[0]]) + return False + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def sweep_along_vector(self, objid, sweep_vector, draft_angle=0, draft_type="Round"): + """Sweep the selection along a vector. + + Parameters + ---------- + objid : list, str, int, :class:`pyaedt.modeler.Object3d.Object3d` + Name or ID of the object. + sweep_vector : float + List of ``[x1, y1, z1]`` coordinates or Application.Position object for + the vector. + draft_angle : float, optional + Draft angle in degrees. The default is ``0``. + draft_type : str + Type of the draft. Options are ``"Round"``, ``"Natural"``, + and ``"Extended"``. The default is ``"Round"``. + + Returns + ------- + bool + ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.SweepAlongVector + """ + selections = self.convert_to_selections(objid) + vectorx, vectory, vectorz = self._pos_with_arg(sweep_vector) + vArg1 = ["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", selections, "NewPartsModelFlag:=", "Model"] + vArg2 = ["NAME:VectorSweepParameters"] + vArg2.append("DraftAngle:="), vArg2.append(self._arg_with_dim(draft_angle, "deg")) + vArg2.append("DraftType:="), vArg2.append(GeometryOperators.draft_type_str(draft_type)) + vArg2.append("SweepVectorX:="), vArg2.append(vectorx) + vArg2.append("SweepVectorY:="), vArg2.append(vectory) + vArg2.append("SweepVectorZ:="), vArg2.append(vectorz) + + self.oeditor.SweepAlongVector(vArg1, vArg2) + + return self.update_object(objid) + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def sweep_along_path( + self, objid, sweep_object, draft_angle=0, draft_type="Round", is_check_face_intersection=False, twist_angle=0 + ): + """Sweep the selection along a path. + + Parameters + ---------- + objid : list, str, int, :class:`pyaedt.modeler.Object3d.Object3d` + Name or ID of the object. + sweep_object : str, int + Name or ID of the sweep. + draft_angle : float, optional + Draft angle in degrees. The default is ``0``. + draft_type : str + Type of the draft. Options are ``"Round"``, ``"Natural"``, + and ``"Extended"``. The default is ``"Round"``. + is_check_face_intersection : bool, optional + The default is ``False``. + twist_angle : float, optional + Twist angle in degrees. The default is ``0``. + + Returns + ------- + bool + ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.SweepAlongPath + """ + selections = self.convert_to_selections(objid) + "," + self.convert_to_selections(sweep_object) + vArg1 = ["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", selections, "NewPartsModelFlag:=", "Model"] + vArg2 = ["NAME:PathSweepParameters"] + vArg2.append("DraftAngle:="), vArg2.append(self._arg_with_dim(draft_angle, "deg")) + vArg2.append("DraftType:="), vArg2.append(GeometryOperators.draft_type_str(draft_type)) + vArg2.append("CheckFaceFaceIntersection:="), vArg2.append(is_check_face_intersection) + vArg2.append("TwistAngle:="), vArg2.append(str(twist_angle) + "deg") + + self.oeditor.SweepAlongPath(vArg1, vArg2) + + return self.update_object(objid) + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def sweep_around_axis(self, objid, cs_axis, sweep_angle=360, draft_angle=0, number_of_segments=0): + """Sweep the selection around the axis. + + Parameters + ---------- + objid : list, str, int, :class:`pyaedt.modeler.Object3d.Object3d` + Name or ID of the object. + cs_axis : + Coordinate system axis or the Application.AXIS object. + sweep_angle : float + Sweep angle in degrees. The default is ``360``. + draft_angle : float + Draft angle in degrees. The default is ``0``. + number_of_segments : int, optional + Number of segments of the sweep operation. Default is ``0``. + + Returns + ------- + bool + ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.SweepAroundAxis + """ + selections = self.convert_to_selections(objid) + + vArg1 = ["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", selections, "NewPartsModelFlag:=", "Model"] + vArg2 = [ + "NAME:AxisSweepParameters", + "DraftAngle:=", + self._arg_with_dim(draft_angle, "deg"), + "DraftType:=", + "Round", + "CheckFaceFaceIntersection:=", + False, + "SweepAxis:=", + GeometryOperators.cs_axis_str(cs_axis), + "SweepAngle:=", + self._arg_with_dim(sweep_angle, "deg"), + "NumOfSegments:=", + str(number_of_segments), + ] + + self.oeditor.SweepAroundAxis(vArg1, vArg2) + + return self.update_object(objid) + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def section(self, object_list, plane, create_new=True, section_cross_object=False): + """Section the selection. + + Parameters + ---------- + object_list : list, str, int, or :class:`pyaedt.modeler.Object3d.Object3d` + One or more objects to section. + plane : str + Coordinate plane or Application.PLANE object. + Choices for the coordinate plane are ``"XY"``, ``"YZ"``, and ``"ZX"``.' + create_new : bool, optional + The default is ``True``, but this parameter has no effect. + section_cross_object : bool, optional + The default is ``False``, but this parameter has no effect. + + Returns + ------- + bool + ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.Section + """ + section_plane = GeometryOperators.cs_plane_to_plane_str(plane) + + selections = self.convert_to_selections(object_list) + + self.oeditor.Section( + ["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", selections, "NewPartsModelFlag:=", "Model"], + [ + "NAME:SectionToParameters", + "CreateNewObjects:=", + create_new, + "SectionPlane:=", + section_plane, + "SectionCrossObject:=", + section_cross_object, + ], + ) + self.refresh_all_ids() + return True + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def separate_bodies(self, object_list, create_group=False): + """Separate bodies of the selection. + + Parameters + ---------- + object_list : list + List of objects to separate. + create_group : bool, optional + Whether to create a group. The default is ``False``. + + Returns + ------- + pyaedt.modeler.Object3d.Object3d, bool + 3D object. + ``False`` when failed. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.SeparateBody + """ + try: + selections = self.convert_to_selections(object_list) + all_objs = [i for i in self.object_names] + self.oeditor.SeparateBody( + ["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", selections, "NewPartsModelFlag:=", "Model"], + ["CreateGroupsForNewObjects:=", create_group], + ) + self.refresh_all_ids() + new_objects_list_names = [selections] + [i for i in self.object_names if i not in all_objs] + new_objects_list = [] + for obj in self.object_list: + for new_obj in new_objects_list_names: + if obj.name == new_obj: + new_objects_list.append(obj) + return new_objects_list + except: + return False + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def rotate(self, objid, cs_axis, angle=90.0, unit="deg"): + """Rotate the selection. + + Parameters + ---------- + objid : list, str, int, or :class:`pyaedt.modeler.Object3d.Object3d` + ID of the object. + cs_axis + Coordinate system axis or the Application.AXIS object. + angle : float + Angle of rotation. The units, defined by ``unit``, can be either + degrees or radians. The default is ``90.0``. + unit : text, optional + Units for the angle. Options are ``"deg"`` or ``"rad"``. + The default is ``"deg"``. + + Returns + ------- + bool + ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.Rotate + """ + selections = self.convert_to_selections(objid) + vArg1 = ["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", selections, "NewPartsModelFlag:=", "Model"] + vArg2 = ["NAME:RotateParameters"] + vArg2.append("RotateAxis:="), vArg2.append(GeometryOperators.cs_axis_str(cs_axis)) + vArg2.append("RotateAngle:="), vArg2.append(self._arg_with_dim(angle, unit)) + + if self.oeditor is not None: + self.oeditor.Rotate(vArg1, vArg2) + + return True + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def subtract(self, blank_list, tool_list, keep_originals=True, **kwargs): + """Subtract objects. + + Parameters + ---------- + blank_list : str, Object3d, int or List of str, int and Object3d. + List of objects to subtract from. The list can be of + either :class:`pyaedt.modeler.Object3d.Object3d` objects or object IDs. + tool_list : list + List of objects to subtract. The list can be of + either Object3d objects or object IDs. + keep_originals : bool, optional + Whether to keep the original objects. The default is ``True``. + + Returns + ------- + bool + ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.Subtract + """ + if "keepOriginals" in kwargs: + warnings.warn("keepOriginals has been deprecated. use keep_originals.", DeprecationWarning) + keep_originals = kwargs["keepOriginals"] + szList = self.convert_to_selections(blank_list) + szList1 = self.convert_to_selections(tool_list) + + vArg1 = ["NAME:Selections", "Blank Parts:=", szList, "Tool Parts:=", szList1] + vArg2 = ["NAME:SubtractParameters", "KeepOriginals:=", keep_originals] + + self.oeditor.Subtract(vArg1, vArg2) + if not keep_originals: + self.cleanup_objects() + + return True + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def imprint(self, blank_list, tool_list, keep_originals=True): + """Imprin an object list on another object list. + + Parameters + ---------- + blank_list : list of Object3d or list of int + List of objects to imprint from. The list can be of + either :class:`pyaedt.modeler.Object3d.Object3d` objects or object IDs. + tool_list : list of Object3d or list of int + List of objects to imprint. The list can be of + either Object3d objects or object IDs. + keep_originals : bool, optional + Whether to keep the original objects. The default is ``True``. + + Returns + ------- + bool + ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.Imprint + """ + szList = self.convert_to_selections(blank_list) + szList1 = self.convert_to_selections(tool_list) + + vArg1 = ["NAME:Selections", "Blank Parts:=", szList, "Tool Parts:=", szList1] + vArg2 = ["NAME:ImprintParameters", "KeepOriginals:=", keep_originals] + + self.oeditor.Imprint(vArg1, vArg2) + if not keep_originals: + self.cleanup_objects() + return True + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def _imprint_projection(self, tool_list, keep_originals=True, normal=True, vector_direction=None, distance="1mm"): + szList1 = self.convert_to_selections(tool_list) + + varg1 = ["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", szList1] + varg2 = [ + "NAME:ImprintProjectionParameters", + "KeepOriginals:=", + keep_originals, + "NormalProjection:=", + normal, + ] + if not normal: + varg2.append("Distance:=") + varg2.append(self._app.value_with_units(distance)) + varg2.append("DirectionX:=") + varg2.append(self._app.value_with_units(vector_direction[0])) + varg2.append("DirectionY:=") + varg2.append(self._app.value_with_units(vector_direction[1])) + varg2.append("DirectionZ:=") + varg2.append(self._app.value_with_units(vector_direction[2])) + + self.oeditor.ImprintProjection(varg1, varg2) + if not keep_originals: + self.cleanup_objects() + return True + + @pyaedt_function_handler + def imprint_normal_projection( + self, + tool_list, + keep_originals=True, + ): + """Imprint the normal projection of objects over a sheet. + + Parameters + ---------- + tool_list : list + List of objects to imprint. The list can be of + either Object3d objects or object IDs. + keep_originals : bool, optional + Whether to keep the original objects. The default is ``True``. + + Returns + ------- + bool + ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.ImprintProjection + """ + return self._imprint_projection(tool_list, keep_originals, True) + + @pyaedt_function_handler + def imprint_vector_projection( + self, + tool_list, + vector_points, + distance, + keep_originals=True, + ): + """Imprint the projection of objects over a sheet with a specified vector and distance. + + Parameters + ---------- + tool_list : list + List of objects to imprint. The list can be of + either Object3d objects or object IDs. + vector_points : list + List of [x,y,z] vector projection. + distance : str, int + Distance of Projection. + keep_originals : bool, optional + Whether to keep the original objects. The default is ``True``. + + Returns + ------- + bool + ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.ImprintProjection + """ + return self._imprint_projection(tool_list, keep_originals, False, vector_points, distance) + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def purge_history(self, theList): + """Purge history objects from object names. + + Parameters + ---------- + theList : list + List of object names to purge. + + Returns + ------- + bool + ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.PurgeHistory + """ + szList = self.convert_to_selections(theList) + + vArg1 = ["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", szList, "NewPartsModelFlag:=", "Model"] + + self.oeditor.PurgeHistory(vArg1) + return True + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def get_model_bounding_box(self): + """Retrieve the model bounding box. + + + Returns + ------- + List + List of six float values representing the bounding box + in the form ``[min_x, min_y, min_z, max_x, max_y, max_z]``. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.GetModelBoundingBox + """ + bb = list(self.oeditor.GetModelBoundingBox()) + bound = [float(b) for b in bb] + return bound + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def unite(self, unite_list, purge=False, keep_originals=False): + """Unite objects from a list. + + Parameters + ---------- + unite_list : list + List of objects. + purge : bool, optional + Purge history after unite. Default is False. + keep_originals : bool, optional + Keep original objects used for the operation. Default is False. + + Returns + ------- + str + The united object that is the first in the list. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.Unite + """ + slice = min(100, len(unite_list)) + num_objects = len(unite_list) + remaining = num_objects + objs_groups = [] + while remaining > 1: + objs = unite_list[:slice] + szSelections = self.convert_to_selections(objs) + vArg1 = ["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", szSelections] + vArg2 = ["NAME:UniteParameters", "KeepOriginals:=", keep_originals] + if settings.aedt_version > "2022.2": + vArg2.append("TurnOnNBodyBoolean:=") + vArg2.append(True) + self.oeditor.Unite(vArg1, vArg2) + if szSelections.split(",")[0] in self.unclassified_names: + self.logger.error("Error in uniting objects.") + self._odesign.Undo() + self.cleanup_objects() + return False + elif purge: + self.purge_history(objs[0]) + objs_groups.append(objs[0]) + remaining -= slice + if remaining > 0: + unite_list = unite_list[slice:] + if remaining > 0: + objs_groups.extend(unite_list) + self.cleanup_objects() + if len(objs_groups) > 1: + return self.unite(objs_groups, purge=purge) + self.logger.info("Union of {} objects has been executed.".format(num_objects)) + return self.convert_to_selections(unite_list[0], False) + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def clone(self, objid): + """Clone objects from a list of object IDs. + + Parameters + ---------- + objid : list + List of object IDs. + + Returns + ------- + bool + ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. + List + List of names of objects cloned when successful. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.Copy + >>> oEditor.Paste + """ + self.copy(objid) + new_objects = self.paste() + return True, new_objects + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def copy(self, object_list): + """Copy objects to the clipboard. + + Parameters + ---------- + object_list : list + List of objects (IDs or names). + + Returns + ------- + list + List of names of the objects copied when successful. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.Copy + """ + # convert to string + + try: + selections = self.convert_to_selections(object_list) + vArg1 = ["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", selections] + self.oeditor.Copy(vArg1) + return selections + except AttributeError: + self.logger.error("Unable to copy selections to clipboard.") + return None + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def paste(self): + """Paste objects from the clipboard. + + Returns + ------- + list + List of passed objects. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.Paste + """ + self.oeditor.Paste() + new_objects = self.add_new_objects() + return new_objects + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def intersect(self, theList, keep_originals=False, **kwargs): + """Intersect objects from a list. + + Parameters + ---------- + theList : list + List of objects. + keep_originals : bool, optional + Whether to keep the original object. The default is ``False``. + + Returns + ------- + str + Retrieve the resulting 3D Object when succeeded. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.Intersect + """ + if "keeporiginal" in kwargs: + warnings.warn("keeporiginal has been deprecated. use keep_originals.", DeprecationWarning) + keep_originals = kwargs["keeporiginal"] + unclassified = list(self.oeditor.GetObjectsInGroup("Unclassified")) + szSelections = self.convert_to_selections(theList) + + vArg1 = ["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", szSelections] + vArg2 = ["NAME:IntersectParameters", "KeepOriginals:=", keep_originals] + + self.oeditor.Intersect(vArg1, vArg2) + unclassified1 = list(self.oeditor.GetObjectsInGroup("Unclassified")) + if unclassified != unclassified1: + self._odesign.Undo() + self.logger.error("Error in intersection. Reverting Operation") + return + self.cleanup_objects() + self.logger.info("Intersection Succeeded") + return self.convert_to_selections(theList[0], False) + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def connect(self, theList): + """Connect objects from a list. + + Parameters + ---------- + theList : list + List of objects. + + Returns + ------- + pyaedt.modeler.Object3d.Object3d, bool + 3D object. + ``False`` when failed. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.Connect + """ + try: + unclassified_before = list(self.unclassified_names) + szSelections = self.convert_to_selections(theList) + szSelections_list = szSelections.split(",") + vArg1 = ["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", szSelections] + + self.oeditor.Connect(vArg1) + if unclassified_before != self.unclassified_names: + self._odesign.Undo() + self.logger.error("Error in connection. Reverting Operation") + return False + + self.cleanup_objects() + self.logger.info("Connection Correctly created") + + self.refresh_all_ids() + objects_list_after_connection = [ + obj + for obj in self.object_list + for sel in set(szSelections_list).intersection(self.object_names) + if obj.name == sel + ] + return objects_list_after_connection + except: + return False + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def chassis_subtraction(self, chassis_part): + """Subtract all non-vacuum objects from the main chassis object. + + Parameters + ---------- + chassis_part : str + Name of the main chassis object. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.Subtract + """ + self.logger.info("Subtract all objects from Chassis object - exclude vacuum objs") + mat_names = self._omaterial_manager.GetNames() + num_obj_start = self.oeditor.GetNumObjects() + blank_part = chassis_part + # in main code this object will need to be determined automatically eg by name such as chassis or sheer size + self.logger.info("Blank Part in Subtraction = " + str(blank_part)) + """ + check if blank part exists, if not, skip subtraction + """ + tool_parts = list(self.oeditor.GetObjectsInGroup("Solids")) + tool_parts.remove(blank_part) + for mat in mat_names: + if str(mat).lower() == "vacuum": + objnames = self.oeditor.GetObjectsByMaterial(mat) + for obj in objnames: + tool_parts.remove(obj) + # tool_parts_final=list(set(tool_parts).difference(set(objnames))) + tool_parts = ",".join(tool_parts) + num_obj_end = self.oeditor.GetNumObjects() + self.subtract(blank_part, tool_parts, True) + + self.logger.info("Subtraction Objs - Initial: " + str(num_obj_start) + " , Final: " + str(num_obj_end)) + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def _offset_on_plane(self, i, offset): + """Offset the object on a plane. + + Parameters + ---------- + i : + + offset : + Offset to apply. + + Returns + ------- + tuple + Position of object after offset is applied. + + """ + if i > 7: + off1 = 0 + elif i % 4 == 0 or i % 4 == 1: + off1 = offset + else: + off1 = -offset + if 3 < i < 8: + off2 = 0 + elif i % 2 == 0: + off2 = offset + else: + off2 = -offset + if i < 4: + off3 = 0 + elif i != 4 and i != 7 and i != 8 and i != 11: + off3 = -offset + else: + off3 = +offset + return off1, off2, off3 + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def check_plane(self, obj, faceposition, offset=1): + """Check for the plane that is defined as the face for an object. + + Parameters + ---------- + obj : str + Name of the object. + faceposition : list + List of the ``[x, y, z]`` coordinates for the position of the face. + offset : optional + Offset to apply. The default is ``1``. + + Returns + ------- + str + Name of the plane. It can be "XY", "XZ" or "YZ". + + """ + + Xvec, Yvec, Zvec = self._pos_with_arg(faceposition) + + if isinstance(obj, int): + obj = self.objects[obj].name + plane = None + found = False + i = 0 + while not found: + off1, off2, off3 = self._offset_on_plane(i, offset) + vArg1 = ["NAME:FaceParameters"] + vArg1.append("BodyName:="), vArg1.append(obj) + vArg1.append("XPosition:="), vArg1.append(Xvec + "+" + self._arg_with_dim(off1)) + vArg1.append("YPosition:="), vArg1.append(Yvec + "+" + self._arg_with_dim(off2)) + vArg1.append("ZPosition:="), vArg1.append(Zvec + "+" + self._arg_with_dim(off3)) + try: + face_id = self.oeditor.GetFaceByPosition(vArg1) + if i < 4: + plane = "XY" + elif i < 8: + plane = "XZ" + else: + plane = "YZ" + found = True + except: + i = i + 1 + if i > 11: + found = True + + return plane + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def get_matched_object_name(self, search_string): + """Retrieve the name of the matched object. + + Parameters + ---------- + search_string : str + Text string to search for. + + + Returns + ------- + str + Name of the matched object. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.GetMatchedObjectName + """ + return self.oeditor.GetMatchedObjectName(search_string) + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def clean_objects_name(self, main_part_name): + """Clean the names of the objects for a main part. + + Parameters + ---------- + main_part_name : str + Name of the main part. + + Returns + ------- + bool + ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.RenamePart + """ + # import os.path + # (CADPath, CADFilename) = os.path.split(CADFile) + # (CADName, CADExt) = os.path.splitext(CADFilename) + CADSuffix = main_part_name + "_" + objNames = self.oeditor.GetMatchedObjectName(CADSuffix + "*") + for name in objNames: + RenameArgs = {} + RenameArgs["NAME"] = "Rename Data" + RenameArgs["Old Name"] = name + RenameArgs["New Name"] = name.replace(CADSuffix, "") + self.oeditor.RenamePart(RenameArgs) + return True + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def create_airbox(self, offset=0, offset_type="Absolute", defname="AirBox_Auto"): + """Create an airbox that is as big as the bounding extension of the project. + + Parameters + ---------- + offset : + Double offset value to apply on the airbox faces versus the bounding box. + The default is ``0``. + offset_type : str + Type of the offset. Options are ``"Absolute"`` and ``"Relative"``. + The default is ``"Absolute"``. If ``"Relative"``, the offset input + is between 0 and 100. + defname : str, optional + Name of the airbox. The default is ``"AirBox_Auto"``. + + Returns + ------- + int + ID of the airbox created. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.CreateBox + """ + self.logger.info("Adding Airbox to the Bounding ") + + bound = self.get_model_bounding_box() + if offset_type == "Absolute": + offset1 = offset2 = offset3 = offset + else: + offset1 = (bound[3] - bound[0]) * offset / 100 + offset2 = (bound[4] - bound[1]) * offset / 100 + offset3 = (bound[5] - bound[2]) * offset / 100 + startpos = self.Position(bound[0] - offset1, bound[1] - offset2, bound[2] - offset3) + + dim = [] + dim.append(bound[3] - bound[0] + 2 * offset1) + dim.append(bound[4] - bound[1] + 2 * offset2) + dim.append(bound[5] - bound[2] + 2 * offset3) + airid = self.create_box(startpos, dim, defname) + return airid + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def create_air_region(self, x_pos=0, y_pos=0, z_pos=0, x_neg=0, y_neg=0, z_neg=0, is_percentage=True): + """Create an air region. + + Parameters + ---------- + x_pos : float or str, optional + If float, padding in the +X direction in modeler units. + If str, padding with units in the +X direction. + The default is ``0``. + y_pos : float or str, optional + If float, padding in the +Y direction in modeler units. + If str, padding with units in the +Y direction. + The default is ``0``. + z_pos : float or str, optional + If float, padding in the +Z direction in modeler units. + If str, padding with units in the +Z direction. + The default is ``0``. + x_neg : float or str, optional + If float, padding in the -X direction in modeler units. + If str, padding with units in the -X direction. + The default is ``0``. + y_neg : float or str, optional + If float, padding in the -Y direction in modeler units. + If str, padding with units in the -Y direction. + The default is ``0``. + z_neg : float or str, optional + If float, padding in the -Z direction in modeler units. + If str, padding with units in the -Z direction. + The default is ``0``. + is_percentage : bool, optional + Region definition in percentage or absolute value. The default is `True``. + + Returns + ------- + :class:`pyaedt.modeler.cad.object3d.Object3d` + 3D object. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.CreateRegion + """ + return self.create_region([x_pos, y_pos, z_pos, x_neg, y_neg, z_neg], is_percentage) + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def edit_region_dimensions(self, listvalues): + """Modify the dimensions of the region. + + Parameters + ---------- + listvalues : list + List of the padding percentages along all six directions in + the form ``[+X, -X, +Y, -Y, +Z, -Z]``. + + Returns + ------- + bool + ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.ChangeProperty + """ + arg = ["NAME:AllTabs"] + arg2 = ["NAME:Geometry3DCmdTab", ["NAME:PropServers", "Region:CreateRegion:1"]] + arg3 = ["NAME:ChangedProps"] + p = ["+X", "-X", "+Y", "-Y", "+Z", "-Z"] + for label, value in zip(p, listvalues): + padding = [] + padding.append("NAME:" + label + " Padding Data") + padding.append("Value:=") + padding.append(str(value)) + arg3.append(padding) + arg2.append(arg3) + arg.append(arg2) + self.oeditor.ChangeProperty(arg) + return True + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def create_face_list(self, face_list, name=None): + """Create a list of faces given a list of face ID or a list of objects. + + Parameters + ---------- + face_list : list + List of face ID or list of objects + + name : str, optional + Name of the new list. + + Returns + ------- + :class:`pyaedt.modeler.Modeler.Lists` + List object when successful, ``False`` when failed. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.CreateEntityList + """ + if name: + for i in self.user_lists: + if i.name == name: + self.logger.warning("A List with the specified name already exists!") + return i + face_list = self.convert_to_selections(face_list, True) + user_list = Lists(self) + list_type = "Face" + if user_list: + result = user_list.create( + object_list=face_list, + name=name, + type=list_type, + ) + if result: + return user_list + else: + self._app.logger.error("Wrong object definition. Review object list and type") + return False + else: + self._app.logger.error("User list object could not be created") + return False + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def create_object_list(self, object_list, name=None): + """Create an object list given a list of object names. + + Parameters + ---------- + object_list : list + List of object names. + name : str, optional + Name of the new object list. + + Returns + ------- + :class:`pyaedt.modeler.Modeler.Lists` + List object when successful, ``False`` when failed. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.CreateEntityList + """ + if name: + for i in self.user_lists: + if i.name == name: + self.logger.warning("A List with the specified name already exists!") + return i + object_list = self.convert_to_selections(object_list, True) + user_list = Lists(self) + list_type = "Object" + if user_list: + result = user_list.create( + object_list=object_list, + name=name, + type=list_type, + ) + if result: + return user_list + else: + self._app.logger.error("Wrong object definition. Review object list and type") + return False + else: + self._app.logger.error("User list object could not be created") + return False + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def generate_object_history(self, objectname): + """Generate history for the object. + + Parameters + ---------- + objectname : str + Name of the history object. + + Returns + ------- + bool + ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.GenerateHistory + """ + objectname = self.convert_to_selections(objectname) + self.oeditor.GenerateHistory( + ["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", objectname, "NewPartsModelFlag:=", "Model", "UseCurrentCS:=", True] + ) + self.cleanup_objects() + return True + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def create_faceted_bondwire_from_true_surface(self, bondname, bond_direction, min_size=0.2, numberofsegments=8): + """Create a faceted bondwire from an existing true surface bondwire. + + Parameters + ---------- + bondname : str + Name of the bondwire to replace. + bond_direction : list + List of the ``[x, y, z]`` coordinates for the axis direction + of the bondwire. For example, ``[0, 1, 2]``. + min_size : float + Minimum size of the subsegment of the new polyline. The default is ``0.2``. + numberofsegments : int, optional + Number of segments. The default is ``8``. + + Returns + ------- + str + Name of the bondwire created. + """ + old_bondwire = self.get_object_from_name(bondname) + if not old_bondwire: + return False + edges = old_bondwire.edges + faces = old_bondwire.faces + centers = [] + for el in faces: + center = el.center + if center: + centers.append(center) + edgelist = [] + verlist = [] + for el in edges: + ver = el.vertices + if len(ver) < 2: + continue + p1 = ver[0].position + p2 = ver[1].position + p3 = [abs(i - j) for i, j in zip(p1, p2)] + + dir = p3.index(max(p3)) + if dir == bond_direction: + edgelist.append(el) + verlist.append([p1, p2]) + if not edgelist: + self.logger.error("No edges found specified direction. Check again") + return False + connected = [edgelist[0]] + tol = 1e-6 + for edge in edgelist[1:]: + ver = edge.vertices + p1 = ver[0].position + p2 = ver[1].position + for el in connected: + ver1 = el.vertices + p3 = ver1[0].position + p4 = ver1[1].position + dist = GeometryOperators.points_distance(p1, p3) + if dist < tol: + connected.append(edge) + break + dist = GeometryOperators.points_distance(p1, p4) + if dist < tol: + connected.append(edge) + break + dist = GeometryOperators.points_distance(p2, p3) + if dist < tol: + connected.append(edge) + break + dist = GeometryOperators.points_distance(p2, p4) + if dist < tol: + connected.append(edge) + break + new_edges = [] + for edge in connected: + edge_object = self.create_object_from_edge(edge) + new_edges.append(edge_object) + + self.unite(new_edges) + self.generate_object_history(new_edges[0]) + self.convert_segments_to_line(new_edges[0].name) + + edges = new_edges[0].edges + i = 0 + edge_to_delete = [] + first_vert = None + for edge in edges: + ver = edge.vertices + p1 = ver[0].position + p2 = ver[1].position + if not first_vert: + first_vert = p1 + dist = GeometryOperators.points_distance(p1, p2) + if dist < min_size: + edge_to_delete.append(i) + i += 1 + + rad = 1e6 + move_vector = None + for fc in centers: + dist = GeometryOperators.points_distance(fc, first_vert) + if dist < rad: + rad = dist + move_vector = GeometryOperators.v_sub(fc, first_vert) + + P = self.get_existing_polyline(object=new_edges[0]) + + if edge_to_delete: + P.remove_edges(edge_to_delete) + + angle = math.pi * (180 - 360 / numberofsegments) / 360 + + status = P.set_crosssection_properties( + type="Circle", num_seg=numberofsegments, width=(rad * (2 - math.sin(angle))) * 2 + ) + if status: + self.move(new_edges[0], move_vector) + old_bondwire.model = False + return new_edges[0] + else: + return False + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def get_entitylist_id(self, name): + """Retrieve the ID of an entity list. + + Parameters + ---------- + name : str + Name of the entity list. + + Returns + ------- + int + ID of the entity list. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.GetEntityListIDByName + """ + id = self.oeditor.GetEntityListIDByName(name) + return id + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def create_outer_facelist(self, externalobjects, name="outer_faces"): + """Create a face list from a list of outer objects. + + Parameters + ---------- + externalobjects : list + List of outer objects. + name : str, optional + Name of the new list. The default is ``"outer_faces"``. + + Returns + ------- + bool + ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. + + """ + list2 = self.select_allfaces_fromobjects(externalobjects) # find ALL faces of outer objects + self.create_face_list(list2, name) + self.logger.info("Extfaces of thermal model = " + str(len(list2))) + return True + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def explicitly_subtract(self, diellist, metallist): + """Explicitly subtract all elements in a SolveInside list and a SolveSurface list. + + Parameters + ---------- + diellist : list + List of dielectrics. + metallist : list + List of metals. + + Returns + ------- + bool + ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.Subtract + >>> oEditor.PurgeHistory + """ + self.logger.info("Creating explicit subtraction between objects.") + for el in diellist: + list1 = el + list2 = "" + for el1 in metallist: + list2 = list2 + el1 + "," + for el1 in diellist: + if el1 is not el: + list2 = list2 + el1 + "," + if list2: + list2 = list2[:-1] + self.subtract(list1, list2, True) + self.purge_history(list1) + self.purge_history(list2) + for el in metallist: + list1 = el + list2 = "" + for el1 in metallist: + if el1 is not el: + list2 = list2 + el1 + "," + if list2: + list2 = list2[:-1] + self.subtract(list1, list2, True) + self.purge_history(list1) + self.purge_history(list2) + self.logger.info("Explicit subtraction is completed.") + return True + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def find_port_faces(self, port_sheets): + """Find the vacuums given a list of input sheets. + + Starting from a list of input sheets, this method creates a list of output sheets + that represent the blank parts (vacuums) and the tool parts of all the intersections + of solids on the sheets. After a vacuum on a sheet is found, a port can be + created on it. + + Parameters + ---------- + port_sheets : list + List of input sheets names. + + Returns + ------- + List + List of output sheets (`2x len(port_sheets)`). + + """ + faces = [] + solids = [s for s in self.solid_objects if s.material_name not in ["vacuum", "air"] and s.model] + for sheet_name in port_sheets: + sheet = self[sheet_name] # get the sheet object + _, cloned = self.clone(sheet) + cloned = self[cloned[0]] + cloned.subtract(solids) + sheet.subtract(cloned) + cloned.name = sheet.name + "_Face1Vacuum" + faces.append(sheet.name) + faces.append(cloned.name) + return faces + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def get_line_ids(self): + """Create a dictionary of object IDs for the lines in the design with the line name as the key.""" + line_ids = {} + line_list = list(self.oeditor.GetObjectsInGroup("Lines")) + for line_object in line_list: + # TODO Problem with GetObjectIDByName + try: + line_ids[line_object] = str(self.oeditor.GetObjectIDByName(line_object)) + except: + self.logger.warning("Line {} has an invalid ID!".format(line_object)) + return line_ids + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def get_bounding_dimension(self): + """Retrieve the dimension array of the bounding box. + + Returns + ------- + list + List of three float values representing the bounding box dimensions + in the form ``[dim_x, dim_y, dim_z]``. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.GetModelBoundingBox + """ + oBoundingBox = list(self.oeditor.GetModelBoundingBox()) + dimensions = [] + dimensions.append(abs(float(oBoundingBox[0]) - float(oBoundingBox[3]))) + dimensions.append(abs(float(oBoundingBox[1]) - float(oBoundingBox[4]))) + dimensions.append(abs(float(oBoundingBox[2]) - float(oBoundingBox[5]))) + return dimensions + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def get_object_name_from_edge_id(self, edge_id): + """Retrieve the object name for a predefined edge ID. + + Parameters + ---------- + edge_id : int + ID of the edge. + + Returns + ------- + str + Name of the edge if it exists, ``False`` otherwise. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.GetEdgeIDsFromObject + """ + for object in list(self._object_names_to_ids.keys()): + try: + oEdgeIDs = self.oeditor.GetEdgeIDsFromObject(object) + if str(edge_id) in oEdgeIDs: + return object + except: + return False + return False + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def get_solving_volume(self): + """Generate a mesh for a setup. + + Returns + ------- + int + ``1`` when successful, ``0`` when failed. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.GetModelBoundingBox + """ + bound = self.get_model_bounding_box() + volume = abs(bound[3] - bound[0]) * abs(bound[4] - bound[1]) * abs(bound[5] - bound[2]) + volume = str(round(volume, 0)) + return volume + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def vertex_data_of_lines(self, txtfilter=None): + """Generate a dictionary of line vertex data for all lines contained within the design. + + Parameters + ---------- + txtfilter : str, optional + Text string for filtering. The default is ``None``. When a text string is specified, + line data is generated only if this text string is contained within the line name. + + Returns + ------- + dict + Dictionary of the line name with a list of vertex positions in either 2D or 3D. + + """ + line_data = {} + lines = self.get_line_ids() + if txtfilter is not None: + lines = [n for n in lines if txtfilter in n] + for x in lines: + line_data[x] = self.get_vertices_of_line(x) + + return line_data + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def get_vertices_of_line(self, sLineName): + """Generate a list of vertex positions for a line object from AEDT in model units. + + Parameters + ---------- + sLineName : str + Name of the line object in AEDT. + + Returns + ------- + list + List of the ``[x, y, (z)]`` coordinates for the 2D or 3D line object. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.GetVertexIDsFromObject + """ + position_list = [] + + # Get all vertices in the line + vertices_on_line = self.oeditor.GetVertexIDsFromObject(sLineName) + + if settings.aedt_version > "2022.2": + vertices_on_line = vertices_on_line[::-1] + + for x in vertices_on_line: + pos = self.oeditor.GetVertexPosition(x) + if self.design_type == "Maxwell 2D": + if self.geometry_mode == "XY": + position_list.append([float(pos[0]), float(pos[1])]) + else: + position_list.append([float(pos[0]), float(pos[2])]) + else: + position_list.append([float(pos[0]), float(pos[1]), float(pos[2])]) + + return position_list + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def import_3d_cad( + self, + filename, + healing=False, + refresh_all_ids=True, + import_materials=False, + create_lightweigth_part=False, + group_by_assembly=False, + create_group=True, + separate_disjoints_lumped_object=False, + import_free_surfaces=False, + point_coicidence_tolerance=1e-6, + ): + """Import a CAD model. + + Parameters + ---------- + filename : str + Full path and name of the CAD file. + healing : bool, optional + Whether to perform healing. The default is ``False``, in which + case healing is not performed. + healing : int, optional + Whether to perform healing. The default is ``0``, in which + case healing is not performed. + refresh_all_ids : bool, optional + Whether to refresh all IDs after the CAD file is loaded. The + default is ``True``. Refreshing IDs can take a lot of time in + a big project. + import_materials : bool optional + Either to import material names from the file or not if presents. + create_lightweigth_part : bool ,optional + Either to import lightweight or not. + group_by_assembly : bool, optional + Either import by sub-assembly or individual parts. The default is ``False``. + create_group : bool, optional + Either to create a new group of imported objects. The default is ``True``. + separate_disjoints_lumped_object : bool, optional + Either to automatically separate disjoint parts. The default is ``False``. + import_free_surfaces : bool, optional + Either to import free surfaces parts. The default is ``False``. + point_coicidence_tolerance : float, optional + Tolerance on point. Default is ``1e-6``. + + Returns + ------- + bool + ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.Import + """ + + if str(healing) in ["0", "1"]: + warnings.warn( + "Assigning `0` or `1` to `healing` option is deprecated. Assign `True` or `False` instead.", + DeprecationWarning, + ) + vArg1 = ["NAME:NativeBodyParameters"] + vArg1.append("HealOption:="), vArg1.append(int(healing)) + vArg1.append("Options:="), vArg1.append("-1") + vArg1.append("FileType:="), vArg1.append("UnRecognized") + vArg1.append("MaxStitchTol:="), vArg1.append(-1) + vArg1.append("ImportFreeSurfaces:="), vArg1.append(import_free_surfaces) + vArg1.append("GroupByAssembly:="), vArg1.append(group_by_assembly) + vArg1.append("CreateGroup:="), vArg1.append(create_group) + vArg1.append("STLFileUnit:="), vArg1.append("Auto") + vArg1.append("MergeFacesAngle:="), vArg1.append(-1) + vArg1.append("PointCoincidenceTol:="), vArg1.append(point_coicidence_tolerance) + vArg1.append("CreateLightweightPart:="), vArg1.append(create_lightweigth_part) + vArg1.append("ImportMaterialNames:="), vArg1.append(import_materials) + vArg1.append("SeparateDisjointLumps:="), vArg1.append(separate_disjoints_lumped_object) + vArg1.append("SourceFile:="), vArg1.append(filename) + self.oeditor.Import(vArg1) + if refresh_all_ids: + self.refresh_all_ids() + self.logger.info("Step file {} imported".format(filename)) + return True + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def import_spaceclaim_document(self, SCFile): + """Import a SpaceClaim document. + + Parameters + ---------- + SCFile : + Full path and name of the SpaceClaim file. + + Returns + ------- + bool + ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.CreateUserDefinedModel + """ + environlist = os.environ + latestversion = "" + for l in environlist: + if "AWP_ROOT" in l: + if l > latestversion: + latestversion = l + if not latestversion: + self.logger.error("SpaceClaim is not found.") + else: + scdm_path = os.path.join(os.environ[latestversion], "scdm") + self.oeditor.CreateUserDefinedModel( + [ + "NAME:UserDefinedModelParameters", + [ + "NAME:Definition", + [ + "NAME:UDMParam", + "Name:=", + "GeometryFilePath", + "Value:=", + '"' + SCFile + '"', + "DataType:=", + "String", + "PropType2:=", + 0, + "PropFlag2:=", + 1, + ], + [ + "NAME:UDMParam", + "Name:=", + "IsSpaceClaimLinkUDM", + "Value:=", + "1", + "DataType:=", + "Int", + "PropType2:=", + 5, + "PropFlag2:=", + 8, + ], + ], + [ + "NAME:Options", + [ + "NAME:UDMParam", + "Name:=", + "Solid Bodies", + "Value:=", + "1", + "DataType:=", + "Int", + "PropType2:=", + 5, + "PropFlag2:=", + 0, + ], + [ + "NAME:UDMParam", + "Name:=", + "Surface Bodies", + "Value:=", + "1", + "DataType:=", + "Int", + "PropType2:=", + 5, + "PropFlag2:=", + 0, + ], + [ + "NAME:UDMParam", + "Name:=", + "Parameters", + "Value:=", + "1", + "DataType:=", + "Int", + "PropType2:=", + 5, + "PropFlag2:=", + 0, + ], + [ + "NAME:UDMParam", + "Name:=", + "Parameter Key", + "Value:=", + '""', + "DataType:=", + "String", + "PropType2:=", + 0, + "PropFlag2:=", + 0, + ], + [ + "NAME:UDMParam", + "Name:=", + "Named Selections", + "Value:=", + "1", + "DataType:=", + "Int", + "PropType2:=", + 5, + "PropFlag2:=", + 8, + ], + [ + "NAME:UDMParam", + "Name:=", + "Rendering Attributes", + "Value:=", + "1", + "DataType:=", + "Int", + "PropType2:=", + 5, + "PropFlag2:=", + 0, + ], + [ + "NAME:UDMParam", + "Name:=", + "Material Assignment", + "Value:=", + "1", + "DataType:=", + "Int", + "PropType2:=", + 5, + "PropFlag2:=", + 0, + ], + [ + "NAME:UDMParam", + "Name:=", + "Import suppressed for physics objects", + "Value:=", + "0", + "DataType:=", + "Int", + "PropType2:=", + 5, + "PropFlag2:=", + 0, + ], + [ + "NAME:UDMParam", + "Name:=", + "Explode Multi-Body Parts", + "Value:=", + "1", + "DataType:=", + "Int", + "PropType2:=", + 5, + "PropFlag2:=", + 8, + ], + [ + "NAME:UDMParam", + "Name:=", + "SpaceClaim Installation Path", + "Value:=", + '"' + scdm_path + '"', + "DataType:=", + "String", + "PropType2:=", + 0, + "PropFlag2:=", + 8, + ], + [ + "NAME:UDMParam", + "Name:=", + "Smart CAD Update", + "Value:=", + "1", + "DataType:=", + "Int", + "PropType2:=", + 5, + "PropFlag2:=", + 8, + ], + ], + ["NAME:GeometryParams"], + "DllName:=", + "SCIntegUDM", + "Library:=", + "installLib", + "Version:=", + "2.0", + "ConnectionID:=", + "", + ] + ) + self.refresh_all_ids() + return True + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def modeler_variable(self, value): + """Modeler variable. + + Parameters + ---------- + value : + + + Returns + ------- + + """ + if isinstance(value, str): + return value + else: + return str(value) + self.model_units + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def break_spaceclaim_connection(self): # TODO: Need to change this name. Don't use "break". + """Disconnect from the running SpaceClaim instance. + + Returns + ------- + bool + ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.BreakUDMConnection + """ + args = ["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", "SpaceClaim1"] + self.oeditor.BreakUDMConnection(args) + return True + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def load_scdm_in_hfss(self, SpaceClaimFile): + """Load a SpaceClaim file in HFSS. + + Parameters + ---------- + SpaceClaimFile : str + Full path and name of the SpaceClaim file. + + + Returns + ------- + bool + ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.CreateUserDefinedModel + >>> oEditor.BreakUDMConnection + """ + self.import_spaceclaim_document(SpaceClaimFile) + self.break_spaceclaim_connection() + return True + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def get_faces_from_materials(self, mats): + """Select all outer faces given a list of materials. + + Parameters + ---------- + mats : list + List of materials to include in the search for outer + faces. + + Returns + ------- + list + List of all outer faces of the specified materials. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.GetObjectsByMaterial + >>> oEditor.GetFaceIDs + """ + self.logger.info("Selecting outer faces.") + + sel = [] + objs = [] + if type(mats) is str: + mats = [mats] + for mat in mats: + objs.extend(list(self.oeditor.GetObjectsByMaterial(mat.lower()))) + + for i in objs: + oFaceIDs = self.oeditor.GetFaceIDs(i) + + for face in oFaceIDs: + sel.append(int(face)) + return sel + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def scale(self, obj_list, x=2.0, y=2.0, z=2.0): + """Scale a list of objects. + + Parameters + ---------- + obj_list : list + List of objects IDs or names. + x : float, optional + Scale factor for X. + y : float, optional + Scale factor for Y. + z : float, optional + Scale factor for Z. + + Returns + ------- + bool + ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.Scale + """ + selections = self.convert_to_selections(obj_list, True) + arg1 = ["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", ", ".join(selections), "NewPartsModelFlag:=", "Model"] + arg2 = ["NAME:ScaleParameters", "ScaleX:=", str(x), "ScaleY:=", str(y), "ScaleZ:=", str(z)] + self.oeditor.Scale(arg1, arg2) + return True + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def select_allfaces_fromobjects(self, elements): + """Select all outer faces given a list of objects. + + Parameters + ---------- + elements : list + List of objects to include in the search for outer faces. + + Returns + ------- + List + List of outer faces in the given list of objects. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.GetFaceIDs + """ + self.logger.info("Selecting outer faces.") + + sel = [] + + for i in elements: + oFaceIDs = self.oeditor.GetFaceIDs(i) + + for face in oFaceIDs: + sel.append(int(face)) + return sel + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def setunassigned_mats(self): + """Find unassagned objects and set them to non-model. + + Returns + ------- + bool + ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.SetPropertyValue + """ + oObjects = list(self.oeditor.GetObjectsInGroup("Solids")) + for obj in oObjects: + pro = self.oeditor.GetPropertyValue("Geometry3DAttributeTab", obj, "Material") + if pro == '""': + self.oeditor.SetPropertyValue("Geometry3DAttributeTab", obj, "Model", False) + return True + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def automatic_thicken_sheets(self, inputlist, value, internalExtr=True, internalvalue=1): + """Create thickened sheets for a list of input faces. + + This method automatically checks the direction in which to thicken the sheets. + + Parameters + ---------- + inputlist : list + List of faces. + value : float + Value in millimeters to thicken the sheets. + internalExtr : bool, optional + Whether to extrude sheets internally. The default is ``True``. + internalvalue : float, optional + Value in millimeters to thicken the sheets internally (vgoing into the model). + The default is ``1``. + + Returns + ------- + bool + ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.ThickenSheet + """ + aedt_bounding_box = self.get_model_bounding_box() + directions = {} + inputlist = self.convert_to_selections(inputlist, True) + for el in inputlist: + objID = self.oeditor.GetFaceIDs(el) + faceCenter = self.oeditor.GetFaceCenter(int(objID[0])) + directionfound = False + l = 10 + while not directionfound: + self.oeditor.ThickenSheet( + ["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", el, "NewPartsModelFlag:=", "Model"], + ["NAME:SheetThickenParameters", "Thickness:=", str(l) + "mm", "BothSides:=", False], + ) + aedt_bounding_box2 = self.get_model_bounding_box() + self._odesign.Undo() + if aedt_bounding_box != aedt_bounding_box2: + directions[el] = "External" + directionfound = True + self.oeditor.ThickenSheet( + ["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", el, "NewPartsModelFlag:=", "Model"], + ["NAME:SheetThickenParameters", "Thickness:=", "-" + str(l) + "mm", "BothSides:=", False], + ) + aedt_bounding_box2 = self.get_model_bounding_box() + + self._odesign.Undo() + + if aedt_bounding_box != aedt_bounding_box2: + directions[el] = "Internal" + directionfound = True + else: + l = l + 10 + for el in inputlist: + objID = self.oeditor.GetFaceIDs(el) + faceCenter = self.oeditor.GetFaceCenter(int(objID[0])) + if directions[el] == "Internal": + self.oeditor.ThickenSheet( + ["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", el, "NewPartsModelFlag:=", "Model"], + ["NAME:SheetThickenParameters", "Thickness:=", "-" + str(value) + "mm", "BothSides:=", False], + ) + else: + self.oeditor.ThickenSheet( + ["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", el, "NewPartsModelFlag:=", "Model"], + ["NAME:SheetThickenParameters", "Thickness:=", str(value) + "mm", "BothSides:=", False], + ) + if internalExtr: + objID2 = self.oeditor.GetFaceIDs(el) + for fid in objID2: + try: + faceCenter2 = self.oeditor.GetFaceCenter(int(fid)) + if faceCenter2 == faceCenter: + self.oeditor.MoveFaces( + ["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", el, "NewPartsModelFlag:=", "Model"], + [ + "NAME:Parameters", + [ + "NAME:MoveFacesParameters", + "MoveAlongNormalFlag:=", + True, + "OffsetDistance:=", + str(internalvalue) + "mm", + "MoveVectorX:=", + "0mm", + "MoveVectorY:=", + "0mm", + "MoveVectorZ:=", + "0mm", + "FacesToMove:=", + [int(fid)], + ], + ], + ) + except: + self.logger.info("done") + # self.modeler_oproject.ClearMessages() + return True + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def move_face(self, faces, offset=1.0): + """Move an input face or a list of input faces of a specific object. + + This method moves a face or a list of faces which belong to the same solid. + + Parameters + ---------- + faces : list + List of Face ID or List of :class:`pyaedt.modeler.Object3d.FacePrimitive` object or mixed. + offset : float, optional + Offset to apply in model units. The default is ``1.0``. + + Returns + ------- + bool + ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.MoveFaces + + """ + face_selection = self.convert_to_selections(faces, True) + selection = {} + for f in face_selection: + if self.oeditor.GetObjectNameByFaceID(f) in selection: + selection[self.oeditor.GetObjectNameByFaceID(f)].append(f) + else: + selection[self.oeditor.GetObjectNameByFaceID(f)] = [f] + + arg1 = [ + "NAME:Selections", + "Selections:=", + self.convert_to_selections(list(selection.keys()), False), + "NewPartsModelFlag:=", + "Model", + ] + arg2 = ["NAME:Parameters"] + for el in list(selection.keys()): + arg2.append( + [ + "NAME:MoveFacesParameters", + "MoveAlongNormalFlag:=", + True, + "OffsetDistance:=", + str(offset) + self.model_units, + "MoveVectorX:=", + "0mm", + "MoveVectorY:=", + "0mm", + "MoveVectorZ:=", + "0mm", + "FacesToMove:=", + selection[el], + ] + ) + self.oeditor.MoveFaces(arg1, arg2) + return True + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def move_edge(self, edges, offset=1.0): + """Move an input edge or a list of input edges of a specific object. + + This method moves an edge or a list of edges which belong to the same solid. + + Parameters + ---------- + edges : list + List of Edge ID or List of :class:`pyaedt.modeler.Object3d.EdgePrimitive` object or mixed. + offset : float, optional + Offset to apply in model units. The default is ``1.0``. + + Returns + ------- + bool + ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.MoveEdges + + """ + edge_selection = self.convert_to_selections(edges, True) + selection = {} + for f in edge_selection: + if self.oeditor.GetObjectNameByEdgeID(f) in selection: + selection[self.oeditor.GetObjectNameByEdgeID(f)].append(f) + else: + selection[self.oeditor.GetObjectNameByEdgeID(f)] = [f] + + arg1 = [ + "NAME:Selections", + "Selections:=", + self.convert_to_selections(list(selection.keys()), False), + "NewPartsModelFlag:=", + "Model", + ] + arg2 = ["NAME:Parameters"] + for el in list(selection.keys()): + arg2.append( + [ + "NAME:MoveEdgesParameters", + "MoveAlongNormalFlag:=", + True, + "OffsetDistance:=", + str(offset) + self.model_units, + "MoveVectorX:=", + "0mm", + "MoveVectorY:=", + "0mm", + "MoveVectorZ:=", + "0mm", + "EdgesToMove:=", + selection[el], + ] + ) + self.oeditor.MoveEdges(arg1, arg2) + return True + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def create_group(self, objects=None, components=None, groups=None, group_name=None): + """Group objects or groups into one group. + + At least one between ``objects``, ``components``, ``groups`` has to be defined. + + Parameters + ---------- + objects : list, optional + List of objects. The default is ``None``, in which case a group + with all objects is created. + components : list, optional + List of 3d components to group. The default is ``None``. + groups : list, optional + List of groups. The default is ``None``. + group_name : str, optional + Name of the new group. The default is ``None``. + It is not possible to choose the name but a name is + assigned automatically. + + Returns + ------- + str + Name assigned to the new group. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.CreateGroup + """ + if components is None and groups is None and objects is None: + raise AttributeError("At least one between ``objects``, ``components``, ``groups`` has to be defined.") + + all_objects = self.object_names + if objects: + object_selection = self.convert_to_selections(objects, return_list=False) + else: + object_selection = "" + if groups: + group_selection = self.convert_to_selections(groups, return_list=False) + else: + group_selection = "" + if components: + component_selection = self.convert_to_selections(components, return_list=False) + else: + component_selection = "" + + arg = [ + "NAME:GroupParameter", + "ParentGroupID:=", + "Model", + "Parts:=", + object_selection, + "SubmodelInstances:=", + component_selection, + "Groups:=", + group_selection, + ] + assigned_name = self.oeditor.CreateGroup(arg) + if group_name and group_name not in all_objects: + self.oeditor.ChangeProperty( + [ + "NAME:AllTabs", + [ + "NAME:Attributes", + ["NAME:PropServers", assigned_name], + ["NAME:ChangedProps", ["NAME:Name", "Value:=", group_name]], + ], + ] + ) + return group_name + else: + return assigned_name + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def ungroup(self, groups): + """Ungroup one or more groups. + + Parameters + ---------- + groups : list + List of group names. + + Returns + ------- + bool + ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.Ungroup + """ + group_list = self.convert_to_selections(groups, return_list=True) + arg = ["Groups:=", group_list] + self.oeditor.Ungroup(arg) + return True + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def flatten_assembly(self): + """Flatten the assembly, removing all group trees. + + Returns + ------- + bool + ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.FlattenGroup + """ + self.oeditor.FlattenGroup(["Groups:=", ["Model"]]) + return True + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def wrap_sheet(self, sheet_name, object_name, imprinted=False): + """Execute the sheet wrapping around an object. + If wrapping produces an unclassified operation it will be reverted. + + Parameters + ---------- + sheet_name : str, :class:`pyaedt.modeler.Object3d.Object3d` + Sheet name or sheet object. + object_name : str, :class:`pyaedt.modeler.Object3d.Object3d` + Object name or solid object. + imprinted : bool, optional + Either if imprint or not over the sheet. Default is ``False``. + + Returns + ------- + bool + Command execution status. + """ + sheet_name = self.convert_to_selections(sheet_name, False) + object_name = self.convert_to_selections(object_name, False) + + if sheet_name not in self.sheet_names: + self.logger.error("{} is not a valid sheet.".format(sheet_name)) + return False + if object_name not in self.solid_names: + self.logger.error("{} is not a valid solid body.".format(object_name)) + return False + unclassified = [i for i in self.unclassified_objects] + self.oeditor.WrapSheet( + ["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", "{},{}".format(sheet_name, object_name)], + ["NAME:WrapSheetParameters", "Imprinted:=", imprinted], + ) + is_unclassified = [i for i in self.unclassified_objects if i not in unclassified] + if is_unclassified: + self.logger.error("Failed to Wrap sheet. Reverting to original objects.") + self._odesign.Undo() + return False + if imprinted: + self.cleanup_objects() + return True + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def heal_objects( + self, + input_objects_list, + auto_heal=True, + tolerant_stitch=True, + simplify_geometry=True, + tighten_gaps=True, + heal_to_solid=False, + stop_after_first_stitch_error=False, + max_stitch_tolerance=0.001, + explode_and_stitch=True, + geometry_simplification_tolerance=1, + maximum_generated_radius=1, + simplify_type=0, + tighten_gaps_width=0.00001, + remove_silver_faces=True, + remove_small_edges=True, + remove_small_faces=True, + silver_face_tolerance=1, + small_edge_tolerance=1, + small_face_area_tolerance=1, + bounding_box_scale_factor=0, + remove_holes=True, + remove_chamfers=True, + remove_blends=True, + hole_radius_tolerance=1, + chamfer_width_tolerance=1, + blend_radius_tolerance=1, + allowable_surface_area_change=5, + allowable_volume_change=5, + ): + """Repair invalid geometry entities for the selected objects within the specified tolerance settings. + + Parameters + ---------- + input_objects_list : str + List of object names to analyze. + auto_heal : bool, optional + Auto heal option. Default value is ``True``. + tolerant_stitch : bool, optional + Tolerant stitch for manual healing. The default is ``True``. + simplify_geometry : bool, optional + Simplify geometry for manual healing. The default is ``True``. + tighten_gaps : bool, optional + Tighten gaps for manual healing. The default is ``True``. + heal_to_solid : bool, optional + Heal to solid for manual healing. The default is ``False``. + stop_after_first_stitch_error : bool, optional + Stop after first stitch error for manual healing. The default is ``False``. + max_stitch_tolerance : float, str, optional + Max stitch tolerance for manual healing. The default is ``0.001``. + explode_and_stitch : bool, optional + Explode and stitch for manual healing. The default is ``True``. + geometry_simplification_tolerance : float, str, optional + Geometry simplification tolerance for manual healing in mm. The default is ``1``. + maximum_generated_radius : float, str, optional + Maximum generated radius for manual healing in mm. The default is ``1``. + simplify_type : int, optional + Simplify type for manual healing. The default is ``0`` which refers to ``Curves``. + Other available values are ``1`` for ``Surfaces`` and ``2`` for ``Both``. + tighten_gaps_width : float, str, optional + Tighten gaps width for manual healing in mm. The default is ``0.00001``. + remove_silver_faces : bool, optional + Remove silver faces for manual healing. The default is ``True``. + remove_small_edges : bool, optional + Remove small edges faces for manual healing. The default is ``True``. + remove_small_faces : bool, optional + Remove small faces for manual healing. The default is ``True``. + silver_face_tolerance : float, str, optional + Silver face tolerance for manual healing in mm. The default is ``1``. + small_edge_tolerance : float, str, optional + Silver face tolerance for manual healing in mm. The default is ``1``. + small_face_area_tolerance : float, str, optional + Silver face tolerance for manual healing in mm^2. The default is ``1``. + bounding_box_scale_factor : int, optional + Bounding box scaling factor for manual healing. The default is ``0``. + remove_holes : bool, optional + Remove holes for manual healing. The default is ``True``. + remove_chamfers : bool, optional + Remove chamfers for manual healing. The default is``True``. + remove_blends : bool, optional + Remove blends for manual healing. The default is ``True``. + hole_radius_tolerance : float, str, optional + Hole radius tolerance for manual healing in mm. The default is ``1``. + chamfer_width_tolerance : float, str, optional + Chamfer width tolerance for manual healing in mm. The default is ``1``. + blend_radius_tolerance : float, str, optional + Blend radius tolerance for manual healing in mm. The default is ``1``. + allowable_surface_area_change : float, str, optional + Allowable surface area for manual healing in mm. The default is ``1``. + allowable_volume_change : float, str, optional + Allowable volume change for manual healing in mm. The default is ``1``. + + Returns + ------- + bool + ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. + """ + if not input_objects_list: + self.logger.error("Provide an object name or a list of object names as a string.") + return False + elif not isinstance(input_objects_list, str): + self.logger.error("Provide an object name or a list of object names as a string.") + return False + elif "," in input_objects_list: + input_objects_list = input_objects_list.strip() + if ", " in input_objects_list: + input_objects_list_split = input_objects_list.split(", ") + else: + input_objects_list_split = input_objects_list.split(",") + for obj in input_objects_list_split: + if obj not in self.object_names: + self.logger.error("Provide an object name or a list of object names that exists in current design.") + return False + objects_selection = ",".join(input_objects_list_split) + else: + objects_selection = input_objects_list + + if simplify_type not in [0, 1, 2]: + self.logger.error("Invalid simplify type.") + return False + + selections_args = ["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", objects_selection, "NewPartsModelFlag:=", "Model"] + healing_parameters = [ + "NAME:ObjectHealingParameters", + "Version:=", + 1, + "AutoHeal:=", + auto_heal, + "TolerantStitch:=", + tolerant_stitch, + "SimplifyGeom:=", + simplify_geometry, + "TightenGaps:=", + tighten_gaps, + "HealToSolid:=", + heal_to_solid, + "StopAfterFirstStitchError:=", + stop_after_first_stitch_error, + "MaxStitchTol:=", + max_stitch_tolerance, + "ExplodeAndStitch:=", + explode_and_stitch, + "GeomSimplificationTol:=", + geometry_simplification_tolerance, + "MaximumGeneratedRadiusForSimplification:=", + maximum_generated_radius, + "SimplifyType:=", + simplify_type, + "TightenGapsWidth:=", + tighten_gaps_width, + "RemoveSliverFaces:=", + remove_silver_faces, + "RemoveSmallEdges:=", + remove_small_edges, + "RemoveSmallFaces:=", + remove_small_faces, + "SliverFaceTol:=", + silver_face_tolerance, + "SmallEdgeTol:=", + small_edge_tolerance, + "SmallFaceAreaTol:=", + small_face_area_tolerance, + "SpikeTol:=", + -1, + "GashWidthBound:=", + -1, + "GashAspectBound:=", + -1, + "BoundingBoxScaleFactor:=", + bounding_box_scale_factor, + "RemoveHoles:=", + remove_holes, + "RemoveChamfers:=", + remove_chamfers, + "RemoveBlends:=", + remove_blends, + "HoleRadiusTol:=", + hole_radius_tolerance, + "ChamferWidthTol:=", + chamfer_width_tolerance, + "BlendRadiusTol:=", + blend_radius_tolerance, + "AllowableSurfaceAreaChange:=", + allowable_surface_area_change, + "AllowableVolumeChange:=", + allowable_volume_change, + ] + self.oeditor.HealObject(selections_args, healing_parameters) + return True + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def simplify_objects( + self, + input_objects_list, + simplify_type="Polygon Fit", + extrusion_axis="Auto", + clean_up=True, + allow_splitting=True, + separate_bodies=True, + clone_body=True, + generate_primitive_history=False, + interior_points_on_arc=5, + length_threshold_percentage=25, + create_group_for_new_objects=False, + ): + """Simplify command to converts complex objects into simpler primitives which are easy to mesh and solve. + + Parameters + ---------- + input_objects_list : str + List of object names to simplify. + simplify_type : str, optional + Simplify type. The default is ``"Polygon Fit"``. Options are + ``"Bounding Box"``, ``"Polygon Fit"``, and ``"Primitive Fit"`. + extrusion_axis : str, optional + Extrusion axis. The default is ``"Auto"``. + Options are ``"Auto"``, ``"X"``, ``"Y"``, and ``"Z"``. + clean_up : bool, optional + Whether to clean up. The default is ``True``. + allow_splitting : bool, optional + Whether to allow splitting. The default is ``True``. + separate_bodies : bool, optional + Whether to separate bodies. The default is ``True``. + clone_body : bool, optional + Whether to clone the body. The default is ``True``. + generate_primitive_history : bool, optional + Whether to generate primitive history. The default is ``False``. + If ``True``, the history for the selected objects is purged. + ``` + interior_points_on_arc : float, optional + Number points on curve. The default is ``5``. + length_threshold_percentage : float, optional + Length threshold percentage. The default is ``25``. + create_group_for_new_objects : bool, optional + Create group for new objects. The default is ``False``. + + Returns + ------- + bool + ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. + """ + if not input_objects_list: + self.logger.error("Provide an object name or a list of object names as a string.") + return False + elif not isinstance(input_objects_list, str): + self.logger.error("Provide an object name or a list of object names as a string.") + return False + elif "," in input_objects_list: + input_objects_list = input_objects_list.strip() + if ", " in input_objects_list: + input_objects_list_split = input_objects_list.split(", ") + else: + input_objects_list_split = input_objects_list.split(",") + for obj in input_objects_list_split: + if obj not in self.object_names: + self.logger.error("Provide an object name or a list of object names that exists in current design.") + return False + objects_selection = ",".join(input_objects_list_split) + else: + objects_selection = input_objects_list + + if simplify_type not in ["Polygon Fit", "Primitive Fit", "Bounding Box"]: + self.logger.error("Invalid simplify type.") + return False - @property - def modeler(self): - """Modeler.""" - return self._modeler + if extrusion_axis not in ["Auto", "X", "Y", "Z"]: + self.logger.error("Invalid extrusion axis.") + return False - @property - def model_units(self): - """Model units.""" - return self.modeler.model_units + selections_args = ["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", objects_selection, "NewPartsModelFlag:=", "Model"] + simplify_parameters = [ + "NAME:SimplifyParameters", + "Type:=", + simplify_type, + "ExtrusionAxis:=", + extrusion_axis, + "Cleanup:=", + clean_up, + "Splitting:=", + allow_splitting, + "SeparateBodies:=", + separate_bodies, + "CloneBody:=", + clone_body, + "Generate Primitive History:=", + generate_primitive_history, + "NumberPointsCurve:=", + interior_points_on_arc, + "LengthThresholdCurve:=", + length_threshold_percentage, + ] + groups_for_new_object = ["CreateGroupsForNewObjects:=", create_group_for_new_objects] - @property - def model_objects(self): - """List of the names of all model objects.""" - return self._get_model_objects(model=True) + try: + self.oeditor.Simplify(selections_args, simplify_parameters, groups_for_new_object) + return True + except: + self.logger.error("Simplify objects failed.") + return False - @property - def non_model_objects(self): - """List of objects of all non-model objects.""" - return list(self.oeditor.GetObjectsInGroup("Non Model")) + @pyaedt_function_handler + def get_face_by_id(self, id): + """Get the face object given its ID. - @property - def model_consistency_report(self): - """Summary of detected inconsistencies between the AEDT modeler and PyAEDT structures. + Parameters + ---------- + id : int + ID of the face to retrieve. Returns ------- - dict + modeler.cad.elements3d.FacePrimitive + Face object. """ - obj_names = self.object_names - missing = [] - for name in obj_names: - if name not in self._object_names_to_ids: - missing.append(name) - non_existent = [] - for name in self._object_names_to_ids: - if name not in obj_names and name not in self.unclassified_names: - non_existent.append(name) - report = {"Missing Objects": missing, "Non-Existent Objects": non_existent} - return report + obj = [o for o in self.object_list for face in o.faces if face.id == id] + if obj: + face_obj = [face for face in obj[0].faces if face.id == id][0] + return face_obj + else: + return False @pyaedt_function_handler() def create_point(self, position, name=None, color="(143 175 143)"): @@ -446,7 +5660,7 @@ def create_plane( @pyaedt_function_handler() def _change_component_property(self, vPropChange, names_list): - names = self._app.modeler.convert_to_selections(names_list, True) + names = self.convert_to_selections(names_list, True) vChangedProps = ["NAME:ChangedProps", vPropChange] vPropServers = ["NAME:PropServers"] for el in names: @@ -458,7 +5672,7 @@ def _change_component_property(self, vPropChange, names_list): @pyaedt_function_handler() def _change_geometry_property(self, vPropChange, names_list): - names = self._app.modeler.convert_to_selections(names_list, True) + names = self.convert_to_selections(names_list, True) vChangedProps = ["NAME:ChangedProps", vPropChange] vPropServers = ["NAME:PropServers"] for el in names: @@ -472,7 +5686,7 @@ def _change_geometry_property(self, vPropChange, names_list): @pyaedt_function_handler() def _change_point_property(self, vPropChange, names_list): - names = self._app.modeler.convert_to_selections(names_list, True) + names = self.convert_to_selections(names_list, True) vChangedProps = ["NAME:ChangedProps", vPropChange] vPropServers = ["NAME:PropServers"] for el in names: @@ -486,7 +5700,7 @@ def _change_point_property(self, vPropChange, names_list): @pyaedt_function_handler() def _change_plane_property(self, vPropChange, names_list): - names = self._app.modeler.convert_to_selections(names_list, True) + names = self.convert_to_selections(names_list, True) vChangedProps = ["NAME:ChangedProps", vPropChange] vPropServers = ["NAME:PropServers"] for el in names: @@ -608,6 +5822,30 @@ def create_region(self, pad_percent=300, is_percentage=True): References ---------- + >>> oEditor.CreateRegion + """ + return self._create_region(pad_percent=pad_percent, is_percentage=is_percentage) + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def _create_region(self, pad_percent=300, is_percentage=True): + """Create an air region. + + Parameters + ---------- + pad_percent : float, str, list of floats or list of str, optional + Same padding is applied if not a list. The default is ``300``. + If a list of floats or str, interpret as adding for ``["+X", "+Y", "+Z", "-X", "-Y", "-Z"]``. + is_percentage : bool, optional + Region definition in percentage or absolute value. The default is `True``. + + Returns + ------- + :class:`pyaedt.modeler.cad.object3d.Object3d` + Region object. + + References + ---------- + >>> oEditor.CreateRegion """ if "Region" in self.object_names: @@ -633,13 +5871,13 @@ def create_region(self, pad_percent=300, is_percentage=True): units = decompose_variable_value(pad_percent[i])[1] if not units and pad_percent[i].isnumeric(): if not is_percentage: - units = self.modeler.model_units + units = self.model_units pad_percent[i] += units elif is_percentage: self.logger.error("Percentage input must not have units") return False elif not is_percentage: - units = self.modeler.model_units + units = self.model_units pad_percent[i] = str(pad_percent[i]) pad_percent[i] += units arg.append(str(pad_percent[i])) @@ -1248,298 +6486,93 @@ def delete_objects_containing(self, contained_string, case_sensitive=True): Returns ------- - bool - ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.Delete - - """ - objnames = self._object_names_to_ids - num_del = 0 - for el in objnames: - if case_sensitive: - if contained_string in el: - self.delete(el) - num_del += 1 - else: - if contained_string.lower() in el.lower(): - self.delete(el) - num_del += 1 - self.logger.info("Deleted %s objects", num_del) - return True - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def get_model_bounding_box(self): - """Retrieve the model's bounding box. - - Returns - ------- - list - List of 6 float values ``[min_x, min_y, min_z, max_x, max_y, max_z]`` - for the bounding box. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.GetModelBoundingBox - """ - return self._app.modeler.get_model_bounding_box() - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def get_obj_id(self, objname): - """Return the object ID from an object name. - - Parameters - ---------- - objname : str - Name of the object. - - Returns - ------- - int - Object ID. - - """ - if objname in self._object_names_to_ids: - return self._object_names_to_ids[objname] - return None - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def get_object_from_name(self, objname): - """Return the object from an object name. - - Parameters - ---------- - objname : str - Name of the object. - - Returns - ------- - :class:`pyaedt.modeler.cad.object3d.Object3d` - 3D object returned. - - """ - if objname in self._object_names_to_ids: - object_id = self.get_obj_id(objname) - return self.objects[object_id] - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def get_objects_w_string(self, stringname, case_sensitive=True): - """Retrieve all objects with a given string in their names. - - Parameters - ---------- - stringname : str - String to search object names for. - case_sensitive : bool, optional - Whether the string is case-sensitive. The default is ``True``. - - Returns - ------- - list - List of object names with the given string. - - """ - list_objs = [] - for name in list(self.objects_by_name.keys()): - if case_sensitive: - if stringname in name: - list_objs.append(name) - else: - if stringname.lower() in name.lower(): - list_objs.append(name) - return list_objs - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def refresh(self): - """Refresh this object.""" - self._solids = [] - self._sheets = [] - self._lines = [] - self._points = [] - self._unclassified = [] - self._all_object_names = [] - self.objects = {} - self.user_defined_components = {} - self._object_names_to_ids = {} - self._currentId = 0 - self._refresh_object_types() - self._refresh_all_ids_from_aedt_file() - self.refresh_all_ids() - - @property - def objects_by_name(self): - """Object dictionary organized by name. - - Returns - ------- - dict - """ - obj_dict = {} - for _, v in self.objects.items(): - obj_dict[v._m_name] = v - return obj_dict - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def cleanup_objects(self): - """Clean up objects that no longer exist in the modeler because - they were removed by previous operations. - - This method also updates object IDs that may have changed via - a modeler operation such as :func:`pyaedt.modeler.Model3D.Modeler3D.unite` - or :func:`pyaedt.modeler.Model2D.Modeler2D.unite`. - - Returns - ------- - dict - Dictionary of updated object IDs. - - """ - new_object_dict = {} - new_object_id_dict = {} - new_points_dict = {} - - all_objects = self.object_names - all_unclassified = self.unclassified_names - all_objs = all_objects + all_unclassified - for old_id, obj in self.objects.items(): - if obj.name in all_objs: - # Check if ID can change in boolean operations - # updated_id = obj.id # By calling the object property we get the new id - new_object_id_dict[obj.name] = old_id - new_object_dict[old_id] = obj - for old_id, obj in self.points.items(): - if obj.name in self._points: - new_points_dict[obj.name] = obj - self.objects = new_object_dict - self._object_names_to_ids = new_object_id_dict - self.points = new_points_dict - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def find_new_objects(self): - """Find any new objects in the modeler that were created - by previous operations. - - Returns - ------- - dict - Dictionary of new objects. - - """ - new_objects = [] - for obj_name in self.object_names: - if obj_name not in self._object_names_to_ids: - new_objects.append(obj_name) - return new_objects - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def add_new_objects(self): - """Add objects that have been created in the modeler by - previous operations. - - Returns - ------- - list - List of added objects. + bool + ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. - """ - # TODO: Need to improve documentation for this method. - added_objects = [] + References + ---------- - for obj_name in self.object_names: - if obj_name not in self._object_names_to_ids: - self._create_object(obj_name) - added_objects.append(obj_name) - for obj_name in self.unclassified_names: - if obj_name not in self._object_names_to_ids: - self._create_object(obj_name) - added_objects.append(obj_name) - for obj_name in self.point_names: - if obj_name not in self.points.keys(): - self._create_object(obj_name) - added_objects.append(obj_name) - return added_objects + >>> oEditor.Delete + + """ + objnames = self._object_names_to_ids + num_del = 0 + for el in objnames: + if case_sensitive: + if contained_string in el: + self.delete(el) + num_del += 1 + else: + if contained_string.lower() in el.lower(): + self.delete(el) + num_del += 1 + self.logger.info("Deleted %s objects", num_del) + return True @pyaedt_function_handler() - def add_new_user_defined_component(self): - """Add 3D components and user-defined models that have been created in the modeler by - previous operations. + def get_obj_id(self, objname): + """Return the object ID from an object name. + + Parameters + ---------- + objname : str + Name of the object. Returns ------- - list - List of added components. + int + Object ID. """ - added_component = [] - for comp_name in self.user_defined_component_names: - if comp_name not in self.user_defined_components: - self._create_user_defined_component(comp_name) - added_component.append(comp_name) - return added_component + if objname in self._object_names_to_ids: + return self._object_names_to_ids[objname] + return None - # TODO Eliminate this - check about import_3d_cad - # Should no longer be a problem @pyaedt_function_handler() - def refresh_all_ids(self): - """Refresh all IDs.""" + def get_object_from_name(self, objname): + """Return the object from an object name. - self.add_new_objects() - self.add_new_user_defined_component() - self.cleanup_objects() + Parameters + ---------- + objname : str + Name of the object. - return len(self.objects) + Returns + ------- + :class:`pyaedt.modeler.cad.object3d.Object3d` + 3D object returned. + + """ + if objname in self._object_names_to_ids: + object_id = self.get_obj_id(objname) + return self.objects[object_id] @pyaedt_function_handler() - def get_objects_by_material(self, materialname=None): - """Retrieve a list of objects either of a specified material or classified by material. + def get_objects_w_string(self, stringname, case_sensitive=True): + """Retrieve all objects with a given string in their names. Parameters ---------- - materialname : str - Name of the material. The default is ``None``. + stringname : str + String to search object names for. + case_sensitive : bool, optional + Whether the string is case-sensitive. The default is ``True``. Returns ------- - list of class:`pyaedt.modeler.cad.object3d.Object3d` - If a material name is not provided, the method returns - a list of dictionaries where keys are material names - of conductors, dielectrics, gases and liquids respectively - in the design and values are objects assigned to these materials. - If a material name is provided, the method returns a list - of objects assigned to the material. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.GetObjectsByMaterial + list + List of object names with the given string. """ - obj_lst = [] - if materialname is not None: - for obj in self.object_list: - if obj and ("[" in obj.material_name or "(" in obj.material_name) and obj.object_type == "Solid": - material = ( - self._app.odesign.GetChildObject("3D Modeler") - .GetChildObject(obj.name) - .GetPropEvaluatedValue("Material") - .lower() - ) - if materialname.lower() == material: - obj_lst.append(obj) - elif obj and (obj.material_name == materialname or obj.material_name == materialname.lower()): - obj_lst.append(obj) - else: - obj_lst = [ - self._get_object_dict_by_material(self.materials.conductors), - self._get_object_dict_by_material(self.materials.dielectrics), - self._get_object_dict_by_material(self.materials.gases), - self._get_object_dict_by_material(self.materials.liquids), - ] - return obj_lst + list_objs = [] + for name in list(self.objects_by_name.keys()): + if case_sensitive: + if stringname in name: + list_objs.append(name) + else: + if stringname.lower() in name.lower(): + list_objs.append(name) + return list_objs @pyaedt_function_handler() def find_closest_edges(self, start_obj, end_obj, port_direction=0): @@ -1766,7 +6799,7 @@ def get_equivalent_parallel_edges(self, edgelist, portonplane=True, axisdir=0, s if portonplane: vect[divmod(axisdir, 3)[1]] = 0 # TODO: can we avoid this translate operation - is there another way to check ? - self.modeler.move(second_edge, vect) + self.move(second_edge, vect) p_check = second_edge.vertices[0].position p_check2 = second_edge.vertices[1].position # elif len(ver2) == 1: # for circular edges with one vertex @@ -2164,6 +7197,9 @@ def get_bodynames_from_position(self, position, units=None, include_non_model=Tr >>> oEditor.GetBodyNamesByPosition """ + if not isinstance(position, (self.Position, list)): + # self.logger.error("A list of point has to be provided") + return [] XCenter, YCenter, ZCenter = self._pos_with_arg(position, units) vArg1 = ["NAME:Parameters"] vArg1.append("XPosition:="), vArg1.append(XCenter) @@ -2673,7 +7709,7 @@ def get_closest_edgeid_to_position(self, position, units=None): """ if isinstance(position, list): - position = self.modeler.Position(position) + position = self.Position(position) bodies = self.get_bodynames_from_position(position, units) # the function searches in all bodies, not efficient @@ -2892,106 +7928,6 @@ def _create_object(self, name, pid=0, use_cached=False): self._object_names_to_ids[o.name] = new_id return o - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def _get_commands(self, name): - try: - return self.oeditor.GetChildObject(name).GetChildNames() - except: - return [] - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def _create_user_defined_component(self, name): - if name not in list(self.user_defined_components.keys()): - native_component_properties = self._get_native_component_properties(name) - if native_component_properties: - component_type = native_component_properties["NativeComponentDefinitionProvider"]["Type"] - o = UserDefinedComponent(self, name, native_component_properties, component_type) - else: - o = UserDefinedComponent(self, name) - self.user_defined_components[name] = o - else: - o = self.user_defined_components[name] - return o - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def _create_point(self, name): - point = Point(self, name) - self.refresh_all_ids() - - return point - - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def _refresh_all_ids_from_aedt_file(self): - if not self._app.design_properties or "ModelSetup" not in self._app.design_properties: - return False - - try: - groups = self._app.design_properties["ModelSetup"]["GeometryCore"]["GeometryOperations"]["Groups"]["Group"] - except KeyError: - groups = [] - if not isinstance(groups, list): - groups = [groups] - try: - self._app.design_properties["ModelSetup"]["GeometryCore"]["GeometryOperations"]["ToplevelParts"][ - "GeometryPart" - ] - except KeyError: - return 0 - for el in self._app.design_properties["ModelSetup"]["GeometryCore"]["GeometryOperations"]["ToplevelParts"][ - "GeometryPart" - ]: - if isinstance(el, (OrderedDict, dict)): - attribs = el["Attributes"] - operations = el.get("Operations", None) - else: - attribs = self._app.design_properties["ModelSetup"]["GeometryCore"]["GeometryOperations"][ - "ToplevelParts" - ]["GeometryPart"]["Attributes"] - operations = self._app.design_properties["ModelSetup"]["GeometryCore"]["GeometryOperations"][ - "ToplevelParts" - ]["GeometryPart"]["Operations"] - if attribs["Name"] in self._all_object_names: - pid = 0 - - if operations and isinstance(operations.get("Operation", None), (OrderedDict, dict)): - try: - pid = operations["Operation"]["ParentPartID"] - except: # pragma: no cover - pass - elif operations and isinstance(operations.get("Operation", None), list): - try: - pid = operations["Operation"][0]["ParentPartID"] - except: - pass - o = self._create_object(name=attribs["Name"], pid=pid, use_cached=True) - o._part_coordinate_system = attribs["PartCoordinateSystem"] - if "NonModel" in attribs["Flags"]: - o._model = False - else: - o._model = True - if "Wireframe" in attribs["Flags"]: - o._wireframe = True - else: - o._wireframe = False - groupname = "" - for group in groups: - if attribs["GroupId"] == group["GroupID"]: - groupname = group["Attributes"]["Name"] - - o._m_groupName = groupname - try: - o._color = tuple(int(x) for x in attribs["Color"][1:-1].split(" ")) - except: - o._color = None - o._surface_material = attribs.get("SurfaceMaterialValue", None) - if o._surface_material: - o._surface_material = o._surface_material[1:-1].lower() - if "MaterialValue" in attribs: - o._material_name = attribs["MaterialValue"][1:-1].lower() - - o._is_updated = True - return len(self.objects) - @pyaedt_function_handler() def _default_object_attributes(self, name=None, matname=None, flags=""): if not matname: @@ -3177,9 +8113,9 @@ def _get_native_component_properties(self, name): if name in self.oeditor.Get3DComponentInstanceNames(comp3d): component_name = comp3d break - if self._app.design_properties and self._app.design_properties.get("ModelSetup", None) and component_name: + if self._design_properties and self._design_properties.get("ModelSetup", None) and component_name: try: - native_comp_entry = self._app.design_properties["ModelSetup"]["GeometryCore"]["GeometryOperations"][ + native_comp_entry = self._design_properties["ModelSetup"]["GeometryCore"]["GeometryOperations"][ "SubModelDefinitions" ]["NativeComponentDefinition"] if native_comp_entry: @@ -3216,27 +8152,47 @@ def _get_object_dict_by_material(self, material): return obj_dict @pyaedt_function_handler() - def __getitem__(self, partId): - """Get the object ``Object3D`` for a given object ID or object name. + def convert_segments_to_line(self, object_name): + """Convert a CreatePolyline list of segments to lines. + + This method applies to splines and 3-point arguments. Parameters ---------- - partId : int or str - Object ID or object name from the 3D modeler. + object_name : int, str, or :class:`pyaedt.modeler.cad.object3d.Object3d` + Specified for the object. Returns ------- - :class:`pyaedt.modeler.cad.object3d.Object3d` - Returns None if the part ID or the object name is not found. + bool + ``True`` if successful, ``False`` if it fails. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oEditor.ChangeProperty + + Examples + -------- + + >>> from pyaedt import Hfss + >>> aedtapp = Hfss() + >>> edge_object = aedtapp.modeler.create_object_from_edge("my_edge") + >>> aedtapp.modeler.generate_object_history(edge_object) + >>> aedtapp.modeler.convert_segments_to_line(edge_object.name) """ - if isinstance(partId, int): - if partId in self.objects: - return self.objects[partId] - elif partId in self._object_names_to_ids: - return self.objects[self._object_names_to_ids[partId]] - elif partId in self.user_defined_components: - return self.user_defined_components[partId] - elif isinstance(partId, Object3d) or isinstance(partId, UserDefinedComponent): - return partId - return None + this_object = self._resolve_object(object_name) + edges = this_object.edges + for i in reversed(range(len(edges))): + self.oeditor.ChangeProperty( + [ + "NAME:AllTabs", + [ + "NAME:Geometry3DPolylineTab", + ["NAME:PropServers", this_object.name + ":CreatePolyline:1:Segment" + str(i)], + ["NAME:ChangedProps", ["NAME:Segment Type", "Value:=", "Line"]], + ], + ] + ) + return True diff --git a/pyaedt/modeler/cad/Primitives2D.py b/pyaedt/modeler/cad/Primitives2D.py index a3c39c618af..5ed587365b4 100644 --- a/pyaedt/modeler/cad/Primitives2D.py +++ b/pyaedt/modeler/cad/Primitives2D.py @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ from pyaedt.generic.general_methods import pyaedt_function_handler -from pyaedt.modeler.cad.Primitives import Primitives +from pyaedt.modeler.cad.Primitives import GeometryModeler -class Primitives2D(Primitives, object): +class Primitives2D(GeometryModeler, object): """Manages primitives in 2D tools. This class is inherited in the caller application and is accessible through the primitives variable part @@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ def plane2d(self): plane = "Y" return plane - def __init__(self): - Primitives.__init__(self) + def __init__(self, application): + GeometryModeler.__init__(self, application, is3d=False) @pyaedt_function_handler() def create_circle(self, position, radius, num_sides=0, is_covered=True, name=None, matname=None, non_model=False): @@ -289,4 +289,4 @@ def create_region(self, pad_percent=300, is_percentage=True): if self._app.design_type == "2D Extractor" or self._app.design_type == "Maxwell 2D": pad_percent = [pad_percent[0], pad_percent[1], 0, pad_percent[2], pad_percent[3], 0] - return Primitives.create_region(self, pad_percent, is_percentage) + return self._create_region(pad_percent, is_percentage) diff --git a/pyaedt/modeler/cad/Primitives3D.py b/pyaedt/modeler/cad/Primitives3D.py index 45c352abd12..29d29d9e97f 100644 --- a/pyaedt/modeler/cad/Primitives3D.py +++ b/pyaedt/modeler/cad/Primitives3D.py @@ -23,11 +23,11 @@ from pyaedt.modeler.advanced_cad.actors import Vehicle from pyaedt.modeler.advanced_cad.multiparts import Environment from pyaedt.modeler.advanced_cad.multiparts import MultiPartComponent -from pyaedt.modeler.cad.Primitives import Primitives +from pyaedt.modeler.cad.Primitives import GeometryModeler from pyaedt.modeler.geometry_operators import GeometryOperators -class Primitives3D(Primitives, object): +class Primitives3D(GeometryModeler): """Manages primitives in 3D tools. This class is inherited in the caller application and is @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ class Primitives3D(Primitives, object): Parameters ---------- - application : str + application : object Name of the application. Examples @@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ class Primitives3D(Primitives, object): >>> prim = aedtapp.modeler """ - def __init__(self): - Primitives.__init__(self) + def __init__(self, application): + GeometryModeler.__init__(self, application, is3d=True) self.multiparts = [] @pyaedt_function_handler() @@ -1139,52 +1139,6 @@ def create_helix( del self.objects[self._object_names_to_ids[polyline_name]] return self._create_object(polyline_name) - @pyaedt_function_handler() - def convert_segments_to_line(self, object_name): - """Convert a CreatePolyline list of segments to lines. - - This method applies to splines and 3-point arguments. - - Parameters - ---------- - object_name : int, str, or :class:`pyaedt.modeler.cad.object3d.Object3d` - Specified for the object. - - Returns - ------- - bool - ``True`` if successful, ``False`` if it fails. - - References - ---------- - - >>> oEditor.ChangeProperty - - Examples - -------- - - >>> from pyaedt import Hfss - >>> aedtapp = Hfss() - >>> edge_object = aedtapp.modeler.create_object_from_edge("my_edge") - >>> aedtapp.modeler.generate_object_history(edge_object) - >>> aedtapp.modeler.convert_segments_to_line(edge_object.name) - - """ - this_object = self._resolve_object(object_name) - edges = this_object.edges - for i in reversed(range(len(edges))): - self.oeditor.ChangeProperty( - [ - "NAME:AllTabs", - [ - "NAME:Geometry3DPolylineTab", - ["NAME:PropServers", this_object.name + ":CreatePolyline:1:Segment" + str(i)], - ["NAME:ChangedProps", ["NAME:Segment Type", "Value:=", "Line"]], - ], - ] - ) - return True - @pyaedt_function_handler() def create_udm( self, @@ -1383,8 +1337,8 @@ def _create_reference_cs_from_3dcomp(self, udm_obj, password): os.rmdir(temp_folder) phi, theta, psi = GeometryOperators.quaternion_to_euler_zxz(q) cs_name = udm_obj.name + "_" + wcs + "_ref" - if cs_name not in [i.name for i in self.modeler.coordinate_systems]: - self.modeler.create_coordinate_system( + if cs_name not in [i.name for i in self.coordinate_systems]: + self.create_coordinate_system( mode="zxz", origin=o, name=cs_name, @@ -1745,7 +1699,7 @@ def insert_layout_component( aedt_component_name = self._app.o_component_manager.Add(compInfo) - if not name or name in self.modeler.user_defined_component_names: + if not name or name in self.user_defined_component_names: name = generate_unique_name("LC") # Open Layout component and get information diff --git a/pyaedt/modeler/cad/component_array.py b/pyaedt/modeler/cad/component_array.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..bacf6f5cdc7 --- /dev/null +++ b/pyaedt/modeler/cad/component_array.py @@ -0,0 +1,720 @@ +from __future__ import absolute_import + +from collections import OrderedDict +import os +import re + +from pyaedt import pyaedt_function_handler +from pyaedt.generic.general_methods import _uname +from pyaedt.generic.general_methods import read_csv + + +class ComponentArray(object): + """Manages object attributes for a 3D component array. + + Parameters + ---------- + app : :class:`pyaedt.Hfss` + HFSS PyAEDT object. + name : str, optional + Array name. The default is ``None``, in which case a random name is assigned. + + Examples + -------- + Basic usage demonstrated with an HFSS design with an existing array: + + >>> from pyaedt import Hfss + >>> aedtapp = Hfss(projectname="Array.aedt") + >>> array_names = aedtapp.component_array_names[0] + >>> array = aedtapp.component_array[array_names[0]] + """ + + def __init__(self, app, name=None): + # Public attributes + self.logger = app.logger + self.update_cells = True + + # Private attributes + self.__app = app + if name is None: + name = _uname("Array_") + self.__name = name + + # Leverage csv file if possible (aedt version > 2023.2) + if self.__app.settings.aedt_version > "2023.2": # pragma: no cover + self.export_array_info(array_path=None) + self.__array_info_path = os.path.join(self.__app.toolkit_directory, "array_info.csv") + else: + self.__app.save_project() + self.__array_info_path = None + + # Data that cannot be obtained from CSV + try: + self.__cs_id = app.design_properties["ArrayDefinition"]["ArrayObject"]["ReferenceCSID"] + except AttributeError: # pragma: no cover + self.__cs_id = 1 + + self.__omodel = self.__app.get_oo_object(self.__app.odesign, "Model") + self.__oarray = self.__app.get_oo_object(self.__omodel, name) + self.__cells = None + self.__post_processing_cells = {} + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def __getitem__(self, key): + """Get cell object corresponding to a key (row, column). + + Parameters + ---------- + key : tuple(int,int) + Row and column associated to the cell. + + Returns + ------- + :class:`pyaedt.modeler.cad.component_array.CellArray` + """ + + if key[0] > self.a_size or key[1] > self.b_size: + self.logger.error("Specified cell does not exist.") + return False + + if key[0] <= 0 or key[1] <= 0: + self.logger.error("Row and column index start with ``1``.") + return False + + return self.cells[key[0] - 1][key[1] - 1] + + @property + def component_names(self): + """List of component names.""" + return self.properties["component"] + + @property + def cells(self): + """List of :class:`pyaedt.modeler.cad.component_array.CellArray` objects.""" + if not self.update_cells: + return self.__cells + + if self.__app.settings.aedt_version > "2023.2": # pragma: no cover + self.export_array_info(array_path=None) + else: + self.__app.save_project() + + self.__cells = [[None for _ in range(self.b_size)] for _ in range(self.a_size)] + array_props = self.properties + component_names = self.component_names + for row_cell in range(0, self.a_size): + for col_cell in range(0, self.b_size): + self.__cells[row_cell][col_cell] = CellArray(row_cell, col_cell, array_props, component_names, self) + return self.__cells + + @property + def name(self): + """Name of the array.""" + return self.__name + + @name.setter + def name(self, array_name): + if array_name not in self.__app.component_array_names: + if array_name != self.__name: + self.__oarray.SetPropValue("Name", array_name) + self.__app.component_array.update({array_name: self}) + self.__app.component_array_names = list(self.__app.omodelsetup.GetArrayNames()) + del self.__app.component_array[self.__name] + self.__name = array_name + else: # pragma: no cover + self.logger.warning("Name %s already assigned in the design", array_name) + + @property + def properties(self): + """Ordered dictionary of the properties of the component array.""" + # From 2024R1, array information can be loaded from a CSV + if self.__array_info_path and os.path.exists(self.__array_info_path): # pragma: no cover + res = self.parse_array_info_from_csv(self.__array_info_path) + else: + res = self.__get_properties_from_aedt() + return res + + @property + def post_processing_cells(self): + """Dictionary of each component's postprocessing cells.""" + if not self.__post_processing_cells: + self.__post_processing_cells = {} + component_info = {} + for row, row_info in enumerate(self.cells, start=1): + for col, col_info in enumerate(row_info, start=1): + name = col_info.component + component_info.setdefault(name, []).append([row, col]) + + for component_name, component_cells in component_info.items(): + if component_name not in self.__post_processing_cells.keys() and component_name is not None: + self.__post_processing_cells[component_name] = component_cells[0] + + return self.__post_processing_cells + + @post_processing_cells.setter + def post_processing_cells(self, val): + if isinstance(val, dict): + self.__post_processing_cells = val + self.edit_array() + else: # pragma: no cover + self.logger.error("Dictionary with component names and cell is not correct.") + + @property + def visible(self): + """Flag indicating if the array is visible.""" + return self.__app.get_oo_property_value(self.__omodel, self.name, "Visible") + + @visible.setter + def visible(self, val): + self.__oarray.SetPropValue("Visible", val) + + @property + def show_cell_number(self): + """Flag indicating if the array cell number is shown.""" + return self.__app.get_oo_property_value(self.__omodel, self.name, "Show Cell Number") + + @show_cell_number.setter + def show_cell_number(self, val): + self.__oarray.SetPropValue("Show Cell Number", val) + + @property + def render_choices(self): + """List of rendered name choices.""" + return list(self.__oarray.GetPropValue("Render/Choices")) + + @property + def render(self): + """Array rendering.""" + return self.__app.get_oo_property_value(self.__omodel, self.name, "Render") + + @render.setter + def render(self, val): + if val not in self.render_choices: + self.logger.warning("Render value is not available.") + else: + self.__oarray.SetPropValue("Render", val) + + @property + def render_id(self): + """Array rendering ID.""" + res = self.render_choices.index(self.render) + return res + + @property + def a_vector_choices(self): + """List of name choices for vector A.""" + return list(self.__app.get_oo_property_value(self.__omodel, self.name, "A Vector/Choices")) + + @property + def b_vector_choices(self): + """List of name choices for vector B.""" + return list(self.__app.get_oo_property_value(self.__omodel, self.name, "B Vector/Choices")) + + @property + def a_vector_name(self): + """Name of vector A.""" + return self.__app.get_oo_property_value(self.__omodel, self.name, "A Vector") + + @a_vector_name.setter + def a_vector_name(self, val): + if val in self.a_vector_choices: + self.__oarray.SetPropValue("A Vector", val) + else: + self.logger.warning("A vector name not available") + + @property + def b_vector_name(self): + """Name of vector B.""" + return self.__oarray.GetPropValue("B Vector") + + @b_vector_name.setter + def b_vector_name(self, val): + if val in self.b_vector_choices: + self.__oarray.SetPropValue("B Vector", val) + else: + self.logger.warning("B vector name not available") + + @property + def a_size(self): + """Number of cells in the vector A direction.""" + return int(self.__app.get_oo_property_value(self.__omodel, self.name, "A Cell Count")) + + @a_size.setter + def a_size(self, val): # pragma: no cover + # Bug in 2024.1, not possible to change cell count. + # self._oarray.SetPropValue("A Cell Count", val) + self.logger.warning("A size cannot be modified.") + + @property + def b_size(self): + """Number of cells in the vector B direction.""" + return int(self.__app.get_oo_property_value(self.__omodel, self.name, "B Cell Count")) + + @b_size.setter + def b_size(self, val): # pragma: no cover + # Bug in 2024.1, not possible to change cell count. + # self._oarray.SetPropValue("B Cell Count", val) + self.logger.warning("B size cannot be modified.") + + @property + def padding_cells(self): + """Number of padding cells.""" + return int(self.__app.get_oo_property_value(self.__omodel, self.name, "Padding")) + + @padding_cells.setter + def padding_cells(self, val): + self.__oarray.SetPropValue("Padding", val) + + @property + def coordinate_system(self): + """Coordinate system name.""" + cs_dict = self.__map_coordinate_system_to_id() + res = "Global" + for name, cs_id in cs_dict.items(): + if cs_id == self.__cs_id: + res = name + if res == "Global": + self.logger.warning("Coordinate system is not loaded. Save the project.") + return res + + @coordinate_system.setter + def coordinate_system(self, name): + cs_dict = self.__map_coordinate_system_to_id() + if name not in cs_dict: + self.logger.warning("Coordinate system is not loaded. Save the project.") + else: + self.__cs_id = cs_dict[name] + self.edit_array() + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def update_properties(self): + """Update component array properties. + + Returns + ------- + dict + Ordered dictionary of the properties of the component array. + """ + # From 2024R1, array information can be loaded from a CSV, and this method is not needed. + if self.__app.settings.aedt_version > "2023.2": # pragma: no cover + self.export_array_info(array_path=None) + else: + self.__app.save_project() + new_properties = self.properties + # TODO : post_processing_cells property can not be retrieved, so if the length of the components and the + # property is different, the method will reset the property. + if len(new_properties["component"]) != len(self.post_processing_cells): + self.__post_processing_cells = {} + new_properties = self.properties + return new_properties + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def delete(self): + """Delete the component array. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oModule.DeleteArray + + """ + self.__app.omodelsetup.DeleteArray() + del self.__app.component_array[self.name] + self.__app.component_array_names = list(self.__app.get_oo_name(self.__app.odesign, "Model")) + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def export_array_info(self, array_path=None): # pragma: no cover + """Export array information to a CSV file. + + Returns + ------- + str + Path of the CSV file. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oModule.ExportArray + + """ + if self.__app.settings.aedt_version < "2024.1": # pragma: no cover + self.logger.warning("This feature is not available in {}.".format(str(self.__app.settings.aedt_version))) + return False + + if not array_path: # pragma: no cover + array_path = os.path.join(self.__app.toolkit_directory, "array_info.csv") + self.__app.omodelsetup.ExportArray(self.name, array_path) + return array_path + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def parse_array_info_from_csv(self, csv_file): # pragma: no cover + """Parse component array information from the CSV file. + + Parameters + ---------- + csv_file : str + Name of the CSV file. + + Returns + ------- + dict + Ordered dictionary of the properties of the component array. + + Examples + -------- + >>> from pyaedt import Hfss + >>> aedtapp = Hfss(projectname="Array.aedt") + >>> array_names = aedtapp.component_array_names[0] + >>> array = aedtapp.component_array[array_names[0]] + >>> array_csv = array.export_array_info() + >>> array_info = array.array_info_parser(array_csv) + """ + + info = read_csv(csv_file) + if not info: + self.logger.error("Data from CSV file is not loaded.") + return False + + components = {} + array_matrix = [] + array_matrix_rotation = [] + array_matrix_active = [] + + # Components + start_str = ["Component Index", "Component Name"] + end_str = ["Source Row", "Source Column", "Source Name", "Magnitude", "Phase"] + + capture_data = False + line_cont = 0 + for element_data in info: + if element_data == start_str: + capture_data = True + elif element_data == end_str: + break + elif capture_data: + components[int(float(element_data[0]))] = element_data[1] + line_cont += 1 + + # Array matrix + start_str = ["Array", "Format: Component_index:Rotation_angle:Active_or_Passive"] + capture_data = False + + for element_data in info[line_cont + 1 :]: + if capture_data: + rows = element_data[:-1] + component_index = [] + rotation = [] + active_passive = [] + + for row in rows: + split_elements = row.split(":") + + # Check for non-empty strings + if split_elements[0]: + component_index.append(int(split_elements[0])) + else: + component_index.append(-1) + + # Some elements might not have the rotation and active/passive status, so we check for their + # existence + if split_elements[0] and len(split_elements) > 1: + string_part = re.findall("[a-zA-Z]+", split_elements[1]) + if string_part and string_part[0] == "deg": + rot = re.findall(r"[+-]?\d+\.\d+", split_elements[1]) + rotation.append(int(float(rot[0]))) + if len(split_elements) > 2: + active_passive.append(bool(int(split_elements[2]))) + else: + active_passive.append(True) + else: + active_passive.append(False) + rotation.append(0) + elif split_elements[0]: + active_passive.append(True) + rotation.append(0) + else: + active_passive.append(False) + rotation.append(0) + + array_matrix.append(component_index) + array_matrix_rotation.append(rotation) + array_matrix_active.append(active_passive) + elif element_data == start_str: + capture_data = True + res = OrderedDict() + res["component"] = components + res["active"] = array_matrix_active + res["rotation"] = array_matrix_rotation + res["cells"] = array_matrix + return res + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def edit_array(self): + """Edit component array. + + Returns + ------- + bool + ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. + + References + ---------- + + >>> oModule.EditArray + """ + + args = [ + "NAME:" + self.name, + "Name:=", + self.name, + "UseAirObjects:=", + True, + "RowPrimaryBnd:=", + self.a_vector_name, + "ColumnPrimaryBnd:=", + self.b_vector_name, + "RowDimension:=", + self.a_size, + "ColumnDimension:=", + self.b_size, + "Visible:=", + self.visible, + "ShowCellNumber:=", + self.show_cell_number, + "RenderType:=", + self.render_id, + "Padding:=", + self.padding_cells, + "ReferenceCSID:=", + self.__cs_id, + ] + + cells = ["NAME:Cells"] + component_info = {} + cells_obj = self.cells[:] + for row, row_info in enumerate(cells_obj, start=1): + for col, col_info in enumerate(row_info, start=1): + name = col_info.component + component_info.setdefault(name, []).append([row, col]) + + for component_name, component_cells in component_info.items(): + if component_name: + cells.append(component_name + ":=") + component_cells_str = ", ".join(str(item) for item in component_cells) + cells.append([component_cells_str]) + + rotations = ["NAME:Rotation"] + component_rotation = {} + for row, row_info in enumerate(cells_obj, start=1): + for col, col_info in enumerate(row_info, start=1): + component_rotation.setdefault(col_info.rotation, []).append([row, col]) + + for rotation, rotation_cells in component_rotation.items(): + rotations.append(str(rotation) + " deg:=") + component_cells_str = ", ".join(str(item) for item in rotation_cells) + rotations.append([component_cells_str]) + + args.append(cells) + args.append(rotations) + + args.append("Active:=") + + component_active = [] + for row, row_info in enumerate(cells_obj, start=1): + for col, col_info in enumerate(row_info, start=1): + if col_info.is_active: + component_active.append([row, col]) + + if component_active: + args.append(", ".join(str(item) for item in component_active)) + else: # pragma: no cover + args.append("All") + + post = ["NAME:PostProcessingCells"] + for component_name, values in self.post_processing_cells.items(): + post.append(component_name + ":=") + post.append([str(values[0]), str(values[1])]) + args.append(post) + args.append("Colors:=") + col = [] + args.append(col) + self.__app.omodelsetup.EditArray(args) + return True + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def get_cell(self, row, col): + """Get cell object corresponding to a row and column. + + Returns + ------- + :class:`pyaedt.modeler.cad.component_array.CellArray` + + """ + return self[row, col] + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def lattice_vector(self): + """Get model lattice vector. + + Returns + ------- + list + List of starting point coordinates paired with ending point coordinates. + + References + ---------- + >>> oModule.GetLatticeVectors() + + """ + return self.__app.omodelsetup.GetLatticeVectors() + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def __get_properties_from_aedt(self): + """Get array properties from an AEDT file. + + Returns + ------- + dict + Ordered dictionary of the properties of the component array. + + """ + props = self.__app.design_properties + component_id = {} + user_defined_models = props["ModelSetup"]["GeometryCore"]["GeometryOperations"]["UserDefinedModels"][ + "UserDefinedModel" + ] + if not isinstance(user_defined_models, list): + user_defined_models = [user_defined_models] + for component_defined in user_defined_models: + component_id[component_defined["ID"]] = component_defined["Attributes"]["Name"] + + components_map = props["ArrayDefinition"]["ArrayObject"]["ComponentMap"] + components = {} + for c in components_map: + m = re.search(r"'(\d+)'=(\d+)", c) + components[int(m.group(1))] = component_id[int(m.group(2))] + res = OrderedDict() + res["component"] = components + res["active"] = props["ArrayDefinition"]["ArrayObject"]["Active"]["matrix"] + res["rotation"] = props["ArrayDefinition"]["ArrayObject"]["Rotation"]["matrix"] + res["cells"] = props["ArrayDefinition"]["ArrayObject"]["Cells"]["matrix"] + return res + + @pyaedt_function_handler() + def __map_coordinate_system_to_id(self): + """Map coordinate system to ID. + + Returns + ------- + dict + Coordinate system ID. + """ + res = {"Global": 1} + if self.__app.design_properties and "ModelSetup" in self.__app.design_properties: # pragma: no cover + cs = self.__app.design_properties["ModelSetup"]["GeometryCore"]["GeometryOperations"]["CoordinateSystems"] + for _, val in cs.items(): + try: + if isinstance(val, dict): + val = [val] + for ite in val: + name = ite["Attributes"]["Name"] + cs_id = ite["ID"] + res[name] = cs_id + except AttributeError: + pass + return res + + +class CellArray(object): + """Manages object attributes for a 3D component and a user-defined model. + + Parameters + ---------- + row : int + Row index of the cell. + col : int + Column index of the cell. + array_props : dict + Dictionary containing the properties of the array. + component_names : list + List of component names in the array. + array_obj : class:`pyaedt.modeler.cad.component_array.ComponentArray` + Instance of the array containing the cell. + + """ + + def __init__(self, row, col, array_props, component_names, array_obj): + self.__row = row + 1 + self.__col = col + 1 + self.__array_obj = array_obj + self.__cell_props = OrderedDict( + { + "component": array_props["cells"][row][col], + "active": array_props["active"][row][col], + "rotation": array_props["rotation"][row][col], + } + ) + self.__rotation = self.__cell_props["rotation"] + self.__is_active = self.__cell_props["active"] + + component_index = self.__cell_props["component"] + if component_index == -1: + self.__component = None + else: + self.__component = component_names[component_index] + + @property + def rotation(self): + """Rotation value of the cell object.""" + return self.__rotation + + @rotation.setter + def rotation(self, val): + if val in [0, 90, 180, 270]: + self.__rotation = val + self.__array_obj.update_cells = False + self.__array_obj.edit_array() + self.__array_obj.update_cells = True + else: + self.__array_obj.logger.error("Rotation must be an integer. 0, 90, 180, and 270 degrees are available.") + + @property + def component(self): + """Component name of the cell object.""" + return self.__component + + @component.setter + def component(self, val): + component_names = self.__array_obj.component_names + if val in component_names.values() or val is None: + self.__array_obj.update_cells = False + if val is None: + post_processing_cells = self.__array_obj.post_processing_cells + for values in post_processing_cells: + if (values[0], values[1]) == (self.__row, self.__col): + flat_cell_list = [item for sublist in self.__array_obj.cells for item in sublist] + for cell in flat_cell_list: + if cell.component == self.component and cell.col != self.__col or cell.row != self.__row: + self.__array_obj.post_processing_cells[self.component] = [cell.row, cell.col] + break + break + self.__component = val + self.__array_obj.edit_array() + self.__array_obj.update_cells = True + else: # pragma: no cover + self.__array_obj.logger.error("Component must be defined.") + + @property + def is_active(self): + """Flag indicating if the cell object is active or passive.""" + return self.__is_active + + @is_active.setter + def is_active(self, val): + if isinstance(val, bool): + self.__is_active = val + self.__array_obj.update_cells = False + self.__array_obj.edit_array() + self.__array_obj.update_cells = True + else: + self.__array_obj.logger.error("Only Boolean type is allowed.") diff --git a/pyaedt/modeler/cad/components_3d.py b/pyaedt/modeler/cad/components_3d.py index d418a7895a9..3d643cfebb1 100644 --- a/pyaedt/modeler/cad/components_3d.py +++ b/pyaedt/modeler/cad/components_3d.py @@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ def delete(self): """ arg = ["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", self._m_name] self._m_Editor.Delete(arg) - del self._primitives.modeler.user_defined_components[self.name] + del self._primitives.user_defined_components[self.name] self._primitives.cleanup_objects() self.__dict__ = {} @@ -505,7 +505,7 @@ def duplicate_and_mirror(self, position, vector): >>> oEditor.DuplicateMirror """ - return self._primitives.modeler.duplicate_and_mirror( + return self._primitives.duplicate_and_mirror( self.name, position, vector, is_3d_comp=True, duplicate_assignment=True ) @@ -533,11 +533,11 @@ def mirror(self, position, vector): >>> oEditor.Mirror """ if self.is3dcomponent: - if self._primitives.modeler.mirror(self.name, position=position, vector=vector): + if self._primitives.mirror(self.name, position=position, vector=vector): return self else: for part in self.parts: - self._primitives.modeler.mirror(part, position=position, vector=vector) + self._primitives.mirror(part, position=position, vector=vector) return self return False @@ -567,11 +567,11 @@ def rotate(self, cs_axis, angle=90.0, unit="deg"): >>> oEditor.Rotate """ if self.is3dcomponent: - if self._primitives.modeler.rotate(self.name, cs_axis=cs_axis, angle=angle, unit=unit): + if self._primitives.rotate(self.name, cs_axis=cs_axis, angle=angle, unit=unit): return self else: for part in self.parts: - self._primitives.modeler.rotate(part, cs_axis=cs_axis, angle=angle, unit=unit) + self._primitives.rotate(part, cs_axis=cs_axis, angle=angle, unit=unit) return self return False @@ -595,11 +595,11 @@ def move(self, vector): >>> oEditor.Move """ if self.is3dcomponent: - if self._primitives.modeler.move(self.name, vector=vector): + if self._primitives.move(self.name, vector=vector): return self else: for part in self.parts: - self._primitives.modeler.move(part, vector=vector) + self._primitives.move(part, vector=vector) return self return False @@ -631,7 +631,7 @@ def duplicate_around_axis(self, cs_axis, angle=90, nclones=2, create_new_objects """ if self.is3dcomponent: - ret, added_objects = self._primitives.modeler.duplicate_around_axis( + ret, added_objects = self._primitives.duplicate_around_axis( self.name, cs_axis, angle, nclones, create_new_objects, True ) return added_objects @@ -670,10 +670,8 @@ def duplicate_along_line(self, vector, nclones=2, attach_object=False, **kwargs) attach_object = kwargs["attachObject"] if self.is3dcomponent: - old_component_list = self._primitives.modeler.user_defined_component_names - _, added_objects = self._primitives.modeler.duplicate_along_line( - self.name, vector, nclones, attach_object, True - ) + old_component_list = self._primitives.user_defined_component_names + _, added_objects = self._primitives.duplicate_along_line(self.name, vector, nclones, attach_object, True) return list(set(added_objects) - set(old_component_list)) self._logger.warning("User-defined models do not support this operation.") return False diff --git a/pyaedt/modeler/cad/elements3d.py b/pyaedt/modeler/cad/elements3d.py index 07beef5235a..06a86996415 100644 --- a/pyaedt/modeler/cad/elements3d.py +++ b/pyaedt/modeler/cad/elements3d.py @@ -232,11 +232,11 @@ def position(self): except Exception as e: return None - def __repr__(self): - return "Vertex " + str(self.id) - def __str__(self): - return "Vertex " + str(self.id) + return str(self.id) + + def __repr__(self): + return str(self.id) class EdgePrimitive(EdgeTypePrimitive, object): @@ -267,10 +267,12 @@ def segment_info(self): ------- list Segment info if available.""" + autosave = self._object3d._primitives._app.odesktop.GetAutosaveEnabled() try: self.oeditor.GetChildNames() except: # pragma: no cover return {} + self._object3d._primitives._app.autosave_disable() ll = list(self.oeditor.GetObjectsInGroup("Lines")) self.oeditor.CreateObjectFromEdges( ["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", self._object3d.name, "NewPartsModelFlag:=", "NonModel"], @@ -296,6 +298,7 @@ def segment_info(self): segment[prop] = val self._object3d._primitives._odesign.Undo() self._object3d._primitives._odesign.Undo() + self._object3d._primitives._app.odesktop.EnableAutoSave(True if autosave else False) return segment @property @@ -342,13 +345,6 @@ def midpoint(self): """ return [float(i) for i in self.oeditor.GetEdgePositionAtNormalizedParameter(self.id, 0.5)] - # if len(self.vertices) == 2: - # midpoint = GeometryOperators.get_mid_point(self.vertices[0].position, self.vertices[1].position) - # return list(midpoint) - # elif len(self.vertices) == 1: - # return self.vertices[0].position - # else: - # return [float(i) for i in self.oeditor.GetEdgePositionAtNormalizedParameter(self.id, 0)] @property def length(self): @@ -370,11 +366,11 @@ def length(self): except: return False - def __repr__(self): - return "EdgeId " + str(self.id) - def __str__(self): - return "EdgeId " + str(self.id) + return str(self.id) + + def __repr__(self): + return str(self.id) @pyaedt_function_handler() def create_object(self, non_model=False): @@ -424,11 +420,11 @@ def move_along_normal(self, offset=1.0): class FacePrimitive(object): """Contains the face object within the AEDT Desktop Modeler.""" - def __repr__(self): - return "FaceId " + str(self.id) - def __str__(self): - return "FaceId " + str(self.id) + return str(self.id) + + def __repr__(self): + return str(self.id) def __init__(self, object3d, obj_id): """ @@ -440,6 +436,7 @@ def __init__(self, object3d, obj_id): """ self._id = obj_id self._object3d = object3d + self._is_planar = None @property def oeditor(self): @@ -567,11 +564,15 @@ def is_planar(self): ------- bool """ - + if self._is_planar is not None: + return self._is_planar try: self.oeditor.GetFaceCenter(self.id) + self._is_planar = True return True except: + self.logger.clear_messages() + self._is_planar = False return False @property @@ -595,10 +596,10 @@ def center(self): >>> oEditor.GetFaceCenter """ - try: + if self.is_planar: return [float(i) for i in self.oeditor.GetFaceCenter(self.id)] - except: # pragma: no cover - self.logger.clear_messages() + else: # pragma: no cover + # self.logger.clear_messages() vtx = self.vertices[:] if len(vtx) > 1: return GeometryOperators.get_polygon_centroid([pos.position for pos in vtx]) @@ -607,7 +608,7 @@ def center(self): try: edge = self.edges[0] except IndexError: - self.logger.error("At least one edge is needed to compute face center.") + # self.logger.error("At least one edge is needed to compute face center.") return centroid = GeometryOperators.get_polygon_centroid( [ @@ -757,7 +758,7 @@ def is_on_bounding(self, tol=1e-9): """ b = [float(i) for i in list(self.oeditor.GetModelBoundingBox())] c = self.center - if ( + if c and ( abs(c[0] - b[0]) < tol or abs(c[1] - b[1]) < tol or abs(c[2] - b[2]) < tol diff --git a/pyaedt/modeler/cad/object3d.py b/pyaedt/modeler/cad/object3d.py index 599f29ed725..592e3303c66 100644 --- a/pyaedt/modeler/cad/object3d.py +++ b/pyaedt/modeler/cad/object3d.py @@ -82,6 +82,8 @@ def __init__(self, primitives, name=None): self._object_type = None self._mass = 0.0 self._volume = 0.0 + self._faces = [] + self._face_ids = [] @pyaedt_function_handler() def _bounding_box_unmodel(self): @@ -363,11 +365,15 @@ def faces(self): """ if self.object_type == "Unclassified": return [] - faces = [] + face_ids = list(self._oeditor.GetFaceIDs(self.name)) + if set(face_ids) == set(self._face_ids): + return self._faces + self._face_ids = face_ids + self._faces = [] for face in list(self._oeditor.GetFaceIDs(self.name)): face = int(face) - faces.append(FacePrimitive(self, face)) - return faces + self._faces.append(FacePrimitive(self, face)) + return self._faces @property def faces_on_bounding_box(self): @@ -1389,8 +1395,8 @@ def unite(self, object_list): >>> oEditor.Unite """ - unite_list = [self.name] + self._primitives.modeler.convert_to_selections(object_list, return_list=True) - self._primitives.modeler.unite(unite_list) + unite_list = [self.name] + self._primitives.convert_to_selections(object_list, return_list=True) + self._primitives.unite(unite_list) return self @pyaedt_function_handler() @@ -1414,8 +1420,8 @@ def intersect(self, theList, keep_originals=False): >>> oEditor.Intersect """ - theList = [self.name] + self._primitives.modeler.convert_to_selections(theList, return_list=True) - self._primitives.modeler.intersect(theList, keep_originals) + theList = [self.name] + self._primitives.convert_to_selections(theList, return_list=True) + self._primitives.intersect(theList, keep_originals) return self @pyaedt_function_handler() @@ -1442,7 +1448,7 @@ def split(self, plane, sides="Both"): >>> oEditor.Split """ - return self._primitives.modeler.split(self.name, plane, sides) + return self._primitives.split(self.name, plane, sides) @pyaedt_function_handler() def mirror(self, position, vector, duplicate=False): @@ -1468,7 +1474,7 @@ def mirror(self, position, vector, duplicate=False): >>> oEditor.Mirror """ - if self._primitives.modeler.mirror(self.id, position=position, vector=vector, duplicate=duplicate): + if self._primitives.mirror(self.id, position=position, vector=vector, duplicate=duplicate): return self return False @@ -1497,7 +1503,7 @@ def rotate(self, cs_axis, angle=90.0, unit="deg"): >>> oEditor.Rotate """ - if self._primitives.modeler.rotate(self.id, cs_axis=cs_axis, angle=angle, unit=unit): + if self._primitives.rotate(self.id, cs_axis=cs_axis, angle=angle, unit=unit): return self return False @@ -1523,7 +1529,7 @@ def move(self, vector): ---------- >>> oEditor.Move """ - if self._primitives.modeler.move(self.id, vector=vector): + if self._primitives.move(self.id, vector=vector): return self return False @@ -1552,9 +1558,7 @@ def duplicate_around_axis(self, cs_axis, angle=90, nclones=2, create_new_objects >>> oEditor.DuplicateAroundAxis """ - ret, added_objects = self._primitives.modeler.duplicate_around_axis( - self, cs_axis, angle, nclones, create_new_objects - ) + _, added_objects = self._primitives.duplicate_around_axis(self, cs_axis, angle, nclones, create_new_objects) return added_objects @pyaedt_function_handler() @@ -1581,7 +1585,7 @@ def duplicate_along_line(self, vector, nclones=2, attachObject=False): >>> oEditor.DuplicateAlongLine """ - ret, added_objects = self._primitives.modeler.duplicate_along_line(self, vector, nclones, attachObject) + _, added_objects = self._primitives.duplicate_along_line(self, vector, nclones, attachObject) return added_objects @pyaedt_function_handler() @@ -1609,7 +1613,7 @@ def sweep_along_vector(self, sweep_vector, draft_angle=0, draft_type="Round"): >>> oEditor.SweepAlongVector """ - self._primitives.modeler.sweep_along_vector(self, sweep_vector, draft_angle, draft_type) + self._primitives.sweep_along_vector(self, sweep_vector, draft_angle, draft_type) return self @pyaedt_function_handler() @@ -1643,7 +1647,7 @@ def sweep_along_path( >>> oEditor.SweepAlongPath """ - self._primitives.modeler.sweep_along_path( + self._primitives.sweep_along_path( self, sweep_object, draft_angle, draft_type, is_check_face_intersection, twist_angle ) return self @@ -1672,7 +1676,7 @@ def sweep_around_axis(self, cs_axis, sweep_angle=360, draft_angle=0): >>> oEditor.SweepAroundAxis """ - self._primitives.modeler.sweep_around_axis(self, cs_axis, sweep_angle, draft_angle) + self._primitives.sweep_around_axis(self, cs_axis, sweep_angle, draft_angle) return self @pyaedt_function_handler() @@ -1699,7 +1703,7 @@ def section(self, plane, create_new=True, section_cross_object=False): >>> oEditor.Section """ - self._primitives.modeler.section(self, plane, create_new, section_cross_object) + self._primitives.section(self, plane, create_new, section_cross_object) return self @pyaedt_function_handler() @@ -1717,7 +1721,7 @@ def clone(self): >>> oEditor.Clone """ - new_obj_tuple = self._primitives.modeler.clone(self.id) + new_obj_tuple = self._primitives.clone(self.id) success = new_obj_tuple[0] assert success, "Could not clone the object {}.".format(self.name) new_name = new_obj_tuple[1][0] @@ -1746,7 +1750,7 @@ def subtract(self, tool_list, keep_originals=True): >>> oEditor.Subtract """ - self._primitives.modeler.subtract(self.name, tool_list, keep_originals) + self._primitives.subtract(self.name, tool_list, keep_originals) return self @pyaedt_function_handler() @@ -1883,10 +1887,4 @@ def _change_property(self, vPropChange): return self._primitives._change_geometry_property(vPropChange, self._m_name) def __str__(self): - return """ - name: {} id: {} object_type: {} - """.format( - self.name, - self.id, - self._object_type, - ) + return self.name diff --git a/pyaedt/modeler/cad/polylines.py b/pyaedt/modeler/cad/polylines.py index 14f76457ec5..6cd574fc210 100644 --- a/pyaedt/modeler/cad/polylines.py +++ b/pyaedt/modeler/cad/polylines.py @@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ def __init__( if not isinstance(position_list, list): raise TypeError("The position_list argument must be a list of positions with at least one point.") # convert the points if they are defined as modeler.Position - if isinstance(position_list[0], self._primitives._app.modeler.Position): + if isinstance(position_list[0], self._primitives.Position): position_list = [[i for i in j] for j in position_list] if not segment_type: if len(position_list) < 2: diff --git a/pyaedt/modeler/circuits/PrimitivesEmit.py b/pyaedt/modeler/circuits/PrimitivesEmit.py index e3ce1f18486..a9843eb5426 100644 --- a/pyaedt/modeler/circuits/PrimitivesEmit.py +++ b/pyaedt/modeler/circuits/PrimitivesEmit.py @@ -86,7 +86,8 @@ def design_type(self): @pyaedt_function_handler() def __getitem__(self, compname): - """ + """Get a component by its name. + Parameters ---------- compname : str diff --git a/pyaedt/modeler/modeler2d.py b/pyaedt/modeler/modeler2d.py index ebdbfe77bf4..cf5f0d47848 100644 --- a/pyaedt/modeler/modeler2d.py +++ b/pyaedt/modeler/modeler2d.py @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ from warnings import warn from pyaedt.generic.general_methods import pyaedt_function_handler -from pyaedt.modeler.cad.Modeler import GeometryModeler from pyaedt.modeler.cad.Modeler import Modeler from pyaedt.modeler.cad.Primitives2D import Primitives2D @@ -31,7 +30,7 @@ def oeditor(self): return self._app.oeditor -class Modeler2D(GeometryModeler, Primitives2D): +class Modeler2D(Primitives2D): """Provides the Modeler 2D application interface. This class is inherited in the caller application and is accessible through the modeler variable @@ -49,8 +48,7 @@ class Modeler2D(GeometryModeler, Primitives2D): """ def __init__(self, application): - GeometryModeler.__init__(self, application, is3d=False) - Primitives2D.__init__(self) + Primitives2D.__init__(self, application) self._primitives = self self.logger.info("Modeler2D class has been initialized!") @@ -135,11 +133,11 @@ def radial_split_2D(self, radius, name): ``True`` when successful, ``False`` when failed. """ - cir = self.modeler.create_circle([0, 0, 0], 3, name=name + "_split", matname="vacuum") + cir = self.create_circle([0, 0, 0], 3, name=name + "_split", matname="vacuum") self.oeditor.Copy(["NAME:Selections", "Selections:=", name]) - objects = [i for i in self.modeler.object_names] + objects = [i for i in self.object_names] self.oeditor.Paste() - name1 = [i for i in self.modeler.object_names if i not in objects] + name1 = [i for i in self.object_names if i not in objects] self.intersect([name1[0], cir.name], keep_originals=False) self.subtract(name, name1[0]) return True diff --git a/pyaedt/modeler/modeler3d.py b/pyaedt/modeler/modeler3d.py index 48ed3f6288b..7ebb7fccb7a 100644 --- a/pyaedt/modeler/modeler3d.py +++ b/pyaedt/modeler/modeler3d.py @@ -10,12 +10,11 @@ from pyaedt.generic.general_methods import GrpcApiError from pyaedt.generic.general_methods import generate_unique_name from pyaedt.generic.general_methods import pyaedt_function_handler -from pyaedt.modeler.cad.Modeler import GeometryModeler from pyaedt.modeler.cad.Primitives3D import Primitives3D from pyaedt.modeler.geometry_operators import GeometryOperators -class Modeler3D(GeometryModeler, Primitives3D, object): +class Modeler3D(Primitives3D): """Provides the Modeler 3D application interface. @@ -35,8 +34,7 @@ class Modeler3D(GeometryModeler, Primitives3D, object): def __init__(self, application): application.logger.reset_timer() - GeometryModeler.__init__(self, application, is3d=True) - Primitives3D.__init__(self) + Primitives3D.__init__(self, application) application.logger.info_timer("Modeler3D class has been initialized!") def __get__(self, instance, owner): @@ -122,8 +120,9 @@ def create_3dcomponent( password_type : str, optional Password type. Options are ``UserSuppliedPassword`` and ``InternalPassword``. The default is ``UserSuppliedPassword``. - hide_contents : bool, optional - Whether to hide contents. The default is ``False``. + hide_contents : bool or list, optional + List of object names to hide when the component is encrypted. + If set to an empty list or ``False``, all objects are visible. replace_names : bool, optional Whether to replace objects and material names. The default is ``False``. @@ -163,6 +162,7 @@ def create_3dcomponent( return False if component_outline not in ["BoundingBox", "None"]: return False + hide_contents_flag = is_encrypted and isinstance(hide_contents, list) arg = [ "NAME:CreateData", "ComponentName:=", @@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ def create_3dcomponent( "PasswordType:=", password_type, "HideContents:=", - hide_contents, + hide_contents_flag, "ReplaceNames:=", replace_names, "ComponentOutline:=", @@ -211,9 +211,7 @@ def create_3dcomponent( if object_list: objs = object_list else: - native_objs = [ - obj.name for _, v in self.modeler.user_defined_components.items() for _, obj in v.parts.items() - ] + native_objs = [obj.name for _, v in self.user_defined_components.items() for _, obj in v.parts.items()] objs = [obj for obj in self.object_names if obj not in native_objs] if not native_components and native_objs: self.logger.warning( @@ -224,7 +222,11 @@ def create_3dcomponent( if "CreateRegion:1" in self.oeditor.GetChildObject(el).GetChildNames(): objs.remove(el) arg.append("IncludedParts:="), arg.append(objs) - arg.append("HiddenParts:="), arg.append([]) + arg.append("HiddenParts:=") + if not hide_contents_flag: + arg.append([]) + else: + arg.append(hide_contents) if included_cs: allcs = included_cs else: @@ -296,7 +298,7 @@ def create_3dcomponent( if isinstance(item, str): mesh_comp.append(item) else: - mesh_comp.append(self.modeler.objects[item].name) + mesh_comp.append(self.objects[item].name) if all(included_obj in objs for included_obj in mesh_comp): used_mesh_ops.append(self._app.mesh.meshoperations[mesh].name) arg2.append("MeshOperations:="), arg2.append(used_mesh_ops) @@ -441,9 +443,7 @@ def replace_3dcomponent( if object_list: objs = object_list else: - native_objs = [ - obj.name for _, v in self.modeler.user_defined_components.items() for _, obj in v.parts.items() - ] + native_objs = [obj.name for _, v in self.user_defined_components.items() for _, obj in v.parts.items()] objs = [obj for obj in self.object_names if obj not in native_objs] if native_objs: self.logger.warning( @@ -525,7 +525,7 @@ def replace_3dcomponent( if isinstance(item, str): mesh_comp.append(item) else: - mesh_comp.append(self.modeler.objects[item].name) + mesh_comp.append(self.objects[item].name) if all(included_obj in objs for included_obj in mesh_comp): used_mesh_ops.append(self._app.mesh.meshoperations[mesh].name) arg2.append("MeshOperations:="), arg2.append(used_mesh_ops) @@ -1339,7 +1339,7 @@ def objects_segmentation( segmentation_thickness = obj_axial_length / segments_number elif segmentation_thickness: segments_number = round(obj_axial_length / segmentation_thickness) - face_object = self.modeler.create_object_from_face(obj.bottom_face_z) + face_object = self.create_object_from_face(obj.bottom_face_z) # segment sheets segment_sheets[obj.name] = face_object.duplicate_along_line( ["0", "0", segmentation_thickness], segments_number @@ -1427,7 +1427,7 @@ def change_region_padding(self, padding_data, padding_type, direction=None, regi self.logger.error("{} does not exist.".format(region)) return False create_region_name = region.GetChildNames()[0] - self.modeler.oeditor.ChangeProperty( + self.oeditor.ChangeProperty( list( [ "NAME:AllTabs", diff --git a/pyaedt/modules/Material.py b/pyaedt/modules/Material.py index 86bc7c9b9b4..a768baacb9a 100644 --- a/pyaedt/modules/Material.py +++ b/pyaedt/modules/Material.py @@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ def value(self): def value(self, val): if isinstance(val, list) and isinstance(val[0], list): self._property_value[0].value = val - self.set_non_linear() + self._set_non_linear() elif isinstance(val, list) and self.type != "vector": if len(val) == 3: self.type = "anisotropic" @@ -825,8 +825,9 @@ def add_thermal_modifier_closed_form( return self._material.update() @pyaedt_function_handler() - def set_non_linear(self, x_unit=None, y_unit=None): - """Enable Non Linear Material. + def _set_non_linear(self, x_unit=None, y_unit=None): + """Enable non-linear material. + This is a private method, and should not be used directly. Parameters ---------- @@ -839,6 +840,17 @@ def set_non_linear(self, x_unit=None, y_unit=None): ------- bool `True` if succeeded. + + Examples + -------- + >>> from pyaedt import Hfss + >>> hfss = Hfss(specified_version="2023.2") + >>> B_value = [0.0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.4, 0.48, 0.55, 0.6, 0.61, 0.65] + >>> H_value = [0.0, 500.0, 1000.0, 1500.0, 2000.0, 2500.0, 3500.0, 5000.0, 10000.0] + >>> mat = hfss.materials.add_material("newMat") + >>> b_h_dataset = [[b, h] for b, h in zip(B_value, H_value)] + >>> mat.permeability = b_h_dataset + """ if self.name not in ["permeability", "conductivity", "permittivity"]: self.logger.error( @@ -1120,6 +1132,14 @@ def __init__(self, materials, name, props=None): self.mod_since_lib = self._props["ModSinceLib"] del self._props["ModSinceLib"] + @property + def is_used(self): + """Checks if a project material is in use.""" + is_used = self._omaterial_manager.IsUsed(self.name) + if is_used == 0: + return False + return True + @property def coordinate_system(self): """Material coordinate system.""" @@ -2266,6 +2286,52 @@ def is_dielectric(self, threshold=100000): """ return not self.is_conductor(threshold) + @pyaedt_function_handler + def set_djordjevic_sarkar_model( + self, + dk=4, + df=0.02, + i_freq=1e9, + sigma_dc=1e-12, + freq_hi=159.15494e9, + ): + """Set Djordjevic-Sarkar model. + + Parameters + ---------- + dk : int, float, str, optional + Dielectric constant at input frequency. + df : int, float, str, optional + Loss tangent at input frequency. + i_freq : int, float, optional. + Input frequency in Hz. + sigma_dc : int, float, optional + Conductivity at DC. + freq_hi : int, float, optional + High Frequency corner in Hz. + + Returns + ------- + bool + ``True`` if successful, ``False`` otherwise. + """ + + # K = f"({dk} * {df} - {sigma_dc} / (2 * pi * {i_freq} * e0)) / atan({freq_hi} / {i_freq})" + K = "({} * {} - {} / (2 * pi * {} * e0)) / atan({} / {})".format(dk, df, sigma_dc, i_freq, freq_hi, i_freq) + epsilon_inf = "({} - {} / 2 * ln({}**2 / {}**2 + 1))".format(dk, K, freq_hi, i_freq) + freq_low = "({} / exp(10 * {} * {} / ({})))".format(freq_hi, df, epsilon_inf, K) + + ds_er = "{} + {} / 2 * ln(({}**2 + Freq**2) / ({}**2 + Freq**2))".format(epsilon_inf, K, freq_hi, freq_low) + cond = "{} + 2 * pi * Freq * e0 * ({}) * (atan(Freq / ({})) - atan(Freq / {}))".format( + sigma_dc, K, freq_low, freq_hi + ) + # ds_tande = "{} / (e0 * {} * 2 * pi * Freq)".format(cond, ds_er) + + self.conductivity = cond + self.permittivity = ds_er + + return self.update() + @pyaedt_function_handler() def update(self): """Update the material in AEDT. diff --git a/pyaedt/modules/MeshIcepak.py b/pyaedt/modules/MeshIcepak.py index fd6510e54e5..2c9870a5b0d 100644 --- a/pyaedt/modules/MeshIcepak.py +++ b/pyaedt/modules/MeshIcepak.py @@ -697,18 +697,61 @@ def add_priority(self, entity_type, obj_list=None, comp_name=None, priority=3): self._priorities_args.append(prio) args += self._priorities_args elif entity_type == 2: - prio = [ - "NAME:PriorityListParameters", - "EntityType:=", - "Component", - "EntityList:=", - comp_name, - "PriorityNumber:=", - i, - "PriorityListType:=", - "3D", - ] - self._priorities_args.append(prio) + o = self.modeler.user_defined_components[comp_name] + if (all(part.is3d for part in o.parts.values()) is False) and ( + any(part.is3d for part in o.parts.values()) is True + ): + prio_3d = [ + "NAME:PriorityListParameters", + "EntityType:=", + "Component", + "EntityList:=", + comp_name, + "PriorityNumber:=", + i, + "PriorityListType:=", + "3D", + ] + prio_2d = [ + "NAME:PriorityListParameters", + "EntityType:=", + "Component", + "EntityList:=", + comp_name, + "PriorityNumber:=", + i, + "PriorityListType:=", + "2D", + ] + self._priorities_args.append(prio_3d) + self._priorities_args.append(prio_2d) + elif all(part.is3d for part in o.parts.values()) is True: + prio_3d = [ + "NAME:PriorityListParameters", + "EntityType:=", + "Component", + "EntityList:=", + comp_name, + "PriorityNumber:=", + i, + "PriorityListType:=", + "3D", + ] + self._priorities_args.append(prio_3d) + else: + prio_2d = [ + "NAME:PriorityListParameters", + "EntityType:=", + "Component", + "EntityList:=", + comp_name, + "PriorityNumber:=", + i, + "PriorityListType:=", + "2D", + ] + self._priorities_args.append(prio_2d) + args += self._priorities_args self.modeler.oeditor.UpdatePriorityList(["NAME:UpdatePriorityListData"]) self.modeler.oeditor.UpdatePriorityList(args) diff --git a/pyaedt/sbrplus/hdm_parser.py b/pyaedt/sbrplus/hdm_parser.py index c3ea95e6179..444ea9b7054 100644 --- a/pyaedt/sbrplus/hdm_parser.py +++ b/pyaedt/sbrplus/hdm_parser.py @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ class Parser: """ def __init__(self, filename): - """Initializes parser object with the interpreted header and a pointer to the binary data""" + """Initialize parser object with the interpreted header and a pointer to the binary data.""" self.parser_types = {} self.parser_flags = {} self.parser_enums = {} @@ -42,11 +42,11 @@ def __init__(self, filename): self.binarycontent = binarycontent def parse_message(self): - """Parses the binary content of the HDM file""" + """Parse the binary content of the HDM file.""" return self._parse(self.message["type"]) def _parse(self, type_name): - """Generic parser method, dispatches to specialized ones""" + """Use a generic parser method, which dispatches to appropriate and specialized parsers.""" if self.parser_types[type_name]["type"] == "object": return self._parse_object(type_name) elif self.parser_types[type_name]["type"] == "internal": @@ -86,9 +86,9 @@ def _parse_simple_base_type(self, format="i", size=4, how_many=1, final_type=Non def _parse_list(self, type=None, base=None, size=1): """ - Parser for vector or list. 'vector's are to be interpreted in the linear algebra sense, - and converted to numpy.array. 'list's are Python lists. Only simple base types can be - interpreted as a numpy array + Parser for vector or list. A vector is interpreted in the linear algebra sense + and converted to a NumPy array. A list is converted to a Python list. Only simple base types can be + interpreted as a NumPy array. """ assert base != None res = [] @@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ def _parse_list(self, type=None, base=None, size=1): return res def _parse_object(self, name): - """Parser for an object message""" + """Parser for an object message.""" namesdict = {} for l in self.parser_types[name]["layout"]: type_to_parse = l["type"] @@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ def _parse_object(self, name): return self.objects[name](namesdict) def _read_header(self): - """Parses the header and prepares all data structures to interpret the binary content""" + """Parse the header and prepare all data structures to interpret the binary content.""" def build_type(self, key, val): type_i = val["type"] diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml index 1bdb802b20a..6bd31d0a1f7 100644 --- a/pyproject.toml +++ b/pyproject.toml @@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ tests = [ "matplotlib==3.8.0; python_version > '3.8'", "numpy==1.21.6; python_version <= '3.9'", "numpy==1.26.0; python_version > '3.9'", + "mock", "openpyxl==3.1.2", "osmnx", "pandas==1.3.5; python_version == '3.7'",