Releases: ansys/pyaedt
Releases · ansys/pyaedt
What's Changed
- Improved the Documentation structure by @maxcapodi78 in #1146
- Made Circuit Example non graphical to support trace editor lines. by @maxcapodi78 in #1144
- fix assign_winding and assign_coil + update tests by @gmalinve in #1147
- Report note by @cmesibov in #1149
- fixed_rename_design method by @maxcapodi78 in #1148
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.4.61...v0.4.62
What's Changed
- Set python packages version for dependabot. by @MaxJPRey in #1048
- Delete requirements_style.txt by @akaszynski in #1054
- Bump pytest from 7.0.0 to 7.1.1 by @dependabot in #1049
- Bump imageio from 2.16.2 to 2.17.0 by @dependabot in #1058
- Improve the auto-generated documentation of ParametricSetups in DesignXPloration module. by @MaxJPRey in #1062
- Removed scratch path and replaced with working_dir by @maxcapodi78 in #1063
- add EDB unit tests to increase the coverage of EDB_Data by @jeremich41 in #1060
- bug fix by @svandenb-dev in #1061
- Fix solder height calculation by @isaacansys in #1056
- when get_solution_data method is used the user can pass a list of variations with values or a dict by @maxcapodi78 in #1065
- Move Faces method. From an specific object move selected faces by @Samuelopez-ansys in #1067
- posx and posy variable name replacement to standardization xpos and ypos by @Samuelopez-ansys in #1069
Full Changelog: v0.4.52...v0.4.53
Full Changelog: v0.4.51...v0.4.52
What's Changed
- change to the example for unit test to avoid popup message by @jianwei425 in #1020
- Increase timeout for IronPython tests. by @MaxJPRey in #1027
- rlc deactivate completed by @svandenb-dev in #1029
- Enhancement create coax port by @ring630 in #1008
- Create symmetric stackup by @ring630 in #1034
- Doc/update edb doc by @dcrawforAtAnsys in #1032
- RMxprt Setup templates added for multiple machine types by @pblarsen-ansys in #1033
- Cfg file by @svandenb-dev in #1016
- edb create rectangle by @ring630 in #1035
- Add favicon for the documentation page. by @MaxJPRey in #1039
- Fixed issue on 3d component with Terminal Solution. by @maxcapodi78 in #1041
- Fixed Issue 1018 on Maxwell 2D xy plane by @maxcapodi78 in #1042
- Added Vector Support on aedtplt and fld files by @maxcapodi78 in #1040
- Handling intrinsic variables which have not evaluated value. by @maxcapodi78 in #1045
- Added new method to Maxwell2D assign_end_connection by @maxcapodi78 in #1043
- Implemented edit_sources in Hfss to support multiple Field Source edit at the same time by @maxcapodi78 in #1047
- Improved 3dcomponent creation by @maxcapodi78 in #1044
- Handling Maxwell Circuit Variables by @maxcapodi78 in #1046
- Enhancement/edb data/add layer by @jeremich41 in #1000
New Contributors
- @pblarsen-ansys made their first contribution in #1033
Full Changelog: v0.4.50...v0.4.51
Full Changelog: v0.4.48...v0.4.49
What's Changed
- unit test for couplings by @jianwei425 in #1015
- Post Processor Report Refactoring by @maxcapodi78 in #1017
- Changed Pyvista requirements to overcome an issue with latest release by @maxcapodi78 in #1022
Full Changelog: v0.4.47...v0.4.48
What's Changed
- Added Model properties to Circuit Component with update method by @maxcapodi78 in #1014
- Fix bug for flipped mount when rotation zero by @isaacansys in #1009
Full Changelog: v0.4.46...v0.4.47
What's Changed
- bug fix - set solderball by @ring630 in #998
- Fix aedt_version settings which was causing issues in Ironpython in 22R2 by @maxcapodi78 in #1001
- Fix create_rectangle_in_pad by @Alberto-DM in #999
- Read IBIS file from circuit class. by @MaxJPRey in #1002
- Add export_w_elements to Q2d by @isaacansys in #995
- remove coverage of unit tests by @akaszynski in #1005
- Refactored classes to support vaiables customization by @maxcapodi78 in #1003
- Split a polyline with a certain number of segment. by @MaxJPRey in #986
- edblib update ipc file size reduced by @svandenb-dev in #1006
- enhancement set_solderball by @ring630 in #1007
- Removed AEDT Message Manager and embedded into aedt_logger by @maxcapodi78 in #1004
- Update .pre-commit-config.yaml by @akaszynski in #1012
- Add number_aware_string_key by @isaacansys in #1010
- Added few methods to allow IFFT of SBR+ Frequency domain data by @maxcapodi78 in #1013
- Q2D example stripline by @ring630 in #997
Full Changelog: v0.4.45...v0.4.46
What's Changed
- Added the possibility to launch aedt in ironpython server using relative path by @maxcapodi78 in #990
- Fixed assign surface mesh manual flag when surface deviation is disabled by @maxcapodi78 in #987
- Enhancement/choke/add material by @jeremich41 in #989
- Improve rpyc on linux supporting also relative ansysedt path by @maxcapodi78 in #993
- fixed bug on export_field_file_on_grid on vectors which doesn't handle phase by @maxcapodi78 in #994
- Fix emit example by @maxcapodi78 in #992
- The default value of mutable arguments is None. by @MaxJPRey in #988
Full Changelog: v0.4.43...v0.4.44