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A reuse tabs demo for Ant Design Blazor.

English | 简体中文




How to use


Follow the installation steps of AntDesign and install the AntDesign dependencies.

Basic case

  1. First of all, create a blazor project using dotnet new command.

  2. Modify the App.razor file, warp the RouteView with <CascadingValue Value="routeData">.

    <Router AppAssembly="@typeof(Program).Assembly">
        <Found Context="routeData">
    +       <CascadingValue Value="routeData">
                <RouteView RouteData="@routeData" DefaultLayout="@typeof(MainLayout)" / >
    +        </CascadingValue>
  3. Then modify the MainLayout.razor file, add the ReuseTabs component. Note that @Body is not required at this case.

    @inherits LayoutComponentBase
    <div class="page">
        <div class="sidebar">
            <NavMenu />
        <div class="main">
    -       <div class="top-row px-4">
    -           <a href="" target="_blank" class="ml-md-auto">About</a>
    -       </div>
    -       <div class="content px-4">
    -           @Body
    -       </div>
    +       <ReuseTabs Class="top-row px-4" TabPaneClass="content px-4" />

Customize tab title

  • If it's just text, you can use the ReuseTabsPageTitle attribute.

    @page "/counter"
    + @attribute [ReuseTabsPageTitle("Counter")]
  • If you want to use a template or variables, then implement the IReuseTabsPage interface and implement the method

    @page "/order/{OrderNo:int}"
    + @implements IReuseTabsPage
    <h1>Hello, world!</h1>
        public int OrderNo { get; set; }
    +   public RenderFragment GetPageTitle() =>
    +       @<div>
    +           <Icon Type="home"/> Order No. @OrderNo
    +       </div>
    +   ;


ReuseTabs can be integrated with Blazor's Authentication component.

  1. Start by adding the authentication component according to the official documentation, ASP.NET Core Blazor authentication and authorization.

  2. Install our AntDesign.Components.Authentication Nuget package.

    $ dotnet add package AntDesign.Components.Authentication
  3. Warp the AuthorizeRouteView with <CascadingValue Value="routeData">.

        <Router AppAssembly="@typeof(Program).Assembly">
            <Found Context="routeData">
    +           <CascadingValue Value="routeData">
                    <AuthorizeRouteView RouteData="@routeData" DefaultLayout="@typeof(MainLayout)" />
    +           </CascadingValue>
                <LayoutView Layout="@typeof(MainLayout)">
                    <p>Sorry, there's nothing at this address.</p>

The rest of the configuration is the same as the official documentation and ReuseTabs.

More configurations

You can set more options by using ReuseTabsPage attribute above pages.

@page "/counter"
+ @attribute [ReuseTabsPage(Title = "Home", Closable = false)]

If you want to ignore any pages, you can setting the Ignore=true in ReuseTabsPage attribute.

@page "/counter"
+ @attribute [ReuseTabsPage(Ignore = true)]

See the API for more configurations.



Property Description Type Default
Title The fixed title show on tab. string current path
Ignore If Ignore=true, the page is not displayed in tab, but in the entire page. boolean false
Closable Whether the delete button can be displayed. boolean false
Pin Whether the page is fixed to load and avoid closing, usually used on the home page or default page. boolean false


Method Description Type Default
ClosePage(string key) Close the page with the specified key. string current path
CloseOther(string key) Close all pages except those that specify key, Cloasable=false, or Pin=true. boolean false
CloseAll() Close all pages except those that Cloasable=false or Pin=true. boolean false
CloseCurrent() Close current page. boolean false
Update() Update the state of current tab. When the variable referenced in GetPageTitle() changes, Update() needs to be called to update the tab display. boolean false