Kotlin/Native provides bi-directional interoperability with Objective-C/Swift. Objective-C frameworks and libraries can be used in Kotlin code. Kotlin modules can be used in Swift/Objective-C code too. Besides that, Kotlin/Native has C Interop. There is also the Kotlin/Native as a Dynamic Library tutorial for more information.
In this tutorial, you will see how to use Kotlin/Native code from Objective-C and Swift applications on macOS and iOS.
In this tutorial you'll:
- create a Kotlin Library and compile it to a framework
- examine the generated Objective-C and Swift API code
- use the framework from Objective-C and Swift
- Configure Xcode to use the framework for macOS and iOS
Kotlin/Native compiler can produce a framework for macOS and iOS out of the Kotlin code. The created framework contains all declarations and binaries needed to use it with Objective-C and Swift. The best way to understand the techniques is to try it for ourselves. Let's create a tiny Kotlin library first and use it from an Objective-C program.
Create the hello.kt
file with the library contents:
package example
object Object {
val field = "A"
interface Interface {
fun iMember() {}
class Clazz : Interface {
fun member(p: Int): ULong? = 42UL
fun forIntegers(b: Byte, s: UShort, i: Int, l: ULong?) { }
fun forFloats(f: Float, d: Double?) { }
fun strings(str: String?) : String {
return "That is '$str' from C"
fun acceptFun(f: (String) -> String?) = f("Kotlin/Native rocks!")
fun supplyFun() : (String) -> String? = { "$it is cool!" }
While it is possible to use the command line, either directly or
by combining it with a script file (such as .sh
or .bat
file), this approach doesn't
scale well for big projects that have hundreds of files and libraries.
It is then better to use the Kotlin/Native compiler with a build system, as it
helps to download and cache the Kotlin/Native compiler binaries and libraries with
transitive dependencies and run the compiler and tests.
Kotlin/Native can use the Gradle build system through the kotlin-multiplatform plugin.
We covered the basics of setting up an IDE compatible project with Gradle in the A Basic Kotlin/Native Application tutorial. Please check it out if you are looking for detailed first steps and instructions on how to start a new Kotlin/Native project and open it in IntelliJ IDEA. In this tutorial, we'll look at the advanced C interop related usages of Kotlin/Native and multiplatform builds with Gradle.
First, create a project folder. All the paths in this tutorial will be relative to this folder. Sometimes the missing directories will have to be created before any new files can be added.
Use the following build.gradle(.kts)
Gradle build file:
plugins {
id 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.multiplatform' version '%kotlinVersion%'
repositories {
kotlin {
macosX64("native") {
binaries {
framework {
baseName = "Demo"
wrapper {
gradleVersion = "%gradleVersion%"
distributionType = "ALL"
plugins {
kotlin("multiplatform") version "%kotlinVersion%"
repositories {
kotlin {
macosX64("native") {
binaries {
framework {
baseName = "Demo"
tasks.wrapper {
gradleVersion = "%gradleVersion%"
distributionType = Wrapper.DistributionType.ALL
The prepared project sources can be directly downloaded from Github:
Move the sources file into the src/nativeMain/kotlin
folder under
the project. That is the default path, where sources are located, when
the kotlin-multiplatform
plugin is used. Use the following block to instruct configure the project
to generate a dynamic or shared library:
binaries {
framework {
baseName = "Demo"
Along with macOS X64
, Kotlin/Native supports iOS arm32
, arm64
and X64
targets. You may replace the macosX64
with respective functions as shown
in the table:
Target platform/device | Gradle function |
macOS x86_64 | macosX64() |
iOS ARM 32 | iosArm32() |
iOS ARM 64 | iosArm64() |
iOS Simulator (x86_64) | iosX64() |
Run the linkNative
Gradle task to build the library
in the IDE
or by calling the following console command:
./gradlew linkNative
Depending on the variant, the build generates the framework
into the
Let's see what is inside.
Each of the created frameworks contains the header file in <Framework>/Headers/Demo.h
The headers do not depend on the target platform (at least with Kotlin/Native v.0.9.2).
It contains the definitions for our Kotlin code and a few Kotlin-wide declarations.
The way Kotlin/Native exports symbols is subject to change without notice.
Take a look at Kotlin runtime declarations:
@interface KotlinBase : NSObject
- (instancetype)init __attribute__((unavailable));
+ (instancetype)new __attribute__((unavailable));
+ (void)initialize __attribute__((objc_requires_super));
@interface KotlinBase (KotlinBaseCopying) <NSCopying>
@interface DemoMutableSet<ObjectType> : NSMutableSet<ObjectType>
@interface DemoMutableDictionary<KeyType, ObjectType> : NSMutableDictionary<KeyType, ObjectType>
@interface NSError (NSErrorKotlinException)
@property (readonly) id _Nullable kotlinException;
Kotlin classes have a KotlinBase
base class in Objective-C, the class extends
the NSObject
class there. There are also have wrappers for collections and exceptions.
Most of the collection types are mapped to similar collection types from the other side:
Kotlin | Swift | Objective-C |
List | Array | NSArray |
MutableList | NSMutableArray | NSMutableArray |
Set | Set | NSSet |
Map | Dictionary | NSDictionary |
MutableMap | NSMutableDictionary | NSMutableDictionary |
The next part of the <Framework>/Headers/Demo.h
contains number type mappings
between Kotlin/Native and NSNumber
. There is the base class called DemoNumber
in Objective-C
and KotlinNumber
in Swift. It extends NSNumber
There are also child classes per Kotlin number type:
|Kotlin|Swift|Objective-C| Simple type |
| -
| char
| unsigned char
| short
| unsigned short
| int
| unsigned int
| long long
| unsigned long long
| float
| double
| BOOL/Bool
Every number type has a class method to create a new instance from the related simple type. Also, there is an instance method to extract a simple value back. Schematically, declarations look like that:
@interface Demo__TYPE__ : DemoNumber
- (instancetype)initWith__TYPE__:(__CTYPE__)value;
+ (instancetype)numberWith__TYPE__:(__CTYPE__)value;
Where __TYPE__
is one of the simple type names and __CTYPE__
is the related Objective-C type, e.g. initWithChar(char)
These types are used to map boxed Kotlin number types into Objective-C and Swift.
In Swift, you may simply call the constructor to create an instance, e.g. KotlinLong(value: 42)
Let's see how class
and object
are mapped to Objective-C and Swift.
The generated <Framework>/Headers/Demo.h
file contains the exact definitions for
, Interface
, and Object
@interface DemoObject : KotlinBase
+ (instancetype)alloc __attribute__((unavailable));
+ (instancetype)allocWithZone:(struct _NSZone *)zone __attribute__((unavailable));
+ (instancetype)object __attribute__((swift_name("init()")));
@property (readonly) NSString *field;
@protocol DemoInterface
- (void)iMember __attribute__((swift_name("iMember()")));
@interface DemoClazz : KotlinBase <DemoInterface>
- (instancetype)init __attribute__((swift_name("init()"))) __attribute__((objc_designated_initializer));
+ (instancetype)new __attribute__((availability(swift, unavailable, message="use object initializers instead")));
- (DemoLong * _Nullable)memberP:(int32_t)p __attribute__((swift_name("member(p:)")));
The code is full of Objective-C attributes, which are intended to help
the use of the framework from both Objective-C and Swift languages.
, DemoInterface
, and DemoObject
are created for Clazz
, Interface
, and Object
respectively. The Interface
is turned into @protocol
, both a class
and an object
are represented as
The Demo
prefix comes from the -output
of the kotlinc-native
compiler and the framework name.
You can see here that the nullable return type ULong?
is turned into DemoLong*
in Objective-C.
All global functions from Kotlin
are turned into DemoLibKt
in Objective-C and into LibKt
in Swift, where Demo
is the framework name and set by
the -output
parameter of kotlinc-native
@interface DemoLibKt : KotlinBase
+ (void)forIntegersB:(int8_t)b s:(int16_t)s i:(int32_t)i l:(DemoLong * _Nullable)l __attribute__((swift_name("forIntegers(b:s:i:l:)")));
+ (void)forFloatsF:(float)f d:(DemoDouble * _Nullable)d __attribute__((swift_name("forFloats(f:d:)")));
+ (NSString *)stringsStr:(NSString * _Nullable)str __attribute__((swift_name("strings(str:)")));
+ (NSString * _Nullable)acceptFunF:(NSString * _Nullable (^)(NSString *))f __attribute__((swift_name("acceptFun(f:)")));
+ (NSString * _Nullable (^)(NSString *))supplyFun __attribute__((swift_name("supplyFun()")));
You see that Kotlin String
and Objective-C NSString*
are mapped transparently.
Similarly, Unit
type from Kotlin is mapped to void
. We see primitive types
are mapped directly. Non-nullable primitive types are mapped transparently.
Nullable primitive types are mapped into Kotlin<TYPE>*
types, as shown in the table above.
Both higher order functions acceptFunF
and supplyFun
are included,
and accept Objective-C blocks.
More information about all other types mapping details can be found in the Objective-C Interop documentation article
Objective-C and Swift use reference counting. Kotlin/Native has its own garbage collection too. Kotlin/Native garbage collection is integrated with Objective-C/Swift reference counting. You do not need to use anything special to control the lifetime of Kotlin/Native instances from Swift or Objective-C.
Let's call the framework from Objective-C. For that, create the main.m
file with
the following content:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <Demo/Demo.h>
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
@autoreleasepool {
[[DemoObject object] field];
DemoClazz* clazz = [[ DemoClazz alloc] init];
[clazz memberP:42];
[DemoLibKt forIntegersB:1 s:1 i:3 l:[DemoULong numberWithUnsignedLongLong:4]];
[DemoLibKt forIntegersB:1 s:1 i:3 l:nil];
[DemoLibKt forFloatsF:2.71 d:[DemoDouble numberWithDouble:2.71]];
[DemoLibKt forFloatsF:2.71 d:nil];
NSString* ret = [DemoLibKt acceptFunF:^NSString * _Nullable(NSString * it) {
return [it stringByAppendingString:@" Kotlin is fun"];
NSLog(@"%@", ret);
return 0;
Here you call Kotlin classes directly from Objective-C code. A Kotlin object
has the class method
function object
, which allows us to get the only instance of the object and to call
methods on it.
The widespread pattern is used to create an instance of the Clazz
class. You call
the [[ DemoClazz alloc] init]
on Objective-C. You may also use [DemoClazz new]
for constructors without parameters.
Global declarations from the Kotlin sources are scoped under the DemoLibKt
class in Objective-C.
All methods are turned into class methods of that class.
The strings
function is turned into DemoLibKt.stringsStr
function in Objective-C, you can
pass NSString
directly to it. The return is visible as NSString
The framework that you compiled with Kotlin/Native has helper attributes to make it
easier to use with Swift. Convert the previous Objective-C example
into Swift. As a result, you'll have the following code in main.swift
import Foundation
import Demo
let kotlinObject = Object()
assert(kotlinObject === Object(), "Kotlin object has only one instance")
let field = Object().field
let clazz = Clazz()
clazz.member(p: 42)
LibKt.forIntegers(b: 1, s: 2, i: 3, l: 4)
LibKt.forFloats(f: 2.71, d: nil)
let ret = LibKt.acceptFun { "\($0) Kotlin is fun" }
if (ret != nil) {
The Kotlin code is turned into very similar looking
code in Swift. There are some small differences, though. In Kotlin any object
only one instance. Kotlin object Object
now has a
constructor in Swift, and we use the Object()
syntax to access the only instance of it.
The instance is always the same in Swift, so that
Object() === Object()
is true.
Methods and property names are translated as-is. Kotlin String
is turned into Swift String
Swift hides NSNumber*
boxing from us too. We pass Swift closure to Kotlin and call a Kotlin
lambda function from Swift too.
More documentation on the types mapping can be found in the Objective-C Interop article.
You need to configure an Xcode project to use our framework. The configuration depends on the target platform.
First, you need to include the framework in the General
section of the target
configuration. There is the Linked Frameworks and Libraries
section to include
our framework. This will make Xcode look at our framework and resolve imports both
from Objective-C and Swift.
The second step is to configure the framework search path of the produced
binary. It is also known as rpath
or run-time search path.
The binary uses the path to look for the required frameworks. We do not recommend
installing additional frameworks to the OS if it is not needed. You should understand the layout
of your future application, for example,
you may have the Frameworks
folder under the application bundle with all the frameworks you use.
The @rpath
parameter can be configured in Xcode. You need to open
the project configuration and find the Runpath Search Paths
section. Here you specify
the relative path to the compiled framework.
First, you need to include the compiled framework into the Xcode project. For
this, add the framework to the Embedded Binaries
block of the General
section of
the target configuration page.
The second step is to then include the framework path into the Framework Search Paths
of the Build Settings
section of the target configuration page. It is possible to use $(PROJECT_DIR)
macro to simplify the setup.
The iOS simulator requires a framework compiled for the ios_x64
target, the iOS_sim
in our case.
This Stackoverflow thread contains few more recommendations. Also, CocoaPods package manager may be helpful to automate the process too.
Kotlin/Native has bidirectional interop with Objective-C and Swift languages. Kotlin objects integrate with Objective-C/Swift reference counting. Unused Kotlin objects are automatically removed. The Objective-C Interop article contains more information on the interop implementation details. Of course, it is possible to import an existing framework and use it from Kotlin. Kotlin/Native comes with a good set of pre-imported system frameworks.
Kotlin/Native supports C interop too. Check out the Kotlin/Native as a Dynamic Library tutorial for that.