Kotlin is an open-source project under the Apache 2.0 License. The source code, tooling, documentation, and even this web site are maintained on GitHub. While Kotlin is mostly developed by JetBrains, there are hundreds of external contributors to the Kotlin project and we are always on the lookout for more people to help us.
You can help us improve Kotlin by participating in Kotlin Early Access Preview (EAP) and providing us with your valuable feedback.
For every release, Kotlin ships a few preview builds where you can try out the latest features before they go to production. You can report any bugs you find to our issue tracker YouTrack and we will try to fix them before a final release. This way, you can get bug fixes earlier than the standard Kotlin release cycle.
If you want to contribute to the Kotlin compiler, standard library, or tooling, go to GitHub, check out the latest Kotlin version, and follow the instructions on how to contribute.
You can help us by completing open tasks. Please keep an open line of communication with us because we may have questions and comments on your changes. Otherwise, we won't be able to incorporate your contributions.
Besides the standard library that provides core capabilities, Kotlin has a number of additional (kotlinx) libraries that extend its functionality. Each kotlinx library is developed in a separate repository, has its own versioning and release cycle.
If you want to contribute to a kotlinx library, follow the contribution process described for each library, such as kotlinx.coroutines, kotlinx.serialization, and ktor.
If you have a library that could be useful to other Kotlin developers, let us know via feedback@kotlinlang.org.
If you've found an issue in the Kotlin documentation, feel free to check out the documentation source code on GitHub and send us a pull request. Follow these guidelines on style and formatting.
Please keep an open line of communication with us because we may have questions and comments on your changes. Otherwise, we won't be able to incorporate your contributions.
If you've created tutorials or videos for Kotlin, please share them with us via feedback@kotlinlang.org.
You are welcome to translate the Kotlin documentation into your own language and publish the translation on your website. However, we won't be able to host your translation in the main repository and publish it on kotlinlang.org.
This site is the official documentation for the language, and we ensure that all the information here is correct and up to date. Unfortunately, we won't be able to review documentation in other languages.
If you've given or just plan to give presentations or hold events on Kotlin, please fill out the form. We'll feature them on the event list.