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File metadata and controls

21 lines (21 loc) · 3.45 KB
id type available options default description usage
requestNameSource enum URL, Fallback Fallback Determines how the requests inside the generated collection will be named. If “Fallback” is selected, the request will be named after one of the following schema values: description, operationid, url. CONVERSION, VALIDATION
indentCharacter enum Space, Tab Space Option for setting indentation character CONVERSION
collapseFolders boolean - true Importing will collapse all folders that have only one child element and lack persistent folder-level data. CONVERSION
optimizeConversion boolean - true Optimizes conversion for large specification, disabling this option might affect the performance of conversion. CONVERSION
requestParametersResolution enum Example, Schema Schema Select whether to generate the request parameters based on the schema or the example in the schema. CONVERSION
exampleParametersResolution enum Example, Schema Example Select whether to generate the response parameters based on the schema or the example in the schema. CONVERSION
folderStrategy enum Paths, Tags Paths Select whether to create folders according to the spec’s paths or tags. CONVERSION
schemaFaker boolean - true Whether or not schemas should be faked. CONVERSION
stackLimit integer - 10 Number of nesting limit till which schema resolution will happen. Increasing this limit may result in more time to convert collection depending on complexity of specification. (To make sure this option works correctly "optimizeConversion" option needs to be disabled) CONVERSION
includeAuthInfoInExample boolean - true Select whether to include authentication parameters in the example request CONVERSION
shortValidationErrors boolean - false Whether detailed error messages are required for request <> schema validation operations. VALIDATION
validationPropertiesToIgnore array - [] Specific properties (parts of a request/response pair) to ignore during validation. Must be sent as an array of strings. Valid inputs in the array: PATHVARIABLE, QUERYPARAM, HEADER, BODY, RESPONSE_HEADER, RESPONSE_BODY VALIDATION
showMissingInSchemaErrors boolean - false MISSING_IN_SCHEMA indicates that an extra parameter was included in the request. For most use cases, this need not be considered an error. VALIDATION
detailedBlobValidation boolean - false Determines whether to show detailed mismatch information for application/json content in the request/response body. VALIDATION
suggestAvailableFixes boolean - false Whether to provide fixes for patching corresponding mismatches. VALIDATION
validateMetadata boolean - false Whether to show mismatches for incorrect name and description of request VALIDATION
ignoreUnresolvedVariables boolean - false Whether to ignore mismatches resulting from unresolved variables in the Postman request VALIDATION
strictRequestMatching boolean - false Whether requests should be strictly matched with schema operations. Setting to true will not include any matches where the URL path segments don't match exactly. VALIDATION
disableOptionalParameters boolean - false Whether to set optional parameters as disabled CONVERSION