table descriptions (tab/sheet)
description at readthedocs
dwarf_mw : Milky Way dwarf galaxies
dwarf_m31: M31 dwarf galaxies
dwarf_local_field: dwarf galaxies outside of MW/M31 to ~ 3 Mpc, mostly follows McConnachie 2012
gc_ufsc: post Harris catalog star clusters in the MW halo (abs(b) > ~5-10)
gc_disk: post-Harris catalog globular clusters at low Galactic latitude (abs(b) <10), some of these systems might be open clusters
gc_harris: globular clusters in Harris catalog
name_discovery: key, discovery year, discovery reference, name, and alternative names
pm_overview: key, reference, proper motion measurement, method (this includes most proper motion measurements of dwarf galaxies)
j_factor.csv: key, reference, angle, j-factor measurement [units are log10 GeV^2 cm^-5], notes (this includes some literature j-factor measurements, mostly from A. B. Pace)
key: unique identifier for each system
host: host of system [MW, LMC, M31, etc]
confirmed_real: system has been confirmed with either deeper photometry, follow-up spectroscopy, proper motion, or other methods
confirmed_dwarf: (or confirmed_star_cluster) system has been confirmed to be dwarf galaxy (or star cluster) based on spectroscopy, and/or deeper photometry.
ra: right ascension ICRS [degree]
dec: declination ICRS [degree]
rhalf: half-light radius (or plummer radius) in [arcmin]
ellipticity: 1 - minor/major axis (or 1 - axis ratio)
position_angle: N->E [degree]
distance_modulus [mag]
distance: computed from distance_modulus [kpc]
rhalf_physical: rhalf * distance [parsec] (computed from other columns)
rhalf_sph_physical: rhalf * distance * sqrt(1-ellipticity) in [parsec] (computed from other columns)
apparent_magnitude_v: apparent magnitude in V-band
M_V: absolute V-band magnitude, computed from distance_modulus and apparent_magnitude_V
surface_brightness_rhalf: average surface brightness within spherically averaged half-light radius [mag arcsec^-2]
vlos_systemic: heliocentric velocity of system [km/s]
vlos_sigma: velocity dispersion in line-of-sight [km/s]
metallicity: metallicity, spectroscopic preferred [dex]
metallicity_type: lists whether metallicity
column is photometric or spectroscopic
metallicity_spectroscopic: spectroscopic metallicity [dex]
metallicity_spectroscopic_sigma: spectroscopic metallicity dispersion [dex]
pmra: proper motion in right ascension, includes cos(dec) term following Gaia [mas/yr]
pmdec: proper motion in declination direction [mas/yr]
rcore, rking: profile fits with king profile in arcmin
rad_sersic, n_sersic: sersic profile parameters. rad_sersic in arcmin
age: Gyr units
metallicity_photometric: metallicity isochrone fitting (or non-spectroscopic metallicity)
flux_HI: ( Jy km s−1 ), flux in HI only included for dwarf galaxies
ref: reference of author last name + ADS bibcode
error columns:
_em = error minus = minus 1 sigma (or 16% confidence interval)
_ep = error plus = plus 1 sigma (84% confidence interval)
_ul = upper limit at 95% confidence interval (some are 90% or 84%, the goal is to make it consistent)
ref: reference of author last name + ADS bibcode