This document is about how to config and run Edge Conductor tool to deploy a RKE cluster.
Follow HW Requirements for Edge Conductor Day-0 Host and OS and System Requirements for Edge Conductor Day-0 Host to prepare the Day-0 host hardware and software.
Follow Build-and-Install-Edge-Conductor-Tool to build and install Edge Conductor tool.
Enter _workspace
folder to run Edge Conductor tool.
Before the RKE deployment, users need to:
- Make sure the nodes meet hardware and software requirements for RKE cluster deployment: RKE installation requirements
- Provision nodes according to the requirements in RKE official website.
- The ntp (Network Time Protocol) package should be installed and start the service to sync time for all nodes. This prevents errors with certificate validation that can occur when the time is not synchronized between the client and server.
- Some distributions of Linux may have default firewall rules that block communication with Helm. We recommend disabling firewalld. For Kubernetes 1.19 and 1.20, firewalld must be turned off.
Examples of Edge Conductor Kit for RKE are under:
├── rke_preinstalled.yml
└── rke_ubuntu_20.04.yml
We will use this Edge Conductor Kit to deploy the RKE cluster in this document.
For more details of the Edge Conductor Kit, check the Example of RKE Edge Conductor Kit
Modify the Edge Conductor Kit config file (kit/rke_preinstalled.yml) following Edge Conductor Configurations | Edge Conductor Kit Introduction, which is a mandatory parameter for "conductor init".
Follow the instruction in each of the Kit config files to config the node list and finish the preconditions.
Run the "init" commands with any RKE Kit config file to initialize the Edge Conductor environment.
For example, for preinstalled systems:
./conductor init -c kit/rke_preinstalled.yml
For bare metal setup to start from OS provisioning (in offline mode):
./conductor init -c kit/rke_ubuntu_20.04.yml
The RKE cluster configurations will be generated automatically. The "rke_cluster.yml" and ".rkestate" files will be exported to "~/.ec/rke/cluster" folder by default, users can also specify an export folder in RKE Kit config file with "Cluster" - "export_config_folder".
If an Kit config to start from OS provisioning is selected, follow the OS Provisioning guide to finish OS installation before cluster deployment.
To deploy RKE cluster, make sure it is able to access all hosts in the cluster from Day-0 host.
ssh-copy-id -i < your ssh key name on Day-0 > < user >@< host >
Run the following commands to build and deploy RKE cluster.
./conductor cluster build
./conductor cluster deploy
The kubeconfig will be copied to the default path ~/.kube/config
Install the kubectl tool (v1.20.0) to interact with the target cluster.
kubectl get nodes
To build and deploy the services, enter the commands:
./conductor service build
./conductor service deploy
to specify the kubeconfig if you don't want to use the default config file from~/.kube/config
To deploy service rook-ceph and rook-ceph-cluster, please ensure these is at least one additional disk with more than 1GB capacity left for ceph osd deployment on any one worker node.
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