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This sample demonstrates authentication in Microsoft Teams apps.
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2/8/2018 5:06:47 PM

Microsoft Teams Authentication Sample

This sample demonstrates authentication in Microsoft Teams apps.

Getting started

  1. Install some sort of tunnelling service. These instructions assume you are using ngrok:

  2. Begin your tunnelling service to get an https endpoint. For this example ngrok is used. Start an ngrok tunnel with the following command (you'll need the https endpoint for the bot registration):

    ngrok http 3978 --host-header=localhost
  3. Register a bot with Azure Bot Service, following the instructions here.

  4. While registering the bot, use https://<your_ngrok_url>/api/messages as the messaging endpoint.

    NOTE: When you create your bot you will create an App ID and App password - make sure you keep these for later.

IMPORTANT: Do not use the legacy Bot Framework portal, nor App Studio, to create the bot. Your bot MUST be registered with Azure Bot Service to use the authentication functionality provided by Azure Bot Service.

  1. Create an app manifest. Navigate to the file, manifest/manifest.json - Change:
    1. <<REGISTERED_BOT_ID>> (there are 3) change to your registered bot's app ID
    2. <<BASE_URI_DOMAIN>> (there are 5) change to your https endpoint from ngrok excluding the "https://" part
    3. Save the file and zip this file and the bot_blue.png file (located next to it) together to create a file


To be able to use an identity provider, first you have to register your application.

Changing app settings

This project uses the config package. The default configuration is in config\default.json.

  • Environment variable overrides are defined in config\custom-environment-variables.json. You can set these environment variables when running node. If you are using Visual Studio Code, you can set these in your launch.json file.
  • Alternatively, you can specify local modifications in config\local.json.

The instructions below assume that you're using environment variables to configure the app, and will specify the name of the variable to set.

Registering a bot with the Microsoft Bot Framework automatically creates a corresponding Azure AD application with the same name and ID.

  1. Go to the Application Registration Portal and sign in with the same account that you used to register your bot.

  2. Find your application in the list and click on the name to edit.

  3. Navigate to Authentication under Manage and add the following redirect URLs:

    • https://<your_ngrok_url>/tab/simple-end
    • https://<your_ngrok_url>/tab/silent-end
  4. Additionally, under the Implicit grant subsection select Access tokens and ID tokens

  5. Click on Expose an API under Manage. Select the Set link to generate the Application ID URI in the form of api://{AppID}. Insert your fully qualified domain name (with a forward slash "/" appended to the end) between the double forward slashes and the GUID. The entire ID should have the form of: api://<your_ngrok_url>/{AppID}

  6. Select the Add a scope button. In the panel that opens, enter access_as_user as the Scope name.

  7. Set Who can consent? to Admins and users

  8. Fill in the fields for configuring the admin and user consent prompts with values that are appropriate for the access_as_user scope. Suggestions:

    • Admin consent title: Teams can access the user’s profile
    • Admin consent description: Allows Teams to call the app’s web APIs as the current user.
    • User consent title: Teams can access your user profile and make requests on your behalf
    • User consent description: Enable Teams to call this app’s APIs with the same rights that you have
  9. Ensure that State is set to Enabled

  10. Select Add scope

    • Note: The domain part of the Scope name displayed just below the text field should automatically match the Application ID URI set in the previous step, with /access_as_user appended to the end; for example:
      • api://<your_ngrok_url>/<aad_application_id>/access_as_user
  11. In the Authorized client applications section, you identify the applications that you want to authorize to your app’s web application. Each of the following IDs needs to be entered:

    • 1fec8e78-bce4-4aaf-ab1b-5451cc387264 (Teams mobile/desktop application)
    • 5e3ce6c0-2b1f-4285-8d4b-75ee78787346 (Teams web application)
  12. Navigate to API Permissions, and make sure to add the following delegated permissions:

    • User.Read
    • email
    • offline_access
    • openid
    • profile
  13. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on "Add Permissions".

  14. The bot uses MICROSOFT_APP_ID and MICROSOFT_APP_PASSWORD, so these should already be set.

Update your Microsoft Teams application manifest

  1. Add new properties to your Microsoft Teams manifest:

    • WebApplicationInfo - The parent of the following elements.
    • Id - The client ID of the application. This is an application ID that you obtain as part of registering the application with Azure AD 1.0 endpoint.
    • Resource - The domain and subdomain of your application. This is the same URI (including the api:// protocol) that you used when registering the app in AAD. The domain part of this URI should match the domain, including any subdomains, used in the URLs in the section of your Teams application manifest.
    "webApplicationInfo": {
    "id": "<AAD_application_id here>",
    "resource": "<web_API resource here>"
  2. Add permissions and update validDomains to allow token endpoint used by bot framework. Teams will only show the sign-in popup if its from a whitelisted domain.

    "permissions": [
    "validDomains": [


  • The resource for an AAD app will usually just be the root of its site URL and the appID (e.g. api:// We also use this value to ensure your request is coming from the same domain. Therefore make sure that your contentURL for your tab uses the same domains as your resource property.
  • You need to be using manifest version 1.5 or higher for these fields to be used.
  • Scopes aren’t supported in the manifest and instead should be specified in the API Permissions section in the Azure portal

Add the Azure AD OAuth connection to the bot

  1. Navigate to your bot's Bot Channels Registration page on the Azure Portal.

  2. Click Settings.

  3. Under OAuth Connection Settings near the bottom of the page, click Add Setting.

  4. Fill in the form as follows:

    1. For Name, enter a name for your connection (e.g., "AzureADv2")
    2. For Service Provider, select Azure Active Directory v2. Once you select this, the Azure AD-specific fields will be displayed.
    3. For Client id, enter your bot's client ID.
    4. For Client secret, enter your bot's client secret.
    5. For Tenant ID, enter common.
    6. For Scopes, enter User.Read.
  5. Click Save.

  6. Set the environment variable AZUREAD_CONNECTIONNAME to the name that you chose for this OAuth connection.

[Optional] Using LinkedIn

  1. Follow the instructions here to create and configure a LinkedIn application for OAuth 2.

  2. In "Authorized Redirect URLs", add

  3. Note your app's "Client ID" and "Client Secret".

  4. Navigate to your bot's Bot Channels Registration page on the Azure Portal.

  5. Click Settings.

  6. Under OAuth Connection Settings near the bottom of the page, click Add Setting.

  7. Fill in the form as follows:

    1. For Name, enter a name for your connection (e.g., "LinkedIn")
    2. For Service Provider, select LinkedIn.
    3. For Client id, enter the client ID for your LinkedIn app.
    4. For Client secret, enter the client secret for your LinkedIn app.
    5. For Scopes, enter r_liteprofile r_emailaddress.
  8. Click Save.

  9. Set the environment variable LINKEDIN_CONNECTIONNAME to the name that you chose for this OAuth connection.

[Optional] Using Google

  1. Obtain OAuth2 client credentials from the Google API Console. Enable access to the Google People API.

  2. In "Authorized redirect URLs", add

  3. Note your app's "Client ID" and "Client Secret".

  4. Navigate to your bot's Bot Channels Registration page on the Azure Portal.

  5. Click Settings.

  6. Under OAuth Connection Settings near the bottom of the page, click Add Setting.

  7. Fill in the form as follows:

    1. For Name, enter a name for your connection (e.g., "Google")
    2. For Service Provider, select Google.
    3. For Client id, enter the client ID for your Google app.
    4. For Client secret, enter the client secret for your Google app.
    5. For Scopes, enter openid profile email.
  8. Click Save.

  9. Set the environment variable GOOGLE_CONNECTIONNAME to the name that you chose for this OAuth connection.

Testing the OAuth connections

Before proceeding, it's wise to test the OAuth connections that you have configured with the Azure Bot Service.

  1. Open the Bot Channels Registrations blade on the Azure Portal
  2. Navigate to your Bot Channels Registration resource.
  3. Click Settings.
  4. Under OAuth Connection Settings near the bottom of the page, click on the connection.
  5. Click on Test connection.
  6. Sign in and authorize your app when prompted.

If the connection was configured correctly, you will be taken to a page with the access token that your bot would have received.

Security notes

  • The verification code mechanism prevents a potential "man in the middle" attack by requiring evidence that the user who authorized the bot in the browser is the same person as the user who is chatting with the bot. Don't remove the need for a verification code without understanding what it is protecting against, and weighing the risk against your use case and threat model.
  • Don't use the signin/verifyState message to pass sensitive data (e.g., access tokens) directly to your bot in plaintext. The state value should not be usable without additional information that's available only to your bot.
  • The Teams app sends the signin/verifyState invoke message in a way that's equivalent to the user typing a message to your bot. This means that although the user information in the message is not falsifiable, a malicious user can tamper with the payload, or send additional invoke messages that were not initiated by your app.
  • Store your users’ access tokens in such a way that they are encrypted at rest, especially if you are also storing refresh tokens. Consider, based on your use case and threat model, how often to rotate the encryption key. (The sample uses an in-memory store for simplicity; do not do this in your production app!)
  • If you are using OAuth, remember that the state parameter in the authentication request must contain a unique session token to prevent request forgery attacks. The sample uses a randomly-generated GUID.

Mobile clients

As of April 2019, Microsoft Teams mobile clients support the signin action protocol (that is, mobile clients work the same way as the desktop/web clients). It does require an updated version of the Microsoft Teams JavaScript library (1.4.1 or later). The way it used to work is described here.