Each app you want to use with AppSpector SDK you have to register on the web (https://app.appspector.com). After adding the application navigate to app settings and copy API key. To use AppSpector on tvOS just follow installation steps below but use AppSpectorTVSDK instead.
To use CocoaPods add this line to your podfile and run pod install
pod 'AppSpectorSDK'
- Install Carthage
- Add
binary "https://github.com/appspector/ios-sdk/raw/1.2.4/AppSpector.json"
to your Cartfile - Run
carthage update
- Drag AppSpectorSDK.framework from the appropriate platform directory in Carthage/Build/ to the “Linked Frameworks and Libraries” section of your Xcode project’s “General” settings
To manually link just download AppSpectorSDK.framework and drop AppSpectorSDK.framework to your XCode project. Then navigate to your project settings and under 'General' tab add AppSpectorSDK framework to 'Embedded Binaries' section.
If you plan either to submit builds with AppSpector SDK to the Apple TestFlight for testing or archive them for AdHoc distribution you'll have to perform one more step: create a new “Run Script Phase” in your app’s target’s “Build Phases” and paste the following script:
code_sign() {
echo "Code Signing $1 with Identity ${EXPANDED_CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY_NAME}"
echo "/usr/bin/codesign --force --sign ${EXPANDED_CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY} --preserve-metadata=identifier,entitlements $1"
/usr/bin/codesign --force --sign ${EXPANDED_CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY} --preserve-metadata=identifier,entitlements "$1"
for file in $(find . -type f -perm +111); do
if ! [[ "$(file "$file")" == *"dynamically linked shared library"* ]]; then
archs="$(lipo -info "${file}" | rev | cut -d ':' -f1 | rev)"
for arch in $archs; do
if ! [[ "${VALID_ARCHS}" == *"$arch"* ]]; then
lipo -remove "$arch" -output "$file" "$file" || exit 1
stripped="$stripped $arch"
if [[ "$stripped" != "" ]]; then
echo "Stripped $file of architectures:$stripped"
if [ "${CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED}" == "YES" ]; then
code_sign "${file}"
This script is required as a workaround for this Apple AppStore bug
AppSpector is also available for tvOS, you can use any of described above methods to install it, all you need is just use AppSpectorTVSDK
pod instead of AppSpectorSDK
and include AppSpectorTVSDK.framework
instead of AppSpectorSDK.framework
First import the framework:
import AppSpectorSDK
Start selected monitors only
let config = AppSpectorConfig(apiKey: "API_KEY", monitorIDs: [Monitor.http, Monitor.logs])
AppSpector.run(with: config)
or start all monitors
let config = AppSpectorConfig(apiKey: "API_KEY")
AppSpector.run(with: config)
First import the framework:
@import AppSpectorSDK;
Start selected monitors only
NSSet *monitorIDs = [NSSet setWithObjects:AS_HTTP_MONITOR, AS_LOG_MONITOR, nil];
AppSpectorConfig *config = [AppSpectorConfig configWithAPIKey:@"API_KEY" monitorIDs:monitorIDs];
[AppSpector runWithConfig:config];
or start all monitors
AppSpectorConfig *config = [AppSpectorConfig configWithAPIKey:@"API_KEY"];
[AppSpector runWithConfig:config];