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6. Store Settings

galaxygift edited this page Dec 4, 2022 · 3 revisions

Forth and last part of admin menus is store settings all settings which is needed in main site for working will be set here.

  • Domains:

this application is designed to be multitenant and it can serve multiple domains, here we define each domain with its settings, domainName is the address of domain without schemas, for example : is a domain name (no http or https or www), here we should specify some goals for domain such as whether this domain is going to sale any product or not so set “Shop Domain” field with appropriate value, if domain has online payment then information of its payment gateways should be also added here in “domain Payment gateway’s information”. After insert domain entity in database we can design dynamic pages: Homepage, ProductList page and contentList page. These section will be described later. When this application work to serve more than one domain one default domain should be selected between all domains “default domain” field here is for that. “MultiLingual Domain” field specifies whether this domain has more than one language or not.

  • Sliders:

This part is for preparing the module slider content that will be described in module section.

  • Store menus :

    This part is the items of store menu which will be shown in main site wherever the admin design to set to. This is also a module that will be described in module section.

  • Orders:

    If domain has any online payment all transactions (orders) history can be accessed here. Site admin can see each order and approval or refusal it or change its status during preparing and sending the order to user.

  • Shipping Settings :

    If domain is shop and then has online payment, here should specify the way products deliver to customers whether they use post or courier and how much it cost for end user.

  • Adding New Language :

This application is multilingual and can be extended to any extra language rather than Persian and English as default languages, if you add any extra language then you can have admin application in that language too, just download the file template and fill the phrases and words in third columns of template in your desired language, after that select your desired language from dropdown and then upload the file you have filled then after successful upload you have dashboard with your desired language too. If you supposed to have your entities in your desired language you have to fill one record of multiLingualProperty object for that entity with desired language and save to database.

  • Adding New Language :

If you supposed to work with currency rather than dollar and Persian Rial then you can add insert and update your currency from here.

  • Modules :

application have some predefined modules that end user can use then in creating and designing dynamic pages. These modules are listed below:

ProductList :

  This module can show some customized product in different template views, it can be newest or 
  most popular or best sale or most visited products. We have implemented just one template view here but 
  it can be extended by developers. If a developer is supposed to create extra template for this module 
  that template name should be also added in related enum in application too. below is the sample preview 
  of this module:


Content List:

  This module is like productList module but for showing different content with different conditions like newest, most popular or best sale or most 
  visited or even customized content which admin choose them for showing. Here we have designed several different template views. Some of these 
  templates has constant number of contents to show but others can take count of contents to show as a parameter. The preview of each view is shown 
  in radio list for designing dynamic pages.
  If developer is supposed to extend and add extra views for this module he should add new view to its related enum in application too. below is the 
  sample preview of different templates of this module:
  1. First:

First Content Template

  1. Second:

Second Content Template

  1. Third:

Third Content Template

  1. Forth:

Forth Content Template

  1. SliderWithSubtitle:

Slider With SubtitleContent Template

Store Menu Module:

This is a bootstrap mega menu module template used for showing menus in main site (shop). This module is implemented to show menus in three level deep (nested menus). Items of menu will inserted in “Store Menus” section in “Store Settings” part.

Store Menu Module

ImageTextSlider :

This module is slider but each slide in the slider are able to have text or link or button on it, those tags on slides are able to have any loading effects from animate.css plugin. Below is a sample slide of slider with links on it:

image text slider


This module is for user signin and signout, If main site is an store therefore it has any product for sale, site user have a basket (shoppingCart) which is in this module, user also have a profile for storing his/her informations.There is a link here for changing user password by current user. There is a like for favourite contents and favourite products of user too. If main site isn’t a shop site then user doesn’t have any basket here but to interact with site like commenting and rating product or content have to sign in first. LoginProfile


This cms is designed to handle multilingual websites. Two languages “Persian” and “English” have implemented yet, This module is supposed to add flags of this languages to the site and each flag has a link to equivalent page in selected language. Except Content pages which shows details of a content all other pages of multilingual site have views in both languages. If admin user is supposed to have a content page in both languages then he should insert two individual content in database so they have different page and url. Developers can extend any extra language to this cms based on documents which will be described later in “Developer guide” section. MultiLingualFlags

General Search:

This module is designed for searching in contents and can be added to layout page (header or footer of Dynamic pages) then it can be accessed from every page of the site.GeneralSearch

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