This project does not use CAN tranceivers (such as Microchip MCP2561). The program runs in Loopback/Silent mode instead.
Note: My can-bus project on uses both CAN controllers and CAN tranceivers from Microchip. I even developed CAN controller driver by myself.
Connect Teraterm to the board at baudrate 9600bps to show output messages.
[1] MailBox#: 1
[2] MailBox#: 1
[1] StdId: 1
[1] RX_FIFO0: Hello!
[2] StdId: 2
[2] RX_FIFO1: World!
My program did not work after rebooting the Nucleo board. The debugger showed me that the system stalls at SystemClock_Config().
The cause was a bug in CubeMX:
RCC_OscInitStruct.PLL.PLLM = 1;
It was required to upgrading CubeMX from V4.25 to V4.25.1 to fixed the bug.
STM32CubeMX Software V4.25.1 / 05 May 2018 Minor release
Fixed PLLM code generation for STM32L4 Series.