This document outlines the governance for the Hera Project.
Any changes to Hera's governance and this document require a unanimous vote by all TOC members.
All votes mentioned in this document follow a lazy-consensus process with a default time-period of 2 weeks unless they are mentioned to be unanimous in which case they require unanimous consensus from all binding voters.
The current members are defined in
Hera TOC members are maintainers who have made substantial contributions to the project. The Hera TOC is modeled on the CNCF TOC as a technical governing body. It oversees all aspects of the project and has a mandate to drive consensus for:
- Defining and maintaining the technical vision for the project
- Fostering a healthy and welcoming community, including by defining and enforcing our Code of Conduct
- Defining the governance structure of the project
- Appointing maintainers and leads
- Defining the HEP process through which cross-cutting changes are proposed and approved
- Defining the annual roadmap
- Responsible for handling security reports and incidents
- Anything else that falls through the cracks
For a new TOC member to be appointed they must:
- Be a seasoned maintainer of Hera
- Have driven multiple HEPs to implementation
- Be nominated by an existing TOC member
- Be unanimously elected by the TOC
TOC members will have the following permissions:
- Admin permissions on the Hera Github repository
- Ability to approve releases to PyPI
- Binding votes on HEPs
- Binding votes on Governance changes
- Added to
Maintainers are in charge of the day to day maintenance of the project including:
- Ensuring contributions align with project goals and meet the project's quality standards
- Reviewing, approving, and merging PRs
- Planning release milestones, and releasing components under the team's area of responsibility
- Representing the work of the team to the community
- Supporting contributors
- Growing the team by mentoring aspiring contributors and maintainers
For a new maintainer to be appointed they must:
- Be an approver to Hera for at least 2 months
- Reviewer for or author of at least 10 substantial PRs to the codebase, with the definition of substantial subject to the TOC's discretion (e.g. refactors, enhancements rather than grammar correction or one-line pulls).
- Exhibiting sound technical judgment through PR contributions
- Exhibiting sound technical judgment through PR reviews
- Be nominated by an existing maintainer/TOC member and be voted in by remaining maintainers/TOC members (via a lazy-consensus vote lasting 2 weeks)
Maintainers will have the following permissions:
- "Maintain" permissions on the Hera Github repository
- Ability to merge PRs to protected branches
- Cutting releases (PyPI publish will still require approval from a TOC member)
Approvers are seasoned contributors who are responsible for:
- Ensuring contributions align with project goals and meet the project's quality standards
- Reviewing and approving PRs (but not merging to protected branches)
- Supporting contributors
For a new approver to be appointed they must:
- Be an author or reviewer of multiple feature or bug-fix PRs
- Exhibiting sound technical judgment through PR contributions
- Exhibiting sound technical judgment through PR reviews
- Be nominated by an existing approver (or above) or self-nominate
- Be sponsored by a maintainer/TOC member
Maintainers will have the following permissions:
- Push permissions on the Hera Github repository
- Ability to approve PRs to protected branches
Project members are contributors to the project.
For a new member to be appointed they must:
- Be a Hera user
- Exhibit interest and time to help out the project
- Be sponsored by an existing approver or above
Members will have the following permissions:
- Triage permissions on the Hera Github repository
- Ability to triage issues, PRs
- Ability to assign issues