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Releases: aristanetworks/EosSdk


18 May 23:15
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EOS SDK v1.5.4


  • Add a handler and accessor for interface descriptions in intf.h. Agents can now react to a description changing via on_intf_description and retrieve an interface's current description via intf_mgr->description(eos::intf_id_t("Ethe\ rnet1"))
  • Add a on_eth_phy_intf_link_speed handler in eth_phy_intf.h, which notifies agents when a front panel port changes its link speed.
  • Introduce a new API in eos/sdk.h: eos::internal_connection_buffer_size_is, which lets users increase the size of the internal buffer used for enqueuing state updates. This API should be used by clients that need to dump a lot of updates to Sysdb without yielding to the event loop (i.e. programming 60,000 new routes). This API should only be used by clients that need it; in upcoming releases large batch updates will be handled by the EOS SDK infrastructure without needing this work-around.

Bugs and fixes

  • Make exists() for interfaces consistent within intf.h and eth_intf.h. Previously there was a race between when an interface was created (causing on_intf_create and on_eth_intf_create to fire) and when exists() would be true. Now exists() will be true whenever the interface has been created.
  • Fix route insertion during mpls_route.h's resync mode. Previously, if you re-added a route during resync mode, it would delete any existing vias that you had already added. For example, if an agent added route1, via1 and then re-added route1, then via1 would be removed from the final set. Now vias added during resync will not be deleted on route re-entry.
  • Make attributes represented by a std::forward_list usable from Python. For example, a eossdk.FibFec() can now be used via the Python bindings.


18 May 23:14
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EOS SDK v1.5.3


  • Introduce accessors for reading custom statuses that the agent previously set. In eos/agent.h, we've added a status(key) and status_iter() method for retrieving previously set statuses. This may be useful for agents who want to store data across agent restarts. Note that this data will not persist across reboots.
  • Add an agent_option_iter() method in eos/agent.h to let users read all options currently set.
  • Add a new on_lag_intf_speed handler in eos/eth_lag_intf.h. This handler is fired when the operational speed of a LAG (or Port-Channel) interface is updated.
  • Introduce support for Custom CLI Plugins. Users can now define their own CLIs and use EOS SDK bindings to set and read state from Sysdb. Future releases will contain examples and documentation regarding this feature.
  • Add a hash() function to intf_id_ts.

Bugs and fixes

  • API change: A LAG's speed in megabits is now represented by a uint64_t rather than a double. This is a compatible change, but requires existing agents to be re-compiled against the new headers.
  • API change: Deprecated headers in eos/gopenflow.h have been removed, as they are now superseded by the APIs exposed in eos/agent.h.
  • No longer trigger duplicate on_oper_status(INTF_OPER_DOWN) notifications when a LAG's operational status changes between internal values.
  • No longer automatically invoke LAG handlers for pre-existing LAGs on agent initialization.
  • LAG handlers are properly bound to pre-existing LAGs after an agent restart.
  • Eliminated unecessary churn when resyncing pre-existing routes that point to a nexthop-group via. Previously, a resync in this scenario would cause the route and via to be erased and then re-entered, now this is effectively a no-op.
  • Python bindings: if a hash() is defined on a value type, use that function in the __hash__() function. Previously the expression len(set([eossdk.IntfId("Ethernet1"), eossdk.IntfId("Ethernet1")])) reported the length of the set as 2. With this fix, both interfaces have the same hash value and the length is correctly reported as 1.


12 Mar 20:26
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EOS SDK v1.5.2


  • Introduce an eth_lag_intf_handler to notify agents when watched Port-Channel (LAG) interfaces' physical interface membership changes.
  • Add a form of eth_lag_intf_member_iter(), taking a single Port-Channel interface ID to iterate over the members of. Usage is illustrated in the new example examples/PortChannelWatcher.cpp.
  • Add a new nexthop_group_handler that exposes when a nexthop group is programmed in hardware or not. This allows you to safely delete nexthop groups. See the new examples/NexthopGroupHelper.cpp files for a helper-library that provides a hitless nexthop group solution. We also introduce a corresponding active() method on nexthop_group_mgr.

Bugs and Fixes:

  • Nexthop group's MPLS label actions previously exposed the label stack reverse order. This has now been fixed. Note that the label-stack setter always handled the stack in the correct order; this is just a fix for the getter.
  • No longer malloc in the SDK's signal handler. Previously the SDK might attempt to allocate a string in the signal handler, which could cause deadlocks when handling signals.
  • Various improvements to comments.


12 Mar 20:25
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EOS SDK v1.5.1


  • Introduce a getter and an exists method for nexthop_groups in eos/nexthop_group.h.
  • In eos/vrf.h, add a vrf_mgr and vrf_handler to let users manage VRFs and react to a VRF's creation or change in operational state. This module also exposes a socket_at function that lets users open a file descriptor in a given VRF.
  • A new method in eos/ip_intf.h to expose the internal VLAN ID assocatied with a routed port, along with a new callback in the ip_intf_handler to notify when the internal VLAN changes.
  • Expose a new header eos/subintf.h that lets users manage "subiterfaces," a construct lets a single Ethernet or Port-Channel interface contain multiple logical L3 interfaces, distinguished by VLAN tag. This is a provisional header that is only compatible with certain early access EOS releases.

Bugs and Fixes

  • API Change: Pass large parameters by const reference instead of by value. This will require agents to be re-compiled, but requires no code changes.
  • API Change: Remove the non-functional intf_is method from the eth_lag_intf_t type. This should affect no users.
  • API Change: the vlan_set value type has been renamed vlan_set_t for consistency with the rest of EOS SDK's value types. This type was used by eth_intf.h to expose and set trunk VLANs. For backwards compatibility, vlan_set has been typedef'd to vlan_set_t so no code changes are necessary, though we recommend updating your code to use the new name.
  • Appease GCC and no longer parenthesize arrays in initializer lists.
  • Include a LICENSE file in the stubs tarball.
  • Panic with an unsupported error when users attempt to use IPv6 destination IPs in nexthop groups instead of silently discarding the configuration.
  • Make sure Null0 (drop) and nexthop group vias are exposed during iteration in eos/ip_route.h's ip_route_via_iter.
  • Include Python bindings for the FIB iterators.
  • Methods exposed by eos/sdk.h are now marked virtual so users can mock their calls in unit tests.
  • The eth_lag_intf() getter now returns an empty eth_lag_intf_t() and no longer panics if users attempt to get a port-channel that doesn't exist to maintain API consistency. Similarly, eth_lag_intf_is() is now idempotent instead of panic-ing.
  • The intf attribute is now properly set on MPLS vias. Previously this attribute would not be set when read via the mpls_route_mgr.
  • Improvements to the PolicyRouter example.
  • Comment improvements.


10 Dec 08:59
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Version 1.5.0

Welcome to the first public release of EOS SDK! Thank you for checking out Arista's EOS SDK—we can't wait to see what you build. To get started, check out the documentation or quickstart guide. You can explore the API documentation for this release here: To download the corresponding EOS extension, follow the download and installation instructions.

A note on versioning: at this time, we expect no backwards-incompatible changes to the provided modules. Future releases will likely update existing APIs, but will do so in a compatible manner and only require recompilation. However, we may find it necessary to make an incompatible API change based on feedback we receive from contributors like yourself. Once we've let these modules incubate for a sufficient amount of time, we'll move to release 2.0.0 and start strictly following semantic versioning


  • Integrate the repository with Travis CI.
  • Add a LICENSE file

Bugs and fixes

  • Fix a few typos in comments.


10 Dec 00:04
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v1.3.3 Pre-release

Version 1.3.3


  • Introduce handlers and setters to neighbor_table.h. Users can now
    fully interact with the ARP and IPv6 Neighbor tables, and receive
    notifications when neighbors are learned or expire.
  • Expose a lock in sdk.h so users can safely use the SDK across
    multiple threads.

Changes, bugs and fixes

  • Breaking change: the metric is no longer exposed on ip_route
    objects. This value was never configurable, and made ip_route_t's
    more confusing.
  • Breaking change: fib.h's APIs have been updated to use key
    types instead of an ip_prefix_t and uint64_t directly. This
    will let us future-proof this API as we add support for VRFs and
    other features.
  • Bug fix: previously, adding a nexthopgroup via while in resync
    mode would cause an error if the via already existed before resync
    started. This behavior is now fixed.
  • Bug fix: Use an initializer list in eth.h for setting an array
    ofbytes. This was causing issues on newer versions of GCC.
  • policy_map.h now #include <functional>, which was causing build
    issues on certain platforms.
  • Print clear error messages during configure (instead of the usual
    gcc giberish) when the user's compiler has incomplete C++11
  • Clean up the example
  • Add a new PolicyRouter example, a python agent which monitors a
    file and turns its contents into PBR configuration.
  • A new simple example called to demonstrate
    reactions to interfaces going down.


10 Dec 00:01
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v1.3.2 Pre-release

Version 1.3.2


  • Counters for front panel ports (in eth_phy_intf.h)
  • Most enums now have an externally defined << operator which converts their value to string form.
  • Update fib.h to support reading the FIB (only supported in certain releases).
  • Automatically detect the running process's name so users do not have to set AGENT_PROCESS_NAME when running their agent manually
  • Introduction of a few new example libraries, including one for reading a TCP stream and one to handle server events on a file descriptor.

API Changes

  • Breaking change: eos::sdk's get_name() method has been renamed to name()
  • Convert more modules to our type generation system, so they can access the various hash(), to_string() and operator functions. The following modules have value classes defined in their eos/types/ file: aresolve.h, directflow.h, eth.h, and ip.h
  • agent_option() now returns "" if no option is configured, instead of panic-ing
  • The SDK's base exception, eos::error now inherits from std::exception
  • Feature-specific exceptions have been moved to their corresponding module.
  • nexthop groups now use a uint16_t instead of a uint8_t to denote the size.
  • Add gre_key_type attribute to eos::nexthop_group_t for future releases
  • Handle user-supplied command line arguments properly.

Bugs and Fixes

  • Allow a nexthop-group IP route via to be replaced by a forward one
  • Improved error messages
  • Usability improvements to the script, including a --force flag to force rebuilding the stub library.
  • SWIG updates to support gcc versions >= 4.6
  • Various python usability updates (i.e. better error reasons, docstrings)
  • Improved comments
  • Internal tracing added on some modules to ease debugging


23 Sep 05:32
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v1.3.1 Pre-release

Version 1.3.1


Update nexthop_group headers to support MPLS nexthop group entries. These headers should be used as a future reference, and will currently result in a panic if called.

Better CLI integration - agents now detect their name via the AGENT_PROCESS_NAME environment variable. Agents will now automatically detect the name they were configured as when run via the CLI. Introduce a new sdk(std::string) constructor, which takes a name so agents can explicitly set their configured name.

Improve value_t's hash() and to_string() functionality.

Improved tracing in various SDK headers for improved debugging.

API changes

Breaking change: sdk.main_loop no longer takes an agent name. Instead, agents should infer their own name via the AGENT_PROCESS_NAME environment variable (which is automatically set by the daemon CLI), or by using the new sdk(std::string) constructor.

Additional conversions of SDK value types, including policy_map, class_map, mpls_route, and acl value types. New headers can be found in eos/types/.

Bugs and fixes

Fix the directflow header comments to not describe VLAN 0 as a valid value. Update the underlying value types to panic if asked to set the VLAN to 0 in an action.

IP interfaces now properly trigger the handler when the IP is removed from an interface.

Fix various typos in comments.

General stylistic changes.


08 Sep 19:05
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v1.3.0 Pre-release

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