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luboslenco edited this page Jun 29, 2019 · 16 revisions

Logic Nodes

Creating custom nodes

Create a library

We will make a new library to store the sources of custom logic nodes and keep them portable with no modifications to engine sources.

Locate your blend file and create a new Libraries folder alongside it. Navigate to the Libraries folder and create a new mynodes folder in it.


Start by creating the logic node definition for Blender. Create a file named in Libraries/mynodes folder. Armory automatically picks this file up once the library is loaded. Define a simple node with single in/out socket.

from bpy.types import Node
from arm.logicnode.arm_nodes import *
import arm.nodes_logic

class TestNode(Node, ArmLogicTreeNode):
    '''Test node'''
    bl_idname = 'LNTestNode'
    bl_label = 'Test'
    bl_icon = 'QUESTION'

    def init(self, context):'ArmNodeSocketAction', 'In')'ArmNodeSocketAction', 'Out')

def register():
    # Add custom nodes
    add_node(TestNode, category='Action')
    # Register newly added nodes

Restarting Blender and loading the project again, the new logic node is available for placement.


Before the project can be run, we need to implement the actual node logic in Haxe. When the node gets executed, we let it print a 'Hello, World!' string.

package armory.logicnode;

class TestNode extends LogicNode {

    public function new(tree:LogicTree) {

    override function run(from:Int) {
        // Logic for this node
        trace("Hello, World!");

        // Execute next action linked to this node

Where to next

When implementing new logic nodes, browse the sources of existing nodes as a reference:

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