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Moritz Brückner edited this page May 4, 2023 · 22 revisions

Logic Nodes Reference: Misc nodes

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This reference was built for Armory 2023.5.

Node Categories


Boolean to Int

Returns an int depending on the respective boolean state.

Boolean to Int node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Boolean to Vector

Returns a vector depending on the respective boolean state.

Boolean to Vector node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Call Node Group

Calls the given group of nodes.

Call Node Group node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Default if Null

Returns the connected value only if it is not null, otherwise the default value is returned.

Default if Null node


  • Value: the one that will be eventually null
  • Default: will be returned in case the primary value is null

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get Application Time

Returns the application execution time and the delta time.

Get Application Time node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get Debug Console Settings

Returns the debug console settings.

Get Debug Console Settings node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get Display Resolution

Returns the current display resolution.

See also:

Get Display Resolution node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get Frames Per Second

Get the frames per second count.

Get Frames Per Second node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Get Window Resolution

Returns the current window resolution.

See also:

Get Window Resolution node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Group Input Node

Input for a node group.

Group Input Node node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Group Nodes (Deprecated)

DEPRECATED. This node is deprecated and will be removed in future versions of Armory. Please use the following node(s) instead: Group Input Node.

Sets the connected chain of nodes as a group of nodes.

Group Nodes (Deprecated) node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Group Output Node

Output for a node group.

Group Output Node node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Debug Console Settings

Sets the debug console settings.

Set Debug Console Settings node

Sources: Python | Haxe

Set Time Scale

Sets the global time scale.

Set Time Scale node

Sources: Python | Haxe


Waits a specified amount of seconds until passing through the incoming signal.

Sleep node

Sources: Python | Haxe


Runs a timer with a specified amount of repetitions.

Timer node


  • Start: Start the timer or continue if paused. In both cases, the values of Duration and Repeat are (re-)evaluated.
  • Pause: Pause the timer.
  • Stop: Stop and reset the timer. This does not activate any outputs.
  • Duration: The time in seconds that the timer runs.
  • Repeat: The number of times the timer will repeat, or 0 for infinite repetition.


  • Out: Activated after each repetition.
  • Done: Activated after the last repetition (never activated if Repeat is 0).
  • Running: Whether the timer is currently running.
  • Time Passed: The time in seconds that has passed since the current repetition started, excluding pauses.
  • Time Left: The time left in seconds until the timer is done or the next repetition starts.
  • Progress: Percentage of the timer's progress of the current repetition (Time Passed/Duration).
  • Repetitions: The index of the current repetition, starting at 0.

Sources: Python | Haxe




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