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scalaz "For the Rest of Us"

Adam Rosien &&

@arosien #scalasv #scalaz


scalaz has a (undeserved?) reputation as being, well, kind of crazy.

So this talk is specifically not about:

  • Functors, Monads, or Applicative Functors
  • Category theory
  • Other really cool stuff you should learn about (eventually)

This talk is about every-day situations where scalaz can:

  • Reduce syntactical noise
  • Provide useful types that solve many classes of problems
  • Add type-safety with minimal "extra work"

Getting Started

In build.sbt:

libraryDependencies += 
  "org.scalaz" %% "scalaz-core" % "6.0.4"


import scalaz._
import Scalaz._

// profit

.notes: This is scalaz 6. Also, assume this is imported in all code snippets.



The goal: cache the result of an expensive computation.

def expensive(foo: Foo): Bar = ...

val f: Foo

expensive(f) // $$$
expensive(f) // $$$

.notes: Assumption: expensive produces the same output for every input, i.e., is referentially-transparent.


Typically you might use a mutable.Map to cache results:

val cache = collection.mutable.Map[Foo, Bar]()

cache.getOrElseUpdate(f, expensive(f)) // $$$
cache.getOrElseUpdate(f, expensive(f)) // 1¢

.notes: Downsides: the cache is not the same type as the function: Foo => Bar vs. Map[Foo, Bar]. It's also not DRY.


You can try to make it look like a regular function, avoiding the getOrElseUpdate() call:

val cache: Foo => Bar = 
  collection.mutable.Map[Foo, Bar]()
    .withDefault(expensive _)

cache(f) // $$$ (miss & NO fill)
cache(f) // $$$ (miss & NO fill)

But it doesn't actually cache.


In scalaz:

def expensive(foo: Foo): Bar = ...

// Memo[Foo, Bar]
val memo = immutableHashMapMemo { 
  foo: Foo => expensive(foo) 

val f: Foo

memo(f) // $$$ (cache miss & fill)
memo(f) // 1¢  (cache hit)


Many memoization strategies:

immutableHashMapMemo[K, V]

mutableHashMapMemo[K, V]

// remove + gc unreferenced entries
weakHashMapMemo[K, V]   

// fixed size, K = Int
arrayMemo[V](size: Int) 

.notes: Super-nerdy: the memoizing strategies are just functions of K => V, which means the generic memo() constructor has the same signature as the Y-combinator!


scalaz memoization:

  • Pros: uniform types for memoizer and function
  • Cons: less low-level control



Remove the need for temporary variables:

val f: A => B
val g: B => C

// using temps:
val a: A = ...
val b = f(a)
val c = g(b)

// or via composition, which is a bit ugly:
val c = g(f(a))     

// "unix-pipey"!
val c = a |> f |> g 


When you just can't stand all that (keyboard) typing:

val p: Boolean

// ternary-operator-ish
p ? "yes" | "no" // if (p) "yes" else "no" 

val o: Option[String]

o | "meh"        // o.getOrElse("meh") 


More legible (and more type-safe):

// scala
Some("foo")  // Some[String]
None         // None.type

// scalaz
"foo".some   // Option[String]
none         // Option[Nothing], oops!
none[String] // Option[String]


More legible (and more type-safe):

// scala
Right(42)   // Right[Nothing, Int], oops!
Left("meh") // Left[String, Nothing], oops!
Right[String, Int](42)   // verbose
Left[String, Int]("meh") // verbose

// scalaz
42.right[String] // Either[String, Int]
"meh".left[Int]  // Either[String, Int]


Pros: less noise, more expressive, more type-safe

Cons: you have to know these operators

Domain Validation

Domain Validation

This isn't good:

case class SSN(
  first3: Int, 
  second2: Int, 
  third4: Int)

SSN(123, 123, 1234) 
//       ^^^ noo!

Domain Validation

This shouldn't be possible:

case class Version(major: Int, minor: Int)

Version(1, -1) 
//         ^^ noooo!

Domain Validation


case class Dependency(
  organization: String,
  artifactId: String,
  version: Version)

Dependency("zerb", "", Version(1, 2))
//                 ^^ nooooo!

Domain Validation


Domain Validation

The problem is that the types as-is aren't really accurate.
Strings and Ints are being used too broadly. We really want "Ints greater than zero", "Strings that match a pattern", etc.

You can do the checks in the constructor:

case class Version(major: Int, minor: Int) {
    major >= 0, 
    "major must be >= 0: %s".format(major))
    minor >= 0, 
    "minor must be >= 0: %s".format(minor))

Domain Validation

But this has downsides:

  • Validation failures happen as late as possible.
  • You only get one failure, but more than one violation may be happening.
  • You have to catch exceptions, which is just tedious.

Domain Validation

val major: Int = ...
val minor: Int = ...
val version: ??? =
  Version.validate(major, minor)

version | Version(1, 0) // provide default

// handle failure and success
  fail: ???        => ...,
  success: Version => ...)

Domain Validation

Using scalaz, a Validation can either be a Success or Failure:

Version.validate(1, 2)
// Success(Version(1, 2))

Version.validate(1, -1)
// Failure(NonEmptyList("digit must be >= 0"))

Domain Validation

Model the >= 0 constraint:

case class Version(
  major: Int, // >= 0
  minor: Int) // >= 0

object Version {
  def validDigit(digit: Int):
    Validation[String, Int] = (digit >= 0) ? 
      digit.success[String] | 
      "digit must be >= 0".fail

Domain Validation

Combine constraints:

object Version {
  def validDigit(digit: Int): 
    Validation[String, Int] = ...
  def validate(major: Int, minor: Int) = 
    (validDigit(major).liftFailNel |@| // huh?
     validDigit(minor).liftFailNel) {  // huh?
      Version(_, _)                    // huh?

Domain Validation

Let's break down validDigit(major).liftFailNel:

// Validation[String, Int] 

//   lift = do stuff inside
//   fail = only work on the failure side
//   nel  = NonEmptyList
// Validation[NonEmptyList[String], Int] 

type ValidationNEL[X, A] =
  Validation[NonEmptyList[X], A]

Domain Validation

val maj = validDigit(major).liftFailNel
val min = validDigit(minor).liftFailNel
// Both ValidationNEL[String, Int]
//                            ^^^

val mkVersion = Version(_, _)
// (Int, Int) => Version

val version = (maj |@| min) { mkVersion }
// ValidationNEL[String, Version]
//                       ^^^^^^^

Domain Validation

The general form of combining ValidationNEL:

(ValidationNEL[X, A] |@|
 ValidationNEL[X, B]) {
  (A, B) => C
} // ValidationNEL[X, C]

(ValidationNEL[X, A] |@|
 ValidationNEL[X, B] |@|
 ValidationNEL[X, C]) {
  (A, B, C) => D
} // ValidationNEL[X, D]

// etc.

Domain Validation

The "rules":

Success |@| Success // Success
Success |@| Failure // Failure
Failure |@| Success // Failure
Failure |@| Failure // Failure 
// and accumulate fail values!

// Accumulate?
NonEmptyList("foo") |+| NonEmptyList("bar")
// NonEmptyList("foo", "bar")

// |+|? "appends" things according to rules

Domain Validation

An improvement?

  • Pro: Validation/Success/Failure is nicer than try/catch or Either/Left/Right.
  • Pro: Each rule is just a function producing a Validation.
  • Pro: Rules can be composed together into new validations, of differing types.
  • Pro: Composed rules accumulate all the errors vs. failing fast.
  • Con: liftFailNel, |@|, etc., is incomprehensible if you're not familiar.



Operations on "deep" data structures

Operations on "deep" data structures

Let's say you have some nested structure like a tree:

// the data
case class Foo(name: String, factor: Int)

// a node of the tree
case class FooNode(
  value: Foo, 
  children: Seq[FooNode] = Seq())

Operations on "deep" data structures

Make a tree of Foo's:

val tree = 
    Foo("root", 11),
      FooNode(Foo("child1", 1)),
      FooNode(Foo("child2", 2)))) // <-- * 4

Task: Create a new tree where the second child's factor is multiplied by 4.

Operations on "deep" data structures

Let's try all at once:

val secondTimes4: FooNode => FooNode = 
  node => node.copy(children = {
    val second = node.children(1)
        value = second.value.copy(
          factor = second.value.factor * 4)))

Eww: temporary variables, x.copy(field = f(x.field)) boilerplate, deep nesting for every level.

Operations on "deep" data structures

Wouldn't it be better to have one thing to address something in a Foo or FooNode, and just combine them?

val second = // second node child
val value  = // value of a node
val factor = // factor field of Foo

val secondFactor = second ??? value ??? factor

secondFactor(tree) // get 2

secondFactor.set(tree, 8)     // set 8 there
secondFactor.mod(tree, _ * 4) // modify there

Operations on "deep" data structures

val second: Lens[FooNode, FooNode] = 
    (node, c2) => node.copy(
      children = node.children.updated(1, c2)))

val value: Lens[FooNode, Foo] = 
    (node, value) => node.copy(value = value))

val factor: Lens[Foo, Int] = 
    (foo, fac) => foo.copy(factor = fac))

Operations on "deep" data structures

The Lens type encapsulates "getters" and "setters" on another type.

Lens[Thing, View](
  get: Thing => View,
  set: (Thing, View) => Thing)

val thing: Thing
val lens:  Lens[Thing, View] = ...

val view: View = lens(thing) // apply = get

// "set" a view
val thing2: Thing = lens.set(thing, view)

Operations on "deep" data structures

Lenses compose:

val secondFactor = 
  second andThen value andThen factor

Operations on "deep" data structures

/* FooNode(
     Foo("root", 11),
       FooNode(Foo("child1", 1)),
       FooNode(Foo("child2", 2))))
                             ^  */
secondFactor(tree)        // 2 

Operations on "deep" data structures

/* FooNode(
     Foo("root", 11),
       FooNode(Foo("child1", 1)),
       FooNode(Foo("child2", 2))))
                             ^  */
secondFactor.mod(tree,   _ * 4)
/* FooNode(                  ^
     Foo("root", 11),        ^
     Seq(                    ^
       FooNode(Foo("child1", ^)),
       FooNode(Foo("child2", 8))))

Operations on "deep" data structures

scalaz for "deep" access:

  • Pros: composable so you can "go deeper" for free.
  • Cons: Need to be manually created. (But there is an experimental compiler plugin to autogenerate them for all case classes!)


scalaz "For the Rest of Us"

Adam Rosien &&

@arosien #scalasv #scalaz

Thank the scalaz authors: runarorama, retronym, tmorris and lots others.

Credits, sources and references: