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File metadata and controls

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Table of contents

General contributor notes

In this doc, we describe how to contribute both to the Feast Web UI NPM package as well as the embedded Feast UI in the Python SDK (i.e. what's run when you run feast ui)

feast ui command

You can see the logic in ../sdk/python/feast/ui. This instance is loaded in ../sdk/python/feast/

Under the hood, what happens is that the Feast SDK spins up a server which exposes an endpoint to the registry. It then mounts the UI on the server and points it to fetch data from that registry.

NPM package project structure

The Web UI is powered by a JSON registry dump from Feast (running feast registry-dump). Running yarn start launches a UI powered by test data.

  • public/ contains assets as well as demo data loaded by the Web UI.
    • There is a projects-list.json which represents all Feast projects the UI shows.
    • There is also a registry.json which is the registry dump for the feature repo.
  • feature_repo/ contains a sample Feast repo which generates the registry.json
  • src/ contains the Web UI source code.
    • src/contexts has React context objects around project level metadata or registry path metadata to inject into pages. The contexts are static contexts provided by FeastUISansProviders.tsx
    • src/parsers parses the registry.json into in memory representations of Feast objects (feature views, data sources, entities, feature services).
      • This has ~1:1 mappings to the protobuf objects in feast/protos/feast/core.
      • There are also "relationships" which create an in-memory lineage graph which can be used to construct links in pages.
      • This generates state which pages will load via React queries (to the registry path).
    • src/pages has all individual web pages and their layouts. For any given Feast object (e.g. entity), there exist:
      • an Index page (which is the first page you hit when you click on that object). This loads using a React query the in memory representation of all objects (parsed from src/parsers) and embeds:
        • a Listing page (i.e. listing all the objects in the registry in a table). This creates links to the instance pages
      • an Instance page (which shows details for an individual entity, feature view, etc). This embeds:
        • a default Overview tab, which shows all the Feast metadata (e.g. for a given entity)
        • custom tabs from src/custom-tabs.
    • Other subdirectories:
      • src/components has common React components that are re-used across pages
      • src/custom-tabs houses custom tabs and a custom tab React context which exist on the core pages. There is a TabsRegistryContext which is also supplied by the FeastUISansProviders.tsx, and if there are custom tabs, the Feast UI will embed them as a new tab in the corresponding page (e.g. feature view page).
      • src/graphics houses icons that are used throughout the UI
      • src/hooks has React hooks. The most complex hooks here define the bulk of the search / filter functionality.


There are very few tests for this UI. There is a smoke test that ensures pages can load in FeastUISansProviders.test.tsx

Yarn commands

If you would like to simply try things out and see how the UI works, you can simply run the code in this repo.

Note: there is an .npmrc which is setup for automatic releases. You'll need to comment out the line in there and continue


yarn install

That will install the all the dependencies that the UI needs, as well as development dependencies. Then in the project directory, you can run:

yarn start

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.

yarn test

Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.
See the section about running tests for more information.

Release process

There are a couple of components in Feast that are tied to the Web UI. These are all automatically handled during the release GitHub action:

  1. the npm package
    • The release process for Feast automatically bumps the package version (see and releases the new NPM package (see publish.yml in the publish-web-ui-npm job)
  2. the Feast Python SDK, which bundles in a compiled version of the Feast Web UI which is run on a feast ui CLI command.
    • The bundled Web UI in the Python SDK always compiles in the latest npm version

(Advanced) Manually publishing the Feast Package to NPM

This generally should not be necessary, since new package versions are released with the overall Feast release workflow (see publish.yml in the publish-web-ui-npm job)

The Feast UI is published as a module to NPM and can be found here:


To publish a new version of the module, you will need:

Steps for Publishing

  1. Make sure tests are passing. Run tests with yarn test in the ui directory.
  2. Bump the version number in package.json as appropriate.
  3. Package the modules for distributions. Run the library build script with yarn build:lib. We use Rollup for building the module, and the configs are in the rollup.config.js file.
  4. Publish the package to NPM. Run npm publish
  5. Check NPM to see that the package was properly published.