To integrate the idempotent cache with Rediscache into your project, add the following dependency to your pom.xml file:
<!-- get latest idempotent version from maven central -->
This project provides an idempotent request handling mechanism using Redis for storage/cache. The idempotent cache ensures that duplicate requests are handled safely and effectively, avoiding unintended side effects. This is particularly useful in scenarios where the same request might be sent multiple times due to retries or client errors.
Below are the properties that can be configured for the idempotent redis cache. These properties can be set in your
application's configuration file (e.g., or application.yml) or you can pass your own RedisConfig
with JedisConnectionFactory
(see below)
Idempotent Key Header
Property: idempotent.key.header Default Value: X-Idempotency-Key Description: The header name used to pass the idempotency key in HTTP requests.
In-Progress Request Max Retries
Property: idempotent.inprogress.max.retries Default Value: 5 Description: The maximum number of retries allowed for in-progress requests to ensure only one request wins.
In-Progress Status Check Retry Initial Interval
Property: idempotent.inprogress.retry.initial.intervalMillis Default Value: 100 Description: The initial interval (in milliseconds) between retries for checking the status of in-progress requests.
In-Progress Retry Multiplier
Property: idempotent.inprogress.retry.multiplier Default Value: 2 Description: The multiplier used for exponential backoff during retries.
Redis Standalone Host
Property: Default Value: (empty) Description: The Redis host in hostname:port format.
Redis Authentication Enabled
Property: idempotent.redis.auth.enabled Default Value: false Description: Flag to enable Redis authentication.
Redis SSL Enabled
Property: idempotent.redis.ssl.enabled Default Value: false Description: Flag to enable SSL for Redis connections.
Redis Authentication Username
Property: idempotent.redis.auth.username Default Value: (empty) Description: The username for Redis authentication. Only set if authentication is enabled.
Redis Authentication Password
Property: idempotent.redis.auth.password Default Value: (empty) Description: The password for Redis authentication. Only set if authentication is enabled.
Redis Cluster Mode Enabled
Property: idempotent.redis.cluster.enabled Default Value: false Description: Flag to enable Redis cluster mode.
Redis Cluster Hosts
Property: idempotent.redis.cluster.hosts Default Value: (empty) Description: A comma-separated list of Redis cluster hosts in hostname:port format.
Redis Sentinel Mode Enabled
Property: idempotent.redis.sentinel.enabled Default Value: false Description: Flag to enable Redis Sentinel mode.
Redis Sentinel Master Host
Property: idempotent.redis.sentinel.master Default Value: (empty) Description: The master host in Redis Sentinel mode, in hostname:port format.
Redis Sentinel Nodes
Property: idempotent.redis.sentinel.nodes Default Value: (empty) Description: A comma-separated list of Redis Sentinel nodes in hostname:port format.
By default, the library will create and configure the JedisConnectionFactory using the provided properties. However, if you want to pass your own JedisConnectionFactory bean, you can do so by defining a bean named IdempotentCache. This configuration is conditional and will only be applied if a bean with the name IdempotentCache is not already present.
If you prefer to configure the JedisConnectionFactory yourself, you can define it as follows (you don't have to set Redis Configuration in properties if you choose this option):
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.condition.ConditionalOnMissingBean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
public class RedisConfig {
@Bean(name = "IdempotentCache")
public JedisConnectionFactory jedisConnectionFactory() {
JedisConnectionFactory factory = new JedisConnectionFactory();
// Customize the factory based on properties
return factory;
Here is an example of how you might configure your application using
# Idempotent Cache General Properties
# Redis Configuration
By following these steps and configurations, you can effectively manage idempotent requests using Redis, ensuring robust and reliable handling of duplicate requests in your application. If you need to customize the Redis connection, you can provide your own JedisConnectionFactory bean named IdempotentCache.