Provides a DistributedCacheService implementation that extends the default DistributedCache with some advanced functionality. This implementation remains storage-agnostic but has been successfully used with both Redis & SqlServer storage in high-utililzation production environments. The primary improvements are the availability of a GetOrCreate method (and Async variant) and built-in exception handling on all calss with a warning log message (making the assumption that cache failures are likely transient/non-critical.
Usage in a DI container is just a matter of registering the provided service against the interface, along with your choice of storage service, but some defaults are made available for Redis & SqlServer in the provided AddDistributedCache extension method.
An example usage of the GetOrCreateAsync method follows:
return Cache.GetOrCreateAsync("FooCacheKey",
async obj =>
obj.AbsoluteExpirationRelativeToNow = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30);
return _fooService.GetAllTheThings();
The API Wiki can be found here