Provides an SMS Sender TwilioSmsSender service implementation to deliver SMS messages either via the Twilio provider. The implementation also supports a callback-based Voice message, which requires the use of the Twilio Voice SDK on a designated MVC Controller. Account credentials are provided via SmsSettings.
An example usage of the SendSmsAsync method follows:
await _smsSender.SendSmsAsync("0123456789", "Hello World!");
An example usage of the SendVoiceAsync method follows (the callback endpoint would typically take a parameter to customize the response returned to Twilio based on the original request):
await _smsSender.SendVoiceAsync("0123456789", "");
As an aside, the following code can be a good reference for validating and cleaning up the format of a phone number (uses other Twilio SDK resources)
string cleanedFullNumber = null;
var validationResult = await PhoneNumberResource.FetchAsync(new PhoneNumber(Input.PhoneNumber), Input.CountryCode, client: _twilio);
if (validationResult.PhoneNumber != null)
cleanedFullNumber = validationResult.PhoneNumber.ToString();
catch (ApiException exc)
if (exc.Code == 20008)
// test account allowance
cleanedFullNumber = Input.PhoneNumber;
Logger.LogWarning(exc, "Number validation skipped (Test) => {Number}, {CountryCode]", Input.PhoneNumber, Input.CountryCode);
Logger.LogWarning(exc, "Exception when validating number with Twilio => {Number}, {CountryCode]", Input.PhoneNumber, Input.CountryCode);
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