$ git clone git@github.com:atomisthq/adm-ctrl
Create a self-signed certificate and store it on the cluster (as two secrets in the atomist namespace)
Choose a cluster name and set an environment variable ${CLUSTER_NAME}
1. kubectl kustomize resources/k8s/certs | kubectl apply -f -
2. kubectl apply -f resources/k8s/jobs/create.yaml
3. mkdir "resources/k8s/overlays/${CLUSTER_NAME}" && cp resources/templates/kustomization.yaml "resources/k8s/overlays/${CLUSTER_NAME}/kustomization.yaml"
Use whatever secret management tools your team is already using. If you are creating the secret by hand, then you can create an endpoint.env
file and install it using the command below.
Create the file resources/k8s/overlays/${CLUSTER_NAME}/endpoint.env
and provide details from the dso.docker.com integration page.
4. kubectl create secret generic endpoint -n atomist --from-env-file "resources/k8s/overlays/${CLUSTER_NAME}/endpoint.env"
Start up the controller (controller will not receive requests until the validation webhook is configured)
Edit resources/k8s/overlays/${CLUSTER_NAME}/kustomization.yaml
and update the cluster name on line 12. Also change the newTag
image attribute to be v0.0.2
(line 15)
5. kubectl create configmap nginxconfigmap -n atomist --from-file=resources/nginx/nginx.conf
6. kubectl kustomize "resources/k8s/overlays/${CLUSTER_NAME}" | kubectl apply -f -
This patch job (step 9) updates the validating webhook configuration to trust the self-signed certificate created in step 2.
7. kubectl label namespace kube-system policy-controller.atomist.com/webhook=ignore
8. kubectl apply -f resources/k8s/admission/admission.yaml
9. kubectl apply -f resources/k8s/jobs/patch.yaml
Until a namespace is annotated, no policy will be enforced. However, images used in a namespace’s pods will be tracked on dso.docker.com .
# enable policy on a namespace (eg production)
kubectl annotate namespace production policy-controller.atomist.com/policy=enabled
# disable policy on a namespace (eg production)
kubectl annotate namespace production policy-controller.atomist.com/policy-
A self-signed certificate is created in the first instruction above. This certificate will not expire for 100 years. However, an operator can generate new certificates or plug in a different tool for certificate management.
To regenerate the certificates, use the following procedure.
kubectl delete secret policy-controller-admission-cert -n atomist
kubectl apply -f resources/k8s/jobs/create.yaml
kubectl apply -f resources/k8s/jobs/patch.yaml
- Certificate Creation/Patch jobs
- most recent tag is already 2 years old
- Controller