description |
This is a glossary of the main interfaces and classes relevant to scanner implementation. |
Class/Interface | Description |
com.attivio.sdk.scanner.DataSourceScanner |
The interface every scanner must implement. |
com.attivio.sdk.connector.DocumentPublisher |
The interface used by the scanner to create and delete documents and principals. |
com.attivio.sdk.ingest.IngestDocument |
The document create by the scanner and fed through the DocumentPublisher . |
com.attivio.sdk.schema.FieldNames |
The names of standard Attivo fields. These fields are already defined in the schema. |
com.attivio.sdk.client.IngestionHistoryApi |
Service that allow the scanner to persist and retrieve the scanner state across runs. |
com.attivio.sdk.scanner.IncrementalDataSourceScanner |
The scanner should implement this interface when incremental scan is required. |* |
Model classes to create principals and ACLs in order to control who is allowed to read Attivio documents. |
com.attivio.sdk.server.annotation.* |
Use annotations define the administration UI for scanners and other Attivio components. |