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174 lines (157 loc) · 11.5 KB

File metadata and controls

174 lines (157 loc) · 11.5 KB


SpotBugs 是FindBugs的继任者,使用静态分析来查找Java代码中bug。是一款自由软件,按照GNU Lesser General Public License 的条款发布。该工程以容器方式,对spotbugs工具进行封装,并定义标准输入和输出。从而保证CodeCC平台数据解析模版化。



software: 安装包路径

tool: 工具二进制路径


spotbugs 4.0.6





字段名 说明 举例
projName 项目名称 DEVOPS_214A69F1F4F935DE
scanPath 待扫描的路径,此处需使用绝对路径 /data/project/code
whitePathList 指定扫描路径列表(白名单) /data/project/code/src
toolOptions 工具属性,指定spotbugs安装路径 [{"optionName":"subPath","optionValue":"./spotbugs_scan/tool"}]
buildScript java项目编译脚步路径 /data/
scanType 进行全量或增量检查 full或increment
skipPaths 屏蔽路径正则表达式列表(黑名单) [".*/demo/.*", ".*/protobuf/.*"]
incrementalFiles 增量扫描的文件清单,清单为空表示全量扫描 ["/data/project/code/src/", "/data/project/code/src/"]]
openCheckers 打开的规则列表 [{"checkerName":"BC-IMPOSSIBLE-DOWNCAST","nativeChecker":true},{"checkerName":"BC-IMPOSSIBLE-CAST","nativeChecker":true}]
checkerName 规则名称, 参考附2 BC-IMPOSSIBLE-CAST
nativeChecker 是否工具默认规则 true


cd ./spotbugs_scan

python3 ./src/ --input=/data/input.json --output=/data/output.json



{"defects":[{"checkerName":"BC-IMPOSSIBLE-CAST","description":" Impossible cast","filePath":"/data/iegci/test_tool/test_code/checkstyle_scan/sdk/src/","line":"33"},{"checkerName":"BC-IMPOSSIBLE-DOWNCAST","description":" Impossible downcast ","filePath":"/data/iegci/test_tool/test_code/checkstyle_scan/sdk/src/","line":"34"}]}


字段名 说明
defects 告警列表
filePath 文件路径
line 文件行
checkerName 规则名称
description 规则描述



数字 对应语言
1 cs
2 cpp
4 java
8 php
16 objectivec
32 python
64 js
128 ruby
512 go
1024 swift
4096 kotlin

附2 规则对应表

规则名 规则描述 适用语言
AM-CREATES-EMPTY-JAR-FILE-ENTRY Creates an empty jar file entry JAVA
AM-CREATES-EMPTY-ZIP-FILE-ENTRY Creates an empty zip file entry JAVA
AT-OPERATION-SEQUENCE-ON-CONCURRENT-ABSTRACTION Sequence of calls to concurrent abstraction may not be atomic JAVA
BAC-BAD-APPLET-CONSTRUCTOR Bad Applet Constructor relies on uninitialized AppletStub JAVA
BC-BAD-CAST-TO-ABSTRACT-COLLECTION Questionable cast to abstract collection JAVA
BC-BAD-CAST-TO-CONCRETE-COLLECTION Questionable cast to concrete collection JAVA
BC-EQUALS-METHOD-SHOULD-WORK-FOR-ALL-OBJECTS Equals method should not assume anything about the type of its argument JAVA
BC-IMPOSSIBLE-DOWNCAST-OF-TOARRAY Impossible downcast of toArray() result JAVA
BC-IMPOSSIBLE-INSTANCEOF instanceof will always return false JAVA
BC-UNCONFIRMED-CAST Unchecked/unconfirmed cast JAVA
BC-UNCONFIRMED-CAST-OF-RETURN-VALUE Unchecked/unconfirmed cast of return value from method JAVA
BC-VACUOUS-INSTANCEOF instanceof will always return true JAVA
BIT-ADD-OF-SIGNED-BYTE Bitwise add of signed byte value JAVA
BIT-AND Incompatible bit masks JAVA
BIT-AND-ZZ Check to see if ((…) & 0) == 0 JAVA
BIT-IOR Incompatible bit masks JAVA
BIT-IOR-OF-SIGNED-BYTE Bitwise OR of signed byte value JAVA
BIT-SIGNED-CHECK Check for sign of bitwise operation JAVA
BIT-SIGNED-CHECK-HIGH-BIT Check for sign of bitwise operation involving negative number JAVA
BOA-BADLY-OVERRIDDEN-ADAPTER Class overrides a method implemented in super class Adapter wrongly JAVA
BSHIFT-WRONG-ADD-PRIORITY Possible bad parsing of shift operation JAVA
BX-BOXING-IMMEDIATELY-UNBOXED Primitive value is boxed and then immediately unboxed JAVA
BX-BOXING-IMMEDIATELY-UNBOXED-TO-PERFORM-COERCION Primitive value is boxed then unboxed to perform primitive coercion JAVA
BX-UNBOXED-AND-COERCED-FOR-TERNARY-OPERATOR Primitive value is unboxed and coerced for ternary operator JAVA
BX-UNBOXING-IMMEDIATELY-REBOXED Boxed value is unboxed and then immediately reboxed JAVA
CAA-COVARIANT-ARRAY-ELEMENT-STORE Possibly incompatible element is stored in covariant array JAVA
CAA-COVARIANT-ARRAY-FIELD Covariant array assignment to a field JAVA
CAA-COVARIANT-ARRAY-LOCAL Covariant array assignment to a local variable JAVA
CAA-COVARIANT-ARRAY-RETURN Covariant array is returned from the method JAVA
CD-CIRCULAR-DEPENDENCY Test for circular dependencies among classes JAVA
CI-CONFUSED-INHERITANCE Class is final but declares protected field JAVA
CN-IDIOM Class implements Cloneable but does not define or use clone method JAVA
CN-IDIOM-NO-SUPER-CALL clone method does not call super.clone() JAVA
CN-IMPLEMENTS-CLONE-BUT-NOT-CLONEABLE Class defines clone() but doesn’t implement Cloneable JAVA
CNT-ROUGH-CONSTANT-VALUE Rough value of known constant found JAVA
CO-ABSTRACT-SELF Abstract class defines covariant compareTo() method JAVA
CO-COMPARETO-INCORRECT-FLOATING compareTo()/compare() incorrectly handles float or double value JAVA
CO-COMPARETO-RESULTS-MIN-VALUE compareTo()/compare() returns Integer.MIN_VALUE JAVA
CO-SELF-NO-OBJECT Covariant compareTo() method defined JAVA
DB-DUPLICATE-BRANCHES Method uses the same code for two branches JAVA
DB-DUPLICATE-SWITCH-CLAUSES Method uses the same code for two switch clauses JAVA
DC-DOUBLECHECK Possible double check of field JAVA
DC-PARTIALLY-CONSTRUCTED Possible exposure of partially initialized object JAVA
DE-MIGHT-DROP Method might drop exception JAVA
DE-MIGHT-IGNORE Method might ignore exception JAVA
DL-SYNCHRONIZATION-ON-BOXED-PRIMITIVE Synchronization on boxed primitive JAVA
DL-SYNCHRONIZATION-ON-UNSHARED-BOXED-PRIMITIVE Synchronization on boxed primitive values JAVA
DLS-DEAD-LOCAL-INCREMENT-IN-RETURN Useless increment in return statement JAVA
DLS-DEAD-LOCAL-STORE Dead store to local variable JAVA
DLS-DEAD-LOCAL-STORE-IN-RETURN Useless assignment in return statement JAVA
DLS-DEAD-LOCAL-STORE-OF-NULL Dead store of null to local variable JAVA
DLS-DEAD-LOCAL-STORE-SHADOWS-FIELD Dead store to local variable that shadows field JAVA
DLS-DEAD-STORE-OF-CLASS-LITERAL Dead store of class literal JAVA
DM-BOOLEAN-CTOR Method invokes inefficient Boolean constructor; use Boolean.valueOf(…) instead JAVA
DM-BOXED-PRIMITIVE-FOR-COMPARE Boxing a primitive to compare JAVA
DM-BOXED-PRIMITIVE-FOR-PARSING Boxing/unboxing to parse a primitive JAVA
DM-BOXED-PRIMITIVE-TOSTRING Method allocates a boxed primitive just to call toString JAVA
DM-CONVERT-CASE Consider using Locale parameterized version of invoked method JAVA
DM-DEFAULT-ENCODING Reliance on default encoding JAVA
DM-EXIT Method invokes System.exit(…) JAVA
DM-FP-NUMBER-CTOR Method invokes inefficient floating-point Number constructor; use static valueOf instead JAVA
DM-GC Explicit garbage collection; extremely dubious except in benchmarking code JAVA
DM-INVALID-MIN-MAX Incorrect combination of Math.max and Math.min JAVA
DM-MONITOR-WAIT-ON-CONDITION Monitor wait() called on Condition JAVA
DM-NEW-FOR-GETCLASS Method allocates an object, only to get the class object JAVA
DM-NEXTINT-VIA-NEXTDOUBLE Use the nextInt method of Random rather than nextDouble to generate a random integer JAVA
DM-NUMBER-CTOR Method invokes inefficient Number constructor; use static valueOf instead JAVA
DM-RUN-FINALIZERS-ON-EXIT Method invokes dangerous method runFinalizersOnExit JAVA
DM-STRING-CTOR Method invokes inefficient new String(String) constructor JAVA
DM-STRING-TOSTRING Method invokes toString() method on a String JAVA
DM-STRING-VOID-CTOR Method invokes inefficient new String() constructor JAVA
DM-USELESS-THREAD A thread was created using the default empty run method JAVA
DMI-ANNOTATION-IS-NOT-VISIBLE-TO-REFLECTION Can’t use reflection to check for presence of annotation without runtime retention JAVA
DMI-ARGUMENTS-WRONG-ORDER Reversed method arguments JAVA
DMI-BAD-MONTH Bad constant value for month JAVA
DMI-BIGDECIMAL-CONSTRUCTED-FROM-DOUBLE BigDecimal constructed from double that isn’t represented precisely JAVA
DMI-BLOCKING-METHODS-ON-URL The equals and hashCode methods of URL are blocking JAVA
DMI-CALLING-NEXT-FROM-HASNEXT hasNext method invokes next JAVA
DMI-COLLECTION-OF-URLS Maps and sets of URLs can be performance hogs JAVA
DMI-COLLECTIONS-SHOULD-NOT-CONTAIN-THEMSELVES Collections should not contain themselves JAVA
DMI-CONSTANT-DB-PASSWORD Hardcoded constant database password JAVA
DMI-DOH D’oh! A nonsensical method invocation JAVA
DMI-EMPTY-DB-PASSWORD Empty database password JAVA
DMI-ENTRY-SETS-MAY-REUSE-ENTRY-OBJECTS Adding elements of an entry set may fail due to reuse of Entry objects JAVA
DMI-FUTILE-ATTEMPT-TO-CHANGE-MAXPOOL-SIZE-OF-SCHEDULED-THREAD-POOL-EXECUTOR Futile attempt to change max pool size of ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor JAVA
DMI-HARDCODED-ABSOLUTE-FILENAME Code contains a hard coded reference to an absolute pathname JAVA
DMI-INVOKING-HASHCODE-ON-ARRAY Invocation of hashCode on an array JAVA
DMI-INVOKING-TOSTRING-ON-ANONYMOUS-ARRAY Invocation of toString on an unnamed array JAVA
DMI-INVOKING-TOSTRING-ON-ARRAY Invocation of toString on an array JAVA
DMI-LONG-BITS-TO-DOUBLE-INVOKED-ON-INT Double.longBitsToDouble invoked on an int JAVA
DMI-NONSERIALIZABLE-OBJECT-WRITTEN Non serializable object written to ObjectOutput JAVA
DMI-RANDOM-USED-ONLY-ONCE Random object created and used only once JAVA
DMI-SCHEDULED-THREAD-POOL-EXECUTOR-WITH-ZERO-CORE-THREADS Creation of ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor with zero core threads JAVA
DMI-THREAD-PASSED-WHERE-RUNNABLE-EXPECTED Thread passed where Runnable expected JAVA
DMI-UNSUPPORTED-METHOD Call to unsupported method JAVA