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Releases: avafinger/nanopi-r2s-ubuntu-server-minimal-image

NanoPi R2S Kernel 5.7.0-rc3 Server Image

02 May 21:38
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NanoPi R2S Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Server Image

  • decompress with 7z
  • burn SD card with etcher or Win32DiskImager
  • testing only

NanoPi R2S Kernel 5.7.0-rc3

01 May 23:15
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Mainline Kernel 5.7.0-rc3

This is the deb package to install.

ubuntu@nanopi-r2s:~$ sudo dpkg -i linux-image-5.6.7_1.0-2.deb
[sudo] password for ubuntu: 
ubuntu@nanopi-r2s:~$ sudo dpkg -i linux-image-5.7.0-rc3_1.0-3.deb 
[sudo] password for ubuntu: 
Selecting previously unselected package linux-image-5.7.0-rc3.
(Reading database ... 18249 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack linux-image-5.7.0-rc3_1.0-3.deb ...
INFO: Updating Kernel 5.6.7 to 5.7.0-rc3
INFO: Updating...
Unpacking linux-image-5.7.0-rc3 (1.0-3) ...
Setting up linux-image-5.7.0-rc3 (1.0-3) ...
OK: Kernel update success! Please reboot with: sync && sudo reboot

NanoPi R2S Kernel 5.6.7

26 Apr 21:44
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NanoPi R2S Kernel 5.6.7

This is mainline Kernel 5.6.7 for the NanoPi R2S - RK3328


  • download linux-image-5.6.7_1.0-2.deb

  • install deb package

     sudo dpkg -i linux-image-5.6.7_1.0-2.deb 
     ubuntu@nanopi-r2s:~$ sudo dpkg -i linux-image-5.6.7_1.0-2.deb 
     Selecting previously unselected package linux-image-5.6.7.
     (Reading database ... 15527 files and directories currently installed.)
     Preparing to unpack linux-image-5.6.7_1.0-2.deb ...
     INFO: Updating Kernel 5.6.5 to 5.6.7
     INFO: Updating...
     Unpacking linux-image-5.6.7 (1.0-2) ...
     Setting up linux-image-5.6.7 (1.0-2) ...
     OK: Kernel update success! Please reboot with: sync && sudo reboot
     ubuntu@nanopi-r2s:~$ sync && sudo reboot
     Connection to closed by remote host.
     Connection to closed.
     alex@svn:~$ ssh ubuntu@
     ubuntu@'s password: 
     Welcome to Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.6.7 aarch64)
      * Documentation:
      * Management:
      * Support:
     Last login: Sun Apr 26 21:04:46 2020 from

NanoPi R2S Kernel 5.6.5 - Ubuntu Focal 20.04 LTS

19 Apr 20:47
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NanoPi R2S Ubuntu Focal 20.04 LTS

  • Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
  • Kernel 5.6.5
  • base minimal image

Fix (important)

The Root (/) owner is ubuntu and systemd does not like, change it to root owner

    sudo chown root:root /

Flashing the SD card

You need a Linux box to flash the OS image onto the SD card for now.
You can use any SD card size, from 8GB to 32 GB and no need to resize the rootfs.

    sudo chmod +x ./
    sudo ./ /dev/sdX (or /dev/mmcblkN) where X is a letter from b,c,d,...g or N is the SD card number (2,...9)


    User / password
    ubuntu / ubuntu


    eth0 = WAN (DHCP) - /etc/network/interface
    eth1 = LAN -

ssh to NanoPi R2S

    ssh ubuntu@ (If LAN is used)


    ssh ubuntu@your_dynamic_IP (If WAN is used)

First thing after boot

Login and issue:

sudo chown root:root /
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

NanoPi R2S Kernel 5.6.5

18 Apr 19:53
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linux-image 5.6.5 deb

Mainline kernel 5.6.5

install instructions

  • backup your sdcard data and changes or use another sdcard

  • install with:

      sudo dpkg -i linux-image-5.6.5_1.0-1.deb
  • Fix DTB name before you boot (sync && sudo reboot)

      cd /boot
      sudo mv  nanopi-r2.dtb_5.6.5  nanopi-r2s.dtb_5.6.5

after you update you should have this in your /boot

    -rw-rw-r--   1 alex alex     1232 mar 24 19:51 boot.cmd
    -rw-rw-r--   1 alex alex     1209 mar 24 17:51 boot.cmd~
    -rw-r--r--   1 root root     1304 mar 24 19:51 boot.scr
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root       20 abr 18 10:09 dtb -> nanopi-r2s.dtb_5.6.5
    lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root       11 abr 18 10:09 Image -> Image_5.6.5
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 root root 21283328 abr  3 18:41 Image_5.6.2
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 root root 21285376 abr 18 09:59 Image_5.6.5
    -rw-rw-r--   1 alex alex  1105188 set 24  2017 initrd.img
    drwx------   2 root root    16384 set 24  2017 lost+found
    -rw-r--r--   1 root root    49798 abr  3 18:57 nanopi-r2s.dtb_5.6.2
    -rw-r--r--   1 root root    49798 abr 18 10:09 nanopi-r2s.dtb_5.6.5

Ubuntu 19.10 - Kernel 5.6.2 - NanoPi R2S

04 Apr 19:22
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NanoPi R2S Mini Router

NanoPi R2S mini router with Kernel 5.6.2

Our "perfect" mini router with Ubuntu 19.10 and Mainline Kernel 5.6.2 and WAN/LAN status monitor


  • Kernel 5.6.2
  • eth-monitor service (monitor and display WAN / LAN status)

Flashing the SD card

You will need a Linux box to flash the OS image onto the SD card for now.
You can use any SD card size, from 8GB to 32 GB and no need to resize the rootfs.

    sudo chmod +x ./
    sudo ./ /dev/sdX (or /dev/mmcblkN) where X is a letter from b,c,d,...g or N is the SD card number (2,...9)


    User / password
    ubuntu / ubuntu


    eth0 = WAN (internet connection) - /etc/network/interface
    eth1 = LAN (local lan) - DHCP (, .....

ssh to NanoPi R2S

    ssh ubuntu@

rootfs (new and updated)

  • fixed missing ubuntu permission (less restrictive) - re-uploaded

Ubuntu 19.10 - Kernel 5.4.28 - NanoPi R2S

29 Mar 19:12
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NanoPi R2S mini router

Our "perfect" mini router with Ubuntu 19.10 and Mainline Kernel 5.4.28 and WAN/LAN status monitor


  • Kernel 5.4.28
  • eth-monitor service (monitor and display WAN / LAN status)
  • a bunch of usb Wifi added

Flashing the SD card

You will need a Linux box to flash the OS image onto the SD card for now.
You can use any SD card size, from 8GB to 32 GB and no need to resize the rootfs.

    sudo chmod +x ./
    sudo ./ /dev/sdX (or /dev/mmcblkN) where X is a letter from b,c,d,...g or N is the SD card number (2,...9)


    User / password
    ubuntu / ubuntu


    eth0 = WAN (internet connection) - /etc/network/interface
    eth1 = LAN (local lan) - DHCP (, .....

ssh to NanoPi R2S

    ssh ubuntu@

rootfs (new and updated)

  • fixed missing ubuntu permission (less restrictive) - re-uploaded

Ubuntu 19.10 - Kernel 5.4.27 - NanoPi R2S

22 Mar 00:07
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NanoPi R2S mini router

Our "perfect" mini router with Ubuntu 19.10 and Mainline Kernel 5.4.27.


  • Kernel 5.4.27
  • Blobs (preloader and loader)
  • Mini Router
  • filemanager-http

Flashing the SD card

You will need a Linux box to flash the OS image onto the SD card for now.
You can use any SD card size, from 8GB to 32 GB and no need to resize the rootfs.

    sudo chmod +x ./
    sudo ./ /dev/sdX (or /dev/mmcblkN) where X is a letter from b,c,d,...g or N is the SD card number (2,...9)


User / password
ubuntu / ubuntu

  • interfaces

    eth0 = WAN (internet connection) - /etc/network/interface
    eth1 = LAN (local lan) - DHCP (, .....

ssh to NanoPi R2S

ssh ubuntu@

Ubuntu 19.10 - Kernel 5.4.25 - NanoPi R2S

16 Mar 16:06
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Ubuntu 19.10 for the NanoPi R2S

This is the pre-built Ubuntu 19.10 server to serve as a base for a small router.
The current Kernel in use is Mainline Kernel 5.4.25 with FE work/patch.


You will need a linux box to flash the OS image onto the SD card for now.
You can use any SD card size, from 8GB to 32 GB and no need to resize the rootfs.

    sudo chmod +x ./
    sudo ./ /dev/sdX (or /dev/mmcblkN) where X is a letter from b,c,d,...g or N is the SD card number (2,...9)


User / password
ubuntu / ubuntu


Configure the Ubuntu 19.10 server as a router

  • interfaces

    eth0 = WAN (internet connection)
    eth1 = LAN (local lan)