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When the following variables are specified in blkdat.input
     0      'albflg' = ocean albedo      flag (0=none,1=const,2=L&Y)
     2      'lwflag' = longwave (SST) flag (0=none,1=clim,2=nwp,-1=lwdn)

HYCOM variables swflx, radflx used in thermf.F are defined as
 swflx (Qsw): net sw flux, +ve into ocean/ice
 radflx (Qlw+Qs): net sw+lw flux, +ve into ocean/ice

Note: swflx, and radflx are not the net ocean-only fluxes. Sea ice effect is not accounted.


When the following variables are specified in blkdat.input
     2      'albflg' = ocean albedo      flag (0=none,1=const,2=L&Y)
    -1      'lwflag' = longwave (SST) flag (0=none,1=clim,2=nwp,-1=lwdn)

HYCOM variable swflx is converted in forfun.f from downward to net shorwave to account the sea ice effect.
HYCOM variable radflx is converted in thermf.f from downward to net longwave to account the sea ice effect.

Eventally HYCOM variables swflx, radflx used in thermf.F are defined as
 swflx (Qsw): net sw flux, +ve into ocean
 radflx (Qlw+Qs): net lw flux, +ve into ocean

  swflx: Qswdn -> Qsw
  radflx: Qlwdn -> Qlw + Qsw

  swflx, and radflx are the net ocean-only fluxes. Sea ice effect is accounted.