Shutoh (手刀, meaning karate chop in Japanese) is a fast and efficient scene detection tool implemented in C++20. Inspired by PySceneDetect, Shutoh aims to provide a powerful and flexible alternative with enhanced performance. The key features of Shutoh is threefold:
- Fast: Shutoh leverages the speed of C++ for faster processing compared to PySceneDetect.
- Compatibility: Designed to produce outputs comparable to PySceneDetect as much as possible.
- Flexible: Supports both rule-based and machine-learning-based approaches.
Ensure that FFmpeg, OpenCV, and CMake are installed.
sudo apt install libopencv-dev ffmpeg cmake
To build shutoh
with cmake
, run:
cmake -S . -B build
cmake --build build
sudo cmake --install build
shutoh --help
If you got an error of loading shared libraries:, please add PATH to $LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
I focus on three main commands: split-video
, list-scenes
, and save-images
Save scene information (e.g., frame numbers and time) as csv file:
shutoh -i video/input.mp4 -c list-scenes
Split an input video into shots and save them as videos:
shutoh -i video/input.mp4 -c split-video
Save some frames from each shot:
shutoh -i video/input.mp4 -c list-scenes
See documentation for details.
Install Shutoh by running:
pip install git+
To detect scenes with ContentDetector()
, run the following code:
from libshutoh import detect, ContentDetector
detector = ContentDetector.initialize_detector(threshold=27, min_scene_len=15)
scenes = detect('video/input.mp4', detector)
for i, scene in enumerate(scene_list):
print('Scene %2d: Start %s / Frame %d, End %s / Frame %d' % (
scene[0].get_timecode(), scene[0].get_frames(),
scene[1].get_timecode(), scene[1].get_frames(),))
Using scenedetect.split_video_ffmpeg
, we can also split the video into each scene:
from libshutoh import detect, ContentDetector
from scenedetect import split_video_ffmpeg
detector = ContentDetector.initialize_detector(threshold=27, min_scene_len=15)
scenes = detect('video/input.mp4', detector)
split_video_ffmpeg('vide/input.mp4', scenes, show_progress=True)
If you want to use other detectors, replace the detector with the new one:
from libshutoh import AdaptiveDetector
detector = AdaptiveDetector.initialize_detector()
Detector list: AdaptiveDetector, ContentDetector, HashDetector, HistogramDetector, ThresholdDetector
The simpletest code is as follow:
#include "shutoh/video_stream.hpp"
#include "shutoh/frame_timecode.hpp"
#include "shutoh/scene_manager.hpp"
#include "shutoh/frame_timecode_pair.hpp"
#include "shutoh/detector/content_detector.hpp"
int main() {
VideoStream video = VideoStream::initialize_video_stream("video/input.mp4").value();
auto detector = ContentDetector::initialize_detector();
SceneManager scene_manager = SceneManager(detector);
std::vector<FrameTimeCodePair> scene_list = scene_manager.get_scene_list().value();
for (auto& scene : scene_list) {
const FrameTimeCode start = std::get<0>(scene);
const FrameTimeCode end = std::get<1>(scene);
std::cout << "Start Time: " << start.to_string() << " Frame: " << start.get_frame_num()
<< " / End Time: " << end.to_string() << " Frame: " << end.get_frame_num() << std::endl;
To compile the code, run the following g++ command (replace -I
and -L
with your directory):
g++ -std=c++20 -I/path/to/shutoh/include -I/usr/include/opencv4 main.cpp -L/path/to/shutoh/build -lopencv_core -lopencv_videoio -lfmt -Wl,-rpath,/path/to/build -lshutoh_lib
Or you can use for example FetchContent:
GIT_TAG main
target_link_libraries(YOUR_LIBRARY PUBLIC shutoh OTHER_LIBRARIES)
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
MIT License
Taichi Nishimura ( Copyright (C) 2024-2025 Taichi Nishimura. All rights reserved.