All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Initial public release preparation
- Delayed contact attributes write
- SONAR code fixes
- AWS Open Source preparation
- DTMFMenu rule refactoring
- Discontinuous menu options
- Configurable input attempts
- Separated routing logic for NOINPUT and NOMATCH error slots
- Moved logic for DTMF menu to ConnectDTMFMenu
- Bug fixes to interactive queue test scripts
- 100% test coverage for ConnectDTMFMenu
- DTMFMenu blue arrow links restored
- SetAttributes allows empty attribute values
- SetAttributes deletes attributes will null or undefined string values
- KeepWarm Lambda function and supporting code to keep functions warm
- Support for keeping the following functions warm:
- ConnectRulesInference
- ConnectIntegrationStart
- InferenceAPI
- Cached Lambda functions in config now look wider with prefix
- Increased memory on ConnectDTMFMenu as a common Lambda function that could be accelerated
- Upgraded moment version per dependabot
- Added sample insert of keep warm config for dev
- Added insert of keep warm to (dev only currently)
- Lambda functions given more memory to boost performance
- Lex bots support changing target vocie and language during inferencing
- Polly output languages and voice support is now configurable in env/[env].sh
- Removed outbound call and repair lambda function functions
- ContactId written into System per interactive inference
- Lex bots add support for slots with parent built in types
- ConnectDTMFMenu now logs contact id
- ConnectDTMFMenuTests fixes
- Added with details on implementing integration Lambda functions
- Batch size for test execution defaults to 10 concurrent tests
- Initial public release code base
- Combined delete functions
- Functional NLUInput rule with support for date, time, number and phone
- Fixed minor issues in
- Added additional keep warm support
- Fixed issue in DeleteObject validation
- Removed Lex delete session as it isn't required
- Fixed issue in NLU Menu preventing use in Connect
- Support persisting huge batch test runs to S3
- Refactored inference utils and common utils
- Added support for setting nested state from update states rule and other locations
- Removed dtmf selector, rule set bail and rule set prompt rules
- Added more test coverage for integration echo and common utils
- Added more tests for keep warm utils
- Refactored all sleep(), isNumber(), isEmptyString() and isNullOrUndefined() functions to common utils
- Added helper function render UTC date time time to millis to common utils
- Updated readme with link to Summit on demand video
- Linked to slide deck for Summit presentation
- Updated help page content
- Lex fulfilment Lambda that captures the full lex response to state
- Text inference rule that can take text including the results from previous voice lex bots and perform additional inferencing
- Text inference rule testing for interactive
- Text inference now uses fallback behaviour if no input is provided
- NLUInput rule handling invalid inputs and prompting
- NLU interactive rule components echo Lex API responses into debug response
- (Stop gap until LexV2 fulfilment Lambda request format bug is addressed by LexV2 service team)
- Fixed broken TextInferenceTest
- Add Lambda fulfillment function to TestBotAlias (delete existing S3 hashes for all bots to rebuild all)
- Delete lex bots (feature suggestion from SA community)
- DynamoUtils.getTests() now loads multiple pages of tests
- Lex deploy now updates existing bot locales to take into account confidence changes etc
- NLUMenu confidence levels for auto accept, back end refactoring and unit testing
- Added textInference capability to ConnectRulesEngine
- Added external number return and DTMF tones
- Made interactive support external number return
- Added blue chevron links to NLUMenu editor
- Start of NLUInput data validation
- Copied nluConfidence to lex repsonse sesionState in customer state
- Defaulted to zero until lex service fix
- NLUInput slot validation based on data type
- Fixed NLUMenu bug which caused errors if Connect conformation was required
- Beefed up phone number input via NLUInput by hijacking the input transcript
- Phone input now supports double, triple, hundred and thousand and skipps filler words.
- NLUINput now waits for up to 4000 millis so as to not interrupt slower customers while providing input like phone numbers and account numbers that may have extended pauses.
- NLUInput not taking good phone numbers as input in interactive
- Renamed duplicate unit tests
- NLUMenu no longer terminates on final error with missing error ruleset, just falls through
- DTMFInput added option to skip confirmation if confirmation message is empty
- Removed support for prompt based confirmation messages in DTMFINput
- ConnectRulesIntegration removed debug error messages from contact flow
- Delete holiday via DeleteObject now sets the last updated timestamp
- Added support for mixed SSML error messages in input and menu controls in interactive
- Added chat support with guarding in several places
- NLUInput and NLUMenu contact flows support for chat
- Fixed LexFulfillment to handle chat session id not matching contact id
- In queue treatments
- Customers will need to edit queue rules and migrate to in queue behaviours
- Failure to edit queue rules will result in repeating hold music
- Loading huge batch results now defers to browser loading of results and coverage from pre-signed urls
- Added CORS to backup bucket to be able to load from pre-signed url
- Made customer queue loop prompts interrupt at 20 seconds per customer request
- Fixed issue with increment in ConnectRulesInference and UpdateStates
- Added select drop down for available promots to pick in message during queue behaviour editing
- Update state queue behaviour did not use processed template value
- Add queue behaviour modal now resets between uses
- Made SMS rule accept nested key paths to the input phone number
- New home page content
- New help content covering handlebars functions
- New dateFormaLocal handlebars helper function
- Soft deprecation of all handlebars date helper functions except dateFormat and dateFormatLocal, please move to these standard date formatting function asap!