This sample demo app, captures the video and use a proxy in node.js to transwrap the stream to Amazon IVS
For building the integration with AWS components and host our web application, we will be using AWS Amplify. For more complete steps on installing and configuring AWS Amplify, please visit the Amplify Documentation for React.
npm install -g @aws-amplify/cli
amplify configure
For a more complete guide on how to get started with amplify CLI, please follow the instructions of the official AWS Amplify Documentation.
version 2 preview
git clone --branch v2preview
cd aws-simple-streaming-webpp/frontend/
npm install
amplify init
As name for the environment, please select dev
### Configuration details
? Enter a name for the environment dev
? Choose your default editor: Visual Studio Code
Using default provider awscloudformation
? Select the authentication method you want to use: AWS profile
With amplify init, the project and resources will be initialized in the AWS Cloud environment. Now you can push, with amplify push to create the resources.
Note: This Command will deploy the following resources in your account:
- API Gateway: Save and retrieve IVS Parameters and ECS Container availability information
- DynamoDB: Store IVS and Container servers parameters
- Lambda Functions: For checking stored parameters and check Event Bridge information
To list the resources that will be created you can use the command
amplify status
amplify push
npm start
It should load the authentication page. Now you can create your first account and sign in.
[OPTIONAL] If you don't have a Amazon IVS created, you can follow this steps. 4.2. In your local environment ( the following application will be loaded.
cd backend/
npm install
npm run startDev
Note: if you are running locally in HTTPS, the socket needs to be HTTPS as well, please follow this instruction instead.
cd ../frontend
amplify delete
- Backend: Transwraping Amazon ECS container:Install the remote video transwrap server.
- Create a IVS Channel using a shell script
- Customize the web app and compatibility discussions