diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 2ff3633..38b3c31 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,60 +1,104 @@
## pass-tessen
-A [pass](https://www.passwordstore.org/) extension that uses [fzf](https://github.com/junegunn/fzf)
-to select and copy password store data.
+`pass-tessen` is a [password store][1] extension that uses a fuzzy data selection menu to copy
+password store data while using a terminal. `pass-tessen` can open URLs in a web browser of your
+choice, generate OTPs using [pass-otp][2], and copy all [valid key-value pair data][3] in a password
+store file. The fuzzy data selection menu can be either [fzf][4], [skim][5], or [fzy][6].
+If you want to autotype and copy password store and [gopass][21] data on Wayland wlroots compositors
+like [sway][7], check out [tessen][8]. If you're using Xorg/X11 window managers, check out
+## Why use `pass-tessen`?
+- unlike [pass-clip][10], `pass-tessen` can copy all valid key-value pair data in a password store
+ file
+ For example, if you have something like
+ ```
+ $ pass show mybank/username
+ correct horse battery staple
+ url: https://mybank.com
+ credit card number: 1111 1111 1111 1111
+ otpauth://totp/ACME%20Co:john@example.com?secret=HXDMVJECJJWSRB3HWIZR4IFUGFTMXBOZ&issuer=ACME%20Co&algorithm=SHA1&digits=6&period=30
+ ```
+ `pass-tessen` can copy the value of `credit card number` key
+- `pass-tessen` can generate and copy OTPs if [pass-otp][2] is installed
+- `pass-tessen` can open URLs using [xdg-open][11] or any other web browser of your choice
+- `pass-tessen` can show a preview of your password store data before you select it
-If you want to autotype and copy password-store data, similar to how
-[rofi-pass](https://github.com/carnager/rofi-pass) works, check out
-`pass-tessen` will automatically use the following environment variables if they're set or assume
-reasonable defaults if not.
+- focuses on doing one thing well, copying password store data while using a terminal
-- `PASSWORD_STORE_DIR` (the default location of your password store)
-- `PASSWORD_STORE_CLIP_TIME` (the amount of time for which password-store data stays on the
- clipboard)
+- `pass-tessen` doesn't use any external dependencies unless absolutely necessary
+ As a result, `pass-tessen` doesn't depend on commonly used utilities like coreutils, sed, awk, and
+ find (although password store needs them).
+- the code is linted using [shellcheck][12] and formatted using [shfmt][13]
+- focuses on minimalism and security (please let me know if you have any suggestions for
+ improvement)
## Installation
-Before installing `pass-tessen`, make sure you've added the following line in `~/.bash_profile` or
-an equivalent file and have logged out and logged back in.
+Before installing `pass-tessen`, make sure that the environment variable
+`PASSWORD_STORE_ENABLE_EXTENSIONS` is set to `true`. This can be confirmed by executing,
+If there's no output, add the following line in `~/.bash_profile` assuming you're using bash and
-Password Store extensions will not work if this environment variable isn't set.
+If this environment variable isn't set, password store extensions will not work. For more details,
+please read the man page of `PASS(1)`.
### Dependencies
-- [pass](https://git.zx2c4.com/password-store/)
-- [fzf](https://github.com/junegunn/fzf)
-- [xclip](https://github.com/astrand/xclip) (if you're using X11/Xorg)
-- [wl-clipboard](https://github.com/bugaevc/wl-clipboard) or
- [wl-clipboard-rs](https://github.com/YaLTeR/wl-clipboard-rs) (if you're using Wayland)
+- [pass][1]
+- at least one fuzzy data selection backend is needed - either [fzf][4], [skim][5], or [fzy][6]
+- at least one copy paste program is needed - either [wl-clipboard][15] if you're using a Wayland
+ compositor or [xclip][14] if you're using Xorg/X11
+- [xdg-utils][11] (optional, if you want to open URLs using `xdg-open`)
+- [pass-otp][2] (optional, if you want to generate and copy TOTP/HOTP)
### Arch Linux
-`pass-tessen` is available in the [Arch User
+`pass-tessen` is available in the [Arch User Repository][17].
### Git Release
-git clone https://github.com/ayushnix/pass-tessen.git
+git clone https://git.sr.ht/~ayushnix/pass-tessen
cd pass-tessen
sudo make install
-You can also do `doas make install` if you're using [doas](https://github.com/Duncaen/OpenDoas),
-which you probably should.
+You can also do `doas make install` if you're using [doas][18] on Linux, which you probably should.
### Stable Release
-wget https://github.com/ayushnix/pass-tessen/releases/download/v1.5.3/pass-tessen-1.5.3.tar.gz
-tar xvzf pass-tessen-1.5.3.tar.gz
-cd pass-tessen-1.5.3
+wget https://git.sr.ht/~ayushnix/pass-tessen/archive/v2.0.0.tar.gz
+tar xvzf pass-tessen-2.0.0.tar.gz
+cd pass-tessen-2.0.0
sudo make install
@@ -63,58 +107,38 @@ or, you know, `doas make install`.
## Usage
-Usage: pass tessen [-p|--preview] [-h|--help] [-v|--version]
- -p, --preview: show preview of password data
- -h, --help: print this help menu
- -v, --version: print the version of pass tessen
+usage: pass tessen [-p|--preview] [-f|--fuzzy fuzzy_backend_program]
+ [-u|--userkey custom_username_key]
+ [-U|--urlkey custom_url_key]
+ [-w|--web-browser custom_web_browser] [-h|--help]
+ [-v|--version]
+pass tessen find a fuzzy selection program and show pass data
+pass tessen -p show preview while selecting a pass file
+pass tessen -p -f sk use skim as fuzzy backend and show preview
+pass tessen -f fzy use fzy as fuzzy backend; doesn't support preview
+pass tessen -u username set 'username' as the custom username key
+pass tessen -U URL set 'URL' as the custom URL key
+pass tessen -w qutebrowser use qutebrowser to open URLs
+pass tessen -h show this help menu
+pass tessen -v show the version of pass tessen
-## Why should I use this instead of [pass-clip](https://github.com/ibizaman/pass-clip)?
-- pass-tessen can copy other key-value pair data, not just passwords
- For example, if you have something like
- ```
- $ pass show mybank/username
- correct horse battery staple
- url: https://mybank.com
- credit card number: 1111 1111 1111 1111
- ```
- pass tessen can copy your `username`, `url`, and `credit card number` as well
-- pass-tessen can show a preview of your password-store data before you select it
- just use `pass tessen -p` to see a preview of your password store data before you make a selection
-- focuses on doing one thing well, copying password store data as conveniently and quickly as
- possible while using a terminal
-- you don't need `sed`, `find`, GNU coreutils, or anything else besides what's mentioned above to
- run pass-tessen (although `pass` needs all of those binaries)
-- the code is linted using [shellcheck](https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck) and formatted using
- [shfmt](https://github.com/mvdan/sh)
-- focuses on minimalism and security (please let me know if you have any suggestions for
- improvement)
## Assumptions
-`pass-tessen` works under several assumptions and tries to fail gracefully if they are not met.
-Please report any unexpected behavior.
-The data organization format is assumed to be the same as mentioned on this
-[page](https://www.passwordstore.org/). If valid key-value pairs aren't found, `pass-tessen` will
-not show them.
-It is assumed that the name of the file itself is the username. For example, if you have a file
-`bank/mybankusername.gpg` in your password store, the assumed default username is `mybankusername`.
-However, if a valid username key value pair is present inside the file, `pass-tessen` will show them
-for selection as well.
+`pass-tessen` assumes that the data organization format in a password store file is the same as
+mentioned on the [password store website][3]. If a key is not detected, please raise a ticket on a
+git forge website of your choice where `pass-tessen` is hosted.
-If there are multiple non-unique keys, the value of the last key will be considered.
+The `password` key is reserved in a case-insensitive manner to avoid confusion. The custom username
+and URL keys are also checked in a case-insensitive manner and the first unique key is selected. If
+a custom username key is not mentioned, `user` is assumed. If a custom URL key is not mentioned,
+`url` is assumed. If a username key is not found, the basename of the selected password store
+(without the `.gpg` extension) is considered as the username.
## What does `tessen` mean?
-[Here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_war_fan) you go.
+[Here you go.][20]
## Why did you choose this weird name?
@@ -124,4 +148,26 @@ of Japanese hand fans. I guess I was thinking of some anime while coming up with
## Contributions
-Please see [this](https://github.com/ayushnix/pass-tessen/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) file.
+Please see the [CONTRIBUTING.md file][19].
+[1]: https://www.passwordstore.org/
+[2]: https://github.com/tadfisher/pass-otp
+[3]: https://www.passwordstore.org/#organization
+[4]: https://github.com/junegunn/fzf
+[5]: https://github.com/lotabout/skim
+[6]: https://github.com/jhawthorn/fzy
+[7]: https://swaywm.org/
+[8]: https://git.sr.ht/~ayushnix/tessen
+[9]: https://github.com/carnager/rofi-pass
+[10]: https://github.com/ibizaman/pass-clip
+[11]: https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/xdg-utils/
+[12]: https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck
+[13]: https://github.com/mvdan/sh
+[14]: https://github.com/astrand/xclip
+[15]: https://github.com/bugaevc/wl-clipboard
+[16]: https://github.com/YaLTeR/wl-clipboard-rs
+[17]: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/pass-tessen/
+[18]: https://github.com/Duncaen/OpenDoas
+[19]: https://git.sr.ht/~ayushnix/pass-tessen/tree/master/item/CONTRIBUTING.md
+[20]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_war_fan
+[21]: https://github.com/gopasspw/gopass