A slim image of SDKMAN!.
There are two main variants of the image for slightly different usecases:
- openSUSE Tumbleweed
- Ubuntu 22.04 (LTS)
$ ls
app gradle gradle.properties gradlew gradlew.bat settings.gradle
$ docker run --rm --volume .:/project bdockerimg/sdkman 'sdk install java 17.0.10-tem && ./gradlew check'
Downloading: java 17.0.10-tem
Installing: java 17.0.10-tem
Done installing!
Welcome to Gradle 8.3!
3 actionable tasks: 3 executed
Here's a real world example of the image being used: persianutils CircleCI configuration
Your reliable companion for effortlessly managing multiple Software Development Kits on Unix systems. Imagine having different versions of SDKs and needing a stress-free way to switch between them. SDKMAN! steps in with its easy-to-use Command Line Interface (CLI) and API.