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413 lines (266 loc) · 16 KB

Notion Synchronise with Google Calendar

command-line interface to sync data between Notion and Google Calendar.

Do you find yourself juggling between Notion and Google Calendar to manage your events? Fret not! This awesome code is here to save your day. It magically extracts event details from your Notion Dashboard and seamlessly integrates them into your Google Calendar events. But wait, there's more! It even adds a handy URL to your GCal event, so you can effortlessly jump back to the specific Notion Page related to the event. How cool is that?

Warning: Proceed with caution! This repo wields the power to make changes to your Notion database and Google Calendar. So, if you're not confident about what you're doing, buckle up and brace yourself for some unexpected surprises.

What you will need to get started

  • google account
  • Notion account
  • github account (optional)
  • python3 (or Docker)

Current Capabilities:

  • update events from google cal to notion
  • update events from notion to google cal


  • Ability to change timezones by changing timecode and timezone in notion_setting
  • Ability to change the date range by changing goback_days and goforward_days in notion_setting.json (If you are a new IT guy here, please use 1 and 2 days respectively before you understand the code)
  • Able to decide the default length of new GCal events by changing event_length in notion_setting.json
  • Option to delete gCal events if checked off as Done? column in Notion
  • Sync across multiple calendars and choose which calendar you would like to sync by changing gcal_dic and gcal_dic_key_to_value in notion_setting.json
  • Able to name the required Notion columns whatever you want and have the code work by changing page_property in notion_setting.json
  • credential and OAuth consent screen with google calendar scope

Inspired by akarri2001

How to install it

  • Step1: Fork or Clone git repository

    For beginners, you can download this repository directly.

    1. Click the green Code button on the top-right corner of the page, and then click Download ZIP

      You can unzip it and then change the folder name to whatever you want. Have a look these files and folders. We will change some of them later.

    For advanced users, you can fork this repository and then clone it.

    1. In the top-right corner of the page, click Fork.
    1. Select an owner for the forked repository.

    2. Choose the main branch

    3. Click Create Fork.

    4. Clone your forked repository

    1. Open the terminal, and type:
    git clone
    1. Change directory to where you download, and then install packages
    pip3 install -r requirements.txt

    If you update the requirements.txt, you can use the following commend to update it.

    pip3 freeze > requirements.txt
  • Step2: Duplicate the Notion template as the initial database NotionGCal If you are familar with the entire code, you are welcome to customise your own template. However, I recommend you to use my template and do not change the property names at the first time.

  • Step3: Notion Connection Setting

    1. Visit Notion Developer website
    • Directly click Notion Developer, and make sure you are logged in, or
    • Via Notion App, open your Notion and click Settings and members, and then click here
    1. Create New integration and then Submit

    2. Open the template page, click ..., then click Add connection. (Select what you name your connection)

  • Step4: Complete the notion_setting.json in the token_blank folder, and then rename the folder token_blank with token (.gitignore will exclude files in this token folder to protect your sensitive information when you push your code to github. If you don't want to use github, you can still need to rename the folder but can ignore the reason why we do this)

    • "notion_token": "Paste your Internal Integration Token which starts with secret*...",

    • "urlroot": "{YOURNOTIONNAME}/{databaseID}?XXXXX",

    • the following items is up to you. If you are the first time using terminal or python, I recommend you to use 1 or 2 fir "goforward_days". This mean that the code will synchromise the events from 1 day before to 2 days after today. If you are familar with python, you can change them as you want.

      • "timecode": "+08:00",
      • "timezone": "Asia/Taipei",
      • "goback_days": 1,
      • "goforward_days": 2,
      • "delete_option": 0,
      • "event_length": 60,
      • "start_time": 8,
      • "allday_option": 0,
    • Go to your google calendar page, and then click Settings on the top-right, next, scroll the left bar to find Setting for my calendar. Click it, calendar Name is on the top, and scroll down to find Calendar ID

    • Enter your default calendar at least. If you want to add multiple calendars, separate them by ,


      If you set up multiple calendars, it will look like this:

    • The following items are column names in notion based on my template. The page_property section is setting these column name.

      • "Task_Notion_Name": "Task Name",
      • "Date_Notion_Name": "Date",
      • "Initiative_Notion_Name": "Initiative",
      • "ExtraInfo_Notion_Name": "Extra Info",
      • "Location_Notion_Name": "Location",
      • "On_GCal_Notion_Name": "On GCal?",
      • "NeedGCalUpdate_Notion_Name": "NeedGCalUpdate",
      • "GCalEventId_Notion_Name": "GCal Event Id",
      • "LastUpdatedTime_Notion_Name" : "Last Updated Time",
      • "Calendar_Notion_Name": "Calendar",
      • "Current_Calendar_Id_Notion_Name": "Current Calendar Id",
      • "Delete_Notion_Name": "Done?",
      • "Status_Notion_Name": "Status",
      • "Page_ID_Notion_Name": "PageID",
      • "CompleteIcon_Notion_Name": "CompleteIcon" You can change the column name without modifying the main code zone as long as you alter this section and notion columns consistently.

  • Step5: Create a google token, and make sure your scope include google calendar

    1. Go to google developers

    2. Create a New Project, and select it

    3. Clikc + ENABLE APIS AND SERVICES to enable google calendar API, and then add your email

    4. You enabled google calendar API successfully if you see this


    6. Click CONFIGURE CONSENT SCREEN, and then select External and click CREATE

    7. Name whatever you want, and select your email as User support email. Next, type your email to Developer contact information, and then click SAVE & CONTINUE

    8. Click ADD OR REMOVE SCOPES, and then Select the scope as belows. Scroll down and click UPDATE

    9. Scroll down, and click Save and Continue

    10. Click + ADD USERS and click Save and Continue

    11. Create the OAuth client ID

    12. Name your application, and then click CREATE

    13. Download .json (Note: Dont show with others otherwise they may access your account)

    14. Rename client_secret_XXXXXXXXXXXX.json to client_secret.json, and then move it into token folder

  • Step6: Download python (or skip this step if you use Docker)

    1. Visit the official Python website at

    2. On the Downloads page, you will see the latest version of Python available for download. The website will automatically detect your operating system and suggest the appropriate version for your platform (Windows, macOS, or Linux). If you want to download a different version, click on the "Looking for a specific release?" link.

    3. Click on the download link for the version of Python you want to install. You will typically have two options: one for the latest stable release (e.g., Python 3.x.x) and one for the latest legacy release (e.g., Python 2.7.x). It is recommended to choose the latest stable release unless you have specific requirements for using Python 2.

    4. After clicking the download link, you will be redirected to the download page. Scroll down to find the files for your operating system. Choose the installer appropriate for your system architecture (32-bit or 64-bit).

    5. Once the installer is downloaded, run the installer executable (.exe file on Windows or .pkg file on macOS) by double-clicking on it.

    6. Follow the installation instructions provided by the installer. You can usually accept the default settings unless you have specific requirements. Make sure to check the box that says "Add Python to PATH" during the installation process, as this will make it easier to use Python from the command line.

    7. After the installation is complete, open a new command prompt (Windows) or terminal (macOS/Linux)

    1. type python --version to verify that Python is installed correctly. You should see the version number of Python displayed.
    1. Install python packages
    pip3 install -r requirements.txt

    There are a lot of videos on youtube to teach you how to install python. I recommend you to watch them if you are not familar with python.

  • Step7: If you are familar with Docker, you can use Docker instaed of python to run this code.

    • Warning: if you use docker, change "docker": true, in notion_setting.json. Otherwise, the creds will not work when you activated it at the first time.
    1. download Docker.

    2. open the terminal and type:

    docker build -t sync .
    1. Third, type to run default script:
    docker run -it sync

    or add the following commend to update from google calendar time only. You can check the commend in or the following Sychronise Notion with Google Calendar section.

    docker run -it sync src/ -gt
    • At the first time, you need to copy the creds from brower to terminal. And copy the code and paste it into the token.pkl in token folder. Run the above code again, and then you can use docker to run the code.

    • clear all Docker containers after you finish it.

    docker rm $(docker ps -aq)
    1. Other commend to check the container. You can start the docker container and then run the code in the container.
    docker ps -a
    docker start <CONTAINER ID>
    docker exec -it <CONTAINER ID> sh

    You are in docker container

    # python src/

    Exit docker container


    Stop docker container

    docker stop <CONTAINER ID>

    Clear all Docker containers

    docker rm $(docker ps -aq)

Congraduations! All settings are done! Let's run the program.

Sychronise Notion with Google Calendar

Go to the terminal, and change the folder to where these script are.:

cd src

Run the code to activate the connection between Notion and Google Calendar:


At the first time, the page will be redirected to Choose an account page, and then click or log in your account. Just click Continue, and then Continue. Finally, close the authentication window. Go back to the terminal, you will see:

All commends and its comment in are in You can change them as you want. I will explain most of them.

  • Update from notion event needed to updated to google calendar (default)


    You will see the following message if you successfully connect to your google calendar. Type enter to continue and the code will start to run. If you do not want it run, type Ctrl + C to stop it.

    If you hit enter, you will see the following message. It means that the code is running. You can check your google calendar to see if it works.

  • Update from all notion tasks to google calendar

    python3 -na
  • Update from google time which is in Notion, and create google new events which is not in Notion

    python3 -gt
  • Create google new events only

    python3 -gc
  • Replace all content of google event (I don't recommend using this function since my most contents are made by Notion tasks. However, it is still needed sometimes such as downloading events into notion at the first time)

    python3 -ga
  • Delete google events which is ticked in Notion

    python3 -r


Change the folder to where these script are:

cd tests

Test Notion Connection

Run specific test file:


With unittest, you can use the -m flag and specify the test directory to run all test files in that directory. For example, if your test files are located in a folder named tests, you can run the following command:

python3 -m unittest discover -s .

Test Google Calendar Connection

To be continued...


You can use prettier to format your code. It is a good tool to make your code more readable. In this .prettierrc configuration, we use the "overrides" key to specify formatting rules for different file types.

Note: Prettier is primarily designed for formatting JavaScript, TypeScript, CSS, and other web-related languages. It does not have built-in support for formatting Python code.

Install Prettier

npm install -g prettier
prettier -w .


Black is a Python code formatter. It is a good tool to make your code more readable.

black .