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This software was developed for data reduction and cube design for the JWST slit-stepping survey GO-2136. It is designed to be applicable for any future JWST slit-stepping surveys that employ a similar observing strategy.

The software consists of three main components:

  1. jwst STScI calibration pipeline (v1.14.0 ) to (pre- and/or) process the data with a modified set of arguments and keywords
  2. post-processing: includes jwst pathloss correction and L.A.Cosmic for outlier and cosmic ray treatment
  3. original cube design software: developed for cube design in a slit-stepping strategy with NIRSpec MSA. This is currently an unsupported processing mode in the standard STScI pipeline (Oct 2024).

See Barisic et al. 2024 for technical details and a case study analysis of an example target.


If you use MSA3D for your data reduction and/or analysis, please cite the following publication

Data access

The MSA3D full data reduction starts with slope images, which can be found on MAST Portal. GO-2136 program is publicly available. Search for the data set on the portal using the Proposal ID: 2136 and download all the *_rate.fits files.

After downloading the *_rate.fits files, make sure all *_rate.fits files are in the same directory. Make sure _msa.fits file is also downloaded into the same directory as the *_rate.fits files.


Start by creating a new python environment using conda or venv, example:

conda create -n <env_name> python=3.11
conda activate <env_name>

To install MSA3D, clone the git repository into a new directory:

cd <your destination directory>
git clone

This pulls the files into a directory called msa3d/. To install the package, run:

cd msa3d
pip install -e .

Before running the pipeline, set the environment variables for the CRDS following STScI Quickstart Guide

export CRDS_PATH="$HOME/crds_cache"

Disk space

Total disk space required for full reduction (excluding STScI/Spec1Pipeline) is ~80GB, of which approximately:

  • 11GB : *_rate.fits files (available for download on MAST)
  • 50GB : products of custom JWST/STScI Spec2Pipeline + Spec3Pipeline reduction (2D spectra)
  • 12GB : products of cube design (data cubes and related products)

Running the software

This repository includes a Jupyter notebook to assist users in running the pipeline. Below are detailed instructions for convenience.

Usage Instructions:

To run the pipeline, follow these steps:

  1. Import run function from the MSA3D.run_msa3d module
  2. Define the following variables:
    • data_entries: This variable should hold the path to a set of *_rate.fits files.
    • msa_path: This variable should be the path to the MSA file.

Note: MSA file needs to be located in the same directory as the *_rate.fits files.

  1. Call the run function, passing following arguments: data_entries, msa_path, run_process, run_postprocess and run_cubebuild. The run function will perform data reduction, starting from the Spec2Pipeline and Spec3Pipeline reduction provided by the standard STScI reduction pipeline, followed by post-processing and cube design.


  • run_process=True enables jwst Spec2Pipeline and Spec3Pipeline reduction
  • run_postprocess=True enables postprocessing of 2D spectra, inluding pathloss correction and outlier/cosmic ray rejection
  • run_cubebuild=True enables cube design
from MSA3D.run_msa3d import run
import numpy as np
import glob

### example paths below
data_entries = np.sort(glob.glob('/home/user/GO-2136/JWST/jw*rate.fits'))
msa_path = '/home/user/GO-2136/JWST/jw02136001001_01_msa.fits'

run(data_entries, msa_path, run_process=True, run_postprocess=True, run_cubebuild=True)

Multiprocessing feature

This software includes a multiprocessing functionality to expedite the STScI Spec2Pipeline and Spec3Pipeline reduction steps. To enable this feature, use the additional argument N_gmembers and set it to your desired number of exposures per group. For example:

run(data_entries, msa_path, run_process=True, run_postprocess=True, run_cubebuild=True, N_gmembers=9)

In this example, N_gmembers=9 specifies a number of exposures per group. For the GO-2136 program - having a total of 63 exposures, this will create 7 groups (each with 9 exposures). The multiprocessing feature will then utilize 7 workers to process the exposures in parallel.

Note: the value for N_gmember=9 was chosen for a system with 24GB RAM and 8 cores.

Expected output

Running the pipeline will automatically create the reduction/ directory within the parent directory specified from data_entries.

For example, if the provided data_entries path is:


Parent directory in this example is JWST/. The resulting directory structure would be:

JWST/               # Parent directory
├── reduction/     # Subdirectory of JWST
│   ├── cubes/     # Subdirectory of reduction containing output cubes
│   │   └── cube_[target_ID]/  # Directory for cube data of a individual targets
│   │       └── cube_medians_[target_ID].fits       # File containing a [target_ID] cube
│   │       └── median_lam*_s[target_ID]_all.fits   # Files containing median 2D spectra for a given dispersion step
│   │       └── spec_lam*_s[target_ID]_all.fits     # Files containing stacked 2D spectra for a given dispersion step
│   └── process/   # Subdirectory of reduction containing individual exposure directories
│   │   └── exp_[exposure_ID]_nobar/  # Directory for 2D spectra of individual targets for a given exposure
│   │       └── newoutput_s[target_ID]_s2d_pathcorr_astrocorr.fits  # Files (relevant) representing output 2D spectra for a [target_ID] incl. post-processing, to be used in ``cube_build`` step
│   │       └── ...


In development of MSA3D package, apart from original cube building module, we make use of following packages/tools:

  1. STScI jwst package (v1.14.0) : for data processing in stages 2-3 (optional stage 1)

  2. NSClean (Benjamin Rauscher) : for residual correlated noise removal in *_rate.fits files

  3. L.A.Cosmic (Pieter G. Van Dokkum): for its effective outlier/cosmic ray detection and removal capabilities