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Every line of code ever written was written to serve some purpose. Some are purely training exercises, others contest entries, or projects created just for fun- but the most visible software serves the purpose of satisfying the daily needs of its users. Whenever you read news online, check the weather on a smartphone, or send e-mails, you use software designed for this purpose. You expect devices to perform how you need it, regardless of whether it is a desktop program, smartphone app, or website.

The developers of applications face the difficult task of writing code that not only satisfies these needs, but also prepares for future enhancements and exhibits the least possible amount of undesired side effects. A lot has been written about how to keep your code clean and bug-free but does your code also say out loud why it was written in the first place?

Often times when we develop software, we describe it with the language understood primarily to developers. Open a Symfony bundle and you will see Controllers, Views, Configuration, Services, Entities. It is not always easy to find where the business logic, so important to our clients, is actually implemented. You will spend time going through the Controllers or the Views as the first potential suspects, then go deeper into Entities or Services until finally you discover the line that embodies the crucial business rule, that the stakeholders have asked you to change.

Introducing Use Cases

Whoever visits your blog or wants to buy stuff on your webshop does not care one bit about HTML, or sending forms with POST requests, or AJAX. There are people who want us to believe they care about cookies, but that's another story. All this information is only relevant to developers... and maybe hackers. What users really want is a blog with interesting content and a webshop that offers good, cheap products and delivers them quickly. In order to achieve this, they will perform various actions on these websites. These actions are called Use Cases. Every Use Case is a specific scenario in which a user can use an application. Use Cases are often described with a simple sentence, such as “List all products” or “As a customer, I want to be able to add a product to the shopping cart”.

Let's list a few Use Cases for an imaginary webshop:

  • List products in category
  • View product page
  • Add product to shopping cart
  • Place order

Each of these Use Cases needs certain input from the user. For example, you cannot list products in category if you don't know which category is of interest to the user. The data structure that contains all of the information required by the Use Case is called Use Case Request. Let's try to identify this information for our example Use Cases:

  • List products in category
    • Category identifier (for example, numeric ID or an SEO-friendly slug)
  • View product page
    • Product identifier
  • Add product to shopping cart
    • Product identifier
    • Quantity
  • Place order
    • Delivery address
    • Payment method
    • Discount voucher

Every Use Case has one primary course of action and likely has several alternative courses. When the execution follows the primary course, it means everything went well. However, different things can go wrong, in which case a Use Case follows an alternative path. Let's identify courses for the above Use Cases:

  • List products in category
    • Primary course: Products were successfully retrieved
    • Alternative courses:
      • Category was not found
      • Failed to retrieve the products, for example due to database failure
  • View product page
    • Primary course: Product was successfully retrieved
    • Alternative courses:
      • Product was not found
      • Failed to retrieve the product
  • Add product to shopping cart
    • Primary course: Product was successfully added to the cart
    • Alternative courses:
      • Product does not exist
      • Product is out of stock
      • Failed to retrieve the product
      • Failed to save the shopping cart
  • Place order
    • Primary course: Order was successfully placed
    • Alternative courses:
      • Invalid input from the user (malformed address, invalid payment method)
      • Invalid or expired discount voucher
      • Failed to create the order in system

Whatever the result of Use Case execution is, it is returned as a Use Case Response. In case of successful execution, the Response contains all the information that we display to the user. For example, the Response of “List products in category” Use Case contains all the products in desired category, or a chosen number of them if the result is too big to be displayed on one page. Alternatively, if something goes wrong, the Response contains the information that will be used to identify the failure, such as an error message and code.


To implement a Use Case, a class that represents the Use Case must be created. Let's demonstrate basic implementation using the “List products in category” Use Case as an example.

// src/MyBundle/UseCase/ListProductsInCategory_stub.php

namespace MyBundle\UseCase;

use Bamiz\UseCaseExecutorBundle\Annotation\UseCase;

 * @UseCase()
class ListProductsInCategory

The Use Case must also be registered as a service in order to be picked by the Use Case Container.

# app/config/services.yml

    class: MyBundle\UseCase\ListProductsInCategory

Now we must create objects that represent the Use Case Request. When a Use Case is executed, it must receive its Request object as an argument to the execute() method. In the Use Case class, this argument must be type hinted in order to help the Bundle resolve the right request class for your Use Case. Let's now create the Request class for “List products in category” Use Case:

// src/MyBundle/UseCase/ListProductsInCategoryRequest.php

namespace MyBundle\UseCase;

class ListProductsInCategoryRequest
     * @var int
    public $categoryId;

An object that represents a Use Case Request is a simple data structure. It might as well be just an associative array. There is, however, one big advantage of defining a class for the Request: it clearly exposes the requirements of your Use Case. You can see all the fields that constitute the Request right away when you open the class.

The details of the execute() method implementation are not important right now. What matters is the Use Case Response that will contain the execution result. Similarly to a Request object, the Use Case Response is a data structure that contains all the data that will be presented to the user. The Response class for “List products in category” Use Case might looks as follows:

// src/MyBundle/UseCase/ListProductsInCategoryResponse.php

namespace MyBundle\UseCase;

use MyBundle\Entity\Product;

class ListProductsInCategoryResponse
     * @var string
    public $categoryName;

     * @var Product[]
    public $products = [];

The execute() method should create an instance of this class and populate its fields with the right data. You can create different Response objects for different courses of action. However, it is recommended that alternative courses be communicated by throwing exceptions. It will allow you to handle the failures and other alternatives in a more structured way, especially if you define your own exceptions specific to results of the alternative courses. In our example, we can create the following exceptions:

// src/MyBundle/UseCase/CategoryNotFoundException.php

namespace MyBundle\UseCase;

use Bamiz\UseCaseExecutorBundle\Exception\AlternativeCourseException;

class CategoryNotFoundException extends AlternativeCourseException

// src/MyBundle/UseCase/RetrievalFailureException.php

namespace MyBundle\UseCase;

use Bamiz\UseCaseExecutorBundle\Exception\AlternativeCourseException;

class RetrievalFailureException extends AlternativeCourseException

It's recommended for your exceptions to extend the AlternativeCourseException that's supplied with Use Case Bundle. It will distinct the exception thrown as a consequence of your business logic from other kinds of failures. It is also used by the tools provided by Use Case Bundle - you will find more on that topic in chapter Use Cases in Symfony.

Let's now write a skeleton implementation of the execute() method that will give you a gist of the Use Case flow:

// src/MyBundle/UseCase/ListProductsInCategory

namespace MyBundle\UseCase;

use Bamiz\UseCaseExecutorBundle\Annotation\UseCase;

 * @UseCase()
class ListProductsInCategory
    public function execute(ListProductsInCategoryRequest $request)
        $response = new ListProductsInCategoryResponse();

        try {
            $category = $this->findCategory($request->categoryId);
            if (!$category) {
                throw new CategoryNotFoundException();

            $response->categoryName = $category->getName();
            $response->products = $this->findProductsInCategory($category);
        } catch (\Some\Database\Exception $e) {
            throw new RetrievalFailureException();

        return $response;

    private function findCategory($categoryId)
        // find the category, for example with Doctrine

    private function findProductsInCategory($category)
        // find the products

You can see how the code of the execute() method embodies the entire logic of the Use Case. First an attempt to retrieve the category is made. If it is not found, the execution is interrupted and the appropriate error is communicated by throwing an exception. Then the fields of the Use Case Response object are filled with data that will be eventually displayed to the user. If at any point the database fails, the database-specific exception is intercepted and replaced by a more generic one, which simply informs the user about what went wrong and does not provide unnecessary or potentially sensitive information. Eventually, if everything goes well, the Response object is returned.

Finally, it's time to execute the Use Case from the controller. The code in the Symfony controller will look similar to this:

// src/MyBundle/Controller/MyController.php

namespace MyBundle\Controller;

use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Annotation\Route;

class MyController extends Controller
     * @Route("/category/{categoryId}")
    public function myAction($categoryId)
        $input = ['categoryId' => $categoryId];
        $response = $this->get('bamiz_use_case.executor')->execute('list_products_in_category', $input);
        return $this->render('MyBundle:products:category.html.twig', (array)$response);

First, we need to access the Use Case Executor. We can take it directly from Symfony container or inject it into our controller, if it's registered as a service.

Second, collect the data from the HTTP request into an array. This array will be later used to populate your Use Case Request.

Now the executor is used to execute the Use Case. Internally, it resolves the Use Case Request, populates it with data from the specified input, passes it to the execute() method of your Use Case and returns the Response back to you.

Finally, with the Use Case Response returned to us, we are ready to send the output to the user. In this example, we cast the Response object to array and pass it to the templating engine as template variables.


In this chapter, we have introduced the concept of Use Cases. We explained how they define the behavior of your application and why they should stay independent from how this behavior is exposed to the users.

In the next chapter you will learn how to efficiently utilize the Use Cases in Symfony controllers.