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CI Binary instructions

Greg Troxel edited this page Jan 5, 2021 · 16 revisions

Installing binaries built by the CI process


\todo Write.


There are two builds. One builds traditional UNIX tools, and one builds a Mac app.

After unpacking the tarball, there is a file "unison" which is the text UI. After chmod'ing it to be executable, it can just be run from the command line. There is also "unison-gtk", which must also be chmod'd to be executable. It depends on /usr/local/opt/gtk+/lib/libgtk-quartz-2.0.0.dylib , which is presuming the presence of some particular but currently unknown packaging system. The wisdom of command-line programs with minimal dependencies is evident :-)

There is also an artifact for "Unison.App". It is a zip, and within that is a .tar.gz, and within that the App. Before running it one must do xattr -cr /Applications/ This has been reported to work on 10.14. However, it failed on 10.13, but that could be due to the same assumption of a particular undocumented packaging system.

Steps to use the binaries

  1. Download the macOS build
  2. Extract the bin directory
  3. Right click on the unsion binary and select open
  4. Confirm that you are okay with running the binary even thought it isn't verified
  5. I then had to open a terminal and move the binaries to /usr/local/bin so that when running unison over ssh from another host it would find the binaries.


\todo Write.