- Added quick setting tiles for caffeine, heads up, sync, ambient display, Always on display, USB tether quick settings tiles, live display
- Fixed some issues with advanced reboot
- Added back charging animation
- Introduce high touch polling rate feature control
- Introduced live display
- Added Aggressive Idle mode under battery saver settings
- Allow toggling screen off FOD for supported devices
- Allow option to disable screenshot shutter sound
- Move Force max refresh rate preference to display settings
- Allow to enable high refresh rate even when battery saver is on
- Added a switch for linked ring and media notification volumes
- Allow disabling unlocking ripple animation
- Apply monet to fingerprint authentication ripple animation
- Fixed issues with the camera in some apps like telegram for some devices
- Fixed an issue where unlock sound was played multiple times
- Fixed an issue where the hide pill option wasn't working for some people
- Fixed Separate QS tiles for WiFi and Mobile data
- Updated themed icons
- Reduced logging and silenced some log spam
- Added Modded Pixel Launcher
- Enabled Call recording support on Google Dialer
- begonia: DDGbrowser: Add DuckDuckGo Browser
- begonia: SimpleGallery: Add SimpleGallery App
- begonia: Enable quick tap
- begonia: Build libhwc2onfbadapter and libhwc2on1adapter
- begonia: props: Import Stock LMKD configuration
- begonia: audio: Add usb audio policy
- begonia: FCM: Declare android.hardware.memtrack AIDL hal
- begonia: dt2w: Refactor double tap service
- begonia: overlay: Match newer APIs for statusbar heights
- begonia: overlay: fix deprecated power profile items
- begonia: Switch to skiaglthreaded renderthread backend
- begonia: rootdir: Drop partition_permission & throttle scripts
- begonia: firmware: Update Indian images from V12.5.8.0.RGGINXM
- begonia: sepolicy: Allow to read some props for untrusted apps
- begonia: extractors: Import MTK media extractors blobs