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737 lines (628 loc) · 32.9 KB

File metadata and controls

737 lines (628 loc) · 32.9 KB


CytofIn (CyTOF Integration) is an R package for homogenizing and normalizing heterogeneous mass cytometry (CyTOF) data from diverse data sources. Specifically, CytofIn provides functions that perform the following tasks:

  • Dataset homogenization - CyTOF datasets that were collected separately may differ in which markers were included in their antibody panels; in addition, they may use different naming conventions for their panels’ shared markers. Thus, data mining across multiple CyTOF datasets requires homogenization, the process of aligning each dataset’s antibody panels so that they can be analyzed together. In CytofIn, data homogenization (i.e. panel alignment) is performed with the cytofin_homogenize function that leverages user-provided panel information to combine datasets.
  • Dataset normalization - Combined analysis of multiple CyTOF datasets is likely to be confounded by dataset-to-dataset batch effects due to differences in instrumentation and experimental protocols between groups. To normalize multiple CyTOF datasets with respect to these batch effects, CytofIn provides 3 functions: cytofin_prep_anchors, cytofin_normalize, and cytofin_normalize_nrs.
  • Visualization - After batch normalization, the means and standard deviations for each of the input .fcs files (as well as their associated anchors) can be visualized using the cytofin_make_plots function.

The general CytofIn workflow unfolds in 3 steps. First, users align the panels of the CyTOF datasets being integrated using cytofin_homogenize(). Second, users generate reference statistics from “generalized anchors” identified on each CyTOF plate (see below) using cytofin_prep_anchors(). Finally, users can then normalize/batch correct the datasets relative to one another using their choice of cytofin_normalize() or cytofin_normalize_nrs(), each of which performs the normalization procedure differently (see below).


To install CytofIn, run the following code:


Please also ensure that the flowcore package is installed:

if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))


To attach the CytofIn package to your current R session, run the following line:


Data for this vignette

Establishing a root directory

For the sake of this vignette, we will work within a single folder, where we will store the input data, the output data, and all intermediate files from the CytofIn pipeline. We will default to using the current working directory, but feel free to modify the following line of code to change which path you want to use.

# change this path to wherever you want this vignette to find and store
# its input and output files
base_path <- getwd()

Downloading the data

Now that we’ve identified the root directory we’ll use for this vignette, we will create two folders in which we will store the raw input data and the validation (bead-normalized) data used in this vignette:

dir.create(file.path(base_path, "raw_data"), showWarnings = FALSE)
dir.create(file.path(base_path, "validation_data"), showWarnings = FALSE)

To fill each of these folders with the .fcs files we’re analyzing in this vignette, please download the raw input files here and the validation files here on FlowRepository. Once the files are downloaded, unzip them. Finally, move all of the unzipped .fcs files from each repository into the raw_data and validation_data folders that we just created, respectively.


CyTOF data homogenization (cytofin_homogenize)

Here, the term “homogenization” refers to the process of aligning the antigen panels of multiple CyTOF experiments by (1) removing all channels that are not shared across all cohorts and (2) standardizing the antigen names used to refer to each channel so that existing analysis tools (like the flowCore and tidyverse packages) can be applied in later analytical steps. In CytofIn, dataset homogenization is performed using the cytofin_homogenize() function.

The cytofin_homogenize() function takes several arguments. The first of these is metadata_path, a string that specifies the file path to a .csv or .xlsx metadata file containing information about each of the .fcs files being analyzed. Specifically, the metadata file will have one row for each .fcs file being analyzed and must contain the following columns (all of which will be converted to character vectors):

  • filename - Required. The name of the .fcs file within its local directory.
  • cohort - Required. The name of the cohort (i.e. experimental source) of each .fcs file.
  • plate_number - Required. The name of the CyTOF plate (e.g. “plate1”, “plate2”, etc.) on which the sample corresponding to each .fcs file was analyzed during data acquisition.
  • patient_id - Optional. The name of the patient to whom each .fcs file corresponds.
  • condition - Optional. The stimulation condition corresponding to each .fcs file (i.e. “basal”, “IL-3”, etc.).
  • is_anchor - Required. A numeric column indicating whether or not each sample should be used as an “anchor” for the batch correction procedure (1 if yes; 0 if no). Exactly one anchor should be identified for each CyTOF plate being analyzed.
  • validation - Optional. The name of the bead-normalized .fcs file corresponding to each input file listed in the filename column (per gold-standard batch normalization procedure in CyTOF batch correction). Most users will ignore this column because bead-normalized data will not be available, but it can be used to validate the results of the CytofIn batch normalization algorithms if bead-normalized data are available.

Importantly, only the fields marked as “required” are needed for cytofin_homogenize() to work; “NA” can be recorded for any/all optional columns that don’t apply to the experimental design of the files being analyzed (for example, if no stimulation conditions were used in the studies being integrated, enter “NA” for each element of the condition column). Alternatively, these columns can be omitted from the metadata table entirely. The following image provides a visual summary of the metadata table used throughout the CytofIn pipeline.

For the user’s convenience, the cytofin_generate_metadata_template function is provided to generate an example metadata .csv file filled with dummy example data in a location specified by the user:

# specify the path where you'd like to store the template file
my_path <- file.path(base_path, "template_folder")

# generate the template file, which then can be edited manually 
cytofin_generate_metadata_template(template_path = my_path)

The second argument for cytofin_homogenize is panel_path, a string that specifies the file path to a .csv or .xlsx file containing information about the panel(s) of each of the .fcs files being analyzed. Each row represents a channel (i.e. a protein measurement) to be included in the final, homogenized panel. This file must contain the following columns:

  • metal_name - A character vector representing the name of the metal isotope measured by each channel.
  • antigen_name - A character vector representing the name of the antigen associated with a given metal isotope in the consensus panel (the final antigen name to assign to a given channel during homogenization).
  • antigen_pattern - A regular expression used to match antigen names that may differ slightly across different .fcs files. For example, the regular expression “(C|c)(D|d)45” will detect all of the following channel names: “cd45”, “CD45”, “Cd45”, or “cD45”.
  • lineage - A numeric vector representing whether or not a marker is a lineage marker (1 if yes; 0 otherwise).
  • functional - A numeric vector representing whether or not a marker is a functional marker (1 if yes; 0 otherwise).
  • general - A numeric vector representing whether or not a marker is a “general” (i.e. neither a lineage nor a functional) marker (1 if yes; 0 otherwise).

The layout of this antigen table (and how it’s used during .fcs file homogenization) is displayed in the picture below.

As in cytofin_generate_metadata_template, the cytofin_generate_panel_template function is provided to generate an example metadata .csv file filled with dummy example data:

# generate the template file, which then can be edited manually 
cytofin_generate_panel_template(template_path = my_path)

For many users, the most difficult part of filling out the consensus panel information table will be designing the regular expressions for the antigen_pattern column. However, in most cases the required regular expressions will be quite simple; for a primer on regular expressions (and their use in the stringr package) written by RStudio, install the stringr package and read the following vignette:

vignette(topic = "regular-expressions", package = "stringr")

The next two arguments for cytofin_homogenize are input_data_path and output_data_path, two strings that indicate which directory input .fcs files should be read from and which directory homogenized .fcs files should be written to, respectively. Lastly, the final two arguments are optional: prefix allows the user to specify the prefix appended to each input .fcs file name to get the name of the corresponding output (i.e. homogenized) .fcs file name, and verbose is a boolean value (default = FALSE) specifying if chatty print statements should be made while the homogenization is performed.

Using these arguments, cytofin_homogenize can homogenize a set of CyTOF files with distinct antigen naming conventions. Specifically, the program performs a regular expression search to match the synonymous term in the panel and correct the antigen name with standardized names in the panel.

Example function call:

# define input paths 
metadata_path <- 
    file.path("extdata", "test_metadata_raw.csv"), 
    package = "cytofin"

panel_path <- 
    file.path("extdata", "test_panel.csv"), 
    package = "cytofin"

input_data_path <- 
  file.path(base_path, "raw_data")

validation_data_path <- 
  file.path(base_path, "validation_data")

# define output path
# --Change this line to wherever you want the output files saved!--
output_data_path <- file.path(base_path, "homogenization_output")

# call homogenization function
  metadata_path = metadata_path, 
  panel_path = panel_path, 
  input_data_path = input_data_path, 
  output_data_path = output_data_path

This function call will save homogenized .fcs files to the directory located at output_data_path. These files will be different from the input .fcs files in the input_data_path directory in that they will only contain channels whose antigen names match the antigen_pattern column of the reference panel located at panel_path. All other channels will be removed, and the names of the channels with matches in antigen_pattern will be standardized to the names given in the antigen_name column of the reference panel.

The input files for this homogenization run were as follows:

list.files(input_data_path, pattern = ".fcs$")
#>  [1] "ALL05v2_Plate2_healthy basal1.fcs" "ALL05v2_Plate2_UPN94 das.fcs"     
#>  [3] "ALL08_Plate8_Healthy03 basal.fcs"  "ALL08_Plate8_UPN26 basal.fcs"     
#>  [5] "CRLF2_Plate1_Healthy 04 BCR.fcs"   "CRLF2_Plate1_UPN53 das + TSLP.fcs"
#>  [7] "MS_Plate5_Healthy BM.fcs"          "MS_Plate5_SU978 Basal.fcs"        
#>  [9] "SJ_Plate2_Healthy_BM.fcs"          "SJ_Plate2_TB010950_Basal.fcs"

…and the corresponding output file saved in the output_data_path directory are now as follows:

list.files(output_data_path, pattern = ".fcs$")
#>  [1] "homogenized_ALL05v2_Plate2_healthy basal1.fcs"
#>  [2] "homogenized_ALL05v2_Plate2_UPN94 das.fcs"     
#>  [3] "homogenized_ALL08_Plate8_Healthy03 basal.fcs" 
#>  [4] "homogenized_ALL08_Plate8_UPN26 basal.fcs"     
#>  [5] "homogenized_CRLF2_Plate1_Healthy 04 BCR.fcs"  
#>  [6] "homogenized_CRLF2_Plate1_UPN53 das + TSLP.fcs"
#>  [7] "homogenized_MS_Plate5_Healthy BM.fcs"         
#>  [8] "homogenized_MS_Plate5_SU978 Basal.fcs"        
#>  [9] "homogenized_SJ_Plate2_Healthy_BM.fcs"         
#> [10] "homogenized_SJ_Plate2_TB010950_Basal.fcs"

CyTOF batch normalization

After dataset homogenization, batch correction (or batch normalization) can be performed across datasets.

In short, CytofIn performs batch normalization though the use of user-identified generalized anchors - which are non-identical references assumed to have low variability across batches - that can be used to estimate batch effects from samples collated from heterogeneous sources. To batch normalize using healthy control samples (one per plate) as generalized anchors (which is ideal when such samples are available), use cytofin_normalize. To batch normalize using the antigen channels with the lowest variability across samples as generalized anchors (which is ideal when healthy samples are unavailable on all plates being analyzed), use cytofin_normalize_nrs.

The use of both of these functions is detailed below.

Batch normalization using external anchors (cytofin_normalize)


The cytofin_normalize uses user-identified external anchors on each CyTOF plate being integrated to correct batch effects on a plate-to-plate basis. One sample on each CyTOF barcoding plate should be chosen as that plate’s external anchor. In general, external anchors should be chosen based on which samples are the most biologically similar to one another from plate to plate. For example, if healthy, non-stimulated samples are included on each CyTOF plate being integrated, the only expected variability between these samples other than batch effects would be person-to-person variability. Thus, these samples are likely to be biologically similar to one another and are suitable to be chosen as external anchors. Alternatively, if a single patient or cell line was included on every CyTOF plate being integrated, the samples corresponding to that patient or cell line on each plate would also be suitable as external anchor choices.

Once users have identified 1 external anchor per plate for CytofIn data integration, users must mark its row in the metadata table with a “1” in the is_anchor column (all other samples should be marked with “0”). CytofIn then uses these anchors to define a universal mean and universal variance that represent the central tendency and dispersion, respectively, of the target distribution to which all samples will be batch corrected. This correction will be performed with the user’s choice from one of five batch correction functions.

In short, CytofIn’s batch normalization procedure using external anchors has two steps:

  1. Preparation of external anchors
  2. Application of a transformation function that performs the batch correction (of which CytofIn provides 5 options)

We detail function calls for each of these steps below.

Step 1 - Anchor preparation

The cytofin_prep_anchors function concatenates the identified anchor files and then calculates summary statistics that are used for batch correction in later steps of the pipeline. First, CytofIn calculates the mean and standard deviation of each channel in the homogenized dataset across all cells from samples identified as external anchors. These values represent the overall central tendency and dispersion, respectively, of each channel among the anchor samples on each CyTOF plate; thus, we call them the universal means and universal variances of the CytofIn integration. Accordingly, the universal mean and universal variance vectors will each have g elements, where g is the number of channels in the consensus antigen panel in the panel information table. The universal mean and universal variance vectors are used in the meanshift, variance, z-score, and beadlike methods of batch correction (see below).

In addition, the mean of all of the elements of the universal mean vector (i.e. the mean of all channel means) and the mean of all of the elements of the universal variance vector (i.e. the mean of all channel variances) are calculated. These values represent the central tendency and dispersion of antigen measurements in general among the healthy control samples on each CyTOF plate and are thus no longer channel-specific. Thus, we call them the bulk mean and bulk variance, and they are used in the meanshift_bulk batch correction method implemented in cytofin_homogenize.

To calculate these values, we use the cytofin_prep_anchors function. cytofin_prep_anchors returns the universal mean vector, universal variance vector, bulk mean, and bulk variance as a list(). In addition, users are given an option to save these statistics as an .rds file in a specified directory in order to avoid performing redundant calculations in future analyses.

Specifically, cytofin_prep_anchors takes 4 required arguments:

  • metadata_path: A directory leading to an .xlsx or .csv file containing a metadata table with information about each file to be analyzed. This file should be identical to that used for cytofin_homogenize.
  • panel_path: A directory leading to an .xlsx or .csv file containing information about the standardized antigen panel in the homogenized dataset. This file should be identical to that used for cytofin_homogenize.
  • input_data_path: A directory containing the input .FCS files from which to draw summary statistics
  • output_path: A directory where the output .rds and .FCS files will be saved. The default is “none”, in which case no output files will be stored (and the only effect of the function will be to return the calculated statistics as a list()).

In addition, cytofin_prep_anchors also takes 2 optional arguments relating to the conventional arcsinh transformation performed on the raw ion counts of the input data. These optional arguments are as follows:

  • shift_factor: The scalar value a in the following equation used to transform CyTOF raw data ion counts using the hyperbolic arcsinh function: new_x <- asinh(a + b * x). Defaults to 0.

  • scale_factor: The scalar value b in the following equation used to transform CyTOF raw data ion counts using the hyperbolic arcsinh function: new_x <- asinh(a + b * x). Defaults to 0.2.

Finally, here is an example functional call of cytofin_prep_anchors:

input_data_path <- file.path(base_path, "homogenization_output")
output_path <- file.path(base_path, "anchor_prep_output")

anchor_statistics <- 
    metadata_path = metadata_path, 
    panel_path = panel_path, 
    input_data_path = input_data_path, 
    output_path = output_path

#> $universal_var
#>         Time Event_length    (Pd102)Di    (Pd104)Di    (Pd105)Di    (Pd106)Di 
#>   1.28235792   0.16399756   6.78770451   0.89290897   5.74351522   4.00916670 
#>    (Pd108)Di    (Pd110)Di    (In113)Di    (In115)Di    (La139)Di    (Pr141)Di 
#>   6.47944462   6.14839951   3.14291787   3.69776978   0.31651260   0.20067263 
#>    (Nd142)Di    (Nd143)Di    (Nd144)Di    (Nd145)Di    (Nd146)Di    (Sm147)Di 
#>   0.88280840   0.50837979   0.18512779   0.27893442   0.79089548   1.30174061 
#>    (Nd148)Di    (Sm149)Di    (Nd150)Di    (Sm152)Di    (Eu153)Di    (Sm154)Di 
#>   1.53148051   0.24234410   0.19237185   0.78984151   3.36668746   0.64687396 
#>    (Gd156)Di    (Gd158)Di    (Gd160)Di    (Dy161)Di    (Dy162)Di    (Dy163)Di 
#>   0.62963342   0.21865740   2.88801028   0.07940630   0.12194444   0.07128214 
#>    (Dy164)Di    (Ho165)Di    (Er166)Di    (Er167)Di    (Er168)Di    (Er170)Di 
#>   0.44285804   1.04235848   0.28206380   4.31831331   3.59089444   3.35406088 
#>    (Yb171)Di    (Yb172)Di    (Yb173)Di    (Yb174)Di    (Lu175)Di    (Yb176)Di 
#>   1.95310084   0.67905696   0.13911985   6.12832312   1.77734024   0.53625671 
#>    (Ir191)Di    (Ir193)Di 
#>   3.21574811   3.27089639 
#> $universal_mean
#>         Time Event_length    (Pd102)Di    (Pd104)Di    (Pd105)Di    (Pd106)Di 
#>  14.50995327   2.30820954   3.48055714   1.06062913   4.08199057   4.77092034 
#>    (Pd108)Di    (Pd110)Di    (In113)Di    (In115)Di    (La139)Di    (Pr141)Di 
#>   2.69248853   3.31279576   1.34656332   2.31588156   0.35046633   0.19319399 
#>    (Nd142)Di    (Nd143)Di    (Nd144)Di    (Nd145)Di    (Nd146)Di    (Sm147)Di 
#>   0.57791130   0.34730008   0.20086489   0.34646560   0.61382685   0.56851774 
#>    (Nd148)Di    (Sm149)Di    (Nd150)Di    (Sm152)Di    (Eu153)Di    (Sm154)Di 
#>   1.13302732   0.15299272   0.19208744   0.43406391   2.13362865   0.45270859 
#>    (Gd156)Di    (Gd158)Di    (Gd160)Di    (Dy161)Di    (Dy162)Di    (Dy163)Di 
#>   0.34711746   0.17472376   1.30261426   0.11212254   0.13257570   0.07266354 
#>    (Dy164)Di    (Ho165)Di    (Er166)Di    (Er167)Di    (Er168)Di    (Er170)Di 
#>   0.22465161   0.48758658   0.28522175   2.63843957   2.43044297   0.80540655 
#>    (Yb171)Di    (Yb172)Di    (Yb173)Di    (Yb174)Di    (Lu175)Di    (Yb176)Di 
#>   1.30095098   0.65077576   0.15830507   2.43474419   1.14821570   0.54578885 
#>    (Ir191)Di    (Ir193)Di 
#>   3.80031272   4.48577210 
#> $bulk_var
#> [1] 1.467075
#> $bulk_mean
#> [1] 0.969387

As shown above, the returned value is a list with 4 items in it: the universal variance vector (universal_var), the universal mean vector (universal_mean), the bulk variance (bulk_var) and the bulk mean (bulk_mean). Note that the elements of universal_var and universal_mean are named with their corresponding metal names (not antigen names), as this interfaces a bit more conveniently with the flowCore functions that CytofIn uses under-the-hood.

Importantly, you only need to use cytofin_prep_anchors if you plan to batch normalize your .fcs files using external anchors identified on each plate (using cytofin_normalize). If you plan to batch normalize your .fcs files using non-redundancy scores from each sample’s most stable channels (using cytofin_normalize_nrs), you do not need to run cytofin_prep_anchors first.

Step 2 - Batch normalization

After the anchors’ summary statistics are computed, batch correction using external anchors can be performed using either cytofin_normalize. This function can perform batch correction using 5 different normalizations functions (which we call “modes”). Specifically, the options are called the “meanshift”, “meanshift_bulk”, “variance”, “z-score”, and “beadlike” normalization functions. Which of these is most applicable to a given analysis will differ from user to user. We recommended that users try using both and then manually inspect/visualize the batch-corrected data in order to determine which method they prefer.

To perform batch normalization using external anchors identified on each plate, use cytofin_normalize. This batch normalization strategy assumes that the anchors on each plate are relatively similar to one another, and it uses this similarity to adjust the marker expression measurements on each plate based on how much each plate’s anchor differs from the other anchors. The cytofin_normalize function takes several required arguments:

  • metadata_path: A directory leading to an .xlsx or .csv file containing a metadata table with information about each file to be analyzed. This file should be identical to that used for cytofin_homogenize.
  • panel_path: A directory leading to an .xlsx or .csv file containing information about the standardized antigen panel in the homogenized dataset. This file should be identical to that used for cytofin_homogenize.
  • anchor_statistics: Either a list of numeric values produced by the cytofin_prep_anchors function or a connection leading to an .rds object containing anchor statistics.
  • input_data_path: A directory containing the input .fcs files to be batch normalized. In most cases, this will be the directory to which the output .FCS files from cytofin_homogenize were written.
  • output_data_path: A directory where the output (i.e. batch normalized) .FCS files will be written.
  • mode: A string indicating which transformation function should be used for batch normalization (“meanshift”, “meanshift_bulk”, “variance”, “z-score”, or “beadlike”).

In addition to these required arguments, cytofin_normalize takes several optional arguments:

  • input_prefix: The string that was appended to the name of the raw input .fcs files of cytofin_homogenize to create their corresponding output file names. Defaults to “homogenized_”.

  • output_prefix: The string to be appended to the name of each input .fcs file to create the name of the corresponding output file (post-homogenization). Defaults to “normalized_”.

  • shift_factor and scale_factor: The scalar values a and b, respectively, to be used in the hyperbolic arc-sine function used to transform CyTOF ion counts according to the following equation: new_x <- asinh(a + b * x). shift_factor defaults to 0 and scale_factor defaults to 0.2, which are customary values used by most scientists in the CyTOF community.

Using these arguments, a call to cytofin_normalize will perform the batch correction and save the output (i.e. batch normalized) .fcs files to the directory specified by output_data_path. An example function call is given here:

output_data_path <- 
  file.path(base_path, "normalization_results")

norm_result <- 
    metadata_path = metadata_path, 
    panel_path = panel_path, 
    anchor_statistics = anchor_statistics, 
    input_data_path = input_data_path, 
    output_data_path = output_data_path, 
    mode = "meanshift"

When this function is called, it has two effects. The first is to save the batch-normalized output .fcs files to the output_data_path directory. The second is to return a data.frame that stores mean and variance information about each input file (as well as its associated anchor) both before and after normalization. This data.frame can be passed directly into the cytofin_make_plots function to return 8 diagnostic plots per sample illustrating the quality of the normalization:

# we make only the plot for the first input .fcs file
# for illustrative purposes
  normalization_result = norm_result,
  which_rows = 1,
  val_path = "none"

Batch normalization using internal anchors (cytofin_normalize_nrs)

In the event that external anchors are not available, CytofIn can use “internal anchors” within each sample for batch normalization. Specifically, instead of defining a single external anchor for all the samples on a given plate like cytofin_normalize, the cytofin_normalize_nrs function identifies the most stable channels in the dataset overall and uses them as internal anchors that are used to batch normalize all other channels from sample-to-sample. A schematic diagram of how cytofin_normalize_nrs works is provided below:

In words, to identify the most stable channels in the combined dataset, CytofIn uses a PCA-based non-redundancy score (NRS) as described before (see here). A minimum of 3 channels should be selected to establish an internal reference from which signals can be calibrated between CyTOF files.

To do this, cytofin_normalize_nrs takes several of the same arguments as cytofin_normalize, defined as above: metadata_path, panel_path, input_data_path, output_data_path, input_prefix, output_prefix, shift_factor, and scale_factor. In addition, it takes the following optional arguments:

  • nchannels: An integer representing the number of “most stable” (i.e. with the lowest non-redundancy scores) channels that should be used for batch normalization. Defaults to 3.

  • make_plot: A boolean value representing if, in addition to its other effects, cytofin_normalize_nrs should return a plot illustrating the distribution of non-redundancy scores for each channel among all .fcs files being batch normalized. Defaults to FALSE.

These arguments can be used in a function call as follows:

# path to save the normalized .fcs files
output_data_path <- 
  file.path(base_path, "normalization_nrs_results")

# call function
norm_result_nrs <- 
    metadata_path = metadata_path, 
    panel_path = panel_path, 
    input_data_path = input_data_path, 
    output_data_path = output_data_path, 
    nchannels = 3, 
    make_plot = FALSE

Just like cytofin_normalize above, cytofin_normalize_nrs has several effects. First, it writes batch-normalized .fcs files to output_data_path and makes a plot depicting sample-wise and channel-wise non-redundancy scores according to the value of make_plot. In addition, it returns a data.frame that can be passed into cytofin_make_plots to make diagnostic plots regarding the batch normalization procedure:

# show only 1 set of plots for illustrative purposes
  normalization_result = norm_result_nrs, 
  which_rows = 7, 
  val_path = validation_data_path

Additional Information

For questions about the cytofin R package, please email or open a GitHub issue here.

# session information for rendering this README file
#> R version 4.0.3 (2020-10-10)
#> Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin17.0 (64-bit)
#> Running under: macOS Big Sur 10.16
#> Matrix products: default
#> BLAS:   /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.0/Resources/lib/libRblas.dylib
#> LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.0/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib
#> locale:
#> [1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8
#> attached base packages:
#> [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     
#> other attached packages:
#> [1] cytofin_0.0.0.9000
#> loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
#>  [1] Rcpp_1.0.6          highr_0.9           compiler_4.0.3     
#>  [4] pillar_1.6.0        cytolib_2.2.1       tools_4.0.3        
#>  [7] digest_0.6.27       evaluate_0.14       lifecycle_1.0.0    
#> [10] tibble_3.1.0        pkgconfig_2.0.3     rlang_0.4.10       
#> [13] DBI_1.1.1           yaml_2.2.1          parallel_4.0.3     
#> [16] xfun_0.22           dplyr_1.0.5         stringr_1.4.0      
#> [19] knitr_1.32          hms_1.0.0           generics_0.1.0     
#> [22] S4Vectors_0.28.1    vctrs_0.3.7         stats4_4.0.3       
#> [25] tidyselect_1.1.0    glue_1.4.2          Biobase_2.50.0     
#> [28] R6_2.5.0            fansi_0.4.2         rmarkdown_2.7      
#> [31] readr_1.4.0         tidyr_1.1.3         RProtoBufLib_2.2.0 
#> [34] purrr_0.3.4         magrittr_2.0.1      matrixStats_0.58.0 
#> [37] htmltools_0.5.1.1   ellipsis_0.3.1      BiocGenerics_0.36.1
#> [40] assertthat_0.2.1    flowCore_2.2.0      utf8_1.2.1         
#> [43] stringi_1.5.3       RcppParallel_5.1.2  crayon_1.4.1