Google and Facebook Auth
SvelteKit SSR Ready Svelte v3
npm i @beyonk/svelte-social-auth --save-dev
<GoogleAuth clientId="your-google-auth-client-id" on:auth-success={e => console.dir(e.detail.user)} />
<FacebookAuth appId="your-facebook-app-id" on:auth-success={e => console.dir(e.detail.user)} />
import { GoogleAuth, FacebookAuth } from '@beyonk/svelte-social-auth'
Buttons have default graphics and text, however, both buttons are slotted, so simply put the button content you want inside:
<div>my custom content</div>
Common attributes:
Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
text | Text of the sign-in button | string | 'Sign in with ' |
The attributes for the GoogleAuth component are:
Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
clientId | Google service account client id | string | - |
The attributes for the FacebookAuth component are:
Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
appId | Facebook app id | string | - |
The events fired by the GoogleAuth component are:
Event | Purpose | Properties |
on:auth-success | User authentication success | { user } |
on:auth-failure | User authentication failure | { error } |
on:init-error | Google Auth initialisation failure | { error } |
The events fired by the FacebookAuth component are:
Event | Purpose | Properties |
on:auth-success | User authentication success | { user } |
on:auth-failure | User authentication failure | { error } |
Note that Facebook requires that you have HTTPS locally, despite their documentation to the contrary, so you will need to generate some SSL certs and point rollup config at them.
Put your app and client ids in an .env
pnpm dev