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This repository contains a Python module used for instantiating CANopen nodes in Linux, especially for a Raspberry Pi. The socketcanopen module contains classes to instantiate a CANopen node application. This module now requires the can module, replacing the original socketcan module. Each node must be initialized with at least one can.BusABC instance, a node-ID (integer, 1 to 127), and a socketcanopen.ObjectDictionary instance.

Node Applications

Example node applications are provided:

  • is the simplest implentation of a node that supports SDO communication.
  • has object dictionary entries with values greater than 4 bytes to demonstrate normal (non-expedited) SDO.
  • imports the CANopen object dictionary from an EDS file (node.eds).
  • adds synchronous PDO support.
  • is a complex example of a CANopen Master that involves using GPIOs and how to interact with changes to the object dictionary.

systemd .service unit files and instructions for starting the node applications at boot are also provided.

Protocol Adaptors

Example protocol adaptors are provided: Note that these are very crude and do not provide buffering.

  • CANopen-to-HTTP (, implementation of CiA 309-5)
  • CAN-to-WebSocket (, uses SocketCAN message structure; websocketcan.js and websocketcanopen.js provide wrappers to JavaScript's WebSocket, which can be used to decode messages in client browser)

Raspberry Pi Setup

Install and Configure Raspbian

  1. Install the latest version of Raspbian.

  2. (Optional) Because of a driver issue, you may need to add dtoverlay=mmc to /boot/config.txt for the Raspberry Pi to boot.

  3. (Optional) Run sudo raspi-config and adjust internationalization options.

  4. (Optional) Prevent flash memory corruption:

    1. Change /etc/fstab to:

      proc            /proc     proc    defaults          0   0
      /dev/mmcblk0p1  /boot     vfat    ro,noatime        0   2
      /dev/mmcblk0p2  /         ext4    defaults,noatime  0   1
      none            /var/log  tmpfs   size=1M,noatime   0   0
    2. Disable swap memory:

      sudo dphys-swapfile swapoff
      sudo dphys-swapfile uninstall
      sudo update-rc.d dphys-swapfile remove
    3. Reboot: sudo reboot

Add CAN Support

  1. Connect MCP2515 circuit(s) to the Raspberry Pi SPI0 bus. Interrupt GPIOs are defined in step 4.

  2. If necessary, enable writable boot partition: sudo mount -o remount,rw /dev/mmcblk0p1 /boot

  3. Run sudo raspi-config

    • Interfacing Options
      • SPI: Enable/Disable automatic loading (Yes)
  4. Configure SPI Module: Change /boot/config.txt to:


    Note: It appears the order of the mcp2515-can* overlay determines which SPI CE is used (first listing gets spi0.1/CE1, second listing get spi0.0/CE0), even though the documentation says otherwise. See raspberrypi/linux#1490 for more info.

    Note: The oscillator and interrupt parameters may be different for your application.

  5. Reboot to enable the MCP2515 drivers.

  6. Setup CAN interfaces

    • Manual
    sudo ip link set can0 up type can bitrate 1000000
    sudo ip link set can1 up type can bitrate 1000000
    • Automatic (start at boot-up)
      1. Copy can_if to /home/pi/ (or change location in can_if.service
      2. Modify can_if line CAN_IF="" to CAN_IF="can0@1000000,2000 can1@1000000,2000" (may vary per application)
      3. Set can_if to be globally executable (chmod +x can_if)
      4. Copy can_if.service to /etc/systemd/system/
      5. sudo systemctl daemon-reload
      6. sudo systemctl enable can_if.service
      7. sudo reboot or sudo systemctl start can_if.service
  7. (Optional) Install can-utils for debugging

    sudo apt install can-utils

Library Usage


  1. git clone
  2. cd canopen-rpi
  3. pip3 install -e .


Many examples are provided. The simplest code is when using an EDS file:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import can
import signal
import socketcanopen

can_bus = can.Bus("vcan0", interface="socketcan")
node_id = 0x02
canopen_od = socketcanopen.ObjectDictionary.from_eds(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + '/node.eds', node_id)
node = socketcanopen.Node(can_bus, node_idd, canopen_od)
signal.pause() # Run forever

Example: Configure as CANopen Master with CAN-to-HTTP Adapter on Boot

  1. Setup CANopen Master

    1. Copy to /home/pi/
    2. Copy canopen-master.service to /etc/systemd/service/ and configure with systemctl like can_if.service above
  2. Setup CAN-to-WebSocket Adapter

    1. Copy to /home/pi/
    2. Copy websocketcan-server.service to /etc/systemd/service/ and configure with systemctl like can_if.service above