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Releases: bia-pain-bache/BPB-Worker-Panel


26 Sep 14:58
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  • Added reset settings button to panel.
  • Added NTP to Clash and Sing-box.
  • Revised Clash sniffer to route only.
  • Totally removed Nekoray fragment configs due to being abandoned by developers and removing Xray core.
  • Improved data entry validation.
  • Revised Xray routing rules.


24 Sep 21:56
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v2.5.8 Pre-release

Custom CDN support

3 fields named Custom Addr, Custom Host and Custom SNI added to panel settings in order to be set by Fastly or GCore settings. The configs will be added to Normal subscriptions for Xray, Clash and Sing-box with C flag, like VLESS C.
Custom Addr should be corresponding CDN's addresses and can be domain, IPv4 and IPv6 or a desired combination separated by comma like: , [2a04:4e42:200::731] ,


1- IPv6 should be wrapped in [ ] as is in the example.
2- Sometimes Allow Insecure should be activated manually in order to work on TLS ports in clients, This feature cannot be set via subscription.
3- It only works on port 443 and 80 for now.

Hiddify Fragment subscription

Added supscription to Fragment section, however there are some limitations:


1- Remote DNS and Local DNS are not affected by panel, Hiddify app rewrites them! Please set remote DNS to a DOH, otherwise configs won't work.
2- different Fragment packets won't apply on this subscription, there is only 1 mood (tlshello) available on Hiddify Singbox fragment. Other panel settings will be applied.


  • Revised Xray Fragment configs to better support chaining.
  • Refactored.

Bug Fixes

  • Solved Pre-resolve DOH in config generation process to avoid Worker DOH fetch rate limit.


22 Sep 15:43
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2.5.6 Pre-release

Added socks5 and http support to chain proxy

socks5 and http proxies can be added in this formats:

  • socks://address:port or http://address:port
  • socks://user:pass@address:port or http://user:pass@address:port

Clash and Sing-box configs now support Chain Proxy

From now on Clash and Sing-box normal subscriptions support Chain proxy in addition to fragment sub.


The chain proxy is now added to normal subscription as a config, you can manually chain it with normal subscription.
In Nekobox, Husi... you can set it as Landing Proxy in Group settings.
In v2rayNG (1.9.1 or higher) you can set it as Next Proxy by copy pasting its remark in subscription settings.


If you wanna use VLESS TLS config as a chain proxy, be aware that it should be on port 443, otherwise panel will prevent submitting it.


Clash core doesn't support randomized fingerprint, so please avoid using configs with mentioned fingerprint as chain proxy if you wanna use Clash.


  • Added Tun and Sniffer to Clash config.
  • Totally revised Clash DNS, Routing.
  • Revised Xray DNS and routing in order to better support chain proxies in Local DNS mode and VPN DNS mode.
  • Blocked UDP:443 on all VLESS/Trojan configs to prevent WebRTC leaks (Clash) and worker errors. Block QUIC option still applies on Warp subscriptions.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed importing Trojan normal configs failure if Trojan Password contained special characters.
  • Panel prevents submitting VLESS TLS on port 443 for chain proxy.
  • Sing-box sniffing limited to routing only.


13 Sep 11:48
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Added Trojan

From now on you can select both VLESS and Trojan protocols to be added to subscriptions.


For Trojan protocol you need to have a password and a hash password:


Trojan protocol cannot handle UDP, neither for connections nor UDP DNS!
For instance you cannot use or udp:// as remote DNS in your client for using normal Trojan configs. Panel forces you to use DOH, DOT and TCP remote DNS, so there is no concern about using Trojan fragment configs.

Added Clash normal subscription

The full BPB features like setting DNSs, routing, Clean IPs... is applicable on Clash sub except Fragment.


nonTLS Trojan configs won't work on Clash due to enforcement of TLS in Clash core for Trojan protocol.


  • Updated VLESS handlers.
  • Updated Fragment, Warp custom configs (Sockopt, Ws headers...)
  • Pre resolve DOH, DOT and TCP remote DNS.
  • Added Bypass China to routing.
  • Added Block QUIC to routing.
  • Revised Singbox DNS and Routing.
  • Routing now applies to all subscriptions and configs except V2ray normal subscription.
  • Added WoW Best Ping config to warp subscriptions.
  • Rearranged Panel setting to provide better user experience.
  • Refactored.


Please get warp subscription link for v2ray clients again after updating, the subscription link has changed.

Bug Fixes

  • Revised Xray DNS for better routing.
  • Fixed Warp Keep Alive in Xray configs.


11 Sep 09:11
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2.5.4 Pre-release


For Trojan protocol you need to have a password and a hash password:


  • Revised Singbox DNS and Routing.
  • Routing now applies to all subscriptions and configs except V2ray normal subscription.
  • Added WoW Best Ping config to warp subscriptions.
  • Delegated Trojan hash password generation to user.
  • Refactored.

Bug Fixes

  • Removed runtime hash generation due to nodejs compatiblity #276
  • Some fixes.


02 Sep 18:06
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2.5.3 Pre-release

Added Trojan

From now on you can select both VLESS and Trojan protocols to be added to subscriptions.


Trojan protocol cannot UDP, neither for connections nor UDP DNS!
For instance you cannot use or as remote DNS in your client for using normal Trojan configs. Panel forces you to use DOH, DOT and TCP remote DNS, so there is no concern about using Trojan fragment configs.

Added Clash normal subscription

The full BPB features like setting DNSs, routing, Clean IPs... is applicable on Clash sub except Fragment.


nonTLS Trojan configs won't work on Clash due to enforcement of TLS in Clash core for Trojan protocol.


  • Updated VLESS handlers
  • Refactored.

Bug Fixes

  • Revised Xray DNS for better routing


24 Aug 19:22
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2.5.1 Pre-release


  • Updated Fragment, Warp custom configs (Sockopt, Ws headers...)
  • Pre resolve DOH, DOT and UDP remote DNS.
  • Added Bypass China to routing.
  • Added Block QUIC to routing.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Warp Keep Alive in Xray configs.


16 Aug 12:59
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Added Warp Pro Subscription

This subscription has been provided due to recent fantastic improvements in Xray and Singbox cores developed by GFW-Knocker (Mahsa team) and Hiddify team which helps bypassing Iran ISPs' restrictions on warp connectivity. A brief guide is provide here

Added Warp Plus support

Users can now apply Warp+ Licenses on their Warp configs, license sources and steps are introduced here


  • Added Fragment Packets option to Panel. Please note that 1-1 option only works on MahsaNG, NikaNG and v2rayN-PRO.
  • Improved Cloudflare API error handling.
  • Updated docs.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed some UI bugs.


02 Aug 13:19
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Changed default Proxy IP

Due to unstablity of Chinese Proxy IPs, the default domain has been changed and will be maitained regularly.

Warp keys generation

From now on warp keys will be generated in client browser. Also the warp configs will saved on KV in order to prevenet warp subscription delay.


If you are updating your panel, please make sure to login to panel once so new changes can take effect and your warp configs get generated, otherwise your Warp subscription won't work.


  • The default admin password for panel has been removed and when you hit /panel for first time it will ask to set new password.
  • Warp subscription fetches much quicker due to changes made to Warp generation new policy.
  • Added Warp refresh settings to get new warp configs.

Bug Fixes

  • Changed default Proxy IPs.


11 Jul 15:08
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Bug fixes

  • Fixed Streisand and iOS singbox campatiblity issues.
  • There will be always a https port even if user disables all of them. #164
  • Warp endpoint validations. #160
  • Fixed some settings not applying #168
  • Fixed Fragment configs not importing in Streisand.
  • Fixed routing rules not disabling issue.


  • Improved singbox DNS rules and routing.