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(in-package "OSCAR")(proclaim '(special *arguments* *nodes-done* *arg-number* *nodes-used*))(defun print-argument (x stream depth) (declare (ignore depth)) (princ "#<" stream) (princ "argument " stream) (princ (argument-number x) stream) (princ " for node " stream) (princ (argument-node x) stream) (princ ">" stream))(defstruct (argument (:print-function print-argument) (:conc-name nil)) (argument-number 0) (argument-links nil) (argument-node nil) (defeating-arguments nil) (defeated-arguments nil) (argument-strength 0) (ultimate-interest nil) (inclusive-arg-nodes nil))(defunction node-arguments (node &optional used-sequents) (if (support-links node) (let ((S (node-sequent node))) (unionmapcar= #'(lambda (L) (if (support-link-basis L) (when (and (not (some #'(lambda (b) (and (is-inference b) (subsumes (node-sequent b) S))) (support-link-basis L))) (not (some #'(lambda (S) (some #'(lambda (b) (and (is-inference b) (subsumes (node-sequent b) S))) (support-link-basis L))) used-sequents))) (mapcar #'(lambda (arg) (cons L arg)) (mapcar #'genunion (gencrossproduct (append (mapcar #'(lambda (b) (node-arguments b (cons S used-sequents))) (motivating-nodes node)) (mapcar #'(lambda (b) (node-arguments b (cons S used-sequents))) (support-link-basis L))))))) (list (list L)))) (support-links node))) (list nil)))#| An argument is a list of support-links. |#(defunction independent-of (sequent argument) (not (some #'(lambda (L) (some #'(lambda (b) (subsumes (node-sequent b) sequent)) (support-link-basis L))) argument)))#| If nodes is nonempty, this constructs all arguments relevant to nodes. Otherwise, itconstructs all arguments relevant to ultimate-epistemic-interests. |#(defunction show-arguments (&optional nodes) (setf *arg-number* 0 *nodes-used* nil *arguments* nil *nodes-done* nil) (when (null nodes) (setf nodes (unionmapcar+ #'query-answers *ultimate-epistemic-interests*))) (dolist (n nodes) (push n *nodes-done*) (push n *nodes-used*) (dolist (arg (node-arguments n)) (when (not (some #'(lambda (a2) (and (eq n (argument-node a2)) (subsetp (argument-links a2) arg))) *arguments*)) (dolist (a2 *arguments*) (when (and (eq n (argument-node a2)) (subsetp arg (argument-links a2))) (pull a2 *arguments*))) (let ((argument (make-argument :argument-number (incf *arg-number*) :argument-links arg :argument-node n :argument-strength (if (every #'(lambda (L) (null (defeating-assignment-trees L))) arg) (minimum0 (mapcar #'support-link-strength+ arg)) 0) :ultimate-interest (mem1 (answered-queries n)) :inclusive-arg-nodes (list n)))) (push argument *arguments*) (dolist (m (motivating-nodes n)) (pushnew m (inclusive-arg-nodes argument)) (pushnew m *nodes-used*)) (dolist (L (argument-links argument)) (dolist (b (support-link-basis L)) (pushnew b (inclusive-arg-nodes argument)) (pushnew b *nodes-used*) (dolist (m (motivating-nodes b)) (pushnew m (inclusive-arg-nodes argument)) (pushnew m *nodes-used*)))))))) (dolist (argument *arguments*) (find-defeating-arguments argument)) (dolist (argument (reverse *arguments*)) (display-argument argument)) (let ((argument-length (length *nodes-used*)) (graph-size *inference-number*)) (princ "===========================================================================") (terpri) (terpri) (terpri) (princ "Cumulative size of arguments = ") (princ argument-length) (terpri) (princ "Size of inference-graph = ") (princ graph-size) (princ " of which ") (princ *unused-suppositions*) (princ " were unused suppositions.") (terpri) (princ (truncate (* argument-length 100) graph-size)) (princ "% of the inference-graph was used in the argument.") (terpri)))(defunction support-link-strength+ (L) (or (support-link-strength L) (if (not (defeasible-rule (support-link-rule L))) 1.0 0)))(defunction find-defeating-arguments (argument) (dolist (L (argument-links argument)) (when (defeasible? L) (dolist (d (support-link-defeaters L)) (cond ((member d *nodes-done*) (dolist (arg *arguments*) (when (eq (argument-node arg) d) (pushnew arg (defeating-arguments argument)) (pushnew argument (defeated-arguments arg))))) (t (push d *nodes-done*) (push d *nodes-used*) (dolist (d-arg (node-arguments d)) (when (not (some #'(lambda (a2) (and (eq d (argument-node a2)) (subsetp (argument-links a2) d-arg))) *arguments*)) (dolist (a2 *arguments*) (when (and (eq d (argument-node a2)) (subsetp d-arg (argument-links a2))) (pull a2 *arguments*))) (let ((d-argument (make-argument :argument-number (incf *arg-number*) :argument-links d-arg :argument-node d :argument-strength (if (every #'(lambda (L) (null (defeating-assignment-trees L))) d-arg) (minimum0 (mapcar #'support-link-strength d-arg)) 0) :inclusive-arg-nodes (list d)))) (push d-argument *arguments*) (dolist (m (motivating-nodes d)) (pushnew m (inclusive-arg-nodes d-argument)) (pushnew m *nodes-used*)) (pushnew d-argument (defeating-arguments argument)) (pushnew argument (defeated-arguments d-argument)) (dolist (L (argument-links d-argument)) (dolist (b (support-link-basis L)) (pushnew b (inclusive-arg-nodes d-argument)) (pushnew b *nodes-used*) (dolist (m (motivating-nodes b)) (pushnew m (inclusive-arg-nodes d-argument)) (pushnew m *nodes-used*)))) (find-defeating-arguments d-argument))))))))))(defunction deductive-argument (arg) (every #'(lambda (L) (not (defeasible? L))) (argument-links arg)))(defunction display-argument (arg &optional fw) (let ((n (argument-node arg))) (princ "===========================================================================" fw) (terpri fw) (princ "ARGUMENT #" fw) (princ (argument-number arg) fw) (terpri fw) (princ "This is " fw) (cond ((deductive-argument arg) (princ "a deductive argument for:" fw)) ((zerop (argument-strength arg)) (princ "a defeated argument for:" fw)) (t (princ "an undefeated argument of strength " fw) (princ (argument-strength arg) fw) (princ " for:" fw))) (terpri fw) (princ " " fw) (if (node-supposition n) (prinp-sequent (node-sequent n) fw) (prinp (node-formula n) fw)) (terpri fw) (when (ultimate-interest arg) (princ " which is of ultimate interest." fw) (terpri fw)) (format-argument arg fw) (terpri fw) (let ((d-args (order (mapcar #'argument-number (defeating-arguments arg)) #'<))) (when d-args (cond ((> (length d-args) 1) (princ "Arguments " fw)) (t (princ "Argument " fw))) (princ "#" fw) (princ (car d-args) fw) (dolist (d-arg (cdr d-args)) (princ ", #" fw) (princ d-arg fw)) (princ " support defeaters for this argument." fw) (terpri fw))) (when (and (defeating-arguments arg) (defeated-arguments arg)) (terpri fw)) (let ((d-args (order (mapcar #'argument-number (defeated-arguments arg)) #'<))) (when d-args (princ "This argument supports defeaters for " fw) (princ "{ " fw) (let ((L (car (node-defeatees n)))) (princ "link " fw) (princ (support-link-number L) fw) (princ " for node " fw) (princ (inference-number (support-link-target L)) fw)) (dolist (L (cdr (node-defeatees n))) (princ " , " fw) (princ "link " fw) (princ (support-link-number L)) (princ " for node " fw) (princ (inference-number (support-link-target L)) fw)) (princ " }" fw) (princ " thereby providing defeaters for " fw) (cond ((> (length d-args) 1) (princ "arguments " fw)) (t (princ "argument " fw))) (princ "#" fw) (princ (car d-args) fw) (dolist (d-arg (cdr d-args)) (princ ", #" fw) (princ d-arg fw)) (terpri fw))) ))(defunction node-basis-in-arg (node arg) (let ((link (find-if #'(lambda (L) (eq (support-link-target L) node)) (argument-links arg)))) #| (union (motivating-nodes node) |# (if link (support-link-basis link)))) #| Choose the first node all of whose ancestors are already in lines and whosesupposition is the same as the last one, if there is one. Otherwise, choose thefirst node all of whose ancestors are already in lines and whose supposition issuch that every node having that supposition is such that all of its ancestors areeither already in a line or have that same supposition. Otherwise, choose thefirst node all of whose ancestors are already in lines and whose suppositionis already used, if there is one. Otherwise, choose the first line all of whoseancestors are already in lines, and put its supposition in sups-used. |#(defunction format-argument (arg &optional fw) (let* ((nodes (order (inclusive-arg-nodes arg) 'sup-order)) (sups-used (list nil)) (sup nil) (nodes-done nil)) (loop #| (princ nodes) (terpri) (princ nodes-done) (terpri) |# (let ((next (find-if #'(lambda (x) (and (equal (node-supposition x) sup) (subsetp (node-basis-in-arg x arg) nodes-done))) nodes))) (when (null next) (setq next (find-if #'(lambda (x) (and (subsetp (node-basis-in-arg x arg) nodes-done) (let ((sup (node-supposition x))) (every #'(lambda (n) (or (member n nodes-done) (not (subsetp= sup (node-supposition n))) (every #'(lambda (anc) (or (member anc nodes-done) (equal (node-supposition anc) sup))) (node-basis-in-arg x arg)))) nodes)))) nodes)) (when (null next) (setq next (find-if #'(lambda (x) (and (mem (node-supposition x) sups-used) (subsetp (node-basis-in-arg x arg) nodes-done))) nodes)) (when (null next) (setq next (find-if #'(lambda (x) (subsetp (node-basis-in-arg x arg) nodes-done)) nodes))))) (pushnew (node-supposition next) sups-used) (setq sup (node-supposition next)) (pull next nodes) (push next nodes-done)) (when (null nodes) (return))) (print-formatted-argument (reverse nodes-done) arg fw)))#|(defunction print-formatted-argument (nodes arg &optional fw) (let ((nodes-left nodes) (current-sup nil) (depth-list (list (cons 0 nil))) (indent-value 0)) (loop (let* ((n (mem1 nodes-left)) (sup (node-supposition n)) (depth (length sup))) (cond ((not (equal sup current-sup)) (cond ((or (<= indent-value depth) (not (equal sup (e-assoc depth depth-list)))) (setq depth-list (cons (cons depth sup) depth-list)) (print-supposition sup depth fw))) (setq indent-value depth) (setq current-sup sup))) (terpri fw) (clear-indent indent-value fw) (princ " " fw) (princ (inference-number n) fw) (princ ". " fw) (when (equal (node-kind n) :percept) (princ "It appears that " fw)) (prinp (node-formula n) fw) (when (node-supposition n) (princ " supposing " fw) (set-prinp (node-supposition n) fw)) (princ " " fw) (let ((link (find-if #'(lambda (L) (eq (support-link-target L) n)) (argument-links arg)))) (cond ((equal (node-kind n) :percept) (princ "given" fw)) ((node-justification n) (princ (node-justification n) fw)) (link (princ (support-link-rule link) fw) (princ " from " fw) (princ-set (mapcar #'inference-number (support-link-basis link)) fw)) (t (let ((args (subset #'(lambda (A) (eq (argument-node A) n)) *arguments*))) (cond ((eql (length args) 1) (princ "by argument #" fw) (princ (argument-number (mem1 args)) fw)) ((> (length args) 1) (princ "by arguments #" fw) (princ (argument-number (mem1 args)) fw) (dolist (A (cdr args)) (princ ", #" fw) (princ (argument-number A) fw)))))))) (setq nodes-left (cdr nodes-left)) (if (null nodes-left) (return)))) (terpri fw)))|#(defunction print-formatted-argument (nodes arg &optional fw) (let ((nodes-left nodes)) (loop (let* ((n (mem1 nodes-left))) (terpri fw) (princ (inference-number n) fw) (princ ". " fw) (when (equal (node-kind n) :percept) (princ "It appears that " fw)) (prinp (node-formula n) fw) (when (node-supposition n) (princ " supposing " fw) (set-prinp (node-supposition n) fw)) (princ " " fw) (let ((link (find-if #'(lambda (L) (eq (support-link-target L) n)) (argument-links arg)))) (cond ((equal (node-kind n) :percept) (princ "given" fw)) ((node-justification n) (princ (node-justification n) fw)) (link (princ (support-link-rule link) fw) (princ " from " fw) (princ-set (mapcar #'inference-number (support-link-basis link)) fw)) (t (let ((args (subset #'(lambda (A) (eq (argument-node A) n)) *arguments*))) (cond ((eql (length args) 1) (princ "by argument #" fw) (princ (argument-number (mem1 args)) fw)) ((> (length args) 1) (princ "by arguments #" fw) (princ (argument-number (mem1 args)) fw) (dolist (A (cdr args)) (princ ", #" fw) (princ (argument-number A) fw)))))))) (setq nodes-left (cdr nodes-left)) (if (null nodes-left) (return)))) (terpri fw)))(defunction sup-order (n m) (subsetp= (node-supposition n) (node-supposition m)))(defunction print-supposition (sup indent-value &optional fw) (cond (sup (terpri fw) (clear-indent indent-value fw) (princ "----------------------------------------------------------" fw) (terpri fw) (clear-indent indent-value fw) (princ " Suppose: " fw) (set-prinp sup fw) (terpri fw) (clear-indent indent-value fw) (princ "----------------------------------------------------------" fw) )))(defunction clear-indent (n &optional fw) (dotimes (x n) (princ " " fw)) (if (not (zerop n)) (princ "|" fw)))(defunction display-arguments () (dolist (n *nodes-done*) (princ n) (princ " for ") (print-sequent (node-sequent n)) (terpri) (let ((arguments (subset #'(lambda (a) (eq (argument-node a) n)) *arguments*))) (dolist (arg arguments) (princ arg) (terpri))) #| (print-argument-relations arg))) |# (princ "-------------------------") (terpri)))(defunction print-argument-relations (arg &optional (arguments *arguments*) (depth 0)) (bar-indent depth) (princ arg) (terpri) (let ((subarguments nil)) (dolist (a2 arguments) (when (and (not (eq a2 arg)) (subsetp (argument-links a2) (argument-links arg)) (not (some #'(lambda (s) (subsetp (argument-links arg) (argument-links s))) subarguments))) (dolist (s subarguments) (when (subsetp (argument-links s) (argument-links arg)) (pull s subarguments))) (push a2 subarguments))) (dolist (s subarguments) (print-argument-relations s subarguments (+ 5 depth)))))