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Iggy User Guide (version 2.1.0)

Sven Thiele edited this page Apr 3, 2020 · 2 revisions

What are iggy and opt_graph

iggy and opt_graph are tools for consistency based analysis of influence graphs and observed systems behavior (signed changes between two measured states). For many (biological) systems are knowledge bases available that describe the interaction of its components in terms of causal networks, boolean networks and influence graphs where edges indicate either positive or negative effect of one node upon another.

iggy implements methods to check the consistency of large-scale data sets and provides explanations for inconsistencies. In practice, this is used to identify unreliable data or to indicate missing reactions. Further, iggy addresses the problem of repairing networks and corresponding yet often discrepant measurements in order to re-establish their mutual consistency and predict unobserved variations even under inconsistency.

opt_graph confronts interaction graph models with observed systems behavior from multiple experiments. opt_graph computes networks fitting the observation data by removing (or adding) a minimal number of edges in the given network.


Compile yourself

Clone the git repository:

git clone
cargo build --release

The executables can be found under ./target/release/

Input Model + Data

iggy and opt_graph work with two kinds of data. The first is representing an interaction graph model. The second is the experimental data, representing experimental condition and observed behavior.


The model is represented as file in complex interaction format CIF as shown below. Lines in the CIF file specify a interaction between (multiple) source nodes and one target node.

shp2                        ->  grb2_sos
!mtor_inhibitor             ->  mtor
?jak2_p                     ->  stat5ab_py
!ras_gap & grb2_sos         ->  pi3k
akt & erk & mtor & pi3k     ->  mtorc1
gab1_bras_py                ->  ras_gap
gab1_ps & jak2_p & pi3k     ->  gab1_bras_py

In our influence graph models, we have simple interactions like: in Line 1 for shp2 increases grb2_sos and in Line 2 the ! indicates that mtor_inhibitor tends to decrease mtor. In Line 3 the ? indicates an unknown influence of jak2_p on stat5ab_py. Complex interactions can be composed with the & operator to model a combined influence of multiple sources on a target. In Line 4 a decrease in ras_gap with an increase in grb2_sos tend to increase pi3k.

Experimental data

The experimental data is given in the file format shown below. Nodes which are perturbed in the experimental condition are denoted as input. The first line of the example below states that depor has been perturbed in the experiment. This means depor has been under the control of the experimentalist and its behavior must therefore not be explained. The behavior of a node can be either +, -, 0, NotPlus, NotMinus. Line 2 states that an increase (+) was observed in depor, as it is declared an input this behavior has been caused by the experimentalist. Line 3 states that stat5ab_py has decreased (-) and line 4 states that ras has not changed (0). Line 5 states that an uncertain decrease (NotPlus) has been observed in plcg and line 6 states that an uncertain increase (NotMinus) has been observed in mtorc1. Line 7 states that akt is initially on the minimum level, this means it cannot further decrease, and line 8 states that grb2_sos is initially on the maximum level, this means it cannot further increase.

depor         = input
depor         = +
stat5ab_py    = -
ras_gap       = 0
jak2_p        = NotPlus
mtorc1        = NotMinus
akt           = MIN
pi3k          = MAX

Consistency notions

The Iggy tools implement different constraints that inform the consistency notion under which the analysis are perform. In other words, what is considered a consistent behavior of a system. The defaults are:

  • All observed changes must be explained by a predecessor.

    This basic constraint that must always hold.

  • All observed changes must be explained by an input.

    You can turn this off with the flag --founded-constraints-off.

  • 0-change must be explained.

    You can turn this constraint off with the flag --fwd-propagation-off.

Additional you can turn on the following constraint:

  • An elementary path from an input must exist to explain changes. You can turn this constraint on with the flag --elempath.

With the flag --depmat you can turn on a consistency notion that is used for the dependency matrix. This notion includes the elementary path constraint.

For more information on the consistency notion see:

For more information on the dependency matrix see:

  • A methodology for the structural and functional analysis of signaling and regulatory networks, Klamt S, Saez-Rodriguez J, Lindquist J, Simeoni L, Gilles E., BMC Bioinforma. 2006; 7(1):56.


iggy performs consistency checks for an interaction model and a data profile. It computes explanations (minimal inconsistent cores mics) for inconsistencies and suggests repairs for model and data.

The mics are connected parts of the model and indicate unreliable data or missing reactions. The repairs re-establish the mutual consistency between model and data, and enable predictions of unobserved behavior even under inconsistency.

The typical usage of iggy is:

> iggy -n network.cif -o observation.obs -l 10 -p

For more options, you can ask for help as follows:

> iggy -h
iggy 2.1.0
Sven Thiele <>
Iggy confronts interaction graph models with observations of (signed) changes between
two measured states (including uncertain observations). Iggy discovers inconsistencies
in networks or data, applies minimal repairs, and predicts the behavior for the
unmeasured species. It distinguishes strong predictions (e.g. increase in a node) and
weak predictions (e.g., the value of a node increases or remains unchanged

    iggy [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --network <network-file>

    -a, --auto-inputs               Declare nodes with indegree 0 as inputs
        --depmat                    Combine multiple states, a change must be explained
                                    by an elementary path from an input
        --elempath                  Every change must be explained by an elementary
                                    path from an input
        --founded-constraints-off   Disable foundedness constraints
        --fwd-propagation-off       Disable forward propagation constraints
    -h, --help                      Prints help information
        --mics                      Compute minimal inconsistent cores
        --scenfit                   Compute scenfit of the data, default is mcos
    -p, --show-predictions          Show predictions
    -V, --version                   Prints version information
    -l, --show-labelings <max-labelings>     Show max-labelings labelings, default is OFF,
    -n, --network <network-file>             Influence graph in CIF format
    -o, --observations <observations-file>   Observations in bioquali format

Compute minimal correction sets (mcos) or scenfit and predictions under inconsistency

iggy implements two measures for inconsistency minimal correction sets (mcos) and scenfit. While mcos measures the minimal number of observations that cannot be explained, scenfit measures a minimal number of changes to the model to re-establish the mutual consistency between model and data. The default in iggy is mcos but scenfit can be used with the option --scenfit.

With the option --show-labelings, -l N iggy computes at most N such labelings and repairs that are consistent.

With the flag --show-predictions, -p iggy computes predictions under inconsistencies. More precisely the behaviors of the system that are invariant also under the minimal repairs.

iggy presents the results of its analysis as text output. The output of iggy can be redirected into a file using the > operator. For example to write the results shown below into the file myfile.txt type:

> iggy -n network.cif -o observations.obs -l 10 -p > myfile.txt

In the following we will dissect the output generated by iggy. The first 3 lines of the output state the constraints that have been used to analyze network and data. For our example, it is the default setting with the following constraints. For a deeper understanding of these constraints see sthiele15.

+ All observed changes must be explained by a predecessor.
+ 0-change must be explained.
+ All observed changes must be explained by an input.

Next, follow some statistics on the input data. The network statistics tells us that the influence graph model given as network.cif consists of 18 species nodes and 4 complex nodes, with 19 edges with activating influence and 6 edges with inhibiting influence and 1 edge with Unknown influence.

Reading network model from "network.cif".

# Network statistics

    OR nodes (species): 18
    AND nodes (complex regulation): 4
    Activations: 19
    Inhibitions: 6
    Unknowns:    1

The following observations statistics tells us that the experimental data given as observation.obs consist of 14 observations from which all are nodes of the model. This leaves 4 nodes of the model unobserved. Further there are 0 observations of species that are not in the model. The experimental conditions has 2 perturbations marked as input nodes, and 1 node were observed with a minimum level MIN (resp. maximum level MAX). From the 14 observations 4 nodes were observed as increased +, 1 node decreased (-), 7 nodes did not change (0), 1 node were observed with an uncertain decrease (NotPlus), 1 node were observed with an uncertain increase (NotMinus).

Reading observations from "observations.obs".

# Observations statistics

    observed model nodes:   14
    unobserved model nodes: 4
    observed not in model:  0
    inputs:                 2
    MIN:                    1
    MAX:                    1
    observations:           14
      +:                    4
      -:                    1
      0:                    7
      NotPlus:              1
      NotMinus:             1

Then follow the results of the consistency analysis. Network and data are inconsistent and the size of a minimal correction set (mcos) is 2. This means that at least 2 influences need to be added to restore consistency. For a deeper understanding of mcos see samaga13. Further, the output contains at most 10 consistent labeling including correction set. This is because we choose to set the flag --show_labelings 10. In our example we have 2 possible labelings. Each labeling represents a consistent behavior of the model (given mcos the corrections). Labeling 1, tells it is possible that mek1 increases (+), shp2_ph and mtorc do not change (0) and that stat5ab_py decrease (-). The Repairs section tells us that this is a consistent behavior if mtor would receive a increasing influence and socs1 would receive a decreasing influence, which is currently not included in the model. Labeling 2, represents an alternative behavior, here mtorc1 does increases (+). Please note that in this example both labelings are consistent under the same correction set. In another example more than one minimal correction set could exists.

The network and data are inconsistent: mcos = 2.

Compute mcos labelings ... done.
Labeling 1:
    mtorc1 = 0
    ras_gap = 0
    shp2 = 0
    gab1_bras_py = 0
    jak2_p = 0
    mek1 = +
    erk = +
    brb2 = 0
    akt = 0
    stat5ab_py = -
    brb = -
    gab1_ps = +
    grb2_sos = 0
    socs1 = 0
    pi3k = 0
    mtor = 0
    mtor_inhibitor = 0
    depor = +

  new increasing influence on: mtor
  new decreasing influence on: socs1

Labeling 2:
    mtorc1 = +
    ras_gap = 0
    shp2 = 0
    gab1_bras_py = 0
    jak2_p = 0
    mek1 = +
    erk = +
    brb2 = -
    akt = 0
    stat5ab_py = -
    brb = -
    gab1_ps = +
    grb2_sos = 0
    socs1 = 0
    pi3k = 0
    mtor = 0
    mtor_inhibitor = 0
    depor = +

  new increasing influence on: mtor
  new decreasing influence on: socs1

Finally, the prediction results are listed. A prediction is a statement that hold under all labeling under all minimal repairs. For a formal definition of predictions see sthiele15. Here the predictions are that gab1_ps always increases (+), stat5ab_py always decreases (-), shp2 always stays unchanged (0), mtorc1 never decreases (NotMinus), and brb2 always stays never increases (NotPlus),

Compute predictions under mcos ... done.

# Predictions:

    mek1 = +
    erk = +
    gab1_ps = +
    depor = +
    stat5ab_py = -
    ras_gap = 0
    shp2 = 0
    gab1_bras_py = 0
    jak2_p = 0
    akt = 0
    grb2_sos = 0
    socs1 = 0
    pi3k = 0
    mtor = 0
    mtor_inhibitor = 0
    brb2 = NotPlus
    mtorc1 = NotMinus
    brb = CHANGE

    predicted +        = 4
    predicted -        = 1
    predicted 0        = 10
    predicted NotPlus  = 1
    predicted NotMinus = 1
    predicted CHANGE   = 1

For more information on minimal correction sets mcos see:

  • Detecting and Removing Inconsistencies between Experimental Data and Signaling Network Topologies Using Integer Linear Programming on Interaction Graphs. Melas IN, Samaga R, Alexopoulos LG, Klamt S. , PLoS Comput Biol. 2013; 9(9):1003204.

Compute minimal inconsistent cores --mics

Iggy computes minimal inconsistent cores mics for inconsistent model and data. The mics are connected parts of the model and indicate unreliable data or missing reactions. To compute the minimal inconsistent cores use the flag --mics as follows:

> iggy -n data/Yeast/yeast_guelzim.cif  -o data/Yeast/yeast_snf2.obs --mics

+ All observed changes must be explained by a predecessor.
+ 0-change must be explained.
+ All observed changes must be explained by an input.

Reading network model from "data/Yeast/yeast_guelzim.cif".

# Network statistics

    OR nodes (species): 477
    AND nodes (complex regulation): 0
    Activations : 665
    Inhibitions : 270
    Unknowns : 0

Reading observations from "yeast_snf2.obs".

# Observations statistics

    observed model nodes:   89
    unobserved model nodes: 388
    observed not in model:  485
    inputs:                 0
    MIN:                    0
    MAX:                    0
    observations:           574
      +:                    376
      -:                    198
      0:                    0
      NotPlus:              0
      NotMinus:             0

Computing mcos of network and data ... done.

The network and data are inconsistent: mcos = 530.

Computing minimal inconsistent cores (mic's) ... done.

mic 1:
    YAL063C YER065C 

mic 2:
    YBR159W YNL009W 

mic 3:
    YJL159W YGR108W 

mic 4:
    YPR119W YGR108W 

mic 5:
    YMR307W YIL013C 

mic 6:
    YNL241C YLR109W 

mic 7:
    YOL006C YMR186W 

mic 8:
    YGR108W YDR224C YAL040C 

mic 9:
    YPL256C YIL072W YNL210W YGR044C YPR119W YJL194W YJL106W YDL179W YOR159C YHR055C YLR131C YDR522C YJR094C YDR523C YHL022C YLR286C YNL327W YMR133W YHR014W YDL127W YKL185W YLR079W YHR053C 

mic 10:
    YPL256C YIL072W YNL210W YGR044C YJL194W YJL106W YDL179W YOR159C YHR055C YLR131C YDR522C YJR094C YDR523C YHL022C YLR286C YNL327W YMR133W YDR224C YHR014W YAL040C YDL127W YKL185W YLR079W YHR053C 

mic 11:
    YPL256C YIL072W YJL159W YNL210W YGR044C YJL194W YJL106W YDL179W YOR159C YHR055C YLR131C YDR522C YJR094C YDR523C YHL022C YLR286C YNL327W YMR133W YHR014W YDL127W YKL185W YLR079W YHR053C 

mic 12:
    YPL256C YMR199W YIL072W YGL089C STA3 YLR452C YNL210W YIL099W YGR044C YIR019C YJL157C YBR083W YAL038W YCL066W YDR103W YJL106W YLR403W YOL006C YCL067C YHR174W YOR159C YDR461W YLR113W YDR522C YOL086C YJR094C YDR523C YCR012W YHL022C YCR018C YOR212W YCL027W YOR077W YMR133W YNL145W YHR014W YNL216W YJR004C YGR254W YGL008C STA2 YCL030C YKL209C STA1 YFL026W YDR007W YHR084W YKL178C YIL015W YPL187W 

mic 13:
    YCR065W YOL116W YKR099W YGL073W YBR279W YGL025C YDR448W YDR392W YIR023W YLR451W YBR112C YBL093C YMR021C YGL237C YMR037C YKL015W YJR060W YGL043W YCR093W YDL106C YGL255W YER108C YHL025W YFL031W YDR123C YDL170W YOR363C YJL176C YIL101C YCR097W YKL062W YHR119W YGL166W YMR043W YOL051W YPL075W YKL038W YOL108C YGL209W YBL021C YPL082C YOR344C YKR206W YER161C YNR052C YER169W YBR289W YDR034C YDR216W YNL314W YGL013C YDR423C YFR034C YDR421W YMR070W YBR049C YBR297W YKL032C YOR290C YGR288W YCR084C YOR358W YMR042W YML007W YHL027W YGL254W YLR098C YOR230W YML099C YOR140W YOL067C YDR176W YDL056W YML010W YER040W YDR043C YHR152W YEL009C YLR014C 

For more information on minimal inconsistent cores see:


opt_graph confronts interaction graph models with observed systems behavior from multiple experiments. opt_graph computes networks fitting the observation data by removing (or adding) a minimal number of edges in the given network.

Typical usage is:

> opt_graph -n network.cif -o observations_dir/ --show_repairs 10

For more options, you can ask for help as follows:

> opt_graph -h
opt_graph 2.1.0
Sven Thiele <>
Opt-graph confronts interaction graph models with observations of (signed) changes between 
two measured states. Opt-graph computes networks fitting the observation data by removing 
(or adding) a minimal number of edges in the given network

    opt_graph [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --network <network-file> --observations <observations-dir>
    -a, --auto-inputs               Declare nodes with indegree 0 as inputs
        --depmat                    Combine multiple states, a change must be explained by 
                                    an elementary path from an input
        --elempath                  Every change must be explained by an elementary path 
                                    from an input
        --founded-constraints-off   Disable foundedness constraints
        --fwd-propagation-off       Disable forward propagation constraints
    -h, --help                      Prints help information
    -V, --version                   Prints version information
    -r, --show-repairs <max-repairs>        Show max-repairs repairs, default is OFF, 0=all
    -n, --network <network-file>            Influence graph in CIF format
    -o, --observations <observations-dir>   Directory of observations in bioquali format
    -m, --repair-mode <repair-mode>         Repair mode: remove = remove edges (default),
                                                        optgraph = add + remove edges,
                                                        flip = flip direction of edges


opt_graph -n in_silico_HEK293/v1_comp_BN.cif -o in_silico_HEK293/prior_data --depmat  -r 0 -m optgraph

+ DepMat combines multiple states.
+ An elementary path from an input must exist to explain changes.

Reading network model from "data/in_silico_HEK293/v1_comp_BN.cif".

# Network statistics

    OR nodes (species): 23
    AND nodes (complex regulation): 12
    Activations : 47
    Inhibitions : 12
    Unknowns : 0

Reading observations from in_silico_HEK293/prior_data/first_response_mek1_up.txt.

Reading observations from in_silico_HEK293/prior_data/first_response_pi3k_down.txt.

Reading observations from in_silico_HEK293/prior_data/first_response_pi3k_mek1_down.txt.

Computing repair through add/removing edges ... 
    using greedy method ... done.

The network and data can reach a scenfit of 0.

Repair 1: 
    remove edge: !mek1 -> shp2 
    remove edge: mek1 -> stat5ab_py 
    add edge: mek1 -> gab1_ps 

Repair 2: 
    remove edge: !mek1 -> shp2 
    remove edge: mek1 -> stat5ab_py 
    add edge: !grb2_sos -> gab1_ps 

Repair 3: 
    remove edge: !mek1 -> shp2 
    remove edge: mek1 -> stat5ab_py 
    add edge: akt -> gab1_ps 

Repair 4: 
    remove edge: !mek1 -> shp2 
    remove edge: mek1 -> stat5ab_py 
    add edge: mtorc2 -> gab1_ps 

Repair 5: 
    remove edge: !mek1 -> shp2 
    remove edge: mek1 -> stat5ab_py 
    add edge: mtorc1 -> gab1_ps 

Repair 6: 
    remove edge: !mek1 -> shp2 
    remove edge: mek1 -> stat5ab_py 
    add edge: erk -> gab1_ps 

Repair 7: 
    remove edge: !mek1 -> shp2 
    remove edge: mek1 -> stat5ab_py 
    add edge: !gab1_bras_py -> gab1_ps 

Repair 8: 
    remove edge: !mek1 -> shp2 
    remove edge: mek1 -> stat5ab_py 
    add edge: !ras_gap -> gab1_ps 

For more information on OptGraph see:

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