These instructions assume you want to use the ontology-data-pipeline as a basis for developing your own pipeline environment. Developers wishing to commit to this codebase are free to submit pull requests.
The pipeline has been tested and run using several versions of python. The current requirements file runs well with python 3.6.8 and so we reccomend you start with that version of python.
Clone the ontology-data-pipeline repository and then verify installation:
# Install libraries (make sure you have python 3.6.8 installed)
pip install -r requirements
# verify that the tests run
python -m pytest
Next, we reccomend you fork an example repository, such as the fovt-data-pipeline and place at the same level in the directory tree as ontology-data-pipeline.
You will also need to clone the elk_pipeline repository and place at the same level in the directory tree and then create a symbolic link in root directory of your pipeline environment ln -s ../elk_pipeline elk_pipeline
(this is required for referencing in the reasoner step)
When done, you should have the following directories:
\code\fovt-data-pipeline (or your special purpose pipeline)
Once you have completed the above steps, you can run the following within the my-customized-data-pipeline
code, substituting your input data file (replacing sample_data_processed.csv
) when you are ready:
# a sample_runner script running python directly assuming that you have ontology-data-pipeline checked out
# in the proper location
python ../ontology-data-pipeline/ \
-v --drop_invalid \
sample_data_processed.csv \
data/output \ \
config \