diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# Lazarus compiler-generated binaries (safe to delete)
+# Lazarus autogenerated files (duplicated info)
+# Lazarus local files (user-specific info)
+# Lazarus backups and unit output folders.
+# These can be changed by user in Lazarus/project options.
+# Application bundle for Mac OS
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Example/WebSocketTest.lpi b/Example/WebSocketTest.lpi
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/Example/WebSocketTest.lpi
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+ -
+ -
+ -
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/Example/WebSocketTest.lpr
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+program WebSocketTest;
+{$Mode Delphi}
+ cthreads,
+ Classes,
+ SysUtils,
+ WebSocket.Helper,
+ WebSocket.Core;
+ TMyClass = class
+ public
+ procedure OnRead(Sender: TWebSocketCustomConnection; {%H-}Flags: TWSFlags; OpCode: Byte; Data: TMemoryStream);
+ procedure OnReadFull(Sender: TWebSocketCustomConnection; OpCode: Byte; Data: TMemoryStream);
+ procedure OnPing(Sender: TWebSocketCustomConnection; Data: AnsiString);
+ procedure OnPong(Sender: TWebSocketCustomConnection; Data: AnsiString);
+ end;
+{ TMyClass }
+procedure TMyClass.OnRead(Sender: TWebSocketCustomConnection; Flags: TWSFlags; OpCode: Byte; Data: TMemoryStream);
+ s: AnsiString;
+ SetLength(s{%H-}, Data.Size);
+ Move(Data.Memory^, s[1], Data.Size);
+ WriteLn(OpCode, ':', Data.Size, '-', s);
+procedure TMyClass.OnReadFull(Sender: TWebSocketCustomConnection; OpCode: Byte; Data: TMemoryStream);
+ WriteLn(OpCode, ':', Data.Size, '-', PAnsiChar(Data.Memory));
+procedure TMyClass.OnPing(Sender: TWebSocketCustomConnection; Data: AnsiString);
+ WriteLn('PING:', Length(Data), '-', Data);
+procedure TMyClass.OnPong(Sender: TWebSocketCustomConnection; Data: AnsiString);
+ WriteLn('PONG:', Length(Data), '-', Data);
+ Client: TWebSocketClient;
+ MyClass: TMyClass;
+ i: Integer;
+ MyClass := TMyClass.Create;
+ Client := TWebSocketClient.CreateFromURL('wss://');
+ Client.OnRead := MyClass.OnRead;
+ Client.OnReadFull := MyClass.OnReadFull;
+ Client.OnPing := MyClass.OnPing;
+ Client.OnPong := MyClass.OnPong;
+ Client.Start;
+ Client.WaitForConnect(10000);
+ Client.SendText('HeloHeloHeloHelo');
+ Client.SendText('Hello', []);
+ Client.SendTextContinuation('Hello', []);
+ Client.SendTextContinuation('Hello', []);
+ Client.SendTextContinuation('Hello', [FIN]);
+ Client.Ping('PingPingPing');
+ for i := 1 to 10 do begin
+ Client.SendText('Hello ' + IntToStr(i));
+ Client.Ping('Ping ' + IntToStr(i));
+ Sleep(1000);
+ end;
+ Readln;
+ Client.Ping('PingPingPing');
+ Client.Free;
+ MyClass.Free;
+ Writeln('FINISHED!');
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/README.md
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+# libWebSocket.pas
+### WebSocket server/client implementation in Object Pascal
+This project is based directly on pure Pascal source code.
+Project contains implementation of clients and servers using WebSocket protocol RFC (http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6455)
+This library is a remastered, rewritten and customized version of
+which originally are based on Bronislav Klucka source code as
+This library requirements Ararat Synapse (http://www.ararat.cz/synapse/) socket library to compile.
diff --git a/WebSocket.Core.pas b/WebSocket.Core.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5039c0
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+++ b/WebSocket.Core.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,1933 @@
+| Project : Object Pascal WebSocket Client/Server Library |
+| Content: Core WebSocket client and server classes |
+| Copyright (c)2023, Vahid Nasehi Oskouei |
+| All rights reserved. |
+| |
+| Remastered and rewritten version which is based on |
+| https://github.com/MFernstrom/Bauglir-WebSocket-2 |
+| and |
+| https://github.com/Robert-112/Bauglir-WebSocket-2 |
+| which originally are based on Bronislav Klucka source code as |
+| http://code.google.com/p/bauglir-websocket |
+| |
+| |
+| Project download homepage: |
+| https://github.com/biot2/libWebSocket.pas |
+| WebSocket RFC: |
+| http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6455 |
+| |
+| |
+| Requirements: Ararat Synapse (http://www.ararat.cz/synapse/) |
+unit WebSocket.Core;
+ cthreads,
+ {$ENDIF}
+ Classes, SysUtils, blcksock, syncobjs, WebSocket.Helper, strutils;
+ {:Constants section defining what kind of data are sent from one pont to another}
+ {:Continuation frame }
+ wsCodeContinuation = $0;
+ {:Text frame }
+ wsCodeText = $1;
+ {:Binary frame }
+ wsCodeBinary = $2;
+ {:Close frame }
+ wsCodeClose = $8;
+ {:Ping frame }
+ wsCodePing = $9;
+ {:Frame frame }
+ wsCodePong = $A;
+ {:Constants section defining close codes}
+ {:Normal valid closure, connection purpose was fulfilled}
+ wsCloseNormal = 1000;
+ {:Endpoint is going away (like server shutdown) }
+ wsCloseShutdown = 1001;
+ {:Protocol error }
+ wsCloseErrorProtocol = 1002;
+ {:Unknown frame data type or data type application cannot handle }
+ wsCloseErrorData = 1003;
+ {:Reserved }
+ wsCloseReserved1 = 1004;
+ {:Close received by peer but without any close code. This close code MUST NOT be sent by application. }
+ wsCloseNoStatus = 1005;
+ {:Abnotmal connection shutdown close code. This close code MUST NOT be sent by application. }
+ wsCloseErrorClose = 1006;
+ {:Received text data are not valid UTF-8. }
+ wsCloseErrorUTF8 = 1007;
+ {:Endpoint is terminating the connection because it has received a message that violates its policy. Generic error. }
+ wsCloseErrorPolicy = 1008;
+ {:Too large message received }
+ wsCloseTooLargeMessage = 1009;
+ {:Client is terminating the connection because it has expected the server to negotiate one or more extension, but the server didn't return them in the response message of the WebSocket handshake }
+ wsCloseClientExtensionError= 1010;
+ {:Server is terminating the connection because it encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request }
+ wsCloseErrorServerRequest = 1011;
+ {:Connection was closed due to a failure to perform a TLS handshake. This close code MUST NOT be sent by application. }
+ wsCloseErrorTLS = 1015;
+ TReadOnlyMemoryStream = class(TCustomMemoryStream)
+ public
+ constructor Create(Memory: Pointer; Size: PtrInt);
+ procedure ResetPointer(Memory: Pointer; Size: PtrInt);
+ end;
+ TWSFlag = (FIN, RSV1, RSV2, RSV3);
+ TWSFlags = set of TWSFlag;
+ TWebSocketCustomConnection = class;
+ {:Event procedural type to hook OnOpen events on connection
+ }
+ TWebSocketConnectionEvent = procedure(Sender: TWebSocketCustomConnection) of object;
+ {:Event procedural type to hook OnPing, OnPong events on connection
+ }
+ TWebSocketConnectionPingPongEvent = procedure(Sender: TWebSocketCustomConnection; Data: AnsiString) of object;
+ {:Event procedural type to hook OnClose event on connection
+ }
+ TWebSocketConnectionClose = procedure(Sender: TWebSocketCustomConnection; CloseCode: Integer; CloseReason: AnsiString; ClosedByPeer: Boolean) of object;
+ {:Event procedural type to hook OnRead on OnWrite event on connection
+ }
+ TWebSocketConnectionData = procedure(Sender: TWebSocketCustomConnection; Flags: TWSFlags; OpCode: Byte; Data: TMemoryStream) of object;
+ TWebSocketConnectionDataWrite = procedure(Sender: TWebSocketCustomConnection; Flags: TWSFlags; OpCode: Byte; Data: TStream) of object;
+ {:Event procedural type to hook OnReadFull
+ }
+ TWebSocketConnectionDataFull = procedure(Sender: TWebSocketCustomConnection; OpCode: Byte; Data: TMemoryStream) of object;
+ {:abstract(WebSocket connection)
+ class is parent class for server and client connection
+ }
+ TWebSocketCustomConnection = class(TCustomConnection)
+ private
+ protected
+ FOnOpen: TWebSocketConnectionEvent;
+ FOnClose: TWebSocketConnectionClose;
+ FOnRead: TWebSocketConnectionData;
+ FOnReadFull: TWebSocketConnectionDataFull;
+ FOnWrite: TWebSocketConnectionDataWrite;
+ FOnPing: TWebSocketConnectionPingPongEvent;
+ FOnPong: TWebSocketConnectionPingPongEvent;
+ FCookie: AnsiString;
+ FVersion: Integer;
+ FProtocol: AnsiString;
+ FResourceName: AnsiString;
+ FOrigin: AnsiString;
+ FExtension: AnsiString;
+ FPort: AnsiString;
+ FHost: AnsiString;
+ FHeaders: TStringList;
+ FClosedByMe: Boolean;
+ FClosedByPeer: Boolean;
+ FMasking: Boolean;
+ FRequireMasking: Boolean;
+ FHandshake: Boolean;
+ FCloseCode: Integer;
+ FCloseReason: AnsiString;
+ FClosingByPeer: Boolean;
+ FSendCriticalSection: TCriticalSection;
+ FFullDataProcess: Boolean;
+ FFullDataStream: TMemoryStream;
+ function GetClosed: Boolean;
+ function GetClosing: Boolean;
+ procedure ExecuteConnection; override;
+ function ReadData(out Flags: TWSFlags; out OpCode: Byte; Data: TMemoryStream): Integer; virtual;
+ function ValidConnection: Boolean;
+ procedure DoOpen;
+ procedure DoClose(CloseCode: Integer; CloseReason: AnsiString; ClosedByPeer: Boolean);
+ procedure DoPing(Data: AnsiString);
+ procedure DoPong(Data: AnsiString);
+ procedure DoRead(Flags: TWSFlags; OpCode: Byte; Data: TMemoryStream);
+ procedure DoReadFull(OpCode: Byte; Data: TMemoryStream);
+ procedure DoWrite(Flags: TWSFlags; OpCode: Byte; Data: TStream);
+ {:Overload this function to process connection close (not at socket level, but as an actual WebSocket frame)
+ CloseCode represents close code (see wsClose constants)
+ CloseReason represents textual information transfered with frame (there is no specified format or meaning)
+ ClosedByPeer whether connection has been closed by this connection object or by peer endpoint
+ }
+ procedure ProcessOpen; virtual;
+ procedure ProcessClose(CloseCode: Integer; CloseReason: AnsiString; ClosedByPeer: Boolean); virtual;
+ {:Overload this function to process ping frame)
+ Data represents textual information transfered with frame (there is no specified format or meaning)
+ }
+ procedure ProcessPing(Data: AnsiString); virtual;
+ {:Overload this function to process pong frame)
+ Data represents textual information transfered with frame (there is no specified format or meaning)
+ }
+ procedure ProcessPong(Data: AnsiString); virtual;
+ {:Overload this function to process data as soon as they are read before other Process function is called
+ this function should be used by extensions to modify incomming data before the are process based on code
+ Flags frame flags including FIN and 3 extension bits
+ Opcode is frame opcode
+ Data data stream
+ }
+ procedure ProcessReadData(var Flags: TWSFlags; var OpCode: Byte; Data: TMemoryStream); virtual;
+ procedure ProcessReadDataFull(var {%H-}Flags: TWSFlags; var OpCode: Byte; Data: TMemoryStream); virtual;
+ procedure ProcessWriteData(var Flags: TWSFlags; var OpCode: Byte; Data: TStream); virtual;
+ public
+ constructor Create(Socket: TTCPCustomConnectionSocket); override;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ {:
+ Whether connection is in active state (not closed, closing, socket, exists, i/o threads not Terminated..)
+ }
+ function CanReceiveOrSend: Boolean;
+ {:Procedure to close connection
+ CloseCode represents close code (see wsClose constants)
+ CloseReason represents textual information transfered with frame (there is no specified format or meaning) the AnsiString can only be 123 bytes length
+ }
+ procedure Close(CloseCode: Integer; CloseReason: AnsiString); virtual; abstract;
+ {:Send generic frame
+ Flags frame flags including FIN and 3 extension bits
+ OpCode frame opcode
+ Data data stream or string
+ }
+ function SendData(Flags: TWSFlags; OpCode: Byte; Data: TStream): Integer; overload; virtual;
+ function SendData(Flags: TWSFlags; OpCode: Byte; Data: Pointer; DataSize: Integer): Integer; overload; virtual;
+ function SendData(Flags: TWSFlags; OpCode: Byte; Data: AnsiString): Integer; overload; virtual;
+ function SendDataSplitted(OpCode: Byte; Data: Pointer; DataSize: Int64; SplitSize: Integer): Integer; overload;
+ function SendDataSplitted(OpCode: Byte; Data: TStream; SplitSize: Integer): Integer; overload;
+ {:Send textual frame
+ Data data AnsiString (MUST be UTF-8)
+ Flags frame flags including FIN and 3 extension bits
+ }
+ procedure SendText(Data: AnsiString; Flags: TWSFlags = [FIN]);
+ procedure SendTextSplitted(Data: AnsiString; SplitSize: Integer = 1048576);
+ {:Send textual continuation frame
+ Data data AnsiString (MUST be UTF-8)
+ Flags frame flags including FIN and 3 extension bits
+ }
+ procedure SendTextContinuation(Data: AnsiString; Flags: TWSFlags = [FIN]);
+ {:Send binary frame
+ Data data stream
+ Flags frame flags including FIN and 3 extension bits
+ }
+ procedure SendBinary(Data: TStream; Flags: TWSFlags = [FIN]);
+ procedure SendBinarySplitted(Data: TStream; SplitSize: Integer = 1048576);
+ {:Send binary continuation frame
+ Data data stream
+ Flags frame flags including FIN and 3 extension bits
+ }
+ procedure SendBinaryContinuation(Data: TStream; Flags: TWSFlags = [FIN]);
+ {:Send Ping
+ Data ping informations
+ }
+ procedure Ping(Data: AnsiString);
+ {:Send Pong
+ Data pong informations
+ }
+ procedure Pong(Data: AnsiString);
+ {:Temination procedure
+ This method should be called instead of Terminate to terminate thread,
+ it internally calls Terminate, but can be overloaded,
+ and can be used for data clean up
+ }
+ procedure TerminateThread; override;
+ {: Whether connection has been closed
+ (either socket has been closed or thread has been Terminated or WebSocket has been closed by this and peer connection)
+ }
+ property Closed: Boolean read GetClosed;
+ {: Whether WebSocket has been closed by this and peer connection }
+ property Closing: Boolean read GetClosing;
+ {: WebSocket connection cookies
+ Property is regular unparsed Cookie header AnsiString
+ e.g. cookie1=value1;cookie2=value2
+ empty AnsiString represents that no cookies are present
+ }
+ property Cookie: AnsiString read FCookie;
+ {: WebSocket connection extensions
+ Property is regular unparsed Sec-WebSocket-Extensions header AnsiString
+ e.g. foo, bar; baz=2
+ On both client and server connection this value represents the extension(s) selected by server to be used
+ as a Result of extension negotioation
+ value - represents that no extension was negotiated and no header will be sent to client
+ it is the default value
+ }
+ property Extension: AnsiString read FExtension;
+ {:Whether to register for full data processing
+ (callink @link(ProcessFullText), @link(ProcessFullStream) @link(OnFullRead)
+ those methods/events are called if FullDataProcess is @True and whole message is read (after FIN frame)
+ }
+ property FullDataProcess: Boolean read FFullDataProcess write FFullDataProcess;
+ {:
+ Whether WebSocket handshake was succecfull (and connection is afer WS handshake)
+ }
+ property Handshake: Boolean read FHandshake;
+ {: WebSocket connection host
+ Property is regular unparsed Host header AnsiString
+ e.g. server.example.com
+ }
+ property Host: AnsiString read FHost;
+ {: WebSocket connection origin
+ Property is regular unparsed Sec-WebSocket-Origin header AnsiString
+ e.g. http://example.com
+ }
+ property Origin: AnsiString read FOrigin;
+ {: WebSocket connection protocol
+ Property is regular unparsed Sec-WebSocket-Protocol header AnsiString
+ e.g. chat, superchat
+ On both client and server connection this value represents the protocol(s) selected by server to be used
+ as a Result of protocol negotioation
+ value - represents that no protocol was negotiated and no header will be sent to client
+ it is the default value
+ }
+ property Protocol: AnsiString read FProtocol;
+ {: Connection port }
+ property Port: AnsiString read FPort;
+ {: Connection resource
+ e.g. /path1/path2/path3/file.ext
+ }
+ property ResourceName: AnsiString read FResourceName;
+ {: WebSocket version (either 7 or 8 or 13)}
+ property Version: Integer read FVersion;
+ {: WebSocket connection successfully }
+ property OnOpen: TWebSocketConnectionEvent read FOnOpen write FOnOpen;
+ {: WebSocket Close frame event }
+ property OnClose: TWebSocketConnectionClose read FOnClose write FOnClose;
+ { : WebSocket ping }
+ property OnPing: TWebSocketConnectionPingPongEvent read FOnPing write FOnPing;
+ { : WebSocket pong }
+ property OnPong: TWebSocketConnectionPingPongEvent read FOnPong write FOnPong;
+ {: WebSocket frame read }
+ property OnRead: TWebSocketConnectionData read FOnRead write FOnRead;
+ {: WebSocket read full data}
+ property OnReadFull: TWebSocketConnectionDataFull read FOnReadFull write FOnReadFull;
+ {: WebSocket frame written }
+ property OnWrite: TWebSocketConnectionDataWrite read FOnWrite write FOnWrite;
+ end;
+ {: Class of WebSocket connections }
+ TWebSocketCustomConnections = class of TWebSocketCustomConnection;
+ {: WebSocket server connection automatically created by server on incoming connection }
+ TWebSocketServerConnection = class(TWebSocketCustomConnection)
+ public
+ constructor Create(Socket: TTCPCustomConnectionSocket); override;
+ procedure Close(CloseCode: Integer; CloseReason: AnsiString); override;
+ procedure TerminateThread; override;
+ {: List of all headers
+ keys are lowercased header name
+ e.g host, connection, sec-websocket-key
+ }
+ property Header: TStringList read FHeaders;
+ end;
+ {: Class of WebSocket server connections }
+ TWebSocketServerConnections = class of TWebSocketServerConnection;
+ {: WebSocket client connection, this object shoud be created to establish client to server connection }
+ TWebSocketClient = class(TWebSocketCustomConnection)
+ private
+ FEvent: TSimpleEvent;
+ protected
+ function BeforeExecuteConnection: Boolean; override;
+ procedure Execute; override;
+ procedure DoConnect;
+ public
+ {: construstor to create connection,
+ parameters has the same meaning as corresponging connection properties (see 2 differences below) and
+ should be formated according to headers values
+ Protocol and Extension in constructor represents protocol(s) and extension(s)
+ client is trying to negotiate, obejst properties then represents
+ protocol(s) and extension(s) the server is supporting (the negotiation Result)
+ Version must be >= 8
+ }
+ constructor Create(Host, Port, ResourceName: AnsiString; Origin: AnsiString = '-'; Protocol: AnsiString = '-'; Extension: AnsiString = '-'; Cookie: AnsiString = '-'; Version: Integer = 13); reintroduce; virtual;
+ constructor CreateFromURL(URL: AnsiString; Origin: AnsiString = '-'; Protocol: AnsiString = '-'; Extension: AnsiString = '-'; Cookie: AnsiString = '-'; Version: Integer = 13); virtual;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure Close(CloseCode: Integer; CloseReason: AnsiString); override;
+ function WaitForConnect(Timeout: Cardinal): Boolean;
+ end;
+ TWebSocketServer = class;
+ {:Event procedural type to hook OnReceiveConnection events on server
+ every time new server connection is about to be created (client is connecting to server)
+ this event is called
+ properties are representing connection properties as defined in @link(TWebSocketServerConnection)
+ Protocol and Extension represents corresponding headers sent by client, as their out value
+ server must define what kind of protocol(s) and extension(s) server is supporting, if event
+ is not implemented, both values are considered as - (no value at all)
+ HttpResult represents the HTTP Result to be send in response, if connection is about to be
+ accepted, the value MUST BE 101, any other value meand that the client will be informed about the
+ Result (using the HTTP code meaning) and connection will be closed, if event is not implemented
+ 101 is used as a default value
+ }
+ TWebSocketServerReceiveConnection = procedure(Server: TWebSocketServer;
+ Socket: TTCPCustomConnectionSocket;
+ Header: TStringList;
+ ResourceName, Host, Port, Origin, Cookie: AnsiString;
+ HttpResult: Integer;
+ Protocol, Extensions: AnsiString) of object;
+ TWebSocketServer = class(TCustomServer)
+ protected
+ {CreateServerConnection sync variables}
+ FNCSocket: TTCPCustomConnectionSocket;
+ FNCResourceName: AnsiString;
+ FNCHost: AnsiString;
+ FNCPort: AnsiString;
+ FNCOrigin: AnsiString;
+ FNCProtocol: AnsiString;
+ FNCExtensions: AnsiString;
+ FNCCookie: AnsiString;
+ FNCHeaders: AnsiString;
+ FNCResultHttp: Integer;
+ FOnReceiveConnection: TWebSocketServerReceiveConnection; protected
+ function CreateServerConnection(Socket: TTCPCustomConnectionSocket): TCustomConnection; override;
+ procedure DoSyncReceiveConnection;
+ procedure SyncReceiveConnection;
+ property Terminated;
+ {:This function defines what kind of TWebSocketServerConnection implementation should be used as
+ a connection object.
+ The servers default return value is TWebSocketServerConnection.
+ If new connection class based on TWebSocketServerConnection is implemented,
+ new server should be implemented as well with this method overloaded
+ properties are representing connection properties as defined in @link(TWebSocketServerConnection)
+ Protocol and Extension represents corresponding headers sent by client, as their out value
+ server must define what kind of protocol(s) and extension(s) server is supporting, if event
+ is not implemented, both values are cosidered as - (no value at all)
+ HttpResult represents the HTTP Result to be send in response, if connection is about to be
+ accepted, the value MUST BE 101, any other value meand that the client will be informed about the
+ Result (using the HTTP code meaning) and connection will be closed, if event is not implemented
+ 101 is used as a default value
+ }
+ function GetWebSocketConnectionClass({%H-}Socket: TTCPCustomConnectionSocket;
+ {%H-}Header: TStringList;
+ {%H-}ResourceName, {%H-}Host, {%H-}Port, {%H-}Origin, {%H-}Cookie: AnsiString;
+ out {%H-}HttpResult: Integer;
+ var {%H-}Protocol, {%H-}Extensions: AnsiString): TWebSocketServerConnections; virtual;
+ public
+ {: WebSocket connection received }
+ property OnReceiveConnection: TWebSocketServerReceiveConnection read FOnReceiveConnection write FOnReceiveConnection;
+ {: close all connections
+ for parameters see connection Close method
+ }
+ procedure CloseAllConnections(CloseCode: Integer; Reason: AnsiString);
+ {:Temination procedure
+ This method should be called instead of Terminate to terminate thread,
+ it internally calls Terminate, but can be overloaded,
+ and can be used for data clean up
+ }
+ procedure TerminateThread; override;
+ {: Method to send binary data to all connected clients
+ see @link(TWebSocketServerConnection.SendBinary) for parameters description
+ }
+ procedure BroadcastBinary(Data: TStream; Flags: TWSFlags = [FIN]);
+ {: Method to send text data to all connected clients
+ see @link(TWebSocketServerConnection.SendText) for parameters description
+ }
+ procedure BroadcastText(Data: AnsiString; Flags: TWSFlags = [FIN]);
+ end;
+ Math, synautil, synacode, synsock {$IFDEF Win32}, Windows{$ENDIF Win32},
+ synachar;
+{$IFDEF Win32} {$O-} {$ENDIF Win32}
+function HTTPCodeToText(HTTPCode: Integer): AnsiString;
+ case HTTPCode of
+ 100: Result := 'Continue';
+ 101: Result := 'Switching Protocols';
+ 200: Result := 'OK';
+ 201: Result := 'Created';
+ 202: Result := 'Accepted';
+ 203: Result := 'Non-Authoritative Information';
+ 204: Result := 'No Content';
+ 205: Result := 'Reset Content';
+ 206: Result := 'Partial Content';
+ 300: Result := 'Multiple Choices';
+ 301: Result := 'Moved Permanently';
+ 302: Result := 'Found';
+ 303: Result := 'See Other';
+ 304: Result := 'Not Modified';
+ 305: Result := 'Use Proxy';
+ 307: Result := 'Temporary Redirect';
+ 400: Result := 'Bad Request';
+ 401: Result := 'Unauthorized';
+ 402: Result := 'Payment Required';
+ 403: Result := 'Forbidden';
+ 404: Result := 'Not Found';
+ 405: Result := 'Method Not Allowed';
+ 406: Result := 'Not Acceptable';
+ 407: Result := 'Proxy Authentication Required';
+ 408: Result := 'Request Time-out';
+ 409: Result := 'Conflict';
+ 410: Result := 'Gone';
+ 411: Result := 'Length Required';
+ 412: Result := 'Precondition Failed';
+ 413: Result := 'Request Entity Too Large';
+ 414: Result := 'Request-URI Too Large';
+ 415: Result := 'Unsupported Media Type';
+ 416: Result := 'Requested range not satisfiable';
+ 417: Result := 'Expectation Failed';
+ 500: Result := 'Internal Server Error';
+ 501: Result := 'Not Implemented';
+ 502: Result := 'Bad Gateway';
+ 503: Result := 'Service Unavailable';
+ 504: Result := 'Gateway Time-out';
+ else
+ Result := 'unknown code: $code';
+ end;
+function ReadHttpHeaders(Socket: TTCPCustomConnectionSocket; out Data: AnsiString; Headers: TStrings): Boolean;
+ s, name: AnsiString;
+ Data := '';
+ Headers.Clear;
+ Result := True;
+ repeat
+ Socket.MaxLineLength := 1024 * 1024; // not to attack memory on server
+ s := Socket.RecvString(30 * 1000); // not to hang up connection
+ if (Socket.LastError <> 0) then
+ begin
+ Result := False;
+ break;
+ end;
+ if (s = '') then
+ break;
+ if (Data = '') then
+ Data := s
+ else
+ begin
+ name := LowerCase(trim(SeparateLeft(s, ':')));
+ if (Headers.Values[name] = '') then
+ Headers.Values[name] := trim(SeparateRight(s, ':'))
+ else
+ Headers.Values[name] := Headers.Values[name] + ',' + trim(SeparateRight(s, ':'));
+ end;
+ until {IsTerminated} False;
+ Socket.MaxLineLength := 0;
+procedure ODS({%H-}Str: AnsiString); overload;
+ {$IFDEF Win32}
+ OutputDebugString(pChar(FormatDateTime('yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss', now) + ': ' + Str));
+ {$ENDIF Win32}
+procedure ODS({%H-}Str: AnsiString; {%H-}Data: array of const); overload;
+ {$IFDEF Win32}
+ ODS(Format(Str, Data));
+ {$ENDIF Win32}
+{ TReadOnlyMemoryStream }
+constructor TReadOnlyMemoryStream.Create(Memory: Pointer; Size: PtrInt);
+ inherited Create;
+ SetPointer(Memory, Size);
+procedure TReadOnlyMemoryStream.ResetPointer(Memory: Pointer; Size: PtrInt);
+ SetPointer(Memory, Size);
+ Position := 0;
+{ TWebSocketServer }
+procedure TWebSocketServer.BroadcastBinary(Data: TStream; Flags: TWSFlags);
+ i: Integer;
+ LockTermination;
+ for i := 0 to FConnections.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ if (not TWebSocketServerConnection(FConnections[i]).IsTerminated) then
+ TWebSocketServerConnection(FConnections[i]).SendBinary(Data, Flags);
+ end;
+ UnLockTermination;
+procedure TWebSocketServer.BroadcastText(Data: AnsiString; Flags: TWSFlags);
+ i: Integer;
+ LockTermination;
+ for i := 0 to FConnections.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ if (not TWebSocketServerConnection(FConnections[i]).IsTerminated) then
+ TWebSocketServerConnection(FConnections[i]).SendText(Data, Flags);
+ end;
+ UnLockTermination;
+procedure TWebSocketServer.CloseAllConnections(CloseCode: Integer; Reason: AnsiString);
+ i: Integer;
+ LockTermination;
+ //for i := 0 to FConnections.Count - 1 do
+ for i := FConnections.Count - 1 downto 0 do
+ begin
+ if (not TWebSocketServerConnection(FConnections[i]).IsTerminated) then
+ TWebSocketServerConnection(FConnections[i]).Close(CloseCode, Reason);// SendBinary(Data, IsFinal, aRes1, aRes2, aRes3);
+ end;
+ UnLockTermination;
+function TWebSocketServer.CreateServerConnection(Socket: TTCPCustomConnectionSocket): TCustomConnection;
+ headers, hrs: TStringList;
+ data: AnsiString;
+ s{, resName, host, port}, key, version{, origin, protocol, extensions, cookie}, tmpExtension, tmpWord, extensionKey, extensionValue: AnsiString;
+ iversion, vv, extCounter: Integer;
+ res: Boolean;
+ r: TWebSocketServerConnections;
+ FNCSocket := Socket;
+ Result := inherited CreateServerConnection(Socket);
+ headers := TStringList.Create;
+ try
+ res := ReadHttpHeaders(Socket, data, headers);
+ if (res) then
+ begin
+ res := False;
+ try
+ //CHECK HTTP data
+ if ((Pos('GET ', Uppercase(data)) <> 0) and (Pos(' HTTP/1.1', Uppercase(data)) <> 0)) then
+ begin
+ FNCResourceName := SeparateRight(data, ' ');
+ FNCResourceName := SeparateLeft(FNCResourceName, ' ');
+ end
+ else Exit;
+ FNCResourceName := trim(FNCResourceName);
+ {
+ : AnsiString;
+ : AnsiString;
+ : AnsiString;
+ : AnsiString;
+ : AnsiString;
+ : AnsiString;
+ : AnsiString;
+ FNCHeaders: AnsiString;
+ }
+ s := headers.Values['host'];
+ if (s <> '') then
+ begin
+ FNCHost := trim(s);
+ FNCPort := SeparateRight(FNCHost, ':');
+ FNCHost := SeparateLeft(FNCHost, ':');
+ end;
+ FNCHost := trim(FNCHost);
+ FNCPort := trim(FNCPort);
+ if (FNCHost = '') then Exit;
+ //if (FNCPort <> '') and (FNCPort <> Self.port) then Exit;
+ {
+ if (Self.host <> '') and (Self.Host <> '') and
+ (Self.host <> 'localhost') and (FNCHost <> Self.host) then Exit;
+ }
+ s := headers.Values['sec-websocket-key'];
+ if (s <> '') then
+ begin
+ if (Length(DecodeBase64(s)) = 16) then
+ begin
+ key := s;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if (key = '') then Exit;
+ key := trim(key);
+ s := headers.Values['sec-websocket-version'];
+ if (s <> '') then
+ begin
+ vv := StrToIntDef(s, -1);
+ if ((vv >= 7) and (vv <= 13)) then
+ begin
+ version := s;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if (version = '') then Exit;
+ version := trim(version);
+ iversion := StrToIntDef(version, 13);
+ if (LowerCase(headers.Values['upgrade']) <> LowerCase('websocket')) or (pos('upgrade', LowerCase(headers.Values['connection'])) = 0) then
+ Exit;
+ FNCProtocol := '-';
+ tmpExtension := '-';
+ FNCCookie := '-';
+ FNCOrigin := '-';
+ if (iversion < 13) then
+ begin
+ if (headers.IndexOfName('sec-websocket-origin') > -1) then
+ FNCOrigin := trim(headers.Values['sec-websocket-origin']);
+ end
+ else begin
+ if (headers.IndexOfName('origin') > -1) then
+ FNCOrigin := trim(headers.Values['origin']);
+ end;
+ if (headers.IndexOfName('sec-websocket-protocol') > -1) then
+ FNCProtocol := trim(headers.Values['sec-websocket-protocol']);
+ if (headers.IndexOfName('sec-websocket-extensions') > -1) then
+ tmpExtension := trim(headers.Values['sec-websocket-extensions']);
+ if (headers.IndexOfName('cookie') > -1) then
+ FNCCookie := trim(headers.Values['cookie']);
+ FNCHeaders := trim(headers.text);
+ {
+ ODS(data);
+ ODS(FNCHeaders);
+ ODS('ResourceName: %s', [FNCResourceName]);
+ ODS('Host: %s', [FNCHost]);
+ ODS('Post: %s', [FNCPort]);
+ ODS('Key: %s', [key]);
+ ODS('Version: %s', [version]);
+ ODS('Origin: %s', [FNCOrigin]);
+ ODS('Protocol: %s', [FNCProtocol]);
+ ODS('Extensions: %s', [FNCExtensions]);
+ ODS('Cookie: %s', [FNCCookie]);
+ {}
+ // Account for client_max_window_bits, probably add more later on
+ for extCounter := 1 to WordCount(tmpExtension, [';']) do begin
+ tmpWord := ExtractWord(extCounter, tmpExtension, [' ', ';']);
+ extensionKey := ExtractWord(1, tmpWord, ['=']);
+ extensionValue := ExtractWord(2, tmpWord, ['=']);
+ if Not IsWordPresent(extensionKey, FNCExtensions, [' ', ';', '=']) then begin
+ FNCExtensions := FNCExtensions + extensionKey;
+ if (extensionKey = 'client_max_window_bits') and (length(extensionValue) = 0) then
+ FNCExtensions := FNCExtensions + '=15;'
+ else begin
+ if length(extensionValue) > 0 then
+ FNCExtensions := FNCExtensions + '=' + extensionValue + ';'
+ else
+ FNCExtensions := FNCExtensions + ';'
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if FNCExtensions[length(FNCExtensions)] = ';' then
+ Delete(FNCExtensions, Length(FNCExtensions), 1);
+ res := True;
+ finally
+ if (res) then
+ begin
+ FNCResultHttp := 101;
+ hrs := TStringList.Create;
+ hrs.Assign(headers);
+ r := GetWebSocketConnectionClass(
+ FNCSocket,
+ hrs,
+ FNCResourceName, FNCHost, FNCPort, FNCOrigin, FNCCookie,
+ FNCResultHttp, FNCProtocol, FNCExtensions
+ );
+ if (Assigned(r)) then
+ begin
+ DoSyncReceiveConnection;
+ if (FNCResultHttp <> 101) then //HTTP ERROR FALLBACK
+ begin
+ Socket.SendString(Format('HTTP/1.1 %d %s'+#13#10, [FNCResultHttp, HTTPCodeToText(FNCResultHttp)]));
+ Socket.SendString(Format('%d %s'+#13#10#13#10, [FNCResultHttp, HTTPCodeToText(FNCResultHttp)]));
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ key := EncodeBase64(SHA1(key + '258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11'));
+ s := 'HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols' + #13#10;
+ s := s + 'Upgrade: websocket' + #13#10;
+ s := s + 'Connection: Upgrade' + #13#10;
+ s := s + 'Sec-WebSocket-Accept: ' + key + #13#10;
+ if (FNCProtocol <> '-') then
+ begin
+ s := s + 'Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: ' + FNCProtocol + #13#10;
+ end;
+ if (FNCExtensions <> '-') then
+ begin
+ s := s + 'Sec-WebSocket-Extensions: ' + FNCExtensions + #13#10;
+ end;
+ s := s + #13#10;
+ Socket.SendString(s);
+ if (Socket.LastError = 0) then
+ begin
+ Result := r.Create(Socket);
+ TWebSocketCustomConnection(Result).fCookie := FNCCookie;
+ TWebSocketCustomConnection(Result).fVersion := StrToInt(version);
+ TWebSocketCustomConnection(Result).fProtocol := FNCProtocol;
+ TWebSocketCustomConnection(Result).fResourceName := FNCResourceName;
+ TWebSocketCustomConnection(Result).fOrigin := FNCOrigin;
+ TWebSocketCustomConnection(Result).fExtension := FNCExtensions;
+ TWebSocketCustomConnection(Result).fPort := FNCPort;
+ TWebSocketCustomConnection(Result).fHost := FNCHost;
+ TWebSocketCustomConnection(Result).fHeaders.Assign(headers);
+ TWebSocketCustomConnection(Result).fHandshake := True;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ hrs.Free;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ finally
+ headers.Free;
+ end;
+procedure TWebSocketServer.DoSyncReceiveConnection;
+ if (Assigned(FOnReceiveConnection)) then
+ Synchronize(SyncReceiveConnection)
+function TWebSocketServer.GetWebSocketConnectionClass(Socket: TTCPCustomConnectionSocket;
+ Header: TStringList;
+ ResourceName, Host, Port, Origin, Cookie: AnsiString;
+ out HttpResult: Integer;
+ var Protocol, Extensions: AnsiString): TWebSocketServerConnections;
+ Result := TWebSocketServerConnection;
+procedure TWebSocketServer.SyncReceiveConnection;
+ h: TStringList;
+ if (Assigned(FOnReceiveConnection)) then
+ begin
+ h := TStringList.Create;
+ try
+ h.Text := FNCHeaders;
+ FOnReceiveConnection(Self, FNCSocket, h, FNCResourceName,
+ FNCHost, FNCPort, FNCOrigin, FNCCookie, FNCResultHttp, FNCProtocol, FNCExtensions);
+ finally
+ h.Free;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TWebSocketServer.TerminateThread;
+ if Terminated then Exit;
+ FOnReceiveConnection := nil;
+ inherited;
+{ TWebSocketCustomConnection }
+function TWebSocketCustomConnection.CanReceiveOrSend: Boolean;
+ Result := ValidConnection and not (FClosedByMe or FClosedByPeer) and FHandshake;
+function TWebSocketCustomConnection.SendData(Flags: TWSFlags; OpCode: Byte; Data: Pointer; DataSize: Integer): Integer;
+ ms : TReadOnlyMemoryStream;
+ ms := TReadOnlyMemoryStream.Create(Data, DataSize);
+ try
+ Result := SendData(Flags, OpCode, ms);
+ finally
+ ms.Free;
+ end;
+constructor TWebSocketCustomConnection.Create(Socket: TTCPCustomConnectionSocket);
+ FHeaders := TStringList.Create;
+ FCookie := '';
+ FVersion := 0;
+ FProtocol := '-';
+ FResourceName := '';
+ FOrigin := '';
+ FExtension := '-';
+ FPort := '';
+ FHost := '';
+ FClosedByMe := False;
+ FClosedByPeer := False;
+ FMasking := False;
+ FClosingByPeer := False;
+ FRequireMasking := False;
+ FFullDataProcess := False;
+ FFullDataStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
+ FSendCriticalSection := TCriticalSection.Create;
+ FHandshake := False;
+ inherited;
+destructor TWebSocketCustomConnection.Destroy;
+ inherited;
+ FSendCriticalSection.Free;
+ FFullDataStream.Free;
+ FHeaders.Free;
+procedure TWebSocketCustomConnection.DoOpen;
+ if Assigned(FOnOpen) then
+ FOnOpen(Self);
+procedure TWebSocketCustomConnection.DoClose(CloseCode: Integer; CloseReason: AnsiString; ClosedByPeer: Boolean);
+ if Assigned(FOnClose) then
+ FOnClose(Self, CloseCode, CloseReason, ClosedByPeer);
+procedure TWebSocketCustomConnection.DoPing(Data: AnsiString);
+ if Assigned(FOnPing) then
+ FOnPing(Self, Data);
+procedure TWebSocketCustomConnection.DoPong(Data: AnsiString);
+ if Assigned(FOnPong) then
+ FOnPong(Self, Data);
+procedure TWebSocketCustomConnection.DoRead(Flags: TWSFlags; OpCode: Byte; Data: TMemoryStream);
+ if Assigned(FOnRead) then
+ FOnRead(Self, Flags, OpCode, Data);
+procedure TWebSocketCustomConnection.DoReadFull(OpCode: Byte; Data: TMemoryStream);
+ if Assigned(FOnReadFull) then
+ FOnReadFull(Self, OpCode, Data);
+procedure TWebSocketCustomConnection.DoWrite(Flags: TWSFlags; OpCode: Byte; Data: TStream);
+ if Assigned(FOnWrite) then
+ FOnWrite(Self, Flags, OpCode, Data);
+procedure TWebSocketCustomConnection.ProcessOpen;
+ DoOpen;
+procedure TWebSocketCustomConnection.ExecuteConnection;
+ Res: Integer;
+ //Data: AnsiString;
+ CloseCode: Integer;
+ CloseResult: AnsiString;
+ LastDataOpCode, LastDataOpCode2: Integer;
+ Flags: TWSFlags;
+ OpCode: Byte;
+ Stream: TMemoryStream;
+ //Data: TStringStream;
+ Flags := [];
+ OpCode := 0;
+ Stream := TMemoryStream.Create;
+ ProcessOpen;
+ try
+ //while(not IsTerminated) or fClosed do
+ LastDataOpCode := -1;
+ LastDataOpCode2 := -1;
+ while CanReceiveOrSend do
+ begin
+ //OutputDebugString(pChar(Format('execute %d', [fIndex])));
+ Res := ReadData(Flags, OpCode, Stream);
+ if CanReceiveOrSend then
+ begin
+ if Res = 0 then // no socket error occured
+ begin
+ Stream.Position := 0;
+// ProcessReadData(Flags, OpCode, Stream);
+ if (OpCode in [wsCodeText, wsCodeBinary]) and FFullDataProcess then
+ begin
+ FFullDataStream.Size := 0;
+ FFullDataStream.Position := 0;
+ end;
+ if (OpCode in [wsCodeContinuation, wsCodeText, wsCodeBinary]) and FFullDataProcess then
+ begin
+ Stream.Position := 0;
+ FFullDataStream.CopyFrom(Stream, Stream.Size);
+ end;
+ //if (FReadFinal) then //FIN frame
+ begin
+ case OpCode of
+ wsCodeContinuation: begin
+ if LastDataOpCode in [wsCodeText, wsCodeBinary] then
+ begin
+ Stream.Position := 0;
+ ProcessReadData(Flags, OpCode, Stream);
+ end
+ else Close(wsCloseErrorProtocol, 'Unknown continuaton');
+ if FIN in Flags then
+ LastDataOpCode := -1;
+ end;
+ wsCodeText : begin // text, binary frame
+ Stream.Position := 0;
+ ProcessReadData(Flags, OpCode, Stream);
+ if not (FIN in Flags) then
+ LastDataOpCode := wsCodeText
+ else
+ LastDataOpCode := -1;
+ LastDataOpCode2 := wsCodeText;
+ end;
+ wsCodeBinary : begin // text, binary frame
+ Stream.Position := 0;
+ ProcessReadData(Flags, OpCode, Stream);
+ if not (FIN in Flags) then
+ LastDataOpCode := wsCodeBinary
+ else
+ LastDataOpCode := -1;
+ LastDataOpCode2 := wsCodeBinary;
+ end;
+ wsCodeClose : begin //connection close
+ CloseCode := wsCloseNoStatus;
+ Stream.Position := 0;
+ CloseResult := ReadStrFromStream(Stream, Stream.Size);
+ if Length(CloseResult) > 1 then
+ begin
+ CloseCode := Ord(CloseResult[1]) shl 8 or Ord(CloseResult[2]);
+ Delete(CloseResult, 1, 2);
+ end;
+ FClosedByPeer := True;
+ //OutputDebugString(pChar(Format('closing1 %d', [fIndex])));
+ ProcessClose(closeCode, closeResult, True);
+ //OutputDebugString(pChar(Format('closing2 %d', [fIndex])));
+ TerminateThread;
+ //OutputDebugString(pChar(Format('closing3 %d', [fIndex])));
+// FSendCriticalSection.Enter;
+ end;
+ wsCodePing : begin // ping
+ Stream.Position := 0;
+ ProcessPing(ReadStrFromStream(Stream, Stream.Size));
+ end;
+ wsCodePong : begin // pong
+ Stream.Position := 0;
+ ProcessPong(ReadStrFromStream(Stream, Stream.Size));
+ end
+ else begin //ERROR
+ Close(wsCloseErrorData, Format('Unknown data type: %d', [OpCode]));
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if (OpCode in [wsCodeContinuation, wsCodeText, wsCodeBinary]) and FFullDataProcess and (FIN in Flags) then
+ begin
+ if LastDataOpCode2 in [wsCodeText, wsCodeBinary] then begin
+ FFullDataStream.Position := 0;
+ ProcessReadDataFull(Flags, OpCode, FFullDataStream);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ TerminateThread;
+ end;
+ end;
+ finally
+ FreeAndNil(Stream);
+// {$IFDEF UNIX} Sleep(2000); {$ENDIF UNIX}
+ end;
+{ while not Terminated do
+ Sleep(500);}
+ //OutputDebugString(pChar(Format('terminating %d', [fIndex])));
+// FSendCriticalSection.Enter;
+function TWebSocketCustomConnection.GetClosed: Boolean;
+ Result := not CanReceiveOrSend;
+function TWebSocketCustomConnection.GetClosing: Boolean;
+ Result := FClosedByMe or FClosedByPeer;
+procedure TWebSocketCustomConnection.Ping(Data: AnsiString);
+ if CanReceiveOrSend then
+ begin
+ SendData([FIN], wsCodePing, Data);
+ end;
+procedure TWebSocketCustomConnection.Pong(Data: AnsiString);
+ if (CanReceiveOrSend) then
+ begin
+ SendData([FIN], wsCodePong, Data);
+ end;
+procedure TWebSocketCustomConnection.ProcessClose(CloseCode: Integer; CloseReason: AnsiString; ClosedByPeer: Boolean);
+ FCloseCode := CloseCode;
+ FCloseReason := CloseReason;
+ FClosingByPeer := ClosedByPeer;
+ DoClose(CloseCode, CloseReason, ClosedByPeer);
+procedure TWebSocketCustomConnection.ProcessPing(Data: AnsiString);
+ DoPing(Data);
+ Pong(Data);
+procedure TWebSocketCustomConnection.ProcessPong(Data: AnsiString);
+ DoPong(Data);
+procedure TWebSocketCustomConnection.ProcessReadData(var Flags: TWSFlags; var OpCode: Byte; Data: TMemoryStream);
+ DoRead(Flags, OpCode, Data);
+procedure TWebSocketCustomConnection.ProcessReadDataFull(var Flags: TWSFlags; var OpCode: Byte; Data: TMemoryStream);
+ DoReadFull(OpCode, Data);
+procedure TWebSocketCustomConnection.ProcessWriteData(var Flags: TWSFlags; var OpCode: Byte; Data: TStream);
+ DoWrite(Flags, OpCode, Data);
+function GetByte(Socket: TTCPCustomConnectionSocket; out Val: Byte; Timeout: Integer): Integer;
+ Val := Socket.RecvByte(Timeout);
+ Result := Socket.LastError;
+function HexToStr(Dec: Integer; Len: Integer): AnsiString;
+ tmp: AnsiString;
+ i: Integer;
+ tmp := IntToHex(Dec, Len);
+ Result := '';
+ for i := 1 to (Length(tmp) + 1) div 2 do
+ begin
+ Result := Result + AnsiChar(StrToInt('$'+Copy(tmp, i * 2 - 1, 2)));
+ end;
+function StrToHexStr2(str: AnsiString): AnsiString;
+ i: Integer;
+ Result := '';
+ for i := 1 to Length(str) do
+ Result := Result + IntToHex(Ord(str[i]), 2) + ' ';
+function TWebSocketCustomConnection.ReadData(out Flags: TWSFlags; out OpCode: Byte; Data: TMemoryStream): Integer;
+ timeout: Integer;
+ b: byte;
+ mask: Boolean;
+ len, i: Int64;
+ DataPtr: PByte;
+ mBytes: array[0..3] of byte;
+ Result := 0;
+ len := 0;
+ //Code := 0;
+ repeat
+ timeout := 10 * 1000;
+ if CanReceiveOrSend then
+ begin
+ //OutputDebugString(pChar(Format('%d', [Index])));
+ if FSocket.CanReadEx(1000) then
+ begin
+ if CanReceiveOrSend then
+ begin
+ b := FSocket.RecvByte(1000);
+ if FSocket.LastError = 0 then
+ begin
+ try
+ Flags := [];
+ if b and $80 <> 0 then
+ Include(Flags, FIN);
+ if b and $40 <> 0 then
+ Include(Flags, RSV1);
+ if b and $20 <> 0 then
+ Include(Flags, RSV2);
+ if b and $10 <> 0 then
+ Include(Flags, RSV3);
+ OpCode := b and $F;
+ mask := False;
+ Result := GetByte(FSocket, b, timeout);
+ if Result = 0 then
+ begin
+ mask := (b and $80) = $80;
+ len := (b and $7F);
+ if len = 126 then
+ begin
+ Result := GetByte(FSocket, b, timeout);
+ if Result = 0 then
+ begin
+ len := b * $100; // 00 00
+ Result := GetByte(FSocket, b, timeout);
+ if Result = 0 then
+ begin
+ len := len + b;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end
+ else if len = 127 then //00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
+ begin
+ //TODO nesting og get byte should be different
+ Result := GetByte(FSocket, b, timeout);
+ if Result = 0 then
+ begin
+ len := b * $100000000000000;
+ if Result = 0 then
+ begin
+ Result := GetByte(FSocket, b, timeout);
+ len := len + b * $1000000000000;
+ end;
+ if Result = 0 then
+ begin
+ Result := GetByte(FSocket, b, timeout);
+ len := len + b * $10000000000;
+ end;
+ if Result = 0 then
+ begin
+ Result := GetByte(FSocket, b, timeout);
+ len := len + b * $100000000;
+ end;
+ if Result = 0 then
+ begin
+ Result := GetByte(FSocket, b, timeout);
+ len := len + b * $1000000;
+ end;
+ if Result = 0 then
+ begin
+ Result := GetByte(FSocket, b, timeout);
+ len := len + b * $10000;
+ end;
+ if Result = 0 then
+ begin
+ Result := GetByte(FSocket, b, timeout);
+ len := len + b * $100;
+ end;
+ if Result = 0 then
+ begin
+ Result := GetByte(FSocket, b, timeout);
+ len := len + b;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if (Result = 0) and FRequireMasking and not mask then
+ begin
+ // TODO some protocol error
+ raise Exception.Create('mask');
+ end;
+ if mask and (Result = 0) then
+ begin
+ Result := GetByte(FSocket, mBytes[0], timeout);
+ if Result = 0 then
+ Result := GetByte(FSocket, mBytes[1], timeout);
+ if Result = 0 then
+ Result := GetByte(FSocket, mBytes[2], timeout);
+ if Result = 0 then
+ Result := GetByte(FSocket, mBytes[3], timeout);
+ end;
+ if Result = 0 then
+ begin
+ Data.Clear;
+ timeout := 1000 * 60 * 60 * 2; //(len div (1024 * 1024)) * 1000 * 60;
+ FSocket.RecvStreamSize(Data, timeout, len);
+ Result := FSocket.LastError;
+ if Result = 0 then
+ begin
+ if mask then
+ begin
+ DataPtr := Data.Memory;
+ for i := 0 to len - 1 do
+ begin
+ DataPtr^ := DataPtr^ xor mBytes[i mod 4];
+ inc(DataPtr);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ Data.Clear;
+ Data.Position := 0;
+ Break;
+ end;
+ except
+ Result := -1;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ Result := -1;
+ end
+ else
+ Result := -1;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+// if (FSocket.CanRead(0)) then
+// ODS(StrToHexstr2(FSocket.RecvBufferStr(10, 1000)));
+ if (FSocket.LastError <> WSAETIMEDOUT) and (FSocket.LastError <> 0) then
+ begin
+ //if (FSocket.LastError = WS then
+ Result := -1;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ Result := -1;
+ if (Result <> 0) then
+ begin
+ if not Terminated then
+ begin
+ if FSocket.LastError = WSAECONNRESET then
+ begin
+ Result := 0;
+ OpCode := wsCodeClose;
+ Flags := [FIN];
+ Data.Size := 0;
+ WriteStrToStream(Data, AnsiChar(wsCloseErrorClose div 256) + AnsiChar(wsCloseErrorClose mod 256));
+ Data.Position := 0;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if not FClosedByMe then
+ begin
+ Close(wsCloseErrorProtocol, '');
+ TerminateThread;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Break;
+ end
+ until False;
+function TWebSocketCustomConnection.SendData(Flags: TWSFlags; OpCode: Byte; Data: TStream): Integer;
+ b: byte;
+ s: ansistring;
+ mBytes: array[0..3] of byte;
+ DataPtr: PByte;
+ i: Int64;
+ Result := 0;
+ if CanReceiveOrSend or ((OpCode = wsCodeClose) and (not FClosedByPeer)) then
+ begin
+ FSendCriticalSection.Enter;
+ try
+ s := '';
+ b := 0;
+ if FIN in Flags then
+ b := b or $80;
+ if RSV1 in Flags then
+ b := b or $40;
+ if RSV2 in Flags then
+ b := b or $20;
+ if RSV3 in Flags then
+ b := b or $10;
+ b := b + OpCode;
+ s := s + AnsiChar(b);
+ b := IfThen(FMasking, 1, 0) * $80;
+ if Data.Size < 126 then
+ b := b + Data.Size
+ else if Data.Size < 65536 then
+ b := b + 126
+ else
+ b := b + 127;
+ s := s + AnsiChar(b);
+ if Data.Size >= 126 then
+ begin
+ if Data.Size < 65536 then
+ begin
+ s := s + HexToStr(Data.Size, 4);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ s := s + HexToStr(Data.Size, 16);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if FMasking then
+ begin
+ mBytes[0] := Random(256);
+ mBytes[1] := Random(256);
+ mBytes[2] := Random(256);
+ mBytes[3] := Random(256);
+ s := s + AnsiChar(mBytes[0]);
+ s := s + AnsiChar(mBytes[1]);
+ s := s + AnsiChar(mBytes[2]);
+ s := s + AnsiChar(mBytes[3]);
+ end;
+ FSocket.SendString(s);
+ Result := FSocket.LastError;
+ if Result = 0 then
+ begin
+ Data.Position := 0;
+ if not FMasking then
+ begin
+ FSocket.SendStreamRaw(Data);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ SetLength(s, Data.Size);
+ DataPtr := PByte(PAnsiChar(s));
+ Data.ReadBuffer(DataPtr^, Length(s));
+ for i := 0 to Length(s) - 1 do
+ begin
+ DataPtr^ := DataPtr^ xor mBytes[i mod 4];
+ Inc(DataPtr);
+ end;
+ FSocket.SendString(s);
+ end;
+ Result := FSocket.LastError;
+ if (Result = 0) then
+ begin
+ Data.Position := 0;
+ ProcessWriteData(Flags, OpCode, Data);
+ end;
+ end;
+ finally
+ if OpCode <> wsCodeClose then
+ while not FSocket.CanWrite(10) do
+ Sleep(10);
+ FSendCriticalSection.Leave;
+ end;
+ end;
+function TWebSocketCustomConnection.SendData(Flags: TWSFlags; OpCode: Byte; Data: AnsiString): Integer;
+ ms : TReadOnlyMemoryStream;
+ ms := TReadOnlyMemoryStream.Create(PAnsiChar(Data), Length(Data));
+ try
+ Result := SendData(Flags, OpCode, ms);
+ finally
+ ms.Free;
+ end;
+function TWebSocketCustomConnection.SendDataSplitted(OpCode: Byte; Data: Pointer; DataSize: Int64; SplitSize: Integer): Integer;
+ ms: TReadOnlyMemoryStream;
+ BatchSize: Integer;
+ Flags: TWSFlags;
+ if DataSize <= 0 then
+ Exit(0);
+ ms := TReadOnlyMemoryStream.Create(Data, DataSize);
+ try
+ if DataSize <= SplitSize then
+ Result := SendData([FIN], OpCode, ms)
+ else begin
+ BatchSize := SplitSize;
+ Flags := [];
+ repeat
+ if BatchSize >= DataSize then begin
+ BatchSize := DataSize;
+ Flags := [FIN]
+ end;
+ ms.ResetPointer(Data, BatchSize);
+ Result := SendData(Flags, wsCodeContinuation, ms);
+ if Result <> 0 then
+ Break;
+ Inc(PByte(Data), BatchSize);
+ Dec(DataSize, BatchSize);
+ until DataSize = 0;
+ end;
+ finally
+ ms.Free;
+ end;
+function TWebSocketCustomConnection.SendDataSplitted(OpCode: Byte; Data: TStream; SplitSize: Integer): Integer;
+ ms: TMemoryStream;
+ DataSize, BatchSize: Integer;
+ Flags: TWSFlags;
+ DataSize := Data.Size;
+ if DataSize <= SplitSize then
+ Result := SendData([FIN], OpCode, Data)
+ else begin
+ ms := TMemoryStream.Create;
+ try
+ BatchSize := SplitSize;
+ Flags := [];
+ repeat
+ if BatchSize >= DataSize then begin
+ BatchSize := DataSize;
+ Flags := [FIN]
+ end;
+ ms.Position := 0;
+ ms.CopyFrom(Data, BatchSize);
+ ms.Size := BatchSize;
+ Result := SendData(Flags, wsCodeContinuation, ms);
+ if Result <> 0 then
+ Break;
+ Dec(DataSize, BatchSize);
+ until DataSize = 0;
+ finally
+ ms.Free;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure TWebSocketCustomConnection.SendBinary(Data: TStream; Flags: TWSFlags);
+ SendData(Flags, wsCodeBinary, Data);
+procedure TWebSocketCustomConnection.SendBinarySplitted(Data: TStream; SplitSize: Integer);
+ SendDataSplitted(wsCodeBinary, Data, SplitSize)
+procedure TWebSocketCustomConnection.SendBinaryContinuation(Data: TStream; Flags: TWSFlags);
+ SendData(Flags, wsCodeContinuation, Data);
+procedure TWebSocketCustomConnection.SendText(Data: AnsiString; Flags: TWSFlags);
+ SendData(Flags, wsCodeText, Data);
+procedure TWebSocketCustomConnection.SendTextSplitted(Data: AnsiString; SplitSize: Integer);
+ SendDataSplitted(wsCodeText, PAnsiChar(Data), Length(Data), SplitSize)
+procedure TWebSocketCustomConnection.SendTextContinuation(Data: AnsiString; Flags: TWSFlags);
+ SendData(Flags, wsCodeContinuation, Data);
+procedure TWebSocketCustomConnection.SendStream(IsFinal: Boolean; ExtFlags: Byte; Data: TStream);
+ if (CanReceiveOrSend) then
+ begin
+ SendData(IsFinal, aRes1, aRes2, aRes3, wsCodeBinary, Data);
+ end;
+procedure TWebSocketCustomConnection.SendStream(Data: TStream);
+ //SendStream(IsFinal, False, False, False, Data);
+procedure TWebSocketCustomConnection.SendText(IsFinal: Boolean; ExtFlags: Byte; Data: AnsiString);
+//var tmp: AnsiString;
+ if (CanReceiveOrSend) then
+ begin
+ SendData(IsFinal, False, False, False, wsCodeText, Data);
+ end;
+procedure TWebSocketCustomConnection.SendText(Data: AnsiString);
+ //SendText(True, False, False, False, Data);
+ //SendData(True, False, False
+procedure TWebSocketCustomConnection.TerminateThread;
+ if Terminated then
+ Exit;
+ if not Closed then
+ DoClose(FCloseCode, FCloseReason, FClosedByPeer);
+ Socket.OnSyncStatus := nil;
+ Socket.OnStatus := nil;
+ FOnRead := nil;
+ FOnReadFull := nil;
+ FOnWrite := nil;
+ FOnClose := nil;
+ FOnOpen := nil;
+ {
+ if not Closing then
+ begin
+ SendData(True, False, False, False, wsCodeClose, '1001');
+ end;
+ }
+ inherited;
+function TWebSocketCustomConnection.ValidConnection: Boolean;
+ Result := not IsTerminated and (Socket.Socket <> INVALID_SOCKET);
+{ TWebSocketServerConnection }
+procedure TWebSocketServerConnection.Close(CloseCode: Integer; CloseReason: AnsiString);
+ if (Socket.Socket <> INVALID_SOCKET) and not FClosedByMe then
+ begin
+ FClosedByMe := True;
+ if not FClosedByPeer then
+ begin
+ SendData([FIN], wsCodeClose, HexToStr(CloseCode, 4) + Copy(CloseReason, 1, 123));
+ //Sleep(2000);
+ ProcessClose(CloseCode, CloseReason, False);
+ end;
+ TerminateThread;
+ end;
+constructor TWebSocketServerConnection.Create(Socket: TTCPCustomConnectionSocket);
+ inherited;
+ FRequireMasking := True;
+procedure TWebSocketServerConnection.TerminateThread;
+ if Terminated then
+ Exit;
+ //if (not TWebSocketServer(fParent).Terminated) and (not FClosedByMe) then DoSyncClose;
+ FOnClose := nil;
+ inherited;
+{ TWebSocketClient }
+function TWebSocketClient.BeforeExecuteConnection: Boolean;
+ key, s, Data: AnsiString;
+ i: Integer;
+ headers: TStringList;
+ Result := not IsTerminated;
+ if Result then
+ begin
+ s := Format('GET %s HTTP/1.1' + #13#10, [FResourceName]);
+ s := s + Format('Upgrade: websocket' + #13#10, []);
+ s := s + Format('Connection: Upgrade' + #13#10, []);
+ s := s + Format('Host: %s:%s' + #13#10, [FHost, FPort]);
+ key := '';
+ for I := 1 to 16 do
+ key := key + ansichar(Random(85) + 32);
+ key := EncodeBase64(key);
+ s := s + Format('Sec-WebSocket-Key: %s' + #13#10, [(key)]);
+ s := s + Format('Sec-WebSocket-Version: %d' + #13#10, [FVersion]);
+ //TODO extensions
+ if (FProtocol <> '-') then
+ s := s + Format('Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: %s' + #13#10, [FProtocol]);
+ if (FOrigin <> '-') then
+ begin
+ if (FVersion < 13) then
+ s := s + Format('Sec-WebSocket-Origin: %s' + #13#10, [FOrigin])
+ else
+ s := s + Format('Origin: %s' + #13#10, [FOrigin]);
+ end;
+ if (FCookie <> '-') then
+ s := s + Format('Cookie: %s' + #13#10, [(FCookie)]);
+ if (FExtension <> '-') then
+ s := s + Format('Sec-WebSocket-Extensions: %s' + #13#10, [FExtension]);
+ s := s + #13#10;
+ FSocket.SendString(s);
+ Result := (not IsTerminated) and (FSocket.LastError = 0);
+ if Result then
+ begin
+ headers := TStringList.Create;
+ try
+ Result := ReadHttpHeaders(FSocket, Data, headers);
+ if Result then Result := pos(LowerCase('HTTP/1.1 101'), LowerCase(Data)) = 1;
+ if Result then Result := (LowerCase(headers.Values['upgrade']) = LowerCase('websocket')) and (LowerCase(headers.Values['connection']) = 'upgrade');
+ FProtocol := '-';
+ FExtension := '-';
+ if (headers.IndexOfName('sec-websocket-protocol') > -1) then
+ FProtocol := trim(headers.Values['sec-websocket-protocol']);
+ if (headers.IndexOfName('sec-websocket-extensions') > -1) then
+ FExtension := trim(headers.Values['sec-websocket-extensions']);
+ if Result then Result := (headers.Values['sec-websocket-accept'] = EncodeBase64(SHA1(key + '258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11')));
+ finally
+ headers.Free;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if Result then begin
+ FHandshake := True;
+ FEvent.SetEvent;
+ end;
+procedure TWebSocketClient.Close(CloseCode: Integer; CloseReason: AnsiString);
+ if ValidConnection and not FClosedByMe then
+ begin
+ FClosedByMe := True;
+ if not FClosedByPeer then
+ begin
+ SendData([FIN], wsCodeClose, HexToStr(CloseCode, 4) + Copy(CloseReason, 1, 123));
+ //Sleep(2000);
+ ProcessClose(CloseCode, CloseReason, False);
+ end;
+ TerminateThread;
+ end;
+constructor TWebSocketClient.Create(Host, Port, ResourceName: AnsiString; Origin: AnsiString; Protocol: AnsiString; Extension: AnsiString; Cookie: AnsiString; Version: Integer);
+ FEvent := TSimpleEvent.Create;
+ FSocket := TTCPCustomConnectionSocket.Create;
+ inherited Create(FSocket);
+ FOrigin := Origin;
+ FHost := Host;
+ FPort := Port;
+ FResourceName := ResourceName;
+ FProtocol := Protocol;
+ FVersion := Version;
+ FMasking := True;
+ FCookie := Cookie;
+ FExtension := Extension;
+constructor TWebSocketClient.CreateFromURL(URL: AnsiString; Origin: AnsiString; Protocol: AnsiString; Extension: AnsiString; Cookie: AnsiString; Version: Integer);
+ Proto, Username, Password, Host, Port, Path, Parameters, URI: AnsiString;
+ URI := ParseURL(URL, Proto, Username, Password, Host, Port, Path, Parameters);
+ Create(Host, Port, URI, Origin, Protocol, Extension, Cookie, Version);
+ Proto := LowerCase(Proto);
+ UseSSL := (Proto = 'wss') or (Proto = 'https');
+destructor TWebSocketClient.Destroy;
+ inherited Destroy;
+ FreeAndNil(FEvent);
+function TWebSocketClient.WaitForConnect(Timeout: Cardinal): Boolean;
+ Start;
+ Result := CanReceiveOrSend or (FEvent.WaitFor(Timeout) = TWaitResult.wrSignaled);
+procedure TWebSocketClient.Execute;
+ if not IsTerminated and (FVersion >= 8) then
+ begin
+ DoConnect;
+ if FSocket.LastError = 0 then
+ begin
+ //DoConnect;
+ inherited Execute;
+ //DoDisconnect;
+ end
+ else TerminateThread;
+ end;
+procedure TWebSocketClient.DoConnect;
+ if ValidConnection and ((FSocket.LastError <> 0) or (FSocket.SSL.SSLEnabled and UseSSL)) then
+ FSocket.CloseSocket;
+ if not ValidConnection then begin
+ FSocket.Connect(FHost, FPort);
+ if UseSSL and (FSocket.LastError = 0) then
+ FSocket.SSLDoConnect;
+ end;
+ Randomize;
+GET / HTTP/1.1
+Upgrade: websocket
+Connection: Upgrade
+Sec-WebSocket-Origin: http://html5.bauglir.dev
+Sec-WebSocket-Key: Q9ceXTuzjdF2o23CRYvnuA==
+Sec-WebSocket-Version: 8
+GET / HTTP/1.1
+User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:6.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/6.0
+Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
+Accept-Language: sk,cs;q=0.8,en-us;q=0.5,en;q=0.3
+Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
+Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-2,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
+Connection: keep-alive, Upgrade
+Sec-WebSocket-Version: 7
+Sec-WebSocket-Origin: http://html5.bauglir.dev
+Sec-WebSocket-Key: HgBKcPfdBSzjCYxGnWCO3g==
+Pragma: no-cache
+Cache-Control: no-cache
+Upgrade: websocket
+Cookie: __utma=72544661.1949147240.1313811966.1313811966.1313811966.1; __utmb=72544661.3.10.1313811966; __utmc=72544661; __utmz=72544661.1313811966.1.1.utmcsr=localhost|utmccn=(referral)|utmcmd=referral|utmcct=/websocket/index.php
diff --git a/WebSocket.Helper.pas b/WebSocket.Helper.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c7927c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/WebSocket.Helper.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,739 @@
+| Project : Object Pascal WebSocket Client/Server Library |
+| Content: Generic connection and server classes |
+| Copyright (c)2023, Vahid Nasehi Oskouei |
+| All rights reserved. |
+| |
+| Remastered and rewritten version which is based on |
+| https://github.com/MFernstrom/Bauglir-WebSocket-2 |
+| and |
+| https://github.com/Robert-112/Bauglir-WebSocket-2 |
+| which originally are based on Bronislav Klucka source code as |
+| http://code.google.com/p/bauglir-websocket |
+| |
+| |
+| Project download homepage: |
+| https://github.com/biot2/libWebSocket.pas |
+| WebSocket RFC: |
+| http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6455 |
+| |
+| |
+| Requirements: Ararat Synapse (http://www.ararat.cz/synapse/) |
+unit WebSocket.Helper;
+ cthreads,
+ {$ENDIF}
+ Classes, SysUtils, blcksock, syncobjs, Sockets, ssl_openssl;
+ TCustomServer = class;
+ TCustomConnection = class;
+ {:abstract(Socket used for @link(TCustomConnection)) }
+ TTCPCustomConnectionSocket = class(TTCPBlockSocket)
+ protected
+ FConnection: TCustomConnection;
+ FCurrentStatusReason: THookSocketReason;
+ FCurrentStatusValue: string;
+ FOnSyncStatus: THookSocketStatus;
+ procedure DoOnStatus(Sender: TObject; Reason: THookSocketReason; const Value: String);
+ procedure SyncOnStatus;
+ public
+ constructor Create;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ {:Owner (@link(TCustomConnection))}
+ property Connection: TCustomConnection read FConnection;
+ {:Socket status event (synchronized to main thread)}
+ property OnSyncStatus: THookSocketStatus read FOnSyncStatus write FOnSyncStatus;
+ end;
+ {:abstract(Basic connection thread)
+ This object is used from server and client as working thread.
+ When object is server connection: object is created automatically by @link(Parent) server.
+ Thread can be Terminated from outside. If server is Terminated, all remaining
+ connections are closed. This object is used to communicate with client.
+ Object should not be created directly.
+ }
+ TCustomConnection = class(TThread)
+ private
+ protected
+ FIndex: Integer;
+ FParent: TCustomServer;
+ FSocket: TTCPCustomConnectionSocket;
+ FUseSSL: Boolean;
+ procedure AfterConnectionExecute; virtual;
+ function BeforeExecuteConnection: Boolean; virtual;
+ procedure ExecuteConnection; virtual;
+ function GetIsTerminated: Boolean;
+ {:Thread execute method}
+ procedure Execute; override;
+ public
+ constructor Create(Socket: TTCPCustomConnectionSocket); virtual;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ {:Thread resume method}
+ procedure Start;
+ {:Thread suspend method}
+ procedure Stop;
+ {:Temination procedure
+ One should call this procedure to terminate thread,
+ it internally calls Terminate, but can be overloaded,
+ and can be used for clean um
+ }
+ procedure TerminateThread; virtual;
+ {:@Connection index.
+ Automatically generated.
+ }
+ property Index: Integer read FIndex;
+ {:@True if thread is not Terminated and @link(Socket) exists}
+ property IsTerminated: Boolean read GetIsTerminated;
+ {:@Connection parent
+ If client connection, this property is always nil, if server
+ connection, this property is @link(TCustomServer) that created this connection
+ }
+ property Parent: TCustomServer read FParent;
+ {:@Connection socket}
+ property Socket: TTCPCustomConnectionSocket read FSocket;
+ {:Whether SSL is used}
+ property UseSSL: Boolean read FUseSSL write FUseSSL;
+ end;
+ { TCustomServerConnection
+ TCustomServerConnection = class(TCustomConnection)
+ protected
+ fBroadcastData: TStringList;
+ fBroadcastLock: TCriticalSection;
+ fParent: TCustomServer;
+ //procedure ExecuteConnection; override;
+ procedure SyncConnectionRemove;
+ public
+ constructor Create(aSocket: TTCPCustomServerConnectionSocket; aParent: TCustomServer); reintroduce; virtual;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure Execute; override;
+ :Data setup by server's Broadcast method.
+ Connection is responsible to send data the data itself.
+ Connection must delete the data after sending.
+ procedure Broadcast(aData: string); virtual;
+ end;
+ }
+ {:abstract(Class of connections)}
+// TCustomServerConnections = class of TCustomConnection;
+ {:Event procedural type to hook OnAfterAddConnection in server
+ Use this hook to get informations about connection accepted server that was added
+ }
+ TServerAfterAddConnection = procedure(Server: TCustomServer; Connection: TCustomConnection) of object;
+ {:Event procedural type to hook OnBeforeAddConnection in server
+ Use this hook to be informed that connection is about to be accepred by server.
+ Use CanAdd parameter (@false) to refuse connection
+ }
+ TServerBeforeAddConnection = procedure(Server: TCustomServer; Connection: TCustomConnection; var CanAdd: Boolean) of object;
+ {:Event procedural type to hook OnAfterRemoveConnection in server
+ Use this hook to get informations about connection removed from server (connection is closed)
+ }
+ TServerAfterRemoveConnection = procedure(Server: TCustomServer; Connection: TCustomConnection) of object;
+ {:Event procedural type to hook OnAfterRemoveConnection in server
+ Use this hook to get informations about connection removed from server (connection is closed)
+ }
+ TServerBeforeRemoveConnection = procedure(Server: TCustomServer; Connection: TCustomConnection) of object;
+ {:Event procedural type to hook OnSockedError in server
+ Use this hook to get informations about error on server binding
+ }
+ TServerSocketError = procedure(Server: TCustomServer; Socket: TTCPBlockSocket) of object;
+ {:abstract(Server listening on address and port and spawning @link(TCustomConnection))
+ Use this object to create server. Object is accepting connections and creating new
+ server connection objects (@link(TCustomConnection))
+ }
+ TCustomServer = class(TThread)
+ private
+ protected
+ FBind: string;
+ FPort: string;
+ FCanAddConnection: Boolean;
+ FConnections: TList;
+ FConnectionTermLock: TCriticalSection;
+ FCurrentAddConnection: TCustomConnection;
+ FCurrentRemoveConnection: TCustomConnection;
+ FCurrentSocket: TTCPBlockSocket;
+ FIndex: Integer;
+ FMaxConnectionsCount: Integer;
+ FOnAfterAddConnection: TServerAfterAddConnection;
+ FOnAfterRemoveConnection: TServerAfterRemoveConnection;
+ FOnBeforeAddConnection: TServerBeforeAddConnection;
+ FOnBeforeRemoveConnection: TServerBeforeRemoveConnection;
+ FOnSocketErrot: TServerSocketError;
+ FSSL: Boolean;
+ FSSLCertificateFile: string;
+ FSSLKeyPassword: string;
+ FSSLPrivateKeyFile: string;
+ function AddConnection(var aSocket: TTCPCustomConnectionSocket): TCustomConnection; virtual;
+ {:Main function to determine what kind of connection will be used
+ @link(AddConnection) uses this functino to actually create connection thread
+ }
+ function CreateServerConnection(aSocket: TTCPCustomConnectionSocket): TCustomConnection; virtual;
+ procedure DoAfterAddConnection; virtual;
+ procedure DoBeforeAddConnection;
+ procedure DoAfterRemoveConnection;
+ procedure DoBeforeRemoveConnection;
+ procedure DoSocketError;
+ function GetConnection(Index: Integer): TCustomConnection;
+ function GetConnectionByIndex(Index: Integer): TCustomConnection;
+ function GetCount: Integer;
+ procedure OnConnectionTerminate(Sender: TObject);
+ procedure RemoveConnection(Connection: TCustomConnection);
+ procedure SyncAfterAddConnection;
+ procedure SyncBeforeAddConnection;
+ procedure SyncAfterRemoveConnection;
+ procedure SyncBeforeRemoveConnection;
+ procedure SyncSocketError;
+ public
+ {:Create new server
+ aBind represents local IP address server will be listening on.
+ IP address may be numeric or symbolic ('', 'cosi.nekde.cz', 'ff08::1').
+ You can use for listening for localhost
+ The same for aPort it may be number or mnemonic port ('23', 'telnet').
+ If port value is '0', system chooses itself and conects unused port in the
+ range 1024 to 4096 (this depending by operating system!).
+ Warning: when you call : Bind('','0'); then is nothing done! In this
+ case is used implicit system bind instead.
+ }
+ constructor Create(Bind: string; Port: string); virtual;
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ procedure Execute; override;
+ {:Temination procedure
+ This method should be called instead of Terminate to terminate thread,
+ it internally calls Terminate, but can be overloaded,
+ and can be used for data clean up
+ }
+ procedure TerminateThread; virtual;
+ { :Method used co send the same data to all server connections.
+ Method only stores data in connection (append to existing data).
+ Connection must send and delete the data itself.
+ }
+ //procedure Broadcast(aData: string); virtual;
+ {: Procedure to stop removing connections from connections list in case there
+ is need to walk through it
+ }
+ procedure LockTermination;
+ {:Thread resume method}
+ procedure Start;
+ {:Thread suspend method}
+ procedure Stop;
+ {: Procedure to resume removing connections. see LockTermination
+ }
+ procedure UnLockTermination;
+ {:Get connection from connection list
+ Index represent index within connection list (not Connection.Index property)
+ }
+ property Connection[Index: Integer]: TCustomConnection read GetConnection; default;
+ {:Get connection by its Index}
+ property ConnectionByIndex[Index: Integer]: TCustomConnection read GetConnectionByIndex;
+ {:Valid connections count}
+ property Count: Integer read GetCount;
+ {:IP address where server is listening (see aBind in constructor)}
+ property Host: string read FBind;
+ {:Server index. Automatically generated. }
+ property Index: Integer read FIndex;
+ {:Maximum number of accepted connections. -1 (default value) represents unlimited number.
+ If limit is reached and new client is trying to connection, it's refused
+ }
+ property MaxConnectionsCount: Integer read FMaxConnectionsCount write FMaxConnectionsCount;
+ {:Port where server is listening (see aPort in constructor)}
+ property Port: string read FPort;
+ {:Whether SSL is used}
+ property SSL: Boolean read FSSL write FSSL;
+ {:SSL certification file}
+ property SSLCertificateFile: string read FSSLCertificateFile write FSSLCertificateFile;
+ {:SSL key file}
+ property SSLKeyPassword: string read FSSLKeyPassword write FSSLKeyPassword;
+ {:SSL key file}
+ property SSLPrivateKeyFile: string read FSSLPrivateKeyFile write FSSLPrivateKeyFile;
+ {:See @link(TServerAfterAddConnection)}
+ property OnAfterAddConnection: TServerAfterAddConnection read FOnAfterAddConnection write FOnAfterAddConnection;
+ {:See @link(TServerBeforeAddConnection)}
+ property OnBeforeAddConnection: TServerBeforeAddConnection read FOnBeforeAddConnection write FOnBeforeAddConnection;
+ {:See @link(TServerAfterRemoveConnection)}
+ property OnAfterRemoveConnection: TServerAfterRemoveConnection read FOnAfterRemoveConnection write FOnAfterRemoveConnection;
+ {:See @link(TServerBeforeRemoveConnection)}
+ property OnBeforeRemoveConnection: TServerBeforeRemoveConnection read FOnBeforeRemoveConnection write FOnBeforeRemoveConnection;
+ {:See @link(TServerSocketError)}
+ property OnSocketError: TServerSocketError read FOnSocketErrot write FOnSocketErrot;
+ end;
+ SynSock {$IFDEF WIN32}, Windows {$ENDIF WIN32};
+ FConnectionsIndex: Integer = 0;
+function getConnectionIndex: Integer;
+ Result := FConnectionsIndex;
+ Inc(FConnectionsIndex);
+{ TCustomServer }
+procedure TCustomServer.OnConnectionTerminate(Sender: TObject);
+ try
+ //OutputDebugString(pChar(Format('srv terminating 1 %d', [TCustomConnection(Sender).Index])));
+// FConnectionTermLock.Enter;
+ //OutputDebugString(pChar(Format('srv terminating 2 %d', [TCustomConnection(Sender).Index])));
+ RemoveConnection(TCustomConnection(Sender));
+ //OutputDebugString(pChar(Format('srv terminating 3 %d', [TCustomConnection(Sender).Index])));
+// FConnectionTermLock.Leave;
+ finally
+ end;
+ //OutputDebugString(pChar(Format('srv terminating e %d', [TCustomConnection(Sender).Index])));
+procedure TCustomServer.RemoveConnection(Connection: TCustomConnection);
+ Index: Integer;
+ Index := FConnections.IndexOf(Connection);
+ if Index <> -1 then
+ begin
+ FCurrentRemoveConnection := Connection;
+ DoBeforeRemoveConnection;
+ FConnectionTermLock.Enter;
+ //OutputDebugString(pChar(Format('removing %d %d %d', [Connection.fIndex, Index, FConnections.Count])));
+ FConnections.Extract(Connection);
+ //FConnections.Delete(Index);
+ //OutputDebugString(pChar(Format('removed %d %d %d', [Connection.fIndex, Index, FConnections.Count])));
+ FConnectionTermLock.Leave;
+ DoAfterRemoveConnection;
+ end;
+procedure TCustomServer.DoAfterAddConnection;
+ if (Assigned(FOnAfterAddConnection)) then
+ Synchronize(SyncAfterAddConnection);
+procedure TCustomServer.DoBeforeAddConnection;
+ if (Assigned(FOnBeforeAddConnection)) then
+ Synchronize(SyncBeforeAddConnection);
+procedure TCustomServer.DoAfterRemoveConnection;
+ if (Assigned(FOnAfterRemoveConnection)) then
+ Synchronize(SyncAfterRemoveConnection);
+procedure TCustomServer.DoBeforeRemoveConnection;
+ if (Assigned(FOnBeforeRemoveConnection)) then
+ Synchronize(SyncBeforeRemoveConnection);
+procedure TCustomServer.DoSocketError;
+ if (Assigned(FOnSocketErrot)) then
+ Synchronize(SyncSocketError);
+procedure TCustomServer.SyncAfterAddConnection;
+ if (Assigned(FOnAfterAddConnection)) then
+ FOnAfterAddConnection(Self, FCurrentAddConnection);
+procedure TCustomServer.SyncBeforeAddConnection;
+ if (Assigned(FOnBeforeAddConnection)) then
+ FOnBeforeAddConnection(Self, FCurrentAddConnection, FCanAddConnection);
+procedure TCustomServer.SyncAfterRemoveConnection;
+ if (Assigned(FOnAfterRemoveConnection)) then
+ FOnAfterRemoveConnection(Self, FCurrentRemoveConnection);
+procedure TCustomServer.SyncBeforeRemoveConnection;
+ if (Assigned(FOnBeforeRemoveConnection)) then
+ FOnBeforeRemoveConnection(Self, FCurrentRemoveConnection);
+procedure TCustomServer.SyncSocketError;
+ if (Assigned(FOnSocketErrot)) then
+ FOnSocketErrot(Self, FCurrentSocket);
+procedure TCustomServer.TerminateThread;
+ if (Terminated) then exit;
+ Terminate;
+constructor TCustomServer.Create(Bind: string; Port: string);
+ FBind := Bind;
+ FPort := Port;
+// FreeOnTerminate := True;
+ FConnections := TList.Create;
+ FConnectionTermLock := TCriticalSection.Create;
+ FMaxConnectionsCount := -1;
+ FCanAddConnection := True;
+ FCurrentAddConnection := nil;
+ FCurrentRemoveConnection := nil;
+ FCurrentSocket := nil;
+ FIndex := getConnectionIndex;
+ inherited Create(True);
+destructor TCustomServer.Destroy;
+ FConnectionTermLock.Free;
+ FConnections.Free;
+ inherited Destroy;
+function TCustomServer.GetCount: Integer;
+ Result := FConnections.Count;
+function TCustomServer.GetConnection(Index: Integer): TCustomConnection;
+ FConnectionTermLock.Enter;
+ Result := TCustomConnection(FConnections[Index]);
+ FConnectionTermLock.Leave;
+function TCustomServer.GetConnectionByIndex(Index: Integer): TCustomConnection;
+var i: Integer;
+ Result := nil;
+ FConnectionTermLock.Enter;
+ for i := 0 to FConnections.Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ if (TCustomConnection(FConnections[i]).Index = Index) then
+ begin
+ Result := TCustomConnection(FConnections[i]);
+ break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ FConnectionTermLock.Leave;
+function TCustomServer.CreateServerConnection(aSocket: TTCPCustomConnectionSocket): TCustomConnection;
+ Result := nil;
+function TCustomServer.AddConnection(var aSocket: TTCPCustomConnectionSocket): TCustomConnection;
+ if ((FMaxConnectionsCount = -1) or (FConnections.count < FMaxConnectionsCount)) then
+ begin
+ Result := CreateServerConnection(aSocket);
+ if (Result <> nil) then
+ begin
+ Result.fParent := Self;
+ FCurrentAddConnection := Result;
+ FCanAddConnection := True;
+ DoBeforeAddConnection;
+ if (FCanAddConnection) then
+ begin
+ FConnections.add(Result);
+ DoAfterAddConnection;
+ Result.Resume;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ FreeAndNil(Result);
+ //aSocket := nil;
+ end;
+ end
+ //else aSocket := nil;
+ end;
+procedure TCustomServer.Execute;
+ c: TCustomConnection;
+ s: TTCPCustomConnectionSocket;
+ sock: TSocket;
+ i: Integer;
+ FCurrentSocket := TTCPBlockSocket.Create;
+ with FCurrentSocket do
+ begin
+ CreateSocket;
+ if lastError <> 0 then DoSocketError;
+ SetLinger(True, 10000);
+ if lastError <> 0 then DoSocketError;
+ bind(fBind, fPort);
+ if lastError <> 0 then DoSocketError;
+ listen;
+ if lastError <> 0 then DoSocketError;
+ repeat
+ if Terminated then
+ break;
+ if canread(1000) then
+ begin
+ if LastError = 0 then
+ begin
+ sock := Accept;
+ if lastError = 0 then
+ begin
+ s := TTCPCustomConnectionSocket.Create;
+ s.Socket := sock;
+ if (fSSL) then
+ begin
+ s.SSL.CertificateFile := fSSLCertificateFile;
+ s.SSL.PrivateKeyFile := fSSLPrivateKeyFile;
+ //s.SSL.SSLType := LT_SSLv3;
+ if (SSLKeyPassword <> '') then
+ s.SSL.KeyPassword := fSSLKeyPassword;
+ s.SSLAcceptConnection;
+ i := s.SSL.LastError;
+ if (i <> 0) then
+ begin
+ FreeAndNil(s);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if (s <> nil) then
+ begin
+ s.GetSins;
+ c := AddConnection(s);
+ if (c = nil) and (s <> nil) then
+ s.Free;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ DoSocketError;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if lastError <> WSAETIMEDOUT then
+ DoSocketError;
+ end;
+ end;
+ until false;
+ end;
+ FOnAfterAddConnection := nil;
+ FOnBeforeAddConnection := nil;
+ FOnAfterRemoveConnection := nil;
+ FOnBeforeRemoveConnection := nil;
+ FOnSocketErrot := nil;
+ //while FConnections.Count > 0 do
+ for i := FConnections.Count - 1 downto 0 do
+ begin
+ c := TCustomConnection(FConnections[i]);
+ try
+ OnConnectionTerminate(c);
+ c.TerminateThread;
+ {$IFDEF WIN32} WaitForSingleObject(c.Handle, 100) {$ELSE WIN32} sleep(100); {$ENDIF WIN32}
+ finally end;
+ end;
+ FreeAndNil(FCurrentSocket);
+ //while FConnections.Count > 0 do sleep(500);
+procedure TCustomServer.LockTermination;
+ FConnectionTermLock.Enter;
+procedure TCustomServer.Start;
+ Resume;
+procedure TCustomServer.Stop;
+ Suspend;
+procedure TCustomServer.UnLockTermination;
+ FConnectionTermLock.Leave;
+{ TTCPCustomConnectionSocket }
+destructor TTCPCustomConnectionSocket.Destroy;
+ OnStatus := nil;
+ OnSyncStatus := nil;
+ inherited;
+procedure TTCPCustomConnectionSocket.DoOnStatus(Sender: TObject; Reason: THookSocketReason; const Value: String);
+ if (FConnection <> nil) and (not FConnection.Terminated) and (Assigned(FOnSyncStatus)) then
+ begin
+ FCurrentStatusReason := Reason;
+ FCurrentStatusValue := Value;
+ FConnection.Synchronize(SyncOnStatus);
+ {
+ if (FCurrentStatusReason = HR_Error) and (LastError = WSAECONNRESET) then
+ FConnection.Terminate;
+ }
+ end;
+procedure TTCPCustomConnectionSocket.SyncOnStatus;
+ if (Assigned(FOnSyncStatus)) then
+ FOnSyncStatus(Self, FCurrentStatusReason, FCurrentStatusValue);
+constructor TTCPCustomConnectionSocket.Create;
+ inherited Create;
+ FConnection := nil;
+ OnStatus := DoOnStatus;
+{ TCustomConnection }
+constructor TCustomConnection.Create(Socket: TTCPCustomConnectionSocket);
+ FSocket := Socket;
+ FSocket.FConnection := Self;
+// FreeOnTerminate := True;
+ FIndex := getConnectionIndex;
+ inherited Create(True);
+destructor TCustomConnection.Destroy;
+ if FSocket <> nil then
+ begin
+ FSocket.OnSyncStatus := nil;
+ FSocket.OnStatus := nil;
+ FSocket.Free;
+ end;
+ inherited Destroy;
+procedure TCustomConnection.Execute;
+ if BeforeExecuteConnection then
+ begin
+ ExecuteConnection;
+ AfterConnectionExecute;
+ end;
+ if FParent <> nil then
+ if not FParent.Terminated then
+ FParent.OnConnectionTerminate(Self);
+procedure TCustomConnection.Start;
+ Resume;
+procedure TCustomConnection.Stop;
+ Suspend;
+procedure TCustomConnection.TerminateThread;
+ if (Terminated) then exit;
+ Socket.OnSyncStatus := nil;
+ Socket.OnStatus := nil;
+ Terminate;
+function TCustomConnection.GetIsTerminated: Boolean;
+ Result := Terminated or (FSocket = nil)// or (FSocket.Socket = INVALID_SOCKET);
+procedure TCustomConnection.AfterConnectionExecute;
+function TCustomConnection.BeforeExecuteConnection: Boolean;
+ Result := True;
+procedure TCustomConnection.ExecuteConnection;