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File metadata and controls

91 lines (72 loc) · 3.23 KB


A Vue plugin for the simple Ajax file uploading (single or multiple files selection). This plugin works well with any Laravel backend 5.5+.

1. Installation

npm install --save-dev @bkstar18/vue-ajax-uploader  

2. Requirement

  • This plugin requires Bootstrap 4.x and axios package
  • If you follow Laravel's standard setup for frontend, then all things are set out of the box. Otherwise, you may need to manually install axios and configure it to send X-CSRF-TOKEN for every request.

3. Integrate with Laravel backend

After installation, put the following code in resources/js/app.js:

import VueAjaxUploader from '@bkstar18/vue-ajax-uploader';  

Then, compile the frontend assets: npm run production or npm run dev.

In your upload view, for example: resources/views/upload.blade.php, you can use <bks123-file-input> element to render a ajax file upload input, as follows:

<bks123-file-input>Upload Files</bks123-file-input>

If you do not specify any attributes, then the plugin will use the following defaults:

  • input-name: file => name of the file input
  • input-id: file => DOM Id of the file input
  • input-class: '' => class of the file input
  • multiple: false => allow multiple files selection
  • progress-bar-color: bg-primary => bootstrap bg color of the progress bar
  • allowed-extensions: ['png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'mp4', 'doc', 'docx', 'ppt', 'pptx', 'xls', 'xlsx', 'txt', 'pdf'] => acceptable file extensions
  • upload-url: /upload => the backend URL for upload
  • batch-size: 5 => maximum number of files can be uploaded
  • max-size: 5242880 => maximum file size in bytes (<=> 5 MB)

An example for customizing the default behavior:

<bks123-file-input input-name="image" 
                   :allowed-extensions="['jpg', 'png', 'mp4']"
                   :max-size="50*1024*1024">Upload Files</bks123-file-input>

Important Note:
The plugin expects to receive JSON response from the backend with success key in case of success or error key in case of error.

Sample structure of JSON responses are as follows:
a) Success response

    "success": "Successfully uploaded", // mandatory key
    ...  // other key that you may add

b) Error response

    "error": "Upload failed", // mandatory key
    ...  // other key that you may add


public function upload(Request $request, FileUpload $fileupload)
	$data = $fileupload->handle($request, 'image', ['allowedExtensions' => ['jpg', 'png', 'jpeg']]);
	if (!$data) {
		return response()->json(['error' => $fileupload->uploadError], 422);

	// Save data to database

	return response()->json(['success' => "{$data['filename']} has been uploaded", 'data' => $data], 200);