This API allows you to place a grocery order which will be ready for pick-up in the store.
The API is available at
Alternative URL:
(HTTP only!)
GET /status
Returns the status of the API. Example response:
"status": "UP"
Status UP
indicates that the API is running as expected.
No response or any other response indicates that the API is not functioning correctly.
GET /products
Returns a list of products from the inventory.
Name | Type | In | Required | Description |
category |
string | query | No | Specifies the category of products you want to be returned. It can be one of: meat-seafood, fresh-produce, candy, bread-bakery, dairy, eggs, coffee. |
results |
integer | query | No | Specifies the number of results you want. Must be number between 1 and 20. By default, only 20 products will be displayed. |
available |
boolean | query | No | Specifies the availability of the products. By default, all products will be displayed. |
Status codes
Status code | Description |
200 OK | Indicates a successful response. |
400 Bad Request | Indicates that the parameters provided are invalid. |
Example response:
"id": 4643,
"category": "coffee",
"name": "Starbucks Coffee Variety Pack, 100% Arabica",
"inStock": true
"id": 4646,
"category": "coffee",
"name": "Ethical Bean Medium Dark Roast, Espresso",
"inStock": true
GET /products/:productId
Returns a single product from the inventory.
Name | Type | In | Required | Description |
productId |
integer | path | Yes | Specifies the product's id you wish to retrieve. |
product-label |
boolean | query | No | Returns the product label in PDF format. |
Status codes
Status code | Description |
200 OK | Indicates a successful response. |
404 Not found | Indicates that there is no product with the specified id. |
GET /carts/:cartId
Returns a cart.
Name | Type | In | Required | Description |
cartId |
string | path | Yes | Specifies the id of the cart you wish to retrieve. |
Status codes
Status code | Description |
200 OK | Indicates a successful response. |
404 Not found | Indicates that there is no cart with the specified id. |
Returns the items in a cart.
GET /carts/:cartId/items
Name | Type | In | Required | Description |
cartId |
string | path | Yes | Specifies the id of the cart for which you wish to retrieve the items. |
Status codes
Status code | Description |
200 OK | Indicates a successful response. |
404 Not found | Indicates that there is no cart with the specified id. |
To create a new cart, submit an empty POST request to the /carts
POST /carts
Creates a new cart and returns the id in the response body.
No parameters are accepted for this request.
Status codes
Status code | Description |
201 Created | Indicates that the cart has been created successfully. |
Example response body:
"created": true,
"cartId": "bx0-ycNjqIm5IvufuuZ09"
Allows the addition of items to an existing cart. Only one item can be added at a time.
POST /carts/:cartId/items
The request body needs to be in JSON format.
Name | Type | In | Required | Description |
cartId |
string | path | Yes | Specifies the cart id. |
productId |
integer | body | Yes | Specifies the product id |
quantity |
integer | body | No | If no quantity is provided, the default value is 1. |
Example request body:
"productId": 1234
Status codes
Status code | Description |
201 Created | Indicates that the item has been added successfully. |
400 Bad Request | Indicates that the parameters provided are invalid. |
Allows modifying information about an item in the cart.
PATCH /carts/:cartId/items/:itemId
The request body needs to be in JSON format.
Name | Type | In | Required | Description |
cartId |
string | path | Yes | Specifies the cart id. |
itemId |
string | path | Yes | Specifies the item id. |
quantity |
integer | body | Yes | Quantity |
Status codes
Status code | Description |
204 No Content | Indicates that the item has been updated successfully. |
400 Bad Request | Indicates that the parameters provided are invalid or missing. |
404 Not found | The cart or the item could not be found. |
Replace an item in the cart.
PUT /carts/:cartId/items/:itemId
The request body needs to be in JSON format.
Name | Type | In | Required | Description |
cartId |
string | path | Yes | Specifies the cart id. |
itemId |
string | path | Yes | Specifies the item id. |
productId |
integer | body | Yes | Specifies the product id. |
quantity |
integer | body | No | Quantity |
Status codes
Status code | Description |
204 No Content | Indicates that the item has been updated successfully. |
400 Bad Request | Indicates that the parameters provided are invalid or missing. |
404 Not found | The cart or the item could not be found. |
Deletes an item in the cart.
DELETE /carts/:cartId/items/:itemId
Name | Type | In | Required | Description |
cartId |
string | path | Yes | Specifies the cart id. |
itemId |
string | path | Yes | Specifies the item id. |
Status codes
Status code | Description |
204 No Content | Indicates that the item has been deleted successfully. |
404 Not found | The cart or the item could not be found. |
Returns all orders created by the API client.
GET /orders
Name | Type | In | Required | Description |
Authorization |
string | header | Yes | Specifies the bearer token of the API client. |
Status codes
Status code | Description |
200 OK | Indicates a successful response. |
401 Unauthorized | Indicates that the request has not been authenticated. Check the response body for additional details. |
Returns a single order.
GET /orders/:orderId
Name | Type | In | Required | Description |
Authorization |
string | header | Yes | The bearer token of the API client. |
orderId |
string | path | Yes | The order id. |
invoice |
boolean | query | No | Show the PDF invoice. |
Status codes
Status code | Description |
200 OK | Indicates a successful response. |
401 Unauthorized | Indicates that the request has not been authenticated. Check the response body for additional details. |
404 Not found | Indicates that there is no order with the specified id associated with the API client. |
POST /orders
The request body needs to be in JSON format. Once the order has been successfully submitted, the cart is deleted.
Name | Type | In | Required | Description |
Authorization |
string | header | Yes | The bearer token of the API client. |
cartId |
string | body | Yes | The cart id |
customerName |
string | body | Yes | The name of the customer. |
comment |
string | body | No | A comment associated with the order. |
Example request body:
"cartId": "ZFe4yhG5qNhmuNyrbLWa4",
"customerName": "John Doe"
Status codes
Status code | Description |
201 Created | Indicates that the order has been created successfully. |
400 Bad Request | Indicates that the parameters provided are invalid. |
401 Unauthorized | Indicates that the request has not been authenticated. Check the response body for additional details. |
PATCH /orders/:orderId
The request body needs to be in JSON format.
Name | Type | In | Required | Description |
Authorization |
string | header | Yes | The bearer token of the API client. |
orderId |
string | path | Yes | The order id. |
customerName |
string | body | No | The name of the customer. |
comment |
string | body | No | A comment associated with the order. |
Status codes
Status code | Description |
204 No Content | Indicates that the order has been updated successfully. |
400 Bad Request | Indicates that the parameters provided are invalid. |
401 Unauthorized | Indicates that the request has not been authenticated. Check the response body for additional details. |
404 Not found | Indicates that there is no order with the specified id associated with the API client. |
Example request body:
"customerName": "Joe Doe"
DELETE /orders/:orderId
Name | Type | In | Required | Description |
Authorization |
string | header | Yes | The bearer token of the API client. |
orderId |
string | path | Yes | The order id. |
Status codes
Status code | Description |
204 No Content | Indicates that the order has been deleted successfully. |
400 Bad Request | Indicates that the parameters provided are invalid. |
401 Unauthorized | Indicates that the request has not been authenticated. Check the response body for additional details. |
404 Not found | Indicates that there is no order with the specified id associated with the API client. |
Some endpoints may require authentication. To submit or view an order, you need to register your API client and obtain an access token.
The endpoints that require authentication expect a bearer token sent in the Authorization
Authorization: Bearer YOUR TOKEN
POST /api-clients
The request body needs to be in JSON format.
Name | Type | In | Required | Description |
clientName |
string | body | Yes | The name of the API client. |
clientEmail |
string | body | Yes | The email address of the API client. * |
- The email address DOES NOT need to be real. The email will not be stored on the server.
Status codes
Status code | Description |
201 Created | Indicates that the client has been registered successfully. |
400 Bad Request | Indicates that the parameters provided are invalid. |
409 Conflict | Indicates that an API client has already been registered with this email address. |
Example request body:
"clientName": "Postman on Valentin's computer",
"clientEmail": ""
The response body will contain the access token.