All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Bugfix small font size.
- Update libgdx v1.12.1.
- Fallback fonts/multiple fonts files to support dynamic font changing needed for Chinese and other logographic languages.
- Upgrade gradle + robovm + android plugin to latest versions.
- Bugfix when adding a new item to a Ink list.
- EDITOR: Latest Inklecate and build JDK can be downloaded from the editor.
- EDITOR: Disable Particle Editor button. It doesn't support LWJGL3.
- LWJGL3 backend for desktop. That means support for JDK 17 and ARM architectures.
- TextRenderer now supports maxWidth.
- Smooth animation to center camera after finishing walking.
- Show text in screen at least for 0.5secs before skipping it.
- Delete 3D support.
- Now we can use ':' in Ink to indicate the actor talking. '>' is still supported.
- Updated Blade Ink to v1.1.2.
- Minimum supported iOS version to 11.0.
- Bump spine runtimes to v4.1.0.
- Updated libgdx to v1.12.0.
- Updated packr version.
- A lot of bugs fixed (see git log).
- EDITOR: Text filter for scene and actor lists.
- EDITOR: Button to show/hide actors in the scene.
- Ink: Support for multi flow.
- InkRunAction can pass params to Ink paths.
- New InkCancelAction action.
- Updated Blade Ink to v1.0.0.
- Updated libgdx to v1.10.0.
- Updated packr version.
- Controller (gamepad) support.
- .aab package generation for Android.
- In panel showing choose options, up/down buttons now have animation.
- Update libgdx to latest version 1.9.13.
- Better Ink text extraction for I18N.
- Fix: Bug deleting animation if initial animation is not set.
- Fix error serializing cb when Ink library is not used.
- Fix error creating resolution when there are atlases with subfolders.
- Fix Android launcher to make expansion files (.obb) works again.
- Fix error when android keystore path had spaces.
- Added scene counter in the editor ui.
- Updated ios minosversion to 8.
- Better calc of speed when walking and fake depth is used.
- Some validations adding/editing animations and verbs to avoid errors.
- Fixed dealing with OpenAL bug in credits screen.
- Fixed bug extracting ink texts.
- Added more external functions for Ink.
- Added support to load/save game preferences.
- Scale and Rotate actions now work with ui actors.
- Many bugs fixed.
- Added "initVerb" param to the "Leave" action. This verb will be executed if set instead of the "init" verb.
- Now, the "init" verb doesn't run if the "test" verb is executed.
- Load/Save preferences support.
- Allow to move BaseActors in MoveToSceneAction.
- FIX: Scale and Rotate actions didn't work with ui actors.
- Save also callbacks that are not in the current scene.
- Inventory button style now in the InventoryUI style. This allows to customize the inventory button by player.
- Update Blade Ink to v0.7.3 which fixes an important bug.
- A lot of bugs fixed (see git log).
- Added bubble positioning parameters on ui.json.
- Better multiple inventory support in actions.
- Better Spine skin handling.
- Update Blade Ink to v0.7.2.
- A lot of bugs fixed (see git log).
- Say Action: Talk animation also for text types PLAIN and SUBTITLE.
- Only save modified actor properties on savegames.
- New SetDesc action to change the actor descriptions.
- Added 'show_hotspots' config key to enable/disable the show hotspots feature.
- Added INSIDE property to IfAttrProperty action to check if an actor is inside other actor.
- Improve size of chapter files and savegames.
- Updated libgdx to v1.9.10
- Updated Spine to v3.8.
- Update gradle to v5.4.1
- Animated ui icons and cursors.
- Update RoboVM to v2.3.7.
- Don't extract string expresions from ink files for i18n.
- Allow empty values in Property action.
- Added public methods to the SpineRenderer to get access to the current skeleton and animation.
- Dialog to create the android keystore inside the editor.
- Label and text to warn about legacy dialogs.
- Added RandomPosition action.
- Added reload assets icon to scene list.
- Added support for combining skins in Spine.
- Delete last_project key if loadproject fails so the editor doesn't fail forever.
- Delete SetModelProp action and supporting library. It was not useful and make porting dificult.
- Added IN_UI if property.
- Fix: Now search in all inventories.
- Fix: Set skin now updates properly.
- Update Spine runtime to v3.7
- Dialog to compile Ink stories.
- Show 'Saved game' text when saved game to give user feedback.
- Ink button in editor to link Ink stories with chapters.
- Better handling of up/down buttons when showing options.
- Improved debug info and fix tester bot.
- Update vis-ui lib to latest stable.
- FIX: Show warning message when a game is playing also if not saved before.
- FIX: Bug in edit anim spine atlas.
- FIX: Several fixes in InkManager handling concurrency.
- FIX: uiactors camera refresh.
- FIX: Bug saving current dialog actor.
- FIX: 'desktop:dist' task in template.
- Java 11 support (Gradle v4.10.2).
- Update to libgdx v1.9.9.
- iOS 12 bug fix (robovm v2.3.5).
- Added property to change the text position of bubbles for character actors.
- Add max width/height in the create atlas dialog.
- Android SDK is not mandatory to create or edit projects.
- A lot of bugs fixed (see git log).
- Now the editor works without having the Android SDK installed.
- FIX: Bug when moving target actor.
- FIX: Bug in 'Transition' action.
- FIX:'actorTextPosition' property in 'SetActorAttr' action wasn't working.
- Support for several walkzones in a scene. Now walkzones are also actors.
- Added icons to translate, scale and rotate actors in editor.
- Android: Added runtime permission query when necessary to make expansion files work in newer android apis.
- EDITOR: Added play in fullscreen option.
- Added talking text position to characters.
- Update Blade Ink to v0.5.1.
- FIX: Reset pointer always when updating UI to avoid showing last pointer when changing scene.
- FIX: Bad bubble alignment showing small texts.
- FIX: Bug creating/deleting chapters in editor.
- FIX: The current scene was setting twice when loading a saved game triggering an error.
- FIX: The dialog option was showing for 1 frame when autoselected enabled.
- Sprite Actors can have different scales in X and Y axis allowing unproportional scaling.
- Check project version before loading + show loading message.
- Fix gradle deprecation warnings.
- Continue loading custom classes if some error found in one of them.
- Fix several UI bugs: inventory button doesn't hide, dialog not working well when autoselect one option and text doesn't show when returning to a scene without init.
- Add -s parameter to DestkopLauncher.
- TextManager now sets the talk animation for characters. This ease characters to have conversations in the background.
- Code refactor to get rid of the 'World' singleton. This breaks custom action backwards compatibility.
- Leave action have the param 'init' to avoid call the init verb when false. This allows to change between scenes without worrying about losing the state.
- Update blade-ink lib to v0.5.0.
- Upgrade to gradle 2.6. Maybe it needs some more tweaks.
- Added new text type 'UI' to show debug or ui messages.
- Added one click 'action' verb.
- Don't use ref point in position actions if the target actor is the same that the current actor.
- All intensive tasks (load music, voices and ink) are now executed in a background thread.
- FIX: filteredbox height bigger than screen and don't show the last element.
All intensive tasks (load music, voices and ink) are now executed in a background thread.
Added search box to combo boxes.
Added desktop files to generate Flatpak package.
Don't generate the key for desc if exists when editing actor. Better generation of not duplicated keys.
Safety nullchecks.
Error message if actor with same id exists when adding an actor to scene.
RunVerb now uses the Verb IP.
Added search box to combo boxes.
Added desktop files to generate Flatpak package.
- FIX: Stop voices when changing scene.
- FIX: Volume action musn't wait if duration=0
- FIX: Changes to try to fix the OpenAL error in desktop
- Added option to the create atlas dialog to allow generating .jpg atlases.
- Added build script custom parameter input box in the package dialog.
- FIX: Capture random music error on desktop in credit screen.
- HelpScreen doesn't stretch in 4:3 aspect ratio.
- InkManager translation files support.
- Import ink texts in order. Better I18N checks.
- Add music volume fade support in MusicVolume action.
- VoiceManager doesn't hide texts, now waits to the calc time.
- FIX: bug when saving ink cb.
- Added Spine's skins support.
- Choose the best matching 'use' verb when target and inventory actor have it.
- Added pitch parameter to sounds.
- Updated libgdx to v1.9.8.
- Special keys (testerbot, record, play, etc) only enabled in debug mode.
- Delete red tint in hotspots.
- Added sound input panel.
- FIX: Error in walking path calculation.
- FIX: running test scene in android.
- FIX: bad viewport configuration when pausing and restore the qqqgame when screen in 4:3.
- FIX: bug when setting ink property if it doesn't exists after load game.
- FIX: getCurrentTarget() in RunVerbAction.
- FIX: sound list reload when changing chapters.
- FIX: main class detection in desktop packaging.
- FIX: error reading Cb from InkManager.
- FIX: particles and bboxfromrenderer for resolutions other than 1.
- Added currentTarget to verbs.
- Null checks in SoundManager before pause/resume sounds.
- Fix loading callbacks from saved inventories.
- Fix: Loop, volume and pan was not used when playing a sound.
- Missing fbo dispose.
- Fix: toString() instead of casting in getModelProp.
- Added 'textStyle' attribute to character actors.
- Added basic QA rules/metrics of project.
- EDITOR: Understand SNAPSHOT versions when checking for updating versions.
- Actor 'tint' property are now used to draw inventory actors when dragged.
- Catch back key in android.
- Added load chapter option to the debug screen.
- Fix not showing saved games in tests folder.
- Fix error removing all items from inventory in 'DropItem' action.
- Fix error creating screenshots for savedgames in Mac.
- Fix crash when screenshot of a savegame doesn't exists.
- Added Google Play expansion file support.
- Added 64 and 32 bit support when generating package for windows. Previously only 64 bits was supported.
- Bigger edit toolbar icons.
- Create initial scene in new projects.
- Fix: Recorder not recording dialog options.
- Add target scene to DropItemAction and mark RemoveInventoryItem action deprecated.
- Updated to libgdx v1.9.7.
- EDITOR: Fix testing not working with scenes with spaces in ID
- EDITOR: Fix nullpointer error when disabled imagen not exists.
- EDITOR: Fix bug when undo bbox points.
- Asset folder is created now in the project root.
- Updated Gradle to v4.0.2
- FIX sound error preventing to save the game.
- New Sound System. Now adding sounds is more usable. Backwards compatibility preserved.
- World properties can also be set in
- Added PLATFORM property.
- Added OpenURL action.
- Added actions for accessing to Ink variables: InkVariable and IfInkVariable actions.
- Added DIRECTION attribute to IfActorAttr action.
- Initial support for assets in the root folder.
- Ink: Change the ':' character talk separator by '>'.
- Set actor fake depth as boolean.
- Custom icon support for the 'leave' verb.
- Updated blade-ink to v0.4.3.
- Updated InGameConsole to v0.7.1.
- 'world.json' is now called 'world'. Old files can still be loaded.
- EDITOR: Add refPoint to the EditActorDialog.
- EDITOR: Undo bbox points, depth markers, ref. points and walkzone points.
- EDITOR: Added zoom keys: '+' and '-'.
- EDITOR: Filter .zip files in File Input Dialog when selecting JRE in the package dialog.
- And many fixes Fixes.
- Added secondary animation support for Spine actors.
- Added 'keepDirection' param to Animation action.
- Added 'target' actor to position in Camera action.
- Added 'LAYER' and 'IN_SCENE' params in IfAttr action.
- Updated Spine plugin to latest Spine version.
- Updated blade-ink dependency to v0.4.2
- Added title image and aligment to the menu screen.
- EDITOR: Edit Animation dialog now sets the initial source based in previous sources.
- Actors in inventory can be animated now.
- Added UI actors: Actors that stays in all scenes not affected by scrolling nor any other scene camera effect. Normally used to create UI buttons.
- Multiline texts can have a voice file per line using a '#' mark in each line.
- Check for Ink engine errors after each line.
- FIX: SpineRenderer serialization error when loading.
- FIX: error loading objects in inventory when they have changed from layer.
- Update Robovm to v2.3.1 fixing problems with the latest XCode update.
- FIX: VoiceManager show log and continues when the voice file is not found instead of crash.
- FIX: voice was mandatory in the edit option dialog.
- FIX: Show only the first line of comment actions in the action list.
- NEW BIG FEATURE: Voice support.
- OSX Sandbox support to support releasing the game in the Mac App Store.
- Updated Spine engine to v3.5.51
- When adding new assets throught the Asset List view, create the asset folder if it doesn't exist.
- FIX: Scene parameter in LoadChapterAction incorrect.
- FIX: Scale and Rotation actions.
- FIX: Loading integer atributes in actions.
- FIX: Serialization error in TextManager.
- Added 'ignoreWalkZone' parameter to Goto.
- Get rid of SpriteActor restriction in PositionAnim target.
- Update to gradle v3.4.1
- EDITOR: Dialogs can exit the editor borders.
- EDITOR: Scroll the actor list when actor is selected in ScnWidget.
- FIX: bad rotation in Spine actors.
- FIX: Error disposing source in getInternalAnimations.
- FIX: Add WHITE tint to Sprite actor in anim if the actor doesn't have it.
- Added I18N support to Text Actors.
- New AlphaAnimation action to animate the alpha channel of sprite actors.
- Added 'orgAlign' to Sprite Actors to set the origin for scale and rotation.
- Updated library libgdx to v1.9.6
- AnimationRenderer refactor.
- Added text align to text actors.
- FIX: tint for text actors not working.
- FIX: Error saving/loading tweens state.
- EDITOR: Added icons for text and particle actors.
- EDITOR FIX: Problem when changing id to animations.
- Added music support to the default Menu screen.
- Added rotation property to SetActorAttr action.
- FIX: Check if renderer is an AnimationRenderer when changing the selected animation in the editor.
- FIX: Error disposing Spine actors when creating new project.
- FIX: Error creating new project in Linux and MacOS due to CRLF in gradlew.
- Added particle effect actors.
- Added text actors.
- Added rotation to actors.
- Several improvements to the ink integration. Updated 'blade-ink' package to v0.4.0.
- Updated 'packr' package to the latest version.
- Toggle debug mode tapping in the menu version label.
- Autodetect the Android SDK version installed.
- EDITOR: Show actor position when editing actor for precision positioning.
- EDITOR: Added color selector dialog for color input.
- EDITOR FIX: Init animation was not showing properly.
- Added new action to add an integer value to a property to increment/decrement it. Useful to create counters.
- Add MacOS .icon when packaging.
- Add .app extension to the MacOS package.
- Added autoselect style property to the DialogUI.
- Ink support cleanup.
- FIX: music was stopped changing from scene when a change to the loading screen was needed.
- Ink support. (
- Update libgdx version to 1.9.5.
- Improve text styles in ui.json for TextManager.
- Added 'target' parameter to TextAction.
- Added tint/color animation support.
- Added interpolation to camera animation.
- FIX: error loading recordings from 'tests' folder.
- Added support to have several games packaged in the same application.
- Reset previous walk animation before new walk animation added.
- Music not working for iOS in CreditScreen
- EDITOR: FIX bug when setting the init scene. The document wasn't marking as modified.
- Images can be localized now.
- Added xxxhdpi icon folder to Android.
- Better scroll handling in text areas.
- Added "show console" checkbox in the view menu.
EDITOR: Use libgdx FileChooser and get rid of JavaFX to avoid freezing when loading projects.
EDITOR: Added UI Atlas import/export buttons in Tools menu.
EDITOR: Added scroll bars to Text Boxes.
EDITOR: Add "clean" target in IOS because the app is not signing well if not cleaning first.
Added tags to Skin styles to increase the ui.json readability.
Better scroll amount calculation in dialog ui scroll buttons.
FIX: error when loading project with custom actions. Not detecting no compiled project properly.
FIX: DisableAction must not be visible in the action combo.
FIX: The editor was losing the scroll focus when the log console was shown.
- EDITOR: The Action list now supports multiple selection to copy, paste, show... use Shift and Ctrl keys to multiselect.
- EDITOR: Added console log. Use F1 key to show/hide.
- EDITOR: Better scrollbars. Always showing now.
- Now the editor generates IOS packages ready to submit to the Apple Store. Fixed several config parameters related to this problem.
- Added "Comment" action.
- Updated packr to v2.0. Better desktop packages are generated now.
- Dialog option UI now shows buttons to scroll add and down when necessary. New styles added to ui.json.
- Added parameter in TextManagerUI style inside ui.json to set the subtitle Y position.
- Improvement to the pathfinder. Now the clap algorithm always returns a point inside the polygon.
- In IOS platform, sounds and music in ACC (.m4a) format are used if exists. As .ogg is not supported in IOS.
- FIX: The name of the loaded chapter was not set correctly, causing saved games not loading the current chapter.
- FIX: Weird bug. Use toUpperCase with Locale.English to read enum values.
- FIX: Bad IOS splash screen orientation.
- Updated libgdx library to v1.9.4.
- Added null sanity check for actor parameter in SayAction.
NEW FEAUTRE: The text manager can now show a character image/icon in texts.
Added MusicVolumeAction
Play recorded game directly if passed as parameter in command line.
Added relative position to target in position and goto actions.
Added animation param to SayAction.
Added -aspect parameter to desktop launcher.
Update spine plugin to latest spine runtime version.
EDITOR: Save/Restore version in package dialog.
EDITOR: Save/Restore selected scene.
EDITOR: Show verb panel when no actor is selected to allow adding scene and world verbs.
FIX: Reset UI when changing scene.
FIX: CameraAction animation params not mandatory.
FIX: Android Test: Uninstall android debug version before install.
FIX: Count default value in AnimationAction.
FIX: SceneActorInputPanel getText() when no actor is selected.
FIX: bug pasting spine actors.
- Ask for updating the engine version of the game if the editor detects that is old.
- Custom actions now are autodetected by the editor and handled as engine actions.
- Save view menu state.
- Show project path in window title.
- Select 'init' scene when loading a project.
- Ask for saving current project when loading or creating new project.
- Added preload parameter to sounds to avoid loading all scene sounds in init.
- FIX: Music was not restored from savedgames.
- FIX: Error in REVERSE_REPEAT animations.
- Multiinventory support.
- EDITOR: Fix when adding custom actions.
- Added new buttons in the Tools menu to test the scene in Iphone/Ipad emulator and device.
- Support for changing players in runtime: Added $PLAYER variable.
- Added actor Tint attribute to allow lighting effects.
- EDITOR: Disable not working HTML platform.
- Update RoboVM to Mobidevelop 2.1.0 release.
- Added 'initNewGame' and 'initSavedGame' verbs to allow calling actions when a game is started or loaded.
- Fix error in text position when drawing SUBTITLE texts.
- Fix action color serialize.
- DialogUI gets scrollbar style.
- Update fonts for better language support.
- Fix bug when loading project and scene scope is selected.
- Delete unused 'delay' field in AnimationDesc.
- Fix: bug in yoyo animatinons.
- Added Refpoint to interactive actors.
- Support for fast leave scene when double click.
- Updated Spine Runtime library to latest Spine release.
- Updated to libgdx v1.9.3
- Unicode character support. Previously only ISO-8859-1 character set was supported.
- Shadow and outline font support.
- Editor fonts are now .ttf
- Added "Single Action" support to inventory.
- FIX: Hide inventory in cutmode
- EDITOR: Avoid dragging object by mistake when clicked to select it.
- FIX: Multiply position by scale for multiresolution support in TextAction.
- Better tolerance handling when dragging inventory objects.
- FIX: Use screen height instead of world height for size calculation in InventoryUI.
- FIX: Bad width calculation in DialogUI.
- Change help screen language in runtime.
- Sets Ctrl+d to toggle debug mode.
- Catch 'BACK' key in android.
- New music engine.
- I18N: language change support in runtime.
- EDITOR: Added I18N tools for importing and exporting texts in .tsv format for translation.
- EDITOR: Added button to play sounds in EditSoundDialog and SoundList.
- Added methods to MenuScreen to ease extension.
- FIX: Get desktop launcher properly when packaging.
- FIX: EndGameAction now returns true to stop the verb execution.
- FIX: bug playing music in credit screen.
- Doesn't play animation sounds when animation is in reverse mode.
- FIX: Pass debug flag when testing scene.
- FIX: In EditableSelectBox, check empty list before setting default value.
- Show only ui state and time in screen debug text
- Add 'id' attribute to SoundFX.
- FIX: Pausing sounds when show menu.
- Support new properties in 'if' actions: in_inventory, interactive, current scene, previous scene and target actor in ' use' verbs
- FIX: It was cleaning sound list when disposing sounds.
- FIX: bug when disposing Spine and sound assets.
- SoundAction: Delete stop parameter. Now the current sound stops if the play parameter is empty.
- EDITOR: Disable Spine event handling in editor.
- FIX: Flickering due to swapBuffer.
- More fault tolerant when loading actions: Action field not found.
- Change stopSound from actor for stopCurrentSound
- Doesn't play spine events in reverse mode. Spine doesn't works well in that case, maybe a spine bug?
- EDITOR: New View and Tools menu. 'Run on Android device' button.
- FIX: Inventory capacity error. Inventory now change its item size dynamically to increase his capacity.
- FIX: Bug obtaining the window title from properties in desktop launcher.
- FIX: bug saving interpolation
- Automatic generation of
- Better version handling when packaging for android.
- Show game version in menu screen.
- Update UI ATLAS
- FIX: EDITOR bug in zindex not setting for interactive actor when editing.
- FIX: EDITOR bug setting interaction property in editor. Better interaction property handling.
- Prevent event trigger when retrieving assets
- FIX: added hotspot image
- 'Remove Savegame' button size depends on dpi
- Better Load/Save game screen.
- Confirmation dialog when overwrite current game in new game or load game.
- Updated spine plugin to Spine v3
- Show time in debug. Time is now long to avoid float overflow.
- Updated to libgdx 1.9.1
- Android SDK not mandatory when creating a project.
- More fault tolerant when loading saved games. Good for patches.
- Saved games can be stored in 'tests' folder inside game. These games are distributed with the game and in debug mode these saved games can be loaded. Good for testing.
- When creating a verb an icon can be specified. This icon will be showed in the UI.
- Add movement to the inventory button when picking an object.
- Doesn't hide inventory when running a verb.
- And tons of bug fixing.
- Layer parallax feature
- Several fixes in atlasrenderer related with drawing atlases with striped whitespaces
- Drop lightmap support
- Fix inventory loading bug
- Fix inventory auto width calc
- Change default character actor speed
- Editor: add combo values in world props
- EDITOR: Fix losing player attr when editing actor.
- EDITOR: HTML not supported message
- Fix checking if a path is absolute in windows.
- Avoid nullpointer when lookat if animation doesn't exists in 3d sprite
- EDITOR: fixed NullPointer error when creating 3d sprite actor.
- Drop XML Loader
- ENGINE: Added infinity text duration when duration < 0.
- ENGINE: fix: ImageRenderer check if currentAnimation==null in toString()
- EDITOR: align left actor panel to left. To always show the '+' button.
- ENGINE: fix sceneextendviewport world size calc.
- ENGINE: NEW ScreenPositionAction
- EDITOR: fixed bug when editing assets
- EDITOR: Fixed bug in TextInputPanel when text=null
- EDITOR: Fixed Issue #25. Error deleting elements from lists.
- EDITOR: fix: change world.json SayAction changed for LookatAction
- EDITOR: fix bug when paste IfAttr actions.
- EDITOR: Fix generated build.gradle path reference when updating versions.
- Compile custom classes when not found in loading project.
- Fix issue #23: Edit an existing actor
- Sets editor window size to 0.9 * screen size
- Better version control:
- Extract version strings from build.gradle to in games.
- Put versions in when compiling games.
- Show versions in DebugScreen
- Added version to game model and saved games for further checks.
- Put version variables in game
- Bug fix adding assets because of bad filter strings.
- Get appName from
- fix little bug when loading project and the custom actions are not compiled
- Editor: Better msg handling: Message Dialog
- Change RECTANGLE to SUBTITLE type of Text
- Editor: adjust colors in skin for a more pleasant feel.
- update pathfinder classes for no warnings.
- Use Gdx library instead JavaFX to set the window size.
- Use enum toString() as key to retrieve custom screens implementation.
- Fix error when interpolation=null
- Issue #22 fixed. Something went wrong while creating project.
- Set document modified when changing player
- Walking speed depends on scale
- Better direction calculation
- fixes: Null checks in animation dialogs/widget
- Fix calculating position when speed!=1 in reversing animation.
- Some ajustements in Action annotations: Better description and required field
- Fixes several bugs in the editor related to the big refactor.
- Created EndGameAction
- Action refactor. VerbRunner parameter instead of ActionCallback.
- Game model and saved games are now in JSON format.
- XML is deprecated. Backward compatibility broken.
- Saved games are patch friendly.
- EDITOR: Big refactor. Editor uses engine model objects now.
- Change I18N file encoding from ISO-889-1 to UTF-8
- Change to TEXT_INPUT for Lookat and Say actions text fields.
- fix: set last frame in atlasrenderer when reverse mode
- EDITOR: Added input panels for text input.
- Better aspect ratio support. Correct support for 4:3, 16:9 and 16:10.
- Pause the game when an exception/error is thrown and debug mode is activated.
- Updated to libgdx v0.6.4
- Text from dialog ui wrap to screen size.
- fix: stop processing ActionCallbackQueue when changing scene
- Interpolation support for position and scale actions
- Update to libgdx v1.6.2. WARNING: Projects have to be modified in order to work the IOS version. More info:
- Compute BBox in renderer Refactor to allow recompute bbox when animation complete.
- Fix animationTime when reverse animation in SpineRenderer
- Fix save/game screen slot size
- EDITOR: fix when generating world keys for i18n + doesn't remove ui.* keys.
- Fix: use scale factor for speed in PositionAction
- Added ui missing translations for menu screen
- Spine RT updated to latest version
- Fix fakeDepthScale() calc: added world scale factor
- Change 'assets/test' folder name for 'assets/tests' when creating a project
- Some debugscreen changes
- Load/Save Game Screen improvements
- SetActorAttrAction: multiply position by scale
- Check because the ActionCallbackQueue can call to setCurrentScene()
- fix camera loading state
- fix bad casting when read saved game
- fix walking speed double scale multiply
- UI Fixes
- Inventory ui over inventory icon
- Edit verbs dialog improvement
- Custom autosize button
- Inventory improved
- Added configurable align (top, down, left, right, center)
- Added configurable autosize behaviour
- Added arrow icon for exits when showing hotspots
- EDITOR: Added several config properties in the Game Properties tab
-EDITOR: fix world width and height was not recalculated when loading
- Tester Bot fixes
- Dialog render fixes when character position is not inside the screen
- Dialog nullpointer fix when playing recorded files
- Added a Tester Bot that plays the game randomly
- Spine atlas in animations
- EDITOR: Dialog editing fix
- libgdx v1.5.6 update
- update to the latest spine libgdx runtime
- EDITOR: Enable/disable actions
- Backround images must be inside atlas now
- Added control actions
- Added ActorAttrAction
- GotoAction: Change margin.
- Added log when verb finished
- GotoAction: add anchor parameter
- PositionAction now works with BaseActors (no animation)
- EDITOR: fixes to inputpanels
- fix OptionInputPanel when mandatory
- Reset testScene when changing current scene
- ActorProps: Show pos for BaseActors
- EDITOR: change some edit defaults
- walkzone fix when dinamic obstacles
- fill animation/actor list when setText()
- Action refactor
- EDITOR: Undo support
- EDITOR: Fake depth vector can be setting dragging ui markers
- Actor ZIndex
- RunVerb now allows iterating over a list of verbs
- Scene cache
- SpriteActor: scale support
- SpineRenderer: Reverse animation support
- Scene layer support
- libgdx updated to v1.5.4
- Sprite Actor Scale support
- Added scene state handling
- javadoc fixes for jdk 1.8
- Editor only release: Fix bug when saving project
- Load/Save game screens
- libgdx updated to v1.5.3.
- fixed fillanimations combo bug. set selection to the first element
- Fix for windows gradle exec
- creditscreen: set scroll speed resolution independent
- creditscreen: added background style. Style now obtained from skin
- fixed textureunpacker bug when image was rotated in atlas
- better text size management for small screens
- text bubble smaller and better management
- fix ActionCallbackQueue serialization
- ActionCallbackQueue serialization
- world defaultverbs serialization
- i18n UI support
- Updated libgdx to 1.5.2 version
- Menu Screen Refactor
- Transition moved to World
- i18n workflow in Editor working
- Added event handling in Spine plugin
- Editor dialog tree: edit and delete fixes
- fix CameraAction when no selecting any target
- fix enter/leave verb conflicts name. Rename to enter/exit
- fix xml action loading
- Call cb before cleaning text fifo
- fix RunVerb action in repeat
- fix show assets folder
- fix when packaging android release (build.gradle bug)
- Created Spine plugin and set as optional when creating a project.
- Refactor: FrameAnimation -> AnimationDesc, SpriteRenderer -> ActorRenderer
- EDITOR: fix several IOS related bugs. IOS Ipad/Iphone testing and working fine.
- EDITOR: fix create resolution. Now atlas upacking/packing is supported
- Updated to libgdx 1.4.1
- ENGINE: Debug screen with speed control, record/play games and go to any scene in runtime
- ENGINE: Material style buttons in engine UI. Better look and feel for inventory and pie menu.
- ENGINE: Custom game UI Screen support
- EDITOR: Fixed bug when running project without console
- EDITOR: Fixed accessing opengl context issue when creating project in the new thread.
- ENGINE: Action refactoring. WARNING: Names have changed. All previous games are not compatible.
- ENGINE: New DebugScreen (Work in progress)
- ENGINE: Change speed support for fastforward.
- ENGINE: The blade-engine.jar are now in Maven Central. When creating a new game, the Maven dependency is added instead of adding the engine jar in libs folder.
- EDITOR: Fixed NullPointer error when creating project
- EDITOR: Threads for long tasks to show UI message status
- EDITOR: FIXED packaging with embedded JRE.
- ENGINE: CreditsScreen fonts now obtained from Skin
- Initial release